K a Mrs. Kraits* ^|j ^ G*into, Mrs. Dunham and Mrs. Wit of Nhm^h's Cafe, entertained at a one o'clock luncheon on Tuesday in honor of Mrs. Arthur Krauif, who leaves this week with her husband • to make her home in fdmhiirst. Foot tables of bridsre. fiv» hundred - bunco were played daring the afternoon and the first prize in five hundred was won by Mrs. Delia Matthews. in bridge Mrs. Albert Krause and Mrs. George Phalin won prizes and in bunco Mrs. M. Baur won the prize. The guests were Mesdames, M. Baur, J. W. Rothennel. F. E. Cobb, Nick Preund. Simon Michels, Delia Matthews, A. L. Purvey, Arthur Krause, Stephen Heimer, George Flialin, Albert Kraase and Miss Florence FramdL *' f: •'Why Warty <Slib' • • Mr. and Mrs. John Kikiay entertained the members of the Why Worry . club at their home on Tuesday evening of last week and again several hours were spent in playing five hundred. Five tables were in play and , prizes for the ladies were won by Mrs. J. W. Rothervne! first, Mrs. Roy Cook second, Mrs. Edwin Cook third, Mrs. John Wagner fourth and Mrs. ; Joe Wagner low prize. Prizes for „ the men were awarded to Joe Wagner first, John Wagner second, Russell Gibbs third, Albert Justen fourth, and . Joe Freund low prize. After the games refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. John Wagner will entertain • the club at the next meeting. . Entertain Card Club Mr. and Mrs. Mat Blake entertained the members of their card club at their home Tuesday evening. Five hundred was played and the first prize was won by Mrs. James Jensen and Jerome Rieber, the second prizes went to Mrs. George Young and Thomas Kane and the consolations were awarded to Mrs. Ford Jackson and Georgg Young. Refreshments were •erred. Sisters Give Laaeheon The Sisters of St. Mary's church very delightfully entertained the members of the church choir and Father C. S. Nix, at a luncheon at the church hall on Tuesday evening of last week. Following the luncheon the members of the choir, numbering twenty in all, enjoyed the evening in music, singing and dancing. / "O«arr Gale" "Our Gang" club met at the home of Marvin Meyers on Monday evening. A jolly evening was spent by the boys in playing bunco and the first prize was won by Lor en Rothermel and the second prize by Marvin Meyers. A guessing contest was also enjoyed, in which George Vales won the prize. Lunch was served* -innrxiWMuuu R«N fNjfitiU Ifteet With the wentk of Ptennber cooms the election at the various many of whom elect their new of officers at the first meeting at the month. Fox Rivwr Valley Camp, No. 8261, Royal Neighbors of America, held it* election on Tuesday night and the officers elected were as follows: Oracle--Mrs. Carrie Ensign. Vice-Oracle--Mrs. Emma Fay. Past Oracle--flCrs. Mabel Johnson. Chancellor--Mrs. Martha Thorsell. Recorder--Mrs. Elizabeth Schoewer. Receiver--Mrs. Etta Wattles. Inner Sentinel--Mr*. Caroline Schiessle. Outer Sentinel--Mrs. Eva Wagner. The remaining offices are appointive and will be announced later. Cards and bunco were enjoyed after the business meeting with the first prize in bridge being won by Mrs. George Johnson, the first prize in five hundred going to Mrs. Wm. H. Althoff and in bunco the prise was awarded to Mrs. Henry Heimer. A delicious lunch furnished by the oracle, Mrs. Mftbel Johnson, wm served. •;< : Entertains Bridge Club Mrs. Joe Miller entertained the members of her bridge club on Tuesday evening of last week. Two tables of bridge were played and the first prize was won by Mrs. Simon Michels, the second prize by Mrs. J. W. Rothermel and the third by Mrs. John Kilday. Refreshments were served. FARM AUCTION DEC. 19 Charles W. Gibbs announces that lie has rented his farm on the Crystal Lake road and will move to McHenry following the holding of a public auction on the farm Thursday, Dec. 19, at which time all machinery, hay, grain, etc., will be sold. Full list will appear in these coluras next week. MODERN WOODMEN ATTENTION Valley Camp, No. 97, will elect officers Wednesday evening, Dec. 11. Every member is requested to attend as very important business will be discussed. * L. F. NEWMAN, V. G. E. E. BASSETT, Clerk. Mm Anna mia aai Mr. Hironimas, Well Kwrn Here, Joined la Wedlock Miss Anna Brit*, daughter of Mrs. Emma Britz, of Waukegan, and Mr. Chester Hironimus, son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Hironimos of Round Late, ~ an|v> UP*,nb.