Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Feb 1930, p. 3

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i*»w, .iNPPilf^SPiPf "if1pswpwpwfwfp11 fl||||ip#^.Ji.f||Mi mC - * kmifrn >ma BACONS STRIP • . j BV ZEKE" BACONS SW*DES TRIP MAACS; FALL OH WILMOT 24-16 MAACS Meet Arlington Tuesday Night at Wanconda Tourney--West Side A. C. Here Sunday . i J Burlesque! No, not exactly. But * \ Winkel is reported to have high "^ ^^ many of the fans verage in the K. C. League so well the Pirate-MAAC basn hand that he stands no chance of ketball game that was played at th^ losing it. The reward for this achiev-1 J0®"1 hl*h sfh f°°1 SV™ Iast Sunday afdnent is an electric dock. Make a Jernoon, and from all reports it must Slice present s"fo r «ome lucky person. ; S h®6" i™a*e S ------ : trailing the Pirates 9-4 at the half, tf$$' . . , ! and imagine the same team snapping > ' A,™1*™ yoUn^man by u?e "a™e b*ck into action and scoring three bas- 18 SP° f a beautlfull,y kets in less than two minutes after ^«fora^.eye. th68e ?yS"8,\refU t scoring but two the whole first half. -M?* collision m a grade school basket- ^ ^ ^ the type of Rame that Jj * v pall game. Older folks might use this jt was during the entire first period, ? thG •d0°r^ bat the last half found the MAACS t) ' * "i . °r^r* . • awakening to the situation and step- « « » , " _ ping out in old-time form before Man- '<1® # f M'HEKRY PLAIKDEALER, THURSDAY, FEB. 20, .1930 sr.: •¥,v LOSKK'S FITS BASKKTS DEFEAT H'HEH&T 24-15 What happened to the Stroeitttf squads? On their own alleys they Everybody Boost For a Win Over Woodstock at the Tourney , Tonight Losee led 'Hebron in a last minute splurge to overtake McHenry high school's basketball team and played an enormous part in the 24 to 15 victory that his team enjoyed in a McHenry County League game last night at Hebron. McHenry l^d most of the way throughout the first three quarters, but with four minutes fo go Lpsee woke up and sank several baskets to put his team far in the lead, safe from all pursuers. The close guarding of O'Shea and Wegener held Hebron t^o one basket in the entire first half, at the end of which McHenry led 10 to 6k but when Wegener went out on fouls In the last period Hebron took the opportunity and made seven field goals, raining them in from all points. McHenry was unable to cope with this offensive and HPS!? BOWLING NOTES ager Dutch Bacon saw fit to use his ^ -- ---J- --^ second string men. Capt. Overton &' '- jwere expected to make a good show- was decidedly out of form, well say, fS?ng, but the results show something and was taken from action shortly af- , ... „ .. . #'"? •"«" Viffertnt- C0Uld * "* *> #> N". Thi. seemed to effect ££ ** •yauroads? Or perhaps inexperience the remaining players the wrong way fo match games. Time alone will tell, and it was only after a good talking -- to at the half that they were able to The f f y e Sparklers tightened their hold on first place by taking two out of three from the Carey Electrics, while the recently awakened McGec Hatters were trpuncing the erratic Bolger Drug outfit in the majority of the games. Henry "Peanuts" Weber was high man for the evening with a 595 series and played a great role Friday in turning back the challenge of the Druggists for first place. It is now necessary for the West Side Jewelers to win but two of the remaining six games in order to tie for first place in the league, providing either the Carey ElefctricS or the Bolger Drugs win all the rest of their games. McGee Hatters-- H. Schaefer 158 159 167-- 484 F- Karls ...175 170 192-- 537 E. Smith ; 151 188 178-- 517 L. Stilling ....