Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Jul 1929, p. 7

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n"W wM~<i */*?** 'f*M »%'*"*&> 'i^;'1 **" * v., . • 4f;;%Vs^ t .Lyt U^ g* <*, V y 'v ^ *> s 1 e- * -H i • "'•;X>1';--- '• -"••••';'*• • "" * S-HWTET n^nroe&tlTR TSrTJSSDAT, JOTT 18 19» ,':> •- - '*: - - %•<• ^ .>tvv""i;-v,7v':: ?•,;••: t:.;,' £.-v- .r'4.; "!i - f - $; 1 m, Or/ r Tt,: •'*£, SLOCUM'SLAES "f'lfr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and son, Eugene, were callers at McHenry last Saturday evening. Bay Dowell was a business caller at McHenry last Saturday. Mrs. Leslie Davis and three daughters were callers at McHenry last Wednesday. and Mrs. Schroeder and Mrs. Eaxl Dav if, called at the home of Mr. and •ft*. Ray •Dowell (during the past Mr. and Mrs. Walter Winkler who are now living on thfe Ardelou farms spent Saturday evening at Barrington. Miss Frances Converse spent a few : days last week at the home of her grandparents at Libertyville. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Parks and Mrs. Mrs. Harry Matthews and son, Ella Parks of Park Ridge and Mr. Robert, and Mrs. Willard Darrell were 1"" nia*e *n" "r" callers ' ait Ww aanu kLreogarannn lwast FFrriiddaayv.. and Mrs. Darwin Granger and family Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis and children were business callers at Johnsburg last Saturday. Mrs, Fred Dowell and children of of McHenry were Sunday evening callers at the W. E. Brooks home. Mrs. Henry Winkler, Sr. and Mrs. Walter'winkler visited at the home MfeHenry spent Saturday evening at1 ^T ^r' ,anf S- Pow€r» at thehome of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell., Wauconda last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis and chil- Mrs. Leon Lara bee and Carroll, dren called at the home of Mr. and °* *?***• Wis., are spending the week Mr*. Lou Lqsk near Round Lake Fri- 5.* tlJe home ^ day. Brtwks. Chesney Brooks attended the 101 Ranch Rodeo at Waukegan Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snyder of •on, Ca ng the and Mrs. B. L. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and guests, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Eisile, attended a dance at Diamond Lake Grayslake were Sunday dinner and, Saturday evening. afternoon guests at the home of the Herman Christian of Oak Park is Twice •\|j Told Tales Interesting Bits of News Mm From the Columns «f the Plain dealer Fifty and Twenty-five Team Ago ASSESSMENT OF PERSON AL PROPERTY Fifty Years Ago N, S. Colby, who lives West of this village, is building an addition to his residence. The wool market see»*t» have gone all to pieces the last week and few are selling at the prices now offered. Whether or not it will again fonner's parents on Ardelou farms, j 8Pendinf * few_wef^ at home of | advance in price is a question. Mr. and Mrs, H. L. Brooks attended »'• , M*n!- ^Jf1' „ • , ,1 0ur steamboats are doing a lively the 101 Ranch parade at Wiukegan' Mlfs ,ora,n€ Trtf" aj** friend of 1 business these days, making two trips j Woodstock were Saturday evening almost every day a nd sometimes three callers at the William Foss home. to accomodate the rush of pleasure I Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Thurough seekers to and from the Lakes, and two children of Crystal Lake and j The Post-office Department has in- Monday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Misner and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Eisile and son, Vernon, of Harvey, IU-, were week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell Mr. and Mirs. Earl Converse and daughter, Frances, spent last Monday Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hayford and' evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. so-n , Edwin, and Mrs1. E. F. M>atthews, Mrs. £W?acyonne' B_ acon and. c.h.i.ld.r en at.