WAUCONDA Mr. and Mrs. John Qossell and daughter, Bernic# spent Sunday with Mrs. C. Berg at BariHngton. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Paddock of Chicago are spending their vaeationwith relatives here. Mrs. George Blackburn returned home Saturday after visiting relatives in Chicago for a few weeks. Miss Ruth Hapke returned to Evanston Sunday after spending her vacation at the George Hapke home. Clayton Steel has returned home from a visit of several days with his parents at Warren, Wis. Mrs. Douglas Wait and grandson, James Neish, of near Round Lake called on relatives here Wednesday. Mrs. C. R. Wells and Mrs. Will Gossell and daugther, Norma, visited relatives in Waukegan Tuesday. Owen Paddock had his tonsils removed at the Elisabeth Condell Memorial Hospital at Libertyville Tuesday. Warren and Hattie Powers and friends of Elmhurst spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Powers. William bamphere of Elgin was • Haller here Tuesday morning. Mr. and MTS. Harry Grantham and 'Children spent Tuesday in Waukegan. Mrs. Emma Kruger of Long Grove $&• Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kruger and ' r family of Half Day and Mr. and Mrs. [•••y William Dillon of Champaign were k - jailer? Sunday at the Henry Kruger skY" • A1 iome. j V . Mrs. A. F. Erickson and daughter ^ a r e enjoying a vacation at the Erick- £"<• 4 / Son home on Maple avenue. : A t , e M r s . V i c t o r C l i n g e e n t e r t a i n e d a #: r#- ^jBumber of friends at her home re- H.'» •" cently in honor of her sister, Miss '3 "J* * Jtuth Gi^nsee's birthday, the evening "* was spent playing games and dancing. At the close of the evening a delicious lunch was served. ? . Mrs. Johanna Grace celebrated her ^ninetieth birthday, Aug. 12, 1929. Mrsf. , -| , r a c e - g t h e 0 u e S t Wa u c o n d a r f c s i - '-.'dent. / Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham and ^ . 'Children spent Wednesday with Mrs. George Stroker was taken to a Chi- ." Wort Ritt and family at Crystal Lake."* - ~ - 1-- -- ~ ? vv. *" Mr. and Mrs. Ray Prior and children Xx ^turned to their home in Loyal, Wis.. •'x' • Sifter spending the week with the E. t Vi*1 • B. Prior family. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham and family spent Thursday at Lake Ceneva and Friday at the home of • ; l$r. and Mrs. Frank Meyer. • ' - - * F. C. Krugge visited with relatives lit Libertyville and Mundelein on Sun- "rw-^^ay. • I V. E. Davlin has -purchased the Mouse on Maple Ave., owned by the ^j^Srte J. B. Tumbull. Mr. and Mrs. George Redgate of ,y ^'"Uorwood Park spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Redgate. Mr. and Mrs. John Gross of Wilanette spent Sunday with Mr. and . Kirs. Charles Thomas. t Mrs. Frank Meyer of McHertry spent Saturday evening with .her mother, Mrs. Alice Geary. cago hospital Friday evening in a serious condition. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Van Natta and children and Raymond Syre and friend of Elgin spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Grantham Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Crabtree and Dick Grantham of Gary spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Cook. Mrs. Florence Riley and son, Harry, of Park Ridge spent the week-end with Mrs. Johanna Grace. Mir. and Mrs. H. B. Schaeffer and children of McHenry spent Saturday evening at the George Broughton home. VfatM Above RkkM That l~ not riches, which may be lost; virtue is our true good and the true reward of Its possessor.--Da Vinci. - >»»•»•! mi ; i: >»•»»»•»•»•«»»»•»•»»•»•»»•! *•!'