Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Aug 1930, p. 8

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/.* J • -y. '"•'*" «4»<SS *• v* ^ v*" *• ^ H *-i£ ^ I t,\ *< **'< T-r.'V' *» *v n 1 $|y ,»&-'&: wi»;'-^"i-.*IP-' r-\ 3 \ «> j$- v^Sfoa > •*«; >-;j f" 5. •?"- *; f - % ( : VOLUME 56 M'fiENEy, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1930 .12 ;r#?# Onr Gandie#! , .„, •" . ... *•*.. i: %ufa ymtr evenings remembered j j t,-?-. '" "• Sweetheart, friend or mother and every member of the family will enjoy our sweets at any time. Rich, creamy centers of different flavors with the deilcately brittle chocolate coatings ' * give them quality not found in candy selling at much higher prices. ; TAKE HOME A BOX TOttA*! -u| By the way--Remember oiir fountain is at your service with any kind 6Fa i If ••* refreshment. } V *: Ohapell's Ice Cream--Brick or Bulk _ * Say, have you tried one of c^iir tasty plate lunches--ready every day. • Wt#Sli!^t)rtve McHwy, m DOHERTY Vfira Doherty, 36 years old,- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J* Doherty, passed away at the Zace Tuberculosis Sanitorium at Winfield, HI., at nine o'clock Thursday evening, August 14, 1930, following an illness of several years. She had been at the sanitorium for nearly a year and had been ill for the past ten years but during all of this time her happy disposition remained the same and her bright rejtartge and sparkling humor delighted her many friends and those with whom she was associated. Born on the farm on the Crystal Lake road on October 19, 1893, her short life time was spent in this vicinity, where she attended rural school and the McHenry high school. She was. a loyal member of Court Joyce Kilmer, No. 578, Catholic Daughters of America and of the Young Ladies Sodality 'of St. Patrick's church and was popular with a host of friends who were saddened by her death. Her patience, her cheerful acceptance of her years of suffering and her beautiful death linger as comforting memories to her loved ones and her few short years upon £his earth were an inspiration to all who knew her. Besides her parents, Miss Doherty is survived by three brothers, Paul, Neill and Frank, and two sisters, Nellie and Lillian. Funeral services were held at ten o'clock Monday morning, August IS, at St. Patrick's church with Rev. Wm. A. O'Rourke officiating. * Burial was in St. Patrick's cemetery. Among those from out-of-town who attended the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. William T. Mahoney, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Holden, Mrs. George Sterling, Mrs. Mary Ellis and daughter, Zenith, James and Joseph Mur honey and Mrs. Ellen Biggey of Chicago; Sister Mary Paul and Sister Mary Peter of Rosary College, Philip Corboy of Valpariso; Kathrine Powers of Waukesha, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Frank Howden, Richmond; Mrs. Den- VOL0: , J. J. Walker spent the week-end at the G. A. Vasey home. Mary Alta Case, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Case, is very aide at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Passfield and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and family attended the church celebration at Wauconda Saturday evening. Harold Hapke and James Carr of Wauconda were business callers here Friday. - Mrs. Richard Dowell and children motored to McHenry Tuesday. Mrs. E. Bacon and Mrs. Esse Fisher spent the past week in Waukegan with Mrs. Mary Ames. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Chermpies and daughter of Chicago spent Sunday evening at the Esse Fisher home. Elmer Montgomery spent Sunday at the Lloyd Fisher home. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and family spent Wednesday evening with the latter's mother. Mr. Wilbrand of Crystal Lake was a business caller here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy of Grays lake spent Sunday at the Harry Passfield home. F. E. Wilson is driving a new Chrysler sedan. Mrs. George Scheid of Wauconda spent Friday afternoon at the Lloyd Fisher home. Mrs. Clinton Ravin and family spent Thursday at the Dowell Bros, farm. Ellwood Dowell has purchased a Chevrolet coach. nis Kelly and daughter, Gertrude, af Crystal Lake, Miss Lillian Korten dick, Pecatonica; Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Martin, Round Lake, Mrs. Frank Duvall, Elmhurst; Mr. and Mrs. John Bolger and family and Mr. and Mrs. James P. Green of Woodstock. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation to our relatives and friends for the great kindness shown to us during our recent sorrow. Mr. ami Mrs. S. J. Doherty V and family ITS WISE TO •£fs£*x Announcing a new I i • * production RINGWOOD wm 2,000,000 CkecrQlet mow the road \ V- ••• j. Since January, 1929, Chevrolet has produced and •old over 2,000,000 six-cylinder automobiles-- nearly five times as many as any other manufacturer has ever built in an equal length of time. These 2,009,000 buyers have chosen Chevrolet because it offers many desirable qualities not obtainable in any other car so low in price-- «»»ghe smoothness, silence and flexibility of a modern six-cylinder engine--the comfort and readability of a modern, full-length chassis--and the style, safety and distinction of bodies by Fisher. Yet, despite thesi fine car advantages, the Chevrolet Six is unusually economical. Its gas, oil, tbe and upkeep economy is unsurpassed. And William M. Carroll, SoUd#!^ ; Slate of Illinois, McHenry County, ss. In the Circuit Court of McHenry County, State of Illinois, September Term, A. D. 1930. James P. Nicholson, Complainant. vs. Ottie S. Morrow, Walter Morrow, Mable Ott, First National Bank a corporation, as Executor and Trustee under the Last Will and Testament of James Morrow, deceased, Chicago Title and Trust Company, a corporation as Trustee, Carl W. Stenger, Trustee, and C. E. Hacklander, and the unknown owner or owners, holder or holders of the note secured by the Trust Deed dated May 6th, A. D. 1927, recorded in the Recorder's office of McHenry County, Illinois in Book 170 of Mortgages on page 575, and the unknown owner of owners, judgment creditors or mortgagees interested in the following described premises, to-wit: Part of lots numbers five (5), six (6), fourteen (14), and fifteen (15) in block number three (3) of the Original Plat of the Village of West McHenry, bounded and de scribed as follows, to-wit; Beginning at a point on the Southerly line of said Lot number fourteen (14), South Seventy-four and onefourth (74^4) degrees East, one (1) foot from the South-westerly corner of said lot number fourteen (14); thence Sowth seventy-four and one-fourth (74^4) degrees East along the Southerly lines of said Lots number fourteen (14) and fif-« teen (15), fifty-five (55) feet; thence North, fifteen and threefourths (15%) degrees Blast, parallel with the Easterly lines of said Lots number fifteen (15) and five (6)Two hundred sixty-five (265) feet to the Northerly line of said lot number five (5); thence North, seventy-four and one-fourth (74 VI) degrees West, along the Northerly lines of said lots number five (5) and six (6), fifty-five (55) feet; thence South, fifteen and threefourths (15%) degrees West, two hundred sixty-five (265) feet to the place of beginning, said Block number three (3) lying and being on that part of the South West quarter (%) of Section number twentysix (26), in Township Number forty-five (45) "North, of Range number eight (8) East of the Third Principal Meridian, which lies South of the center of the highway leading from McHenry to Queen Ann Prairie, said highway being now known as the Waukegan Road, and situate, lying and being in the County of McHenry in the State of Illinois. Defendants, i In Chancery Bill To Foreclose Trust iDeed. Notice is hereby given that vthe (above is the title of the Court and jthe names of the parties to a suit which is now pending in said Court and that process for said defendants has been issued to the Sheriff of said County returnable to the said Court fit its Court Room in the City of Woodstock, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, on Monday, the 22nd flay of September, A. D. 1930. T In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Mai of said Court, at my office in Woodtock this 22nd day of July, A. D. 930. WILL T. CONN,- |( Circuit Court Seal) Clerk. lb ^ iJ-- i' J5£ ' 1", ---- . i - "*m, 1 * • \,£p1 1 gr f J t A r*« Coach. «3*J. /. •. ». Htm factory any model can be bought for a small down payment and easy monthly terms! Come in today. Learn for yourself why1 two million buyers have 'it's wise la choose a. Si^*' ' • i 5555? Some DUtimguUhTitg WHmtmrem ^ •> V. ' > Main >i protwtctUm mmthodt «ww« quality it-horsepower six-cylinder motor . . . 4 8 - p o u n d crankshaft... full-length frame ... four semielliptic springs . . . fully-enclosed four-wheel brakes ... four Lovejoy hydraulic shock absorbers .. . dash gasoline gauge... Fisher hardwoodand- steel body . . adjustable driver's seat . . • Safety gasoline tank in the rear... non-glare W windshield . . . and, for your protection, a turn Mtd liberal service policjs Sport Roadster .. .1515 Club &dui .. Coach 4565 Sedwi -- Coape 4565 Spert Coape f--$615 *685 6 wire wheels standard on Special Sedan ..