v . , • - - : • - - * * ' - sr y» - *«** f »* * 4 />•..•« !w: .'* i'f." ' . • . * \: . ** .. K, V/,I> ' . • \*S\' . . , <• * ' ' • '?.' ' • » • , > <*+ \. ' THE M'HXNBT PLAINDKALK& THURSDAY, SSPT. 11, 1830? WW Under if 3e per kilowatt- Kour portion of the new reduced rale (or residential electric service (now in effect) you can further information at Public ServicI)! Company ^ OP NORTHERN ILLINOIS E. J. LARK IN. Dist. Mgr. 101 Williams St.. frvstal Lakf Crystal Lakr Phone 280 VOLO Mrs. Joe Wiser and Mrs. Peter Stadfield attended the ball game in Chicago Sunday. Mrs. Lizzie Davis and daughter and family of Early, Iowa, are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. E. Bacon. Miss Laura Wiser won second place in a contest at the farm picnic at Mundelein. Miss Vera Vasey left fat Sunday for Eldora, III., where she will teach in the high school there. Mr. and Mrs. George Scheid and daughter of Wauconda spent Tuesday evening at the Lloyd Fisher home. Mrs. Richard Dowell and daughter spent Wednesday at Elgin. Walter Burg and Clifford Ravin are moving in the old Potter place owned by F. E. Wilson. Miss Gahager Is again teaching the Volo public school. Mr. and Mrs. Hermsyi Kirkman and sons of Harrington were Sunday visitors at the Lloyd Fisher home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lenzen were Waukegan shoppers Thursday. Mr. and Mr3. Arthur Kaiser of Waukegun spent Sunday afternoon at the Lloyd Fisher home. Mrs. Feter Stadfield spent one afternoon last week at Fremont. Dr. and Mrs. Coke of Chicago spent Sunday at the Frank Hironimus home. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Passfield and son attended the fair at Elkhorn Monday. Mrs. Frost received word that her daughter, Mrs. Dove, of Kenosha, is very ill. Miss Delia Hansen of Madison and friend spent Sunday at the Peter Stadfield home. Mrs. John Oeffling has been on the sick list. % Mr. and Mrs. George Dowell and family and Mrs. Charles Dalvin attended the Elkhorn fair Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hironimus are the parents of a daughter, Jean Lor Rae. Miss Delia Bird of Crystal Lake spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. Joe Lenzen. Mrs. John Lenzen spent two days the past week at McHcnry. Mrs. Roy Pftssfleld is ill at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Passfield attended the fair at Elkhorn Labor Day. Thomas and Milton Dowell, Fred Smith and Esse Fisher motored to Trevor, Wis., Thursday. James Kirwan spent Saturday at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher motored to Libertyville Friday. , Mrs. V. Duetsler and daughter of Fremont spent Thursday with Mrs. Joe Lenzen. Mr. and Mrs. John Cappeller spent Saturday evening with home folks. Mrs. Ben Rosing spent Tuesday at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Passfield *nd sons attended the fair at Elkhorn, Wis., Wednesday. Mrs. Lloyd Fisher, Mrs. Esse Fisher and Mrs. Richard Dowell motored to Waukegan Friday. Mrs. Henry Km«»gw of Wauconda spent Wednesday evening with her father, John Walton. Mr. and Mrs. John Molidor and Mf, and Mrs. Joe Wagner attended fair at Aurora Labor Day. Mrs. Peter Stadfield spent Thursday at Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Art Fowler of Ghieago spent Saturday at the Joe Lenen home. Misses Alice and Mary McGuire of Highland Lake spent Sunday with Volo friends. Eddie Rossduetcher has been helping his brother at Crystal Lake the past week. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Vasey and son «nd Misses Dorothy and Hazel Dillio* attended the Elkhorn Fair. William Dillion of Mahomet and son, Arthur, of Mundelein were Sunday visitors at the John Walton home. Mrs. Clinton Ravin and family of Slocum Lake called on her parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dowell Wednesday. Edward Lusk motored to Trevor, Wis., Tuesday. He brought some cattle back for farmers here. pv ;:3N H-, .V s'V fv* Donald Riest and Elmer Mathews were Hebron callers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ray and son and Miss Edna Fisher of Waukegan were Friday callers at the Esse Fisher home. Miss Stella Hoefferman is teaching the Rossville school this year. