MHHTRY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17/1929 SPRING GROVE ' Sunday guests at the home of William Shotliff were Mr. and Mrs. E. "P. Shotliff and daughters, Hazel and Florence, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shot- IMF and three children, Mr. and Mrs. Will Trimmer, Mrs. Ada Jordon, all of Rockford, and Mr. and Mrs. Byron Orvis. Leo Lay, John and Nick Wagner, Kisses Genevieve and Regina Kattner and Mabel Seigler, all of Chicago, spent Sunday with their parents. Miss Veronica Britz is spending a "week in Chicago with Miss Alice Jfodland. Sunday and Monday guests of Mr. «|d Mrs. Math Nimsgern and famiiy were, Mr. and Mrs. Frank WagneT -«ad two sons of ChJpewa Falls, Mrs. Josephine Thomas and son, Mrs. Ann Kebkan and three children of Chicago. Mrs. Chas. Behrns, Miss Dorothy Behms and Ruth Zimmerman attend- «d the Walworth Fair on Saturday. «Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgern and family motored to Jolmsburg and Mc- Henry Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James of Antioch -were dinner guests of Mrs. Ernes! #teacock. Miss Helen Pepping is enjoying a Stw weeks' rest with her parents, '"Mr. and Mrs. A1 Pepping. Math J. May is quite ill at this -writing and his many friends hope -that he will soon be able to be out. Mrs. Edmond was hostess at a Euchre and Bunco club Thursday at her home. Two tables of euchre and one of bunco were played. Refreshments were served. Prizes in euchre were won by Mrs. William Britz, first; Miss Katie Keefee, second; Mrs. Engeln, third. In bunco prizes were won by Mrs. Alfred Kattner, first; Mrs. Davey, second, and the consolation by Mrs. Maude Carey. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner and two sons of Chippewa Falls are spending a few days with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgern. Roland Justen of Ringwood $pent the first of the week with his grandparents here. Louis Hoff, who has been employed in the city, ia home on account of illness. At this writing he is much improved. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Sweet were supper guests of 1&. and Mrs. William Cole at Wilmot Monday evening. The Lotus club held a public card party Thursday. Five hundred was played and refreshments served. Prizes were won by Mrs. S. Robb, first; Mrs. J. J. Freund, second; Mrs. G. Winn, third; Mrs. Roy Todd, fourth; Mrs. Glenn Cole, fifth and the consolation by Mrs. Leon VanEvory. BOYS and GIRLS! Would you like to have the most attractive Writing Cabinet in your school without cost to you? Read how you can get one of these wonderful cabinets, in this issue of the Plaindealer. RINGWOOD Public Auction The undersigned will sell the following described teal estate at public auction on the 25th day of October i-at-the hour of 10 o 'clock A* M.t at the# front door-- People's State Bank, McHenry, Illinois, to wit: Parcel No. 1--The bank building and all furniture and equipment therein formerly used and occupied by Citizens State Bank, and being a part of Lot No. 3 of Block No. 23 of the original plat of the village of McHenry on the West side of Fox River, more fully described in Book 161 of Deeds on Page 61, McHenry County Records. V Parcel No. 2--A fractional part of Section No. 1, Township No. 44 North, Range 8 East of the third principal meridian in McHenry County, Illinois, containing 7 70-100 acres more or less, being located on the West side of Fox River. The above sale will be subject to approval of Jhe Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, THEO HAMER, Reeehrilft " v 4 \ CITIZENS STATE BAN* McHenry, Illinois jzed Leaders ($179.60 Complete) Face to Face . r| J;-. Realism in the ^ t Spartan- Humless ' " : IW * ' • -"J ' > . _• 1' ;*"V' For 30 years Victor has stood for the best in music. Now it has two jobs--the best in Mpsic and the finest in Radio. V <$178.00 Complete) f ^ Bargains in Battery Sets $25.00 and up complete All the Latest Sheet Music and Recibrda 45 volt B Batteries at $1.95 each "v '• T" CK'1 Slife - '* .}• "WW |j»yV .Music & m ^op West McHenry, I1L Mrs. Nick Freund entertained at a miscellaneous shower Thursday afternoon in honor of Miss Agnes Thompson who is soon to be a bride. There were forty-eight ladies present. Bunco was played and prizes were won by Mirs. George Adams, the punch prize; Mrs. Fred Krohn, first; Mrs. Steve Engeln, second; Mrs. Ray Merchant, third; Mrs. Jake Adams, fourth; Mrs. Paul Meyers, fifth, and MTS. George Shepard the consolation. At the close refreshments were served. Miss Thompson received many beautiful and useful gifts. M. E. church services will ,be at 9:30 and Sunday school at 10:30 next Sunday morning. There were 40 out to Sunday school last Sunday, and we hope to see 50 next Sunday. Those from MjcHenry to attend the farewell party for Rev. and Mrs. Hoover and family at Greenwood Friday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet and famiiy, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pect and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson and family, Mr. and Mrs. G. Shepard and family, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Kitchens, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hopper, Mrs. W. A. Dodge, Mrs. B. Butler, Mrs. Viola Low, Mrs. S. W. Smith and daughter, Bernice, Mrs. E. Hawley, William Giddings, Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Schroeder and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Harrison and family, Mrs. A. W. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison. The Greenwood church people presented Mr. and MTS- Hoover with a set of silver and the Ringwood people presented them with table linen. The Ringwood Home Circle entertained the members of the Greenwood Dorcas society to a one o'clock dinner at the M. W. A. hall Wednesday, Oct. 9. Twenty-one ladies came from Greenwood. A good program, in charge of Mrs. Louis Schroeder and Mrs. Walter Harrison, was rendered, after which games were played. Mrs. Emma Brown was the honored guest as it was her birthday anniversary. A lovely birthday cake adorned her table. Out of town visitors beside the Greenwood ladies were Mrs. Libbie Allen of Woodstock, Mrs. Del Bac «>n of Crystal Lake, Mrs. A. E. Hawley of Elgin and Miss Marvel of Evanston. A fine time was had by all. Kenneth Cristy and Thomas Doherty attended a milk meeting in Chicago Thursday. Mrs. Sam Beatty. and daughter, Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. Jackson were Woodstock visitors Wednesday afternoon. Mass Tillie Miller of Crystal Lake spent Thursday with her parents. Mrs. Howard of Woodstock spent Thursday with her daughter, Mrs. Leon Dodge. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Shepard and family spent Thursday evening at Hc- Henry. Mirs. Ernest Schurch of Redfield, 8. Dakota, and Mrs. Rose AntlifF of Richmond spent Thursday with Mrs. Clay Rager and family. Mrs. Viola Low was an Elgin visitor Friday. Mesdames H. M. Stephenson and William McCannon were Elgin visitors Friday. Mirs. Lewis Hawley and children spent the week-end with relatives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy and children left Friday morning for a visit with relatives at Waupaca, Wis. Miss May Sweet of Rockford spent a few days this week with Mrs. Mary Hodge. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hubert of Elgin and Mrs. George Hubert of Woodstock spent Monday in the S. H. Beatty home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harrison and son spent Sunday with relatives at Grayslake. Mrs. Viola Low, in company with Mrs. Glen Jackson of Solon Mills. Mrs. William Hendrickson, Mrs. Floyd Perkins and Mrs. Leo Karls of Richmond were Elgin visitors Friday. Carl Fay of Chicago spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Jennie Spaulding. Mr. and Mrs. S. HL Beatty and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olsen spent Tuesday at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weber and son of McHenry spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Nick Young. Mrs. Lester Carr and son spent' Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr were Woodstock visitors (Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. James Rainey were Woodstock visitors Wednesday afternoon. Harold and Mildred Jepson, Olive Landis, Clyde Coffman and William Hacker of Mt. Morris spent the weekend in the C. J. Jepson home. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Shepard and family spent Sunday with relatives at Barrington. Mr. and Mrs. James Rained were McHenry visitors Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kelley and daughter of Crystal Lake spent Wednesday in the William Kelley home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLean of Woodstock spent Sunday with Mrs* Frankie Stephenson. Mrs. Carlton Fay, Jr., and two children of Chicago spent Sunday in the Frank Fay home. E. J. Hopper and G. A. Stevens, who have been on the sick list, are now improving. Mrs. M -ss and friends of Chicago called on Mrs. Ed. Hopper Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur\Peet and family of Greenwood spent Sunday in the Charles Peet home. Miss Ruth Whiting of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday with Ringwood relatives and friends. S. W. Brown and mother, Mrs. Emma Brown, and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Smith spent Sunday at Delavan, Wis. Miss Nellie McDonald Is enjoying a two weeks' vacation from her duties at Brown's Drug store. Mrs. Ben Walkington is assisting in her place. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Harrison, Mrs. H. M. Stephenson, Mrs. Lon Smith, Miss Arline Harrison and mother attended an Eastern Star meeting at Waukegan Thursday evening. Mx. and Mrs. Nick Young and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weber and Son were Woodstock visitors Sunday afternoon. Miss Mary McAndrews of Chicago spent Thursday in the Louis Schroeder home. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich and son, Frank, were /Crystal Lake visitors Wednesday evening. MT. and Mrs. LeRoy Neal and family were Waukegan visitors Sunday. Mrs. David Stanley and Hazel Hutson of Woodstock were callers in the William Kelley home Wednesday. Mirs, Arthur Peet of Greenwood called on her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hopper Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stevens and family of Kenosha and Mrs. Agnes Jenks and daughter, Mary, of Chicago spent Sunday in the G. A. Stevens home. Miss Dorothy Peet of Woodstock spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Peet. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters spent Sunday at Belvidere and Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens were visitors at Huntley and Marengo Sunday. The Home Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. Lon Smith Wednesday, Nov. 13. Mrs. G. A. Stevens and Mrs. George Shepard will help serve. Mrs. Ray Peters and Mrs. Llye Hopper will be on the entertainment committee. Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Hertzman of Chicago spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs* B. T. Butler. Mrs. F. A. Hitchens attended the Jr. Schoolmates' reunion at Bath, 111., Oct. 6. 4 MT. and Mrs. A. J. Butler of Chicago spent Monday afternoon and evening in the B. T. Butler home. Mrs. F. A. Hitchens spent the week with Mrs. M. E. Langston at Peoria. Mr. and Mrs. Davis Walkington of Richmond, Frank Walkington, Fern Lester and Ruby Davis of Libertyville spent Sunday in the Ben Walkington home. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Carr and family of Redfield, S. Dakota, are visiting in the Clay Rager home. Mrs. Ed. Thompson and daughter, Agnes, were Chicago visitors Monday. Mr. and MTS. Ed. Hopper were Elgin visitors Wednesday. Fred Wiedrich and son, Roy, were Richmond visitors Thursday. BOYS and GIRLS! Would you like to have the most attractive Writing Cabinet in your school without cost to you? Read how you can get one of these wonderful cabinets, in this issue of the Plaindealer. Phytic***! Not Long Lived According to the Metropolitan Lift Insurance company, physicians have no advantage in longevity, as one might expect from their professton. On the contrary, they do not live as long as the ordinary policy holders. At the age of thirty, when a physician begins bis career, the doctor's expectation of life Is two years less than that of the general population. SpMcli Defects Curable The public health service says that at least 1.000,<XH) in the United States have some form of speech defect. Of these, about 500.000 are school children who stammer or stutter. The majority of speech defects are functional, and ran he corrected. 2 Glasses of Water, not too Cold, Help Constipation One glass water is not enough-- take 2 glasses a half hour before breakfast. You get quicker and better results by adding a little simple glycerin, saline, etc., (known as Adlerika) to one glass. Unlike other remedies, Adlerika acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel and removes old poisons you never thought were in your system. Adlerika stops GAS and sour stomach in 10 minutes! Relieves constipation in 2 hours. Thomas P. Bolger, Druggist. Have you a house to rent? Try a classified ad. "' Aboat Oarselvm The training of the mind, like fh* care of a garden, is surely not the work of a single day, but rather a matter of constant vigilance. ED VOGEL GENERAL . V AUCTIONEER « Firm Sales a Specialty P. O. Solon Mills, III. Tel. Rkl--w| 264 Reference Past Sales SATISFACTION GUARANTEED TWU Agiag World I Ttili Is indeed a blase age. Little children ride along In motor cars, calmly reading or looking at picture hooks. They didn't do that in the days of the horse and wagon. A ride whs exciting then. Classic Brand Blue Chinchillas--Shado# V Stripes. Tweeds in ?v , various colors $20 $22.50 $25 •A ^Suits Classic Brand Fancy Worsteds. Blue Serges, Cassimers in the new colors $20 $22.50 $25 «aSn»* Priced Cash--about 15% less than ordinary . W. FREUND Main Street -ii-M . * ^4 •1- = i 0 .• J§ - A ON ANY RANGE DURING THIS TRADEOFFER . . . October 31st is the last day on which you can select one of the beautiful new gas ranges in our stock and benefit by the special allowance of 10% of its purchase price by turning in your old gas or coal stove ... Don't miss this wonderful opportunity to get a handsome ne# range--many with oven heat control and other latest convenience features--at a decided saving in money .. . A wide variety of styles and prices. Only $5.00 down; balance with the gas bills. Call in and select your range today! '$• WESTERN UNITED W GAS wd ELECTRIC COMPAQ