RINGWOOD Mrs. George Noble and children and Mrs. Winnie Coates were Woodstock visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Viola Low and sons spent a few days this week with her sister, Mjr« Charles Frey at Deerfield. Miss Mary Jencks of Chicago visiting in the home of her grandfather, G. A. Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and family spent Thursday evening in the Frank McAssey home in Richmond. Mrs. George Young and sons spent Thursday with her mother at Mc- Henry. . The Home Circle met at the fioroe of Mrs. Hoover at Greenwood Wednesday afternoon. There were forty-four present. Each member found out who her sister was for the past year and they were each presented with a gift from their sister. New names were drawn for the coming year. At the close of the afternoon pot luck supper was served. . Mrs. Thomas Doherty entertained the Bunco club at her home Thursday afternoon. There were five tables in play. Prizes were won by Mrs. Ray Merchant first, Mrs. Ed Thompson second, Mrs. Fred Krohn third and Mrs. Ed Peet the consolation. Dorothy Peet received the punch prise. Luncheon was served at the close of the games. Mrs. Doherty was presented with a gift as it was her birthday. Donald Adams was pleasantly surprised by a number of his friends Wednesday evening in honor of his thirteenth birthday. Bunco was played and a jolly time was enjoyed by all. A dainty lunch was served by his mother. Donald received many nice gifts from his friends. Mrs. Bruno Butler entertained a few friends at bridge Saturday afternoon. Prizes were won by Mrs. Frank Dunham first and Mrs. Ray Peters. Out of town guests were Miss Nellie Vogal of Richmond, Mrs. Johnson of Greenwood, Mrs. A. J. Butler, Mrs. Frank Dorhatn and sister of Chicago. Mr.and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens are viaiti »g relatives at Bath, 111. Gerald NoBIiTspent a few"3ays~the past week with relatives at Sdlon Mills. /v frs. Viola Low; received the sad of the death of heT mother-in- Mrs. Low, at Hebron Thursday |rning. , ' * - * . Mrs. Ella Smith and daughter, sra, of Portland, Oregon are visit- •; relatives and friends "around -Jigwood. .Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Matsen anQ son of Chicago spent the week-end in the Cms Pearson home. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Anderson and fimily spent Friday evening in McHenry > Mr. and Mrs. Sam Beatty and Mrs. Viola Low and children attended the j£|neral of Mrs. Loyv near Hebron . ^Saturday afternoon./ ; Mr. and Mrs. George Noble enter- 'tiuned relatives from Aurora this ."n?#eek. . i; , Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Butler arid Aughter of Chicago spent Sunday in .vie B. T. Butler home. > j Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Olsea and daughter of McHenry and Mr. anil "Mrs. Elmer Olsen and son spent Sunday with Chicago relatives. , Floyd Foss attended a picnic at •tJUbodstock Sunday. Mrs. Phillips of Dubuque, Iowa, spent last week in the Henry Williams home. Mrs. Charles Carr and Mrs. Nick Freund were Woodstock visitors Friday. Lisle Mae and Ruth Huson of Mundelein spent a few days the past week in the C. J. Jepson Home. Mrs. A. W. Smith spent three days last week at Trout Park at Elgin camping with the Home Bureau ladies. They enjoyed a trip through the watch factory. Roy, Harold and Mae Wiedrich spent Friday evening in the Leslie Olsen home in McHenity. Mrs. Henry Williams and son, Antone, and daughters, Eva and Louise, and Mrs. Phillips of Iowa spent Toesday at Milwaukee. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Walker and family spent Friday with Ringwood relatives. Catherine and Thomas McLaughlin of McHenry spent Sunday in the J. F. McLaughlin home. Mr. and Mrs. McClain of Woodstock spent Sunday with Mrs. Frafckie Stephenson. Frank Hawl#y*of Chicago spent Sunday with his father, E. C. Hawley. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whiting of Chicago spent Sunday and Monday Miss I with Ringwood friends. Mr. Whiting ' will remain for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Neal are entertaining relatives from Springfield, Wis. Mrs. Nellie Evans spent Saturday and Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Merril at Solon MiUs. Clarence Pearson and Leonard Brown attended the Aurora Fair Friday. S. W. Brown and Mrs. Nellie Evans attended the Aun*-a Fair Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ritter and family of Kenosha spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fay. Dr. apd Mjs. Hepburn are entertaining relatives Trofn Ohio. " Mrs. Louis Schroeder and daugh ter, Jessie, and Mrs. Nellie Evans were Woodstock visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James Conway of Libertyville called at the William Kelley home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Keller and daughter, Betty Lou, of Crystal Lake were Ringwood visitors Sunday. Miss Shirley Harwley spent a few days last week with her aunt at Crystal Lake. Kenneth Merchant and Walter Krohn lfeft Friday for a two weeks' visit with relatives in Montana. Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas and family of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. | Will Blake and family of McHenry spent Sunday evening in the Edgar Thomas home. Mrs. A1 Phillips and Wayne Kelley spent Friday evening at Crystal Lake. Frank Walkington and Miss Fern Lester of Libertyville spent Sunday in the Ben Walkington home. Mr. and Mrs. George Young and family spent Saturday evening in the J. K. Jensen home at McHenry. William Kelley spent Sunday morning at, Crystal Lake. "On Route U. S. 12, north of Ring* wood Iq^t Friday evening at 5:30 o'clock Was the scene of a terrible accident. Two cars, one from Rockfora and one from Crystal Lake, wer? demolished. A young man, 13 years old, from Rockford was Killed and the rest of the occupants badley bruised and opt. AUDITOR'S NOTICE STATE OF ILLINOIS OFFICE OF AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS Thp undersigned Auditor of Public Accounts hereby gives notice that he has appointed Theodore Hamer of Woodstock, TVfcHenry County, Illinois, Receiver of the CITIZENS STATE BANK OF M*HENRY, McHenry County, Illinois, and that the said Theodore Hamer has given bond and is the qualified and acting Receiver of said bank. All persons having claims against said bank are hereby notified and re quested to present the same to said Receiver forthwith and to make legal proof thereof. All persons indebted to said bank are requested to make immediate payment to said Receiver. Dated this 17th day of July, A. D. 1929. v OSCAR NELSON, Auditor Public Accounts. ,yr» 'state of IUiMta • • • V ;--!--; Interesting Bits of News IUm From the Columns of the F^indealer Fifty , , Twenty-fir® Team - ^ Age there is no Substitute for WM. M. CARROLL, Solicitor State of Illinois, " ' 5 McHenry County, ss. In the Circdit Court df McHenry County. V Louis Althoff, vs. Matthews\Tonyon Company, •**§' In Chaiicery--Gen. No. 23705. Public Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a decree made and entered by the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, in the above entitled cause on the 29th day of July A. D. 1929, I, Fred B. Bennett, Master in Chancery of said court, will on Saturday, the 7th day of September, A. D. 1929, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the front door of the courthouse in the city of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois, offer for sale and sell at public vendue to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand, the following described real estate, fo-wit: Lot number 9, excepting the East thirty-three (33) feet thereof, in Block Number three (3) of the original plat of the village of West McHenry, said lot being located in and being of the South West quarter of j section 26, in Township 45 North, Range 8, East of the Third Principal meridian, in the city of McHenry, County of McHenry and State of Illinois. . TERMS OF SALE--Cash on day of sale at which time a certificate of purchase will be issued and delivered as provided by said decree. Dated this 8th day of August, A. D. 1929. FRED B. BENNETT, Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court of McHemry County, Illinois. . H-4 FRED B. BENNETT Solicitor SALE OF REAL ESTATE State of Illinois, ' > t > County of McHenry, < ,•». .'..v, •• 1 In the Circuit Court of Mcffenry County, May term, A. D. 1929. Fox River Valley State Bank, Corn- Fifty Years Ago < C. P. Waite, deputy postmaster, Is building a new set of boxes for the pdstoffice, which when completed, will be great improvement both in looks and convenience, and make the office equal to any in the country. Elder Pope, who preached in the !bri|ck jchifcch in th,is village some twenty years ago, has been spending a few days among old acquaintances here, stopping at F. A. Hebards. The steamer, "John S. Field", has been removed from the river back to the mill pond, where she will/lo duty again i ncutting weeds for the ice company, who are her owners. Twenty-five Years Ago There will be no dance at George Nell's pavilion Friday evening of this week, owing to circumstances which prevent. N. H. Petesch rode the Masonic goat Monday evening, taking the third degree. The McHenry lodge is one of the most flourishing in the county, new members being enrolled constantly. The $10.00 Morris chair given away with coffee at Evanson's store was delivered to Mrs. Henry Brefeld, who held the lucky number. Rev. Father Barth of St. Mpflfc church gave his choir an enjoyable outing Tuesday. The party, consisting of someJKwenty-fiv§ young people, under cRrge of Father Barth, left McHenry on the train for Lake Geneva. There they found a steamer awaiting, which made a trip around the beautiful lake. WTnen school opens the school building, inside and out, will look as bright and clean as new. All the walls and ceilings are now tinted, the window frames and sashes painted and the woodwork on the exterior is resplendent in a new coat of maroon paint. John Brents will, give the rooms the finishing touches. ^ ?