*•»•»»»»*»• NEW TOYS iUk , • - * • - V,.. •' • hV; CARD PRIZES| Gifts for Baby, Bride or Birthday :: PIECES TO EMBROIDER OR WEAVE DINNER SETS IN CHINA AND LINEN Dresses ancl Hose Greeting Cards Hemstitching J THE AGATHA SHOP 8LOC01ILAXE JOHNSBURG FRED J. SMITH, Praprl.ter Chevrolet Sales. General Automotive Repair Work Give us a call when in trouble EXPERT WELDING AND CYLINDER REBORING % Day Phone 200-J Night Phone 640-J-2 Fall Term •atfi ' Register now for a course in Bookkeeping, Accounting, Typewriting, Shorthand, or any commercial subjects. Our graduates secure positions. r Tuesday, September 3, is opening day. Write for full information. _ y - Ellis Buiiness College Ml", and Mts. John Blomgren were business callers at McHenry last Tuesday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis and children were callers at McHenry last Thursday. Mr. and Mrt. E. Brooks and guests, Mrs. Larabee and grandson, of Chicago were callers at Waukegan last Wednesday. Emmet Geary of Wauconda called at the home of his parents Saturday. Mrs. Clara Smith was a dinner guest at the home of her sister at Wauconda last Wednesday.. Mrs. Henry Winkler and Mrs. Walter Winkler spent last Wednesday at the home of the former's daughter at Grayslake. Mr. and Mrs. Esse Fisher of Volo spent last' Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis. Mrs. Harry Matthews and son spent last Friday with relatives *at Crystal Lake. Miss Frances Converse spent a few days last week lit the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping, Harvey Bailey and William Darrell of Moline spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell. Sister Mary Benarda, a Domincan nun of Sheboygan, Wis., spent lest Tuesday and Wednesday •wtfth her sister, Mrs. Jack Geary. Misses Onissa Brown and Althea Coss and the latter's mother of Wauconda, and Hugh Parks of Park Ridge were Wednesday callers at the W. E. Brooks home. Miss Ada Dowell of Roseyille spent the . wjeek-end at itihe Leslie Davis home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winkler and children of Waukegan and Mr. and Mirs. August Meyer of Barrington were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winkler, Sr. Week-end guests at the home ^ of Mrs. Clara Smith were Miss Lillian Augenstein, of Barrington, Mrs. Duane Smith and daughter, Ruth, of EdisoTi Park and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams and son of Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. George Lundgren and Miss Nelson and guests, Mr. and Mrs. Orbon of Wauconda, Mrs. Raymond, Lusk and daughter, Betty Lou, and guest, Miss Margaret Lagerlund of Round Lake were guests at the home of J. Blomgren on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Davis and children called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis Saturday. Mrs. Willard Darrell and Mrs. Harry Matthews and son, Robert, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews to Clinton, Wis., Monday, where the latter called on friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Huckberger of j Chicago spent last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren. Mrs. Richard Dowell of Roseville visited at the home of Mrs. Leslie Davis Sunday evening. Chesney Brooks accompanied Mrs. Larabee and grandson, Charles, to their home at Bristol, Wis., Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren were business callers at Grayslake Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dowell were business callers at Grayslake Monday. Mrs. Foss and two children and Mrsi Frank Mulholland and children spent last Thursday at Woodstock. Mrs. Mulholland and guest, Mrs. Edwin Berry, of Chicago and Mrs. William Foss and children spent last Wednesday evening at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Extrom and children of Carpentersville and GiU>ert Wallen of. Chicago spent Sunday at (he William Foss borne, SPEED AND JUDGMENT " The vacation season is at its height. The more crowded our highways become the more our people will enjoy our streams and lakes--• if they are clean enough to be enjoyed-- in fishing, boating and bathing; Since the advent of the gasolyi§ motor, motor boats and outboard mentors are becoming mow and more popular. These Rotors present a most delightful mode of- transportation, either to "lazy" along or to go rushing at a speed of" twenty-five or more miles per hour. •The occupants of cottages' and homes along the lake shore and stream bank are not all motor boaS-%; ing enthusiasts. Many of