Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Mar 1930, p. 2

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wz-m ISaESHBS"" ^ • *•... . ;154 T^~f • t * 'A. AV- ".' ' ! i ' '< THX K'HEHBT PLAIMDBALN, THURSDAY, MAKOH ST, 1930 SPECIMEN BALLOT (BY PETITION) m.:mr ^ *"" - ^r ^ i>& x •* - t y # k $%!i- I FOR TOWN CLSRK "J:$ Ij* \< Vote for One) .-• .-. I I CHAS. B. HARMSEN '•V H" • 1 t --"^fe1'1"^ FOR ASSESSOR (Vote for OneV I I JOSEPH SCHMITt X ; L-J •: "O ilfiitfifti I XCSTICEOF THE (To fill vacancy) , I I WILLIAM 3. WELCH. I UHiiii >¥11'I'li-j I'luTjir•"i •[ „ I».!ri • .1 j.u niulf. • . Afi• I hereby certify that the above is a Specimen Ballot to be voted in the own of McHenry, April 1st, 1930. CHAS. R HARMSEN, ; Town Clerl^ fan • . ANNUAL TOWN MEETING AND ELECTION Notie is hereby given to lip legal voters, residents of the Tolgpltrip of McHenry, County McHenry, Illinois, that the Annual Township meeting and Election of Officers of said Township will take place Tuesday, the first day of April proximo, being the first Tuesday in said month. vThe election will be held in the following places: 1st District, Woodman Hall, Ringwood, 111. * 2nd District, City Hall, McHrtiry, m. 3rd District, Colby Bldg. McHenry. 111. • ' The officers to be elected lit as follows: > J " One Town Clerk. v . One Assessor. One Justice of the Peace to fill vacancy. The Town Meeting will open in the City Hall, McHenry, 111., at the hour1 of 2 o'clock p. m., and after choosing a Moderator will proceed to hear and; consider reports of officers, to appro-! priate money to defray the necessary expenses of the Township, and to deliberate and decide on such measures as many, in pursuance of law, come before the meeting. Polls will be open at 7 o'clock a. an., and close at 5 o'clock p. m. Given under my hand this 5th day of March, a, d, 1930. ^ , ™ CHAS. B. HARM SEN, 40-4 Town Cktk. RINGWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clay of Rockford spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Peet and family. Rn.iTchm" o~n~dT enTte'rTta i,*n*e d a.t" a" 'Mrmrth d.a" y* Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neal and chil- dren t gund ^ the home of the dinner m honor of the birthday an- former>s brother in Chicago, niversary of Mr. Herbert's father and mnrantv, nUon nf Mir. sad Mrs. Irving Herbert of TbeZr2t,* Zhe' £be•in' g" 5824 aMn^d 'ls,Ch:ee «8,1r^. e•JT?h*o,s'"e .s p^ ent the week„- end* i n the Bora, of kM fow,ilw Immortal Tratlt ^ The nfllk Is but th^*ftilnea's stamp; -J the man'* fee gourd for a'that--Robert Burns.' ^ WEST SIDE GARAGE --- Adams Bros., Props. TeL General Automobile Repairiaf' \ Res. Phone, 639-R-2 Peterson Garage and Repair Shop Located in the Morrow Building, West McHenry, recently known as the Chevrolet agency. . I am now fully equipped to handle all kinds of car and tmck repairing Business Phone 206 erson Residence Phtone 137-W that made up the gathering wero their children, grandchildren and their families. Mr. and Mrs. George Shfepard entertained a party of friends Saturday evening in honor of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Claxton. Music and a social time was enjoyed by all, after which refreshments were served. Those present were: Mr. and M rs. Henry Foss and son, Charles, of Barrington, Mr. and Mrs. John Claxton and son, Will, Mr. and Mrs. John Dreymiller, George Johns and Mrs, Minnie Miller of McHenry, Messrs. and Mesdames T. A. Abbot, James Rainey, Jim Ladd, S. W. Smith, A. W. Smith, W. A. Dodge, C. J. Jepson, G. A. Stevens, E. P. Flanders, J. F. McLaughlin, Misses Agness Bigelow, Flora Taylor and J. V. Buckland and Rillah Foss. Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Butler entertained the five htmdred club at their home Thursday evening. Prizes were awarded to Miss Arline Harrison and Clarence Pearson first, and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens and Leon Dodge the consolations, At the cioSe of the games a dainty luncheon was served by Mrs. Butler "and Mrs. Leon Dodge. Mrs. Elmer Olsen entertained at a miscellaneous shower for Mrs. Harold Wiedrich, a recent bride, Thursday. "Bunco was played and prizes were awarded to Mrs. Lester Carr the punch prize, Mrs. Nick Young first, Mrs. John Miller second, Mrs. Gus Pearson third, and Mrs. Sam Beatty the consolation. Mrs. Wiedrich received many beautiful and useful gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Wiedrich have gone to farming on the Irving Walker farm. Mrs. Ed. Peet was pleasantly surprised s»t her home Friday afternoon; the occasion was planned in honor of her birthday anniversary. Bunco was played and prises were won by Mrs. Viola Low first, Mrs. Ed. Thompson second, and Mrs. W. A. Dodge the consolation. At the close a dainty luncheon was served by Miss Dorothy Peet, who planned the party. Mrs. Peet was presented with a nice gift. Mrs. Lewis Hawley spent Wednesday in Chicago. ... Mrs. George Bacon of Antioch was a visitor in the home of her parents, Mr. apd Mrs. W. A. Dodge Wednesday. 