Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jul 1929, p. 4

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THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER Published every Thursday at McHenry, DL, by Charles F. Renich. Entered as second-class matter at the poctoOce at McHenry. HI-# under the act..of May 8,187®' Subscription Ratee One Tear „ Six Month* ..„f2.00 ...41.00 A. M06HER, Editor tad Maaaffer "BIDE-A-WEE on ROUTE 61 NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS "Bide-A-Wee" is the name of a cozy little restaurant and sandwich shop now open for business on Route 61 adjacent to the John R. Knox filling station in McHenry. The owner of the eat shop, which so conveniently invites passers-by to stop awhile, is Mrs. N. E. Tayloir of Riverdale. Here one may procure delicious sandwiches of various kinds with coffee and other food most satisfying to a hungry appetite as well as ice cream, candy and "smokes". The place is well equiped with attractive furnishings, including a steam table in which supplies are kept. hot. The front part of the building is screened on three sides and is cool and comfortable on even the hottest days. In the rear of the building is a most desirable parking space under large shade trees which seem to express a welcome to tired travelers. Mrs. Taylor is not a stranger in this vicinity as she has spent her summers on the Fox River for the past fifteen years, most of the time at Riverdale, and she has watched with interest the various improvements come to our city, among them being the change from the old rough thoroughfares of the past to the modern cement highways of the present. She has had years of experience ir» % the hotel business, just recently selling her big hotel at Riverdale, which she conducted for several years and previous fo that she was proprietor of Rosedale and th$ hotel a$ Howell's Villa. " ,McHfenry should be glad to welcome a person of Mrs. Taylor's progresive spirit and ability within its portals. WEEKLY PERSONALS COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK IN OUR CITY r . v n s t - i : CLASSIFIED USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULTS • o'f 4*',. t ^ V v « it" '• ¥& : Hovtei tmr tbe Soul Kake yourselves nests of pleasant tttttights. None of ds yet know, for none of u* have been taught In early youth, what fairy .palaces we toay bvild of beautiful thought--proof against all adversity. -Bright fancies, satisfied memories, noble histories, lklthful sayings, treasure house of precious and restful thoughts which care cannot disturb, nor patn make gloomy, nor poverty tfrke away from OS--houses built without hands, for DOE ficmls to live In.--John Ruskiu. "Alaay-Stdcd da VuM# M .' Before Copernicus, Leonardo da VInwrote: 'The sun does not move!" •nd proclaimed that the earth rotates > about It. A century before Galile<s tie proposed a telescope, making a owe An Ills manuscript: "<«mstruet glasses to see the moon magnified.** f ; Friendship'* Obligation c' V ^Cnless you hear with the faults ®f a vf i -»nn hotrav your n<**n -- Svrus. Woodstock's Beautiful Play House Evening Shows at 7 and 9 Matinees-- On Wednesdays. Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays, 3 p. m. IDAY SATURDAY Ronald •4m BOma Bamka Also News and Cornedj SUNDAY--MONDAY Reginald Deipy PLUCKY A Talking an$ Sound i»ietuj|>^ also Sound News ^nd Talking Comedy TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY AL JOLSON rt,\ # ^ '-P na THE. SINGING FOOL" A Vitaphoae Talki^ picture m$M Also Comedy and Newi As Seen By Plaindealer Reporters and Handed In - By Our Friends Mrs. James Beavis was a Waukegan visitor Tuesday. Mrs. Henry Kennebeck was a Chicago visitor Thursday. Father Hackett was a recent guest in the M. A. Conway home. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Herzog were Crystal Lake visitors Thursday. Arnold Blake visited his sister, Mrs. J. A. Reinert, at Elgin last week. Mrs. Albert Vales and daguhter, Marie, were Chicago visitors Friday. Mrs. Frank Rosing vand Mrs. Peter Engeln were Waukegan visitors Monday. F. E. Covalt attended a lumberman's meeting at, Waukegan Tuesday night. Carl Hildebrand of Chicago speat the Fourth in the home of Sirs. Mary' Simon. . Mr. and Mrs. Peter Thorsell and family visited at Mundelein over the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Monear visited at Lake Geneva and Williams Bay Friday. Ray Van Herslee and Henry Lang of Waukegan visited friends here the Fourth. Mis» Gertrude Sattern of Springfield is enjoying her vacation at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. John Bolger and family of Woodstock visited friends here the Fourth. * Mr. and Mrs. William Brennan and family have moved , into the Mat J. Baur house. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Longenbaeh of Waukegan visited friends in this city last week. ^ Mrs. B. Tate and daughter o^Chicago spent a recent day with Mrs. Mary Simons. Mr. and MTS. Schultz of Kenosha, Wis., were recent visitots in the Simon Michels home. Mrs. George Eddy of Elgin spent Friday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman. . Miss Marjory Phalin left Friday for a two weeks' visit with relatives at Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. and * Mrs. Deever and son of Chicago were Fourth of July guests of Mrs. Mary Simon. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox were Crystal Lake visitors July 4. , Miss Florence Manning of Chicago was the guests of Mrs. John McEvoy over the week-end. Mrs. Ford Jackson spent July with her mother, Mrs. Josephine Frett, at Johnsburg. Marcellus Meyers and daughter, Marcella, of Chicago spent Sunday in the George Meyers home,, Mr. and Mrs. William Perkinson of Ghicapo spent July 4 in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Witilcel. Miss Miriam Sayler is visiting this week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. *Ralph Walkup at. Ridgefkld. Mrs. E. Rhode of Sheboygan, Wis., is visiting in the,home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Thorsell. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Herzog, Mr. and Mrs. Glovei* and Mrs. E. ^Dra heim visited at St. Charles Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Harder of Waukegan were callers in the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. E. .Barbian on the Fourth. Mr. and-Mrs. Frank; Neff and i'anr ily of Chicago were Fourth Julj callers jn the N. E. Barbian fyjgne. Mrs. Peterson and Mauchter, Kath rine, of Crystal -Lake were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Wirf . "Mi", ai^d Mrs.; William Karls and laughter, {Catherine* of Chicago ."#«re £ an day guests in the Fred Kar ls home. " w; :>'• ' -- Mr.'and Mrs. Carl VonKomper were week-end gruests'r of Mr. and Mrs K rfoWt -Di-ahfcim-ai their home on Fox Riven, . , .Tufliior Karls . Chicago is spenfl ing the summer'in "thfe home of fiis r vandparerttsr Mr. . Mrsr-Frtri Karls. - Mr. and Mrs. Roy Whitema'n of I^ake Geneva were Friday evening ' alrersi in the home 6f Mr. and Mrs L. F. Newman. ,.W.cek-6nd j?uest,s in tfye horn? bf Mr and Mr?. A. L., Pu.rsejr were and Mis. Plumb and Mr. ahd Mrs. G. L, Jones of Chicago. Mrs. Emil Windmuller 'of Swcrft mento, Calif., is spending a meijJ.h in the home,of her pi^ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karls. Mr. and Mrs. Jerohie Rlliott ' ar.' uaiiphters of Chicago were week-em: visitots in the h6me ojf Mr. atwi Mis. Frank Thurlwell. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. 'Moulton an'l (.autrhter of Chicago spent the Fourth and the last'of the week in the Albert Krause home. Mrs. M. Rilla and grartdchildren, Katherine and Fred, of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday as the guests of Mrs. Mary Simon. Mr. and Mrs. John Blake, daughter. Rosella, and son, Arnold, and Mr. and Mrs. John A. Reinert of Elgin motored to Holy Hill Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Qillahan and daughters, Mildred and Kathleen, of Chicago weje guests of Mr. and Mrs. P* ter Doherty over the Fourth. Visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Purvey Sunday were A. McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. A. Larson and Bob Pryble of DesPlaines. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Zoia and hatiy, Jeanne Ellen, of Woodstock were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Doherty on the evening of July Fourth. • J+ " • 4' FOR SALE FLAT AND GARAGE FOR RENT-- Suitable for office. Phone 162. Bernard FOR SALE OR RENT....Seven room Popp, West McHenry. 3tf house and garage in McHenry;new RFNT--Inmiire of Dr furnace; $36 per mo. rent. Address HOUSE TOR RENT^nquire otDr. owner, N. H. Petesch, 268 Madison N- J- N*e' McHenry. St., Oak Park, IU. 6* WANTED FOR SALE....Victrola and three burner gas stove. Richard C. Mauer, Woodlawn Park. 8 Wanted Girl or boy over 16 yrs. of age to work at stand at Lily Lakei Apply -Wilcox it Longo. 6* FARM FOR SALE OR RENT....72 acres. Good land, located 1 mile , , north of Johnsbijrg. Reasonable price. Inquire of Mrs. Martin F. Schmitt, MicHenry. 6* Girl for housework.* Three in family. Tel. McHenry 846-M-l 6* MISCELLANEOUS • " JJOTICE FOR SALE CHEAP 1 high chair, Qn ^ after June 13 Fred Wein 1 child's bed, 1 cradle all good as new. 8chenker be in McHenry with Henry M. Smith, Ardelou Farms, R-2, from Lake Poygan every McHenry. Phone Wauconda 91-Wl. «rjiursday noon. Anyone wishing to get some call at warehouse or phqne FOR SAL0 CHEAP--1 baby buggy. 36» MicHenry. 3-tf. 1 child's bed, 1 cradle, all good as new. GET PAiD WEEKLY--Liberal terms Henry M. Smith, Ardelou Farms, R--., j-jght man jn choice territory as McHenry. Phone Wauconda 91-W-l. gajes representative for Wisconsin's Greatest Nursery. No delivering or FOR SALE--Gabler upright piano in collecting. Healthy work with good storage; cheap; write Frances A. P«y in business of your own. Gabby, 111. 1116 Logan Ave., Stock Elgin, *n a business of your own. Stock 4 3 Northern grown with liberal guarantee. Company established 30 years FOR SALE--One membership in Mc- Write McKay Nursery Company, Henry Country f^b. Inquire at the Madison, Wisconsin. 4-3 lamuealfe? office. 47-tf TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE--Purebred registered Hoi* Sales and Service. stein bulls, best breediti#, All kg«S. Repaired and Rentals Walter H. Brandenburg, prop., Birch- Prompt attention to phoM calls mont Farm, Ingleside, 111. 48-tf Phone 649. L. KILTZ, Woodstock PESSONALS FOR SALE--Small chicken f&n&> be- <j<uNE--and keep your piano tuned, tween 4 and 5 acres, % mile from Tunin_ m^es your piano a musical McHenry on Lake Geneva cement - road. Mrs. Joe H. Justen, Rte 3. Phone 611-J-l. instrument. Phone 274-J or write J. m .D eihl, Woodstock, 111. 2-71- t••f FOR BENT FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Call 143-M. FOR RENT Four-room flat on Green street and a seven-room house and garage on Elm street. W.M. Heimer. 6-tf. . Dead Animals 1 'Midwest Rendering Co. 1 We Pay For HORSES, CATTLE, HOGS, SHEEP Call 10--Dundee--815-R-4 FOR RENT--Store and flat for rent on Main street. Tel. 147-W. 5tf Prompt Sanitary Service REVERSE CHAJRQIES 31-tf Miss Lily Hall was a Chicago visitor Wednesday. Mesdames Ed Whiting, Ellen Whiting and Clarence Whiting attended a party at Crystal Lake Saturday afternoon. ' Mrs. J. F. Claxton a'hd Mrs. John Dreymilltfr wiere callers in the George Shepard home at Ringwood Tuesday^ afternoon. William Vastine and Estelle Witteman of Chicago spent a recent day at the Vastine cottage at McCollum's lake. - -- Mr. and MTS. Walter Fay and little . on, of Elgin- spent a few days the first of the week,in the John Fay home. Mrs. Evangeline Frisby, Mrs. Edward Frisby and Mrs.