• 1 •" ^ I tlgj& #"',**•*»!« . . • . . • * v v * j " ^ ^ ^ s " ^ * ' ; $H£ Kf'HXKRY HJUJCDIALER, TH0K8DAT, OCTOBWtHl* 1929 v « r t> THEC^U, *•] UlLOUTlXBRS "" THE LITTLE BUSINESSMAN ,• "Dad, may I use some of my saving? to buy some traps?" asked Bob-! fey, eagerly. I have a mile to go to School, and I believe I can add to my Savings account by trapping." "What in the world would you catch except a cold and probably some bad %•" #dors?" jokingly inquired the proud »K father, who had done the same thing ft - When he was fifteen. L.fl "What would I catch? Why Dad, h' down along the creek there are muskfats and weasel?; up along the hill V* there are skunks, and once in awhile I might catch a mink, a raccoon, or 1 <#ven a fox," responded Bobby, enthusiastically. "Please, may I, Dad?" Further questioning disclosed that the legal trapping season would open ~f- % a few days, that the teacher would V pot object to the older boys doing ' lome trapping on the way to school, '.' And Dad admitted that when a boy I" ? had done the same thing. "Well, son, I am proud of you. You v, " lire surely a chip off the old block, but ,f\. times have changed somewhat and I V "•* yittst check up on the law to see &• i7- Vhether a boy may legally do the " , things I used to do," responded Bob- „* ' iy's father. ; & ; \ "Oh, I hope I may try, ahyhow, - taid Bobby. I'll be careful, Dad." ^ "That all sounds very well, Bobby, -1 * l>ut in my day there were not many .people living where I lived, and strict ' V laws were not necessary to save the fur supply. Besides teachers were more tolerant of odors from skunks and other animals. "A. Jnumber of states now have Jaws requiring all traps to be marked with the name and address of the fcwner; the traps must be visited daily and setting traps carelessly, or P in the dens of certain animals is Illegal. We must be sure about these ^ ' ~1aws here before I can give my consent, Bobby." " *But, Dad, today at recess our i teacher told us how to set traps so I " that the animals will not suffer un- •I1. fiecessarily, and he said some of the Animals should be caught to save "birds and animals that are beneficial," v argued Bobby. "Then, too, some of these animals steal the farmers' poultry." Dad chuckled at the enthusiasm of fiis embryo trapper son, but counsel- Jed proceeding slowly to be sure that no mistakes would be made. He as- - cured Bobby that probably he would " lielp him make some sets, but that it would be unwise to jump in hastily and probably run afoul of the fanr. r up4j IS. I-1 No Lov* Without Hop* Affection van .vit!:stai»l very severe ' storms of rigor, hut not a Ions polar frost of downright indifference. Love will subsist on wonderfully little hope, <but aot altogether without It.--Walter ^ 4kott Hi - i •*••• ; v ; ' :0 Can not Escape ComtquencM ! Consequences are unpitying. Our deeds carry their terrible conse- ® i quencea, quite apart from any fluc- * tuatious that went before--eonse- ^quences tbat a^ hardly ever * 'fined to ourselves.--Eliot. * * ^ » i •.4 y - V-ir , . j MOTHER RABBIT ^ FIGHTS SIX MEN FOR HER BABY Yellowstone Traveler^ Tells of Cottontail'i Gal-V ^ ' lent GriC' ^l' " Yellowstone Park, Wy6.-- stone National park offers the season's best rabbit yarn--Incredible, yet solemnly attested to by six good men and true. Park Ranger Fred T. Johnston tells It: "It was late in June. Six of its were traveling tn and on top, Of a truckload of beds and supplies over a road evidently seldom used. "During our Journey we overtook a very young jack rabbit--in fact, one so young that It barely had Its eyes open. He was exerting every effort, however, to scramble out of the rut he was tn, but seeing that he was bound to fall we stopped to assist him. "Our Intentions were undoubtedly misunderstood, because as soon as he was picked up he squealed as only a scared rabbit can squeal, but he accomplished his purpose. It's hard to believe that a rabbit would attack six men, but by the word of the six who were attacked that's just what happened. ' Leaps at Bunny's Captor. "The young rabbit 'knew his squealing* and so did his mother, or at least we gave the rabbit that came galloping out of the brush the credit of being his mother. And galloping Is the word to express her progress In our direction on the second squeal from her complaining offspring. "She appeared from a distance of a hundred yards or so away and was standing in the center of a circular Denotes Burial Place ' ' W • *** word "columbarium" " rived from the Latin word "folumbH,*' ,' meaning a dove. The word was orlglnally applied to ows of niches in the " walls of sepulchral chambers In Roman ' ' 's burial places from their fancied re- TV?'"' semblance to the dovecote. Eventually r'.