AT, oatbua. s, » V" lippif!! PERSONALS ISLOCUM'S LAKE flftirgmt AND GOERS OF A W WEEK IN OUR CITY At Seen By Pl&indealer Re ^ _ porters and Handed In By Our Friend* Hhrts. 3. M. Phalin spent several days * last week in Chicago. Miss Laura Karls of Chicago «P«nt . Sunday at her home here. Kiss Calla Vasey was a Waukegan tisitor Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. John Fay visited in the home ;, her daughter in Chicago Sunday. ^ . jkrs. Brown of Chicago was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Eddy. Miss Mary Brefeld of Crystal Lake •pent Tuesday at her home in this city. " Mr. and Mrs. J. M.' Phalin and Mrs George Phalin were Harvard visitors Tuesday. JLeo Thurlwell of Memphis, Tenn., v is visiting his mother, MtS. Anna Thurlwell. Linus Newman visited in the home ' «if: his son, Charles, in Chicago over freek-end. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Colman of Chi- , \«feo were Sunday guests in the home ' ••*"$£ Fred Karls. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Karls and son, • Bobby, of Chicago visited relatives in ffcis city Sunday. vMrs. Mary Hoffmeier of Chicago is •fiendinp this week with her mother, Srs. Mary Simon. Mrs. Elizabeth Reynolds of Los Angeles, Calif., spent a recent day in •j. the J. M. Phalin home. l l ' Miss Regina Kattner of Spring Grove visited in the Ford Jackson " Itome a few days last week. i v Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Jones of Chitftgo were Sunday guests in the home ; «f Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Goodell. Mrs. J. M. Phalin and son, Harold, iSid Mrs Robert Knox were visitors ! at Hampshire Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Linus Newman were guests in the home of Mrs. George ~ JSddy at Elgin, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman visited ^ the home of.Mr. and Mrs. W. E * Colby at Waukegan, Thursday. Mrs. F. O. Gans and son, Frank, visited in the home of Mrs. A1 Ring ; Mrg at Baraboo, Wis., last week. " V * Mrs. Rilla Foss and sons, Wayne , f. and Floyd of Ringwood were Sunday callers in the C. W. Goodell home Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Cobb and son of 1r Chicago were Sunday guests in the x > l*ane of Mr. and Mrs. Louis McDonald. V . Mrs. August^ Keyes returned to her ? iiome at Woodstock Friday, after v. spending two weeks as the guest of F MJS. L. F. Newman. - ' • Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Conley and jlttle daughter of Chicago were weekend visitors in the home of her par- * i: lints, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Frett. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thurlwell- in ^%'»,; tompany with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ad- % tms and daughter of Chicago, visited Relatives at Rockford Sunday. ' Zj ' ;•< Harold Freund was taken to St. •- Theresa's hospital at Waukegan last ^ - Tweek, where he underwent an opera- ' ^ tion for ruptured appendix Friday. ' 'o Miss Marjory Phalin and her friend, Bliss Antonette Hitch, of Chicago !*•" *. *-$pent the week-end in the home of the -former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin. •' , § | M r s . F. O. Gans and daughters, ; Jtfildred and, Mrs. Edward Dowling, i*-?- were recent visitors in the home of ; the former's brother, F. A. Cole, at ©rfordville, Wis. . : f V M r . a n d M r s . E a r l G e e r a n d B e n ^ . Johnson of Crystal Lake and Mrs. 1 • Christine Youngwall of Eau Claire, •3, - Wis., were guests in the home of Mr. ; and Mrs. George H. Johnson one day Jjurt week. Mr. and Mta. W. E. Brooks tjsrej business «ll^t )at Waukegan laat Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren were business callers at the Bingham Bros, form at Long Grove Monday. Harry Matthews spent last on business at Grayslake. Mrs. Henry Geary is ill at the present writing. Mrs. H. J. Schaffer of McHenry spent last Monday at the home of her parents here. Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews and Mrs. F. O. Rowley and daughter, Adelle of Crystal Lake spent last Thursday at the home of the former's sister here. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgreft spent Thursday and Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Bagley in Chicago. They also called on friends and attended the Stratford and Lexington theaters. Chesney Brooks accompanied Teddy Sims of' Wauconda to the latter's home at Charleston and spent the week-end there. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geary and son, Norman, of Grayslake and Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Schaffer of McHenry were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary. Mrs. Willard accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Matthews of Crystal Lake to Mpline and Davenport last Friday and spent three days with her daughters there. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Maiman Of Wauconda spent Tuesday evening at the home of the latter's parents here. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk near Round Lake. Mrs. Clara Smith was a caller at McHenry last Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Werden of Hen* nicker, New Hampshire, were Sunday* dinner guests at the home • of Mrs Clara Smith. Mrs. A. W. Foss of LibertyvilW spent Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Foss. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and| son, Robert, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Spafford at Jefferson Park. Miss Pearl Foss spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Foss at Libertyville. BOYS and GIRLS! Would you like to have the most attractive Writing Cabinet in your school without cost to you? Read how you can get one of these wonderful cabinets, In this issue of the Plaindealer. THREE SPOUSES ^ BEAM ON ROMEO IN POLICE COURT Nothing Again* Him, Say All of Them, Except Back Payment*, Chicago. -- "Are these all your wives?" asked Judge Joseph Burke. There was consternation in the Pesplalnes streetjcourt, The mystic name of Angelo Antony Anglospolis, called by the court clerk, had brought plghs from three corners of the room. Three comely women hastened to the Judge's barrier and cast smiles of approval on a little, weary man--Angelo A. Anglospoils. The prisoner stood patiently. A charm radiated from him, enfolding the group In common harmony. Yes, these were--or had been--his wives. One had given him £15,000. He ran away sod^ afterward. Another he owed back payments of $15 a week. TJje other had boarded him ^ree, ^ Yet wfrat peace there was between them! The women smiled cordially at each other--and at Angelo. What was a matter of mixed children, court orders, back payments, divorce? Little Angelo, with sleek black hair and soft smile, seemed to dissipate rancor. Called Male Peggy Joyce. "You are a Romeo, a Peggy Joyce among men," said Judge Burke, "but public opinion and the law seem to disapprove of your ability." Well, there would have to be a lot of Questions. Finally the judge got it straight. Here atood Mrs. Ranghild *. . • v Nation's Export Trade Defiance of Old Saying American producers have exploded one of the best geographic metaphors. They now make millions, annually by "carrying coals to Newcastle." Many "coals," In fact, to many "Newcastles." American merchants are selling all torts of products to countries for which those same products are famous. says the National Geographic society. Apple blossom time in Normandy is no hindrance to the sale of thousands of bexes of American apples in France. The United States also sells perfume and raisins to France, the home of flower farms and vineyards; hops and sausage to Germany, home of beer and frankfurters, and fertiliser to Chile, the world's chief source of natural nitrates. Peru is the original home of quinine. Yet quinine leads the list of American medlclnals worth $400,000 imported into Peru annually from the United States, a country In Which cinchona trees do ,not grow. Raafeg laforaullM ^ Bl-a welght-for-age race a horse Is handicapped according to his *|i B#> gar Wallace, writing on the subject says, "A three-year-old may carry 8 stone 2 pounds, a four or five will carry 9 stone--less the weight of the jockey, of course--but this weighing Is further complicated by the distance over which the race is run and ^jp^onth In which it is run." • % ^ Vint Noa«M«nt!al - Golf' expert says the game should be stripped of all nonessentials. Which first of all would cut out the alibis.-- Arkansas Gazette. ~7s£> 1IW^ . ' ^jjaass--Ws' Eat-- -JS® McHENR; Dra ILLINOIS rniimrn ---i- I'iHl' . Pf,: Mercury Unique "1~ Mercury is an exception among metals, in that it is recovered without smelting, bdng distilled at the mines and shipped as a finished prod- Telephone Ifo, tbfi-tt * Stoffel A Reihazuperger Inaarance agents for all classes wt Property is the best campanics. WEST McHENRY - - ILLINOIS 'Tariff iMf . CARROLL ^ Lawyer, with West McBeary 'State Baafc; Every Weteeaday I : 3*"/^ McHeary, Ml*1*- ' ' Insure-In Swe-Insoraace WITH Wm.G. Schreiner^ Auctioneering OFFICE AT RESIDENCE . * Phdae 93-R McHenry, lillashj uct. v' Hawaiiaa History . Hawaiian Islands formed an ladependent kingdom until 1S93 when the queen was deposed. In 18J>4 a republic was proclaimed. Tha legislature of the