THC s"., - 6MP15B McHENRY, ILLINOIS The Coolest Place in Town THURSDAY -- FRIDAY AUG. 22-23 "VOICE OF THE CITY" Talking & Action Picture SATURDAY I AUG. 24 TOM MX in "*HE BIG DIAMOND ROBBERY" Pathe Worlds Latest News KEITH TIME Vaudeville '*/; An All Star Comedy 'THUNDERING TOUPEE" SUNDAY--MONDAY AUG. 25-26 Sonday JUtlnee ..2:30 ^ ..Bichard Barthelmess >'i-:• in "WEARY RIVER" A Barnardo Musical fer± < Aesop's Fables "i' : Ti", $ TUESDAY WEDNESDAY «' AUG. 27-28 * WILLIAM HAINES with Joan Crawford ^flUDUKE STEPS OUT" Talking & Action Picture THURSDAY -- FRIDAY "THE BLOCKADE ' "3 DAYS STARTING SUNDAY "THE TRIAL OF MARY DUGAN" Bunions or Beauty Bunions ruin the appearance of a dainty foot. Great disfiguring swellings make pretty slippers impossible. Pain and suffering age thej face. But Bunions are nowj needless. Pains go quickly | and swellings are reduced in a jiffy with Jiffy Bunion Plasters Wafer-thin plasters that cling closely to the skin, keep the medication in constant application. Proven successful in thousands of cases for over 20 years. Get a package today and be free from pain in a jiffy with JIFFY. Absolutely guaranteed to help yMr, «r your money back cheerfully-- •Without any red tape For Bunions EACH 25c iplMpiiMM COMERS AND GOSRS OF A WEEK IN OUR CITY As Seen By Plaindealer Re- .porters and Handed Jj|b *rr. By Our Friends JIFFY fHl Thomas P. Bolger "The McHenry Druggim 4® Mclleui*y, I1L ChichkterTpilis THE DIAMOND BRAND. A Wlta In Ked *ad ilvld netallic\\W "===. Biuo Ribbon. V/ J,k« other. Bar af TMr V Ask forOIIL€tfE8>TFb1l DIAMOND ItKARD PILlX f , t" knowo M Alw.,, Reli»bH SMABVBBUaGISISEVEirVWHEfK Mrs. Webster of Chicago is a guest of Mrs. Theo. W!nkel. Mrs. Peter A. Freund was a Chicago visitor Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Watson and son of Chicago were Sunday guests in the home of MTS. B. Frisby. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Weingart Were Chicago visitors Thursday. Frank Hughes was a business visitor at Springfield, Tuesday. Miss Laura Karls of Chicago spent the week-end at her home here. Mi's. Joe Smith and children visited in Chicago a few days last week. Mr. Green of Chicago was a guest in the Fred Karls home Sunday. Miss Marjorie Phalin of Chicago spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. William Karls of Chicago spent the week-end in McHenry. Mrs. Oscar Bell and son of Highland Park were McHenry visitors Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. John Wirfs of Oak Park visited relatives here the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. John Deyer and son of Chicago were guests of Mrs. May Simon, Sunday. Miss Kathrine Bakner of Chicago was a guest in the Frank Thurlwell home last week. Mrs. Mary Hoffmeier of Chicago spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Mary Simon. Mrs. Math Warner and son, Walter, of Elgin attended the card party at the Fox, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brefeld and children of Chicago spent the week-end in the B. J. Brefeld home. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Keg are now occuping their new home on Riverside Drive and Fox River. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Martin of Round Lake, attended the card party at the Fox pavilion Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Berkholder and children of Chicago are guests this week in the C. J. Bender home. Mrs. D. E. Sayler of Elgin spent several days the first of the week in the home of Mrs. AJvina Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. John Weber of Spring Grove were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson last Tuesday. Math Warner and grandson, Clare Leitner, of Elgin, were callers in the home of MrS. B. Ffisby, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dowling of Chicago spent the week-end in the home of her mother, Mrs. F. O. Gans. Mr. and Sirs. John L. May and son of Milwaukee were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer Friday. Mrs. A. D. Foley of Cleveland, Ohio, is visiting in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin, this week. Mrs. George Young and children of Ringwood spent Thyrsday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith. Miss Mary Brefeld of Crystal Lake visited in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Brefeld, a few days last week. Mrs. John Bushaw and children of Rockford visited .in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thurlwell, last week. Mrs. Mollie Givens, son, John, Mrs. Nellie Bacon and Mrs. Walter Warner and children visited relatives at Fox Lake, Thursday. Miss Ruth Phalin has returned to her home here, after spending most of the summer with her sister at Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Klein of Waukegan were supper guestsin the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. 