Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Jun 1929, p. 2

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THE M'HENRY PLAIHDEAL**, THtJtSDAT, JUKI 6, 1929 & H. Freund & Son General Building Contractors Pkonc 127-R * Oor. Pearl'and Park St*. McHenry, DL RINGWOOD •fe- Farmers: We buy and pick up cripples, broken down Cows and Bulls. These animals must foe alive. $10*00 per head. Hones not wanted. TtltflMM Barrtegfoa 356 ; We pay all telephone calls. X , { 52-5 pd. IF Hettermann Motor Sales All kinds of car and truck and general repair-, r ing, also welding, done by expert mechanics. <; Main St, West McHenry Yfeone 191 j|m 1111 »»•»»•»»•»»•»»••••»•»••»»•»•»< © Wash Dresses Guaranteed Fast Color In a variety of colors and styles Priced at $s.Z5, $1.95, $*-95 at 75he AGATHA SHOP <•»»»•<< 111 I ' "ISIT Northern Illinois' Largest Chick Market. 50,000 chicks efach week. We ? can take care of orders onJBarred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, White Rocks and White Wyandotte chicks immediately. We, also, hatch White Leghorns, Aftconas, and Buff Orpingtons. - Call 1537 and order your chicks noiv Fox River Hatchery •63 S. Grove Ave, Elgin, III. Ifca "USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOB QUICK RESULTS (--_ Thm Jl M BRIDE will soon be keeping house *X* Elec't ri.c al g.i ft"s *wVill' make her new I duties more pleasant and carefree An ELECTRIC PERCOLATOR is sore to be appreciated. Attraelive styles to harmonize with any table service, beginning at $7.50* . . . Also percolator sets and coffee mm. All AUTOMATIC TOASTER -ajMkes toast conveniently at the tole, turning a£T the heat when it is done to jugt the brown you prefer. No burning this new way iiw'-ft* M>Ua «t Mrs. Edgar Thomas and sons, Adrian and Loren, and daughter, Hiley Jean, Mrs Emma Merchant ad Mrs. Ray Merchant were visitor* at Brodhead, I Wis., Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weber and son of ! McHenry spent Decoration Day in the . Nick Young home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ober and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. James Bell and son, Harold, of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buss and children of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Gus Carlson were callers in the George Young home Thursday evening. Mrs. Lester Nelson and baby of Antioch spent Friday in the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bacon. c, Miss Eleanor Dodge of Chicago spent Decoration Day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dodge. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Neal and family spent Tuesday evening with friends at Hebron. Mrs. Ed Thompson and son, Edward, and Mrs. Nick Young were visitors at Waukegan Tuesday. Miss Lora Harrison of Evanston is spending the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison. Edward Thompson of Chicago spent a few days th« past week with his parents. V Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn have returned home from their trip to, Columbus, Ohio; Miss Tillie Miller returned to her home on Decoration Day from the Waukegan hospital, where she underwent an operation for appendicitis. Harold and Lorena Jepson returned home from Mt. Morris, where they attended college the past year. Mr. and Mrs. Munshaw of Eau Claire, Wis., spent Decoration Day with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. William McCannon. Miss Nellie McDonald spent Decoration Day with her parents. Mrs. Edgar Thomas entertained the Bunco club and a few friends at her home Friday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Leon Dodge and her infant son. Bunco was played, there being 7 tables in play. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Viola Low, first; Mrs. Gus Carlson, second; Miss Dorothy Peet, third, and Mrs. Lester Carr the consolation. TTiss Eva Williams received a prize while Mrs. Ben Walkington and ^ Miss Ethel Biggins received the guest prizes. At the close a lovely lunch was served. Robert Howard Dodge received many nice presents from the ladies. Mrs. LeRoy Neal entertained her bridge club at a one o'clock luncheon at her home Tuesday. A pleasant time was spent. Mr. and Mrs. George Noble announce the arrival of a 12-pound baby girl at their home Friday morning. The dinner served by the ladies at the M. W. A. hall on Decoration Day was well attended. A neat sum was raised. In the morning a splendid program was rendered in the park. Quite a few turned out to. hear it. Mr. and Mrs. John Drey miller and Mrs. J. F. Claxton of McHenry were callers in the George Shepard home Sunday afternoon. William Coates is very ill at his home. / Mr. and Mrs. Francis Adams and son, James, of Elgin called on George Adams and family Sunday evening. Rev. J. J. Hacket of Polo called on Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Whiting Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Whiting motored to Chicago Monday evening. Roy, Harold, Mae, Leslie, Ethel and Lora Wiedrich attended the show at Woodstock Wednesday evening. Mrs. John Colby of Clifton, 111., spent Wednesday and Thursday in the Clayton Harrison home. On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Harrison and Mrs. Colby spent the day at Crystal Lake. The Four-H club girls of Ringwood held a meeting at Mrs. Louis Schroeder's at 2:30, June 1. Seven members were present. Mrs. Schroeder and Mrs. Walter Harrison were the leaders. At this meeting the officers were elected as follows: Jessie Schroeder, president; Ellen Smith, vice president; Virginia Welter, secretary; Mercedes Smith, treasurer; the Whiting girls, cheer leaders; Helen Harrison, club reporter. They are the sunshine girls. The next meeting will be held at Mrs. Louis Schroeder's at 2 o'clock June 11. The roll call will be responded by a name of a bird. Roy, Harold and Mae Wiedrich attended the play at Greenwood Thursday evening. Louise, Eva and Antone Williams attended the dance at Solon Mills Saturday evening. Mrs. Clyde Hayford and daughter and friend of Crystal Lake spent Thursday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. William McCannon. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Rager and family spent Decoration Day at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr and son attended the show at Wodstock Wednesday night. Visitors at Wlilliam Kellers Decoration Day ware: Mrs. George Woods and granddaughter of Lake Geneva, Mr. and Mro. H. E. Kelley and daughter of Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. David Stanley and Hazel Hutson of Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Qlney Moe and daughter, Mary Ellen, spent Decoration Day in Ringwood. Mrs. James Conway of Libertyville spent Wednesday in Ringwood. Mrs. Melissa Gould and daughter, Jane, and Martin Wagner of Elgin spent Decoration Day in the C. D. Bacon home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fay and Mr. and Mrs. Clay Rager and family attended church at Genoa City Sunday evening. S. W. Brown spent Friday In McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schuetxe of Monroe, Wis., spent Sunday in the Dr. Hepburn home. ' Carl Fay and Mrs. Carl Pay Jr., of Chicago and daughter of Granville^ spent Sunday with Mr. Fay's mother, Mrs. Jennie Spaulding. Miss Frances Helms and Virginia Welter spent Saturday evening in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hopper, Mrs. James Rainy and Mrs. Thomas spent Monday in Elgin. S. W. Brown attended the ball game in Chicago Monday. Floyd Hopper of McHenry spent Sunday with his parents. Guests in the Clayton Harrison home on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Frisbee and son of St. Petersburg, Fla., Mr. and Mrs. Melford Smith and Mr. and Mrs. William Harrison and son of Round Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bell of Solon Mills, Mr. and M|rs. Stanley Thomas of Greenwood and Malcom McCraig of Chicago. Andrew Hawley spent Sunday and Monday with Chicago friends. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Henzie of Crystal Lake spent Sunday in the George Harrison home. Mrs. George Young and sons spent Monday at McHenry. Mrs. Lloyd Hoover of the Greenwood unit will give a program over WLS Monday, June 10, during the "Poets' Corner" hour. Listen in. Th« item published in last week's Plaindealer in regard to a 10-ft. fence erected around the Dick Lawson farm was incorrect and the Plaindealer desires to correct the mistake. 