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lenzen and family of Fremont were Tuesday evening visitors at the Joe Lenzen home. There were two hundred and fifty soldiers from Fort Sheridan camped at the woods of Mrs. Ida Fisher one night last week, enroute to Lake Geneva. Ladies' full-fashioned, pure silk hosiery, $1.00 pair at Erickson's. 15 GWOOD m: Miss Gladys Larson entertained at a miscellaneous shower at her home Sunday afternoon in honor of Miss Tillie Miller, a bride-to-be. Bunco w»« nisy«ij with ,prizes going to Eva Williams, Mrs. Nick Young and Ruth Klir.tworth. At the close of the games, refreshments were served. t"*j| Miss Miller received many beautiful gifts. Mrs. William MeCarinon was hostess to the Bunco club at her home Thursday afternoon. Prizes were won by Mrs. Ed Thompson, Mrs. Nick Freund and Mrs. George Adams. At the close refreshments were "served. The Dorcas society of Greenwood entertained the Honte Circle at the church parlors in Greenwood Thursday afternoon. All had a good time. The 4-H club girls and boys and their leaders attended the achievesm \ A Real Advertising Offer WHILE THEY LAST /„ Present This Coupon and $1.00 at our Store add Receive 1 Strand of Imported Pearls retail value $3.00 3 ox. box Cold Cream Face Powder $1.00 y2 o*. Bottle French Narcissus Perfume $1.00 ft «g. Bottle French Jasmine Perfume $1.00 In Attractive Gift Box Total Value $6.00 All for $1°° This Sale made possible by the Importer standing part of the expense of advertising ALL HIGH^ntiDE MEKCHANDIS* Add Ten Cents If Ordered By Wail We are very fortunate in being able to offer our Customers these exceptional values at such a low price. . j THOMAS P; ^OLGEK, Thi mifery Druggist * 1 U lttf 11I I T ttf * f * 1 « W'V-- Just a few of the Wear-U- 11 0 Some of Our Well Quality Sholi ropps \ J : JDaiir • - it Factory Prices "r~ Main St. McHenry, HI. Seil Bargains *. Dressy Wide Toe Oxfords of Solid Leather are in great i 1 demand. Sixes 12 to ti^jr $2.75 Sixes 4 to 7..__ $3.00 Men's and Boys' Smart Welt Oxfords Little Gents', sixes 9 to 13 ;:tf , --$2.35 youths' sixes 1 to 2.„ 2.50 Boys' sixes 3 to 6 2. 75 Men's sixes 7 to 10 3.00 Genuine Rockford Socks per pair 15# Finest Men's Eayon Socks per pair , 20^ Nature Shaped Blucher-- Tan or Black Sixes 5 to 9 $1 9g Sixes 10 to 13 $2 25 GYM SHOES Extra Low Prices Sixes 13 to 2 85^ Sizes 3 to & 904 Sixes 6 to 8 ' 98^ A STYLE FAVOBIT®-- Combining Economy Sixes 4 to 8 $3.00 Best Chambry Shirts made Sizes 14 to 17 594 EifcfSk large liui 171/! to 19 69^ Don't compare these shirts with the cheap starched kind Genuine S. B. Brow$ Security Guaranteed Overalls Boys' sixes, 4 to 9 694 Boys' sixes, 10 to 13 ...864 Boys' sixes, 14 to 16 .904 Men's sixes 984 Same as above with extra reinforcement, all men's sixes $1.30 KONJOLA VERY FIT TRK CASE ' / " • b- Modirn fompotmd Ends Stubborn AilmentB-- Wins Lasting Gratitude of Former Saferer Central Garage PR. HENHV MILTON >! ^ MI was in a badly run-down tion from stomach and kidney trouble, said Mr. Henry Milton, Naperville, near J,oliet. "Food, instead of becoming digested, just lay in my stomach causing a feeling of heaviness^ I suffered frightfully from gas pains and bloating. Kidney disorder caused my back to pain constantly, while con ^ ^ _ , , , , stipation caused body poisons to acment day program at Crystal Lake cumulate and j became extremely Saturday. Others who attended were' nervous Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy, Mr