-w-u^. VII Tinriksgivirig d«y. f v The ccremony took placc in the German Lutheran church in Waukegan at 10 o'clock Thursday morning, Nov. 28, after which a reception was held at the home of the groom at Round Lake, where one hundred guests sat down to a wedding dinner served at 4 o'clock. The wedding was an elaborate and beautiful one, with the bride attractively gowned i* eggshell satin and carrying a bouquet of yellow and white tea roses. Miss Virginia Engeln, of McHenry, a cousin of the groom, and Miss Marjorie Cleveland of Round Lake, a friend $f the bride, acted as bridesmaids and the groom was attended by his cousin, Harry Hironimus, and a friend, Albert Smeltzer of Grayslake The men wore tuxedos. Miss Engeln was beautifully gowned in gold lace with turban and shoes to match and carried bronze chrysanthemums. Miss Cleveland wore purple chiffon with turban and shoes to match and carried yellow chrysanthemums. A wedding dance was held at Round i»ake in the evening. The couple will make their home in Waukegan, where the groom is employed. The bride is a former resident of this vicinity, having lived east of this city with her parents, several years ago. 4 Mr. and Mrs. John Engeln and daughter, Virginia, of McHenry attended the wedding.. Edwards Garage has just received a new shipment of Philco and Stewart- Warner radios. They make a wonderful Christmas gift. 27-fp Use Xmas Cards with your name printed thereon. The Plaindtealer can furnish you with a box of 12 fancy cards, name printed, for $1.50. Each extra box $1.00. Santa Claus will arrive in McHenry on Saturday, Dec. 14, and make his headquarters for the day at the Wm. H. Althoff Hardware store in West McHehry. Be there, kiddies, to greet old Saint Nick. • 27 Plaindealers at Bolger's. METHODIST CHURCH You are invited to attend services at the M. E. church every Sunday. . Morning worship, 11 o'clock. Sunday school, 10 o'clock. Epworth League, 7 p. m? • All young people are invited to attend the Epworth League meetings which will be held every Sunday evening this winter. The Sunday school is beginning to plan for Christmas. There will be a Chistmas tree atod a program by the children. If you do not attend Sunday school you are invited to come next Sunday in time for the Christinas program. Nine months attendance pins were awarded to Chester, Walter and Shirley Colby and thirty-seven names Were on the honor roll for the month. Use Xmas Cards with your name printed thereon. The Plaindealer can furnish you with a box of 12 fancy cards, name printed, for $1-50. Each extra box $1.00. Lyle Bassett was a Chicago visiter Wednesday. Mrs. Clarence Whiting was a Chicago visitor Friday. Miss Rose Huemann is spending u few weeks in Chicago. Mrs. ML Baur and son, AlUs, were Elmhurst visitors Wednesday. Mr. ««d Mm. Paul Doherfcy visited in Woodstock one day last week. Peter J. Schoewer and son, Fred, were Chicago visitors Wednesday. John Sutton bf Newark, N. J. is spending a few weeks with relatives here. Mrs. George Phalin and Mrs. John Phalin were Elgin visitors la^t Wednesday. Peter Blake and PhlHp Schaefer went to Chicago Monday, where they attended the fat stock show. Dr. and Mrs. N. J. Nye, Miss Lou Schneider and Eugene Nye spent Thanksgiving day in Chicago. John Sutton of Elkton, S. D., spent a few days the past week with relatives in this vicinity. Mr. Sutton is the grandson of the late Ned Sutton, formerly of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McAndrews, son, Ronald, of Woodstock and Mrs. Kate Beshel, who has been visiting in their home, spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl McAndrews. Mr. and Mrs. G. Peter of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Richards, son, Feter, and daughter, Nancy, of Libertyville were Thanksgiving day guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Phalin Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Boger and family had as their guests on Thanksgiving day their son, Arthur, and wife of Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Schaffer and daughters of Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Herrold, daughters, Margaret and Veronica, and Mrs. Evangeline Smith and daughter, Theresa Mae, spent Thanksgiving and the week-end at Elkhart, Ind., visiting Mr. Herrold's sister and brother. See and hear (the new Stewart- Warner Radio at the Edwards Garage, McHenry. No better Christmas surprise could be thought of for the family on Christmas morning^ Phone for a demonstration in your own home without obligation. Call l^urw?? MM Ml MIM MM I it * 'l l | f i t l i t I t u r n BOM Awaits Hia ^ "A man, however powerful," said HI Ho, the sage of Chinatown, "must be prepared to meet som woman whose will be will have to obey."-- Washington Star, 'IK Candy H at BOLGER'S m ' '* 5-' . !>,,r Jk ...J** $ T. . .'"I... * ji. :!!!'!§ 3% V.,, i :• v 1 JOIN OUR "V ki ' ! CHRISTMAS dm- CLUB -tWHT ,--'•i *-l,/ ;' . •'">* ,V'.\ r.. * ;"i * >- V'f- y/., .'V- ' :y • ' '• .J- . . -•i 1, ' • ; The^First Deposit Heads the Stalwgrt Qlji ; ; i Craft in Your Direction •: fach subsequent Deposit keeps it an the wagr IT IS DUE IN PORT BEFORE CHRISTMAS / V Everybody, Adults and Children, Welcome Uf Jc&n a '-rt 'Vj$: • WI % mm ii West McHenry State Bank •9$ 6ESALD J. GAREY, Ciskier ;•»«. , IbtagtiMt ,• »teiipi^iiiiiiiiiiaiiin' iin. --i . i jjii 11 i iiln11 II 11ji'I HI Peoples State Bank of McHenry ' > .,5* fLOYD M. FOSS, CmU|* Given Street •••• iiioiiiinvi *W&i - WU'i b & GIFTS THAT PLEAStiP^ PENS AN0 PENCILS Hake Ideal Selected By Us to Aid You In Choosing Your Gifts At this drugstore you will find gifts suited for every gift problem you £ may have. The forethought we used in selecting gift items to answer' *1 S ri8 the choosing of y0Ur Christmas remembrances ^ delightful and entertaining pastime. i45#** It's oniy a few days to Christmas and time flies. Why not start today to inspect the holiday lines and decide what you will rivet Our holidav business has already " you are going daily. Julia King's 80c per lb. laive One off the New Book# an you think of anything better for a gift? A good book fe suited for either lady or gentleman--a gift sure to please, particularly if it's one of the latest copyrights. We have practioally all tlie best o&ea, Coate in aad look them over. * ' . : / .• >. .. ^ -Popular Copyrights;.. l?5c Standard works in beautiful gift editions at a variety of prices* •, • • • ' 4. Perfumes and cosmetics in dainty gift sets, bottles of cut or fancy glass--fine for gift giving and always certain to please those who receive business has already began and goods wMch"p^rfWy VOU arft ffninor ^oilv • Select a Piece of > IVORY for . Mother, Sister s Sweetheart Here You Will Find the Most Complete Line of Xmas Cards „ ever shown in . . McHenry * . !W Choose a» ; Box of Cigajfc t or Carton Cigarettes for , * Dad, Brothel or . "My Man* * Crepe and Tissue Papers We have a most beautiful line of crepe and tissue papers 4his season. These papers are largely used for making little gift tokens and our new stock includes all the latest ^ifits and decorations. XMAS WRAPPINQS OF ALL KINDS The McHenry Druggist every Brown, Qvod Stare In o Qood Town" A Registered Druggist Alwdyi in Char&t •• aA forit! X i\ r -i AS Lovrja " $ pinwttiUy rrrwr Kodakery " FT prownief ' And get it today! Let us give you valuable hints on how to use this "simplest real camera." Complete $ stock of Brownies and film ^ t i -Quality developing and finishing. It, I Full Line of KastmaS1* Oameras and Kodaks %: A'? WW: T T 11 It I »tt I »< 111 Ittttttt It > II M »| >> 11|| m M 11 >| | | | | i :tr •*±L v.