- 2 comr.anwd Ibt. Willi«n D..U .ml "^".aaught^, Cmmm, to Half D., hurt Mrs. Rlthsrt Do*e" •'"J tyo 'kil-; Flj£! an(1 fa, Foster and two children of Roseville and Mrs. Clint Raven , „ „ T , j j j u nd two children were Sunday guest. Mr' G? j at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Le.lie "'• Margaret, of ChKago and Mr and £.* . , Mrs. Raymond Lusk and daughter, i S" tI 0 , , _ - u^n ' Betty iLou, of near Round Lake were spent last Friday at the home of her dinner and .up"pTer g® u»u attheBlomparents here. Miss Pearl Foss and William Berg of Chicago visited at the home of the letter's relatives at Morrison, 111., Sunday. Mtrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Crystal gren home Sunday. Miss Vinnie Bacon and mother, Mrs. E. Bacon, of Roseville spent Sunday at the home of Mr', and Mrs. Wayne Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. George Lundgren and Lake spent Ust Thursday with homeif^f' Mlf Nelso*' ^ a"d M^' folks at Oak Glen Farm | *xe\ Lundprf and T guest Mrs W. H. H. Haffey and daughter, Hasel,! ^und^ son' J*ck' ***** Mon* of West Chicago spent Monday at the,da^ at the A h°n\ . home of Mr. and Mrs. WillaVd Dar- .»• and »»• Wa^e t Bacon_.and j children attended a show at Fox River Mr. and Mr.. M. MSsner, Mr. and °T.' Mrs. Chester Efeile and son, Vernon, Mr. and Mirs. John Blomgreh and of Harvey and Mr. and Mrs'. LaDoyt |uest' Harold Lagerlund and Mrs. Matthews of Crystal Lake were sup- Raymond Lusk of :n ea;r rRo„und Lake per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry C ^ * McHera* Matthews Saturday evening. Sunday mght. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks and son, Chesney, and Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks and guests, Mrs. Jack Pesheck jind children and Mrs. Lee Larabee, attended a reunion of the Brooks family at the Darwin Brown home at Wauconda Sunday. Miss Lillian Mirecki of Lake Zurich Radiai of Uaivene /Tfce newest measurement of lite universe gives Its radius In miles as 825 followed by 17 naughts, or 350.- 000.000.000 times as great as the distance from the earth to the sun. Renew We Pay AU the Bill*- "-"Pay Us Back In Small Monthly /nfftrffntmyf H«vjov«nkive jomr porch do the work, « reliable augurated an improviement consisting of a seal for letters returned to the office as "opened by mistake." John Hueman, Assessor of this town, has furnished us with the statement of Agricultural Statistics, for the town of McHenry, for the year ending Dec. 31st, 1878, which will appear in our nex tissue. 25 cents will buy 12 cakes fine Toilet Soap at Fitsimmons 4 Evanson's. Koppe, Wm. Twenty-five Years Age Kopke, Edd. Stephen H. Smith will give a dance Kildey, J. W. in his hall at Johnsburg on the even- j Fong, J. H ing of July 26. Mr. Smith guarantees! Freund, Emma H. (Continued from Page 6) Weingart, Frank Wheeler, J. E. .................. Wheeler, Ella %. Whiting, E. E. Whiting, C. D. X.--. Whiting, Ella Whiting, Ella Whiting, A. B. Williams, P. J. Williams, Jos. A. Worts, Geo. H Wormley, Jess .... Wellington Bowling Club Winkel, Theo. W Wilk, F. G. Watson, A. H. ... Weinshenker, Fred Wicke, Wm. Wood, S. A. Wornier, W. B; Welter, Math Li Whiting, M. E. Valvoline Oil Gfc Vasey, Job F. Vanderboom, Wm. Voeit*, F. M. Vogt, Robert Vosberg, Jessie .............. Young, Geo Young, Edd. N. Zohrlaut, Dr. G,,; Zimmerman, W. F, Zohrlaut, Geo. G Anderson, Frit* Bach, H. H. .. Brocker, H. J. w, Standard Oil Co. ..... Adams, Lester V. ... Merchant, Fred ..... Krenz, C. H 1 GfSS William M. Carroll, Solicitor SALE OF REAL BSTAT^ ^20 State Of Illinois, the usual good time Mr. and Mrs. Mike Conway are entertaining a baby girl at their home. The little