Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Dec 1929, p. 6

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•--* <*'" ; H «#/*: iZ* >'*: PPfPPPF^PI* THE MUEN&Y PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, DBCEMBER 5,19$ ,ijl VAIL SPRING GiM^ ^ . kr. Viiianl iriUiafcuMi*' |rij the We«d|njr rteefctifa dfef tfcfcir neice, Miss Anna Britz, now Mrs. Hironomous, at Waukegan on Thursday afternobn of last week. •'». Mr. and |dfs. CHyd§ Farlrey attended the funeral of the former's grandmother at fticii!au4 Center, V/%s., Sunday afternoon: Thiy returned;l6n Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Vinoont Feltes have moved fa Chicago for the winter. Mrs. Bertha Esh and son, Glendaler returned home Sunday, after spending the past ten days at Watertown, Wi?., with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Esh and family- Arnold Rauen of Jasper, Indiana, spent last week at pis home here. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rauen and daughter of Chicago spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rauen. Mr. and Mrs. James Oxtoby Were Thanksgiving ditther; guests of friends in Chicago. , . Mr. and T&ts. Dick Mills and P. G. Hoffman were Woodatock shoppers' Monday. ^ Friends of Miss ftildfl iCarls will bei aorry to l^earn that she is quite sick in Chicagp. \ ~ , ' Math Lay trtfhsaCtfel Chicago Tuesday.^ ,, 'Mr?. Anna Fredericks and three Children of Chicago Were Sunday]^ guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. C X' . . , ^ f * J / 4 ^ * S t- * ^ \ BR JOMtPH c. rivun - Dentist MeHenry - - Illinois lite MeHenry: Fridays 10 8 p.m. Saturdaysd 7s|0 p.m. Sundays by appointment. {'Artificial teeth made by the Davits ! process. Latest electrical equipment and modern methods. Riverside Drive over Barbian's Grocery and Market McHENRY GRAVEL A EXCAVATING 00. A. P. Freund, Prop. :Road Building and Excavating i of Every Description | Estimates Furnished o | Request ^High-grade 0 ravel Delivered at any ft b|b# I orders given prompt attention McIJonry-. on* COTXA Phone 204-M » » irat-k Sare-Iasvuce --".t;a ,,Wm. G. Schreioer I x Auctioneering ,|f~ I OFFICE AT RESIDENCE I; Phone 9S-R MeHenry, I Phase 126-W McHENRV , :Ml iMSOUble *T 0w.)«scbAEiKttrsn ?ri&e itea Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson of Chicago spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Shine and family. Mr. and Mrs. James P. Green and family of Woodstock visited relatives here Thanksgiving Day. f Glenrt McMillan of Chicago spent Sunday at his home here. * Ed Conway and son, Dick, were guests of Elgin relatives Thanksgiving Day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMillan and daughter called on relatives in Spring Grove recently . ' George Cook of Crystal Lake spint Thanksgiving Day as the guest of Robert V. Knox. f Glenn and Gloria Johnson of Cpicago visited at the home of B. •* J. lae^s Thursday. I'M*#. Etlwird /.' Knox and daughter, Patricia Ann of Harvard visited relatives here Thursday evening, i Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sund $nd daughter, Darlene, of Carpenter svjlle #«ht the hofne of Henry McMillan. Thomas Bernston and Miss Jennie HJ|gan 6f Elg4m we# .Thanksgiving Diy gist's. al hwie'^f B. J. Shine Miss Mabel Knox of Rosary college visited at her home here from Weddaughter, Fib. enoe were Chicago visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Leisner; of Gkicago were guests of the former's sifter here Thanksgiving Day. , Jamea Greem of Woodstock visited friend wBfrjfcn Thursday until Sjinday. i Nels Person of Chicago spfert Thanksgiving Day with his wife h*re. ri-.i-t rtgl ILLINOIS >.