Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Mar 1930, p. 6

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v ,"-, • ^ \ "* •-r' .'• -I t ' S^»v . _ J, • A ' "-^ „ " ,\ 41 '<*" j- : .. .*S»';:" ""$'• M'HENRY PLAINDEALKR, THURSDAY, MARCH 1133, 119 3f tdM . , , , . > . . _ < * , ' - -i , . v , . , ••"":*"•• i ^l;1^sr'v--*•- '••• c.•': , ;J '*•••/.." ..' i ' Vv - ' •: ' . .-Jfr •' jfcr.-•**«»< . •»_ .-•• • " i-tf.'Si ' .' •• v. H jfe Compact in Columbus' Tim* H'. ' Th« compass did not fail Columbus s&\ on his first Journey. The actions of the compass were not clearly underf ^ stood at that time. In all seas known, 1-4 at that time the needle pointed not £sT t quite north, but a little*west of north* \ and it was known that by going west < the compass needle would point more III« nearly to the north. No one had heard *jv of a place where It pointed exactly i * north or even somewhat east of north. -.. *• V 1 ^ Ori*fe of A|»t Plm«w ,,,!*j.-,<5 Bald the Greeks: "Even the ant and sr 'V the Worm have their wrath," and from this we get, "A worm will turn." The l'. Greeks also probably furnished Shake- >' * ' # ' speare with his, "Brevity Is the soul Of wit," when Sophocles said, "Many I V wise things are bound up in short jS*'/ • ' speech." And Pliny the Younger sup- . piles this variant: "In the pleading of causes nothing pleases to much a» brevity." •f vt i #<**:•; Fmuijr Mortal V " funny mortal! He lives in « •/v where It Is commercial suicide to of- • " fend tlie Local Big Guy, and yet feels gnperiflr to the free man on the farm. ; r ? --Loa Angeles Times. WE BARBER HAIR WITH SPECIAL CARE V-^AMILTOH HAIR CUTTING SHC®> Ladies'. Men's and Children's Hair Cutting Hews 8 to 12 a. m. and 1 to 8 p. m. Regular Price ot 50c McHenry 258 Pries BMg. Over ^National Tea Ca. Store Insure-la Safe--InsBrutt WITH Wm.G. Schreinei; Auctioneering OFFICE AT RESIDENCE 93-R McHenry, IUiooia 1K>W Kates r< b:: • MeHENRT H. SCHAEFER Drayiiig - - - - ILLINOIS DR. JOSEPH C. FEELEY Dentist M:. .. . McHenry - - IDiaois f. In McHenry: Fridays 10 8 p.m. ii ' V- Satordays9 7:80 p.m. AN EXPENSIVE ITEM "How Is your new hand getting on?** asked Farmer Giles, when he met Farmer Jones during an evening stroll to the village hostelry. "He broke two spade handles yesterday," replied Fanner Jones. "What! Is he working as hard as that?" exclaimed Giles in surprise. But Jones made things clearer as he. said bitterly: "No; leaning on than." His B«UB«M « "Then If I buy a house on this estate, can you guarantee that the roads will be properly made up and the foot* paths paved 7" "Oh, yes, sir. That Is already «|sranged." "Good. It is rather Important--you see, I'm a pavement artist!"--Ayreshire Advertiser. . " . Prehistoric Stylos v Flintrazor (the barber)--Just trim the ends, I s'pose? I remember you said your bride liked to toy with your crisp curls. Bonescraper (the bridegroom)-- That was before we were married. Clip it close to the scalp so site cant get a grip on It. Damaged the Bridge Work . Hortense--And they say he is a fellow who makes violent love to a girl. Marjorie--I'll say he doesl WSJ, last evening he kissed me four times right on the bridge. Hortense--Goodness gracious! And now you will have to go to the dentist to have the bridge repaired, of course. USES GLASS EYE TO GET PEACE IN JAIL Verification "Do you take care to verify all |wi tayr "Invariably," answered Senator Sorghum. "Even if something I.announce isnt yet true, I put It in the form of a prediction and try to make It come true later on." NOT CONGENIAL "Why does Tom seem to shun, the society of ladies T* "Well, you see, he doesn't smoke." if. .. . • " " v, Sundays by appointment, ^ » Artificial teeth made by the Davies process. Latest electrical equipment aqd modern methods. '^ 5 Riverside Drive over Barbian's ^ Grocery and Market.'- IffcHENRY GRAVEt A ft EXCAVATING CO. "..'v. f A. P. Freund, Prop. Eoad Building and Excavating of Every Description {Estimates Furnished on Bequest ffigh-grade Gravel Delivered at any time--large or Small orders given prompt attention. 