Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Oct 1929, p. 4

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Xfwf 'fc'-f i,. '!{• V I- ">'*••.•• . • - *,;• ••"-•'•v;. -v • >-wf •• . ^ :.; .. * / THB M'HENBY PLADTOKAIJSE, THTOSDAT, OOTOBBK 10, 1939 Stf: I ;";V ?}'-• THE M'HENEY PLAINDEALER 1 11 ' • Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by Charles F. Renich. x Entered at second-class matter at the poatofiea at McHeray, I1L, na. in the act of May 8, 1879. Sabacription Ratea • f- ' - ' • A. H. M06HER, Editor and Manager *•'/• I m The undersigned will sell th#following described real estate at public auction on th« - " •3 •• 25th day of October 't':i il?' at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door Otf People's State Bank, McHenry, Illinois, to wit: Parcel No. 1--The bank buffiSfhg and all furniture an<j. equipment therein formerly used and occupied by Citizens State Bank, and being a part of Lot.JNo. 3 of Block v\Ko. 23 of'the original plat of the village of McHenry o% - .. ^ i'the West side of Fox River, more fully described in Book;; \ * 161 of Deeds on Page 61, McHenry County Records. is - Parcel No. 2--A fractional part of Section No. 1, Township No. 44 North, Range 8 East of the third principal ^ pieridian in McHenry County, Illinois, containing 7.70-100 acres more or less, being located on the West side of Fox River. The above sale will be subject to approval of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois. - THSO. HAMER, Receiver. CITIZENS STATE BANK -1 1 . , r McHenry, Illinois v tt- 4 Great strides in invention, great expenditures. ••. Business, using the telephone, eliminates space and time. The far-flung parts of an organization with its dealers and customers are brought together by instant speech. The home, like the office, readies out over an ever-widening circle of neighbors. The telephone is tireless and quick. It runs errands near and far, transacts business, keeps friendships alive. Telephones throughout the bouse save time and fatigue. They bring the comforts and conveniences of the office to the women in the home. peeping ahead of the new developments in American life calls for great strides in invention, great expenditures in money. The Bell System's outlay this year for new plant and service improvements is more than 550 million dollars. This is one and one-half times the cost of the Panama Canal. < This program is part of the telephone ideal that anyone, anywhere, all be able_to talk quickly and at reasonable cost with anyone, any- •m "•"it ffri •ha! where die There is no standing still in the Bell System. IJL^NQIS BJH-L TELEPHONE COMPANY fcEIXSYSTKM ~ ' CtePo&j » OneS^iitem » Unwcr, r Co-operation with the United States immigration bureau for the deportation of alien convicts was announced as a new state policy at the IJrst meeting of the members of the board of pardons and paroles appointed by Governor Emmerson. Thirty deportation warrants sewed on inmates of the Jollet penitentiary, to be effective immediately upon their release. Rodney Brandon, director of public welfare since Governor Emmerson's Inauguration, asked advice and criticism of the plan to shorten the prison terms of aliens who may be sent back to the country from whence they came. W. C. Jones, new chairman of the parole board, said a survey is being made of those who come under this classification. The plan is for the governor to grant conditional pardons or paroles to convicts certain to be deported, providing the state's attorney of the county in which the prisoner was convicted does not oppose this modicuun of clemency.' 1 Virta* i« Good WOI Good will to others is constructive thought It helps us build op. It is good for your body. It makea your blood purer, your muscles stronger, and your whole form more symmetrical in shape. The more of such thought you attract to you, the mora life you will hare.