Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Jun 1929, p. 6

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mwm ' •'• '" *- """' ' "'" 'Oatrtwg&ki^wiwa>m* ' '" ' "* ' •• <v"r ' - v '• v ';'": '*:' * ' * ' • ' RJNOWOOl* •hi' *rV. &• is^'^ ,?#y Mr. and Mrs. Max BetV and son, t ^%illy, of Chicago spent Tuesday night l! ,|md Wednesday in the William Beth e Mrs. Nfck Young and Miss Fran- ^;v te8 Yotmg attended • wedding at -\ $&te Spring Grove church Wednesday inorning. &f\: S; Mr. and Mrs. James Bell of Rich- _ j -Jhond were Ringwood callers Thurs- ; ^ay evening. Mrs. George Young and children ¥r»*5'-- 4/ '" Spent Wednesday with her sister and ^ ^family »t Lake Geneva. %> * George Shep&rd was a caller at ^ Richmond Tuesday morning. 5?. v Mr. and Mrs. Leon Dodge attended L ; a funeral at Woodstock Wednesday. Vs Mrs. Elmer Olsen entertained the . Jtunco club at her home Thursday afternoon. Prizes were won by Mrs. |»aul Mevers. first; Mrs. Nick Young, ifecond; Mrs. Edgar Thomas, third, and Mrs William McCannon the consola- ^ ... ':v:'f >'i.ion. Mrs. Nick Freund received the prize for having made the moat num- ' ber of buncos. At the close refresh- $Y* " • Bifents were served. s;**\ T IJ . There will be a Sunday school" pic- J: V j^ic at Barnard's Mills on Saturday. >V Everyone is invited. Each one must , l»ring their own sandwiches and a * * dish to pass. Dinner will be fervid at A, .42:80. i- i v Miss Viola Ragir attended the graduation exercises of a friend at Wa&kegati Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weber and son of McHenry spent Sunday in the Nick 1*# *Yoang home. „ ;¥<•£. Mrs. William McCannon, Miss Er- > ^ Ina McCannon, Mrs. Edgar Thomas " tiind daughter, Hiley Jean, were callfers t ; 3|n Richmond Saturday afternoon. ixtH- Mr. and Mrs. John Dreymiller of McHenry were callers in the George home Saturday afternoon. Miss Erma McCannon of Woodstock is visiting in the home of her brother, William McCannon, for a few days. Miss Eleanor , Dodge, of Chicago 'spent the week-end with her parents. MT. and Mrs. George Shepard and family were callers at Richmond Sunday. Mr. and M*s. George Dixon of Eagle Lake spent the week-end in the J. V. Buckland home.. Mr. and Mrs. Bassido and son of Elgin and Mrs. Wheeling of Chicago spent Saturday evening in; the Louis Hawley home. Mrs. Harold Whiting of Chicago - spent the week-end in the Louis Schroeder home. Mrs. William McCannon, Miss Erma McCannon and Mrs. Edgar Thomas and daughter were callers at Hebron Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley of Chicago spent Sunday in the E. C. Haw< ley home. \ Carl Fay and daughter, Mrs. Vivian Nelson, of Chicago spent Sunday with Mrs. Jennie Spaulding. I Jkfr. and Mrs. Harold Kelley and daughter of Crystal Lake spent Saturday evening in the William Kelley hortie. Mr. and Mrs. George Dixon, J. V. Buckland and Miss Flora Taylor spent Sunday at Twin Lakes. Mir. and Mrs. William Kelley and Mr. and Mrs. David Stanley speAt Sunday in the Harold Kelley home in Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Fuller ^Boutelle and sons of Lake Geneva, Mrs. Chester K*V' Frasier and three children of Oceola, «an., Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sknith and sons, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. ^Smith and sons of McHenry spent Sunday in the George Young Jiome. , The two weeks of summur school closed Sunday with a program at the' M. E. church at 9:30. Mrs. B. F. Butler, Miss Bernice Smith and Miss Faith RawsonJ were the teachers. Mr. and MrS. Sam Beatty and Mrs: Viola Low and children spent* Saturday afternoon at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. William Dodge and daughter, Eleanor, spent Sunday afternoon at" Solon Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olsen, Florence, Harry and Will Olsen spent Thursday evening'in the Fred Wiedrich home. > An tone, Eva and Louise Williams attended the wedding dance ft Solon Mills Wednesday flight. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr attended the show at Woodstock Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich and son, Frank, attended the show at Woodstock Tufesday evening. Mrs. C. A. Matsen and son of Chicago are spending the week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Gus Pearson. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Carr were Woodstock shoppers and attended the show at Woodstock Wednesday afternoon. Fred and Frank Wiedrich were business callers at Woodstock Wednesday. _ . Mrs. C. A. Matsen and son called at Elmer Olsen's Thursday evening. Fred Wiedrich and daughter, Mae, were Richmond shoppers Saturday, morning. * Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olsen spent Wednesday evening in the Leslie Olsen home at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkyigton and son were callers in the Clarence Hopper home in Crystil I<k( Snndaj evening. „ Fred Wiedrich and sons, Frank anu Fred, and Roy Sutton of Solon motored to Chicago Friday. Harold and Lorena Jepson spent a few days the past week with-friends at Waterloo, Iowa. Mrs. C. J. Jepson and Mrs. A. W. Smith, infcompany with Mr. and Mrs Tribute to the work and deedstof fifteen members of the general assem biy who have died within two years was paid at memorial > exercises held in the house of representatives on May 30. Veterans and first termers . participated and history of legislation dating back a Quarter of a century was recalled. With desks of deceased members garlanded with flowers and Speak er David K. Shanahan presiding, members from various districts of the stat^ wrote into the record achievements of the nation, paid tribute to soldiers dead and to the lives of the member*. of the legislature who have passed «n. The Memorial day address was dellv ererf by Representative Hugh Luckey Potomac.* Representatives Michael Igoe, Chicago; E. P. Conerton. t-« SallJ. and R. G. Soderstrotn, Strealor. spoke on the life work of Lee O'NeW Browne. The latter two members told of his long service of duty for the district which he represented in the assembly for more than twenty years. Representative Igoe al&> paid tribute to the late Benjamin Mitchell and Thomas Curran. Representative Da^Ti! Hunter. Rookford, spoke TO : r legis lative career of Repre; met F. Wilson, Roekfo wfe* «fled.. a short time before the sessioo robvened. Representative Micbaet Heo nebry. Wilmington, and Reed Cut let. Lewistown. told of rbe wo*k of «he late Thomas Curran. Mrs. Anna W. Ickes spoke of the valuable *vocfc fsr the city of Chicago ana her senatorialdistrict, done by Mrs. Flora S. Cheney, and Representatives Roll® Bobbins and Charles L. Wood recalled the active ' work in the assembly by Representative* W. B. Phillips. Mt. Vernon, » life-long friend of Governor Emmer son.. Representatives Kena El rod; and Thomas OGrady, Chicago, were the speaket$ who discussed the legislative- Attorney General Carlstrom ha» given an opinion to Director Ralph Bradford of the state department of conservation In which he holds that tlie state's attorney should.' In all cases where complaint has heeu filed under the fish and game frtde.