--j.126 158 202-- 486 --.200 218 177-- 595 'iv, Just what happened to the McHenry resume their well known stride. ^Jiigh achool team in the last four Kinsala and Freund were the high vApinutes of play will always remain a point men, but Harold Frett, playing Jjpmystery, but when a team leads all with the heavies for the first time, •%*the way until the last four minutes tutted in the best all around exhibi- I'fSand then loses by a 25-14 score, there tion of the day. For Wilmot Frank Bhould l» « cloalf of mystery thrown aver it. Ed. Sufton was recently nominated "*by popular vote to the position of the ""'Most Terrible Bowler in the K. C. - League," while Winkel was chosen as they also possessed some class, the best. Winkel lived up to his repu- Boy Dowell Nation with a neat 550 series, but Ed. ' JSutton carte through with high game *1* of the evening, 225. What to do, Jwhat to do, Bolger! field with nine Green right behind with eight. Tonight the two teams travel to Waukegan where they encounter the West Side A. C. in a fast tilt. This will be staged at the Lucy Bardwell gymnasium. Sunday tW Waukegan lads will return the visit when they come to our local high school gym to finish off the ISAACS for the Wauconda tournament which takes place the five days starting next Tuesday. ... " in meet the winner of the Wheaton Reds- * I Grayslake game. Our lads will have , Ed. Justen came from behind the to pjay five games in order to win the "Rifle Club Aggregate Indoor meet and tournament, but they all say they are overcame a twenty-point handicap in perfectly willing to undergo that sacthe standing event to cinch the prize rjfice in order to bring the victory to /by a similar margin, surely showed McHenry. V ^ some of these oldtimers just where Pirates (18) Ho get off at. Wm. Klapperich' kept Frank f .>.m4 "'.M up his old stride by taking second, Richter, f ...........8 I tut couldn't withstand the challenge Uerrick, c , 0 0 of Justen's. Sydney Frey, the new G fiiclitear, f - 0 0 throw line during this era. The game was very interesting until the final spurt and the crowd was in an uproar most of the time. The low scorfe for the greater part of the contest is accountable by the fact that McHenry seems to have chiefly a defensive squad, but lack any basket shooter of ability. Qiven this tho MCHS lads would have a firstclass chance of copping the county tournatnent, which starts tonight at Woodstock. These games will be played in St. Mary's new gym. McHenry lights were successful in their tilt with the Hebron youngsters u •>«.'"= j an{j came out ahead 10 to 8. Diminu- ™ X* 35. c,pt ™,bT "<• «•« and Norm Richter led the field, but eyen their best had no effect once the MAACS started hitting on all five. Everyone on the lightweight squad scored one or more field goals to Show the Badger five from Wilmot that Big Leo Stilling, well knoiWi getf fro of our own little city, got some very ^ neat publicity in Heitkamp's column „ of golf in last Tuesday Evening American. Heitkamp quoted our 1 ocal authority at some length describing TPr^Si0n °* 5® ProPe! W8iS McHenry"plays Arlington Heights w,- v. "to teach a beginner the correct their first encounter, and then m •swing. •shooter, and Jack Smith, one of Ringwood's best, were also up near the top. Lottfe Harry Kirwan extends his most cordial invitation to each and every basketball fan in McHenry and vicinity to visit his tournament this year. Harry always has been a strong booster for sports and is trying his best to support a firstclass team in Wauconda, but has met with little success this- season. Seems like McHenry is one of a very small number of towns that are making any money on the cage sport this year. Ponies (S6)-- The MAACS surely enjoyed their ^reen> * trip to DeKalb Thursday night even Freund, MAACS (24)' Overton, f ... Kinsala, f ... Frett, f -- 0 Freund, c -3 Dowell, e --..1 Whiting, g 2 H.Frett, g 0 Conway, t't Green, g 1 ft if thqy did meet their sixth defeat of Frett, f the season. They met many old Ea®"e» ""*! friends and also witnessed Pace, last Dowell, c .. year's center of the Woodstock High Harrison, c school team, in action with the De- ^0IJTra^' * Kalb teachers against Augustana of Stenes, g .. Rock Island. TJie new gym at the "• Frett, g mentor's school is right up to snuff. ' * and certainly is an ideal place to play. j Another visit there to play off the' existing tie wth the Swedes wouldn't he entirely out of order. . „..