->q Miss Evelyn Bohl of Crystal Like af the h»itoe_ ff Frank McMillan last Wednesday evening. 0. W. KLOMTZj UL Phy$iciaB «mi SuEg«0A •, (Also treating all diseases of the E^re, Ear, Nose a»d Throet- *nli*W?' fitting of filflisse^)f |f Office Hours--8 to 9 a. m., S to 4 and 1 to 8 p. m. Smnriay« by App^mfcuent Office at Residence, Waukegan Road Phone 181 'MeHenry^ HI • ^ Mr. and Mr% R*e# Q&rr and PMlin G Hoffman ' oT Spt^ng Grove spent Thanksgiving Day with Mr. and Mrs ferton GrAcy afld family. . , fraak Feck of Chicago visited at hoWe llamt' McMillan Monday and Tsesday- J I'Harold an4 ;IU)bt^^Knox Calledj on relatives at Woodstock Sunday. £d ^een By Plain^eal^r Steers and Handed tf^; By Our Friends it<j ^ John R. Knox was, a Chicago vi#itor Friday. , , , , r Bjlrs. C. W. Goqdell was a Chicago visitor Friday. Mjss Mabel Gorman was a Chicago visitor Friday. j Mjss Clara MiU^( Chicago visitor Monday. .v, | . Donald Givens was a visitor in Beloit, Wis., Monday. Miss Arline Harrison, was a Chicago visitor Saturday. , >®r. and Mjrs. Gritzjpnacher Chicago visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Donavin and children were Chicago visitors Friday. Leo Heimer of Chicago spent Thanksgiving Day with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Schreiner were Chicago, visitors Thursday and Friday. Henry . Lang? of Waukegan spent Thanksgiving Pay with friends in this |tr. aad A. J. & mhoti spent Thanksgiving as jgU'ests of relatives it Cary., . . Mis»es P'amela artd Gladys Rifetesel >ent jthe week-ena at their notne here. TUT 11 TPPM luDll POINDS WH TAKING K0NJ6LA Qaiacy Lmdy Found in aew and D4f- ' ftrent MeJicme Her iirat a«t>-VT f 4>nly Relief ) MISS DORATHEA DAS^, j4 "Wliat a Bplertdtd medicine K^nj^a said Miss Dorothea Dasch, 603 three weeks ouiuAiiy I = . Oxtoby I Broadway, (^umeey. 'lln thre Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward, Miss ^ree >ott^ of 'th]^ Wedicine did me M^iss Angela PeteSch of Chicago was a week-ctid gueSts :6t. friends in Estella Riiepke of Chicago ind Miss Bertha .Roepke of Waukegan spent Thanksgiving Day With Errtest Roepke. ' : " ; ; Mrs. Martha CasSCT of Chicago spent Supday with het father1, Nick this city. ,Freuhd. , Miss Leone Conway returned home1 Mr. and Mrs. WiUiatn Shotliff en- Saturday from a Week*s Visit With tertained friends la"rid relatives on Chicago relatives. * _J Thanksgiving Day. My and Mrs. Joe 'Weber and" sob spent Sunday in the Nick Young homfiat Ringwood. n: bI .ri'lK: ^NP«; violin llaln^H :*Uf. Arthur; Shades) ef Blgln spent ;the vleek-end witn his father and sister htro. • •» * • i i - , Mr. atrd Mfs. Irving Lawrenz of Cbicago visited ^.t the home of Hemry McMillan frdrh Saturday until l^on- Bergman Chicago spent Thanksgiving Day at General Teaming Sand, Gravel and Cotff for Sale Grading, Graveling and Road Work Done By Contract or By Day Ffioiire^3IeHenrT%49-R-l^ P. .0. Address, Route 3 f ; V ' 4jf" $ Telephone Na 10«-B Stoffel & Reihansperger puranc« agepte for clapeea > in the impaaies ILI4N0IS the Leisner home here. ^ n were recent ,Imesfe -of Mr. and Mrs. Jr S. Lynott in Wheaton. ! Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bergman :and daughter, Janet, of Chicago Were Thanksgiving Day guests of Mrs. Nels Person and Miss Alice Leisner. , Harold Knox attended the International Live Stock Exposition in Chicago Monday. -BrleflyToia v The bill has not yet lifted its, iface "to heaven that perseverance WiM not . gain Hie -summit at last MM. M. OARROLL l Lawyer ilHl Wigr^Mcgfnrfetate tank Hope J|k^|ry. IlKnok 1110 99* HERE'S A REAL CHRISTMAS PRESENT -vEnOmo s>W imfr- •fe: m m m «9irio nsH . nsibliri ai/nU a cii.O a ami • Bicssaes :&.y 1 ^taiqq/iW itiO l2RA<D/ti(ShV[ ttbpls..... Itea^nrv the vpic? of $jn$|r or of insfrument, and not its mere hollow echo All this '(PW tp you instantly with Edison tight'O-Matic ;v)^uning. A flash of light--and there's yo^r stationl ~•^uned unerringly, precisely, without efFojrt| Hear the new Edison Rgdio! Know th^ thrill of^ capturing station after station with the marvelous light-O-Matic Vuher 6n this marvelous VrTusical instrument that is priced as Iow^ds-^$l^7i50ii J1^. fteattee ?<# yoMf thdf here ls a,airtMidOlfr:becirrthef^reoriefit haiQdCkt HdH'd s&39& \&Tv, )Ba*ytermttotn*ityaur&mwT*ie*Hft s Prices from 67,9^ O^nd up; r btL:> ^ b^H =3Q Si Green Street, MeHenry | Mrs. Henry Miiller was the weekend guest Of her sister, Misa Ella| Ibsch, in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sattem of Congress Park visited relatives here Thursday and Friday. Mr. and Mrs., Henry Nielsen and little daughter spent Thanksgiving with relatives in Aurora. Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Aicher were dinner guests of relatives at Oak Fark on Thanksgiving Day. M5ss Maud Grahger of Chicago spent Thanksgiving day vrt6h her sister, Mrs. R. A. Thompson. iStr. and Mrs. "Walter Fay and little son, Haines, of Elgin were visitors in the J. W, Fay home Sunday. ij'r. and Mrs. Howard Cairn® have moved from Court street to the John Blake house on Green street. Mr. and Mrs. Cossey of Chicago were Sunday guests in the htrtite of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Fteund. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Thorsell and family spent Sunday in the home of their daughter at Mundelein. Mr. and Mfs. Robert Thompson and Miss Maud Granger were Greenwood visitors on Thanksgiving Dat>. Mrs. Moriarty and Mrs. Hartley of Chicago visited their father, John Pint, in tljis city last week. ^ - Mr. and Mrs. Allan Nodnan and children were the guests of relatives in jQhicago on Thanksgiving day. Dr ;dnd Mrs.