them prefer the solitude of their forest retreat to the purr or the roar of a motor. Others prefer to paddle a canoe and get some real physical exercise. Still others prefer to batho unmolested in the quiet shelter of some pool or' bay. "I like motor boats •hen in their proper peaces and pCoperly used, said Louis P. Lang, a well-known barrister of Syracuse, N. Y., "but I don't like to see speed fiends run down defenseless women and children on our lakes and rivers, any more than I do on our highways and streets." "Do you mean that the average user of motor boats and fast out* board motors doesn't use good judgment?" asked his friend. "No, not quite that," replied Mr. Lang, "but I am the secretary of one of the best chapters of the Izaafc Walton League in the United States* and our chapter and many others are convinced that very few of the user# of these delightful water conveyances cause any trouble or annoyance. Bujt a few seem to have no regard for the rights of others. I firmly believe they should either conduct themselves as good citizens should, or else thej| must be regulated just Hke automo-. biles are controlled." "Well, that sounds good to me,* responded his willing listener, "and I believe that most of these speed fiends are good fellows who will do their speeding only where it is pei> fectly safe to do so, if their attention is merely called to the danger and annoyance. Let's try it!" And that chapter of the Izaak Walton League has since waged an intensive educational campaign which has brought splendid results. The Syracuse Waltonians not only led a campaign against careless use . of speeding boats, but also urged the users to keep away from shallow bass spawning beds and to avoid wasting oil, because the waste oil la very annoying to other users of the waters and if wasted in sufficient quantities it kills minute aquatic lifi upon which the young fish feed. At least eighty-five or ninety per^ cent of the users of motor boats and outboard motors are discreet and respect the rights of other water Vacationists, and the manufacturers are doing what they can to lessen the exhaust noise of the outboard motors. But they must help whip into line the few careless, selfish individuals who now make life unhappy for others. . If. Scieatifie Training I often wonder how doctors ktn the'r bills to reach os jest when we're planning a trip or a new roof or a double garage.--Abe Martin In Farm and Fireside. The Ideal Mate An Ideal married man is MM who can listen to bis wife and the radio at the same time.--Louisville Times. Siwil* Exchanging wives or bttiiMs for new ones is like exchangiflg oM cars for new ones. Before jou make the exchange yon find out wbat you can get on the old one--Kansas City Tiroes. ' , • 1 | g » . . V ' ? First Necessity . • Tfce keystone of the carw'or iBy really important man is soundness, of judgment.--American Magazine. Me Smtlaeat im I "Sorry," said the greeting eartt manufacturer to bis clerk. "Got to let you out Sentiment has no place business, you know."--American I# glon Monthly. ^ , B?and for Safety In taking steps to protect the pedestrian should always them as quickly as possible. take it easy oi* fop ;;;« ^ *•/ SPECIAL TIRE VALUES mi..: and Tube Tire Up" for Your Wit& Requirements Latest Lifetime Quaranteed Qoodyears i > y PATHFINDER TREAD-- SUPERTWIST CARCASS Big, husky, full over-size Goody ears-- first class quality. Superior to many makers' highest priced tires. Valnea possible because Goodyear builds nearly twice as many tires ae any other company. Backed by ear rar 'rMsi after-the-sale service. .. , •The highest grade tire en Qsaifrcar Double Bagl*.. Enjoy your Labor Day trip aad^ "all set" on tires until Spring, by taking advantage of these special prices. Drive in for a free tire inspection, proper inflation, any repairs y<w may need aati tey ypnr^MSl^ -Goodyears at i •* ' " 'ft " ^ History's Lowest Trade your smooth-worn, doubtful tires for a pair or full set of new Goodyear All-Weathers or Double Eagles. Ask for onr S P E C I A L CHANGE - OVER PROPOSITION "J 3 S efrligatisn* •/- v West McHenry, UL PfiONE 120-E TIM AND TUBE VULCANIZING * BATTERY CHARGING AND REPAIRING ALL WORK GUARANTEED ELGIN Established for 29 yean ILLINOIS Eye to BaihtM A. young inotber was Saving difficulty In persuading her four-year-old son to go to sleep, so on this occasion she promised him a handful of raisins, of which he was especially tead«v Hie child smilingly subsided, and after a few minutes the nap appeared to hpve been begun, when be raised his h^d sod asked. "Tour handful or minef.