Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Dec 1929, p. 5

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, • '. • - *:;•. *•- fw . j: : .. r, ..•*,. . .--s -Tv.. ' /*1 '** ^'•'V* V-- '•*J"^/ " ' ',' •^""^^ • - :;:"V";'>' > &%'• •V:' ,'\* ••' .:V ' ' '*: 1 "v /'/' \lH *V : '.s<^ *\yy ' ".. : ' ; * ^ ij ; \ ^, «, * ^ v» .* - - , « • ' „ . * * * * , "* v < „ w '»\*'••'•'? • ; ,' '.-» - .vVi' ' "' *v:-: THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, DEO. 19, 1929 ,*rr***>» ^i-"^'.1,'- ' ' i -linTii h'i i nirifi'ii •> u BACON'§» : - STRIP *'••••} ^-,v -- BY •;-: '"ZEKE" BACON M. A. A. C. WINS OVER WILMOT PIRATES Saw Gabby's name in the paper the other day and they are still curing that arm of his. . Anybody can make bricks oat of Chas. Unti's ice cream, but even Joe Miller, our local inventor, has failed to make ice cream out of Chas. Unti's bricks. And "alT Jake Schaefer continues to ramble on his wild rampage in the K. of C. bowling: league. Won't somebody please cross their fingers or Jinx him in some manner? Our old friend, Tony Oertle, had Crystal Lake Here Next Sunday-- Pontes Drop 19-16 Contest To Badgers These rampagious M. A. A. CL's seem to be determined to make last yea^s Tecord seem insignificant the way thej are goinf at it these days. Not satisfied with the comparatively easy victory over Huntley on the latter's floor last Thursday night by a 31 to 17 score, the local prides journeyed to that garrison at Wilmot and took the Pirates by %torm. The battle turned out to be a real one, but tho Ulini were leading by 26 to 20 when the final whistle blew. The result would have been far more decisive had the winners been making their free throws, many of which were also missed in the Hontley game. With only six men on hand and BOWLING NOTES Team No. 1 'Team No. 3 Team No. 4 Team No. 2 his name in the box score of the j Whiting arriving late, Gus Freund, Typewriter-Hebron bowling match at w^° has been on the infirmary list Hebron the other night . Tony piled ^or sev®*1®! weeks, was pressed into 19 a 602 series. Just like ?ld times. service and while not the Gus of old, he gave good account of himself in Somebody had better tell Seb just ^®w minmtes he spent in the what time the* games start. At l £*m«- Another thing tfcat handicap- Wilraot Sunday, Seb showed- up just • t*ie locals was the fact that both as the game started, and he made the J Overton and Fay collected three peraixth player, Dowel and myself being 8onals in the first c'uarter and had absent- to watch their step rather closely. Pay finally succumbed Mn the final Genoa City continues on its winning p- er.i od, hut Overton hung on to the streak, Wauconda and Richmond be- j "n , • _ ing the latest victims. Those Giants' Marty Conway sprung a surprise from the north are making a name when he came ™ *°r J" of , -for themselves in the cage world., scoring]honors, with three fieldsgoals Booking Manager Gus Freund has free «»row. Not very like the them down for a game here January, Marty we all know. Gus Freund go M.: It'll be well worth watching. ba/\ets * ,the were quite evenly distributed. the Crystal Lake Blue Devils are1^ Ponies missed about a doten billed to open the season for the *"? t088fs t(? nMow the Wilmot Sec- M. A. A. C.'s next Sunday afternoon. f. decision. The teams scored They recently took the Barrington! ^ times from scrimage, but the Bears into camp by a score of 26 to; Wisconsimtes avemged better from 18. The Crystal Lake Herald says; the free throw line and gained the they looked very good for their first appearance, day. We shall see next Sun- The M. A. A. C.'s grot off on the right foot when they took Huntley Kinsala, I?. into camp last Thursday night, 31 to ' r 17, and then journeyed to Wilmot on hltl"S» t' • Sunday afternoon to conquor the Pi-, t,ajr' * "" rates, 27 to 20, in a contest that was Conway# **. reported as being somewhat of a calibre unlike basketball -•» it should be played. Barbian and Green showed the most fight for our little ones. M. A. A. C. S 26 Overton, Capt., F. 1 0 3 1 0 0 .3 ...2 3 ••• 12 2 7 Pirates 26 Frank, F. Crystal'Lake and Woodstock bowl- « ers are having some neat battles this Richards, C. season. A week ago the Lakers p™"' took the Recreation Five into camp ™ at the county-seat by 16 pins. Woodstock then journeyed to the Lakers' alleys and took home the decision by 9 pins. G. Richter, G» 0 ....1 ....0 Edf Smith George Webex H. G. Weber Al. Justen ... J. Rothermel A. Weingart.. Ed. Freund, ™ G. C. Boley ... Wm. Heimer V. Freund .... P. A. Freund E. Nye Geo. Freund . .177 ...168 5-6 ...162 1-6 ...151 7-S ...148 3-3 ...141 2-3 ...172 1-2 165 .160 .157 ...150 3-S .144 1-2 ,136 5-12 i .169 5-6 ...163 5-3 ...158 1-2 155 Geo. Justen Chas, L. Smith J. A. A. Blake J. Steffes :..,.......„...148 5-6 All the contestants listed have rofi* ed 24 games, except E. Nye with 21. Postponed Match 1 Team No. 3 H. Weber 168 177 122**- *67 L. Smith ..139 198 156-- 493 C. Freund .^.-...120 121 144-- 385 V. Freund ^...^...136 199 158-- 493 E. Smith JQS^8204 151 151-- 506 • 767 846 Team No. 2 E. Nye 156 J. Rothermel 186 P. Freund A. Justen C. Freund 146 172 .225 139 146 156 157 162 731--2344 125-- 420 168-- 500 184-- 486 167-- 496 120-- 507 ' 1885 760 764--2409 Team No. 2 E. Nye 178 117 131-- 426 J. Rothermel 157 144 141-- 442 F. Freund >HmHi>172 130 178-- 480 A. Justen ..^.,^134 148 168-- 450 €. Feeewt ~«.-^174 175 117-- 466 18-POUND BADGER CAUGHT Gerald Newman has been rather proudly exhibiting a most unusual sight for this part of the country. Namely a fine big badger, which he recently caught. This shy, handsome animal, with its long, fine hair, no doubt, strolled away from his native state to the north of us in the hope of finding more favorable weather in this region where he met his sad fate. This animal is very rare in this locality, where there has been none 3 make its appearance in probably the last twenty years, and is indeed a curiosity in these parts. No other animal of its size has such terrible jaws and this particular beaver ed about eighteen pounds. The badger is a miner of ability^ and scoops out long winding passageways leading to his underground home and he belongs to a species which, in cold climates, passes a great deal of the winter in sleep. The animal is, indeed, a: men of animal life. jkMONG THE SICK JfcS 'Justen is still confirieol"t'o liik bed but shows some improvement. Mrs. Mat Steffes is quite ill and confined to her bed at her home on Court street. Mrs. Leo Blake has been confined to her home for several days, due to a severe cold. Mrs. John Engeln is at the University hospital in Chicago, Where she was taken Saturday. Mary Ann, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Noonan of Main street, who has been quite ill, is now on the gain. Mrs. David Johnson is recovering nicely from a badly burned arm, which was injured when she fell against a hot stove. Italian Leathercraft Homt Work Work In every t paid, see only thou can whether thy planting only it be honest work, done to thine own approbation, it shall earn a re* ward to the senses as well as to the thought; no matter how often defeated, you are born to victory. Not Always a. The stream under the Natural bridge, Virginia, is dignified with the name of Cedar river. It is, however, tor most of the year little s rapidly are busy 815 714 785--2264 fetm No. 4 G. Weber 192 132 201-- 52"> A. Weingart 155 202 169--"426 J. Steffes ^...158 150 142-- 450 J. Weber ............143 144 152-- 439 E. Freund ,..„....«;160 182 169-- 511 H. G. Weber L. Smith ...... G. Freund V. Freund Ed. -Smith ... 808 810 No. 3 181 179 116 ~-.142 143 «~..199 173 148 165 178 833--2451 148-- 508 158-- 447 138-- 42* 197-- 50."> 199 516 Vocaliam Unpopular An Inspirational writer says it ts a fine thing to be able "to sing in the rain." That depends on the singer Some of us can hardly sing In the sun. even, without causing It to Start to rain--bricks.