Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Sep 1929, p. 7

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• i • -ry - THURSDAY, SEPT. 96,1929. ' 8L0CUM LAKK s^;.,;,Hi -•*• ' «|lr. and Mrs. Leslie Davit and idftpghter were callers at McHenry last Tuesday. y*Mrs. Earl Oonvqrse accompanied Ifr. and Mr?. William Davis and daughter, Frances, to Crystal Lake last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and «&n and Mrs. Willard Darrell were Meiness callers at McHenry Monday- * Miss Pearl Foss was a business caller at Woodstock last Saturday ^-Wayne Bacon waa ill a ftw days feat week. Mr. and Mza. H. L. Brooks called on friends at Libertyville last Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kirk and two * children and Mr. and Mrs. Ora Peck" of Aurora spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Foss of Libertyville and William Berg of Chicago spent Sunday at the William Foss honte. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks and son, Chesney, were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Underwood at Mundelein. Mr. and Mts. Jack Geary and children were callers at McHenry last ffeturday evening. Mrs, Wiliam Foss Mid daughter, Pearl, and son, Junior, spent Friday tit Woodstock. < Mr. and Mrs. Archie Wallace of Jftremont were callers at the W. E, Brooks home last Monday. Mite. Mary Dowell of Wauconda * Is visiting at the home of her son, Bay Dowell. Mrs. Frank Murray and children of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Mai man of Wauconda were Sunday evening guests at the Hsqxjr Oary home. Mrs. Lucille Rohatan of Chicago spent Sunday at the H. L. Brooks home. Misses Orissa Brown and Altha Coss of Wauconda were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H, L. Brooks. Tom, James and Ada Dowell of Roseville were Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Anderson at Algonquin Sunday. Mrs. Harry Matthews accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boehmer of Wauconda to McHenry Monday evening and attended advanced officers night of the O. E. S. Mrs. Boehmer held and office for the evening. BOYS and GIRLS! Would you like to have the most attractive Writing Cabinet in your school without cost to you? Read how you can get one of these wonderful cabinets* w this issue of the Plaindealer. Today ? Ytilcrdaf? Tomorrow* Letter received st the office of the Ballwa; Mall service at Boston: "Dear Sirs: The Evening Bulletin bas not been earning regularly. Today 1 got yesterday's paper and when I get yes* terday's paper today the next day ! get the paper of the day before the day of the paper 1 got the day before. Last year I received the paper of the day before and never once was there Atocne. Please fix lC AUDITOR'S NOTICE , STATE OF ILLINOIS \ ? OFFICE OF ATTDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS The undersigned Auditor of Public Accounts hereby gives notice that he has appointed Theodore Hamer of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois, Receiver of the CITIZENS STATE BANK OF M'HENRY, McHenry County, Illinois, and that the said Theodore Hamer has given bond and is the qualified and acting Receiver of said bank. All persons having claims against said bank are hereby notified and requested to present the same to said Receiver forthwith and to make legal proof thereof. All persons indebted to said bank are requested to make immediate payment to the Receiver. Datigd this 17th day of July, A. D. 1929* f OSCAR NELSON, Attditor of Public Accounts. 7-18 State of Illinois ; Largest OiUmt Asoaa The stadium. Soldier field, at Chicago, is said to be the largest outdoor arena in the world. WEST SIDE GARAGE Maiqi Bros., Props, Tel 185 General Automobile Repairing Phone, 639-11-2 MILK The Food Children Need Pure milk--the kind you get from this dairyis one of the best foods you can give your children. It contains, in easily digested form, the food element^ needed for buildup healthy, strong bodies* ' " 'Community Dairy Phone 660-J-l * Ben J. Smith, Prop. * There are as many different kinds of tires as there are prices •••Jk§ many as $ to 15 different types of tires will fit your rims--you could pay any one of the 6 to 15 different prices asked for them and get tire service. , You, however, may drive your car differently than the next fellow does. Maybe you drive it harder, faster-- or maybe easier, slower. Perhaps you'll drive it thousands of miles farther-r-or thousands of miles less. You travel different roads, with different loads. • There is <gne type and size of tire, therefore, which is the most economical buy for yon.--for your particular needs. That's where our service is different. We help you to pick that tire. Often we save a customer money by pointing out where a low-price tire is all his driving will require. • We carry all types of tires--all Goodyears. By properly tiring your car--at lowest cost to you--we know we'll win your permanent trade. Come in, talk over your needs-- rm negation. 