- :-,r*"X ,SV* . * " :.. \>- '&•••'.' y* .-V : %7' » » * \\'t,-fr~jl BACON' ^STRIP' >,£ * --n : , * . , , 4 ZEKE"> BACON -•.v£. <* Yes, the sunburn is getting painful but what of it, didn't we yell lor warm weather, so, w* foold "Upr |*r ""* of-doors? * "';f „y,'1.*' ' A new small bore record was established by Richard Hansen, 17-yearold Fresno, Calif., high school cadet, when he scored 5,000 consecutive ^ullseyes in 29 seconds less than 24 ltours. How many would care to watch anyone shoot the "bull" for that length of tifne? Twould get very monotnous. v m Many of thope not to be passed as youthful who are competing in the playground league are seemingly afflicted with broken limbs, old age, «tc., but one guess is that they are sore nrascles brought on by some very childish actors on the diamond. Several remedies have been sq^ested, both external and otherwise. • • Earl COnway, playing Arst base for the Legion playground team, "had the misfortune to break the fourth' finger on his left hand while his team was being trounced by the K. of C.'s. 'TWarty" finished the game all unaware that the break had occurred in the third during an exciting play when be was hit on the end of Hie finger by a thrown ball. HKBBON TRAMPLES BY JOHHSBURO BOYS Upriver Players Emerge From Guit Sunday 12 to 0, Shutting Out Their Opponents Johnsburg earned the right to share, second place in the county league with Woodstock when they trimmed and whitewashed Hebron in a league encounter Sunday by a teJ-rible 12.-0 'count. This was Johnsburg's fourth victory against one defeat while the loss merely extended Hebron's losing st)*eak. Ed Freund again took the mound for the locals to test out his arm for traces of its old soreness. From all appearances the old wing is OK again for Ed granted but five blows and gave nary a pass. » Only two men reached third, base, once in the opening rbund when two singles were bunched after two were out, and again rn the second when Hess got there on a passed ball after ^ he had singled with two down. From I are realized. then on only three men reached basel In the five-man team match with and two of them died on first, while;small bore guns, each man shooting Nelson was ran down between second and third after he had doubled for Hebron's fifth and last hit after two were down. So much for Hebron's offense. * The hometowrters started right out with two in the first and increased their totfcl to seven before they had batted three -times. Hits were sure to come to the fore when they were needed and were interspersed with The crowds that are turning out to witness the exhibitions at the city park when the league teams are in action are steadily growing, showing that the sport is popular with others as well as the' players. It might prove a good idea to pass the hat each evening, the proceeds to be donated to the expense of beautifying thapark during the summer months. Considerable agitation is being aroused over Harvard's represents tives in the county baseball league. Charges have been made that a battery is being hired though this isn't official, and chances are great that it was started by some of those team? which have had to fac® Miller, star southpaw of the Northeners. If Harvard won't pay hfm he should join thj£~big ten. Johnsburg's favorite nine seems to have a good supply now that Ed Tonyan has relieved the soreness in his right arm as seems to be the case when one reviews his performance against Hebron Sunday. Joe Frett has pitched two good games in his only starts of the year, Tonyan has three victories to his credit, •and with Harold or Frank Freund to step in when the going gets rough they vghquM go a long way toward a county championship. HOME-COMING CARNIVAL HARVARD, JUNE 20, 21, 22 Wan. J. Metzen Post, No. 265, American Legion, of Harvard, will again sponsor^ its annual Home-coming Carnival. The dates are June 20, 21 and 22, Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. This will be the boys' ninth start on an event of this