--Detroit News. Power of Cvltar^ Boeffa music, anything thatflfhryou out of yourself, above yourself, anything that provides mental discipline helps the farmer.--Farm and Fireside. Italy where of Bkllled craftsmen creating intriguing handbags of finely wrought leather. Almost unprecedented enthusiasm marks the present vogue for bags of the type illustrated, the leather of which they are made being hand illuminated and tooled in the inimitable Kali on way. Seme have ripper fastening and leather-laced edges. Others are mounted on rare frames with handles. No Christmas gift suggestion one may make will outrival that of one of these choice bags. One of the many attractions of these bags is that they are obtainable In all the fashionable costume colors. Flatnffgflters ni Egg-Laying Specie* Reptiles, including the alligator nnd the tortoise, lay eggs containing a large amount of food-yolk with a small er proportion of white, and usually the shell ts like parchment in texture. Insects of all kinds, crustaceans and molluscs, amphibia and two species •' mammal are egg layers. The egg laying mammals are the duck hilled platypus and the echidna or spiny an teat* both Australian animals. . # fioaie Piaata. , It is • fiteasant occupart<>h *W *Wti dren to care foi plants. If each child Is given bulbs, or small plants and al> lowed to paint the plant's pot any color he wants, quite keen family competition results and the plants benefit by the diligent care given them. Ice Cream lor your Xmas dinner at ux; ;ri®0lger,e • Monkey Business Sending for shoes to the mail order house is worse than gambling because if you gamble and lose then your money is gone and that is all. But if you take a chance and send your money to advance for which you get a pair of shoes that don't fit youll have trouble and pain besides. The wise man is calling that "monkey business." We sell the Wear-U-Well quality shoes fend rubber* at factory prices. * . Bernhard Popp We Sell Shoes at Factory Price Expert Shoemaker Best Shoe Repairing Dane Phone 161 ; West McHenry Use printed thereon. The furnish you witk a box af 12 cards, name printed, for $1.56. extra box $1.00. EL TOVAR THEATRE Crystal Lake, I1L THURSDAY, FRIDAY. DEC. 1*2* Ernest Torrence in £ "THE UNHOLY NIGHT** SATURDAY, DEC. 21 I » 2:96 Eve. Coat. 6:2641:1# Joe E. Brown "FAINTED FACES" 3 Acts R. K. 0. Vodvil SUNDAY, DEC. 22 Matinee 2:30 Eve. Cont. 6d6-U:ifc Pauline Frederick ; ^ in •'£ "EVIDENCE" q * 3 Acts B. K. O. Vodvil ' f ^ MONDAY, TUESDAY, DEC. 2S-JB6 Billie Dove in •HER PRIVATE LIFE* WEDNESDAY. DEC 25 ^ B CHRISTMAS DAY Matinee 2:30 Eve. Coot. 6:96-11:6* Bod LaRocqn®, , ^ ^ "THE DELIGHTFUL BOGUB" -i s OUR ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY FOR THE CHILDBEN MONDAY, DEC. 23 At 2 O'clock We Invite Every CUM As Our Guest * 4 9 The K. of C. Council at Woodstock has formed a basketball team that is *7 playing the curtain raiser for the £. ^rett> ^ Lions club team. Melvin Stuessy is Barbian, coaching the outfit and E. A. De-, Steffes, aj. Croix is handling the managerial end. Bacon, li. Although McHenry Council has no Conway, *»• regular squad a team should be picked up to give these neighbors a real tnssle. Ponies* 16 Green, Jft. #-*--<«• JLr Freund, F ® .... 0 0 4 8 15 Wilmot Lights, 16 Lieske, F. .0 .0 0 1 "******* o* ILegs" Dowell, lanky center of the Madden, F. .