-;...4 l .... l l « 2 ...1 1 0X tt •I*• * "'"i- • o a le WlhnotJSl)-- Schreck, f 4 Lieske, f .2 Gegan, c Blass, g .......0 Schnurr, g ..........;....l 2 2 it' ^0. *k. McHenry now finds itself the proud possessor of a Junior Bowling team, with Gus and Benny Freund, Willi|,l Green, Paul Brefeld and Ed. "SlaugWl terhouse" Smith the charter mem- , • , ts f? iu bers. This squad met Grayslake's1 MAACS travelled to DeKalb Juniors at the Palace Tuesday night. l»8t Thursday night where they met They also report that they have ,the Swedes of that city in a prescheduled . a match with the Elgin game to the Augustana-De- Ladies for sometime in the near fu- Teachers' game played in the ture. Always did think Gus and some new L magnificent gymnasium of the of his pals were quite the ladies' men. teachers college. Several of the boya Guess this goes for everyone on the arrived late to find the rest of the team upon looking over the names. suff<?rinP from a lack of attack. - ! The Swedes had piled up a safe mar- " \ gin before the MAACS started hitting. The Jewel Tea five of Barrington which was not until the last half. At handed the Woodstock Lions a trim- that stage of the game the DeKalb ming at the Cook County city hall last Monday night. The Tea men have a neat team composed of Chicago employees of their company and are boys were still in the lead by ten points. The locals then started to find the basket and manged to pull up n tie before the Scandinavians were trying to put Barrington on the has- aware 0f the fact, and some of the ketball map. It is rather late for locaig weren't awake either, for, with them to do anything this year, but minute to play and McHenry one f|they are entered in the Wauconda point ahead they trjed a driving game ^Tournament and have expressed hopes jn8tead of attempting to stall. The ; iof winning it. TKis just adds another re8ult was that DeKalb broke through •strong team to this section of the for two baskets while the best the •country, which I am sure the fans MAACS could do was a freethrow by will welcome. The score Monday Kjnsala. The final score was 30 to 28 night was 37 to 25 and I might add and this wouid have been decidedly 'that the Lions have placed better different had the locals played the "basketball than they did that evening. game brand of ball the first half that ------ i they did the last. This week McHenry and vicinity: This makes one apiece for the two dive into the basketball tournament teams and it may be that the third season and when they emerge Spring and deciding game will be played in will no doubt be here. Tonight finds the near future. The Woodstock ganie McHenry high engaging Woodstock in has been put off until after the Wau- *the County Tournament at St. Mary's conda tournament, but don't forget to Gym in Woodstock. Next Tuesday wat^fe Xoc the announcement of the the MAACS begin action in the Wau- datetjf ; conda Independent Tourney that finfield goals and a freethrow, with Bailey and Ellison dividing honors for Hebron. Smith of Belvidere officiated. McHenry (15)-- . ~' ' Patzke, f 1 Smith, f .....^..^..^.....^1 6 0 Whiting, f ..........................0 0 0 Schreiner, c 1 0 1 O'Shea, g 2 2 Wegener, g ......................JO 2 4 Anderson, g ........JO 0 ' I Hebron (24)-- H. Weber Bolger N. Freund G. Worts ... H. Schaefer Winkel *10 80S 916--2619 ...146 ...148 ...182 ...192 Coawap* 148 157 179 220 178 91-- 885 171-- 476 167-- 528 138-- 650 162-- 503 RIFLE CLUB RIFFLES ass Carey Electrics-- Green .140 J. Schaefer 186 J. Frett ...... .157 Bolger 179 B. Fieund 169 888 729--2444 158 112 153 164 151 160-- 448 169-- 467 201-- 511 161-- 501 177-- 497 Ed. Justen, after trailing for the better part of the way, .suddenly came to life in the kneeling and standing events and picked up enough margin to pile up a twenty-point lead and capture the grand aggregate prize for the Indoor event. Ed. is just one of the "beginners," that is, he wasn't a product of the late war, and to have him step over the Service boys is .quite an upset. Even Bill Klapperich, who captured second prize, had to admit that the boy was good. This thing of making the snipers shoot from so many different positions is rather bothersome for the participants as it is very seldom that anyone goes through with good scores in all events. It just depends on who piles up the highest score in his favorite round. Following are the scores for all members: Ed. Justen 390 369 381 331-1471 W. Klapperich ..393 388 373 298-1452 Jack Smith 392 392 376 286-144fi Sidney Frye ... 