Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Dec 1929, p. 5

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THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, DEC. 26,1929^ -l A%>;. li: rjj-> a' %•-j&V l-'* >*£••'•> - . • ! , W§. "Wishes .to You . -• :VJ- '-• i T •*,,. '* The spirit of the season prompts us to express t<i you appreciation of our pleasant business relations during the past year and to most heartily wish you Happiness and Prosperity for. rtfce Coming Tear,; ; •. r.:_. fACON# ';-T STRIP ; BY *lfcEKE" BACON Happy New Year, Everybody! McCracken's boys meet St. Mary's at Woodstock next Friday, (tomorrow) night, while the M. A. A. C."fc meet Hampshire here next Sunday. ' 7 Wm. Bickler grave the boys in the K. C, circuit something: to shoot at when he hung: up three successive game? of 219, 208 and 201 for a total of 623. Sunday's victory made "it three straight for the M. A. A. C.'s, while Friday night's win for the high school gave them the same rating. Let's all pull together for the continuation of these two clean slates. 4*3 'age Motor Sales nd Atwater Kent ^ -i > M. A. A. C's at Waufonda tomorrow | night to open the season down there for their professionals. Harry Wir- I wan has assembled a first class outfit this year by adding Plummcr and Cote of Waukegan to his tournament champs of last year. " CRYSTAL LAKE BOWS TOM.O.R S. HEAVIES BOWLING NOTES Lmla Win League Opener 27*18-- Lights Lose To Lakers 22 to 13 Forester League Standing Team No. 1 16 11 Team No. 3 -..-....15 1* Team No. 4 .....IS 14 'THE SPIRIT or Ttit HOLIDAYS! The girls' team representing the Junior class on the basketball court defeated the Senior girls by the score of 6 to 5. This game was played as a preliminary to the Crystal Lake light and heavyweight games with our local high boys' team. More power to you, .girls, although I hear you huve plenty of scrap already. H- to* "past VtmVe dealt with us, You've found us most sincere; We hope then, we'll be better friends This prosperous Ngw Year. No. 4 quintet is also within reach, being but three games below the leaders. Quite a tight race these Foresters are having this season, and one that will most likely,not be decided untif the closing games of the schedule. William Heimer collected 552 pins to nose out Chas. Freund by one stick for high honors. High single game was rolled by George J us ten bat the Railroader fell down in his last attempts. Team No. 3 .592 .656 .482 Tfcfee straight victories a&d Ml tl 1 ® single defeat is now the record of' T«am *, George Justen's league Coach McCracken's cagers for this ,ea i ders- k*I* UP the!r winning ways season. And they are going to fight »nd stayed one game ahead of the No. their very best when they invade St. 3. outfits threatening winning streak. Mary's gym to take on the ever dangerous Green and White, including the Leonard Brothers. The game with Crystal Lake was just about as tough as was expected and proved to be a real contest up to the last few minutes of play, when McHenry rapidly dcew away to the margin they enjoyed at the finish. The score at half time 11 to 10, but the locals were always out in front. This close score perhaps is more representative of the evenly-matched teams than the final score and only the remainder of the season will prove that McHenry does possess a real team. This victory was the ONE that Mac has been looking forward to, inasmuch as it was the first county league game that McHenry has played. Thii places them on the top ring of tht ladder for the present. How long they will stay there is another matter, but if the wishes of their loyal followers mean anything, McHenry will bring home another championship. Every one of the Orange and Black squad turned in a much better gamf than they did a week ago against Barrington, and if they continue t® show this improvement they'll have a real team functioning before many weeks have passed. Smith proved to be the ranking f*oint