43choewer Wednesday evening. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thurlwell of Rockford are guests in the home of the former's Ijrother, Frank Thurlwell and family, this week. Mr. and Mts. John Brefeld and children of Waukegan visited in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Brefeld, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Brandenberg of Chicago spent several days the last of the week as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Sutton. Mr. and .Mrs. Robert Knox, Miss Lucile Campbell, Mrs. J. M. Phalin and daughter, Ruth, and Mrs. A. D. Foley visited at. Dundee Monday. Missg# Dorothy and Genevieve Knox, in company with the Misses Lillian, Kathrine and Margaret Mc- Cabe, of Waukegan, left Saturday on a two weeks' motor trip to the Black Hills. Leo Smith spent the week-end in Chicago. Mrs. Jack Walsh «M a Waukegan visitor Friday. Mrs. J. F. Claxto* visited friends in Dundee Thursday. . , XrW. fl. Vogt of Geneva was a McHenry visitor Tuesday. : Mrs. Fred Kamhols and ~MH! were Huntley visitors Monday. 0 " . . Miss Kathrine Walsh is spending1, the week at Springfield. Albert Vales spent his vacation at his home here last week. Earl Walsh of Chicago spent the week-end with home folks. Mrs. John P. Deuster of Milwaukee visited friends here Friday. Miss Laura Michels of Waukegan spent Monday at her home here. Miss Theresa Karls of Chicago spent last week at her home here. Miss Adeline Perkins of Waukegan spent the week-end with home folks. Paul Kamholz of Chicago spent the first of the week at his home here. John Stock knd sister, Anna, spent the first of the week at Turtle Lake, Wis. C. S. Qwen and son, C. N. Owen, of Chicago spent the week-end in McHenry. Mrs. Roy Hknkermeyer and son, Marshall, of Waukegan visited here on Thursday. Mrs. Eva Aebeischer of Chicago spent the last of the week with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eppel and family attended a family picnic at Silver Lake Sunday. Mrs. Ella Smith and daughter, Clara, visited relatives in Elgin over the week-end. Miias Clara Thofrsell is spending several weeks in the home of her-41ster at Mundelein. Mrs. M. A. Conway and son, Harry, spent last week as the guests of relatives in Chicago. Frank W. Sayler and daughter, Viola, of Woodstock si)enrt Saturday with^ relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred, Kamholz and son visited in the home of their son in Chicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Holy of Chicago visited the former's mother, Mrs. Nizzie Holly, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson and family are spending two weeks at the Burns cottage at Hickory Grange. Mrs. Albert Vales, Mrs. E. R. Sutton and the Sisters of St. Mary's church visited at Holy Hill Wednesday- Mr. and Mrs* H. C. Sampson returned the first of the week from a two weeks' motor trip through Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. A." J. Butler of Chicago spent the week-end in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heimer. Little Miss Bertha Lou Schmitt of Chicago is spending the week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholz. Mrs. Paul Bonslett and little son of Crystal Lake spent the last qf the week with her parents, Mr. and Mr3. R. I. Overton. Miss Lillian Vales, Dorothy Vrba, Anna Zefman, Leo Peters and Sally Baker of Chicago were Sunday guests in the Albert ValeB home. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Peterson and sons, Earl and Bob, are enjoying a vacation this week in the home of the former's sister at Greenberg, Kansas. Richard B. Walsh of Chicago spent the week-end with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. T. J. Walsh, and attended a directors' meeting of the McHenry Country club Saturday evening. Misses Arline Harrison and Elsie and Frances Vycital left Saturday on a motor trip trough Wisconsin to I Turtle Lake, Wis., where they will be gtiests in the Joe N. Miller hame. They visited Madison and the state capitol on their way and will also visit Minneapolis and other points of interest. Miss Kathrine and Margaret Beatty of New York City and Mrs. Spencer Ward of Hogansburg, N. Y., are making a two weeks' visit in the home of their .brother, J. D. Beatty and1 wife. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hughes and family returned this week from a two weeks' vacation spent with relatives in Kentucky. They visited at Covinsrton and Georgetown, Ky.,: as well as at Zanesville, Ohio. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mat Glosson Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rudolph and family of Spring Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vogt of Round Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hughes and family have moved from their home east of Fox River to the Pit on Route 20. They have sold their home to Mr. and Mrs. Weber, who are now occupying it. Harold Wtjfciir of Chicago eall on friends hm Monday. Mirs. J. E. Wheeler visited fete* tives at Wauconda Thursday. Mrs- Allan Noonan and children are spending two weeks at Pistakee Bay, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Robinson of Woodstock visited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. Edward Malone of Elgin visited relatives here the first of. the week. v Mr. and Mrs. Harley Longenbach of Waukegan visited friends in this city Friday. Mrs. Walter Warner and children of Elgin spent the past week with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Newman and Miss Clara Smith were.Crystal Lake visitors Friday evening. Mrs. Margaret Gilles of Woodstock spent a few days this week with her sister, Mrs. Peter J. Doherty. Mijs. Mike Knox and daughters, Florence and Marie, of Terra Cotta called on friends here Monday. John F. Claxte^i and son, Will, were Aurora visitors Thursday, where they attended the Central States fair. Mrs. Ray Howard and Mrs. William Bacon and daughter visited Miss Fern sogoot oHMotra (Continued OM ^ront demand for the texts and it is thought that the second-hand books will nearly supply the remaining demand. Where there are insufficient text books,! orders will be taken and the books ! soured from Chicago before the opening of school. Students who plan to be out of town on registration days can register early by telephoning the superintendent and making arrangements. Several pupils have already registered and secured their books. Many of the students desire to dispose of their old text books through the school. These books can he brought to the office when the ipupils register or can be brought any time before the registration days. The school enrollment will very likely be the same as last year which was a record-breaker for this city Thirty-one seniors graduated last spring and it is probable that the freshman class this year will number about forty-five, making the school ^ opening enrollment about 165. The Bacon at Waukegan Friday after- ®nrollment of the high school has just noon. Miiss Kathleen Callahan of Chicago was a week-end guest in the home of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Doherty. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heckman and children have returned to their home in Chicago after spending the summer at Lake Defiance. Mr. and Mrs. George Penney, and sons of Winnebago, Minn., visited in the home of Dr. and Mrs., A. I. Froehlieh a few days this week. Miss Nellie Harrington returned to her home in Chicago the last of the week after visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Sutton. , Miss Grace Stenger and brother; Carl, of Waukegan spent several days the last of the week and the first of this week in the Jack Walsh home. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gates, Mrs. Mat Zknmers, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Beauchain, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson of Chicago spent Sunday at Lake Defiance with E. F. Kelter. Mr. and Mrs. John Keg, daughter, Juanita, and niece, Regina Glosson, and friend, Paul Marrie, of Waukegan, were visitors at Moos_eheart, on Sunday afternoon. BRIDGE LUNCHEON Mrs. H. C. Hughes entertained at a bridge luncheon last Thursday afternoon in honor of her cousin, Miss Clara Smith, of Portland, Ore. Miss Smith is a former resident of this vicinity, where she has many friends and relatves and she enjoyed meeting some of them at this time. A delicious three-course luncheon