--Prentice Mulford. C*ws Fwi Ticker Taps whiia ajinu over the barren iaada of the Persian gulf, Lady Maud Uoara, thellrat waatan to travel by air fra» Hngland to India, saw many starvedlooking cows, she recently related. Upon landing she asked what they were fed on. "Waste paper from ^ telegraph machlnea," ---- *»• •- ; ? i k CLASSIFIEDu AnVERTlSEMENtS USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULTS FOR SALE FOR SALE--Well secured 7% First Mortgages on McHenry Residence ro®d» near Property. Inquire at Plaindealer of- John R. Knox, 17 or 31 fice. 19-t< FOR RENT OR SALE--A. modern 8- room house and garage on Richmond St. Mary's church. Call 18 tf. FOR SALE--Bicycle Jn good tion. Eugene Sayler. condi- 19-tf FOR RENT--Five-room cottage, gas, electricity and good garage. Albert M. Frett. Tel. 105-W. 18-tf. FOR SALE--Five shares Spring HOUSE FOR RENT--Inquire of Dr, Grove bank stock. Inquire at Plain- N. J. Nye, McHenry, . ,5Qbt< dealer office. 18*2 - T Petitions presenting several possibilities for appointment to the vacancy In the Supreme court caused by the recent death of Justice Cyrus E. Dietz of Moline have been presented to Gov. Lduis L. Emmerson by lawyers and politicians of northwestern Illinois. Rock Island county advances Judge Charles J. Searle with approval of the county Republican central committee and endorsement of the Henry County Bar association. Knox, #*blton and McDonough counties offer Judge George C. Hlllyer of Macomb, judge St the Ninth judicial circuit. Adams county advances George Wilson, prominent Qulncy lawyer, with its bar association's approval. Jacksonville proposes Judge Paul Samuel as a good man to fill the vacancy. County Judge George D. Long of East Moline announces that he will seek the post without the support of his county" committee. FOR SALE--Purebred registered Holstein bulls, best breeding, all ages. Walter H. Brandenburg, prop., Birchmont Farm, Ingleside, 111. 48-tf Former United States Senator L. f. Sherman was guest in Springfield for a few days, returning to his home In Seabreeze, Fla. Mr. Sherman has retired from all business and professional activities and has not interested himself in politics since the last national campaign, when he placed a prominent part in the Florida "revolution." The following persons have been recommended by their respective congressmen and by Senators Deneen and Glenn to the director of census for appointment as supervisors of districts outside of Cook county: Headquarters at Dixon, Martin J. Cannon; Rockford, Carl A. Lagerstrom; La- Salle, John J. Massieoai Autora, Lewis R. White; Joliet, Frank J. Gospodarie: Moline, Lee R. Blackman; Galesburg, E. H. Blaisch; Peoria, H. C. Bingham; Bloomington, Miss H. M. Hallam; Danville, Paul S/ Millikin; Quincy, W. C. Bradley; Pekin, James E. Conaghan; Champaign, Louis R. Zech; Jacksonville, Harry C. Clement; Decatur, Edwin W. Jokisch; Alton, Oren Shearburn; Effingham, Herman R. Scherbarth; East St. Louis, George, H. Eckert; Centralia, A. J. Johnson; Murphysboro, Henry J. Buech; Harrtaburg, Roy L. Seright. Official appointments are being made by the director of census as rapidly as poaslble. . FALL CHICKS-- lor Holiday broilers. . Hatches •^'"tjitice every •: * week. . .is4^ MOUNT HATCHERIES State Standard Accredited Phone 634 Woodstock, 111. Main Street 17-tf HOUSE FOR age. Main St. >f : , WfoiUtock'* Beautiful Pla%Sifm9§ ..VVTi i: 'SATURDAY -i BTTSTKR KEATON in "SPITE MAEEIAGE" Sound Picture, also Bound Screen Act and Pathe News SUNDAY--4--CONTINUOUS SHOWS--4 2:30, 4:45, 7:00, 9:00 EXTRA SPECIAL 'Louie's Hungry Five" RADIO'S FAVORITE COMEDIANS from WOK-- IN PERSON On the Screen Sunday and Monday Douglas MacLean in all talking picture " Carnation Kid Also Pathe Sound News TUESDAY--WEDNESDAY--THURSDAY Willard Mack's All Talking Detective Thriller "THE VOICE OF THE CITY Also Fox Movietone News The fifth fciftraa! state" corn husking contest will be held in Knox county, November 8, it has been announced by farm bureau officials. A champion will be selected to represent Illinois in the annual national contest. Knox is the home county of Walter Olson, state champion in 1928. A new regulation, adopted on advice of Williams, Holmes and Olson, former champions, makea clear the kind of corn to keep when tb» awrt tianari' nnbblM. City physicians, directors and commissioners of public health from cities of the state w^ll gather in Springfield October 