--~ M. A. A. C.'s has so far failed to get Schreck, * ... into action, but should be among E. Loth, ju, those present next Sunday when the Schmalfeldt, U. Crystal Lake aggregation appear on Geegan, l*. the floor. Dowell is just developing | 4 11 9 and those loyal fans of last year will wiU witness the most likely remember him as an un-| Next y gchedule for finished second string man, but watch when they enhim go this year. tertain the Crystal Lake Blue Devils, Crystal Lake High school will bring' fresh from theirjictory- over the fast its two basketball teams here next stepping Bamngton Bea«. Crystal Friday night to battle the locals, anj Lake hay race and boast of SUch pulling for a continuation of the ba of the •ta for_o«r_pn<le.. , ivorite., . Urge crowd . , . .. u 1, timm" (nr\f will be welcomed. It gives the cagtWed) 0hav Uken to reg^ar W- «! iT^ ?gnejt 2sr tzfZEcfsz HP sides, and have a real hot match. ^ by Among those present are C. y*"^ Goodell, James Sayler, James vis, George Johnson, Clay Hughes and Math Freund. This isn't a complete list so, wives, if your husband's name isn't here it is most likely my slipup and not his. _ Coach Larry Dale, whom all the county was feeling sorry for because he lost most of last year's county champions by graduation, seems to have slapped together a pretty fair outfit. Friday night they nipped Hebron in an overtime game by one point, and Saturday they returned to take the strong Dundee team into camp by a 28 to 21 score. Dundee, district champs, have most of last year's team back and look 'good for the Little Seven champions this year. Poor Larry! / Arthur, the Great Shires, was schedtgfcd to appear at iWaukegan last Saturday night in the lineup of the Waukegan Big Five, a team that was known last year as the Chicago Nationals. Promoter Heinie Wallenwein is trying to make a success of Pro basketball in the Lake county seat and if he does that outfit will appear regularly at the Waukegan Armory to represent that city against such teams as the Ke-Nash-A, Chicago Bruins Rockford, Savoy Big Five, and Jftp-t Wayne. ~ iThe locals are booked at Wauconda tonight for two games. These should prove to be very easy but you never can tell. As yet Wauconda, hasn't its newly organized "pro" team ready for action. There have been several rumors about as to what action they were taking in the Lake county village. Manager Harry Kirwan has resigned Roy Flora, "Ki" Durrenberger, and Harry Lange from last year's Carved Wood Mountings A. Freund J. Thennes . W. Heimer G. C. Boley Geo. Justen 781 848 Takm No. 1 ...±..166 176 113 178 177 ..183 159 150 144 159. 840--241 ! 127-- 4 W 155_ 4 7 172-- 500 189-- 5!0 157-- 49:* ' -•-'l . 817 788 800--240f % iL 'Of G. Bowling News \eagne Standing Nye Sparklers 13 8 Bolger Drugs 18 ® Carey Electrics --- 9 12 McGee Hatters 1 14 Bolger Drugs N. Freund 170 120 G. Worts .^,.1....110 133 H. Schaefer 190 211 L. Winkel ..«.,«..191 168 Conway -.132 190 .61'1 .$l.:> •S:w 158-- 448 I 172-- 416 186-- 587 219-- 5 - 162-- 484 It's Christmas Time at Bolger's Below we list a number of items especially suitable for Christmas Gifts* In looking over our stock these first came to our attention. If you don't find what you want here, pel* haps we have it anyway, for we have only "scratched the surface" in making this list. •v 793 822 897- Mallory Hatters -2512 H. Schaefer 150 153 164-- 467 P. Karls 138 125 158-- 421 H. Phalin 110 120 158-- 383 .147 148 161-- 451 .168 157 177-- 49 2 L. Stilling E. Smith .. • UIC11 w E. Sutton ... W. Bickler P, Brefeld A. Freund 703 698 Nye Sparklers 132 162 ..187 .-167 ~156 148 160 186 142 184 818--221.> 220-- 5i4 176-- 523 156-- 509 186-- 481 181-- 513 W. Green J. Schaefer J. Frett ....... J. Bolger B. Freund . 790 834 Carey Electric 209 158 ...190 ...188 w114 **.192 148 168 157 152 919--2543 185-- 502 232-- 565 191-- 547 174_ 445 176-- 5ii» 893 778 907--25 h The Bolger Drugs took advantage 1 of an off night with the McGee Hat ters and captured three straight with comparative ease to go into a tie wit a the Nye Sparklers for first plat < Hank Schaefer had a good night with 587 for high series, Winkel was rigrx behind with 578, and these two sconmanaged to pull the Bolger tri! • through. In the match between the Freu factions, A Freund again triumphed over B. Freund and took two out <1 three to remain in a tie for high he ors. Hon. Jacob Schaefer, alderim gets a little