kind and they claim that this year will be the biggest ever. The boys of Harvard Legion have always been successful with their carnivals. Huge crowds attend annually but are handled in an orderly fashion and always return for more. Belvidere drum and bogle corps will put on an exhibition Thursday and Friday, nights and on Saturday night the combined City and High School bands will be heard in concert. Jac ques Collegians of Rockford will fur nish the music for dancing each evening. There-will be a merry-go-round for the kiddies and just oodles of fun for both old and young, The big feature is the giving away of three automobiles, One each night. This is the biggest thing the boys 20 with a possible score of 1000 the i ever attempted and is proving a great final scores were: 1--Austin Rifle Club 953 M'HENRY RIFLE CLUB ENTERS STATE SHOOT Local Markontn Bring Hone Ifcird Prize In Contest at Fort Sheridan The McHenry Rifle Club, boasting less than half a hundred members, sent a .five-man team to the Illinois State Association meet at Fort Sheridan last Sunday to match their ability against the best teams in the state, many of them being formed of. nationally known marksmen. Not to be outdone by these experts of the game, and not losing heart when they realized how poorly their own firearms, equipped wijh the common metallic sights, compared with tjje A-l guns of the others, wh»£h had telescopic, sights to enable them to find their range, the local squad literally shot their heads off and were rewarded by being classed the third best iiam in the state, which is no small nonor when all the condition* 2--Western Electric Rifle Club . ..962 3---McHenry Rifle Qub 937 Individual, scores or IfcHenry Team were: • Wm. Klappoeicb 192 Wm. Casper" 190 Ed Justen 190 John Smith . 188 fielding errors by the none-too-good j Letter Bacon - V"177 •upporters of the Hebron battery. ] In the Individual Devor Match over The earned run total of the game j 50 and 100 yprds, firing 20 shots, Wm. should stand at five, but this was a'Klapperich again displayed the abilgreat plenty with Big Ed going in his old form. The game was finished with all ,the subs in the game and for a little variation from the monotony some very curious Dase-running was tried out with 'but little success. Capt. Winkle's absJbce from second brought Bacon into -the infield, but he received very little to do as six of the assists were hartdled by the pitcher. Neither third nor shortstop handled a chance. Next Sunday Johnsburg will send its nine to Woodstock where they will face Mengs and his gang and HARVARD LEADS IN battle it out for second place in the ity he p@ssesses when he took fourth place 377, while tfie winner had only nine more points to his credit. The judges awarded Bill Klapperich and Bill Casper honorable mention for their high class shooting and lauded the whole McHenry outfit for their splendid showing among such high class material. The boys are planning another trip to Fort Sheridan when the next state phoofis to be held there, June 30. success. The Legion boys of Harvard are great believers in the use of printer's ink and carry space in practically all the newspapers within a radius of thirty mites of Harvard. Come to Harvard June 20, 21 and 22 and enjoy the many pleasures awaiting you. The boys will appreciate your patronage and are looking forward to your visit. county circuit. A large following is expected to help cheer the gang to victory at the Fair Grounds when the ump announces "Play Ball" and all fans ace , assured .their money^'s worth. '-f ; • ' Liaefgt -v JohnstWfr i(12) f *1^% H Freund, H., ss .......^....-...4, 0 0 riaeon, 2b ..I.M.«.«H5 0 \ Whiting, cf 4 2 2 Smith, c ......................1 6 0 Freund, F., rf "8 1 $ Adams, J., rf --2 0 *0 .....4 1 3 .........5 8 4 8 2 I ......4" 2 0 4 I S COUNTY LEAOUE Bohr, lb Smith, A., 3b Smith, L., If . Freund, J., c . Tonyan, p ..... \ '* -Wir,-' 1*4 Harvard .. .Jfc- 0 Woodstock ...... * Johnsburg . 1 Algonquin M.....»