Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Aug 1930, p. 4

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myiti \"*S| $r. m - * t)W: 0W' „.r •i?;y'; i:-,•-*"&:-t-• l few Cuajirir • A, ^Vi- 5^; ? K.vv .?> V ,l'" V V. \ r ?' rV/i . > , * \ *fcSM; > • ';JiA'~--~::& 1- '• *'*t,'/ ' ' ' •'V" •#-' .••-•»>v' , •' :^' \ * » -?*'X^-fTr.p'i-T»' w*7^^r.7zrT> yrrzrr, • -•>• v "' -><•*. • '•-. it, !s,»•> , *.«- r * > ,• * _ " " "" '?',is',.'; ft. v' •«»*»*," "' 'vv i.-.i :.!"r '. -,; •".;-'*• •'-i--.;!ix .X'.dZ+Jt\Ma •r.^ge, . ••••. ^ r--:-' '. '-*("•: v •%$' • "m ffc: i -!:;#Csp^ :00*B •%i. • \ »•,• J . -p/j • : V>^:. ft# X? v"" . '0^;»:1% i ^'%xrA'- if >* " $"•'<"• 1 . "'*» J *~V: SM &•!tVir-. *\<4-.<* ~>i4i *<>• *r.-> :r': *.• p^^:*«M.;---:"4' "'• 4- w: -t .^ty-T ;g; '•' ' i1':; '. . I •.*VJ IIP^ ,i "'4' ;fA f>A"* *£•'* -1.•-. -.4 I. • I , '•Qitf.fft*- ":v^ • f( . V'~.- ;:^ ' •:•«,'"5§«;- -^rsa;- ,: •: • .'9 ^•:r-i *" r;^' ? •v:4 :'iv> ^'Tr^\ >^VA> 'V • >.. ^», ' -\- ,vT- - I> ^1* ' 1 1 - - • .. -"* *:y # * * < * ? -f , '-T ' ' , !* ': •. : „•: «-tvi ^ \;/ ' i1" '.r- " • l^k •<n 'i"> ,•> iV- ^ ,>.^t.. ^i- .. -~ ." --{-i^ 4 •-jj--^ - ." - / ;• t',$ •••:: ,^4^•Y • ; • -, t~-• ••*: . ?* iSt Ym'"i ' y*i'.-;- :-j*$ •'£• \h-?s*w?t?: -•'••• •' \ , •:• ^ ;? •. /&- i tTc ;.-v: rf ;:, 4 .j f*cW-, ....V ;-#•« •••sa,. 4.a#j' ^'i^'y.jv,- '. '••: :«i| j SSF5*:^ •: -l • * '•' <.v - : .w-• »• '-;-',A"•^-^••! -• s^< ."' '•;* - .' J-Jt}.>5»'r ".'VZ ^ •>?,•.Vlv .-;-' ^ **• J1' ' Jr: :tm; fc •-' z^. •*•!>•• -.. -'v ;,; •'>• :- J*r-M& *.-.•••. . ;. V . ••••:. ,v : S. M: I fe" ">:a "A?*' "•-" "•" ••f-A-xts: ^ •rr%s- High :S •-•&•:: r Spirited Styles in These s • $ Vi.v .. i,-;5"; ••«. '7-^ jf- i®' &&*••-•':•. ' •>" "'$*. I. ' •'•r',Tbi Mt; <&6 Hart Schaffner ft Marx Suits for Young Men in popular Grays aad\ Browns, $35.00 values, during this sale $28.50 A few Suits for Young Men, good style, popular colors and weaves, orif. inally sold for $25.00, during this sale $19.50 . « * " •• v- if '". . li ' %s-^ :-4»..y; •?%* ,-.t -• *a." •* • V •> < \-,i~ :'• r. J ' '*•*• Even in the very largest of stores where the value of the merchandise in stock runs into thousands of dollars you would fail to find any better merchandise than we have now on display in this good McHenry County clothing store. The new Fall good^are arriving. The character of the clothing, the designs, the quality of the cloth, to say nothing of the exquisite beauty of the workmanship exceeds anything we have known in the clothing industry. 4 ALLEN A HOSIERY, * wonderful patterns per pair 50# Three Paiii *1.2* MEN'S SHIRTS, English Broadcloth in White, Green and Blue, collar attached each JS!--*1.65 MEN'S SPORT OXFORDS freeman make, only a few numbers left but an extra ^ good bargain, were $5.00, during |his si ale $3.95 ALLEN A HOSIERY, conservative, gay, * ^ r fa#cy, and sporty, silk and lisle^ •p er pair . *, -i. *>» .«zi .. ••-*:- : .j: 75^ Three for l*>%.!|j!!'-t);' p;. .Hl'*iV,.MIJI.'!j18l 94.50 Three Pain $2.00 BOYS' PULL-OVER SWEATERS, ap tractive patterns and colors, specially priced during this sale, each $1.95 BOYS' PURE VIRGIN WOOL PULLOVER SWEATERS, soft colors with trim on waist band, cuffs and "V" neck in contrasting colors, mighty good looking : $3.00 w J'WThere's a Real \alttein Every One of These «» Suits for Real Boys School Days Are Here # See these Suits; buy *h<>m h*r« in Me. Hairy and save money on school clothing. Every item is full value. BOYS' KNICKER SUITS, for ages 6 to 12, good wearing quality, attractive