and, tried many medicines without Mrs. Walter Harrison, Chauncey Har- benefit but a]mo8t at oncef after i be. ALL OUB WORK IS GUARANTEED ff you compare our qualities and prices with^ those of the mail-order houses, you will | &nd that you do much better by trading here. Genuine Horse Hide-- Toughest and Softest Upper Leather for Long Service •Sixes 7 to 11 $3.50 We make shoes Nto measure We have our own shoe repair department and Sewing Machine repaif dedepartment 1HBP rison. Mrs. A. W. Smith, Mrs. Charles Peet and daughter, Alice, and Lora Harrison. Mr. and Mrs..Max Beth and*son of Chicago spent Wednesday in the Win. Beth home. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson attended a funeral of a friend at Elgin, Thursday. \ Mrs. A. W. Smith and Mrs. Ed Peet attended a Home Bureau county meeting at Woodstock, Thursday. Mrs. George Bacon and Mrs. Lester Nelson and daughter of Antioch spent; Thursday afternoon with Mrs. W. A. Dodge. Mrs. Leo Newlin and daughters and Mrs. Lillian Stevens spent Wednesday at Elgin. William and Edwin Herbert of Chicago were callers in the S. H. Beatty home Saturday. Mrs. Robert Schutze of Monroe, Wis., is visiting her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Hepburn. Adrian Thomas of Chicago spent the week-end with his parents. Floyd Foss and Hadley Thompson spent Sunday at Decatur, 111. l([r. and Mrs. Leonard Franzen and family of Carpentersville were calling on Ringwood friends Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weber and family of McHenry spent SuncUy in the Nick Young home. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Thomas and family, Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Harrison and family and Mr. and Mrs. James Rainey attended the Thomas reunion at the hoipe of Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Thomas, west of McHenry, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Nichols and family of McHenry spent Sunday'In the Leon Dodge home. Mildred Jepson and Maud George of Evanston spent Sunday in the C. J. Jepson home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sherburne and: daughter of Albion, Neb., are visiting in the Clayton Harrison home. Mrs. C. J. Jepson and daughter, Olive, and son, Harold, were visitors at Libertyville Sunday evening. 1 Among, those who attended the funeral of Miss Bird Hodge at Solon Mills, Thursday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ladd, Mr. and Mrs. James Rainey, Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard, Mesdames Mary Hodge, S. H. Beatty, Frankie Stephenson, Frank Fay, Clay Rager, Robert Schutze, S W. Smith, Lon Smith and Ruth Hopper. Edward Harrison and Ruth Ower of Elgin spent the week-end in thi. George Harrison home, Mr. and Mrs. George Young and family were visitors at McHenry Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peet and family spent Sunday in the home of their daughter and family at Rockford. Miss Dorothy Peet returned home with them from a weeks visit. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters are enjoying a two weeks vacation at Belvidere and Hunter. Miss Lora Harrison returned home from Toronto, Canada, Friday and left for her duties at Evanston, Sunday evehing. She has been enjoying a three months' vacation. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and family spent Sunday evening with McHenry relatives. Mrs. Leo Newlin and children left for their home at Hutsonville, 111., Saturday afternoon from a weeks visit with Mrs. Gillian Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison and daughters, Lora and Mrs. Charles Peet, were Elgin visitors Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hitchens of Chicago and Miss Edith Hollarbush of Woodstock were callers in the F. A. Hitchens home Sunday morning Mrs. E. C. Hawley and Mrs. Frafik Stonebracher attended the theater at Woodstock Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Frank Willsey, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ellis and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shugart of Rockford spent Monday in the Joseph Biggers home Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hubert and Mrs. George Hubert of Woodstock spent Friday in the J. F. McLaughlin home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze of Crystal Lake spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison. Snappy new styles in ladies' oxfords and strap dippers, at per pair $3.50, $4.50 and $5.50, at Erickson's. 15 gan to take Konjola, my health be gan to improve. Today my health troubles are over. I enjoy my meals my nerves have become calm, and ther back pains have vanished. I am endorsing Konjola so that other suffer-*; ers may know what a splendid medi cine it is." Given a fair trial, in most cases over a six to eight week period, Kon jola will i do for you--for everyone all that it did for Mr. Milton. Konjola is sold in McHenry, 111., at the Bolger Drug store, and by all the best druggists in all towns throughout this entire section. JOSNWURO nuu>j.»»crrat levrolet Sales. Give us (i call when in trouble EXPERT ^ELDING AMD CYLINDER BEBORING Day Phone 200-J Night Phone 640-J-2 V:: S. H. Freund & Son I - f «- f -1 f f - } - % • AltJOiS i • 1 Oor. Pearl and Park Ste. (Skneral ftuilding Oontraotors rhoM 3 ^•"5 MsHenry, HL USE TBS CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULTS WHEN QUICK RESPONSE IS •ESSENTIAL We would suggest that you serve Ferndell Tomato Juice at least once a day--it's a delicious appetizer. Get it at Erickson's. J.5' Our Want-Ads are business bringera f*hone McHenry 133-M JOHN OEFFLING Distributor oIf • ftritna Smragra Distributor Sheridan Spriags Soft Drinks McHENRY^ ILLINOIS A At those times when a motorist feels the urge My zip thru and around reckless traffic the dependability of'his motor fuel often spells the difference between life and death. When an approaching*car looms up over the brow of a hill |usi as you are passing another, you need power, punch and speed to pull you over out of harm's way. There is no stuttering or stalling when you |am the throttle to the floor board with Parco Ethyl Gasoline In the tank. There Is no KNOCKING to Indicate motor strain because PARCO ETHYL is 100fo antiknock under any strain and in any motor. There is no hesitancy-- no delay. And being ol uniform grade--year in and year out--YOU CAN DEPEND ON IT on every occasion and in any Valvoline Oil Company > ^ McHenry, Illinois -If; HAllowance for Your OLD Furnace Coil € jlsy as little as $6.00 dow® >pd eliminate mctantifar gfll--the nuisance of an unreliable hot water supply ! Tthe Self-Action Gas Water Beater is thrifty--itsheavjr fesulation insures ecq^ / Let's Settle the Hot " Y^ater Problem... once and for It is well known that the fnnuce coil squanders moi than one-fifth of every ton of fuel that goes into the furnace ... just to heat the tank! And, too often, a turn cf the faucet brings water that is either lukewarm or boiling 'hot--a sheer waste of heat--not to mentioo > annoyance. Like the tea kettle and the auxiliary heat6fi»: o furnace coil is a makeshift---a nuisance--an extra?- gancc! Get rid of the old coil--we'll allow you $|0 for it and install this Self-Action Gas Water Heater. domical operat&nJorjuK a few pennies a day you'll have INSTANT, nevev* foiling Hot W ater for badb* ing,shaving, dish-washing. Scrubbing and the laundry. «|)oa't delay another dqg| Prices as low as $60 ki ik.l flaaife * ViM.: If you have an ice box for sale--try a flMiiflit) juj I.. . . 'I K - \., ESTERN UNITE CAS and ELECTRIC COMPANY - ^ * '.'-X PJUone l$f : B. F. CONWAY McHenry, XB. 10% dorln A JL