...S • -if Ringwood ' t Huntley!? ~ ....\...*.w^l *' ' *8 • Union ...... r Hebron » 4 Marengo 0 4 $ This young star of the terinis courts George Lott, has annexed his fifth city title since he won national recognition several years back when he was ranked in the first ten of the nation. . He defeated the tall Texan, Thalheimer, in straight sets to earn Hhe victory. Lott attends the University of Chicago and holds the big ten, title. Must have lots of fun with some * of his college competitors as he ranks number three iji national standing and is a number of the American Davis, Cqploami The Elgin Courier-Mews gave our local amateur scrapper quite an ovation, following his bout at Elgin last- Thursday night when he trimmed Emil Jardi of that city in the best fight of the evening. Jordi is known as'a hard puncher with TNT in his fists, but our milkman has shown much improvement in his defense, since he has joined the Elgin gym and be gave this Jordi lad| a real trimming after the initial rewind. Might haye to change J'ay's cognomen from Jimity the "bottler" to Jimmy the ^battler." x Total .--^,^.-......39 "12 H e b r o n < 0 A B ~ R V. Judson, ss ^.,^.>..........4 0 Erickson, sb 4, 0 Judson, C., p ..if.-- _...« 0 Massey,'8b 4> Nelson, lb ...,».«.v.....:........4 0 Grabbert, rf 3 Wagner, If .* .'-S Hess, F., c ^.........8 Carlson, cf ---3 , |The McHenry Rifle team that travel- O^ito Fort Sheridan to compete in the State shoot surely deserves much eredit for placing third among the classiest sbooters in this section. Their equipment was far inferior to that used by their competitors, 1 but it takes more than that to dishearterf this plucky five that showed their wares to them all. It's surprising the rifle club matches aren't better at tended when such shooting may be witnessed. Their next match will be held at the local field Sunday, Jww over the 500-yard range. The Whites, one of five American (hte-man teams entered in the toumaflnent, turned in one of the highest scores I ever heard of when they rolled a score *of 3,762 in the international bowling tournaments at Stockholm, Sweden. This is only an average of 244 per man which is just about as near perfection as can be expected The team was composed of Billy Knox, Philadelphia; Joe Scribner, Detroit; George Jarrett, Jersey City Bart jCpoU, Cincinatti; "and EarJe Sheppaed,,. Kaunas City, in <he two. man events Jarrett and Knox tolled 1,597 for an average 266 each which ]g| some bowling. iGeorge Simpson broke the existing - official record for the 100-yard dash at the National Collegiate Athletic Association'strack meet held at Stagg field Saturday only to have the report eome out Monday that the record would not be recognized as official Simpson hails from Ohio State U. and covered the century in 9 2-5 seconds the old /ecord being 9 4-5. Guess the hardest thing about getting a new record recognized is overcoming the obstinacy of the committees rather than the actual performance, as (several other well known athletes hgwe recently turned in some record ifeaking feats, but to do avsO. . ' : ^ • *" f "j* • S*lf-D«ceptioa We deceive and flatter so om ;^ilcl» delicate artificer as we ^o oar lyea.--8chopeohaoer. 0 0 >t *2 Wlttfetock Tn Second Place. Closely Followed By Johnsburg-- Large Scores Sunday » Pet. LOOO .800 .750 .600 .600 .333 .000 JJ00 Last Sunday's Scores - Ringwood, 22; Huntley, 2. Hatvard, 12; Woodstock, 2. Algonquin, 26; Marengo,.3. ^ Johnsburg, 12; Hebron, 0. Games Next Sunday Union at Hebron. MaVengo at Huntley. % Ringwood at Algonquin. Johnsburg at Woodstock. ' In the feature' game of -last Sund a y ' s l e a g u e s c h e d u l e H a r v a r d Multisyllable Words Feature Some Tongues English, as Prof. Otto Jespersen Of Denmark recently observed, may be degenerating into a mass of monosyllables, but ther^ are many languages left over which Mark Twain could have had the kind of fun Hi which he Intlnlged when lie suggested that German words could be made to serve as suspension bridges across the widest