-,• f • the name was applied to the chamber -- itself; hence its use at the present |, -n, time. LOST (0 POUNDS: WEIGHT REGAINED THROUGH KONJOLA LOST 60 POUNDS Had Been III for Twenty Tears; New , Medicine Completely Restored Health William M. Carroll, Soliciiu* SALE OF REAL ESTATE State of Illinois, K &. McHenry County, ss. In the Circuit Court of McHenry County, September Term, A. D. 1929. Spring Grove State Bank, a banking corporation, Complainant vs. Dell Edward Chase, et al., Defendants. In Chancery Gen. No. 23921. Public Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a decree made and entered by the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, in the above entitled cause on the 18th day of October, A. D. 1929, I, Fred B. Bennett, Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court «f McHenry County, Illinois, will on Satuday, the 16th day of November, A. D. 1929 at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the East front door of the courthouse in the city of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois, offer tor sale and sell at public vendue to the highest bidder, the following described real estate, towit: Lot number two (2) of Freund's Oak Glen Subdivision, in accordance with the plat thereof as recorded at the Recorder's Office of McHenry County, Illinois, in book 5 of plats on page 26, situated in the County vf McHenry in the State of Illinois. TERMS OF SALE Cash on day of sale, at which time a certificate of sale will be issued. Dated this 24th day of October, A. D. 1929. FRED B. BENNETT, Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court <tf McHenry County; Illinois. 21-4 N*wtoa'« Humility I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy plnying on the seashoce and diverting mysdH In now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.--Isaac Newton (1642-1727). Brewster's Memoirs. " **• : Only Hollaadors "Dutch" Tilt name "Dutch" or "Dutchman" !s properly applied only to the people of Holland, though the people there call themselves "Netherlanders." The word is a corruption «f "Deutach." meaning "German" or "Teutonic." and was formerly applied to Teutons In geueraL Now, except In slang or colloquial usage. It is limited to the Low "Xtermana or Hollanders. BIBS THAT CHILD CAN MANAGE ALONE Eyeing Every On* With Bulging Eyes. group we had formed before any of us could realize the truth of what we saw. I was truly thankful that I was not the one who was holding the infant rabbit. There she stood among the aforesaid six of us. eyeing every one with bulging eyes that meant only one thing--rage. She was poised on her hindlegs at the very feet of her infant's captor, apparently ready to spring at his face. Young Rabbit 8aves Day. "jppeech was impossible and how long we stood there dumfounded none of us attempted to say. I actually believe the young rabbit saved the situation because his squealing stopped with the appearance of his mother, and she finally hopped off a short distance and waited. This fact was not to be misunderstood, so the young rabbit was released immediately and left to the very capable and astonlshli protection of his mother. "To be attacked by a bear wh» >i molesting her young is natural, but rabbit--well, even a bear f tacks Six men." - * Puts Up His Cork LeJ to Pay Sweetie's Fine Johnson City, Tenn.--Police Judge Barton is beginning to think that deal he made in court the other day was not such • good bargain. Judge Barton has on hand one cork leg. He accepted it as security for a $25 fine imposed upon the girl friend of a one-legged man. The one-legged gentleman hadn't the $25. but he pulled off his leg and handed it to the court. Judge Barton has not gone so far as to hope some policeman loses a leg, but otherwise he can't see how the commonwealth can get Its $25 worth. One of Most Necessary Articles for Youngsters. 