Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Sep 1930, p. 2

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it: VOLO and so at Ha \ y Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker and > " « family spent Sunday with relatives at ^ * r%i\ •' -Crystal Lake. , ; f.; v* Mr- Wi'brand of Crystal Lake wa« caller h "*• Mr. and 'f spent Sunda" t' :• .if• ;'?«y Var^- /*•; .. "i Elmer 1 fiew Ford. 'ifrritin*. u Mr.-. Jos. Passfield and Mrs. Ro; ^ nn<l TamiYy were "Cry §>kke .aU^ppei* ip*i#y.. ^ ^ Iff. Mrs. Itesfie Darfe J]y 0/ SWiiiri Lftk*1 and Mr?. Ge.'rpe fSt-leM ~nn<\ aft*. W"*l Ipent A mistake was made last week in Mr. and Mrs. Milton Dowell were Sunday dinner guests at the Lloyd Fisher home. Misses Helen Vasey and Hasel Townsend, Mrs. Vernon Baseley, Mrs. Milton Dowell spent Wednesday with Mrs. Ixving Tojjy^eild atRigjtoaQPl Mr^lbid Mr^ jBxrt^KosiM a son, JHaV of LibeHrv^P speS S iiav^ffloWRwith V)iiH>a^Bts, IB < •AM .£hit Waited Biirg 3UAaPd fcavift »«v«d fitt* V&E? Wilson J,iace. ' > George Scheid and A. S: JPtWtit'of „Waucontla spent Saturttey-ivening at the P. L. Stadtiel/d home. Mrs. P. L. Stadfield and Mrs. Joe enzen were shoppers *t GraysUke aturday evening. . ^ + / ^ Walter Engle *py$„ , Sunday. M ft '^Wonder Lake. , . v Mrs. Esse Fisher spent SttiyJay ith her daughter, Mrs. Davis, , at ocum Lake. ; , _t, Donald Boot-lhw purchased a Ford, ki "Walter Engle is now employed bs Jtloyd Fisher, ^ . Nick Hycuri "of Waukegan was a .Sunday caller at the Esse Fisher {|ome. k •t ir>Ti BflBSi • -* r JHE$a MOUTDdSS LIGHTS • of NEW YORK e Long Is k society w guests for supplied n and the are arranged. RTSSTon PAGA departm gation seven llu gMlijmd irifV. >i..r BiVPntg There is a reason. jlMli >«>• »HI hososa iiwiwiltll has been experienced ,,;B fry in the past, ana only recentty| ,«.,«« TIB w 'rmTWMWW&nnmi 'Slice and Mrs. John Oefflinj? •MUJOV JOHTTSBTTRC duuns alweee flowers than any ur the~ptfrer was peculiar, as the flower^ ^ajn the hotel gnrdyna an/1 wirt nl tch iy •I a jSmjefhods of propagaWng black b > 'Indiana owns several ex mat* bags BaietiHMgg wftteft aw Being *XAJ Ks. "inha L,; S|ay and som J. C., of Waupaca, Wis., and Mr. and Mrs.. Leo JBlake Q{ McIlfiRry VISJTED 03/iJAS im IJHOi o^'fiavjt Ition#. Ther« Is no game fish t ore abnmian am ta aa S3 T will give pettro ealirtg.jOtit > « k1 .ri .no^fiW ToJya^ bn« ,2l!sjjial inoiV unoifeuinnoa mule m aw>R9i« i to chldf in the floral 0 came froAi f»t* VDlfT HiM ta i«rf«uH hojfliW b»c* .«M bns .iM V> srfJ iv*b«.f snuK Krif.imK'ilJ'r \r< 10 aoe l>p- Hair ,»i oristif T?* no&jlfrtj jn^ ,9uii9" ®rtf> .haKf^ saw T-V] «• ba£ rrnnlyt xh-» tiKplI riS'H *dt f* bnii ii ,il^9W )k«J {fiiun Jon 9"w» L»n« •.»?>« iiim ,0 1lfl1 yiti are to keep IslAad Ifycl Twni •Ji 'sir* ft ^ectlotf of ,N*w- Yor where the, only flbos^rftt rs are j^y.