one arrived Wednesday. In a game of ball at Gage's park Sunday the McHenry Blues defeated the Jofynsburg aggregation, the score being 14 to 6. The severe hail storm struck the vicinity of Waqponda MV>nday and played havoc with the corn, cutting the leaves to shreds in some places. The Young Men's Baraca class of the M. E. church will give a social at Barnichal, Carl Arado, John Walsh, M. J. Vycital, John J Great American Ins. Co. New York Underwriters Eagle Fire Co. of N. Y. .. Royal Ins. Co. of Great Britain 1000 Automobile Ins. Co. of Hartford, Conn Hanover Fire Ins. Co. 100 500 100 100 505 150 100 200 125 1385 700 245 150 200 160 430 250 209 100 100 1180 8020 250 4S0 485 County Of MjcHenry. ss. - In the Circuit Court of McHenry County, to the May term, A. D., 1929. Frieda Roesoh, Complainant, vs. John Jonas, Louisa Jonas, Stephen A. Bohl, Mary E. Bohl, Roy A. Kent, John G. Steinmetz and George Cessor, Defendants. In Chancery--Forclosure, Gen. No. 23340. Public Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a decree made and 120 [ entered by said Court in the above ' 925 j entitled cause on the 8th day of July, 150 j A. D., 1929, I, Floyd E. Eckert, 200 Special Master in Chancery of said 200 Court, will on Friday, the 9th day of t"|125 j August, A. D., 1929, at the hour of 96G j ten o'clock in the forenoon of said 1500 day, at the front door of the Court House, in the City of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest and best 925! bidder for cash the following de- 120 j scribed real estate in said decree de- 9001 scribed, to-wit: t 1351 Lots Number Twelve (12) and Thirteen (18) of the Assessor's Plat of section Number Thirteen (13), in Township Number Forty- Five (45) North, of Range Number Eight (8) East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the plat thereof recorded in the Recorder's Office off McHenry County, Illinois, in Book 43 of Deeds on page 300, said lot Twelve (12) being located in and being a part of the South WeBt quarter of the North East quarter of section Thirteen (13), and said Lot Thirteen (13)being located in and being aj part of the South East quarter of the North East quarter of said Section Thirteen (13), Township Fortyfive (45) North, Range Eight (8) East of the Third Principal Meridian, situated in the Village of Johnsburg, County of McHenry and State of Illinois. ^ferms of Sale--Cash. 125 j Dated this 15th day of July, A. D. 1929 4501 FLOYD E. ECKERT, AUDITOR'S NOTICE ^ ^ STATE OF ILLINOIS •V. OFFICE OF « Auditor of public accOttnts The undersigned Auditor of Public Accounts hereby gives notice that he has appointed TTieodore Hamer of Woodstock. McHenry C-ounty, Illinois, Receiver of the CITIZENS STATE BANK OF M'HENRY, McHenry County, Illinois, and that the said Theodore Hamer has given bond and ie the qualified and acting Receiver of said bank. All persons having claims against said bank are hereby notified and requested to present the same to said Receiver forthwith and to make legal proof thereof. All persons indebted to said bank are requested to make immediate payment to said Receiver. Dated this 17th day of July, A. D. 1989. OSCAR NELSON, Auditor of Public Accounts. : State of Illinois BI*Mtag of Contentment fnrnishes constant Joy; much covetougneS8. constant grid TO the contented even poverty Is Joy; tq the discontented, even wealth It a vacation.--Ming Sum Paou Hawaii Hawaii was organised as s United States territory on June 14, 1900. She became a United States colony when congress, after considerable discussion for and against, passed a bill annexing her on July 7. 