more publicity when h< rolled high game of the evening, 2 i_' being the count. Jake also turned in a neat series to keep the family n; running for high honors. Handbag or pocketbook frames of carved wood! Aye, there's an idea for bewildered minds who are seeking out-of-the ordinary Christmas suggestions. Too chic for words are these little mountings made of hard-as-ivory hand-polished and hand-carved wood. Their lovely natural brown tones tune in with the fashionable costume browns for this season. The bag which may be made of felt or velvet or any chosen fabric is sewed to the frame in the usual way, a row of perforations being made In the wood for the, stitches. Novelist's Oversight Harriet Beecher Stowe did not profit by the dramatization of ber novei, "Uncle Tom's <Cabin. In her total dlschflmpiomship squad, and then added j regard of the theater, she failed 10 Plummer and Coty of Waukegan. Ir- reserve herself the dramatic rights of win Moody and Rosier of Wauconda j the book. Consequently. It was st the will complete the roster, a group that «»" of any producer who wished to will prove very formidable to any team around t<bis section of , the country. ' . < • . have it. Throughout the play's im mensely profitable life she never got a dollar In theatrical royalties. Jf!- Custody of four small children wa= taken from D. LeVeque, who residt nor(b of Crystal Lake, by an ord« 2 of "f^ounty Judge Charles T. Allen m tiie county court at Woodstock on Monday, information was filed by States Attorney V. S. Lumley that LeVeque was not providing propeiiy for the children. The informati 1 charged that LeVeque has not prop< t ly cared for his children and that t;H» house in which he was living was r -i fit for children. It was also charged that food given the children was not sanitary. These conditions, it w .s charged, meant a surrounding in which children could not properly hebrought up. 'Mrs. William Crotht of Crystal Lake agreed to take thr of the children, and Mrs. Martin Bi mon, an elder daughter of LeVequ* agreed to take the other child. I < Veque was ordered not to interft r" with the children. & SMOKING SUPPLIES CIGARS BY THE BOX " ^ CIGARETTES IN CARTfcWS TOBACCO IN POUNDS AND HALF POUflDS CIGARETTE LIGHTERS TOBACCO POUCHES PIPES--39c TO $4.00 MUSICAL CIGARETTE BOX ASH TSAT8 PHOTO ALBUM DICTIONARIES HOYLE'8 RULES GIRL GRADUATE BOOKS BABY RECORD BOOKS FLOWER VASES NOVELTY DECORATED VASES GOLD FISH BOWLS FLASHLIGHTS WAFFLE SETS SALT ANP PXPPER SHAKERS KODAKS MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS XMAS GREETING CARDS XMAS WRAPPING PAPER XMAS WRAPPING CORD XMAS ENCLOSURE CARDS THERMOS BOTTLIC ~ POKER CHIPS PLAYING CARDS BRIDGE SETS AND FAVORS BRIDGE TABLE COVERS POCKET BOOKS tETTER OPENERS JACK KNIVES NUT CRACKERS AND PICKS SAFETY RAZORS STRAIGHT ED&E &AZ0R8" RAZOR HONEr RAZOR STROPS REMINGTON PORTABLS TYPEWRITER ELECTRIC CURLING IRONS WRITING PAPER ** ' * --n DOLLS GAME OF "PIT" AND OTHER GAMES FOR ffHIIiPRJRN PENCIL SETS TINKER TOYS XMAS TREE LIGHTS EXTRA LIGHTS FO* XMAS TREES INGERSOLL WRIST WATCHES INGERSOLL WATCHES WRIST WATCH STRAPS ALARM CLOCKS ^FOUNTAIN PENS AND PENCILS FOUNTAIN PEN DESK SETS HAIR BRUSHES CLOTHES BRUSHES MILITARY BRUSHES SHAVING BRUSHES BABY COMB AND BRUSH SETS HOT WATER BOTTLES ELECTRIC HEATING PADS PERFUMES COMPACTS TOILET WATER MEN'S TOILET SETS TALCUM IN GLASS BOTTLES BATH POWDER BATH SALTS PRAYER BOOKS R0SARIE8 CRUCIFIXES BOOKS POPULAR COPYRIGHTS, 75c CHILDREN'S BOOKS, 50c BOOK ENDS GOLF CLUBS GOLF BALLS « GOLF BAGS INDOOR BALLS INCENSE BURNERS ^ PERFUME ATOMIZERS ^ SERVING TRAYS ABLE MATS MANICURE SETS IVORY TOILET SETS COTY'S NEW MANICURE SETS CUTEX GIFT SETS 3 :-;V •v"? • r'\* Uncle Ebea "A lost chicken," said Uncle Ebeu "la another example of de danger dtn remits rum tnakin' foolish friendships by night"--Washington Star. THOMAS P. BOLGER QEEEN STREET jzitA. M:£isk:

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