17 a^<nl8 for the annual convention of the Illinois Municipal league. Dr. Andy Hall, state health director, is, chairman of the health section of the league and will outline the state health program. Downstate boxing conditions «m probed when Gen. John V. Clinnln. chairman of the state athletic commission, conferred with Governor Emmerson and interested members of the ring fraternity. General Clinnin voiced the opinion that if Wisconsin and New York can regulate boxing there Is no reason why Illinois cannot do the same. This can be done, he said, only by enforcing the law In all cases. Thirteen senatorial contests loom In Midwestern and Western states, according to forecasts In Illinois, Minnesota, Iowa and Colorado. Whether increased rates of the Modern Woodmen of America are warranted will be passed upon at the October term of the Supreme court in a test case fro& the Circuit court of Cook county, where the rates were sustained. A number of injunction suits have been filed in 'various parts of the state, tffie lied in the Sangamon circuit will be heard on its merits Boon. H. E. Young, secretary of the niinoie Farmers' institute for more than 12 years, has resigned to become editor of the Illinois Farmer, a farm paper published in Chicago. His reaignatlon is effective November 1. Illinois Region posts ware Wdl represented at the national Legion convention held at Louisville, Ky., September 30 to October 3, when the fourday frolic and business sessions attracted Legionnaires from all parta of the United Stat at WANTEU CIDER--Have your cider made Kattner's cider mill. One mile east JUNK WANTED---We are in the of Spring Grove, six miles north of market for old radiators, storage bat- Johnsburg. Day and night service on teries. tires, tubes, rags, old iron. Tuesdays and Fridays. Phone Rich- Bring them and receive full value. If mond 912. 18-4* you can't bring them phone or write and we will call on you. TeL 92-J. FOR SALE OR RENT--The ® McHenry, 111. Dave SegeL May farm of 70 acres, located 2 miles south of Spring Grove. Inquire of Frank May, Spring Grove, 111. 18-4 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE OR RENT--A modern JV11LL ^L 0R JRADE^ Hard coal eight room house and garage on Richmond road. Call if or 81. 17-tf eoal heater> Ca" 61"R *or FARM FOR SALE OR RENT--72 acres. Good land, located 1 mile north of Johnsburg. Reasonable price. Inquire of Mra. Martin F. Schmitt, McHenry. 14-tf ANNOUNCEMENT This company is now prepared to supply fuel oil for all makes of oil burners, 38-40 gravity W-W distillate and also carries a heavy grade oil for power burners. Valvoline Oil Co., John Thennes, Agent, McHenry. 18-2* FOR SALE--Small chicken farm, between 4 and 5 acres, hi mile from McHenry on Lake Geneva cempnt W road. Mra. Joe H. Juaten, Rte 8. acc0rdmg to Iaw Phone 611-J-l. 6-tf NO HUNTING--Notice is hereby given that no hunting is permitted on the old Baur farm, occupied by C. J. Bender. Violators will be prosecuted 18-2 TYPEWRITERS Sales and Service. Repaired and Rentals. Prompt attention to phone calls, ifhona &4d. L. KILTZ, Woodstock i 49-tf 4uNB--and keep your piaho tuned. Tuning makes your piano a musical Instrument. Phone 274-J or write J. H. D^hl, Woodstock, HI. 27-tf FOR RENT RENT--Modern, gar- E. E. Bassett. 19-tf FOR RENT--Modern flat on Main St. West McHenry. Phone 147.-W. 19-tf Dead Animals MIDWEST REMOVAL COMPANY We Pay For HORSES* CATTLE, HOGS, SHEEP Tel.--Dundee 815-R-4 or 10. Prompt Sanitary Service. Reverse Charges. 17-tf --W»-PI ' Iii will. I||I» President Hoover has been Invited to make a pilgrimage and address at the shrine of Abraham Lincoln In Springfield on the emancipator's next birthday, February 12. The invitation was extended by Senators Deneen and. Glenn and by Representative Yates. The President said the date was too far distant to make a definite decision, but he would consider It. Premier Ramsay MacDonald of Great Britain has also been urged to visit the shrine of Lincoln during his presence In the United States in October. More than a month ago the invitation was given by the Mid-Day Luncheon club and was presented by Ambassador Charles G. Dawes. Recently a cablegram was sent by Gov. Louis L. Emmerson. The Invitation was receiving attention, according to word from Premier MacDonald's secretary. ;V.:. • iPOTATOESl^ V;.; A carload of fancy Red River Potatoes for aale. Phone your order McHenry Co. Farmers Co-op. Ass'n. Phone 29.' 