$639 ROADOTtt or PHABTON 4675 "SiST" ...MM Keadeter Delivery 9446 (Pick-up boa tatra) l%Tea WlthOU* «SJt MS Frlcu /. o. 6. factory rttmt. Mich. Spocial aquipmmnt aatrm '495 CHEVROLET SIX Harry Townsend ce fv*-" Isife' S I X - C Y L I N t o f H- ' sntfttttflfftirfrs / - A T L 0W ' C6«T ; » jrOHHSBUEO Miss Mildred Schaefer visited her lister Helen, at "Crystal Lake Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schaefer 4nd Children, Mrs. Elmer Schroeder and family and Mrs. Jim Chamberlin and daughter visited Mr. and Mra. George Miller Friday. Mrs. Ben Schaefer, Mrs. Chamberlin and Mrs. Schroeder visited Mrs. George Obenauf at Grayslake one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Obenauf are the parents of a boy, their third Child. Miss Lorraine Trangeau spent last Sunday with Miss Florence Smith. Miss Catherine "Pitzen of Chicago Visited with her father, Sunday. Miss Florence Smith visited with l^Iiss Emily Simon Tuesday of last week. Miss Mae Smith spent a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schutz in Chicago. Little Thelma Lay had her tonsils removed, and is not? beginning to fe*l *«e. • ' . V Have ym a hease to isut ' Kj ^Se classified ads. WAL. CO. •FAIR! ELKHORN SEP. 1-5 Mrs. Clarence Pearson entertained her bridge club from McHenry Thursday evening. Prises were awarded to Mildred Kinsala and Marie Schiessle. Lunch was served. Those present were Genevieve and Dorottly Knox, Bertha and Marie Schiessle, Ella Buss Marie Powers and Eleanor and Mildred Kinsala. The Bunco club held a picnic at Griswold Lake, Thursday afternoon. The Home Circle was entertained in the home of Mrs. Paul Dibble at Greenwood, Wednesday afternoon. All received a gift from their capsul sister. Miss Virginia Carlson, daughter of Axel Carlson, was married to Clayton Bruce of Kunes, 111., at Belvidere, Saturday. They were attended by Miss May Phillips and Harlin London of Woodstock. A baby daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clay, Sunday morning at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peet. The Ringwood Home Coming will be held Aug. 22. There will be a good program in the M. W. A. hall in the afternoon and the Home Circle will serve supper. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gratton and family of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thompson and Mrs. Thomas of Greenwood, Mr. and Mrs. Howard j Buckland, Mr, and Mrs. James Ladd, Mrs. Mary Hodge, Miss Flora Taylor and J. V. Buckland enjoyed a picnic at Twin Lakes Thursday. They celebrated the birthday anniversaries of Mr. Thompson, J. C. Ladd, J. V. Buck land, Flora Taylor and Weldon and Clara Gratton which were in August. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Shepard and children spent Thursday afternoon with relatives at Highland Park. Mrs. Carrie Stephenson and her father, Mr. Bullard, and Mrs. P. J. Bonnickson and son of Woodstock spent Wednesday with Wayne Foss. Miss Mildren Flanders of Crystal Lake spent Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Flanders. 1 ' „ Mrs. Wright of New York is visiting Mrs. Mary Hodge. Mr. and Mrs. George Dixon t nd Mrs. Ray Brockman and son of Eagle Lske spent the past week in the J. V. Buckland home. M isses Ellen Deatherage and Catherine Rixroat of Jacksonville are visiting in the F. A. Hitchens home. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Shepard and children spent Friday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neal are entertaining their neices of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens and Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hitchens attended a family reunion at the home of Mrs. J. F. Hitchens at Jacksonville, 111., returning home Wednesday. Mis? Dorothy Carr of Chicago spent j the week-end in the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rahn of Elgin were callers here Saturday. Mrs. Agnes Jencks and daughter' spent the week-end in Chicago. Mrs. Charles Carr and son, Elmer, and . Mrs. Frankie Stephenson left Saturday morning for Kalamazoo, Mich., to visit relatives. Mrs. Fred Eppel of Ostend was a caller in the G. A. Stevens home Sunday. Mrs. Roy Todd and daughter, Ruth, of Richmond were callers in the G. E. Shepard home Wednesday evening. Leonard Carlson is enjoying a two weeks vacation from the Bowman Dairy plant. Mr. and Mrs. Davis Walkington and son and Ruby Davis of McHenry spent Sunday afternoon in the Ben Walk* ington home. Mrs. Leo Karls of Richmond was a Ringwood caller Thursday. Edward Harrison and Robert Slavic of Elgin spent the week-end in the George Harrison home. Melvin Johnson of Chicago spent the past two weeks in the Gust and Clarence Pearson homes. Mrs. Carney and daughter, May, of Chicago spent Thursday and Friday with Mrs. Roy Neal. Donald Harrison of McHenry spent Wednesday with his sister, Mrs. J. C. j