Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Oct 1929, p. 2

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VJctoT Sfepler of SprirfpffeM wid piss Mabel Siejrler of Chicago spent j&ie week-end with their parents. Miss Veronica Britz returned home Sunday, after spending' the past week H-ith relatives in Chicago. H. C. Sweet spent Monday in Rich- • W mm 7tmmm - Twice Told ales 2p> • J*. 'M ^ n,:m ';'i Richmond hi& aunt, May mo- Chicago Joseph Rauen, and P. G. Hoffman fef »otored to Crystal Lake Friday, and the latter (remained there with his p -t; " tiiece, Mr*. Frank McMillan; until tv< $ . Sunday. If H? Kenneth Franzen of 'spent the week-end with !?? Mrs. Alice Wagner, t J. J. Freund and Chas. & T :-A 'tored to Rockford Sunday. Charles. Behroes was j| .5'Tr"i|»opper Wednesday. 1 1 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wagner were v® .Thursday evening callers at the home fV, «f Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders at .• Hebron. ' i*y , • The many friends' of Mrs. Alfred - Richardson will be glad to hear that - 1 ' she is able to be up again, after being •" Confined to her bed for ten days. . .. Math J. May is showing a slight Improvement but is not considered "v<- *fut of danger at this writing. .' ^ ; Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Brown of " v. "'^eloit, Mr. J. A. James and Mrs. Em- '"J#ia Warner of Beloit were Sunday afternoon callers at thq home of Mr. and Mrs. Reed Cur. «n Math Lay transacted business in the city Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Math Lay entertained relatives from Oklahoma a few days the past week. Mr. and Mrs. George Wagner and son of Chicago spent Monday night with the former's parents, Mr. and MTS. F. G. Wagner. Rev. Bohi of Antioch was a Thursday caller at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Oxtoby. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adams and family attended the wedding of Miss Agnes Thompson and Nick Adams at Johnsburg on Wednesday. A carload of Irish Cobblers and Red River Potatoes at the Farmers Mill.-- --Phone 29. . „ 21 Crater Lake SnpraaM While there are other crater lakes, there Is none which compares In size with Orater lake, which tills the great caldera where once Mount Mamma raised its peak. ;Avoid EXCUM* Mhictwcs are our favorite alibis when telling the truth might hurt. No successful man has them in his equipment. For it is usually the case that the best man at making excuse Is the poorest man at making a living.-- Orit i&oASr! Combination Coal and Gas Cook StoWS» $100 value Y"'~ V- •• • 7-7--:-- $50 3-burner Gas Plate, $6.00 value Coru Sheller, $1.50 value »Hoists, $2.50 to $3.00 value, for j£, -bushel Grain Basket •_ ,/f $5.oq $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 ' $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 6 Cups and Saucers and 6 Dinner Plat£§, value $1.80 for : $1.00 1 doz. Soup Plates, - -- " • $3.50 value silver handled Carving Set for $2.50 /'if 12-lb. pkg. Egg-a-Day Poultry .Product, Aluminum 7-qt. Tea Kettle . ; ; V . Oval Aluminum Roaster ' • - latere* ting Mts of News Taksv From the Columns of the Plaindealer Fifty ud • •. Tw«®ty-I»ve Ago •*" - D.'fc. Fifty Years Ago f-i# - • .yByron D. Smith started for their home in Nebraska on Tuesday morning. One hundred and fifty of the O. W. Owen watches sold and all satisfactory. They can't be beat. We contemplate improving the Flaindealer and making it more completely a modern, country, local newspaper. As'will be seen in another column, A. B. Coon, master in chancery, will sell the McHenry brewery at public auction on Nov. 21. The store of Perry & Martin's is being enlarged by an addition on the south side which will be connected to the main store by an archway, and when completed it will be as roomy and convenient a store as in the county. The work is being done by A. Wendell. / ' We understand that Miss Nina Walker of Ringwood intends staying in Johnsburg the coming winter and complete her German studies. Reports from different localities -in Lake county show that wells, springs and streams have in many instances failed, and farmers are obliged to drive their cattle long distances for water. _ Twenty-five