^be ttotl (fed. and must be accorded the privi "lege of prosecuting. "The senate has passed tfce bill tn*j tmlneed by Representative RjUlo R Rohhins. Augusta. aniendln° thp motor vehicle aet to Include trailers and ellm inn ting the section of the law* which requires the secretary of state to fur nlsb sheriffs and police chiefs with ooples of license llsta at Ulf if' each calendar month. . >' • A bllt requiring that nonresident «p: • erntors «f niot«»r trucks must earr* nn llMfiois Hcenr.e has been passed by the house and ha* been sent to the senate. This Mil applies only f«» «therstates rrfrulrtng similar IThens -s. nn-1 W:JS ItitriMlucect bt fte^irMsentatlve. < 'hjirfes D Franz, tit Freeport. Itepm tentative Fran* irlso rntnwfm-'vl H. R No. 44ff. a (looff relief hlTT f«r the INTW tonfca river region, hut this Nb'ni has heen rtmsolidatedf wrtfr iHjW llt»0<# W lief measures. Amenil'ments ha\-e- been offered" Hi the House-t»v Wpliate- Bill No. .VCt by Representative Charles' J. Krlbs. l*f:i^ ; rre du R'ocher. as ftdlowsr All nppll cants ft.r blind relief must be- eertiflef a» permanently blind' and must nof have- controiretF or transferred! property of any nature prior fo- applleatfont fhr relief) untfer Hits ar%: ; £f Willis Gardner, attended a home bu-1 record of ten years, made by Reprereau meeting at Woodstock Monday afternoon. • Mrs. George Adams and children spent Monday" afternoon in Woodstock. * Kenneth Cristy was a Woodstock caller Thursday. f Ernest Duval of Elgin w/s calling in this vicinity Friday. / Mr. and Mrs'. Francis Adams and son, James, were callers in the- George Adams home Friday evening.. Don't CroM Bridges f One of the vexatious questions confronting the "uplift" is, when the race becomes entirely careftil, wise and honest, what we w^ll do with that percentage now busy being doctors, lawyers, policemen and firemen?:-- Fort Worth Record-Telegram. , Haaltb Hiai persons allow themlfef t^Bll" to be too suggestible. Especially la this true as regards the diagnosis and treatment of illness. Often people piy the doctor-for advice and then do what the nest door neighbor ad visei. ^ f '- ----* ftJ "- " -' Hettermann Motor Saleffc. : " * |Lll kinds of car and track and general repair- ^ |ng, also welding, done by expert mechanics. Main 8t, West McHenry 191 sentative John ,G. Jaoobson. Chicago, who died recently. Representative Homer J. Tice, Greenview, paid » gKlwing tribute to the deceased flaen> bers. The income tax bill. Introduced' %by Senator Simon E. Lantz, Congerville. has been killed" in the h<rase .$$ ^ vote of 72 to 69; The house has passed the annual tax levy bill providing for $13,000,000 for general revenue with $1©;O0O,OOO annually for the state distributive fund. The bill has been sent to thesenate. Membei#te the Illinois general' a*» iembly and their wives were- theguests of Gov. afjd Mrs: Louis L. Em< merson 'at a recejttion recently. This was the last of a series of socialevents given by the governor and' Mrs. Emmerson during the present sessionof the legislature. State officers andJ their wives jtere in the receiving line: Members ox the general assembly laid aside official cares for a few. hours recently and attended a banquet an ranged for by SP committee* composed of members from both branches Of the legislature. Representative Bltner ! Schnackenberg,. Chicago,, wa* the toastmaster. - "'v"',:" The bill introduced1 RepreeeRta? tiVe- Henry Sonnenschein,. Chicago, giving Cook and St. Clair counties authority to increase their county tax rate' from 25 to 3T cents; otj^the $100 valuation, has passed' the house-. The measure- carried' a referendum' clause and if the increase- is: voted: It «an be made for a period of one- year oofy. Jt hill Introduced' by cfiV tWfre- ewm mlttee otv appropriations with- Reprt*, sentutfve Homer 41 