391 381 320 315-1407 Bruce Nickels ..388 376 334 295-1393 Wm. Caspers ....392 368 341 289-1390 Lewis Pitzen ... 387 367 345 256-1355 A. Phannenstill 374 362 324 275-1335 Herb Freund ....390 373 310 231-1304 F. Klapperich ..377 365 312 244-129* Rob Thompson 346 842 309 298-m>5 Hank Weber ....382 344 315 225-12tV, F. Caspers 379 812 201- 892 Howard Ensign 864 352 -v 716 ** Ninth AmiuaJ "A ependent Amateur Basketball WAUCONDA HIGH SCHOOll Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Evenings and Saturday afternoon and evening. ^ ies Include 20 of the Best Teams in the Itfstrick ^M'HENRY A. A. C. PLAY THEIR FIRST GAMS AT 9:30 TUESDAY EVENING •• Single Admission 25 and 50 cent* Season Tickets $1.00 - $2.00 - -5,3 '•wf' ' ^ 831 Sparklers-- Steffef 218 Sutton .225 Bickler 177 Brefeld ...v .140 A. Freund 188 788 858--242" 169 160 162 171 168 164-- 551 150-- 585 174-- 613 177-- 488 172-- 518 Sac* PUlMophixM. "The time spent In gambltis?* Hi Ho, the sage of Chinatown, "Is more valuable than the money that may pass. Gaming should be only for those of leisure who have so much wealth that they do not need to win." --Washington Star. Householder, £ Losee, f .5 2, 8 Lines, f .........................1 0 ® Behrens, f ................--.^,..1 1 0 W. Behrens, e .--................1 1 3 L. Behrens, g 0 5 Oglesby, g -- --0 1 1 Burgett, g 1 0 8 The McHenry High school boys are all primed for their game with Wood- Stock in the County Tournament at St. Mary's gym tonight. The game will be the big show for the evening and will decide Just who will meet th«? winner of the Harvard-Hebron game the last evening. Woodstock has trimmed McCracken's boys twice this season, but the last time it was a onepoint victory in the last minute of play and since then Mac is sure that his boys have picked up enough to|ne make the grade. Wegener and O'Shea are playing a fereat guarding game and if the offense can just start functioning the chances are ripe for a Mc-J # Henry victory. If they do beat Larry Dale's lads it should give them enough confidence to carry them through the rest of the games unscathed. Come on, everybody, gfW the lads a big sendoff. ^ 948 820 837--2605 «tk! Leonard Hook of Grayslake walked off with high money by rolling 1268 in the doubles sweepstakes at the Palace Alleys last weekend. F. Zierk and H. Hoffman of Elgin paired up to take second money with 1247. Other scores follow: Hebron; R. Keucker-Pellet 996; Lemmerhirt- Goodrieh 985. Waukegan; W. Alfino-Lama 1156 Falls-Ettholm 1149; Funk-Junewitz 1100. Grayslake; Hook-Schuette 1078. Elgin; Cornwall-Schneider 1124; Leucht- Bowe 1209. Woodstock; Joslyn-Tryon 1091; Shost-McGee 1135; McHenry; Bacon-Winkel 1005; J. Bolger-Brefeld 967; Richardson-Meyers 1028; E. M. Great Corporation's Birth The original Standard Oil cotnpapy was organized under the laws of Ohio In 1870. ' / "i'Wp > Smith-Simon 1132; T. Botger-H." M. Weber 1047. Waukegan; VanHeirseek- Haverkamp, Elgin 1097. Next week-end the doubles are to be rolled, open to local bowlers only that competed in thf singles events two weeks ago. Pairings and time of bowling may be obtained by visiting the Palace Alleys and asking for the schedule. Much interest is being taken in this coming event and the result will no doubt T>e a surprise as The good bowlers are paired up with those that have fallen off their stride. BASKETBALL McHenry High School Gym StXS P. 1 ' . Two Games t McHenry A- A. C. dfM • vs. Waukegan A. C. DOOR PRIZE Wti± BE GIVEN AV&AY •:-il - SCREEN-GRID OVERTRAINED ItADIO ltis "The great athlete died because he was overtrained?" "Yes; fell under' the cars and was cttt la half." set ever offered Laaraiag to Sboet There, little boy IcUqfc-- Don't you cry; Tou'll be a gunmaa Bye and bye! Jack as Rmiob 'Six feet In his boots!" exclaimed Mrs. Flatt "Yes," said Mr. Flatt. "Nonsense! Why, they might as well tell me that the man had six heads In his hat!" Rather Worse ^ % tmHerstand your wife IfldfM you out of the house the other night." "No sach luck," answered Mr. Meekton. "She locked me In."