4Prep^r«d by th« United State* Departmaat ^ of Agricultures) Everything a Uttle child wears may be made to play a part In Its development if thought Is given to the way the garment will be used and what the child itself will have to do to manage it without adult assistance. Being Interested in children's clothing from the standpoint of self-help in dressing as well as in practicality and simplicity of design and attractive appearance, the bureau of home economics of the United Stated Department of Agriculture has scrutinized a good many commonly used children's garments and found them lacking In some Important feature. One of the humblest, smallest, and yet most universally necessary articles Is the bib worn at every meal from"the time the first solid food Is fed from a spoon. Attention has been given rather to protection of the clothing than to ease of manipulation, so that even a child of three or four Is usually obliged to ask some one else to tie the strings of his bib at the back of his neck. Bibs of rubber and other water-proof fabrics are widely sold, and while these have the merit of preventing damage to the garments tbey are not comfortabla Clothing specialists of the bureau have several suggestions to make J Civilisation ud Scant The ancients interested themselves atfflrtst entirely tn the heavier, more crude scents--as musk, myrrh, Inr cense; the scent of flowers Is seldom mentioned in their poetry or literature, which leads us to think that the subtlety of this last horn of our senses Is being evolved with civilization. f . Uaworthy Americas On August 16, 1812, Gen. William Hull surrendered Detroit to the British without firing a shot and without consulting bis officers. Two years later Hull was found guilty of treason. f*unf(fcm*at Efcougfi Theft of a library of 15.000 volumes is reported from a San Francisco home. The thief, when and If caught, might be sentenced to read 'em.--New Orleans Tlm<'s-P1rnyune. TOOK SODA FOR STOMACH FOR 20 YEARS "For 20 years I took soda for indigestion and stomach gas. Then I tried Adlerika. One bottle brought complete relief." Jno. B. Hardy. Adlerika (relieves X*AS and sour stomach in TEN minutes! Acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel, removing poisons you never knew were there. Don't fool ifrith medicine which cleans only PART of the bowels, but let Adlerika give stomach and bowels a REAL cleaning and see how good you feel! Thomas P. Bolger, D r u g g i s t . - , ' v All WB«B'bftatand track and "i. epairing, also welding, done by expert mechanics. * Main St., West McHenry 4 Jphone 19131 WEST SIDE GARAGE Bros., Prop4 ;? j T«L 185 a E~~J:== Cknetal Automobile Repairing J,- V; $ S.x:..lL±t2 ,-A' Set Phone, 639-E-J U32 THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS ?0& QUICK BBSULTS T>*t' J?*- sorry miss J You' The Time Is Nearly Up For four weeks, this newspaper has given the girls boys iq this community an opportunity to secure a wonder«» ful big Writing Cabinet at no personal cost. Our unusual offer is about to be withdrawn. We can still fill a few orders and everyobe will positively receive a Writing Cabinet for all orders brought to our office during the next seven days in accordance with the offer printed below. If your time to this prper or to THE FARMER'S WIFE is not out, renev/al or extension orders will count--everyone can {gel in--but do not wait any longer. This Offer tdill be withdrawn /, You Still only have to find one person who will let you turn in^j#^. order for this newspaper and THE FARMER'S WIFE to get your rabinet but both papers do not have to go to the same address. New and renewal onkrs count alike to both papert, Hwc » generous offer: « THE FJUtMER'S WIFE ere? art hr 7 jem $1.50 The Pl&inde&ler every week for 1 year $2.00 \ C You collect a total of $3.50 and bring or send it to "• N McHenry McHBTOY, IT.T..IW<M3 These big Writing Cabinets contain everything that you need for school--all in the handiest cabinet you ever imagined. The box is covered with durable, washable, attractive fabrikoid and is filled with pencils, pens, erasers, ruler, sharpener, compass, bands, clips, etc. and colored pencils. There is enough here to last a' long time and the cabinet provides a place for sate keeping. Come in and pick out the Writing Cabinet at our office, that you want. You don't need any money of your own,--just read the offer below and get busy. There isn't'much time left and we do not want ijiyone to be disappointed. ^ - • • •< '*•-•« We don't expect fa