Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Aug 1929, p. 3

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V-* ' «sfe-. •-> . ;v^«v*» »v •* >&, \* \ > 'v;.^ • .?<-;;. * ;,/~ <**? ..t ~ • • * * >v. ,«. «;-> '- '- v. |% '->&-• ^•\ ^ - j,* ;. , * ••> ^ ,;4* 1 ' • : * * ' . y . ; v ^ %f> *'•** ' v * # 'l* ^ *• . ' . ' - . i ' ' > 't - ^ - ** • ' •,-. ^-V* "T* '" : •.>-'• ***> *g - vvr**v%r*« s^*** $:v;" -" " • .. ' ' » '- r4 • r- * ., * r '„ , ^ v ^ 1-» ' . %* • \Y* >'4; -»-v . .. % ' ' *• * *<t •' , AWSTJST 29, 19» .AjTitF^F tj $f4f Ride the Marigold Coaches through the popular resort centers direct to Chicago or Lake Geneva. Loyr fares, fast, frequent service. Experienced drivers. Finest "Pullmans ot tfce Highways." SOUTUOUN# MeHeaury t* LILY LAKE $.!•*•* mmf, VOLO $.15 one way, WAUCONDA $.25 oneHjMgp LAKE CORKERS (JO one way, kAKE ZURICH $.4# foe way, MT. PROSPECT $.70 «M way, DESPLAINES \ $.80 one way DEMPSTER & MILWAUKEE AVE., $.90 one way, MILES CENTER ~*™..,; $1.00 one way. NORTHBOUND M •Hearjr to GENOA CITY o, $.35 «m way, LAKE GENEVA $.55 one way. Save time by transferring to 'Rapid Transit "L" trains at Niles Center--soaf above the street traffic to the heart cf Chicago. Central Standard Time Save money by using the special Marigold Coupon Book-- $10 worth of fides for $8--a twenty per cent reduction. For all information McHenry Ticket Office, Justen's Hotel, Phone 16. METROPOLITAN MOTOR COACH COMPANY Howard P. Savage, GnmiiI Manager PERSONALS IGOLD coaches lU METROPOLITAN SYSTEM E^watd Larkin of Elgin visited relatives here over the week-end. Miss Audrey McDonald was a Chicago visitor the last of the week. Miss Adeline Perkins of Waukegan spent the week-end at her ^iome here. Miss Louise Chamberlin of Chicago spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson and children motored to Dubuque, Iowa, Saturday. Mrs. Ted Holden and children of Chicago spent a few days last week in the J. J. Doherty home. John Fay left last week for Laramie, Wyo., where he will attend the, state university this year. Mrs. Ralph Walkup and children, Lowell and Ann Ella of Ridgefield visited friends here Friday. Mr. and ' Mr;t Charles Cole and children of Lawler. Iowa, spent a few days last week with relatives here. Miss Helen Welch went to Chicago the first of the week where she commenced work for the telephone company. Mr. 'and Mrs. Charles Cole and daughter, Pauline, of Genoa City Wis., called on friends here Thursday evening. Mr. and M*rs. John Kowert and children of Wauwatosa, Wis., spent a few days last week with friends ifl this city. Mrs. George Stevens of Ringwood and Mrs. Agnes Jenks and daughter, Mary, of Chicago visited friends here Saturday. Miss Nellie Doherty has been spending a few weeks at Detroit, and while there she also enjoyed a trip to Niagara Falls. Mrs. Thomas McCabe and little daughter of Decatur are visiting in the home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Chamberlin. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Peterson and sons returned the last of the week from a motor trip to Kansas, where they visited relatives. Miss Bernice Ferwerda returned home the last of the week from St. Theresa's hospital at Waukegan, where she underwent an operation for appendicitis recently. Mrs. H. C. Hughes accompanied by her aunt, Mrs. Ella Smith, and daughter, Clara, of Portland, Oregan, visited in the Julius Smith home at Urbana over the week-end. Dr. D. G. Wells left on Monday fqr Los Angeles, Calif., where he will attend the marriage of his son, Glenn, to Miaxine Bettner. He will remain in California for about three weeks. Miss Ida Reynolds left Sunday evening for Chicago, where she has entered the employ of the Western Electric Company. Miss Reynolds has' been in the employ of the Simon Stoffel insurance office during the past year and is popular in the younger set of this city as well as an active worker in the Sunday school of the M. E. church, and her many friends will regret to see her leave. ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF THE TOWNSHIP TREASURER FOR PUBLICATION; TOWtNSHIP 45, RANGE 8, IN McHENRY COUNTY. ILLINOIS, FROM JULY i, 1928. TO JUNE 80, 1929. * j ' ' ' Township f£ai \ Receipts Cash on hand, July 1, 1928....