1 M*3./ Ed. Thompson and Mrs. Nick Young spent Wednesday afternoon in the home of Mrs. Joe Weber at Mcllewv. _ WiMlarn Beth and daughter, Cora, Miss Florence Olsen of McHenry brother, Elmer and family. Mr. and Mrs. LeBter Carr spent Sunday in the Charles Carr home. Louise Williams spent Saturday in the home of her brother, Joe, and family in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schneider of McHenry spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William McCannon. Mrs. Ben Tonyan and Mrs. LeRoy Neal were Hebron visitors Thursday. Byron Hitchens and Lucy Thomas spent the week-end in the J. F. JEhitler home at Forest Park. Dave Hodges of Chicago waa a Ringwood caller Friday. f Mr. and Mi's. F. A. Hitchens spent Sunday at Evanston and Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Goodel of McHenry spent Saturday evening with Wayne Foss. Mrs. Leon Dodge attended a party at the home of Mrs. Ed. Nickols in McHenry Friday evening. Mrs. Leo Karls of Richmond and her- grandfather, Mr. Bartholf of Palmyra, Wis., spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Jennie Bacon. . Thomas Carr of Wauconda is spending a week in Ringwood. , Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler attended a party at Clarence Johnson's at Greenwood Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Smith, Mrs. B. T. Butler and daughter, Helen R^fe, and Mrs. Emma Brown spent Sunday with relatives at Delevan. Mr. and Mrs. Arden Frisbie and daughter have arrived from the south, Thov are visiting in the home of her parents, J£r. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson and family went to Elgin Sunday to help her father celebrate his 75th birthday. Lorena and Virginia Jepson spent Saturday afternoon in Woodstock. Byron Hitchens of Chicago sper.t Monday with his parents. SCHOOL NOTES Lower Room Honor Roll: Neither absent nor tardy for seven months: Pearl Smith, Rita Mae Merchant, Marjorie Noble, John Noble, Kenneth Noble, Virginia Jepson. Perfect lessons in spelling for the month of March: Alice Mae Low. ^ . Don't forget the (Operetta Peter Rabbit" at the M. W. A. hall, April 4. Admission 25 cents and 10 cents. Upper Room: Perfect attendance to date: Richard Kelley, Gerald Noble, Helen Harrison, Ellen Smith, Mercedes Smith. • ' . , a Eight oi the tipper grade pupils tax. ' Vs • • * . / \ ^ . - t : .• - I l l - : ' ) ' " n • 4% Women Suffering Bladder Irritation If functional Bladder Irritation disturbs your sleep, or causes Burn ing or Itching Sensation, Backache, Leg Pains, or muscular aches, making ^bu feel tired, depressed, and discouraged, why not try the Cystex 48 Hour Test? Don't give up. Get .Cystex today. Put it' to the test. See for yourself how quickly it works aAd what it does. Money back if it doesn't bring quick improvement, and satisfy you completely. Try Cystex today. Only 60c. ..Thomas P. Bolger, The McHenry DruinrisL H^'vT^d Raymond H»I! (Belvidere Daily Republican, February 15) Jackson Endorsed by | \ Illinois Farm Body Boone County Member of Legislature Given Rating of 100 Per Cent by Illinois Agricultural Association--Receives Letter of Aj^preciation aafl ?hanks from President Earl C. 8mith. < Representative'^". L. Jackson Iras been given tne uit qualified endorsement of the Illinois Agricultural Ass< ciation, the organization of farmers which has been taking the major role in Illinois to better the conditions of agriculture. After making a careful check of the official records of the members of the Illinois legislature the Belvidere man is given a rating of "100 per cent" for the consistent support he accorded all relief measures sponsored by the state organization of farmers. Representative Jackson has been advised'in a letter from Earl C. Smith, president of the association, that he has been placed on the 100 per cent list of members receiving ti n endorsement of the farm body. President Smith's lett was as follows: Hon. N. L. Jackson, Belvidere, Illinois, . Dear Mr. Jackson: Qj We are greatly pleased to inform you that careful «®«icking of the official records of the last Gene? Assembly