• m' w WEST SIDE GARAGB Brot.,Propi. General Automobile Repairing TeL 186 Res. Phone, 639-R-2 VOLO S. J. Russell and wife were in Minneapolis on business last week. Mr. Russell bought a carload of feeding cattle. Fred Converse and gratidson, Nelson, are in northern Wisconsin this week buying milch cows. Floy Wait, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Wait, had her tonsils removed at Victory Memorial hospital Monday. Blanche Smith of Libertyville is spending a few weeks at Lusk's while her parents are away on a vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Converse and Mrs. Converse's father, Mr. Ratcliff, drove to Aurora to the fair Friday and brought home some of the 4-H club girls who had been spending the week camping there. The following girls brought home cash premiums from the Aurortt fair: Alice Russell, Blanche Converse, Loretta Blasins, Esther Lusk and Lucille Wagner. They also received honorable mention for having their tent look the neatest of any on the ground 3 1 one day while they were titer* S. H. Freund & Son ^6e neral Building Contractors v - , 127-- Cor. Pearl and Paris: Sis. IScHenry, III East Side Garage V W. B. CURTIS, > & Pr«pt TeL McHenry 266 • We do all kinds of n^echanical and electrical repair work; specializing in generators and starters, and ignition work of all kinds. "X . !as and Oils - Lunchroom in Connection FREEZE WITH HEAT The ELECTROLUX ifirera plainant, Ash ami one of §$00,000owners ^ sjlarry R. Levine, alias H. R. I*nfle, Grace Levine, Fremont Hoy, trustee, Joseph c. Holly, successor in , trust, Acting Recorder of Deeds of McHenry County, Illinois, second successor in trust, Clarence F. Hoy, successor in trust, The Ringwood State Bank, aad Henry Freund, Defendants. In Chancery--Foreclosure Gen. No. 22829. Public notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a decree made and entered by said Court in the above entitled cause on the 16th day of January , A. D., 1928, I, Floyd E. Eckert, having been appointed Special Master in Chancery of said Court in the above entitled cause on the 21st day of June, A. D., 1929, will on Friday, the 13th day of September, A. D., 1929, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the front door of the Court House, in the City of Woodstock, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash the following described real estate in said degree described, to-wit: Lots number three (3) and five (5) in block one (1) of Joseph C. Holly's Edgewater Subdivision, it being a sub-division of all that part _of the North East quarter of the North East quarter of section number thirty-five (36), and the West half of the North West quarter of section number thirty-six (36), lying on the North Easterly side of iFox River, all in township number .forty-five (46) North, range eight (8) East of the "third principal meridian, situated in the County of McHenry in the State of Illinois. > Terms of Sale--Cash on day of sale. ^ Dated this 10th day of August, A. D., 1929. .FLOYD E. ECKERT, Special Master ift Chancery of the Circuit Coutt of McHenry County, Illinois. ' 11-3 iA tiny gas flame takes the place of all machine fjf in the new Electrolux refrigerate^ /. MAYTAG RADIO PROGRAMS -WLooW*u nNutC i-.W C1WM MM" IM. Do. Wo4n<» WHO, 'IB, FTM-WBAT, -,W--Tr.W(- WKw*wAwKC ttyH-KofM>USaC»-. Cnw-WU*. ImA< MX. J4W»CwC>O™. M»WorfYelMk-JW, l,l ^--AKUO. WPlt.M Kbowckfb -1 WHI •P" ^ V» rtr, for «trial Maytag w«h- * IlvJIlC See how remarkably different and better it la. If It doesn't sell itself, don't keep it. payments you'll rwwr wU*s. THS MAYTAG COMPANY J New*on, Iowa Founded ISM X ){luminumcWashegr ' • • ; ) • H. R BMlif Plambliig Lake Dwellers* AfcodUs The name "lake dwellers" Is applied to human habitations built usually (ipou foundations of piles or posts^but^ also constructed of trunks of "fte€sT brush, earth or stone and erected on the shallow borders of lakes, rivers :&nd other Inland waters. These structures abounded in Switzerland and ad- I'Jacent parts of Italy, France and Gerl^ inany In the Stone and Bronze ages, tout are known to have existed in many .parts of the world. t? ' •JM. -H,' , .*# » • :; Riverside Drive McHenry, TBL HARV ARI)--MARSHALL HARDWARE OQ. WOODSTOCK--E. J. FIEED HARDWARE Not Cest«|isu Dl % Dr. Ray IL Balyeat, authority on # the subject, says: •'Emphatically neither hay fever nor asthma is contagious. Unless an Individual has been born with the ability to become sen-N • sltlve, It Is practically impossible for [ that individual to become eensltiVe to any protein." Plenty of ice cubes for refreshing drinks . . . painty frozen desserts and puddings . . . foods kept fresh and wholesome ... all these conveniences are yours with the modern Electrolux <Jas Refrigerator. The Electrolux has no moving ' parts. A tiny gas flame and a mere trickle of water do all the Work of makingj cold. And the % ;! coajt g^eration? is . M a u n . . • , . s ~ . • . ' • a W M l h •••**•• a - . - . . . . . . . . ELECTROLUX THt CAS REFRIGERATOR ' Be doubly assured of satisfaction by buying your Electrons from your gas company -- whose interest extends beyond the purchase price to the continuously satisfactory service of Electrolux in% yiour home. , „-3 Call in and, lei lis show yeu the different models. A small deposit will place one in your home--balance in easy payments with your "ffegular gaa f gli ». .;W 4 • & ,Am abun^dance of Urge tee tqfresbmg drinks. . . this convenience it (MADJE SY GAS ELECTRIC COMPANY. t*7 : - a. y. c--w»y Max / • iBiUli im'i 1 r,.*' 1 . T ~ i > "/I