^epi-j ro«ns in pots on e8c*m v£«o»t .f,-|||^Hto gum p. Baseball, Fas; jno'Mlljf) 9«r te»t; f Z 3tuns. A IlisSn S<™ it iyoif ftd man iff *iri >J j r* t- ,b*X>nh n»v„isvp Wiy', ***vu ™<"»»v ! j » wit^ Fxsnj^ Miller $aV£dpywiping Miss M^bel King erpployed by Mrs. Anthony Freund who is ill and confined to her heft. A ^.1 John A. Miller1, SteV^ May and tfc« Misses Marie Miller ahd Mart1» *Het» terniattti ^tatt^d on * trip N. Dak.r Monday. '" " • '• Mrs. Ben Seba«(^r fs still cwrflnH to her bed. Y ' ' • Mrs. Chrietfn# Brefeld and daughter j ^n and husband of Chicago weft Sunday fch ^ visitors it tte'-U6me of "Iftlri*- Ben j ^fmuctiidSi Tonyan, Sr.*; *v(l- John PitzM» »pe«t * few «day* 4iist week at Volow , . > Mr. and Mrs. Mick Milter ani'fcht! dren of Spring Grove spent 8unday with Mr. and Mre, George I^ay. Miss Olive Hettermann of MeKenry spent the week-end witii her parents. Miss Helen Smith of Woodstock spent the week-end with her parents Waters, pro faturai Aim beer1 Waters ^ith •ffsilda mr> ^iTttrsr.' ...V $167,71 5.65 105.50 1115.65 5.50 30 40 146.51 12.20 S2.4? ACCOUNTS FOR SALE l?ht The folio wing- accounts are offered by the undersigned as ^ agents for sale to the highest bidder. The right is reserved to reject in full or in part any offer. Fred Miller, McHenry, furniture^, Ed D. Schutt, McHenry, furniture. Mrs. Roy Smith, McHenry, furniture.___._ •iw Lawrence Huck, McHenry, sewing machine. Otto Broecher, RFD 1, "McHenry, glass. R. Patzke. McHenry, furniture • »' ',i!' Silas Swails, McHenry, furnitur^ Ed Wallace. Woodstock, refrigerator, M. W. Baseley, Wauconda, 111. furniture ; J. Fisher. Wauconda^ I1L, furniture ^ ^ ( '^2.94 Joe Chieppa, Libertyville, furniture... . ng'*^ nfft Floyd Thompson, LaGrange, 111., furniture . 19.58 Ed Schammberg, 140 Quick Ave, River Forest, furn ^4.44 John Bonslett, 3140 N. Kostner Ave. Chicago, fura 83.30 Walter Brooks, 4705 Vz Maypole Ave, Chicago, rug 40.24 V. H. Thiel, 524 E Prairie, Wheaton, linoleum_ . 39.66 Jacob Brefeld, McHenry Groceries, etc.: ^j_.±t.--:-.-,41«29 John Jerak, 3037 W 41st St. Chicago, gro and shoes 10.71 The above listed accounts are guaranteed by the owners to be correct and undisputed and will he advertised for sale until sold. All bids for the purchase of the above aCv cpmnte will be received at the office of the lUHUfsigp^i^ POWER'S SSttVlGE . 400 South State St. Chicago, HL Merchants and professional 'mftli d&ifitig to dispose' of their accoouits, notes and judgments ^Ul b« given foil information on request., "has fgently; to stock good black bass, has - 'be^en fcrowned with signal c«uccefes, <vhich. unfortunately,.has not been th<» case with the intro«ttih,ion'of iitSer of game fleh. v;- 'v Rivers, \yhich ' aj-e obstructed by dams, eViha 'when tt*.'.'