$ 18.04 Bonds on hand July 1, 1828.„. 3600.00 Total --.. *...$ 8618.04 Expenditures Cash on hand June 30. 1929..$ 13.04 Bonds on hand June 30, 1929 3600.00 Total $ 3613.04 PiaUfcrtlw Fan* Receipts Income of township fund $ 158.00 From county superintendents 1742.91 Total .U...... .,........t ..$ 1895.91 Expeaditurea Incidental expenses of trustees $ iK.50 For publishing annual statement • 26.00 Compensation of treasurer .. 150.00 Added to principal of township fund 1684.41 Fuel, light, power, water supplies i »*. v 54.18 Repairs, replacements, insurance ... ..I.. 213.34 Balance on hand June 80, 1929 2415.48 Total DISTRICT 40 Receipt* Distribution of Uu«tess ... Total Etprnditores Balance on hand June 80, 1929 Total DISTttlCT 41 8881.31 •~4 149.89 -- 6I.0I 811.60 \ * ' -•I <11.50 .....$ 311.60 | 80.72 111.50 I G Land Auction Sale We will sell to the highest bidder in faction sale in the Royal theatre in Marengo, 111., on Wednesday, Sept. 4th, 1929, at 1:80 p. m., four good well improved dairy farms, ranging in sue from 68 to 136 acres in size, all well improved and all good rich agricultural land. This sale affords an opportunity to buy a good dairy farm near Marengo, 111., at your own price. See large illustrated placards in banks. E. MARION PETERSON, Sale Conductor, Bloomfaigtoa, 111. COL. L. H. RAKER, Auctioneer, Princeton, IU. Local reference: Artell Waljace, 211 S. State St., Mar<*S*» IU LILY LAKE FIRST Annual Homecoming Community (elebrdtion SEPTEMBER 15, 19*9 Athletic Events, Comedy Stunts, Card Championship, Movies, Dancing, Community Singing and Entertainment PRIZES Win B« AwwM Ta Tfc« Wl««in la AO Inatt :r ELIGIBILITY * 'Events and celebration open only to piopetty owners and ' invited guests* ' Address All Communications To I Samson/Sex <S? p v 139 N. Clark St. »$ t »•»»»»»»»»••»•»»»•»»»»»»»•»»»»•»»»»»»»»»••»•»• T«U i v District Faad DISTRICT 18 Receipts _ Balance July 1, 1928 Distribution 'of trusteei From district taxes ..$ 1896.91 J$ 3097.83 ... 151.79 ... 3312.53 Total 1B2.22 Expenditures V School board and business office ^ j 10.00 Teachers' pension fund A 5.00 Textbooks and stationery . 5.41' Salary of janitor 12.00 Fuel, light, power, Water afl|A . supplies „...^ ;;>)84.78 Balance on hand June 30, , 1929 U 4J25.03 T9UI ToUl $ 6562.15 Expenditures School board and business office 67.10 Salary of teachers --.. 1575.00 Textbooks and stationery .... 77.16 Salary of janitor 806.00 Fuel, light, power, water and supplies ....4. 462.38 Repairs, replacements, in^ surance 1984.50 Libraries 10.00 Balance on hand June 30, 192ft .V 2181.01 Total ..... $ 6562.15 DISTRICT 15 Receipts Balance July 1*, 1928 ^.^^^$11181.90 Distribution of trustees ........ 943.33 From district taxes 13804.81 Tuition paid by pupils 168.00 Sale or rent of school property 240.00 Total $26288.04 Expenditures School board and business office 123.89 Compulsory attendance ........ 25.00 Salary of superintendent .... 1289.89 Salary of teachers 8875.95 Teachers' pension fund ........ 65.00 Textbooks and stationery .... 375.81 Salary of janitor 1446.00 Fuel, light, power, water and supplies 918.03 Repairs, replacements, insurance 1878.23 Libraries 1792.65 New equipment 46.26 Balance on hand Ju»e,80#, , 1929 9452.43 «teM>......MMMA.....H...*.( -192.22 DISTRICT 156 Balance July 1, 1928 $ 8145.22 From district taxes - 34026.47 Sale or rent of school prop»^«? ; , erty $21.58 Reimbursements for voca- , tional education ' 536.67 Transfers and non-high school pupils ...» 858.00 Other r,^ 201.67 Total ^.$43989.61 Expenditures :' School board and business office -j.! 184.00 Salary of teachers .J. 10847.31 Teachers' pension fund ... 35.00 Textbooks and stationery, .... 1125.17 Salary of janitor Fuel, light, power, water and supplies -...} Repairs, replacements, insurance Libraries Grounds, buildings and alterations New equipment -- Principal on bonds Balance on hand June 80, 1929 ..... «*...-- 2065.00 ... 2647.96 1197.28 675.00 906.33 .... 1826.33 ... fooo.oo ... 7862.69 •i • - * : y J [l r" \ v ' v . A.. .*1 4 K ' < * - ^ ^ *t * - * ' i i > LIKE. A *' t ^ w - ^ . .. 