-- ftxebaove. TXRRA OOTTA V1 Victor Designed Console: Complete 10 Tubes Years ahead BARGAINS 5 • Latest model Crosley in beautiful console at / $9^-50 Complete One MoKawk, alfAmepcan, all electric, Complete in console model. EVERYTHING IN MUSIC Nye Music, and Radio Shop Mrs. Roy McMillan had her tonsils removed at a hospital in Elgin Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Malone of Elgin visited at the hom£ of M. Knox from Friday until Tuesday. Miss May Ames spent several days recently with relatives at Indianapolis. Mrs. George Dunkley of Elgin spent last Wednesday with Mrs. Henry Mc Mallan. Mips Florence Knox spent Friday and Saturday with relatives at Wood- Mr. and Mirs- Albert Peter? and sons of Elgin spent Sunday at the home of Earl McMillan. Mrs. Frank Irons and son, Frank, of Palatine spent Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Nels Person and Miss Alicp Leisner. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Laurense, who are spending two weeks at a cottage in Antioch called at the home of the latter's father, Henry McMillan, Monday evening. \ James Green J»as returned to his home in Woodstock after spending two weeks with relatives here. Mark McMillan^ was an Elgin visitor Sunday. >! Mr. and Mrs. Albert Purvey and. son, Jack, of McHenry called at the home of M. Knox Sunday evening. Mrs. Edward Sund and daughter of | Carpentersville visited at the home of Henry McMillan from Wednesdayunj til Friday. j Mrs. John R. Knox of McHenry [called on relatives here Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and daughi ters, Florence and Marie, were Chi- | cago visitors Tuesday.' Mr. and Mrs. M. Johnson of Crys- I tal Lake called on friends here Sun ! day evening. Leo Fettig of Chicago and Edward McCarthy of Indianapolis spent Saturday evening with, Robert V. Knox. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lawrence of Chicago called at the home of Hemry McMillan Monday. , Harold Knox and John Bolger spent several days this week in Milwaukee, where they attended the Knights of Columbus Convention. Misses Mildred Flanders and Martha Woodbury of Crystal Lake and Florence Knox were Elgin visitors last Wednesday. Robert V. Knox, who had been architect superintendent at the El Tovar theatre at Crystal Lake since November, returned to his duties in an architect's office in Chicago Monday. I Latest in Sheet Music and Records - -. wr McHenry A N N O U N C I N OF the (Chevrolet c$tx at no extra of success---the new Chevrolet Six is now made available in a> wide variety of colors at no extra cost.. Still farther efShandfce the, herent beauty of the marvelous bodies by Fisher, these striking new colors give to the Chevrolet Six an order of smartness unap* proached in *ny other priced car in the world* : ^ And when you drive the Che^fr 4" ^ ; - •' •' * - j - The phaeton, $525} The Coach, $595* The tXmpt; $995: tZ£$^b*Sed*n.$67S;The Imperial Sedan, $695,AU price. f.o. b. factory. FlmU.W*. away at the traffic signal. It topa the steepest hills with an abundant reserve of power. The steering wheel responds to your ^lightest touch. And the quiet# non-locking, four-wheel brakes are unusually quick and positive in action* % , Come in today. See this sensational Chevrolet Six which jactually sells in the price range *of the four* , y v', '/-V";• Hi1 • •<: BtauM Burned is Italy BananaS are banned to Italy bocause they do not grow la that cotetry or ia any of its pdlonlm HETTERMANN MOTOR SALES w fA -,81» JN PRICE RANOf OF THE FOUR t». • ••