Tears Ago A wedding ceremony of much interest to McHenry and Wauconda people was solemnized at St. Mary's church yesterday morning, the bridal couple being Mr. Mathias Freund of Wauconda and Miss Kathryn Justen of McHenry. Work on the residence of Mrs. Martin Adams, which is being erected at the corner of Elgin road and John street, is being rushed and it will not be long before^it is ready for occupancy. The lumber for the Gilbert building has arrived and ten carpenters and workmen are hard at work. The work will be pushed rapidly from now on until the building is completed, which will be about the first of December. The young friends of Miss Anna Zimmerman will be pleased to learn that she has secured a good position in the Fair store in Chicago. Her sister, Bessie, has also secured a lucrative position in a dressmaking establishment. The Little Sisters of the Poor will collect at St. Mary's church next Sunday for their Home for the aged, located in Chicago. They will gladly accept donations of grain, corn, potatoes, apples or any kind of vegetables. Anyone wishing to donate something in that line can leave same at Mr. John Buch's ware house. Mr. Charles Rietesel, employed by the Hunter-Weckler Boat Co. of McHenry, disappeared last Sunday morning, and no knowledge of his whereabouts was obtained until this morning when a telegram was receivedi from Evansville, Ind., and signed, "Mrs. Chas. Rietesel." It said inL brief that she and "Charlie" woultf arrive in McHenry in a couple of •••»»»»»»»«<<•<»»»»•»»»»»»•»»»»»»»•»»»»»»•»»»»•»»»»»» 1 days. They will occupy the KargeS house on Pearl street, recently vacat-f ed by John Olson The electric light question was deP inetly settled at the special meeting of our village board last Thursday evening. The meeting was called foif the purpose of acting upon the bond question with the result that the bonds of the Electric Light company were unanimously accep£e4ky thfl board. ' • - •.-- Sac la Industry Starting with the Nineteenth centaury the increase in the use of zinc . was decidedly accelerated. During the* first decade the production was esti-i mated at 6,000 tons. In the fifth decade the output had Jumped to 867,000; tons, and for the half century the total was 635,000 tons. The output^ of the second half century reached: the amazing total of 12,100,000 tons,; or an increase of 1,800 per cent. The| acceleration has continued, and In? the year 1927 the output was 1,444,- 000 tons, a total equal to the production of the first 00 years of the Nine* teenth century. Nearly one-third of the entire * world's output of zinc has been pro- William M. Carroll, Soliei; SALE OF REAL B8TA1 State of Illinois, McHenry County, ss. In the Circuit Court at McHenry County, September Term, A. D. 1929. Spring Grovg State Bank, a banking corporation, Complainant vs. Dell Edward Chase, et' al., Defendants. In Chancery Gen. No. 23921.' Public Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a decree made and entered by the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, in the above entitled cause on the 18th day of October, A. D. 1929, I, Fred B. Bennett, Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, will on Satuday, the 16th day of November, A. D. 1929 at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the East front door of the courthouse in the city of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois, offer for sale and sell at public vendue to the highest bidder, the following described real estate, towit: Lot number two (2) of Freund's Oak Glen Subdivision, in accordance vfrith the plat thereof as recorded at the Recorder's Office of McHenry County, Illinois, in book 5 of plats on page 26, situated in the County of McHenry in the State of Illinois. TERMS OF SALE Cash on day of sale, at which time a certificate of sale will be issued. Dated this 24th day of October, A. D. 1929* FREp B. BENNETT, Mlaster is Chancery of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois. 21.4 GLYCERINE NIX REMOVES CAUSE OF STOHACH GAS Simple glycerin, 'buckthdrn baric, sa£ne, etc., as mixed in Adlerika, acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel, removing poisons you never thought were there and whoich