islands petitioned for annexation to the United States and by a congressional resolution of July 6, 1898, they were formally annexed on August 12, 1898. On June 14, 1000. they were constituted as LUa territory of Hawaii. • ~\• -- Impossible to Predict Approach of Tornafld Science has devised no way of predicting when or where a tornado will strike or exactly what path it will travel once It starts. Weather bureau officials recognize certain conditions that are- favorable--sultry, "sticky" afternoons following mornings that are oppressive, especially In May and June, with an area of low atmospheric pressure shown on the weather map to the northwest--but the weather bureau makes no prediction of tornadoes. Even when conditions are apparently most favorable tornadoes may not occur at all and when they do appear there Is no certainty in regard to what locality or even what state they will strike. Also, no successful effort has ever been made to warn cities of the approach of a tornado when it is traveling In their general direction. Wire service is always disrupted by such a storm and radio would be worthless on account of disablement of a sending Station in the storm path. Electric Motors Bought, SoM, Repair* ed and Exchanged LUMBIA ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE 693 Columbia Aw, Elgin, 111. C. W, BULL Tel. Elgin 4114-1 " V • -S'i JL.. f" - ' * «>,r t ,V ' * .. .^>1 " ^ ^ Bird*' Keen Sight The power of vision of birds Is on the average. 100 times greater than that of man. Birds have been known to see a worm on freshly plowed ground at a distance of 300 feet HEBMAR J. SOHASraa •ovine aa| Long Distance Hauling . PHONE McHenry, Dlinoii; Radiated From Him. Tonaros, wife No. 1 with two children, and Angelo, the father. Next stood Mrs. Beatrice Anglospolis, wife No. 2, one child; formerly a widow, loser of $15,000 to Angelo, now seeking a divorce from him and back payments of $15 a week. And next was Mrs. Mary Ord, divorcee, one child, whom Angelo now supports. Just a Happy Family. "We have nothing against Angelo." said Mrs. Ord. "Only we three thoujjht we would like to get together and straighten things out. The (others agreed, smiling the while at each other, and looking fondly on Angelo Just a happy family group. 'You must have some secret charm, Mid Judge Burke to Angelo A. Anglospolis, "but there Is no telling where It will stop." So be sent Angelo to jail for one year. And the three followed Angelo mournfully with their eyes as the bailiff led him away. Two Rare Birds wix-plumed birds of paradise --so rare that living specimens have never before been seen in England-- arrived recently at the London soo from New Guinea. They carry on their beads the six long, racket-tipped spines which have earned for the species its popular name. On the breast is a metallic hued shield iridescent with green, bronze and blue. Save for a silver cushion on the forehead they are velvety black, making the turquoise blue iris of the eye very conspicuous. If they act in similar fashion to a closely allied species, the birds will throw out their bodyplumes like a skirt, expand the breastshield, erect their head-plumes, faa» wise, and strut about erratically. Cpl jpENEY'V. 80MP3L ' General Teaming Gravel and Coal for ' Grading, Graveling and Road Work Done By Contract or By Day Phone McHenry 649-R-l P. O. Address, Route 3 McHenry, IU. ii•• i • "•l' . r * 4 ' ^ ^ * • V ; t -1 4i. W. KLONTZ, M. D. Physician and Surgeon (Also treating all diseases of the Ey% E*r,*-Nose and Throat and tbs Fitting of Glasses) Oflke' Honrs--8 to 9 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays by Appointment Office at Residence, Waukegan Bead. Phone 181 McHenry, 111. McHENRY GRAVEL* EXCAVATING A real finish for you* f Kitchen or Bath Room Acme Quality Interior Gloss $1*00 per qt. Acme Quality Interior Gloss Finish U especially recommended where a washable, durable, semi-gloss finish is de- .rfred. It produces a beautiful, smooth Surface that will not absorb grease or dirt and i6 as easy to wash as a high gloss finish, but docs not possess the rre of the latter. Interior Gloas Finitfi available in very attractive colors. 3 ?,V , A % it * ' * , Big Rogers Brushing Lacquer Bargain Aa a special offer, a half pint of Roger* Brushing Lacquer worth 65c and a special 1V4* lacquer brush worth 25c, is,offered for 65c to acquaint you with the fine qualities of this wonderful product. Available in exquisite colors dries while you wait. Durable. Sold on a money back guarantee. ^ Hf He AltholSf Hardware %' "TTTE HOUSE OF COLORWidow Pays for Tlicft So Hubby Can Rett Easy Seattle, Wash.