4 Walter J. Freund TIRE AND TUBE VULCANIZING ALL WORE GUARANTEED BATTERY CHARGING AND REPAIRING ' / Jgione 120-R^ West McHenry, HL ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT STATE OF ILLINOIS, ss. McHenry County. Estate of Patrick MicCabe, Deceased To Catherine McCabe, Margaret Mc- Cabe, Henry M. McCabe, Catharine McCabe, Thomas McCabe Mary Ann McCabe, Lillie McCabe, Lucy McCabe, Joseph MicCabe, Agnes McCabe, The Ring-wood State Bank and N. J. J us ten & Sons, Heirs and Distributors and Creditors of said Estate: You are hereby notified that on Monday, the 21st day of October, 1929, the Administrator of said Estate will present to the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, Illinois, his final report of his acts and doings as such Administrator and ask the Court to be discharged from any and all further duties and responsibilities connected with said Estate and his administra tion thereof, at which time and place you may be present and resist such application, if you choose so to do. Dated this 20th day of September, A. D. 1929. HENRY M McCABE, > , Administrator 17-2* Find? Home-Made Fluid for Treating Anemia Boston.--A liver extract that wli; be effective in treating pernicious anemia can be made at home with very little effort. Dr. William B. Cas- Ue and Morris A. Bowie of Harvard University Medical school have reported to the American Medical as soclation. • This will prove a great boon to snf ferers from this disease who are unable to afford the high price of the commercial liver extracts or of the more palatable calves' liver. Eating half a pound of beef liver a day soon becomes a tiresome ordeal, yet this has been the only chance for life and health for many of the poor who suffer from pernicious anemia. The domestic extract is as effective as the commercial ones and may be made In the ordinary kitchen by any reasonably intelligent person, the Harvard scientists declared. Only the usual domestic utensils are needed. The cost of the beef liver Is practically the only cost. The extract is palatable and may be drunk hot or cold, with or without salt It Is said to taste something Hke beef broth. The process of making it consists in general of grinding the liver, soaking it in cold water, straining, heat tag and restraining. The ordinary meat grinder, strainer, enamel pots, glass jars and jelly bags found In most kitchens are the only utensils required. The success of the procedure depends on the care and exactness with which the directions for the various steps in the process are followed. Doctor Castle and Mr. Bowie gave these in detail In their report Darrag Voyag* John Trayoor and Ivan Olsen the first to cross the Atlantic ocean In a rowboat- On July 5, 1881, they left Bath, Maine, in a rowboat named City of Bath and reached Falmouth. England, August 24 of the sa/ne yeeft, r Running Backwards Once a writer wrote "by bounds and leaps," instead of "leaps nnd bounds," and gave several readers palpitation of the heart.--St Louis Globe-Democrat S. H. Freund & Son General Building Contractor! \ ^ Plume 127-R •: Cor. Pearl and Park Sts. '•4% ' McHenry, HL AfUpte Statistics The Baldwin pple was raised near Lowell, Mass., about 1750. The Jonathan and Northern Spy were grown in New York, the Grimes Golden in West Virginia and the Maiden Blush In various places before 1800. Tb< Red Astrachan was imported from Russia in 1S35, the Home Beauty was grown in Ohio by 1848, the Stayman Winesap appeared In Kansas in 1866 and the Delicious In Iowa in IKHjS. Restricted Choic* Host (to friend he has unexpectedly brought home to supper)--Now then. Brown, old man, will vdu have a little of this rabbit pie--ec--or (looking round and discovering fheft t> no other dish)--or not? Saaka-Charwlat u Art The Quihis or snake charmers are among the most interesting people In India. They learn their art from childhood and constitute a caste apart. A Quihi is an Important man around the Indian hotels which want to keep their gardens free of snakea. QkeNew m m -Js 30x8 ft -- 31x4 ... <32x4 29x4.4# 30x4.5# 30x4.75 30x5.0# 31x5.25 30x5.5# 1 28 v«*n of $435 kif expcricace Production efficUacv 2 bnivcrmally fednimri 9.7", 3 Raw materiab (elected •» ilit I he MHirr« i Trtidt«mirbb||int «w»r and traction LatcM fcMwrtt «f Mm 19.95 :'v.. Wouldn't Tkty? If their friends didn't have i Tot of faults a lot of* people would have a heck of a time finding something to talk about.--'<"incinnntl F.nqulrer. Auction! CHAS. LEONARD, Auctioneer Having decided to quit fanning, the undersigned will sell at public auction on the farm located at "Smith's Corners," one mile south of Ringwood, three miles northwest of McHenry, the following described property, on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3 Commencing at 12:30 o'clock sharp 50--HEAD LIVESTOCK--50 23 Holstein Cows, some new milkers and remainder close springers, 7 Yearling Heifers and 2 Heifers six months old, Bull, sixteen months did. This herd is T. B. tested. 