Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Mar 1930, p. 6

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: # j'V" »«"••.'j4' m '^:«^' •e gyi v* b^% \ "v •y> .>(*• >v , #' ' ' 1 * '- 1 'J' ' ' * , ' »•" . • ' ' * f V ' 'j" 4. ' ' ' i *'f • < THE H'HXMltT PLAUDBALKB, THtntSDAY, MABOH 27. 1930 Twice Told Tales * *'," "v £ >ar* »v v," • f / '/' gj, VotJ goto# lawyer on -Km, it pays to use the H . * legal matters . . . to services of experts. We are expert painters . . . * physician for medical aid. No one knows law like a lawyer, nor medicine like a doctor. And no one knows paint--and painting--like < :i painter. 'i With painting, as everything JVo «m know* paint -- and paiatia g-- like a painter know paint and painting from e^ery angle . . . use only the best of materials including Dutch l|ey white-lead* , ' Can't we get together on some pairitinff work? Herman J. Kreutzer _ Painter and Oecorater flonc 71* West McHenry <;.:><• ;fW, I?: M." (Political Advertisement) 4-JOHN PURVEY Crystal Lake, 111. REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE for SHERIFF / of McHenry County Tour support is solicited and will be appreciated. Interesting Bit* of News Ttkn From the Columns of the Plaindealer Fifty aai • Twentjr-B»« Tctn Af« . / - !T * f Fifty Years Ago The Colby Bros, have their branch store at Nunda in full running order, and under the management of H. B. Tyrrel and his ^assistants, will become one of the institutions of that burg. The steam boat, "Mary Griswold", has been run down from her winter quarters and is now undergoing a thorough fitting up and when ready for the season's work will be decidedly the most convenient, speedy and handsomest boat on Fox River. M. Kelter, of the firm of Keckeiseri A Kelter, general commission merchants, 170 South Water street, Chicago, is in this village this week. This is a new firm in this business but come well recommended as staunch and reliable, and as Mr. Kelter is an old resident of this town he needs no recommending among our farmers and business men. Twenty-live Years Ago A very sad death occurred in little hamlet of Johnsburg at o'clock last Friday morning, Mrs. Peter Britz passed away the 12:30 when Her untimely death came as a great shock to her many relatives and friends. The entire community sympathizes with the heartbroken husband, who, with three small children mourn her loss. The two youngest children are twins of only ten days. Although the rain of last Saturday afternoon kept quite a number from attending the fanners' and teachefs meeting at the Central opera house .n this village, the meeting was well attended, especially in the evening, when the spacious hall was quite comfortably filled, and the meeting passed into local history as a very successful Henry L. Cowlia, State of Illinois McHenry County, ss. In the Circuit Court of McHenry County, State of Illinois, May Term, A. D. 1930. Wiilliam A. Heimann, Complainant, vs. Erna Steben Heimann, Defendant. In Chancery--Bill For Divorce. Notice is hereby given that the above,is the title of the Court and the names of the parties to a suit which is now pending in said Court and that process for said defendants has been issued to the Sheriff of said County returnable to the said Court at its Court Room in the City of Woodstock, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, on Monday, the 26 day of May, A. D. 1930. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at my office in WoodgtgM^t this ,10 day of March, A. D. 1930. 41-3 WILL. T. CONN, Clerk. one. The lakes and rivers are now all free from their winter covering of ice and the resorters are out in force getting their cottages ready for the coming season, which, from present indications promises to be a record breaker. News reached McHenry Tuesday announcing the drowning of Ray Gaylord, a former Ostend boy, in Rock river. Mr. Gaylord was married only a trifle over a year ago, leaving a young wife and infant child to mourn. Wm. Thurlwell, Jr., met with quite a painful accident last Thursday morning. He was leading a horse, when the animal shyed suddenly, throwing the victim to the