--So that her late husband might "rest better" an un Identified- woman is paying Mrs. Evelyn Ford, through small weekly payments, for 40 chickens her 1ms band took from the Ford chicken house 20 years ago. A mysterious letter was fonnd by Mrs. Ford In her mail box. It was addressed in the scrawling handwrlt log of an aged person and read: "Mrs. Ford: A long time ago my man took chickens three times from your place. Now he is gone and the children and I think he might rest better if you got some money foi; them. Just a little each week maybe." Each week, following receipt of the letter, one, two or three crisp one dollar bills toy© reached the Ford home by mall. v r * Battle Against Shark Wins Medal for Youth, London.--The Stanhope medal for the bravest deed of the year was awarded to Andrew Muller Heyns, seventeen years old, a student, who swam to the assistance of a swimmer at a South African beach when the bather was being dragged away by a shark. Heyns fought off the shark /pind towed the Injured man ashore while the shark swam circles around them. McHenry TO CHICAGO Ride the Marigold Coaches through the popular resort centers direct to Chicago or Lake Geneva. £x>w fares, fast, tfrequest service. Experienced drivers. Finest "Pullmans of the Highways." SOUTHBOUND ~ [McHenry To LILY LAKE (.10 one wey( VOLO $.15 one way WAUCONDA $.25 oae way LAKE CORNERS $.30 one way, &AKE ZURICH $.40 one way, MT. PROSPECT 1 $.70 one way* DESPLA1NES $.80 one way, DEMPSTER & MILWAUKEE AVE^ $.90 one was N1LES CENTER A. P. Freund; Prop. Road Building and Excavating | of Every Description r Itstimates Furnished on Request High-grade Gravel Dfcliverec at any time--large or smal orders given prompt attention. Phone 204-M McHenry 6VBATOAM WATER ACTION SEAMLESS -- f A<JT ALUMINUM TUB PRECISION CUT STEEL. For hemes wlimX Mil OtctricU tk* Maytag ttmiUble wi gasoli motor Scots Emigrate Glasgow.--Nearly 30,000 natives of Bcotland have applied for Immigrants? passports to America, the United States Consulate here announced. Ths Scotch quota this year has bees UScreased from 12,000 to 18,000. $1.00 one way*,. NORTHBOUND | McHenry To GENOA CITY $ .35 one way LAKE GENEVA - 1 $ .55 one way Save time fcft transferring to Rapid Transit "L" trains at Niles Center--spar above the street traffic to the heart of Chicago. -v Central Standard Time Save money by using the 4pt* cial Marigold! Coupon Book-- $10 worth of rides for $8--a twenty per cent reduction. For all information McHenry Ticket Office, Justen's Hotel, Phone. ML METROPOLITAN MOTOR COACH COMPANY Howard P. Savage, tysMfpt' Manager Flctiu N«v«r Surpassed Although there were no fiction magazines In the days when they were written, the two most famous short story collections In the world are both snore than 600 years old, the "Arabian Nights" and the "Decameron." Dozens of these stories can still compete with modern ones for sheer speed of action, for plot, and for knowledge of human nature.--Golden Book Magasloe. vfc. Our Want-Ads are business bringert DR. JOSEPH 0. F.EELEY Dentist ^ McHenry - - in McHenry: Fridays 10 8 p.m. Saturdaysd 7:30 p.m. Sundays by appointment. Artificial teeth made by the Davies process. Latest electrical equipment and modern methods. 5 Riverside £)rive over Barbian's J Grocery and Market T>V-n-fwa for a trial Maytag washing. If it doesnt sell itself, 'Jt IIOIIC don't keep it. Deferred payments youH never miss*' THE MAYTAG COMPANY, Ifcirton, lamm Founded 1893 Maytag Radio Programs -• fWeoLaWto.o -WClBevZe.l aCnhdk-nW*To -AKMY.W D. eCnivneer -tKa"n a' IW>e<** Mtbo-WlneBftA-vPV.i rtKO.a iuDuCiUitoyi-^KWMJRB.C . An*tl«*-KNX. Milw*oke*-WTMJ. Mi»- eOem*paoblato-W-WOCWC.O P. hflaOdkellaphhoima-aW CCiAtyl'-. WI'Ki'aV . jburib-KDKA. Portland-KGW. Salt I fcitv-KSL. Sao Fraociico-ltFaC. *$StO-CFCOAv.e r 50 iHtitms nsgr M tk4 schtdttU; vaith nrm» Ji' JOummum Hlktshcr^ i*# dau m W H. E. Bach, Plumbing y Riverside Drive McHenry, IU. HARVARD--MARSHALL HARDWARE CO, WOODSTOCK--STJ. FIELD HARDWARE ; ^ IF IT DOESN'T SELL ITSELF, DON'T til* il IF YOUR MOTOR knocks and ping^and does a lot of ' other thinjgs which it shouldn't and itwouldn't if twitched to-- ETHYL S OLINE What is this "knock" we b^sr about, swear about and knock about? Nothing in the world but a low comprmr sttrngasotime ina btgbcoMpressioM motor. Aad the remedy? fW rco Ethyl Gasoline of course. This supremely good motor fuel la a mtified anti-knock in the highest compression motors of today. Ami oat only that: It will give you more power,pep,speed and yoa ata cram thni the carburetor with any other gasoline. HwwpwwplM JEdy/Aari-Kaock make a won AcsMpau. , ANTIkNOCK : -- • --~r" -j" • . Distributed by j.-.