- J." E. Whtteler were Thanksgiving Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Walkup at Ridgefield. Misls Grace Martin of Chicago spent Thursday in the home of her jia^ts; Mr. and Mr*. Clarence Martin. •< i • •' Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wegener haw moved from. the John >Bonsl#it lwosfi on Oourt fttfeet to a fiarm hoyfe near VtilO. •••> ! Mr. and Mrs. Eimer Winkelman.and lHfle *«yn of EUtin were Thanksgiving Day g«tid&9: in tfce bom& of, <&lr^-. Anna :fCndx. -• -i Jesse Wotfmley was a iaw1"^ « ' the ju*y in- thei peopled ca^e ajs»inar Tra S. B«4»on, ,.filtoeklatf»f)f ,via« '* 1 'H -! r ; I Mi-, and Mrs! > Peter Xhoi^ejl; aMt family spent Thanksgiving Day in the home of "their daughter at, Vfau- " " - • > ->•"« •> . ..1 ^Mlsft^Bva^ Adama. w .saw*,employe « t t h e S w o w Q F y s t a 1 Lake. She spent the week-end he^ hotne here. ^ . ?j,r > Mifee May Justen of St. « collet at Notre Dame *pen<? Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr.; at»d M1*1*- •Fretf Jast?*.' :•••••> 'i Mr. and Mrs. William Dr^c. an.< 'son, fliilte, of Forest p*rk, were Thanksgiving guests in tb^ home of Mtfe. Henry Block. . -Weston and Harold Paeon . were Wifcnot visitors Sunday , afternoon, v^here the latter acted. As referee at a basket ball game. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kennebeck o#r"Chicago spent Thanksgiving Day ih the home of her paxenta, Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Chamberlin. JGrace, Carl and Jack Stenger of • Waukegan visited MeHenry friends over the week-end and were guests in the A. E. Nye home. j Mrs. -Mat Laurea and daughter, | Mary Jane, were guests in the home ®f her siBter, Mrs. Weir Keck at Waukegan, Thursday and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McCarroll of Chicago spent Thanksgiving and the week-end in the home of her parents Afr, and Mrs. Jaeob ^usten. , - - Jrtiss Carolyn Batiet 6f "fttnfldry College spent Thanksgiving and the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs llGchael Bauer, at Pistakee Bay. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. fiaseley of Union and Mrs. W. C. Baaeley of Woodstock were \ Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dowell. . Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McCabe and little daughter, Patricia, of Chicago spent Thanksgiving Day in the home her patents, 1)r. and Mrs. R. "•, dham^eriiri, d Among (hose' wlid attoded the jetol of James Jensen in Chicago last .Wednesday were: Mr. and Mrs.Mjit ,1 Wake, Mr. ahd Mrs. Thomas Kane.ff Mr. and Mrs. George Yonhg and Mr. and ilSxs. Fofd Jackson. ' , Miss Charlotte FT&t of Chicago toent Thanksgiving "Day and the remainder of the *eek in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wi iFrett. She has been unable to re- "I'luilfi to her work beCiuse ot ill health'. T7" Tliere are no actual data as to the • first violin made by Jacobus Stainer, wMo was born In 1621 and died in 1063 In an Insane aaylUKi. He was apprenticed to « maker of stringed Instruments and tB estimated to have produced violins of bit ov^n W1- Liter be atudied at Crenwma, where he discovered Italian methods of violin manufacture and became.a master In the art He was a German, born IB: the -if#rol: u /atl . 7/ .f:a I. t?,- .1 it•h'i !/• haa ..iW more good than all other medicines T ever tried. Indigestion had limited ,iiay diet to the plainest of foods and liquids. I lost height and strength and could work but part of the time. Mjy nerves were in a poor state from Jack of restful sleep, and I had become utterly discouraged.