rivers. There is Finnish, for Instance. While the reader of an Jinerlean newspaper has had flashed poq him the laconic headline, "Jap ,Klng Takes Crown," the Finnish reader, as the Interpreter puts 4t, Is still wading somewhere In vnltalstulnielleusettamisjuhla, which means nothing more than "coronation ceremony" and leaves him still a vast distance {o go In order to learn '.o whom it happens. In Danish the old age pension law Is known as alderdomsnnderstottelsesforordnlngen and In Italian, as the interpreter remarks neatly. It takes time to rush headlong. as the reader may test for himself by trying to say precipeterevolissimevolmente. No wonder that headlines in some foreign newspapers haye to he three or four columns wide. Even then. th« headline writer must have his troubles. vJ . * ' Disuse of Mentality Would Mean Idiocy It is a funny place, this world of capitalism, with Its astonishing spread of' ignorance and helplessness, boasting all the time of Its spread of education and enlightment. Tliere stands Boy* Open Beauty Shop for Household Pets Wapakobeta, Ohio.--There nb longer is any excuse for bedraggled dogs in Wftpakoneta since Fenton-Hamllton and Cliarle3 Fleming. Jr., twrth thirteen, opened a dog Jbeauty parlor. The boys are the operators. Their parlor Is In the basement of young Hamilton's home, and hys been equipped with-appliances to ***- move dirt, burrs and curl and comb long and short hair. The youthful proprietors distributed circulars throughout the towif ann&Utiping they were prepared to wash • blaek-and-tan dogs for JO cents, white ones for 35, mixed colors for 'two hits" and curly haired dogs for 10 cents extra. They guaranteed to remove burrs, gum, or such other substances that might mftr the beauty of tlieir clients. ar.d promise "kind treatment, no soap in the ejjes, and face washed separately." Austrian Diggers Find €U)ld Buried Long Ago Vienna, Austria. -- Gold believed buried 16 centuries ago by Roman legioimalivs has been found In a field %t Uftttoferbach, near Vienna, during tK>i iaR.teiit& for water. At * depth of 24 feet the diggers found deposits of gold dust mixed with clftj and earth, several ounces^ of pure metal being obtained from every few handfuls of earth. Mining experts believe Roman legionn^ lre* originally took the gold from a near-by river and hid it In Its present location for safekeeping during an, Attack from a migratory tribe. It is nXfumned the Romans intended to send their treasure to Rome to be minted, but probably suffered defeat and were forced to abandon -their Wealth. ^ V ' . ' ' : : " V/y, Natives Hard Up "York.--Native-born Americans are more ih need of charity than any alien group, according. to figures In the annual report of the charity organisation society. Thirty-s«*en per cent tjsose aided by tire society Inst year born In the United State*. • X-.* 1 * ' LONG BOY SAYS--' ' % If everybody would work as hard as the a#£« in his yard the unemployment jafoblem would be solved and big business would prosper materially. He catt^i get to the place where his front gate ought to be without climbing over the hills and ploughing through the sand excavated by these pesky little pests. ^ysa\e Post Toasties Double Thick Corn Flakes S3* until • pit** £ JeX!~n. Sire's Fcvori 3pkes- S3® •. week! See whmt extraoriinwy food vofaes 23 of them will buy 'at A4P stores. Evaporated Twice as rich as ordinary an&. 3 "" 8op«r Sods Instant cp K C Baking Powder - * - 23 P&GWhite Naptha Soap 6»-»23 Libby's Sauer Kraut • Iona Tomatoes • • Iona Beets • • 2 N^2 23c 2 ^.2 23c 2 ^ 23c Fresh FRUiT and VEGETABLES NewWhitePotatoes, s lbs. 23c Bananas • • • • 3 lbs. 23c Cantaloupe • • • % for 29c Carrots, % large bunches, 15c cEir ATLANTIC & PACIFIC ^ . MIDDLE WESTERN DIVISION iW'- >v Total 82 Joe Frett batted for Bohr in 8tb. ^ f knocked Woodstock dowa the ladder, thf> tilougandg f»f property owners and and now occupies, first place w'ith aj m[|j[onft 0f wage workers, none of clean string of five victories. TJtej them at),e