caused gas and other stomach trouble. Just ONE spoonful relieves GAS, sour stomach, sick headache and constipation. Don't take medicine which cleans only PART of bowels, but let Adlerika give you a REAL cleaning and see how- good yon feel! It will surprise you. Thomas P. Bblger, Druggist. ' SATURDAY, DOTORES 26 jj yards PercaleT All over 5 yds. -- --:--in , $1.00 20c a yd. JJ 60c Towels $1..00 Good grade; assorted colors. ^ r w * .ru:r: Bkyon tlndies, &r ^ ~ Blips, bloomers or shorties. t J&00 rebateoaMen's md Soy»' Leatfcw •>cCoatsf,;'• . ... JBuy one pair,/Silk Hose at regular price, second pair for half price, r, ^ 50c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 Grades . Stephenson 2-pieoe Wool Underwear for men, 4 for price of 3 ^!lbs. 38c Coffee J, --•N-aC. $1.00 Great Northern Dry Beans lb. With $1.00 worth Sweetheart Canned poods, 2 lbs. sugar,free. * ' . . . • i ; 0 boxes Matches, American Family lakes, Sweetheart Peas, Sweetheart ^ JDorn, 15c Sardines, $1.27 value for .... #i.oo • • F.. -• -- •»•'*Hk'-mV\. 'i -Jjeach, Sweetheart Loganberries^ 1$tael;-" * ferries, Strawberries, Cherries, Alola #hes, $1.23 value for si.oo --1--t--^------ A|ola Salmon, jar Preserves, Sweetheart r !!Peas, Olives and Pimentos, $1.25 value ^vrCifor . $1.00 v •' _• <"• • - *• Hjxed Vegetables: Diced Beets, Carrots, Small Lima Beans, Succotash, Peas, Little kernel corn, -. .. •- . -$1.00 ------i ^ Have you tried Sweetheart brand of caiined goods! They arelthe very highest quality and are carried at all times at this store. ( / me Shoes and Galoshes, that have parked here too long, will be sold cheap. , We will trade merchandise for your $, large or small. SMITH BROS^ L<^s r.-. Have you a house to rent? Tyy a classified ad. $6.50 Ivory handled Carving Set, for 5-piece China Bowl ^et, for A Various China Novelties up to $2.00 value, for $5.00 $1.00 $1.00 John J. Vycital DOLLAR DOT BUYS FOR Saturday, October 26 j $1.50 Serving Trays,.... Parchment Lamp Shades, Waste Paper Baskets, Rag Rugs, End Tables, Magazine Racks, Hewing Baskets, .... 0'Cedar Oil Mops, : 18x36 Felt Base Rugs 8x18 Mirrors, 1 Electric Table Lamps, $3.50 Radio Benches, $1.00 75# S1.00 90«fr 90# $r>oo $1.00 -- 75# 35# $1.35 $1.75 -- $2.50 Aluminum Percolator, sugar, creamer and tray, 1 $5.75 3 Bedroom Suits to be closed out on Dollar Day at a wonderful discount. These are real bar- Qther large picees in furniture at special Dol- Iar Day prices. Ask about them. duced in the United States -T Starting Early Wee Kathryn Lois, age five, has a calory-counting mother" who quite, often "slips," and has not yet at* talned her goal of a "perfect 38." Kathryn Lois has heard much tailed about foods that make one fat. One night mashed potatoes wers served at dinner. Kathryn Lot#' pushed her plate back and said, "I don't believe I want any pottrTOesJii--^ "Why, what's the matter, Kathryn?" asked her father, "Better eat your potatoes like a good girl; they will help you grow up big and Btrong." "That's just it," retorted this modr ern miss, "I don't ever want to get t$ be as fat as mother." Mother is counting caloi4w „ |ft; earnest!--Indianapolis News. Justen & Sons Mhrk Twain's View "When I recollect the treasure of friendship that has been bestowe4 upon me,/ I withdraw all charges against life," sold Mark Twain, ao cording to the -American Magazine Qualities That Win The qualities that recommend young men are a willingness to work, courage in the face of disappointment, the habit of thrift and a sense al fair* ness.--Willfuir Feather. ON ANY RANGE DURING THIS TRADE-IK7' OFFER J*. October 31st is the last day on which yon can select one of the beautiful new gas ranges ' in our stock and benefit by the special allowance of 10% of its purchase price by turning in your old £as or coal stove ./• • Don't miss this wonderful opportunity to get a handsome new range--many with oven heat control and other latest convenience features--at a decided saving in money ... A wide variety of styles and prices. Only $5.00 down; balance with the gas bills. Call in mud select your range today!. WESTERN UNITED • V GAS and ELECTRIC COMPANY ^ ..... '• 1 •x , .vJl&iL b5C«. '

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