- 1 ' > ' "Konjola went right to work. In three weeks I gained fifteen pounds. |ilost of my strength returned and I slept well. 1 ate anything I wished yrhenevei* I was hungry and the gas pains arid headaches caused by indigestion were no longer felt. It is amazing to me that any one medicine could do all that Konjola did in 30 short a time. I hope every sufferer from stomach ailment may be induced by my expedience t<y try this new medicine." : < Konjola is sold In MeHenry, 111., at Thomas P. Bolger's drug store, and by all the best druggists in all towns throughout thif entire section. •••1-H ••»••••••»•••••••»•»»»»»••»»»• g »»»•»»»»»»•»»»•••#! Hettermann WToBP Satss 3 g u J A g S R T 8 » -iiil' "fO ' M:*Af irtif: Jaoj & • . .. v. ' ^hi/All kindfl of ear and ifnnk ing, afec vrdding, xlnnoAy pypprfc ! ' Main St., West MeHenry ^ Phone 191 ••»»•»»»»»»# »»•>#»»»••» W -'i >i~%~ • -i WEST SIDE 6ARA6i Atfami Bros., Props* (TOie y»{W si' 'jurf* <V t- "v t% &es. Pkornet 6S9 |t 2 hrbjiitfuL'fl TeL 185 ^ 111 \ || Mi S. H. Freund & Son :im4 •'.soli i'::. General Bnilding Contractort r , ^ a ifo' Hlaiap ,i H (h&naH lo nwiMriH • . { ,. . j, *';>« <w»»diT hub v; Oer. Pearl and Park Sits. \ I McHenryj WL •OaU&K. %»,«i*h -kjrr«a r •r»aS tiv tvftasqg mitztfV ' t *ld i*iis f ' Bladder Irregular? If. functional Bladder Irritation disturbs your sleep, or causes • Burning or. Itching Sensation, Backache, Leg Pains," or muscular. aches, making you feel tired, depressed, and discouraged, why not try the Cystex 48 Hour Test? Don't give up. . Get Cystex today. Put it to the test. See tor yourself how quickly it works and what it does. Money back if it doesn't bring quick; improvement, and satisfy you, completely. Try Cystex Only' 60c. Thomas P. Eolger, The Mchenry Druggfc*. MsHenry 'TO ' Introductory Sale! To introduce Dr. dyne's Red Top Capsules to every family in MeHenry and surrounding towns, they "Will be sold, for a limited time, at the Special Introductory Price ofVnly 39c. (Regular Price 50c.) Dr. dyne's Red Top Capsules are highly Irecoftimended for. the relief of '" Colds, Headache] Flu, "Neuralgia, Neuritis, Tonsdftis'i Rhetrniirti^m, Toothache, Aches and Pains : ' They are made according t6' a prescription used in hospitals and private practice for many years with very satisfactory results.^ They're "EASY ON THE HEART" Satisfaction Guaranteed or Money Refunded. . • .. , Sold at Bolg&'fftsnd Wattles' Drug Stores. ' ' ,!r> Pi, /• liiinrf ni .•iV. •flllTli. IftK Ufa Rjde i Mfffigojd . .Cqaches through the j>/>pular resort centers - direct ,te Chicago - or Lake Geneva. ;jLow fares, fast, .pei-vice. , fixnerienced drivers. Fine»^ fE^llmans of ML* LAKE ».^P«oj!f5f5rA1v. "•WOLQ j $.t5 - MM' -v W<AUCQNI>A , J^AKB OORNfijlS ; ;/ i?. 'intjj , $<30 one .way,, t»fa4KErEURIC8l... '• pn«"tWiyak1;S PBOsPEcrr ,v. '.'•.•i -»•».! : I . • $.10 ene7f»y„ , - J>ESPLA1NES • $,#0 one; yay, > MMPSTER &?MILMfA$? , •ifiiKEB AVE., $.90 oneway . MILES CENTER V. , - i it. $1.00 one,way, NORTHBOUND QENOA CITV'^ o 2JH». Mi % .. 