--Washington Star. was McHenry Juniors Trim Grayslake The newly organized McHenry Jun- ^ v »: ishes up Saturday. (Hope the MA AC last longer than they did last year.) . The following week the district high ior Bowling Five got off to an impresischool meet commences at Dundee,' sive start last Tuesday night by trim- '.'Ipwith McHenry meeting Plato Center ming the Junior League quintet of > ----L-5-Sn their first contest. By that time GrayslsAe. Steffes was substituted k be Ides of March will be almost upon for Green and came through with the us and we will be looking for spring high series of the bunch. i;.- in every nook and corner. The first,! h '"fast and only time that McHenry high I Herb Simon hit 256 in the doubles _=ylifms played Plato before was in the the other night which got him high r x* "**• ^i®trict tournament at Elgin in 1925 money for the week, while Leonard . when the two teams played their open- Hook's 255 got hftn second money for - jm, ing games against each other. Plato the week; and had a good deal to do was picked to win but the Orange and with winning the doubles events •\ < Black not only took them into camp. / > but repeated with victories over He-J u , "U *.v, bron and Woodstock only to lose in the' Hon««t ra^mts * finals to Elgin, and I just can't re-! Good and valid child study methods ^member the score of that final game. ms to me it was terrible. Anyway want McHenry to repeat history find go to the finals again. { • - i begin first of all with a willingness on the part of the parents to admit they are not expert If they really are not.-- Woman's Home Companion. Wonderful I Sherlock--Aha! This letter written by a radical communist. Watson--How 'do you deduce that? Sherlock--He scrupulously avoids the use of capital letters. lagmioos Idea^y-V Hat-Shop Assistant--Whit stze of feat does your husband take, madam? Customer--I'm not sure of the size, but try them on this melon* H* hats lit It'exactly--Humijrist. Logical Solution Professor--So the ship hugged the shore? And where was the shore? Student--I suppose It was la the bold of the vessel. Would Coma la Hfcady "I just heard an awful story about your husband." "Tell me. I, need a new di Gold Loss Durable It has been found that gold coins #0 not have the wearing qualities of the silver ones. A silver coin can be exchanged about 3,250,000 times before the image on It Is worn away, while a gold coin will survive only 2,000,000 changes of ownership. SCREEN-GRID lyTEW, different, astonishingly better--traer^ £ tone, greater volume, longer range, complete station separation^--and not a hum in a storeful! That is what this improved Screeat- Crid does for yon---Screen-Grid as only Atwater Kent knows how to use it. Results u can't get with old-style tubes! ^ 1 We shall be glad to install a set in yoar borne today--that you yourself .may judge of* its merits. Then, when you are satisfied that it is the greatest set we ever have offered to the public, pay for it in easy installments 9§. y o u e n j o y i t ! . . . . . . TOOT choice of cabinc*. --a model for ev*** home and pan* $109 ¥ Another Atwater Kent feature we5 your choice of not one but many beautiful cabinets to harmonize with your own fur. mture. • PEW NAMES tN RADIO HAVE SURVIVED SEVEN TEARS. ATWATER KENT HAS LED THAT LONG--AND LEADS TODAY! i Buss-Page Motor Sales Phone SO "We Serve After We Sell" IfcHeary, Illinois

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