was served at one o'clock, after which bridge w«« played with prizes being won by Mrs. Robert Thompson, Miss Florence Carey and Mrs. A. K. Burns. Miss Smith was presented with a guest prize. Those present were: Mrs. Robert Thompsor# Misses Florence and Evelyn Carey, Mrs. R. V. Powers, Mrs. C. J. Reihansperger, Mrs. James Sayler, Mrs. C. E. Martin, Mrs. A. K. Burns, Mrs John Dreymiller, Mrs. Gerald Newman, Mrs. Gerald Carey; and Miss Clara Smith. doubled since the community high school was organized. It is especially important that the freshmen, report for registration on or before Wednesday of next week. If Any freshman pupil is in doubt as to whether he will attend the high school this year it would be best for him to report for registration anyway and obtain his books. If he should find later that he is unable to attend school it will cause the school very little inconvenience. Supt. C. H. Duker has been unable to write personal letters to each prospective freshman this year as he has done in the past, but the school and the community are both greatly interested in seeing every eighth grade graduate enter high school this fall. Each patron of our high school should make himself or herself a committee of one to see that all students eligible for high school enroll next weel^ A petition was received on Wednesday by Supt. Duker asking that a kindergarten be added to the school this year. This will be presented to the board of education at their next meeting. FIVE HUNDRED CLUB ~ *fir. and Mrs. Ford Jackson entertained the members of their five hundred club at their home Thursday evening. Three tables of cards were in play and the prizes for high honors were won by James Jensen and Mrs. Thomas Kane, while the second prizes were awarded to Mat Blake and Mrs. Peter Weingart and the third prizes went to Mrs. Mat Blake and Peter Weingart. Lunch was served at the close of the games. AMONG THE SICK Mrs .Stanley Warrington is iU at her hoiks on Ktor street. Mrs. Josephine Heimer is recovering nicely from her recent illness and will be glad to see her many friends again. Mrs. Ray Conway, who has been at t St. Joseph's hospital, Elgin, for tho •„ past few weeks, returned to her home on Riverside Drive, Saturday. Auction eevveerryy after npon at 2 o'clock. Ladies M. J. Walsh. invited. CARD OF THANKS I lilrtiW to exjHMM-tny tha&is -and appnwABtten to 4$ for the tMaUtiftil hope efcest which was awarded fco me at the St. Patrick's church party j|» Thursday, Aug. 15. IS t ^,, MRS. BIUffR > ^ f r ' v " y-d ofrffc BOY SAYS THAT ' ^ Sometime soon there will be slew vices at the East epd church and &e west end church with baptism fop the children at both ends. .arfly? •*» •>«». BETTER SERVICE V- * In o_ _r der 4t o botest* • WHSHL" VWN 111L ILT JI»y TtVHi- -WArUfiI iV rFifrL mt nOW* tn* buain*S8' w® have decided to offer a selection of materials from which our prospective customers may choose. We wiii ferent prices, « t tteee qualities and three dif- BIRTHDAY DINNER Mrs. John Schuenamann entertained her family at a birthday dinner Sunday in honor of her birthday anniversary. A delicious dinner was served andean enjoyable day spent with her children and their families. CARD AND BUNCO PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer entertained a party of friends at their home on Waukegan street Sunday evening. The evening was spent in playing bridge, five hundred and bunco, after which refreshments were served. In bridge the prizes were£ • awarded to Mrs. Albert Vales and Thomas Wilson, while the second^ prizes went to Mrs. Edward Buss( and John Stilling, and in five hundred Henry Schaeffer won high honors an(|£ in bunco the prize was won by Mra| Peter J. Schoewer. The guests were*/ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilson and sonj,' Thomas, and niece, MSiss Mary Thies^ Mr. and Mrs. John Stilling, Mr. and: Mrs. Albert Vales, Mr. and Mrs. Petei| J. Schoewer, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Howard and Mrs. Edward Buss. '3 S:- t t s >' $4.00 Clip This Advertisement $4*00 It is worth $4.00 if presented before September 1st V GIFT BOX FREE This advertisement and £1.00 entitles bearer to lone regular $5.00 strand of Indes* tructible lovebird Pearl Necklace, guaranteed. Choice assortment of Flesh, Cream, White, New Sunt ana, also fancy colored chokers to select from. Fitted with Ster- Ung Silver and Filigree Silver Clasps, Add ten cents if ordered