204-M - -. McHenry HENRY V. SOMPEL General Teaming / Sand, Gravel and Coal for Sale Grading, Graveling and Road Work Done By Contract or By Day Phone McHenry 649-R-l P. 0. Address, Route 3 t McHenry, BL Sure Is Whea you have got a car That's new and sporty. It's doggone hard to keep It down to "forty." Would Be Worth It " *Td give anything if you would kiss me.** "But the scientists says that kisses breed disease.** " "Oh, never mind that. Go ahead, and make me an invalid for lift.** Fine, Indeed1 ' Buskin Bill was in court charged with exceeding the auto speed limit. ••What's the matter with you," asked the judge. "Didn't you read the signs along the road?" "Sure," replied Bill. "Tbay lead 'Pine for Speeding.'** I I: Tr -•• • p 'a pp. M. CARROli. • Lawyer Mm with West McHenry State Bank Every Wednesday 4 McHenry, Illinois No Head for Business "I don't know what to do with this mongrel," moaned Jones. "I've done my best to give him away." "Give him away?" protested hfs upand- dolng wife. "That's no way to get rid of a dog. Ask $25 for him.** Scared Him Off Mother--Mabel's young man ^ has taken ottense at something. Have you said anything to him? Father--Not a word. I haven't seen him since I mailed h)m the last quarter's light bill. SherilPi Ruse Keeps Hit Prisoners Guessing. . TifHn, Ohio.--The little matter of a glass eye has restored peace In the neighborhood of Seneca county's jail. The eye has proved a time and trouble saver for Sheriff George Burkett. And the same glass eye does not exist as far as Seneca county's prisoners are aware. Therein lies the story of an ingenious sheriff and the gullibility of unsuspecting ^prisoners. SherifT Burkett's qounty charges wouldn't behave. Meek as lambs and docile In his presence* they resorted tl» boisterous frolic as soon as his Jtatchful eye was turned. His Peace Disturbed. The sheriff knew this. Prom his residence across the jai! yard, fee could hear the Inmates creating turmoil which declined to a meek and Innocent tranquility as soon as he stalked wrathfully through the outer Iron door. His peace was disturbed. The neighbors complained. What was needed was an omnipresent eye. To the amusement of the Inmates, the sheritf drilled a long line of small holes completely across ao outer wall of the Jail. Twenty-four hours after the last shaving was gouged through the last diminutive port hole the chuckles of Seneca county's prisoners faded. "They were replaced in rapid succession by impatience, disgust and finally consternation. Moves Glass Eye. Their every action was now being watched by a jeering, belligerent eye. The sheriff was first at one hole, then at another--always with that same malvolent stare. Inmates chafed under the almost constant surveillance. They murmured talk of boycotts, protests, petitions, appeals and the others which they could remember having heard In courts. But their complaints were always registered sotto-voce. There were no more tumultuous Ooises emanating from Seneca county's jail. Meanwhile Sheriff Burkett wears a pniile continuously. Several times each day he slips from his rodm. From a small recess in the wall he lifts a small, gleaming object and re&tores it (to another hole further down th? line. And the hapless prisoners on the opposite side writhe but writhe quietly. Should Make Motherhood -- Study, Says Specialist Chicago. -- Modern flappers should prepare for motherhood as thoroughly as do young men for their business careers. "Better future generations and happier families will result through the discarding of the old traditions of motherhood which were largely 'rules of the thumb' passed on from mother to daughter," declared Esther Ackerson Fischer, nationally known dietitian, in an address here. "Scientific research by the medical profession has removed many of the doubts as to the proper care of children and the modern mother Is well advised to consult her family doctor constantly, following his directions implicity rather than listening to the advice of neighbors or friends. "Young women should study the problems of motherhood and learn to. rely on the experience of specialists and doctors." r ~ ; ' ALONG LIFE'S TRAIL 7 By THOMAS ARKLE CLARK P«-- «f M*a, University of THE STORY OF McMINN rd like to tell briefly the story of MclCinn with the hope that it might hejp some other' boy or act as a deterrent of some indulgent parent who is