petter, with Patzke and Schreiner gathering their share also. Anderson came in during the last few minutes of play and wal instrumental in the last minute rally. Wagner handled most of the floor work, with Patzke also working into this end of the game. O'Shea played Orval Granger, better known. M "Fat", is repeating his gridiron conquests now on the basketball floor ns a member of the local high's lights. <Granger has a style all his own, but Vie gains his objective, so what matters a little thing in form. In Friday -- -- .. night's game "Fat" came through ; a good game at back guard and gave t>om the guard position to score three j a good account of himself. H. Weber 192 162 188-- 542 L. Smith 137 153 152-- 442 G. Freund 116 152 144-- 412 V. Feund .124 179 160-- 463 E. Sfiutll .137 178 181-- 49* , v > ' . ' v 706 824 82S--28 ;.s! ^ ^ 2 i E. Nye -- .137 135 109-- j J. Rothermel .188 136 147-- 471 j P. Freund ............ .190 156 173-- M'> j A. Justen .153 146 190-- 4S'.> C. Freund ........... .181 193 177-- KO ! 849 766 796--2411 , - Thbi NO. 4 J. Weber .197 138 169-- 504 A. Weingart .173 152 138-- 463 J. Steffes ..v>.... .165 165 127-- 447 G. Weber .118 184 153-- 455 Ed. Freund .193 135 183=2-Ml We alhg wishing you success For the glad New Year, We are wishing you glad dajp*~ • Friends, to us sincere; May you stand by as you haw All along the way, Friends, just feel we wish you joy On this New Year's day! , McHenry Flour Mills WM. SPENCER, PRO# • baskets and lead the team in scoring. Well, it seemed pretty good to have • he M. A. A. C.'s' home schedule open last Sunday, didn't it? Now we have Crystal Lake's scoring was quit# well split up. Sund gathered eight points for high honors, but the rest were all bunched. Coach Metcalf is having a rather hard time this year in A. Blake ... J. Thennei , W. Heimer G. C. Boley Geo. Austen 836 774 No. 1 142 212 145 188 ........169 .223 159 202 164 156 770--2880 149-- .11 135-- 4W 162-- 5;V2 169-- 502 140-- m;> ! " v, 867 802 756--2424 of C Bowling News League Standing Nye Sparklers . 15 • J*'"- 14 " 10 .:>< t 11 18 • J4r»S worth in entertainment. The boys j with, but before the season 8 16 .333 have promised us a home game every • the mid-way mark he will probably ~ " " . . . . h a v e t h e m w o r k i n g i n t r u e M e t c a l f • » " • -- - . - - - - - - fashion. There's no denying the fart,"too* the challenge of the onrush,ng that hehas turned out some real cage Bo.lger_ 11 teams since he took over the reins at the Lake school. promisea nome everyone mia-mar*. »<= -.'i. Those classy Nye Sparklers, lead T „,;n, Sunday afternoon for the rost of the have them workinK in tt». Metcalf mKj. <* C. season. Watch for the announcement of next Sunday's opponents. In Kinsala's scoring of six baskets i last Sunday, every one of them was hold on first place by taking two .f the three games. A big aid in their In the lightweight game our be- victory..was Wm. Bickler, the hook ar tist, who rolled up a nice evening work. Nick Freund fell down for thi pharmacists br the result might hav vV: -cored by one-handed shots. Don't re-j ginners just cc ildn't stop the scoring reive the impression from this that i rampage of one Velck, who rung up Kinsala is a grandstand player, for j eight field poals and two free throws . r„nt r„nu.nv thr •hov aren't allowed on the team, but'in the half hour of action. His actions been different• C**1- of Xukie's shots were all from close in j just about summarize the whole game, Drugs *a . . .