Pearson. " | Clifford Peters of Belvidere spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neal and family | spent Sunday in Chicago. j Mrs. Clyde Duggan, Mrs. Norman I Taylor and daughter and Mrs. John ! VanDanHandle of Brookfield were dinner guests of Mrs. Jennie Bacun j Thursday. Mrs. Farmer of Chicago is visiting in the M. L. Welter home. Mrs. Oliver Laurence and daughter Helen, and Frances Helms attends * a picnic at Belvidere Saturday f > the Woodstock Typewriter employees Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Kelley and daughter of Crystal Lake were Sui day guests in the William Kelley | home. Frank Walkington of Libertyvil! ( spent Sunday with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Young and; family spent Friday with relatives at Lake Geneva, Wis. On Thursday nigh; they attended a birthday party a? the home of Mrs. Young's mother at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Stonebracher of Rockford, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wolfe of Indianapolis, Ind., Mrs. Bertha Hawley and daughter, Grace Shrader and children and Eileen Smith of Elgin were Sunday visitors in the E. C. Hawley home. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson spent the week-end at Oregon, 111. Mr. and Mrs. William Hendrickson, Mrs. Eva Perkins and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Schroeder sod daughter were Elgin visitors Tharsday. t Leo Karls of Richmond were Sanday supper guests at Mrs. J. Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Otzel- of Highland Park and Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Olsen of McHenry spent Sunday in thei Elmer Olsen home. Mrs. James Perkins of McHenry was a Monday c&ller in the J. C. Fearson home. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Schroeder and daughter and Steve Lucas weife Chicago visitors Friday. Darlene, Rita Mae and Audrey Merchant spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Irving Walker and family at Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. James Rainey were callers in the Edwin Stewart home near Hebron Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Carr of Greenwood were Ringwood callers Sunday. Marguerite Johnson of McHenry spent several days last week in the J. C. Pearson home. Mrs. Roy Neal and family, Mrs. Lewis Schroeder and daughter, Rose Wise, Theresa Francone and Mlna Laurence had a picnic Supper St Wonder Lake Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters attended a picnic at Belvidere Sunday. ^ E. C. Hawley and Mrs. D. C. BacoS attended a funeral at Elgin Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stonebracker and Mrs. E. C. Hawley were guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Stonebracker St Rockford Friday. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Bacon of Crystal Lake were callers in the hone Mrs. Jennie Bacon Monday. , ,<.r£V - s r-fc _ I^TKEEA OOTT%- Mrs. Kels Person spent t£e w end in Chicago. Mr. and Mts. James L. Burke of Chicago called at the home of M. Knox last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Davis of Carpentersville were guests at the home of Henry McMillan oyer the week-end. Mrs. Forrester of Dixon visited friends here last week. Sister Mary Peter and Sifter Mary Paul of Rosary College, River Forest, were guests at the home of M» Knox Monday. Eugene Leisner of Chicago visited his sister from Saturday until Monday. Mrs. Andrew Tychson and son of Chicago spent last week at the home of P. A. Huffman. Mr. and Mrs. Frank~C. Sullivan and son and Mr§. Charles Sullivan of River Forest called on relatives here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilcox and son of Chicago were recent guests at the home of P. A. Huffman. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMillan and daughter were Elgin visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl 'Matthews and children and Victor Shales of Bensen. ville visited Henry Shales and family here Sunday. Earl McMillan of Crystal Lake called on relatives here Sunday. * Vernon Knox and John Bolger of McHenry left Tuesday morning on a motor trip through the east. Mr. and Mrs. James P. Green called on relatives here Monday. Their son returned home with them, after visiting here for six weeks. Robert Knox of Cleveland, Ohio, is spending a few weeks at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Peck of DeKalb called at the home of Frank McMillan Friday. Mrs. A. P. Peek called on Mra. jp McMillan oae day last week. '•A. & vlp! * m t^it Li* SWANEE TAYLOR'S Broadcast of NATIONAL AIR RACES Every Afternoon During Meet " 'v = ell 870 kilocycles '-iM .

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