Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Aug 1929, p. 4

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H . ' .;,' • • " * r : • -w '* • ;;;• O. -"*" \!.", "";-#*<H B M'HKTET THTTEBIXAt, AfttUr/itGroUw ST f«t, '•lli£Lk$tl "t 1 A r ~ I ' ' - .. * , . .... ... THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER ^Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by Charles F, Renich. * I-Entered as second-class matter at the postofflee at McHenry, i j i i r t h e a c t o f May 8 , 1 8 7 9 . . . J < > 111., nn- One Year *. Six Months Subscription fcaUft t ' ~.$2.00 J1.00 1 -- A. H. MOSHER, Editor aand Manacsr HI MRS. A. J. PONSOLD Mrs. A. J. Ponsold of 5434 North Kenmpre avenue, Chicago, passed away at the St. Bernard hospital, in that city, on July 30, following an operation for tumor on July 27. Mrs. pons old. who was only 36 years oKb .'was the sister of Mrs. Peter J. Schaefer of this city, who has the sympathy of her many friends in her bereavement. -The deceased is survived by her Iwtsband, parents and five brothers and two sisters. Funeral services were beld at St. Bernard's church in Chi- <Bfe£o on Friday, Aug. 1, with burial «! Mt. Olivet. ;Mt. and Mrs. Peter J. Schaefer and family «£. city j&aadad the foneral. •. 't-'S-./V ^'.3& CARD OF TttANKS . tjhi this way I desire to express my ilftcere appreciation and thanks to the Catholic Daughters of America, Fox ° River Valley Camp, Royal Neighbors of America, and neighbors and friends for the cards and expressions of symjjathy received and the kind attention «Bd care given to my family during i*r absence at the ieath of my sister. MRS. PETER J.T3S< CHAEFER. f : ; METHODIST CHURCH / ^You are invited to attend the seifVt s of the M. E. church every Sunday. Horning worship, 11 o'clock. .Sunday school, 10 o'clock. Ji^Many visitors were present last Hhnday and were very welcome to fjke services. " Choir practice will be held at the drarch at 7:30 o'clock Friday evening and will be followed by a meeting of the official board at 8 o'clock. Rev. JW. Bonham, pastor. |/'f« Can Save You Money vt . on Paint • • Because we Specialize in Grinding Thousands of Gallon® Every Day. FREE FREE T Paintttt and Paint Users jjfa Give a Good Paint Brush FREE with I Gallon Drum at $9*90 WEEKLY PERSONALS COMERS AND GOERS QF A WEEK IN OUR CITY*\ As Seen By Plaindealer Reporters and Handed In. By. Our Friends •t *\+ * •; * -y • ;-.V. 1.1 i , CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Mrs. Ben J. Diets, was *'Chicago visitor Tuesday. .C j , 1 Mrs. F. E. Covalt was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. M. A. Conway spent the week-end with friends in Elgin. Mrs. George Miller and Elgin visitors Tuesday. "L Mrs. George Kuhn is visiting friends in Michigan this week. Harold Rogan of Oak Park was a McHenry visitor Tuesday. Henry D. Riesa of Chicago was a McHenry visitor Tuesday. Miss Anna Stock and brother, John, were Chicago visitors Sunday. Miss Irene Conway of Elgin spent the week-en4 with home folks. Miss Olga Brefeld is spending two weeks with relatives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. William Pries of Waukegan visited friends here Sunday. Florian Nye of Milwaukee, Wis., visited relatives in this city Sunday. Miss Marjorie Phalin of Chicago spe the tveek-end at her home here. Miss Lillian Larsen of Fox Lake was a Sunday guest of Miss Jaunita Keg. Miss Arline Harrison Visited friends at Grayslake and vicinity Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Covalt and children attended the Aurora fair Wednesday. Clarence Greh ef Chicago is spending the w*#k with Ml WIBfy Miss Anna Stock. USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULTS FOR SALE LOST BOAT FOR SALE--Steel boat, Mul- LOST--Tin box containing fishing lapi s Special, two-cylinder Evenrude licence, reels, etc., on Aug. 7, east of inboard motor, reverse. Engine cost old river bridge. Return to Andy's $225 and boat $80. Will self complete place, east of bridge for $100. 