Tlce; (".reenviewf, a» chairman, appropriating (Tood1 relief In rhe S«>uth Quincy Dralt^ age district and* the Indian- «Vav» Drainage 4lstrrcr. has passed the house and' *ii s Seen- sent to the senate. The committee reported out this bill In lieu of another which had' been' offered1 by- Mrs. Mary McAdams, Quihcy. fbr tliesamie purpose. Mrs. 8arah> Bbnd' H&nley tia* presented' to Speaker David' E: Shanrfnan1 a gq,vel made ff-om wood taken- from the home of Sliadrach Bond, first governor of Illinois. The oak used lbthe handle lis ttom the-home of Pierre* Menard. •i i 1 * The live "house ©lections contests} all of which were- jnsnccessful. will cost the state a total of $7,68T>.23 for attorney and witness fees- and' other expenses. The sura > is - embodied: im a hill by Representative Roger K Iiittife, Urbana. UMi of Birdlime * Birdlime is a sticky substance pre-' pared from the inner bark of the holly, tiie berriee of the mistletoe, or other sources. It may also be made by boiling llhseed oil. It Is used In Euror>e for trapping birds, the sabstance being spread oa twigs and branches of trees. , . • :k4' s Unketnl, Umni - In tl^ old days it was set# Children should be seen and not heard, •kately the maxim has been applied to the old. . . . And wise old people* aim to be seen as little as pos^ sible, in add^fon.--E. W. Howe's Monthly. MCHENRY GRAVEL & v BXCAVATIWG CO. ^ ; L P. Freund, Prop. Road Building and Excavating of Every Description Estimates Furnished on R&quest ^ ftigb-grade- travel Delivered at any time--large or small orders given pcoonpt attention. ' McHenry HAMILTON # HAIR CUTTING SHOPPIL ' Exclusive f - ^LAtMES'-AND CHILDRE6P8 " HAIR CUTTING • , • 19f Appointment 0«ly ; j- Hours--8 to 11 PRIES BLDG. k. m.; 1 to 5 p. im. Phone McHenry 255 Ml* OOm Bttair; 'it ti '12 ,and 7 to 8 p. m. . Sundays and Holidays by Appouitmenjli DR. J. A. STREET ; PHYSICIAN AND SURGKBKs v^es. and Office Phone 274 Prlea Bide. ^ 3 JltHemy/.IM,} BETTER CLASSES BETTER VISIOW BETXBSERYIOE Mt. BENRY mm 4>ptometrist ISSJ Devon Ave^ Cblctgo ^f'eaa- Clark Street, Flione HaD^'conrt 2781 *A x" .%i 5N - v ! ' HEKRY ftOMPEL Gene£a& Teaming . Saudi, €kravel and Coal for Sale Gvadinjr, Gcaivelin^ and Road Work EXwe- By Contract • or By Diay • Phone> HfTcFTenry .p. 0i Address, Bbtrle 3 STcHenrj^ ITl. TdcjAdae No. 108>R fttoifal ft Reiluuuper|pBrr afenta lor all climw-el propertyr in the best com^aHie*^ WEST McHENRY - ILLINOIS insan^ In Sure -Iwsraoct WITH -- N W n. G.Schreinar VK M. CAKROUt Phlt--L 4t McILowy StetthRW* Every Wednesday PBona K8-W Reasonable Ksrtew ."C.-A-K SCHAEFEI^; fS ; > l>r«yi*V MtHENR*' b K offers Big Car , Qualities for &niy *T45 because it t 5> The New Pontiac Big Six is a sweeping success--an even more pronounced success than its famous predecessors. And it owes its success largely to the fact that « it offers big car qualities at low prices* Oakland produced this car to enable progressive people to step up in motor car quality without leaving the low-priced field. And the very people for whom it was created have made it an impressive sales success.1 Fontiac Big Six, 1745 to #09S,/.o. b. Pontiac, Michigan* dmUvery charges. Dumpers, spring covers and Love joy shock absorbers regular equipment at slight extra cost. General Motors Time Payment Plan available at minimum rata* Consider the delivered price as well as the list price when comparing automobile values . . . Oakland-Pontiac dettve* pd price*, include only reasonable charges for «HM for financing when the Time Payment Plan is uacd. Ratten Motor Sales McHENRY, ILLINOIS "'W- 'L*1 *'• .