1S9S. Aacricai Indians of North ABMltMl •oags for almost every phase of 111* not only for public ceremonies, hat also for Important acts In an !ndlvt#> uat's career, as for setting txsps, hnsfr lag, courting and playing games, has its peculiar rhythm, an that out hearing anj words an InMt Is able to recognize the classification iff a strange song. Some of the song^ la fact, convey their ly without wor^L yo^AD Cill tteur offict or mt us show ifdv iff ttNuCrf JWvrcc r| *^|| ' wii CommerciakjJnion Assurance Co. 120 Liverpool, London & Globe Ins. * Co 150 Ins. Co. of North America 2835 Special Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court of McHenry Co., Ills. 1 7-8 the home of Willie Claxton next Friday evening, to which the young men The American Ins. Co 260 SHERIFF'S SALE and young ladies are cordialy invited. Natl Fire Ins. Co. of Hertford, BY VIRTUE of four (4) Executions * Joseph Cossman, son of Mr. and j Conn 435 j issued out of the clerk's office of the? Mrs. Wm. Cossman of Volo, died Tues-) Phoenix Ins. Co. 645 j Circuit Court of McHenry County and day from the effects of a burst blood Fidelity-Phoenix Fire Ins. Co~... 4795 State of Illinois, and to me directed*.; & clectUc Ventilatio vess& WltlTSTART SOON ON BIG AQUEDUCT Pennsylvania Fire Ins. Co. Fire Ass'n of Philadelphia Franklin Fire Ins. Co. Hanover Fire Ins. Co. Ins. Co. of N. America Northwestern Nat'l Ins. .. Norwich Union Fire Ins. Co. Twin City Fire Ins. Co. ...... Hartford Fire Ins. Co -- Aetna Ins. Co ....... _ Unti, Charlie and Gust New Tork.--Work on boring a gi- ! Unti, Charlie gantic aqueduct 20 miles long and 500 ; Est Chas. feet beneath the surface of New Tork Buss & Page Motor Sf1--y Is to begin In a few months. N«w York Flans to |Vat«r PrMiuri. U-BpnlT 11!MBER AND Service Fisst ^^ Phone 46 Wot McHenry The tube, which Involves one of the major engineering feats of modern times, Is to be Installed for the purpose of Increasing the wster pressure for the residents of Brooklyn and Queans. Sixteen shafts are to be sunk along the route to the 900-foot level, where hundreds of men are expected to spend four years In boring throogh the muck and rock. The shafts themselves will be so deep that the Lefcourt- National building, the city's newest 40-story Fifth avenue skyscraper, would find it* tower well below street Schaefer, Ruby M. Pistakee Golf Club .. Pistakee Yacht Club Klein, John H. ......... Sompel, Henry Schaefer, Mick ..-- Kent, Merlain J. Kent, Laura Worts, Mike L. Heimer, Stephen -- Kramer, Geo. F. ...--............. Dittmer, Wm Donavin Bros Miller, Christine Belle ........ Klapperick, Wm. J. ....--. Freund, Nick F level if It could be dropped Into one ! Schaefer, Henry B, 220 225 105 of them It was announced that It electric mine hoists and <12 mine locomotives have been erdewd for use In creating the buried aqueduct. It Is to begin at the northern end of Van Court 1 and f park In the Bronx, extend south and east under the borough, cross twice under the Bronx river, proceed toward Stony Point, cot under the Bast river to Long Island, cross nnder Queens and Long Island city, proceed almost the whole length of Brooklyn nnd terminate at Hamilton avenue, apposite Governor's Island In Brooklyn. The hole to be bored will be 19 feet ,ln-diameter--size enough for three tors to be driven through abreast. The workers after descending the shafts becoming accustoia«^ te the ale pressure necessary, are to ream oat the tunnei with modern boring machinery and line Its walls with a tsotthlck coating of concrete as they pro^ ceed. American Telephone A Telegraph Co. ^.„.._......„...10620 111 Bell Telephone Co. 44278 Western Union Tele -- 1206 Public Service Co ..............,„..28500 Farmer's New Era T^e. Ca» ...... 1300 Western United Gas .......14757 McHenry Light A Power Co. .... 4526 Ringwood State Bank .20600 W. McHenry State Bank 50000 C. & N. W. R. R. (McHenry corp.) -- ....... 115 C. A N. W. R. R. (Ringwood) .... 