4- SPRING GROVE McHENRY GRAVXL & EXCAVATING CO. A. P. Frennd, Prop. Road Building and Excavating .... of Every Description . Estimates Furnished on . Request High-grade Gravel Delivered at any time--large or small orders given prompt attention. Phone 204-M McHenry HENRY V. SOMPJ5L General Teaming SandT^ravel and Coal for S&le Grading, Graveling and Road Work Done By Contract ; oi* By Day Phone McHenry 649-R-l P. O. Address, Route 3 McHenry, HI. J j I ^ trill " .. . • Phone 12S-W Reasonable Mate* SCHABFER , : > Draytag- WfcHitifcY • ILLINOIS HAMILTON HATH CUTTING SHOPPE Exclusive LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S > HAIR CUTTING By. Appointment Only 6 Hetia 8 to 11 a. a.; 1 to 5 p. a. PRIES BLDG. RMC McHenry 255 OAea Hoursi 11 to 1$ a. m.--2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays and Holidays by Appointment >DR. J. A. STREET . PHYSICIAN-AND SURGEON 8«. and Office Phone 274^ 1 W McHenry, III Telephone No. It8-fl|j Stoffel & erger Insurance agents for all of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY - BETTER' GLAS8ES BETTER VISION BETTER SERVICE ML KNOT FREURD 1553 Devon Ave., Chicago Near Claris: Street, Phone Hollyconrt 2731 hnre-h Sare-ksuaaab WITHWm. G. Schreinef - Auctioneering v ' ."'OFFICE AT RESIDENCE Phone FTS-R McHenry, IIHMII 7 5 ^ WU M. CABKOLli Lawyer L-- Office with Weat McHenry State j Every Wednesday ILLINOIS Phetoe 4 McHenry, IlHwIe DR. JOSEPH C. FEELEV Dentist McHenry - Illinelo te McHeniV: Fridays 10 a.m.t6 S p'.m. Saturdays9 7:30 p.m. Sundays by appointment. Artificial teeth made by the Davies process. Latest electrical equipment and modern methods. Riverside Drive over Barbian's Grocery and Market An ELECTRIC GRILL cooks a whole meal for several people . . . frying, boiling, stewand toasting. Fine for ia*> lunches and »ng table gri tared is 9&85*. An EUECTKIC IBOK I See, also, larger home mpplimnce*-- appropriate for group is a practical gift, sure to be wet «®«ne.. especially when it briagi with it its own pad and cover tut the ironing board. With the $6.00 Hctpoint iron, its manufacturer offers for Jane only, the pad and cover free. I •"Littie by Little" price* UighUy MfhtT, PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY „ „ J* NORTHERN IUJJTOW * - R J- LARKIN, Dist Mgr , • WBLIC SERVICE CO. of No. 111. i.01 Y, illiams St.. ( rystal Lake 111 Tel. Crystal Lake 280 ion Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Richardson were Mr. and MTS. Cooley of McHenry, 3^1 r. and Mrs. Williams and two children of Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. McGillivray of Chicago? and Mr. and Mrs. Love of Richmond,; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hoffman and son of Wilmette, Mr. and Mrs. Johi^ Karnie and family of Glenco, Mr. ancf Mrs. Billy Justen and family of Ringwood were Decoration Day vis-* itors of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rauen's# They all enjoyed a picnic dinner ii| Colemar woods east of town. Miss Lucille Esh is enjoying a week with her little cousins at Watertown, Wis., in the home of her uncle, Glen. Mr. and Mrs. William Shotliff an<J* son spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrii. Kenneth Lopeman and family near McHenry. Miss Ellen Baker and Miss Heleil' Lalanski of ..Canton, O., were Monday, callers at Mr. and Mrs. Seliam Pierce's. Mrs. Jennie Moes spent MondaJT night with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Oxtoby( On Tuesday they motored to Ring, wood. Mrs. Hettermann and two daugH^" ters of Johnsburg were Saturday call» ers here. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Feltes spent Thursday with the tatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert at Wilmot. Mrs. Maggie Feltes is helping car* for William Schultz, near Ringwood, who has blood poison in his hand. At this writing he is thought out of danger but it will be a long time before he is able to work. Mrs. Edith Thompson returhea Wednesday evening from the city, af* ter spending the past month therO with friends. <* Arnold Rauen, who is enjoying a two weeks' vacation from his duties at the bank in the city, left Monday morning on a trip to Indiana and Kentucky. He will be the guest "of the Benedictine Fathers at Jasper, Ind., for a number of days and while there attend the Alumni of his alma mater. From there he expects to motor to Louisville, Ky., to calj on an old classmate of his and also visit a friend at Gethsemane, Ky., at the monastery. Little Edwin Lay is quite sick at this writing at his