shows you to have given 100 per cent supp< i to controversial measures initiated and supported by t L Illinois Agricultural Association. We are preparing for our official publication a rath er complete report of the activities of the 56th Genes h) Assembly on matters of major interest to agricultu t We are desirous of including in this report a picture of all those with 100 per cent voting records and would appreciate receiving either a pictures or cut of yourself to be used for this purpose. : I also want to take thus occasion to express the appreciation of the farm people of Illinois for this effective service you have rendered Illinois agriculture in your official. capacity. We shall look forward to your response to the above request at an early date. . ' With personal regards, I am Earl C. Smith, President Illinois Agriculture Association Vote For ® N. L JACKSON Republican Candidate For o * I State Representative! / in Chicago at the hospital, Monday. Adrian Thomas is again employed by the Bowman Daivy Co. in Chicago. Kirk Schroeder was a Chicago visitor Tuesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. William Hendrickso* of Richmond spent Wednesday and Thursday with Mrs. Jennie Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. Max Beth and son, Billy, of Chicago spent Wednesday in the William Beth homfe. Sib and Marjorie Whiting and Nellie McDonald spent Thursday evening with Mrs. Del Bacon at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington and Mrs. C. J. iepsoft attended a play at | Woodstock Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Shepard and ! family were Woodstock visitors Thura- ' day afternoon. | Earl Mann of Woodstock spent Saturday in the Edgar Thomas home. I Mrs. Lyle Hopper is visiting In f Chicago. « Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters spent Sun» ! day at Belvidere and Hunter. Mrs. 1 Peters remained for the week. J Mrs. Agnes Jencks and daughter, Mary, of Chicago spent Sunday in thf | home of her father, G. A. Stevens. Mrs. D. C. Bacon of Crystal Lake was a Ringwood visitor Saturday. Julia Huff and Mrs. Mike Freund I of Spring Grove were callers in the i Nick Young home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and ; family spent Sunday in the home of I the latter's parents at McHenry. Mrs. Mabelle Johonott of Chicago I spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. 1 T. A. Abbott. James McCannon spent Tuesday afternoon in the home of his brother, ! Will McCannon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich and Mae Wiedrich were Woodstock shoppers Monday. Mrs. Joe Weber and son of M<fHenry spent Thursday with her parents, Mr. I and Mrs. Nick Young. I Miss Dorothy Peet spent a few days the past week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Thomas attend- | ed the funeral of their uncle, Warren j Thomas, at Woodstock Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Peet were Woodi stock callers Thursday afternoon, j Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sherman of ! Woodstock were visitors in the Lewis ' Schroeder home Wednesday. |' Miss Eva Williams of St. Charles i! was a caller in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Williams, Thursday evening. Thomas Doherty, S. W. Smith, Peter Smith and Kenneth Cristy attended a Pure Milk meeting in Woodstock Tuesday. Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin spent Wednesday with Woodstock relatives. Mrs. J. R. Smith of McHenry spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. George j Young and family. I Miss Lora Harrison fa nursing in j the Arthur Peet home. I Ellen Hall, Cora Beth and Marjorie 1 Noble were McHenry visitors Saturday. I Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin and daughter, Julia, were pfcHenry visitors Saturday. ' Warren Jones of McHenry spent Saturday with his grandmother, Mrs Rilla Foss. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet and lughters were Woodstock visitors ifiaturday. Mrs. Edgar Thomas and Mrs. Viola Lowe and Mrs. Will McCannon were McHenry callers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James BeH of Richmond were guesta in the Geo. Young home Saturday. Charles Foss at Barrington spent I the week-end with his cousins, Gladys l and Howard Shepard. w I,. - , .. names and grades are: Helen Harrison, 98; Darlene Merchant, 98; Vivian Whiting, 98; Jessie Schroeder, 98; Virginia Welter, 98; Donald Adams, 93; Ellen Smith, 93 and Jean Whiting, 90. Mrs. Florence Smith, representing the local lodge of Mystic Workers returned home from Freeport this week, where she attended a school for field workers of that society. She reports it was very interesting and instructive. Arthur A. Bentley, president of the lodge addressed the club on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Smith stated the beneficiaries of the local lodge of Mystic Workers have received in cash benefit# the sum of $27,311. ILLINOIS LADY SAYS K0N10LA --IS WONDERFUL Was Bedfast for Nine Weeks--New and Different Medicine Scores Another Triumph; t MBS. W. H. BOM AN < "Konjola is certainly a wonderful medicine; I had no idea there was a remedy that could work so fast," said Mrs. W. H. Boman, 614 Leville street, Peoria. "I had despaired of ever finding a medicine that would help me. For years I suffered from nervousness. Finally I was forced to re main in bed. I had fainting ri spells, too, and these were becoming more frequent. A friend asked me why I did not try Konjola and she was so enthusias tic about this medicine I finally decided to see what it would do for mc. The first bottle showed me that was on the right track. Constipation was relieved; my appetite and digestion improved and day by day my nerves became calmed. I am enjoying health now that I never expected to have again and I owe it al^,&> this wonderful Konjola." Konjola is sold in McHenry at Thomas P. Bolger's drug store, and by all the best druggists in all toWna throughout this entire section. Warning Signals Little Billy was not particularly fond of the animal life on his grandfather's farm, finding It rather overwhelming to a very small boy. So, when he drove out to the country one day with his mother, he was noticeably reloctant to get out of the car. "Come on, Billy, get out ad*d see tike cote little pigs," Invited his mother. Billy hung back. "Not mamma," he refMed* big pig Is htkiktng at ml" art* way, one way, $ Ride the Marigold Coaches through the popular resort centers direct to Chicago or Lake Geneva. Low fares, fast, frequent service. Experienced drivers. Finest "Pullmans of the Highways." SOUTHBOUND McHenry To - LILY LAKE $.10 one way, VOLO $.15 one way, kWAUCONDA $.25 one way, E CORNERS $.30 ZURICH $.40 rjpr. PROSPECT V $.70 one way, f>ESPLAINES t $.80 one way, DEMPSTER & MILWAUKEE AVE., $.90 one way NILES CENTER $1.00 one way, NORTHBOUND McHenry To GENOA CITY $.85 citt way, LAKE GI8NEVA . $.55 one way, Save time by transferring to Rapid Transit "L" trains at Niles Center--soar above the street traffic to the heart of Chicago. Save money by uaing the special Marigold Coupon Book-- Ho worth of rides for $8--a ty per cent reduction. ' For $11 information McHenry Ticket Office, Justen's Hotel, Phone 16. METROPOLITAN MOTOR COACH COMPANY Blward P. Savage, General Manager S. H. Freund & Son General Building Contractor^ rkMM>.U$gt COR. PEARL AND PARK ST*. >«vc .. McHenry, HL FOX RIVER HATCHERlf BABY CHICKS Hatches Mondays and Thursdays--Mixed Heal If yon want Early Chicks get in touch with us now. * V . We have all the leading breeds. 1 FOX RIVER HATCHERY TELEPHONE 1537 63 Grove Ave., Elgin, 111. K' v Central Garage JOHN8BURG ^ nUID J. SMITH, Pr^rkter Chevrolet Sales. General Antomotive Repair Work Give'm a call when in trouble EXPERT WELDING AMD CYLINDER REBORING Day Phone 200-1 Night Phone 640-J-2 a* rfure Milk and Cream from the , . Community Dairy Most motthert are particular about the milk they give their babies and growing children. They should exercise every precaution tatfore choosing their dairy. One reason perhaps, wlfflyto. naany families use Community Milk and CrdW^liost of our customers come to us through recommendation and ,personal inspection of our sanitary dairy. ITii in 11 i hiiinii Phone 660-J-l Ben J. Smith, Prof* * USE T^VNRAAAMGIROOLUMNS FROR QUICK RESULTS •• * •I K the tiest gasoline "v ^ hr\ \T0T JUST any kin<fo? crude oil produce? the best iy gasoline. CONOCO selects the best gasoline crude from the more than two billion gallons of crude oil it produces annually from its own oil fields, in making. . CONOCO Triple Tested Gasoline. The best gasoline crude--the most modern refining processes-- the most rigid laboratory and road tests--all coi% v tribute to the excellence of CONOCO Gttoline.ItV««Ust> tested--for starting, acceleration and ^ power--and it delivers these modern ; gasoline essentials to an unusual degree* Quick starting--rapid acceleration--sus- . tained, economical power-ryou get all jjuce £^om|p x CONOCO GAS OLINE PACKED WITH EXTRA MILES • * ... ; J-.1.';, 'hu; -s •ifV

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