<> €10*.. IUrai» 1L Emtweraoc has announced the- appointment of' Representative Homer J. Tlce. Greenvlew, and' John MacQween ef Kfrktand as members of the state fair advisory board. Mr. Tlce te Just finishing hla twelfth "term from the 'Thirtieth district to the legislature. MacQueen owns 11,000 acres of farmlands in Illinois and Is ©wn£r of the largest sheep yard in America. The new appointees fill vacancies -caused by the resignations of Col. C. R. Miller, Kankakee, and James Mites, Petersburg. The tflM Introduced by Senator Joseph Mendel, Chicago, authorising titles to lease real estate not needed for a period of 40 years, has passed the senates ' . A bill Introduced by Representative George C. Dixon. Dixon, which prohibits state, county or municipal officers, whose duty it Is to Investigate crime or to prosecute, <rom employing detectives or Investigators, on a bast* of compensation other than that of time, and prohibits especially compen- ' nation contingent on the success of the investigation or prosecution haa been passed by the house. The Mil, introduced by Representative Homer J: TiCe. Ureenview,. appro* priating $175,000 to the department of. public work»< and buftdlngs to. nepaltand reconstruct Lincoln's monument;, has been passed by the senate. The' measure now. goes to the-governor.. The bill placing dry cleaners of the state under, the department oft trade and commerce with a- $10- license flee; introduced: by Representative W. Chynowethi. Deeatur, has- bej^ JtUlfed in the house.- _ - _ . ^ ' - A resolution, offered by Representative Leroy Green, .Rockford, cailinp upon the'attorney general to. file- suit in the-Supreme Court of the dnitedl States to test the Eighteenth amendf ment, has been killedi in the senates The bill by Representative Thoma* P. Sinnett? Rock; islnnd;. empowertesr circuits courts to' inspect and. pass mi state's attorney's, fees, ha» been* passed by the- houses A J ' The late- Representati!** flora *» Cheney's bill for a commission revise tile election lawa and! taak* ommendations. to> tile- T981 assemWy has the- approval' of the- sen»t» appropriations oommittee. I* carries a SSS - O00 appropriation! iter expenses^. Rllnois mines prodnced 80£JX>6 tpas pf bituminous coal. «fcirihg the week heslnning Way 4. a#«i.rdins t» an an- Munceiueaft b# the UW ted Sillreatt of inteMi WaaNngNa. JOSEPH CI PEBLEY "' ' pentfet ctTenry - - ' iniMcHenry: Friday^ lt) ffpvnr. Siturdaysff- 7:30* p.m. Sundays by appointment. A*tiftcial teeth made by the Dtavitea process* Latest electrical equipment and1 modern. metHoefei Rivdrside Drive over BiiT^ian'a ' Grocery and Mafktt ^ East Ji- Tel McHenry 266 -'•'-I - "!*• "•a •• We do all kinds sof>i raeehftmofll audi eleoinicali * impair work^v. soecializiitg: in gf«emt9i» an^ ' s t a r t e r s , a n d i i r a s i i D O . w Q F H s O f i a l l i • . y GasaodOils -- Lunchroom in 'Site.; r K fx M S. H.. Freundi & S6ti •wi'. -Jfe w . •*i% Geisnd. Biiilfting. Qontractoaafc • . . . : *; ^ Phono 12Tri' A Cor. Pearl and il&rk £?*C' Me^enry, tH (E W. KL0WTZ/ TQL IK Physician and Surgeon ( Alko treating all diseases of the Eye» ffiot Nose aad Throat aad> tha- Fittinip of Glassesd1 One* Hours--8 to 9 a. naT, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays by Appointment Office at Residence, Waukegun Read. Pftne 181 » MCHENRY, HI i F--a r erst We buy ami pick 'up cripples, bteken down < ^ ?• Cows and Bulttw Hnt iniaials, ^ ItAaOi Horses rwt wanted. Tel^hOOt SarviaglflM *§% ; f v • We pay all telephone calls. 