11* Inquire of Dr. C. Keller. LOST__PIumbe; s Kit Tool and Repair Between McHenry and East side FOR SALE--Electric washer, good, of Pistakee Lake on Monday morning, as new. Inquire at Plaindealer, or H- Buch. Phone 48. 11 Phone, 166. " FOR SALE--Cooking apples, 633-J-l. John Phannenstill. Phone II MISCEI4f^EOUS Ibargains ilntlsEP cars We have some wo: erfnl bargains FOR SALE--Folding sanitary cot in used cars that fNl hue taken in and pad; 3-burner gasoline vapor trade on the New Buick and stove. Dt. G. W. Hess, West McHen- Marquette cars. Stop and look them ry. Tel. 96-R. 11 dver, the prices are reasonable. 1927 Buick 4-door Sedan. FOR SALE--200 Single Comb White 19^7 Buick 4 g Coupe Leghorn pullets, 14 weeks old, $1.00 1926 Buick 4. c each Robert Kmlans Ridgefield Buick 4_door Sedan Telephone Woodstock 1616-J-l. 10-2* 1926 Hudson Coach_ FOR SALE--Edison phonograph with 1924 Cleveland Sedatt. records, excellent condition. Phone Low down payment# or .trade your 89-J. 11-2 FOR SALE--MHiskrat Call 102-J. coat $25.00. 10-2 present ear at OVERTON & CO WEN Buick Dealers West McHenry, 111. 12 FOR SALE--Purebred registered Hoistein bulls, best breeding> all ages. BUY CHOICE GUERNSEY AND Walter H. Brandenburg, prop., Birch- HOLSTEIN Cows and Heifers, springmont Farm, Ingleside, 111. 48-tf erf and fresh from area tested coun- --r----------- r ty. W. H. Shambeafc, Ogdensburg, FOR SALE--Small chicken farm, be- Wigj Waupaca county. *10-4 tween 4 and 5 acres, % mile from McHenry on Lake Geneva cement road. Mrs. Joe H. Justen, Rte 8. Phone 611-J-l. 6-tf i MAC TROI miim VICTROLA TROUBLE? Also rag and flltfF rug weaving. FOR RENT B. POPP, West nry, Dl. 9tf FOR RENT--Five-room flat, first .floor on Main Street. West MJcHenry. Miss Agnes Sobaske of Coal City,; phone 162. 11 111., is the guest of Miss Rosalind m • , - Nve this weeki T6 RENT--Single Room, Reasonable. tl WHY PAY MORE? ' , White or any color. This paint costs yw $2.49 a single gal. Guaranteed 100% Pure Linseed Oil Heavy Paste Ready Mixed Paint for General Use. JFe pay all freight charges. Mail all •ffcrders to i EDDY'S WHITE LEAD ft PAINT co- V1"* A - ^ 758-760 Sfc Pierce m. Milwaukee, Wis;"'1 * Woodstock's Beautiful Play House Evening Shows at 7 and 9 Matinees-- On Wedaesdays, Tliaradays, Saturdays aad ys, 8 p. m. FRIDAY SATURDAY Sound and Dialogue • THE LONE/WOLF'S DAUGHTER" with Beit Lytell aim 1 Soond Ekreen Act And Pathe News SUNDAY AND MONDAY William W""# 'THE DUKE STEPS OUT" Sound Picture G.i : ' ^ Miss Lenore Cobb of Chicago spent Phone 201-R. Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Cobb. Mrs. J. D. Erickson of Pistakee Bay attended the Central States Fair at Aurora Tuesday. Miss Miriam Sayler spent Wednesday and Thursday in the Ralph Walkup home at Ridgefield. Mrs. Kamschulte of Waukegan, the Royal Neighbor deputy, was a McHenry visitor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward of Elgin spent Wednesday evening of last week with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Newman and ,Miss Clara Smith were Waukegan visitors Wednesday afternoon. Miss Katherine Regner of Chicago is enjoying her vacation at the home; of her parents at Pistakee Bay. Miss Rosalind Nye and her guest, Miss Agnes Sobaske, of Coal City, were Waukegan visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs.. John Brefeld and chil» dren of Waukegan spent Sunday evening in the B. J. Brefeld home. Miss Antonette Huetsch of Chicago was the guest of Miss Marjory Fhalin at her home here oVer the week-end- Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Nye attended the jeweler's convention and gift show at the Palmer Hotise, Chicago, last week. Harold Phalin and sister, Marjory, and Miss Antonette Huetsch of Chicago attended a picnic near Elgin Saturday. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Jerack and family have moved into the C. Unti house Green 8-tf TYPEWRITERS Sales and Service. Repaired and Rentals. Prompt attention to phone calls. Phone 649. L. KILTZ, Woodstock 49-tf fift)USE FOR RENT--Inquire of Dr. TUNE--and keep jqgx piano tuned. N. J. Nye, McHenry. 