patterns, $12.00 value, during this sale, only ^ -$8.50 BOYS' LONG PANTS SUITS, for ages 13 to 18, 2 pairs of trousers, popular weaves, Gray or Brown or Blue mixtures, were $18.00, now only -----$12.85 • BOYS' LONG frANTS SUITS, excel^l lent quality of merchandise, just thoj:|^ thing the young man wants, value®^ vf from $20.00 to $*4.00, during this sale > 4 only , MEN'S DRESS SH0ES, 4fo«tonian <)&> fords, all Tan, best grade of leather and v Workmanship, latest styles, values $7.00, $8.50 and $9.00, all to be sold during this *^|ale at $4.95 yEN'S DRESS SHOES, Florsheim Ox- % fords, in Tan, excellent value and <rf best V $tyle, formerly sold for $10.00, these are a -'f'feal bargain at ... $6.85 ^OYS' TAN SHOES, Bostonian malte» ttrong and sturdy, sizes 2Vi to 5'/j, ^rfonnerly sold for $5.00, now j$3.49 •M --rr TENNIS SHOES, sizes 6 to 11, just' the thing for athletics, per pair $1.50 Others at $2.00 $3.00 «U value. TENNIS SHOES FOR BOYS, sises 2 Vt to 6. The boys will need these for school days fast approaching $1.25 Others at $1.75 to $2.50, good 'quality. ' t • iy Mother, Father, or you: ever purchased his clothi kfonuows the values that go ti . get here. Wool is "all w loolin':" Silk is silk, and s and all other clothing and men and boys. This sale is of our regular ing, ties, underwear and otherl Fall merchandise already here lection as to cloth, design an ghip is the best we have ever ^^•fcept. lst-No More we have been in the clothing business for 4 long while. Nevertheless we must have the room now occupied by the Summer and early Autumn lines. This sale continues for teS days, beginning August 21 and during thai time every cut price will be adhered to and every quality will be exactly as represented. Many of the lines are very short. Please come early and avoid disappointt-** • t r / COLLARS, One lot Men's Soft Collar^ sizes 131 2 to 17, formerly sold at 35c eacK* or 3 for $1.00, during this sale, each 19^ in 1 »i 11 iMU'iWj ^ ' --(1.M I l - iji ^ -.'CDollq males § Save Mone; THES, new Fall patterns, colors and deb signs to suit every taste, each $1.0(* These Dollar Items are all bargains. New Fall g< ing and Haberdashery, make it important that we - up these bargains you will find " * -1 J STRAW HATS, mighty good values, formerly from $2.00 to $5.00, during this sale, e&ch .$1.1 MEN'S LISLE GOLF HOSE, White, Black and Brc regular price $1.00, during this sale, only Si BOYS' KAYNEE JUNIOR SHIRTS, sites 8 to 12, ular price each $1.00, during this sale, only* „81 Others selling at $1.25 each, now 9J MEN'S PALM BEAOH SUITS, 2 piece suit, light weight, formerly sold for from $10 to $25, per suit now $1J MEN'S SOFT CRUSHER HATS, in popular «ol< the kind you can put in your pocket, regular price $1.00, now each \. • -V '• .• '• \ 7f BOYS' "HAROLD TEEN" CAPS, in Blue, Red or Green, regular $1.50 value, during this sale only 7' Buy N<nae:» Sav( 'hese Items I, which soon will be followed by our Winter Cloth- } "UAViA ovvu nm w AW"U"vu M/ ¥-t w jm. We need the space and when you come to pick »m is a real value. Come; look 'em over. 