tQ mnke anvthlng, none-bf heavy slugging of the Harvard short-, them knowjnK wj,at to do until somestop, Johnson, was largely respon-; ^ teU U)pin none of them having g.sible for Woodstock's defeat, he bag-| the')oa8t notjon of how it Is that they jging two homers and tWo triples and find people paying them money, and iscorsd four runs of his team's total; f|j| jn the ghop8 to buy w!th playground uuwmr i - 5^2 ! CREATING INTEREST bobbles so that Harvard had rather! Foresters and Knights of Colunfbus an easy time of it. % ! Are Leading With Perfect j Johnsburg turned in the,only shut-| Percentages--Game Tonight j out game while trimming Hebron 12 The first games in the Fraternal to 0 though Ringwood deserved a1 Playground ball league were played; shutout over Huntley, the final: last week and from the start it s&ins j reckoning being 22 to 2. Hawley, And when they travel they are surprised to find that Ravages and Esquimaux and viHagers who have to make everything for themselves ar? more Intelligent and resourceful. The vtfonder would be If they were anything else. We should die of idiocy through disuse of our mental facul- . 1 -- - ties If we did not fill our heads with that' lots of good, clean sport u in .pitching for Ringwood* struck out, romantU. nongense out of Illustrated store for the active ones. four mcjn in the only inning that The Foresters took the meaittre of) Huntley scored, but Schroeder, behind the Masons by a 28-3 margin and the the bat after Thomas was Jiurt, K. C.'s flattened the Legion 14-2 in Thursday night's encounter. Tuesday night's contest between the Foresters and the Legion had to be couldn't hold him and was guilty of several qpssed balls. • | In the remaining fracas H. Storm pitched brilliantly and received percalled off to allow the farmers to] feet support to gain a 26 to 3 vichave some much needed moisture. I tory for Algonquin over" Marengo. Judging from the opening games The down-river boys collected 28 safe the Foresters and the K. C.'s appear to have things their own way, but the other two obtfits are working hard to improve their efforts and it is reported the Legion boys are hard after some new recruits. Secretary Bacon has issued a call for the lists o^ names whiclv are to form the rosters of the respective biQws, Dahn, Lowe and Zalesky each getting four. ** ACWALLENGE Harvard, 111. Mr. J. A- Bolger, Captain of McHenry K. C. Team. Dear Sir:- We of the Harvard Codncil of K. of - , ...C. hereby challenged the McHenry teams. Each list is to be composed of j pkygroun(j K. C. team to a gam Pet, lOOCf * lOOCk JOOO .000 not more than eighteen names and from these the team must be picked. Team captains wiH please have in before Sunday, June 16. LEAGUE STANDINGS Foresters/ f TL of C. --4 / ? Masons- r-® , 1, V Legion - 0 1^. COMING GAMES Tonight--K- of C. vs Masons. Tuesday, June 18--Foresters.- Legion. M HKNRY COUNTRY CLUB The second ^Youndr of the A. H. Ppuse cup contest was played at the McHenry .Country eliib golf course lover the week-end wi& more of the players .becoming eliminated. Bflnslett, the winner of the C. N. Owen cup competition, is still in the race as he defeated Page 5 up and 3 to go in the second rouhd and E. M. Galitz won over George H. Johnson 2 and 1. F/ Maierhcfer defeated W. C. Galitz and 2 and H. A. Remke defeated Stielow by the small margin of 1 up The semi-finals of the Pouse cup will be played next Sunday and give promise of some close and interesting games. Bonslett with his .18 handicap will no doubt prove to be a bothersome Opponent to E. M. Galitz with a 4 handicap and the match promises to be a live one, while Maierhofer with his handicap of 11 and the gaifte that, he is now playing will make H. A Jtcmke go his best with only $ hand Scap. , . We Call fbat Coucltat* 6 Iteni"r8e- -Tli* uneasy feeling that yoCr tracks weren't covered.