50tf Tuning makes your piano ft musical -- , . . . instrument. Phone 274-J or write J. FOR RENT--Store and flat for rent H Deihl, Woodstock, HI. 27-tf on Main street. Tel. 147-W. WANTED WANTED--Expert polishers and buffers. Apply at the Alemite Dye Casting & Mfg. Co., Woodstock, 111. Steady Work for those who can qualify. Immediate employment, day or night. 1,1 Dead Animals Midwest Rendering Co. W« Pay For HORSES* CATTLE, HOGS, SHJSE£ Call 1ft---Dundee--815-R-4 - THC -fnprti • McHENRY, ILLINOIS The Coolest Place in Town - • r THWMDA#U.|p3(AT. - T --.. AUG# - • "DESERT NIGHtM with * Mary Nolan and r John Oilbeii; • i". .."x-' A Sound and AcUo^^y v Picture . 8ATUHDAY Where Good Bnnnies Go •Animals," says a natural fat, "don't •mow how lucky they are." Does a family of rabbits, for Instance, realise that they are running about Id a beautiful sealskin coat?--London Opinion. ^nptiwi Metal* Studied Study of metals used by the ancient Egyptians indicate that the "lost art" of hardening copper and bronze to. steel-like strength was not known to; them. JOHNSBURG • VRED J. SMITH, Proprietor Chevrolet Sales. General Automotive Repair jjlfork f V Give us a call when in trouble -<*. EXPERT WELDING AND CYLINDER REBORlN|$7 ^ Phone 200-J Night Phone 640-J-2 m "CALIFORNIA MATfo" Pathe Worlds Latest News An All Star Comedy^.1#; "THE UNKISSED MLAPf:..' 1 And Keltb Time VawtevUle • ititiyntij1 •min'iii.^iliri 3DAYSSTA&T"IN8 SUNDAY, AUG. 18. Bmday Matinee ..2:90 "THE TIME, PLACE AND THE GIRL" The Original Negro Ltd "SUNSHINE SAMMY" And His Brothers^ ' In Music, Singing atl4ir ^Dancing; ; .• ^^ WANTED--GiTl for general houses work. Inquire at Plaindealer offiee. • lOtf Pl-ompt Sanitary Service HEVERSE CHARGES , iiilKxpij'i* i ' Watch for the announcement of the Wm. H. Althoff and N. J. Justen & Sea iT?:Tti"f*"""y sale next week. < W.I.: . Gift of Gab Americans are probably the poorest listeners in the world as any man wbo haf traveled much In other countries will testify.--American Magazine. Talking Comedy and Pathe Sound News TUESDAY the corner of Elm and streets. ; Mrs. ' H. <J. Hughes, Mrs, Alma Thomas, Mrs. Ella Smith and daughter, Clara, were Waukegan visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Paul and sons, Paul and Julius, of Chicago were guests in th^ home of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Weber and family Monday, R. F. Conway and daughter, Betty, are spending much of their time in Elgin, while Mrs. Conway is at St Joseph's hospital in that city. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Dietz and son, Earl, of Glen Ellyn arrived this week to spend the remainder of the summer in the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Dietz. Mrs. Edith Hayes and family are moving this week in the Heimer house on Elm street. They have been making their home with her mother, Mts. D. A. Whiting. Lowell Nye, Gordon Granger, Carl Rietesel, Bruce Granger and Guy Duker visited Eugene Sayler at the Zace Sanatorium, Winfield, Wednesday afternoon Mr. and Mirs. John R. Freund and son, Norman, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hoff and family spent the week-end at Milwaukee. The former visited with Mr. and Mrs. John L. May. Mai* Always Imporftaat in spite of all the modern leal equipment of armies, the mule •till remains indispensable to military efficiency. Centuries before Hannibal and his elephants marched on Rome the mule was a rllltaiv factor of first lmpgpsnce. 