ground, with great force, dislocating his left shoulder. A herd of five deer arrived at the depot Friday evening aind were, the following morning taken to the summer home of George Sayer at Pistakee State of Illinois. iv < ; ,v McHenry County, ss. In the Circuit Court of McHenry County. January Term A. D. 1930. Gerald J. Carey, Trustee, et al., vs. Herman Schaefer, et al., Defendants. General No. 24067--Term No. 229. Public notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a decree made and entered by the Circuit Court of Mo- Henry County, Illinois, in the abovp entitled cause on the 15th day of January A. D. 1930, I, John C. Friedland, special master in chancery of said Court, will, on Saturday, the 5th day of APr il A. D. 1930, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the east door of the Court House, in the City of Woodstock, McHenry i =i County, Illinois, offer for sale and sell j ^ at public vendue to the highest bid-1 der, the following described real estate; to-wit: Lot No. 6 in Block No. 6 of the original plat of the Village of Mc-: ~ Henry, on the east side of Fox River, situated in the southeast quarter of section No. 26 in Township No. 45 North, of Range No. 8 East of the third Principal Meridian, in the County of McHenry, and State of Illinois. TERMS OF SALE: Cash on day of sale, at which time a certificate of purchase will be issued as directed by said decree. Dated this 10th day of March A. D. 1930. JOHN C. FRIEDLAND, Special Master in Chancery of the =S Circuit Court of McHenry County, == Illinois. ^ 41"3 Mrs. Eliza Lockwood of Richmond spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. Louis Anderson. Mark and Glenn McMillan visited relatives near Elgin Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilcox of Chicago were guests at the home of P. Ai Huffman Sunday. Darlene and Lloyd Lockwood of MfHenry spent Saturday at the home of their aunt, Mrs. L. S. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sund and daughter of Carpentersville visited relatives here Saturday. Raymond J. Riley of Chicago spent Sunday at his home here. Mrs. Ray McMillan has left Sherman hospital, Elgin, and is visiting her cousin, Miss Bertha Klien at Crystal Lake. Eugene Leisner of Chicago was a guest of his sisters here Surday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan and son, Mark, and Mrs. Nels,Person and Miss Agnes Leisner attended a school play at Dundee Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Anderson and daughter, Ruth, and Darlene and Lloyd Lockwood were Evanston and Waukegan visitors Saturday evening. M. A. Conway and Mr. and Mrs. George Miller of McHenry were callers in this vicinity last Wednesday. Plaindealers at' Wattles.^, .San B«t When newer and louder automobile horns are made the sheiks that call for the neighbor's daughter will park out in front and blow them.--Loulsrllle Courlef-Journal.1 Minah Boats INurrot The parrot is by no means the bast talker among birds. The "mlnah,"' a smal^ Indian bird about the size of a starling, excels all others in its Imitation of human speech. f - ** Prevent OatK SMUTS >4 •"'rS;1 •V*? with CERESM OATS smuts cause heavy yield losses. Prevent them by using Ceresan bb a eeed treatment. Prevents seed rat« ting. Improves stands. Harmless to seed. Easily awl (prickly applied as a dust. Yield increases of from 13.8 I 'whH' jper acre to 19.1 bushels per acre have been obtained . ad<4n<>n to perfect smut control. Ceresan is also effective anting covered smut and stripe of barley as well M tP* mvd-ivome diseases of wheat, cotton, rye, millet and Tri-at now or before planting. Use three ounces seed oats, barley and cotton; two ounces pec • -c <*rcl wheat, rye, millet and sorghums. Five pounds,,' J...trusty-five pounds, $12.50. , wrr Jr. far need corn; Semetan Bel for teed po+ s 'u-mesanfor vegetable and flower seeds and bulb*+ '"4.