tempted to make life too easy for his child. I've Just come from talking to McMinn, and I feel 'pretty low i n s p i r i t s f o r there wasn't really very much that one could say to him. lie seems to have played most of his cards and lost McMinn has never done anything that he found unpleasant or difficult. His father is rather a preoccupied business man who lives in one of the suburbs of a great city and who goes off in the morning usually before the boy is up, and who comes home at night tired and too much taken up with other things to give the boy much attention. Mother has had the direction of the boy, and she is so fond of him that whatever he shows a desire for she gets him immediately, for there has never been any need of economy In the McMinn family and no tendency toward practicing it. McMinn has never shown any particular Interest in study. He was sent to a boys' private school at first, but he did not do well there, and so was transferred tp the public school where he finally thade the grade to enter high, school. His preparatory school record was rather a hectic one. He had all sorts of experience--local high school, two or three high-grade pre-, paratory schools in New England, and then back in high school again to graduate two years later than the average boy i does, and even then with only a mediocre record. And then McMinn c£»me to college. He had really never studied any; ha found no joy or satisfaction in study. He wiis warned, but he paid no atten-_ tion to the warning, and, of^course, he lias failed hopelessly. What 1? he to do? he asks me. He lias no background, no preparation for ••ol!'--r v.url;. no hleu of what It Is all iho-'. fie would make out sadly a imnviril Irhor. He would liave a hari !nie to get a job unless he got it 'hronrrli i:in father's Influence, and he y!iaa c!?vclojvd habits which It will take hint years to break if he ever succeeds In doing so. 1#;». Wet-tern Newspaper UsloB.) PARTLY TRUE Telephone No. 108-R Stoffel & Reihansperger Insurance agents for all classes property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY - - ILLINOIS ED VOGEL GENERAL AUCTIONEER Firm Sales a Specialty P. O. Solon Mills, 111 Tel. Richmond 264 Reference Past Sales SATISFACTION GUARANTEED* W' Phone McHenry 133-M JOHN OEFFLING / DfatrVmttfr of frinta Bcupraivn ^ Distributor Sheridan Springs Soft Drinks ^ McHENRY, ILLINOIS "Why, you don't evAi know what economy is." "Sure I do! It's a way of spending money without getting any fun out of If - -ti 13 Sit on Jury 2 Hours Before Judge Notes It Newark, N. J.--Because neitner the defendant, plaintiff, nor counsel in a negligence case here counted noses, thirteen jurors sat in the jury trox for two hours before the error was discovered. The judge ruled that there had been a mistrial. The extra juror was in the box because there happened to be two men named Smith on the panel called for duty. When their names were called both entered the box. The extra Smith found a chair and voluntarily became a member of the Jury. Order of Scruples, Pleas* Woman in Butcher Shop (indignantly)-- Have you no scruples whatsoever? ' Butcher (amiably)--No, ma'am, but I can order you some for tomorrow. • • ; \ e ' Cheap Meal "How were the ea^s?" asked hubby of his better half just back from a dinner party at the new neighbors. "Well, it was the sort of meal you look for a paper napkin with." THE OUTDOORS GET READY NOW 1 Right now is an excellent time to give your fishing tackle a complete overhauling, so as to have it in readiness when the laughing streams of early spring send forth their call. Nothing is more discouraging than to travel many miles away to your favorite stream, then discover thai your tackle is not in good condition. However, such happenings are a common occurance among the great armv of fisi^rmen throughout the country and-many trips have been spoiled >n account of loose ferrules, rusty reel pivots, lost tip-top, split rods, rotted lines, aged gut leaders, moth-eaten flies and other disagreeable items we could mention. Every split bamboo rod should be varnished whether the windings are loose or not, as it will protect the rod just that much more for the new seasons activities. Ferrules can be tightened