Grandmother Schmitt's home in ' Johnsburg with pneumonia and liver trouble. It is hoped he will soon be able to^be home af^ain. I Saturdhy morning a very pretty wedding was solemnized at 9 o'clock at St. Peter's church when Miss FanifC. W. KLONto, M l). Physician and Surgeon (Also treating all diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and the Fitting of Glasses) Office Hours--8 to 9 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays by Appointment Office at Residence, Waukegan Road. Phone 181 . ^ McHenry, HI. East Side Garage W. B. CURTIS, Prop. • ' ^ * Til McHenry 266 " - *' v * th- ; ^ ^ we do alt lilnds of mechanical and electrical "• repair work, specializing in generators and ' starters, and ignition work of all kinds. Gas and Oils - Lunchroom in ConnectioD Central " JOHNSBURG ' nutn J. SMITH, Proprktak Chevrolet Sales. General Automotive Repair Work ^ i . Give us a call when in trouble \T'. * ITXPERT WELDING AND CYLINDER REBORING ©ay Phone 200-J Night Phone 640-J-2 ny Britz and Mr. Frank Prosser were Miss Louise Williams of Chicago is! united in marriage by Rev. Father spending the summer with her par- i Schmeck, Mr. Britz gave his daughter mm ents. Mrs. C., W. Goodell and Miss Ethel Jones of McHenry were callers in the William Coates home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osterman of Woodstock were Wednesday evening callers in the William Kelley home. Louis Bell of Spring Grove was a Ringwood caller on Thursday. Mrs. Oliver Laurence spent Saturday evening in North Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buchart and daughter of Richmond spent Sunday in the C. D. Bacon home. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr and son spent Sunday in the Fred Wiedrich home. Mr. and MTS. Clarence Ritter and children and Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Fay of Kenosha spent Decoration Day in the Frank Fay home. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Kinney and Ben Hutson called at William Kelley's J'Sunday evening. / Miss Helen Laurence is visiting relatives at Woodstock. Mrs. Rillah FOBS and sons and Mrs. Frankie Stephenson spent Thursday at Milwaukee. RINGWOOD aR„s eyyo Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rahn of Elgin were callers in Ringwoo^ on Decoration Day. * away at the altar. She was very prettily dressed in white crepe de chine,a long tull veil held in place with pearls and rhnestones and carried a shower bouquet of bridal roses and lillies of the valley. The maid of honor was the groom's sister, Miss Ann Prosser. She wore pea green and white slippers and stockings and carried pink roses. The bridesmaid* were a sister of the bride, Miss Verona Britz, who wore pink, and Miss Elinor Prosser, a sister of the groom, wore peach. Each wore white slippers and stockings and carried pink roses. The two best men were a brother of the groom, Mr. Richard Prosser, and a brother of the bride, Mr. Joe Brits. Little Shirley Britz, a sister of the bridid, wore blue and carried a bas ket of flowers. The happy couple left for a short wedding trip and will be home to their many friends in the city. The bride is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Brits. The past four years she has made her home in the city. The groom is stranger to the most of us. He has always made his home in the city. The friends extend hearty congratulations to the happy couple. im® M OTO R OIL Dependable Motor, Oils POLARINE s«d ISO-VIS You can depend on eltner ofthe* two motor oils to lubricate your car as it needs to be lubricated. They are both sturdy, rich oOs* Because they are sturdy they will hold up under the trying conditions of country driving. they are rich they "will keep a ing over every^bearing lio^Vb, A* moat f rbii tinn il advance te ®oiw ofl* n>aliitaln>| immMK body -- wean and wean and WEARS, fcnhfkating a$ highftf efficiency all the time. Many motorta* run 1000 ndkl and. more without draining the aauKiia m|s Polarine needs no intioductiock for 20 yean t&s dependably motor oil has been giving satisfactory service in mOBons of If you want dependable lubrication for the least money, Polarine drain the cramfrrasr every 500 miles. Polarine and Iso- made in diffricnt gracCes -- Aifc amy agent at the Plaindealera at Wattles.

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