19 was the reply. with"CATERPnXARS" Corn Harvest will extend into • bad weather Whit are yro doing to it that bad weather! M Will you freeze your fingers and make them, sore or will you beat bud weather by riding the easy-seat of a surefooted "Caterpillar"? Whether Binding, Picking, Husking, Shellm|.or Silo filling ... the cajjprole *• Caterpillar" will furnish ample power for them all, and be ready to plow long straight furrows to start another profitable seasocu a*- iJgSul you this interesting illustrated book . ., Tfie' System of Growing Corn Better, Quicker and Cheatter W. B. LOUER COMPANY 4)1 S. Jefferson Stmt Chicago, ifUnoia system or mow)* MTTEi: cker:cw<v» & 8. J. Stanard, secretary of the Illinois State Dairymen'a association, former atate director of agriculture, announces the 1930 dairy convention and show "on wheels" will be held In January in four widely separated centers-- Carmi, Shelbyviile, Hlllsboro and one other city, as yet undetermined. The state association's dairy special will be made up of a string of cars filled with exhibits and dairy cattle. Four aecttonal 'dairy judging contests for both Juniors and adults will be a feature, and in each locality visited dairy specialists will present cattle judging demonstrations. Dairy production and marketing will be discussed by a staff of speakers. A committee of dairymen haa been appointed by Gov. Louis L. Emmerson to attend the National Dairy show at St. Louis October 12 to 19. October 15 has been designated as Illinois-Indiana day. Those appointed to the committee Include Frank O. Lowden, former governor, honorary chairman; State Senator Clarence F. Buck, director of the state department of agriculture, active chairman; Frank Channing, superintendent of the dairy husbandry division of th6 department of agriculture, secretary, and president of various dairymen's associations. Maj. Gen. Smedley D. Butler, commander of the United States Marine corps, Quantico, Va., and former director of safety in Philadelphia, was the principal speaker at the state arsenal, Springfield, in one of a series of programs being given throughout the state in connection with a tour of Illinois by the art extension committee of the university. Major Butler da-, cllned to be hailed as a hero and talked on some of his interesting experiences as a "hard-boiled Marine." Lorado Taft, noted sculptor, presented an fhteresting discourse, in which he told of his love for Illinois, her scenery, her "smiling prairies" and her place in the nation's history. Gov. Louis L. Eromersoo rifBldefl at, tbo meeting. » .• - ' • • • i' '. k-. AmbKion'i Failing" MA war," said & Ho, the aage of Chlnirtown, "may Illustrate how an ambitious man may desire something wlthont knowing how to manage It If he gets It"--Washington Star. SCREEN-GRID RADIO %.WO ON! And Hernsliy np! Oh, tefty Groro^ '!•"* you'll need everything you've got now! .. v'" Hear that crowd? One and one! Two and lwo|<" Zowieve-ocI Jt's a--no it in't! Waft -a second^ Whc-e-o-c-e! Listen. He .. .n /V * • * la that the way it's going--the World Series fl ||ind out with the radio that takes you straight* ipto the front line trendies when the Athletic^,, and the Cubs fight it out! , Play by play ... every swing of the pitcher'|l f arm .. . every crack of the bat... every dec» j • aion and every crowd-throb! Graham McName^ will be at the microphone, pouring forth th«cXBuss'Page ^ Motor Sales "We Serve After We Sell" m. Be ready! Come in and select your Atwater Itcnt Screen-Grid Set now--the great dependable, an re-fire radio Uiat sets the pace for others! Remits you can't get from old-style tubes!, For a ball game or a symphony, the whisper of a violin or the tempest of a 100-piece brasap band, there's nothing like it in the world. Con*; t vrnient terms? Very much so. abk us! * % r • >> Miii.IlM i

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