25 Boy* Stand on Head ta r Honor Gift to Vilit|c Lelghtor Buazard, Eng.--Thin town has a queer name but even queerer Is Its manner of expressing gratitude. Figuratively speaking the town of Lelghton feuzsard stands on Its head to sny "Thank You." In the days of Charles I, a wealthy London merchant, Edward Wilkes, left several parcels of land to Leighten Buzzard, the income from which was to be devoted to charity. He stipulated in his will that the ceremony of "beating the bounds," in which the parish officials go over the chief boundaries tapping them with a long willow stick on Ascension day, should be concluded with a public entertainment. For years Lelghton observed ibis stipulation and then suddenly decided it would be nice to honor the memory of Sir George by having a boy stand on his bead on each parcel of land during the beating of the bounds. This has gone on for generations, and each year, months before the ceremony, there is a strong couipeti tion among the boys of the village to be elected the official "headstander.'" While the parish official reads the clause of the will dealing with each parcel of land #n which they are standing, the boy remains in a feet-up position on the parcel. This cuftotn has shown no signs of dying Oxen and Stserc The,difference between as ex and a steer Is one of age, both being the eastrated males of tfce bovine Tto dog watch aboard ship la 4%e short watch of two hours. In cfvtltae employments It usnslly means the "late trick" in the wee small boars Te loose the <>r wsr" M * picturesque way of saying that the battle begins, or any other sort «f conflict. It Is an idiomatic expression, coming to ss from soldier speech, sad may refer to the time when certain nations actually aeed dogs with a(Akef eallara In hsttla. lit Iwirtil We read that if the living Is cot op and the parts replanted oo the ocean's hed. esch part will grow a new snonge. And if you give the human sponge the cut direct be will go on sponging Just the same, at the firs, opportunity.--New Orleans Times Picayune. "On the Carpet** That which Is "oo the carpet" Is under consideration or discussion The original phrase for reprimand was "to walk the cantet." As to the origin of the phrase. It is to be traced to the French 'sur le tapis." It was first Introdu<- ed frit<> Knjrlish literature about the year 1700. The phrase "to waHt the carpet* dates from 1823.--Literary Digest. Wfcaia AUigeton Abemd > More alligators are found in the Amazon river. South America, than In any other stream in the world The average age at whirb they jre killed for their fifties Is shout fifty. Kbntisi A negro arrested in Washington tor fumbling with cards denied be was playing poker. 'Tse Just playing rise ahd-fly whist," he declared. "What's tbatr asked the Judge. "Well; yore honor," be explained, "when de cops «msc m yon else so if." whereby I am commanded to make the amount of four certain judgments recently obtained against the McHenry®^- Restorium, a corporation duly or-* ganized and existing under and byvirtue of the laws of the State of Illi-' H nois, in favor of Anton Freund, Fred C. Charles, H. R. Luebbe and Wirt. Bacon, and the Alexander Lumber Company, a corporation, duly organ* ized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Illinois, .... 3901 out of lands, tenements, goods and 1280 chattels of the said McHenry Restorif! 150 um, a corporation duly organized ami 300 existing under and by virtue of the« 260 laws of the State of Illinois, 1 have 5500 levied on the following property to ^ 465 wit: 110 All of that part of the South Eastj, • .... 250 quarter (^4) of Noith East quarter^ 180 (%) of Section Number Thirty- /l60, four (34), Township Forty-five (45; 2901 North, Range Eight (8) East of the .... 