* ;>nd anvwhere inside the free throw as far as scoring is concerned, though The McGee H.tte * had Jut fhjee line. He might as well have his left Granger of McHenry deserves some I men present but managed to salvage arm cut off as far as shooting is con- j mention for his three baskets and a I ^J^en had a neat r>94 cerned free throw from the position of guard. Electrics. Wm. Green had a neat M l ' * - i,1 I The M. C. H. S. lights are picking up-total for high m®n in this encomiteiv Hamp*»frg fe booked t» j with every game they play and there J^/^^^uld ^x him but once the McHenry High gym next Sunday is „o doubt but that there is some j be o e any wa_ P-L-E-A-S-E \ Accept this little message as a sign of apprecia- . tion of your patronage and good will. May -your trail through 1930 be marked good health, peace and plenty. * > ' Ezpren and Urayiiv | to oppose the M. A. A. C's. Hamp- ! shire fs one of those teams that we ! don't know much about and they are ! usually the ones that pull the surprises. According to Brill of Hampshire, who refereed here last Sunday, t he Ponies are going to receive a trimming. Better get there early to watch Smith, F ..-- ---- 5 >ur "youngsters" make him eat his j Whiting, F 0 words. ! Schreiner, Q 2 : ! Wegener, G -- --0 Smith may seem like just another; O'Shea, G -^,...0 Smith, but Hoopie means more than Anderson, 6 that to the enthusiastic high school rooters of the basketball team. Again last Friday night Hoopie went on a scoring spree and piled up twelve points. In each of the three games pretty good material on hand just as | they crossed their fingers be was soon as the necessary experience can through. be gained to bring this green stuff to the ripe stage. Then watch them *°M. C. H. S. Heavies (27)--;, Patzke, F M A good-bye to the old year, /v- A' welcome to the new, Health, good luck and happiness, Success in all you do! Mrs. Anna Howard Cleaning and Dyetag & played this year this same Smith has been high scorer for the M. C. H. S. squad. In order to become famous though, hell have to change his name to Savoldi, Truskowski or some name other than Smith. This Velck, center on the Crystal Lake high school lightweight squad, was just about the whole show in the game here Friday night. Velck, now there's a real name for a star, scored eighteen of his team's twenty-three points, enough to defeat the locals without any outside help. He man- ,iged to score eight times from the floor and twice from the free throw line, a pretty good sight's work for anyone* That skiing is still a popular sport among the younger generation must ,>e acknowledged when one sees the number of youngsters gliding down the schoolhouse hill. Sleds are also eery numerous, but the skating has been stopped by the heavy snowfall. Old timers, remember the fun we used to have, and those bobsled parties ? Oh, to be young again! Anyone having a team and sled that they are willing to use on a bobsled party win 11 S 12 H. Till, F --~.~-..l 0 8 J. Roberts, F 1 0 0 D. Cowan, F ----0 1 0' Brauns, F .... -- 0 0 2 L. Read, C 0 0 1 Sund, C 3 2 1 L. Roberts, G 0 2 0 F. Spreyer, G ....-- 1 1 1 890 780 954--2617 toGee Hatters H. Schaefer 144 171 L. Stilling 129 190 E. Smith 186 202 Avenfre ...........--152 145 Average .^.„.MN...163 147 9 6 8 M. C. H. 8. lights (11)-- Petersen, P 1 1 0 Segal, F 0 0 4 Britton, F 1 1 0 Vycital, C 0 0 3 Smith, G 0 0 Grangar,. fj i-y» n u n i , i ^ ' • v 5 8 S Crystal take (81)-- Ring, F .....0 0 1 Wagner, F «^...~~...2 O 2 Velck, C ...8 2 0 Howita, G ....... ... .0 0 2 Lange, G 0 0 1 Nelson, G .0 0 1 J. Frett J. Schaefer W. Green « J. Bolger B. FcmmA Carey Electrics 163 151 ...224 147 ...187 182 .152 145 ...167 155 214-- 528 155-- 526 225-- 594 166-- 463 204-- 52(5 126-- 441 138-- 457 168-- r.on 155-- 45 166-- 4f.r. ' 724 855 H*ger Drugs N. Freund ............108 161 G. Worts 157 186 H. Schaefar 211 171 L. Winkel 166 168 E. Conway 222 160 748--2322 159-- 418 167-- 4fi0 168-- 550 190-- 514 180-- 562 864 786 Nyv Sparklers H. Steffes 146 153 E. Sutton 144 140 W. Bickler 219 203 P. Brefekl 159 178 A. Freund 147 194 864--2604 158-- 457 209-- 49.1 201-- 623 164-- 49>", 174-- 515 815 863 906--2584 10 3 T As a curtain raiser for these two, games the Senior Girls' team played the Juniors and were defeated 6 to 5 in a real scrappy fracas. The amount of action compared to the score is wining iu uii wuuoivm I*------ plenty, and when