>|(jpst ttodern fish-ways are provide??, or ^diose Waters are polluted by the refuse "if manufacturies, can never be succeufully stocked with trout; but ( black bas^ seem ta Uh^fv^ f»idy w#Hk; % spftfe of "tneSe 'ahd other disadvantages. . . .(•* | , "Hie bliftk baae is a trtie Amei4cati game fish and should be carefully protected and propagated in all our lakes and streams. Few fish can equal his fighting ability, and there are few more palatable fresh-water fishes to be found anywhere. The Izaak Walton League of America is leading all other conservation organizations in sponsoring black baas propaeration, and through its many copters Will warrant ssving this gr*at game fish for future generations. . ,, ,. .-0^ , "twutelx" ,ii : . A French «tamp collector uaattd Herpin is credited with mttklng tj»e w'°r,d "phUately" in l8Q5. lt was coined . Irqjfl wowla and means "the love of study, qf aU fihat oooderns repaj'tnent"--that is, lo«0 r of stamps. » Pfcone MeHet»«*133-M °{I «rfr' •; mum • • .'rfjjisn • JOHN OEFFLtNG Distributor at $^ima Ilroerapia Distrihator Siierklan Springs Soft Drinks ' 'ileHENRY, ILUNpfi , checkers, anngranad, Iwtohk^flPlriwmf^H^ and! solitaire »U wiw their devoted fol lowers, but the hobby of William P.j Carey, head of Madison Square Gar»j den, ts pTnoehle. This Is*tlie game h#j is never too Jjpsy to pipy. Once when: Carey was Building « ' rattlr<)ail 1«| South America, he took a gian all the< rwf j tp -the Arpotlnu piit^ hli^i JuA| so he would have a pinochle opponent on the boat. The other day, Carey, and a friend had been playing pinochle; at the Oarey apartment so long that, they felt it might be a good thing to; get a little exercise by walking In Central park. The friend kept insist, ing that Carey had been exceedingly lUCky. • "Nothing of' tte boart," aaid, Garey. "That waa .akUl. If wa hlid a ploofiile -deck b&re I coold beat yoi* right now/' •. (IK i 'H >'|| . • , ^We have," Said his friend. pack in my pocket." i So a cotple of the best known rtien! in New York picked out a nice spot! on the park grass, sat down and com-! menced to play pinochle^ In a few! minutes they were surrounded by aj ring of interested spectators which bothered them not at. *11. -Xke presl-j deot of the garden,*imlica*ed him«elfj by winning again. . ; • * • RtkH tvMitail1 1-rti- «;!*» j 7/ '1m dJ v Jt i»J;q>:cri nJinoiBdio .» j tjfcrti $« t Aw,' jaal \<> m»<vnT^S^«>rv.»l'i rfjiw i ff v*dj rf>iriw ni ici •ani iaoi rfasV.-j (alihi' albrt j 2CQ,S? *«a,£oer ntaiJ xiim 883.L*.... M - ORyi .Jnsrna? mi -tOT) .W « ,09<MVl 9*)l ,nsm J ftWi'S fit :«>TJ mo*T aavi£ Wivl^ W,c & fffic U Z f i pyt LVt'tva rwv\v° »r*. Jwt I l*o ort.t Jfi «U crwob febiurf bne )n*i bsbisu IT A* ei*9v »nia .iWa-jJI S-jhio 'CWJC.rt We PROVE GOODYEAR Superiority has a tire as good as a Goodyear." Come in--we'll demonstrate the patented a»4 exclusive Goodyear superiotv > ities which only Goodyear * Tires can give you! * DONT BUY A N E W rtOIKIVIUHUK Jn-Unovoiqntl •fli' In noiJo^l'i .in ,£! tci'iK b;1 •sriT .