210 j Third Principal Meridian, which liesy, 200 Easterly from the South Easterly 1840 line of the C. & N. W. R. R. right 100 of way, containing Five (5) acres of land, more or less. ALSO, all of that part of the North East quarter (%) of thee [ South East quarter (*4) of saidfe Section Number Thirty-four <34)^ which lies Easterly from the South Easterly line of the C. t N. W. R R. Right of way, containing Twenty- seven and twenty-three hundredths (27.23) acres of land, more or less. ALSO, A tract of land lying in. the North East quarter (M) o£ - Section Number thirty-four (34) in Township Forty-five (45) North, of Range Number Eight (8) East ot the Third Principal Meridian, being bounded and described as follows, to-wit: - Starting at a point on the Nortlt line of said Section which is Severt hundred eighty-six and three tenths (780.3). feet West from the Northfe East corner thereof, said point which is in the center of the Crystal' Lake road, thence South Forty-six degrees (46 degrees) and Fiftyeight (58) minutes West along thqi center of said road Four Hundred seventy and five hundredths (470.06) feet to a point which is at place of beginning, thence in a South Easterly direction parallel with the South Westerly line of Logan Street, (as shown by the original plat of J. Hanly's Addition) said plat being recorded in the Recorder's Office of McHenry County, in Book One (1) of Plats on Page 44, One thousand three hundred and twenty feet (1320) to a point; thence South forty-six degrees (46 degrees) and Fifty-eight (58) minutes West parallel with the aforesaid Crystal Lake road a distance of Six hundred sixty (660) feet, thence North Westerly parallel with Logan Street aforesaid, One thousand three hundred twenty (1320) feet to the center of the Crystal Lake aforesaid, thence For-; ty-six degrees (46 degrees) and' Fifty-eight (58) minutes East along the center of said road Six hundred ^ sixty (660) feet to the place of beginning and containing twenty (20) ^ acres of land. Situate, lying and being in the County of McHenry, State of Illinois. THEREFORE, according to said command, I shall expose for sale, at Public Auction, all the right, title and interest of the above named McHenry Restorium in and to the above described property, on Tuesday, the 23rd day of July, 1929 at ten o'clock at: the East door of the Court House in; Woodstock, Illinois. Dated at Woodstock, Ills., this 1st. day of July, 1929. CYRUS 8ANFORD, Sheriff «l McHenry Gpnty, Oa. %/•• Draws Heat Out the Kitchen Window ^Automatically ^ The AIR MASTER electric ventilator dm l«t quickly out the window and fie kitchen a freeh, cool room to work te Airmaster alao draws out all the •f cooking before they spread throogh thi louse--so only your back door caHeQ| jjjnow what you are preparing. . ^ £*ay to install--/ftexpemiva Only $3.JS down and *3*40 « ninth. 1928.75 naiftj ./CV-Ks I f a Fm 7Ym, loo. Order oae todmy. All mi***. SERVICE COMPANY JLJ. LAWN, Mat. Mgr. PUBLIC 8BRVICS CO. at Crystal Lake M Ut Williams 81, Oystal Lake BL 1M. j i- ^ j i*/if j r?'" • ... ^ The Husky New Goodyear Pathfinder qffers you, Outstanding Quality at LOW PRICE 'm .. -•?!'» - "i Ml It belongs to a family of Pioneers, this Pathfinder. A family with the greatest name rubber. Big, handsome, rugged--broad of --you can see it is built for traction, and lo: •conomic&l wear. You can tell that here is Rvalue at surprisingly low cost. Come prepared to see a tire which compare^ with the products of other manufacturers wh# ask far higher prices. Tou will find this Pathfinder a true Goodyear through and through. Squally big values offered in Pathfinder Tube* Walter J. Fremiti West McHenry, IH. PHONE 120-S 1HLE AHD TUBE VUL BATTERY CHARGING AMD UP ALL WOKE GUARANTEED ' ' ' * • *

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