1*^35 ojie tydy *5$ on* way I' Sil^e'Hiilie^l^r trartaferring to Rapid Transit "L" trains at Niles Center--soar above the street traffic to the heart of Chicago- , Save motley by usinK the special Marigold CoiipoA Book-- $10 worth of rides for $8--a twenty per Ceftt reduction. For all information . ^icHenry Ticket Office, i Justen's Hotel, Phone 16. MBTROPOLJTA,N MOTOR COACH COMPANY Botltd'! P. Savage, General . Mattager *8>^ -tffii'TOfW ' M? ,£-T2 ' ' Mwnd a :tuo4^. z.&v:' ^ M£TaaFCLit/j<i HYS'IEM i mmmms (f €:*"»«>(ff&Y 1<Wf TAW ^!! xr.-ati-, sK~rt ,-i, tiirhr , -m: : .m«j »«i?. vnu' Moj rutqtt tauv, "»r»vii -inJ $mit r*ii', -.ult '&fxo(T^3 .jfj• fif'rtiiil » a bivotty 'dsW ; Ja msa* le;w>f rfedt 10X A' . nrij "*>!• >- vKrf •jllsd .. •'* • nc HAVE YOU TRIED IT? 'V.','* If Not. Why s&s^t.1 , v t u u ' ^ _ 1, . hbco icrtre referring to p ,<S. .-I . I , , . ' . t '• ivO that is all we ask, just a trial. oxb bn% : r»n V/e are perfectly willing to !Uo mbide by your decision. .•14'K^ te^sli | mp# \ '! h«»aa * *+tart delivery today. fiibh^ ai .7 - • I SMIJ snrraa .rremdo fU t oiwt f - -fiGomnaMflLity Dairy ,oH mPhone 660-J-l « "Bm I. Smith, Prof. • .«• !« : .. er-^H ;>• -j • • . •: n • ' . ' vpjm, a loa yaofa hr. > USE THE CJ.ASSt?IED COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULTS » <» »!• •» »> <. .g.» *> » » »»>»» •> •!< •» •fr'fe 1i 1' •> yf"» 0 »">*• » .• . .UtY"' "• -••• narfw nootnisW,-- .«v'.»*niTTjUi T 1 " V ma-ri h^rrfo5-m ••••••*-&*»*& WS * • :• t Z msmTT .a3 .IT ^-»H.j unoi#a»« & low •»»« T nstmas I "ROLLS^THROUGH TH^ YEAR W<• i . • . • -•:« , . . r ^ m r . -IrfO • .».4. a„av . . r;.«...> ' H a 1 o? ja^ii rs- •9IB1 xtfa JA, ,n**$ ad 04 smamsT ,4m:? iuov *oi«s h xf fiiw ;t ;aa»T f ,*t li lav^Jariw ao(-iai »fl;»T vqitfRth twio!Hi »84iiT ia»T .<)« 'asnodxniiuV laol oj *,J0 naiut : ' »OT 3maa »%bo a -^4^ irft "snHi9T^ ni »vfn« OiAr^# itd $rf8in bog ,*r ,»G mW -»rfi in /ab <*rtt -jo'! 3taw7b-r«H findilA •Xab.e.-w i ffft. 3 .A tm .iiot3K»B »oiJaj8iq * - ba adt i>n« ?' bn* bio ,X3?0 _Anoij&t0j«T4r. v) «Oi»r/ >-•; ;w n^.r^ £1-^; • }£11 > i .iff V i>|iri 9dt bar.'i-i: riciae no < * - ~ :8tJ^ na,;pbM^ ^sM bnh 9?KfO , .!«•»< Mi»!i HHimbB Mil j>n« * lu" .* '.l it 1 / . when yQH &mt gift of i^per^mmfprtjxble <111^ ^ •^rrrixf^i HiO / MS J H.8/T1 •*A i b->tnnq *.K1 -i ittinfi vv u,>/ ftamul * The World's Fitifstfifes DoHght '-htoVtZiw ' *V I Jtlhri-g * li $rt safe tires. 4 I dSictioiiif in gfrU3 ^811 ix twKfwia#- •« •UK 1 . . * t h e w o r l d ' s l a r g e s t r u b b e r c o m p a n y c a n p r o d u c e will be allowed for th«*un- v _\V_ ne^a ^hj!j|»eyir4 of all U»» sold eiffjwii >our surprisingly moderate prices; 4 ttiM ft&M .13 raft 1 tires. Appraisal*, made ftiit fthlioral-inn, v. )t>$ v^b bifeH i uoy ! i fleavy Duty «"»a mom ' range .es Standar^l^tfymT&lfrthf,n<ler7 'itB r-.u • > freund '"T ,nwja« Wxi JttVl 2S»mr. ' t ..Mon-skid jChains, Alcohpland ftestone ^ «dl llrt Crank-casf Dniniiw, Top Dressing, Etc, . ,a ^ ^ ^ ^,T ux ?;K/MT1|WI^ TIRE AND TUBE VULCANXZINO •" ^ bfa ' - BATTERY CHARGING AND REP AIRING.,.,*.^ a boa h»*:u a l u l l ' ••»f^te 12C ALL WORK GUARANTEED R rj-iiT :o /i Vt •H .1 hns 5* Wfesf MeHemyr-Bfc^ .1: J. ri»tl W 11 111 11111 U 1111 I 1 >4 •tsartonaw/'. AHH'Jt .O .WW :: '

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