--Bridge Telegram. "* "1 of ball or a series of games for a side bet of One Hundred Collars ($100) per game. - ^ , Yours -wry traly. ",» D. PAUlim ie*hiogi Ate C***rpill*r . • |u the ~bi<'gruf>hv «»f the MfiiAPRR stf York by Lady <\vnthl» Asquith is related a story of the king of England eating caterpillar. The genial King Edward was Inndv- |(ig with ht^ son and daughter-in lnw when his grandson, little f'rlnce Albert, trleO rather excitedly to attract tbe^ ying'a xt fen Hon. The king, who wds talking, mereiv Interrupted himself to tell the child to contain film serf until the conversation jf:ane to** stop. Tba Httje dake said no more, loiter the king turned to him and asked what It wpn he wanted to say •It doesnf matter now. grandpa." wis Hie Answer "1 wss only going to tell you therfc was a caterpillar Ja salad, but you've eaten It now." Lighting tW Traia's ?*t»rw Aftfr wiuie tests and experiment* tlon. the Indian government is about to make use of a system by which the trains are lighted on the exterior for the purpose of intensifying the illumination at country stations as a safeguard against trespassers. Several lights are placed on either side of each car and these are automatically switched on when the train is running tekm a certain speed and off again when the prescribed limit is exceeded. Thas the lights are on as the Jyaln slows down to enter or pasi a station, but on the road the presence of the lights to not essential. ^ - < • • • - - . \ . ' i s new spa iters and novels and plays and films. Such stuff keeps us alive; but It falsifies everything for us so absurdly that It leaves us more or less dangerous lunatics in the real world. --George Bernard Shaw. j ~ . . 4' She Forgot tl» "R" The hlgii school teacher was new to the East and the pupifc had not yet decided whether to like her or not. They held Informal meetings to discuss her from eveiy high school pupil angle. Her clothes, her loofcs find the way she applied the lipstick nil came in for searching analysis. They had almotf made up their minds to permit her to stay when one of the members of the English class raised her voice In protest. "She dresses fairly well," she SSld, •^nd ber make-up Isn't bad. But hy ^ronun<'tatlon fs simply awful. She comes from the Uidille West apd '• !.»> never jironoun'-es the f in words 'blear.'r Hia* for Dof LoTtn flMMe' n Hw<M-riitfi* dogs W.ione* prices "o rtp In the hundred* and sometimes • honsands of dollnrs iv<-«'fve the very h«>st of care--and h<'d The food ifcey eat targely rtefermines tlieir ap iM*nrnnce nad their appearance wins rtuTti i»rlw* at iH «lw»ws. An<l what <io the kennel wirtrs like to tleed dojrs y fn manv cases tunned dog f.Mwfs. the ha sis *»f wIMch Is nsnfllly meat mixed with barley or some other eewil and some cod liver oil. The mixture Is put Into tin cans, sterilised Just as carefully as If It were for human consumption, and then 1 ready for the fastidious dog kl '"Whore Monk* Fanned ^ The historic estate of Vale Royal. In England, a portion of which Is being placed on the market. Includes the hoik of thdilands anciently farmed by the monks of Vale Royal Ahbey, once s mighty house of the Cistercian order. The monks of the Cistercian order, the eight hundredth anniversary of whose coming to England was celebrated, have been called the great est farmers In tuedieval England, and no doubt the development of Rnglish husbandry was to a large extent due to them. At the dissolution the abbey was laid In ruins. s(* / \ % .»<>*< V;.'A .. chubby little bodies, rosy cheeks $nd .sparkling eyes-- Surely they deserve the protection to health and happiness that constant hoyyater pro- *77 .An automatic gas hot, water heater is easy to own, costs job little to run and means so much yp all the family that no home should be without it - . jCall in or phone today fo^ fulji information! need H6T water every day^ ;?%peat it the AUTOMATIC way/' 4 T^is heater can also be purchased of l£ S. Buch, MdB[enry. •*§»" { GAS A^p ELECTRIC 1*7 . Bit. COMWAY Newest tv^s of Water Heaters Automatic OAS priced af low as Vniailatmn estirtiM Or $7.50 down, balaiuee^niontlily with vbur Killn-- -V • itl O--: (Jk