print any more so use this coupon now. THE PLAINDEALER, McHenry, Illinois. Hits aw my orders. Send your pa*rta P.0l • • "y _JtF.D._^_i Sute_ Send THt FARMER'S WIFE (every month) tot ^ >5 P. O R. F. D..._ State.. and hurry my pr&e Writing Cabinet filled jutt like the picture to ma. : y MRS. K. M. GRABER * "During the past twenty years I had been operated on five times and each one helped to make my health all the worse," said Mrs. K. M. Graber, 721 Mathew street, Peoria, Illinois. "I was a nervous wreck and had lost much weight. It was almost impossible to eat anything that agreed with me. Gasses formed that caused unlimited distress, "Finally I was told about Konjola and urged to try it. Right from the start it helped me and I began regaining weight. My fetomach began to get better and soon I was able to eat anything that I wished without suffering afterward. I became less nervous and slept better. I advise; all sufferers to give Konjola a trial because I know* what it will do." Konjola is sold in McHenry, 111., at Thomas P. Bolger's drug store, and by all the best druggists in all towns throughout this entire section. Boy Swallows Pin, Laughs, Coughs It Up Honolulu. -- Thirteen-year-old Solomon Kahoohalahala, of the Kalihl Boys' home Is a lucky laugher. After he had put a pin in his mouth and accidentally swallowed It, his teacher took him into the emergency hospital headquarters. While Solomon sat in the operating room, Police Surgeon Robert B. Faus made a more or less witty remark. The boy laughed, choked and coughcd up the pin. Brtd* Collapui Cincinnati.--After the minister pronounced the words which made her the wife of Boyd Thompson, Miss Betty Snaedley fainted. She was unable to leave the house for several hours after the ceremony. The honeymeea pas delayed. dq) o| inBpedsa 'sajejjB uuamq uo dABq o) aidodd snoi)HSJ3dn8 £q pasod •dns S) uooui aq) lodjja iBd|Ssm eig o) UdjdJ ..djUbcii' uooia,, cuj3) eqx noi)i)u»dnj aoo|f Note the 8trings Which ths Little Qir| Can Adjust Herself. about the fabric used in bibs and its attractiveness to the child, and they recommend improved styles of bibs which train the child In self-help. Ratine and Japanese cotton crepe are favored because they are soft and semi-absorbent, easily washed and require no ironing. These materials prevent the food which the child spills from dropping to the floor, and can be ased as napkins. Children love pretty colors, and Interest can be added to the wearing of the bibs by making them of different colors bound with white or of white bound with color. One successful bib developed by the bureau Is of white ratine, bound with bias tape In color. This binding is extended at the neck line Into 18-inch strings which are put through eyelets on opposite sides of the neck and then fastened to small brass or bone rings. The bib has no right or wrong side, and the child has only to get both strings over his bead and pull on the rings as In the Illustration, and the bib Is adjusted snugly around the neck. If the strings are thrown back over his shoulders they form a lock which holds the bib securely In place throughout the meal. To get It off, the child takes hold of It at each side of the neck and pulls it out and down. Even a two-year-old may be taught to manage this bib without help. Anyone can easily cut a pattern for 'djaomoj pa® eaoj jo sXtW this bib* The United States bureau of home economics in Washington will furnish a diagram If needed, but it does not have patterns o(. Other garments for sale.*" *. Backward Races , Some races of men hove only 300 or 400 words at their command, and are dependent upon gesture for much of meaning. - - * Happiness Highaat Aiaa _ I fetUeve the Inventions of the fVture, no matter how marvelous they are going to be, will avail us nothing unless human happiness Is also Increased.-- Roftr W. BibMK, * My name is*, My address* R.F.D.vSfnK£ Post office Ifoifll have fo HURRY this 17 Hlfh frad* Utcl PtncUa. 14 with Hiatal tips and araaars-'- mora than anourh pencils to last you a who!® year I Pancils with colorod leads. An adjustable Compass for drawing circle*. A polished hardwood Ruhr* 10 Paper Clips An improved Pan Holdw with 10 «tr* good Rubb«r Bands. A bi| non-smudging soft ErMeF* On* steal Pen Point. 4 A oHishad Metal Case for Pan Point*. A handy metal Pencil Extension to IM «p •mall pcncil ends. A «i|«. PmmU ^