81-tf Ancient Scissors Pound Behind.old paneling in the houae known as Queen Elizabeth's lodge, In Bpplng forest, England, a pair of scis- •ors believed to be 250 years old were recently found. They were covered with rust, but when this was removed it was found by the mark stamped on the blade that they had been made In the Seventeenth century. They have been pieced in the Guildb^ j&uggim Id London. / • METRO SPOTLIGHT NEWS WEDNESDAY "THE WHITE FLAME1' THti&DAT- " VOICE OF THE CITY" Sound and Action Picture Cooling Foods lor Aligns# i. si • J* Low Prices Augutt and sluggish appetites ... * time 'when even, tempting diihct fail to tempt .. the mot! trying month of Summer... what to serve. Why not let A i P suggest ... here yon find cooling foods . .. light but sustaining delicacies that add sest to warm-weather meals ... satisfying beverages.. . and always at low price. Edelweiss or Malt Tonic ^ m* * ^ kottlas Toasterefte* and Cape Cod Cookies • • Full Cream Cheese Bf^pr* aad aee the A A P Booth at the Illinois State Fair,Ai|ut 17 to 24t at Spria£field. Sunnyfield Flonl • MW ik W 85* Tobacco 3 35° Feb Naptha Soap • . 10 49° Pink Salmon • • 2n#.i cam 33° Iona Corn • • 3 Nas«M 25« • > TRESH FRUITS; VEGETABLES! HOMROROWN CABBAGE, g lbs. for 10^ NEW YKLLOW 0HI0N#, __T2_3 lbs. for 13^ JUMBO CANTALOUPE, Size 36, . v 2 23# SEEDLESS OKAPES, 'M 8 lbs. for 29^ crUAT ATLANTIC fi• PACIFIC Sf MIDDLE WESTERN DIVISION m Ptpalatioe of CsstbiMi Asia leads the fconticent* with an estimated population of 900,000,000; Europe is second witb 480,000,000; then comes Africa with 145,000,000, North America with 188,000,000, South America witb 66.000,000 and Australia with 10,000,000. The polar regions contribute 60,000,000 and 167,000,000 Is added as miscellaneous. Imp Watch op Tmim *lt yon tells every U^Ue thing jm knows," said Uncle "sensible people is liable to see to it dst yea don't know much of Importance,"-- Washington 8tar./ . r i- 4r-;Xr; Iao't It tW trotirr Nothing else so bumanlses a great man as the publication of his golf aeova.---Akron Beacon-Journal. f -- - . Ffewor HeaA|«artevs The Sclliy isles ship 85 ton* of Sowars every day when the la on. ^ *ri vvYvvvvjiAn rinAAria Aiuyuif uififtfiih^viruifuvinn r>r Plaindealers at Boiger s. fc-v h' WEDNESDAY ^HUKSDJX All Talking 'THE TRIAL 07 HART DUGAN" with BAND LEADER TO RETURN Mr. Sears will return to his work next week, after a vacation of several weeks and will be in McHenry on Thursday, Aug. 22. He desires to meet all the members of the beginrs' school band class at 1 o'clock' Thursday afternoon. Those interested are requested to remember this date. H. B. W Watch for the announcement of the Wm. H. Althoff and N. J. Justen A Son anniversary sale next week. ; V I - "Manitoba" , The Canadian province of Manitoba was named after the lake bearing that name, the word being derived from two Indian words meaning together "the straits or narrows of the Great Spirit." Pacific Dwarfs Atlantic T^e Atlantic ocean covers 41,821,• 000 square miles; the Pacific ocean, 68,634.000 square miles. New-Found Convenience .> f No need to go frexm one end of an apartment to jthe other or, if you live in a house, climfc up or down stairs to use or answer your telephone. j Extension telephones in the living room, bedroom, kitchen--wherever you need thc&i--will bring the service tp you wherever you are. Tirr.s and steps are saved and the convenience of any home is enhanced by telephone $xU»si The "v,,: r-; ons. cost is small. Call Our Business Office ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE C^MPAHV . - - i BELL. SYSTEM . % One System . POWER with the New-45 Tube$ The most borterful and J Selective ever built Model 92 *16752 T/ess tube$T ^ower 45 fcur timed stages of radio frequency enable JAajestic to produce the most powerful and •elective radio set ever built. Absolutely no «nd no oscillation at any wave length. I Automatic sensitivity control gives uniform / sensitivity and amplification in both high and low wave lengths Improved Majestic Super- Power-Pack, with positive voltage-ballast, insures long life and safety. Jacobean period cabinet of American Walnut. Doors of matched butt walnut with overlays on doors and interior panel of genuine imported Australian Lace wood. Escutcheon plate, knobs and door pulls finished in genuine silver. Get a FREE Home Demonstration Carey Electric "Shop as* Ik

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