'S COTTON WORK SHIRTS, Beloit make, good fity, sale price 85# 'S COTTON WORK SHIRTS, Lee make, triple [h, 2 pockets, coat style, strong material, I price ; ~$1.00 ILDREN'S PLAY SUITS, 2 to 6 years, regular value, now 89# rs' COTTON FLANNEL SHIRTS, look like wool, fan, Plaids, Grays and Browns, wonderful shirts ihilly weather, these were $1.75, during this ' each u $1.00 'S SHIRTS, by Wilson Brothers, collar attached, patterns, in Blue, Tan and Gray stripes, values, during this sale, each $1.00 S SHIRTS. Wilson Brothers make, none better, Madras, originally sold for $5.00 each, during Je, Just a f»w, yours for ffil.OQ ley • Use Later &;•. vjU- ' V ; m MEH'S USIOH SUITS, full cot athktic underwear, Allen A made, fine checked nainsook, regular $1.00 value. Q' for '• (9 g±t£ MEN'S KNIT UNION SUITS, quarter and full length sleeves, regular $1.50 value, during this sale $1.29 MEN'S FALL WEIGHT UNION SUITS, Cotton Jersey, ribbed, long sleeves, ankle fffigth, regular $L60 value, now ^08# t^e *'lle last word" in Suits for Young Men Pren School <?mt« tw» buy at -- $25,00 PREP SUIT, Scotch Cheviot, very latest pattern flrtv stripe with alternate Red silk thread, two pairs of trousfcr^^^ sp endid value at % -^$25.00 SY"' Herrin^jone stripe, all wool, shot with bine silk wide poin,fd iage\^p^ Odds and Ends away so--we are almost giving them to you, , • **• -- • -- -- ^ jljd at a real saving, each IB T« ,?N1fKERS lar«e mo. for iges Jf' ®' "• ™lu,es from J1.75 to $2J», excel- ^Xr'°oZ " PU7 °r WOrk" >~1 ™s: MHoormu^, ^ MEN'S BLACK HORSEHIDE JACKETS, 4 4 pockets, strong durable coat for sport', driving or work, wool lined, half belt, regular price $14.50, here is a real bargain during this sale sq err BOYS' CORDUROY SHEEP LINED COATS, all around belt, two muff pockets. 2 side pockets, waanbat collar, a wonderful coat for school for Winter wear, regular price $8.50, now efg oar MEN'S TOP COATS, there are only a few of these in stock, but they are a wo: value for those who arrive first, Gi Tans, formerly sold at $30.00 to during this sale . _ «i MEN'S FELT HATS, ill"wveS^f ferent patterns, formerly sold at $5.00 and $6.00, now q»o Qt MALLORY STRAW HATS7a ment, formerly sold for $6.00, $7.00 and $8.00, now ; «»o ok MEN'S PAJAMAS, line broken, not all sizes but desirable patterns and good material, formerly priced at $2.50, if we have your size, they are yours during this sale at . o>n •< a MEN'S NTOK Bil^ oS collar to match, attractive patterns, regular $2.50 value, now c-i qq L?JEAVY ALL WOOL SHAKER KNIT SWEATER COAT, roll collar, formerly priced at $9.00, now _ C7 oe BOYS' FLANNEL NIGHT ROBES, ag2 10 to 16, $1.35 value, specially priced for this sale -- values, ^2 in. bottoms, 3 in waist bands, &mr'" ^ t4 «« ^14 SO youths. k!toJ5 s^ ""'JS-OO to 14, many patterns to Mlect from W.00 value, now fio $1.50 value, now „ . SH0ES' solid , thick soles, rubber heels, Blucher stvle Bostonian lijles, these are * wonderful bargains for hard weir, fom^ typneed at $7.50, now MEN'S WASHABLE PLUS FODRS sftvnrTth^£hi^' iszyxears S: msercshA" ndi*se nrimght » mvaihNle'ss'n wowo oijw PLT' O TOTO-$S2 ^.95 BSK5JSk?T^SVS WTO TOr'S.lS^ •»». , 7ft* f°Ya' SPOET BLOUSSS, for ^6, 7 ^ BOYS' LIGHT wiioHT KNICKEBS " "SsS BOYS^mVvf^ «ek 3399CC ages 6 to 18, $1.75 value, here is a .J i ^ *MD CL0TH TSOUSEES to get that extra pair of knicken all boyr t^Mlc^oMh f°r *2"26, dnrin* rM-- 50cfc BOYS' BLACK OR BROWN COTTON STOCKINP1! sizes 7 to 10, 35c value, during this sale, per pair 19^ regular $2.25 value, during this sale MEN'S GOLF HOSE, all wool, imported Gr»v Rio^i/ » Tan, regular $3.00 values, special now 7Q* "IfEN'S SI Li HOSE, several shades and designs to select from, per pair ^ kq* S pairs _ c»-| oer MEN 'S ALLEN A HOSIE&T, silk andlWeriood wS? teg quality and excellent style, per pair • yea $ Paira - ~ $2 00 M ?,,v W ' I* MCHENRY ILLINOIS $ •^ ) !>%• , •J-fi • *•$ • -vr'J V 'V ' v 3#$$. • 'M IS#' ' .; • } v*' i

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