- * i Wattles Drug Store, West McHenry, Ul. gi|iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiniiiiiiiiuiiuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiuiiiiiiiuiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiuiimiininmjimiiiug NOTICE: The 1930 edition of "CONGRESS Ef ACTION* will be ready for distribution in a few days. It is free and there Is a copy for yon. It contains articles of special interest to: s f Gold Star Mothers. V • , ^ World War Veterftns. / Spanish American War Veterans. * Civil War Veterans and Widchra. . Government Employes. • Naturalized Citizens. and of general interest to: Young men who would like to go to West Point. ' ! Young men who would like to go to Annapolis. c Young men who would like to be Fly- , ing Cadets. ' It .Should be carefully read by every fanner atfa iaBoring man, and should bo of great valno to eveyy voter. = mmm w. •u of New ISO-VIS Motor Oil Aemovp-of MEN w«re gaiii . ered in the research laboratory of Standard Oil Company Z Qndiana). C Before them stood a motor. It • had been driven 2 5,000 miles-- the "turn-in" period of the average car. Bit by bit it was taken down. Micrometer measurements were made. In the 2 5,000 miles of driving it was found that wear on every moving part was far less than normally Occurs. Literally hundreds of these tests were made before we announced New Iso-Vis Motor Oil. Scores of cars of various makes were used. Here are the results: 41 Less than normal wear on every part of the motor. 9 Less carbon deposits (almost 50per cent less than ; v-; the average of various oils). Effective lubrication at extremes of heat and cold. 4 Absolute proof that New Iso-Vis will not. thin out in the crankcase. You can get New Iso-Vis at all Standard Oil dealers and service stations. Try this State of Illinois. M</Henry County. W. ^ * In the Circuit Court of "McHenry County. January Term A. D. 1930. Floyd E. Covalt. Trustee, et al., vs. William Schaefer, et al., General No. 24068--Term No. 830. Public notice is hereby given thatj in pursuance of a decree made and entered by the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, in the above entitled cause"on the 15th day of January A. D. 1930, I, John C. Friedland, special master in chancery of said Court, will, on Saturday, the 5th day of April A» D. 1930, at the hour^ of 10:30 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the east door of the Court House in the City of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois, offer for sale 35 and sell at public vendue to the highest bidder, the following described real estate, to-wit: , , . Lot No. 7 in Block No. 6 of the original plat of the Village of McHenry, on the east side of Fox River, situated in the southeast quarter of section No. 26 in township No. 45 North, of range No. 8 east of the Third Principal Meridian, in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois. TERMS OF SALE: Cash on day of sale, at which time, parchaier will receive a certificate of purchase as directed by said decree. Dated this 10th day of March A. D. 1980. , JOHN C. FRIEDLAND, Special Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois. -----41-3 FISH SCALES This District Needs .. • REID IN ~ j|ble and Experienced as a Legislator; ^ ; - v = ^ , . Tried and Tested as a Pubfic Official 6 . ^ is Record in Congress Is Known-- | 100 ° On All Major Issaest _ 1 He has kept every election pledge and voted right every time. ^ v S holds a high position; commanding prestige and power.* == WHAT MORE COULD ANY MAN DO? . 1 better motor oil today. Gruelling road tests proved that Neif Iso-Vis increases tlM life of the car. EngiM parti, br accurate mile* ro meter measuremena, showed much less weat Naw Iso-Vis focms 4*- cidedlr less car boa than most oils. Thafoosh tests prove it. N«w^ Iso-Vis saves tine* troobU *ad aosg. New Polarine is also affected by our new refining processes-- giving it an efficiency which is exceeded only by New Iso-Vis. The price it 25 cents a quart. -ISO-VIS Oii SOtifml I T A X D A I L I t^Molor I I C O M P A N Y tana. 1 3Wio Frank R. Reid Is Sensitive Stout Fish--"Who says I'm too heavy? I've Just weighed myself and I'm no heavier than I ought to be. Jocular Thin Fish--Than yaw spalls «ro wrong 1 ^ Eskimos The Indians gave Eskimos their Hame, which means "eater of raw flesh." The Eskimos call themselves "Innuft," which means "The