another game is .to please call this office and well see if j be played be sure and get there early ] we can't find a nice sociable crowd j so as t0 witness this new entry into ! for a good old-fashioned sleigh party, the local sports. j ---- * I Mildred Gans scored twice for the I Earl "Shires" Dowell didn't show | Seniors with Marie Wirfs making so much in his first appearance, but j free throw, while Elvera Antholi please remember that Earl has just i made four points for the winners, graduated into faster company andi^p|pn Weber scoring the other two. tfiifi&vfac Gladeve A "dead" glacier Is the name given by geologists to a glacier which DO longer moves. Soma glaciers seem to "fossil Ire." neither moving nor melting. 'l'-r 'A Prosperous r New Vwr ^jVe served you in the old year|-~-- x Well serve you in the new, We wish you health and happiness^: . Suooasa all you do! John Karls Lunch Boom and Ice Cream that he will be much better when he gets the feel of things. Another thing, on the first play after he entered the game he was made the end man on a tipoff play and the misfortune to miss the shot. Had he made this basket it would have given him the confidence he needed to put in a good day. As it was, it wasn't such a sorry looking exhibition as some folks would have it. I say, "Come on, | Shires.-1 Amateur lighting- Is surely on the decline in Hlinois since the new regime has taken office. Fighters arc now limited to an expense account of $2 50, where before they received as Jk j much as $20 or $25 for a windup af- - fair, making it a rather profitable game. As it stands now but very few of them are willing to risk their reputation and their "beauty" for a mere gold piece, and very few will blame them. What this is to lead to is hard to guess. Some think they will turn professional, while others are waiting, for another drastic move on the part of the official* ta charge of the amateur ranking. #1 V Aaiaak Wit boat Mwrtk Not all animals have mouths. Parasitic animdts, notably the tapeworm, lack a system for digesting food, thf food being absorbed through the body surface. Sponges belong to a type which has no mouth Id the ordinary sense, food being taken In at any part of the surface. Trad* Naaw far Sagar "Demerara sugar" is the uaffn# en to the finest of raw sugars--sugar before the refining process. The term was formerly restricted to the D* merara section of British Guiana, not* ed for its high-grade raw sugar, but Is now applied to almilar sugar from the West Indies. Ackaowladgiag Impatieaca I always get what I want," statSB a business man, "no matter how long I may have to wait for It." We don't; we generally bang the receiver back on the hook and give it ap to dtfr gust--London Humorist . ELTOVAR THEATRE ' Crystal Lake* 111. THURSDAY, FRIDAY, DEC. 26-27 Continuous 7:00-11:00 Richard Barthelmess "GOING NOWHERES" SATURDAY, DEC. 28, 2:30 Eve. Cont. 6:39-11:00 E. E. Harton "THE SAP" S Acts R. K. 0. Vodvil SUNDAY, DEC. 2» Matinee 2:30 Eve. Cont 6:30-11:00 Lewis Stone ^WONDER OF WOMEN" 3 Acts Rr. K. 0. Vodvil MONDAY, TUESDAY, DEC. 30-31 Continous 7:00-11:09 Marion Davies "MARIANNE" ^WEDNESDAY, JAN. 1 jKEW YEAR'S DAY Mstmrr 2:30 Eve. Cont 6:30-41:00 Josephine Dunn "RED HOT RHYTHM" Another day, another year, Old Father Time has taken, We love the old,, we greet the new, Our faith in you unshaken. Isn't it a happy thought As the old year ends, That we give a wish sincere To our distant friends t Isn't it a joy to us, And a joy to you, ^ That the gay New Year will 'mm All good things come true. Kent & Co. Real Estate and Insurance Because the old year has been right, We're looking for another, A bright and prosperous New Year boy, To be the old year's brother. National Tea Co. s«cee*e Heydayf. Holiday! Spend it with your frien<fa, Wishing them a bright New Tear^ Whose srood luck never ends! ? J5he Agatha Shop ETHEL JONES -',V r '.iS/vK*

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