52 5 pcL Membership rolls of the Ku Klux klan will not be publtshe<J ta Illinois by • legislative decree for the coming two years for the Judiciary committee qt the senate has /killed the bill Introduced by Representative WUltam King, Chicago. .. . The cardinal Is now the official bird Illinois. The bill making the designation was offered by Representative James Foster. Macomb, after a vote of the school children o* the state made the selection. The WU tiiur been signed by the governor. . ( > The haose resolntioo orgini"olttctafs of the- state *» ase cornstalk paper, offered by Represent »tive Hugh Luckej.* PoteMrew baa been adopted by tbej*natev. ' Go<vern>>r Emroers»»n baa. announced the first veto of the present session of the general assembly. The Mil vetoed was that Introduced by Representative H. M. Luckey. Potomac, perliitttlng fhe use of any pubUa»|>uWin* for a aaminal rentaL . The bill Introduced by Rep/esentft ttve Lee AlcDonoujjh. Wanke«un. «Wtng county superintendents »f ««-luwl» (tower to form new high school triots or change boundaries on petl tton of two-thirds of th» bas been passed by jbew-narte.' A bill by Rep"esi'*tutlvfe 15 Robinson. 4acks«»nvit1e, ej<ei«ttn« school terms for cUtSdren to eight months, ba: the senate. ^ Tliree bills. Introduced ny Repre sentative i>a\id H. MtClugag*. l'eorla "have l>een signed by tJovernwr Kninier son. Two ot them pertain to chan te in the primary act and the generi primary election n»-t. Tlie otlmr makes provisions relntlve t" tile UM of photostatic copies In an act relui.- ing to. recorders, o i l > i 11 i # t " U t i f f t t T t * * * ! * * "1 * nriiiiinni~r>r*i<">OifrC'f n - r ^r • ^ assure DEPENBABO & TRA^fSPORIATION w^:m -m - 9-%-T *4 '>ML ™PONJIAC T'J BIG •c &'• Vtoi>OCT or CENERAL Moroif 4*- I ! vy v,. si: * 'SIlC.- 'tV.-arX, . > V Coal ByProdacta ; lldm^^f tbe by-producta <jf «©fd Include coke, gas, light, medium and heavy oils, tar, pitch, ammonia and tbe nitrogen contents of ammonia known as ammonium sulphate. T1 crude gas can be used as the sta Ing point for a number of other pr< ucts and tile crude oils and tars as tl^e starting point for a long list of dy< medlclnea, exptoslvea and other chemicals. , A v • V;" V Birds oa the Wiag Horn in ^America man appear* H have reverted to the ancient nomadic ^strain. We flit from one apartment^ to another on moving day. We move from city to city as our business beckons. We perlgrlnate between town, seashore and lakeside. Our savage forebears chased the herds; wis chase the sunshine. In us, as in .them, is a restless longing for change •f scene.--Woman's Home Companion. T*Thhea t CChoeuvnrtso"le Tt aRg ePdr ^oOte.c ts Your Used Car Purchase* Every reconditioned car we offer for eaie is Identified by means of the Chevrolet red •'O.K. that Counts" tag. This tag is the purchaser's assurance that the car to which |t is attached has been gone over carefully y expert mechanics--that it has been horoughly reconditioned--and that the is based on the car's actual ability to ender service. ue to the overwhelming popularity of the tiew Chevrolet Six, we have on hand at this e an unusually large group of these I'O.K.'*!" cars. Come in! You are certain fin#j^he y°u want--at a price that , ;^'7;1*^ill gave you money. Make a small down , V " payment and drive your car away! r ^ LOOK UIy St these Outstanding Ui«| Car Values 1926 Chevrolet Landslip 1927 Chevrolet Coupe 1 v 1926 Chevrolet Cawpe 1926 Chevrolet Coach 1926 Ford Coape 1926 Durant 1926 Ford Soda*»:' 1926 Ford Tudor . 1926 Star Coupe 1926 Dodge •AJ' . • £# *v * ' •' V- 1927 Kissell Bro«sha^;E.i!^^irf;^_ 1925 Dodge Sedaa , ' 1926 Dodge C«i§ir Si' Mm* Hettermann Motor Sales HP^F^ j.^vw ' , . f . , : • • <v MI W«it flcHennr, * 5 f K.v 5*:^- CARS intTi dr. frf{ thai /ouhts & 4 ^ •> .V ; : . 4 •Aji' •a ..V 'I :9.m ® ^ -v '*':l * t#:; isi

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