by holding them over a gas flame or lighted candle until they become quite hot. Do not heat them too much, however, as they may lose their temper and bend easily, which naturally makes them worthless. Ferrule cement and a small bottle of varnish should always be carried as accessories in the fishing country. One never knows just when such items might be needed to save the day's sport. Take your reel apart and oil it' thoroughly before departing on your spring fishing expedition if you expect same to perform satisfactorily. Sand and grit usually get into the bearings and should be cleaned out with care. The enameled line should be newly dressed and rubbed down carefully with a soft cloth. To cast well, it is necessary to have the rod and line working in harmony, especially wfeen. f l y c a s t i n g . ^ V i j N First VestHbuled Car The fundamental patent fQr the American vestibuled railway car vas Issued to H. H. Sessions, a Chicago Inventor. In 1887 Pormaaeait Wave Frank, pge five, was visiting his uncle Dan In the country. In the evening be was permitted to go and watch the milking operation^. He climbed the fence and looked long and critically at a large bull whose big head was covered with wavy, curly hair. Then he called: "Uncle Dan, this big cow has got a dandy permanent wave.** Birthplace of Storm* The weather bureau says, the general drift of the atmosphere In middle latitudes is from the west, and that hi turn is owing to two things--the circulation of the atmosphere between the heated equatorial and the cooled poll* regions, and the rotation of the earth from west to east. This is the reason why storms come from the west. : k WEST SIDE GARAGE Adams Bros., Prop*. General Automobile Repairing : i/ ; «v- TeL 185 \si4 Res. Phone, 639-R-2 ¥0- S. H. Freund & Son r; .'•£ 'X. runai^i BntMfag Contractor > • V- V'-;K Phone 127-R Cor. Pearl and Park Vfir.4 Wiro for Royally ^ The first ^telephone wire t^ GrOSft Britain wfis between London and Windsor 6^stle, and was for the use of Queen Victoria pAGKACHEi*~~ If functional Bladder Irritation disturbs your sleep, or causes Burning or Itching Sensation, Backache, Leg Pains, or muscular aches, making you feel tired, depressed, and discouraged, why not try the Cystex 48 tiour Test? Don't give up. Get Cystex today. Put it to the test. See for yourself how quickly it works and what it does. Money back if it doesn't bring quick improvement, and satisfy you com-jrj pletely. Try Cystex today. Only 60c. ..Thomas P. Bolger, The McHenry Druggist. x Job Must Be Done „ W4>uld-Be-Sulclde--Don't rescue me. t want to die. Swimmer--Well, you'll have to postpone it I want a life-saving medal. •>;M • • ' Appropriate Nickname This name "Shoestring Republic" Is given to Qille because of the length of the country In • proportion to its width. " Child Carries Coin in r Throat for Eight Months Houston, Texas. -- Physicians removed ' from a 16-inonth-old child's throat a penny that bad been there almost half his life. Bobble Means of Ne\v Orleans had been 111 for eight months. At a local hospital the obstruction was located by the use of the X-ray and removed by means of the bronchoscope. "ASTOUNDING ARE MERITS OF FAMED KONJOLA" Lady Freed of Five Years Suffering, Tells of Amazing Experience with New Marine ^ Coughing Breaks Ribs . Torquay, England.--A forty-year-old doctor of good physique broke three ribs in a fit of coughing, and cracked a fourth during a subsequent attack. All for Efficiency I eat my peas with honejr, rvs done It all my life. They do taste, kind of funny, , But It keeps them on ths knife. No Reason at All "What caused your husband to leave home?" "I haven't the least Idea. He just packed up and left the morning after my mother and two sisters came to spend the winter with us." World's Largest Telescope The observatory on Mount Wilson, in California, was built at a cost of $22,000,000 and houses the world's largest telescope, the instrument having a reflector 100 Inches in diameter. Significant Inflections There are 396,000,000 ways of spelling "circumference," says Drv Ernest Horn; and we wouldn't be surprised if there were found to be as many inflections for the word "yeah;? Woman Has Triplets, White, Red, Black San Juan, Porto Rico.