People." Born in Aurora, April 13, 1879. Educated in Aurora Public Schools, University of Chicago and Chicago College of Law. Admitted to practice law in Illinois in 1901, Admitted to practice in all Federal Courts ' of the U. S. and in the U. S. Supreme Court m 1905. State's Attorney of Kane County. •?» County Attorney of Kane County. . v President of Illinois State's Attorney's Af» sbciation. Special counsel for Honorable John E. W. Wayman, State's Attorney of Cook County. ^ Assistant United States Attorney. ^ Attorney for United States in Circuit Court Appeals of U. S.. 7th Circuit ^ Attorney for the United States in the lltandard Oil case, the Sanitary District case, involving the flow of ihe Chicago River, and lnany other important government cases. BUI. Member of Illinois Legislature, 14th Sena'* ttirial District--Chairman of Committee on statutory Revision--Advocate of good roads, *K>man suffrage and tax reform. 1 Attorney for the Illinois Police Association* h County Chairman, Republican County Cell-, ..:$j§al Committee, Kane County. Candidate for Republican nomination fWP - Attorney General of the State of Illinois ta ~ Special attorney for City of Chicago III matters connected with the Union Station atiil .^ifilroads,'and attorney for Local Industritp Committees of the City Council of Chicago. Assistant Corporation Counsel of the Ci|f f Chicago. ivV;':'-.* Secretary of the League of Illinois Muniff fislities. V, General practice of law. handling oaV fcases of statewide importance. ^ Resides at 36 South Fourth Street, Aurorft,--, Illinois, with his wife and five children. Elected to the 68th 69th, 70th, and Reid In Congress^ Secretary of Illinois Delegation in Coll* gress. Chairman, Committee on Flood Control.; Committee on Merchant Marine and Ftsi*» • t i e s . ? _'" Committee on District of Columbia. Chairman, Sub-Committee bn Education. Chairman, Sub-Committee 6n Insorai Mind Banking. Member Select Committee of the HoupK of Representatives to investigate the Air Sert* tees of the United States. Chief Counsel in Army Court Martial tut Oen. William Mitchell. . * Author of Resolution to investigate tl» Federal Reserve System. .. CO-author of the Jones-Reid Flood Conttpl t The Record's the Thing Stand by the Congressman wbo stands by you Vote for FRANK R. REID, Republic can Candidate for Repre- $eptative in Congress, ,* 1Mb District FRANK G. PLAIN, President of the Frank R. Reid Campaign Committee. TOOK SODA FOR STOP ACH FOR 20 YEARS "For 20 years I took soda for indigestion and stomach gas. Then I tried Adlerika. One bottle brought j === complete relief." Jno. B. Hardy. I AxUerika Relieves jGAS and sour j == Stomach in TEN minutes! Acts on j ess BOTH upper and lower bowel, re- == .moving poisons you never knew were --; there. Don't fool with medicine which j ---- A cleans only PART of the bowels, but j ---** . let Adlerika give stomach andj -- bowels a REAL cleaning and see how good you feell Thomas P. Bolger, Druggist. - ' • y'i Announcement: \ To the Republican Voters of the Eleventh Congressional District of Illinois: > t am a candidate for renomination and re-election and solicit the vote of every Republican at the primaries to be held on Tuesday, April 8th, 1930. Durintr my first primary campaign 1 told the voters that I would carry out the uromises I then made and faithfully represent them. The records of the ' House of Representatives prove that 1 have fulfilled these promises and oa. major issues which have come to a vote, such as tax reduction, farm relief World War Veterans legislation, pension legislation and labor remedial legists*' tion, my record is 100%. I have never failed to answer a letter or an appeal from any soldier, or widow, or wage earner, or farmer, or any citizen suffering from injustice or delay. I appreciate the honor of being the representative of this great district in thjl national Congress and am heartened in my efforts by the many expressions f receive from day to day from my constituents. ^ . Respectfully^ ^ JfRANK R. illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllln

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