6 Head of Horses Bay Horse, eight years old; Black Mare, nine years old, weight about 1650 lbs. each; Black Mare, eleven years old, weight 1300 lbs.; Black Horse nine years old, weight 1160 lbs,; Black Horse sixteen years old, weight 1200 lbs.; Roan Horse sixteen years old, weight 1200 Iba. * 3 White Boars; 6 PiffS weight about 125 lbs. each. 2 Sheep. Hay, Grain oM Machinery 25 acres Com in Shock; 35 tons Clover Hay in barn; 20 tons Timothy Hay in barn; 400 bushels Barley; 250 bu. Oats; 25 bu. Old Seed Oats; 40 bu. Wheat; quantity of Yellow Dent Seed Corn; Deering Grain Binder; McCormick Corn Binder; Deering Mower, 6 ft. cut; Keystone Disc Drill, with grass seed attachment; 12-in. John Deere Gang Plow. 16-in. John Deere Sulky Plow; Walking Plow; John Deere Single- Row Cultivator; Lindsay Single-row Cultivator; Emmerson Single-row Cultivator; John Deere Corn Planter; 14- Disc Pulverizer; 3-section Harrow; Hayloader, "Flying Dutchman;" Hay Rake; Side Delivery Rake. Potato Hiller; Corn King Mandre S p r e a d e r ; I n t e r n a t i o n a l M a n u r e Spreader; 2 Truck Wagons; Hay Rack, Double-box; Bob Sleighs; Ford Roadster with truck box; set heavy Breeching Harness, new; set light Breeching Harness; set Back-pad Harness; jGrind stone. Swill Cart; Feed Cooker; Lawn Mower; 8 good Milk Cans; Pails and Strainers; Log Chains; 3-gal. Compressed Air Sprayer; 60-gal. Gasoline Tank; 30-gal. Gasoline Tank; set Damp Boards; Shoveling Board; 1-4 H. P. Electric Motor; Forks, Shovels and numerous other articles. 100 White Wyandotte Chickens; Couch; Child's Bed; High Chair; Ward Robe; Rockers; Double Tub, Haag Washing Machine; Cook Stove, goodas new; Oil Stove; Congoleum Rug> 9x12; Mantle Lamp and other articles. Terms of Sale L =aji sums of $25.00 and under, cash; en sums over that amount a credit of six months will be given on good bankable notes bearing 7 per cent interest, and acceptable to the clerk. No property to be removed until settled for with clerk. CLARENCE WHITING MRS. ELLEN WHITING ' . $crali J. Carey, Ctork EASY! QUICK! GLYCERIN _ NIX FOR CONSTIPATION i K> Simple glycerin, buckthorn bark, Saline, etc., as mixed in Adlerika, relieves constipation in TWO hour-! Most medicines act on only lower bowel, but Adlerika acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel, removing poisons you never thought were in your system. Just ONE spoonful relieves GAS, sour stomach and sick headache. Let Adlerika give stomach and bowels a REAL cleaning and see how good you feUt Thomas P. Bolger, Druggist. , THE New Firestone Oldfield Tire is one of the many achievements directly traceable to the Firestone Supremacy in the tire field. Consider the many advantages of the New Firestone Oldfield. These tires are not "sec* •fid-line tires." Their high quality is equal to other "first lines" by actual test. Finer cot|^ ^ ton means a stronger and bettef. carcass. More rubber between, th^ plies gives better protection* ^ j to the cords, longer life audi greater flexibility. T Come in today and fcese. •H Buss-Page Motor PHONE so •We Serve After We Sell" MCHENRY, Are you trying tQ keep your housi number W secret? - ; ' v-\ i-y V r-; f J' <*• * * * i' < i ^ i ^ •it- »! lY r'- V: \ 4 A. Ki- ... '.-Aha*- NY people who have no reason for JYt trying to keep "under cover" make it hard to discover where they live. Walk along any residence street at sight and notice how few of the house numbers are lighted up so that they may be seen from the sidewalk. \ How ridiculous it is to have a house number if it can't be seen! A couple of 25-watt lamps would make it easy for Opportunity to find your door after dark. And what would burning such lamps four or five hours every night cost? Kal 60c a month! Light means cheerfulness WTut a difference it maizes to the caller if ha looks into a brilliantly lighted home when ti^ door is opened to him. He feels that be is h*v»~ ing s cheerful recejrtkn, and his genial nnfhes are quickened. Light encourage# die flow of wit snd j*odtea friendliness. And how link it easts to 1#* up fa chrer« ik#' fiJnea*. Lamp* are better, and electricity a lower la price today than ever before. It would cost Conly about half a cent an hour to hare a p horning in that empty aocket. And think of the improvement it would make it the sppesrsnce of things! Every wotman shmld know this . _ Pbor lighting is responsible for squinting, wM^||f ^ - soon causes wrinkles. .. Headaches, nervousness, ilfue, finky 4t>: ? gestion, and sleepiesanest arc often dne to J"* lighting in the home. Women who try to get along with poor Cght expose theniachrea to the nkollDakhit«Uwh«^'|:;> they are still yoong in yean. ~y---r-*- This service is free to ym {fjwa are using lamps that are not of wattage for securing the beat lighting rcsas, or if your fixTmcj are not sakabiy fdaced, our ban* fighting specialist can give you directions for making such changes as may be desirable. This' service will cost you tmthwg. Just phone as when s call will suit yam ik- u Tbit W i n • f s m m t A a r i u t j and to infirm yam him m tHmn Ux bat Ugbtmgsertia fmr tb» atrnmt rmt» amf 'PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILUNOIS E. J. LARK IN, Dist. Mgr. Ill Williams St„ Crystal Lake I1L 1U, Crystal Lake ",ii; \

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