-Tom frisby of Chicago visited Mrs. Anna Frisby Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schmitt and children of Chicago visited in the home of Mr. and JJttkFred Kamjiolz, Wednesday. Mrs. Dunharfi, Mrs. Forrest and Mrs. Decant , left Monday for ,a few days' visit W-ith Mrs. -Ptoi : Dubuque, Iowa. •• Mrs. Ai'thdr Hall and sons, Harrv and Ralph,'and a friend of Oak Park f.pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hall. G. A. Sattern Paul, Minn., called on friends arid visited the home of his parents, Mr. an^'Mrs. (J; A. Satterrt, at4d his sister, Mrs." Raymond Coiby, Tuesday,' Mr. and Sirs. Cooley ard* spend in ij the sum'mdr in the home of their daughter at Spring Grove. They have Mrs. E. F. Kelter is spending the Week "in Chicago,, where she was called because of the serious injury of Walter Brooks. ' Miss Rita Bacon is spending a few days as the guest of Miss Adaline Vogt at Geneva, 111. Mrs. Vogt, daughter, Elizabeth, and son, Walter, are enjoying a motor trip through the • Mr. and MTS. F. M. Ensign and family were Sunday guests of Tela-1 j tives at* Plaitifield. Miss ' Florence! Trent, who "has--been- spendingpast week there, returned home Vith them. Mr. and Mrs. Jnhn Adams and son, Mrs. Eva Bakner and daughters sad Miss Elizabeth Adams of r'.ncagi were Sundfty afternoon visitons in the "home of Mr. iand Mra. Frank Thuriwell. . ! * Mr. and Mrs. John Reihansperger and daughter, Mary, of West Chicago arid Mrs. Mary Graham of Owatanna, Mirin., were Sunday guests. in the home of Mr. «nd Mrs.C. J. Reihai^- perger. ^ Mrs. M-argiiret Murphy and.daugli ters, Rose an<J Marguerite; May Fisher, John Phalin,\John Heinz, and Sam Merman of Milwaukee';* Wis., vert Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hughes"* arid family. . ' ' - Mr. and Mrs. William A, Faughner of Chicago Were week-end guests in the home ofMr. and' JMrs. A. H. Mosher, Mr. Faugliner is connected with The Tribune organization in th: publishing of The Liberty magazijip. Senator' and Mrs. Jalhes Leonardi> rnd Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Leonardo of Miss Laura Michels of Waukegan spent the Fourth at her home here. G. A. Sattern.and Raymond Colby motored to Waukegan Tuesday evening. Mr. and MVs. J.^Chester Vastine of Chicago spent Sunday at McCollum's lake. Mrs. Allan Noonan and Mrs. R. G. Ohambe^lin were Elgin visitors Tuesday. Ralph Hall of Oak Park visited with his cousins, Walter and Chester Colby, Sunday. Charles Newman of Chicago visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman, Wednesday. Miss Joyce Chestnut of West Chicago is spending a few weeks in the George Meyers home. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Nick Heinz and family of Aurora enjoyed a picnic at Johnsburg on the Fourth. Mr, and MTS. William Kline of Ingleside were Sunday guest* of Mr. and Mrs. George Wirfs. Mr. and Mrs. Harry -Morris visited Eugene Sayler at the Z&ce Sanatorium at Winfield, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Foss and son, Charles, of Barrington spent Sunday in the J. F. Claxton home. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Knox and Mrs. Simms of Chicago were guests in the E. Knox home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Egan of Chicago were Sunday visitors in the home of her father, George Meyers. Myrtle and Marian Dahlstrom of Chicago are spending the summer at their cottage at McCollum's lake. Mrs. Frank Ward and granddaughter, Jean, of Chicago are spending a few weeks with friends in this city. Mrs. John F. Claxton visited in the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Shepard, at Ringwood Saturday. Misses Mary Brefeld and Helen Keefer of Crystal Lake spent Sunday evening at the former's home in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rcfcing of Libertyville visited in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jds. May, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Reinert of Elgin spent the week-end in the homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jofch Blake. Bobby and Marjory Shales of DesPlaines are visiting in the home of their grandparents,. Mr. and MTS. N E. Barbian. Mrs. Murphy and daughter, Frances, of Chicago were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs George Wirfs. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Geer and Ben Johnson of Crystal Lake jrere guests •of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George. H. Johnson and family are enjoying several days this week at the A. K. Bugns cottage at Hickory Grange. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis^ Westfall and daughter, Doris, of Chicago are spend ing a week's vacation in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.Simon Stof fel. Mrs. A. M. Schreiber and family of Chicago spent a few days this week as guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Vastine at their cottage at McCollum's lake. Mr. and Mrs. jJ. C. Peterson of .Chicago spejat the Fourth in tTie home of Mr. ahdv Mrs. Theo Winkel. Mrs; Peterson remained for a visit oyer the week-end. ' I Edmund Knox spent a few days the last of the week in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. George Chamberlin and son and daughter of Milwaukee, Wis., are spending two weeks with relatives here. John Mjller has just returned from a visit to Columbus, Nebr., where he was called by the sudden death of his brother, Louis Miller. Mrs. Kate Althoff and daughters, Mlartha and Evelyn, and Mrs. Eva Steinbach of Kenosha, Wis., were guests in the home of Mrs. J. H. Miller the last of the week.' Mr. and Mrs. Al Monroe and daugh* ter of Elgin spent the holidays the last of the week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krause. My. and Mrs. George A. Htmly and daughter, Grace, and Jeanette Smith of Elgin were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sayler. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dowling of Chicago spent the Fourth and several days the last of the week in the home of her mother, Mrs. F. O. Trans. fir. and Mrs. Ed, Brefeld and daughters of Chicago spent Sunday in the home: of Mr. and Mrs. 3. J. Brefeld. Mrs. Brefeld and daughters remained to spend the week here. t Sunday visitors %in the hpme of Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Barbian were Mr. and * Mrs. Paul McNett of Woodstock and Dr. and Mrs. Schneider, Mr. and Mrs. p| Joe Pauly and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pauly of Elgin. ^ ?#• * ^ fir PRESERVING - FRUIT --fray ttbewt from' A4tP Food Stores ami Tfufucc yew prr&rrtnng corf*. Jferv yemru fmd t»»eijrffcnf yam need prrnits. §fe m wMte or red Jar Cap* •xJbf .Cert#9- W Meal Screw Top MASON 1 FRUIT i ! JARS JARS Quart Size AAC per Doc. TfTf V Quart Sice per Doz. /" D • Pint Size per Doz. * ' S*int Size f>er Doz. Pork V 4 17 ©z. cans. F«1s W»|>Wli Soap %Ob™49e Fr*th FRUITS am[ VEQETABLES ...per stalk 10(^ per dozen 39c 3 Lbs. for ORANGES Dozen 29^ NEW COBBLER POTATOES 6 LBS. FOR25C^ BANANAS „ ..... 3 Lbs. for 23^ MICHIGAN CELERY, CALIFORNIA LEMOIIS •NEW CABBAGE V & PACIFIC MIDDLE WESTERN DIVISION i»cyi. at iur uiu*%s* uav\, - * * t rented ~IEeTr Koffle ~ on Wuukwg»B. X.kic'agp spent the week-end with- Mr. --. strret for the summer. • Mr. and- Mrs. Raymond ArvedscMi and. children of Hammond. (lnd., and Mrs. Clara Granger of Chicago are sUfnding several days at the latter':* cottage at Hickony Grange. ^ Fourth of July guests in tHj& Frea Kairls home were. Mr.-and Mrs. Mat Ivarls, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Colmar., Mrs. Otto Spanuko, Misses Laura and Theresa< Kails, alt or Chicago. and Mrs. TKI" Gutnte; They players golf at the McHenry ^Country cluti Sunday *«~tfee guest ol. Bich^d._8. Walsh. . Fourth of July guests in the honv. of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Herzok were- Mr. and Mrs» E. W. Buell, and chil dren, Keith and Jean, and Mr. ami Mrs. Carl Weber and daughter. Phyllis, of Kenosha, Wis., and itr?. Sarah Phillips xand sons of Chicago. W* ':|U" vP-M. On Riverside Drive a complete line of " Barber m' LEONARD !S*BW EMPLOYED bfWr. Parr at his West McHenry Shop, h$s scored an outstanding success with )iis artistic haircutting and brought delight to many people in McHenry and vicinity. We take pleasure in inviting you to visit us and offer you a hearty welcome and the best of service. MAIN STREET WEST M'HENRY JeweL Paint Products Varnishes. . W m Special Offer * This Coupon and 15c entitles bearer to one can Jewel Doublequick Enamel or any 30c purchase. GOOD ONLY TILL AUGUST 5. Ask to see the Color C^rd for Jewel Doublequick Enamel. It dries in 4 hours or less. \ , • -' ^ i I t -r . > r ^ •./"• -*4 * 'r'V .r.iA . - . -* " •

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