--The newspaper La Democrazie reports that at Vega Alta triplet sons have been born to Paula Rodriguez and IJamon Crespo. Both parents are white while the triplets are thre^ distinctive types, one white, one Indian, one colored. They have been named Gaspar, Melchlor and Balthazar, after the three wise kings who brought gifts to. the infant .Tesus. 1 Man's a Mixture Everything runs to excess; every good quality Is noxious, if unmixed, and, to carry the danger to the edge of ruin, nature causes each man's peculiarity to superahound.--Emerson. . Some Chicken Patrons in a certain exclusive restaurant picked up the menu cards the other evening and read the special, which said: "Chicken a la king, en camisole."--Florida Times TTnloo. • ' "V . MRS. EDNA McCLAREN "Astounding are the merits of this famous Konjola--the medicine that brought me health when hope was at the lowest ebb," said Mrs. Edna Mc- Claren, 1039 Altgeld street, Chicago. "Five years ago, I was afflicted with! kidney trouble. Every day during those years I suffered from bac\i aches. Every action was accompanied by a burning sensation that was torture. A case of constipation served to make matters worse. "When I heard about Konjolfi I began to hope again that I might be well. I started the treatment and certainly was not disappointed. In a few weeks I was a well person. My kidneys were corrected and my bowels were regulated. I have greater energy and strength and can hardly realize I was ever in such a pitiful condition. Konjola has ma(}e a life-long friend of me through deeds, not words. Konjola is sdld in McHenry at Thomas P. Bolger's drug store, and by all the best druggists in all towns throughout this entire stctigp. McHenry TO CHICAGO Ride the Marigold Coaches through the popular resort centers direct to Chicago or Lake Geneva. Low fares, fast, frequent service. Experienced drivers. Finest "Pullmans of the Highways." * SOUTHBOUND McHenry To LILY LAKE $.10 otw way, VOLO $.15 one way, WAUCONDA $.25 one way, LAKE CORNERS $.30 one way, LAKE ZURICH $.40 oas way, MT. PROSPECT $.70 one way, DBSPLAINES $.80 one way, DEMPSTER & MILWAUKEE AVE^ $.90 one way NILES CENTER $1.00 one way, NORTHBOUND McHenry To GENOA CITY $.35 on* way, LAKE GENEVA $.55 one way, Save time by transferring to Rapid Transit "L" trains at Niles Center--soar above -the street traffic to the heart of Chicag^. Save money by using the special Marigold Coupon Book-- $10 worth 'of rides for $8--a "twenty «per cent reduction. For all information ^ McHenry Ticket Office, Justen's Hotel, Phone 16. * METROPOLITAN MOTOR COACH COMPANY flbward P. Savage, General Manager METROPOLITAN SYSTEM McHenry, III ; Keep your Merchandise Moving "• fjy, Telephone ' yOUR telephone saves both time and * money. You can buy, tell and direct the movement of your goods by telephone. There are many times when a telephone call would be just as satisfactory as a personal visit. Yo^r telephone enables you to make personal contacts in distant cities without leaving your own desk. In many cases, a long distance tele^ phone call commands more attention than a business card . .. i.'s very likely you'll be admitted immediately^- b/ tefepfonef Try IH ; / Bell Lines Reach ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM One P0I17 :jOne System *' Uitivmrtbl Service >$$ FOX RIVER HATCHERY BABY CHICKS * Hatches Mondays and Thursdays--Mixed Heavy Specials If ,yo.» yant Early Chicks get in touch wiji •; /: .We have all the leading breeds. > " &>al and Oil* Burning Brooder StoveST • Wayne Feeds FOX RIVER HATCHERY TELEPHONE 1537 63 Grave Ave., Elgin, BL Central Garage JOHNSBURG * niSD J. SMITH, ProprtetiMF Chevrolet Sales. General Automotive Repair Work • Give MS a call when in trouble EXPERT WELDING AND CYLINDER REBOR1NG Day Phone 200-J Night Phone 640-J-2 Real Driijk For Growing Children * COMMUNITY DAIRY MILK, because ol the careful attention we give it each and every moment xintil it reaches you fresh and absolutely clean, is a wonderful drink for growing children. You may have it delivered Home-churned Buttermilk Community Dairy phone 660-J-l Ben J. Smith, m '¥ • 9:M. '\ ' Atr: < e.,V.r, S^ai.4- 7^ « $ I?

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