3 Jww'-S. or same cars is Flay Day for others IF YOUR motor" labors" before it hasreached the limit of its horse power you are not using %ie right gasoline. A fuelwknock**or**ping**indi- * cates a laboring motor and diminishing power. Total $48989.61 W. BROWN, 'V- Treasurer. Subscribed ana sworn to before me this 21st day of August, 1929. L. E. HAW LEY, Notary Public. TMi • -• •W».J$26288k04 • ^ DISTRICT H . ^ Receipts Balance July 1, 1928 J$ 215.12 Total J$ 215.12 Expenditures " Balance on hand June 30, 1929 $ 215.12 T<*a ---$ DISTRICT 84 Receipt* Balance July 1, 1928 Distribution of trusts# From district taxes Other sources 215.12 1678.38 "372.09 4652.06 8.00 Tttal - $ 6710.55 Expeaditans School board and business office \ $ 26.60 Salary of teachers 8010.50 Teachers' pension fund 10.00 Textbooks and stationary -W, 814.81 Salary of janitor Jr 57.50 Fuel, light, power, water aM supplies 527.47 Repairs, replacements, insurance .964*8 Grounds, buildings and alterations -- 8.00 New equipment •••-- 758.00 Balance on hand June 80, 1929 ..-rfr----- 1041.19 Total ^ ----.........$ 6710.55 DISTRICT 86 Receipt# Balance July 1, 1928 827.15 Distribution of trustees -- 316.10 Total S 643.25 Expenditures Other township treasurers ..$ 427.03 Balance on hand June 8^ 1929 - 216.22 Total I 643.25 DISTRICT 86 Balance July 1, 1928 420.88 Distribution of trustees -ts&tttv 108-60 From district taxes 996.88 Total Salary of teachers Teachers' pension fund Textbooks and stationery .... Salary of janitor Fuel, light, power, Wfcter and supplies -- New equipment Balance on hand June 80, 1929 „.$ 1626^6 ...« 810.00 5.00 28.36 85.00 54.88 50.00 548.12 Total DISTRICT 87- M Receipts^ „ Balance July i; 1928 Distribution of trustees From district taxes Other township treasurers l*ai J-- "" Expenditures School board and business $ 1526.36 2627.62 108.60 687.04 408.05 .„.$ 3831J1 Salary of teachers Teachers' pension fund ........ Textbooks and stationery .... Salary M janitor .IJtMJUl 1120.00 6.00 208^1 IWf tli« Sifc-Brttktr A new safe "listens" for burglars and, on hearing the^n, gives an alarm. Any noise made by drilling or by otherwise attempting to open the safe is heard h.v "onrs" in which are set up vibrations which cause tlie ringing of an alarm bell and the switching on of lamps. ETHYL •"SKdHANTINOCK L--t fm th'i »y» tm lb* .rfmfiww • It h ymr mrttyjf * (NOCKLIIt MMr fmH. > GASOLINE ;...stj)ps the knock and extends the range because you can give the motor a throttle charge without retarding the spark* High grade Farco gasoline compounded with! |Ethyl gives you a perfect high-compressioflb* motor fuel oixertifiedanti-knock quality. MakCj m real "play day" out of Labor Day by*bsin^ Paico Ethly in your car; } distributed by i 'vif i rf -k Valvoline Oil Company . * ; , ; j > ;.i .fr- I 'A!;.? ,r -4 M-'* take it easy on A)P« V SPECIAL TIRE VALUES @6«6!ini«s . Tires and Tubes At History's Lowest Prices .. . ^ ^ "Tire npM tor Labor Day and all winter--«ave money and travel free from worry. Goodyear's production, now almost double that of any other '"and our trip was ruined" • We started early .... an hour later the ! front tire blew. Joe put on the spare and ! at the next town they told him the blow- ! > out tire was beyond repair. He paid an 1 awful price for a new tire because they < had us. Then, twenty miles farther on, the ' ?new tire blew!--they had fixed up the old < *tube and put it in the new tire! . .. Never < • again will we start off on a trip nnl^ nil { •the tires are right before we leave." SEE US AND SAVE Time, -Money -Bother pompany, make possible history'a highest tire 3 can allow you liberally for the unused mile^ quality at history's lowest^ price#. These big, * " husky, new Goodyear Pathfinders are an outstanding example--strictly first class quality, lifetime guaranteed. Superior to many makers' highest priced grades. Used Tires *15° In your old tires--and put on new Goodye&rg Which will give you troublefree service--PLU^J SAFETY ON SLIPPERY PAVEMENTS--A* long as you keep your car. Drive in--no obligation -- and get our SPECIAL CHANGE* OVER PROPOSITION on Free Tire Inspection Guarnteed Tire Repairs -moderate Charge* Most Sizes. Exceptional Values Qt Old Tires Taken as Part Payment. Up Goodyear Doable Eaglet Walter J. Freund CRY CHA&GING AND REPAIKpNt ALL WORK GUARANTEED PHONE 120-R AND TUBE VULCANIZING Via--fc • c .Seal. IW

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