by mail. THOMAS P. BOLGER, The McHenry Druggist . i lpARTY AT MARTIN HOME Several friends invaded the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Martin Saturday and spent a pleasant evening with them. Mrs. MArtin and two sons ex-j* pect to leave soon for Belleview, Fla.,t where she will spend the winter witlf her parents. Bridge was played dur ing the evening and prizes were woi| by Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schneider, Mrs| H. M. Stephenson and Robert Thomp« son, after which refreshments werf. served. The guests were Mir. and Mrs. A. J. Schneider, Mr. and Mrs§| Robert Thompson, Mr. and Mrsj* James Sayler, Mr. and Mrs. H, M* Stephenson and Mr. and Mrs. H. v» Hughes. REACHES AGE OF 97 Mrs. Sarah Sherburne, who makeit her home with her daughter, Mrs* Clayton Harrison, at Ringwood, observed her ninety-seventh birthda; anniversary on Saturday, Aug. 17, an was remembered with cards, greetings and messages of good cheer from her many friends. Mrs. Sherburne a former resident of McHenry and heT many friends here will be glad to know that she is in good health and is happy and contented. AUDITORS' MEETING Notice is hereby given that this Board of Auditors of the Town or McHenry, County of MlcHenry, III will meet in the Tpwn Clerk's office L in West McHenry, 111., em we 3rd day of September, 1929, at ,T:30 p m., to audit any and all bills again* the town. Bills may be left wi the suptervisor »r the undersii Dated this 20th day of* A A. DC 1929. . v CHARLES B. HARMSEN, Town Clerk. '1*4 ; Why Not Ask Thnaf v * "Feed a cold and starve a ftevir," say the doctors. What we would like to know is wby every girl we take out has a cold Instead of a fever.--London Opinion. PROGRESS JV; , ^ > this «Siange ift th* belief, to ' S wW ^ ab!ft to "»PPly *11 our neighborhood fnnnds with the quality, price, and workmanship on their shoes that they desire; since every man coming -'ISf into our shop will be his OWQ. judge, and we will be every man s servant. . .-•* i OLD WAT, uV I X,: 3 v 1 Heretofore, we selected the best materials obtainable L? ' , for your shoes, bought that one grade only, and charged *»;.«*i.. you a fair and reasonable price for the finished work. We ,/ thought we were doing the correct thing, but we have , ^ became conscious of a growing desire on the part of the public for a price range that would give them the privilege t , of having work done correctly and the opportunity to ^ avail themselves of a tower quaUty of materials than we v had been furnishing. ' > NEW WAY 2 v;/ 'T^ Ov} 8^v all distinctly marked in their respective classes and carrying a price range from 75c to $1.50. Each grade has its complete story attached. You &te not forced to select Mindly, but you will be able to do so intelligently, since we have throw* our cards all face up on the counter. K a child should bring us is work, without stating the quality wanted, we would honestly use our best judgment in the matter of quality. We assure you that we are in a position to s^ry^ price preference ' ' gf" NO. $ qu»K% half soles r $ Boy's half soles Women's half soles Girl's half soles - Rubber heels, men's ... Rubber heels, women's .30^ fuality $1.25 1.00 of 3/fHtf No. 1 .Quality $1.50 1.25 1.15 ,1.00 >50 jM. This work is .done by a shoemaker, not a oobbleff Bejrohard Popp > : ' ' . V ; : c ' s E x p e r t S h o e m a k e r - ^hone 162 ' - West McHenry, IH. B-'l ISficf.t:-- .'••v * • LINGER LONGER CLUB The members of the Linger Longer dub were entertained at the home of Mrs. Raymond Howard on Wednesday evening of last week. Bunco was played during the evening and the first prize was won by Mrs. Ray Howard, the second was awarded to Mrs. Louis McDonald, while the third prise went to Mrs. John attllipp ^ 'Mc v r ANNOUNCING the OPENING of T5he if jt*-*! if,**# £ STATE " -Of McHenry Green. Stteet,¥ci|eniy, IU. c The Peoples State Bank of McHenry is a new financial institution which opens on the above mentioned date to carry on a general banking business on Gret Street. • The officers and directors extend an invitation to the people of McHenry and snrroundiag {«rri|Ary to visit the bank on ike opening day. "Viz- "directors B. L. WAGNER, Chairman of Board P. a WEBSTER, J^WMtent SiDION OTOFFEL •ke-PreoWent GERALD J. CAR^ftr, X Vke-ltreeident FLOYD M. FOBS, Cashier P. Sw WiEBSTER SIMON STDFnar F. A. BOHLANLriOt E. L. WAGNER WftLUAM SPENCER RICHARD & WALSH F. H. WATTLES S;^ •N.-,