(vnqr A . -.I,i ,'JMT lin^no'-i >2 r. »rii J^oV tVJl JHXAO UturiXRO tri'V Inurnui cJi hlvii ft v<'l Tlljf. ! i;> t.i i 11W )„w Tiflq-si ob eh\a lliw nd b vMito'i taw <$($(>rf r>ai>ftw ,T •ili'tf r. i A rWCM fi» 'gl n,i, r:ni :vod, -i mbatl n nm> iVi girt •jifW, Hi-. Settn : Kff '»«! Lii'i ijbfjt MT'jrnJ arttifeisi On"IBM i« •.via xoH - •vi i*i nm\n ' -til Jfta t - j ynam fa i ;i:H)it^ni •jii&otA , i,c.iifw«> rr»f.-X9 1 J >iT Jfll, ) •>ntw>- J nu iJj.'o !k»1( 9^.1 'ti r.isl. . 'oH -» b»U» 1 JtufvjsAI A'Ul j I i ' until you see the tiew; improved yeans and get our low price*! , Building MILLIONS MORI tirfeft thkti l 0 - w Vl>i xo>l «»rij "i Jnsfcj; •r Jt ' •><><•,&. mBrlii «i ri J To ' li rfiiw >ii'. any other company, Goodyear enjoys the ,v?Srl4est experience, the finest facilities and the lowest costs. That is why you hm aai3*i hiore for your money in a Goodyear.1,(' tlW Backed by our friendly all-year •ervioe,,,8i'!U'^ in ->d ir.A-; size ut "i fCl.1 ii'Mf {t it *.\f. .i^lri^oish <»jH .giuda.- t< iu tfuvn'v. tsf»n»i'•! CLt tllB . f iijiw- li'j .lli'- Pnce you, want to pay i i-.l* «1 put ipedj ham| tncoi Arthur Houghton, who has mana musical comedy troupes for Dillingha and Zlegfeld, had a new experltn la«t season. He headed a company1 tvd ,n which was largely English and seven! .V'noM 9f9rf of the chorus men had hyphenated' r: ylaqlp ann names. Houghton thinks the most un«j nt ,-tao t^K)a&i usual name he ever encountered b«-i >• .,-th ,fjuffsaw». longed to a girl. She was programme# ;>;!< nemo >il(>q as Mwyafanwy Jenkins. . 9*ro9:»l! ' i - *• m • . " ! j Ap^MirMtly yon float bdvt to b«j ntad! att a person to t&fow ictft at! them. One ot our city boys explained! that he heaved acid on his sweetie, because he Was Infatuated with her. It probably was just afl affectionate^ feature, but the judge couldnt see it.! Thf girt will get out before the boy A A A • t>i K->? .".oiiaK KkiK AMatiftvl flKf s eroilpx luol -\*b% To attolla^ onia jlooj ' * .E. •. •;«b(t«i'-rrt3-u»^ l» to ,bK. Kt.b fTA eemlb oi 7* &ta mii r-,U« \o [ yUuqoq uuym arfi '^unh^d^^fSu maf"Be liriving with your suddenly a motorcycle policeman appears and orders yoii"^^ .Nrt mi .•/".owiwiOver to the side. "Turo arouad and come back to the station with me," il )rfrt»5Kj a»ri command. "What iti the world have I been doing now?" yon wonder*: 0# tells you.qufcMy i < ' t f i b ' W f i f t r a f f i c v i o l a t i o n . • > > ' " 1 - - I • Y a * m d - u v i i r i i i * ' ' 1 ' *««»n'*»vh xc'if no ««SJ8.nos ni sixt^hl :»di la Jhoil ni ?.bs U tv*< n*f .)rfj 5o iitfioof • •••' .-mart W>hah 'i*ui hne 93«i<? i »nl^s<ni bluow ««,> 0*4* *JR| . ca^B tfaif xs°3eifriffi3ed'."';"" """• oJifja n* b-j •uul 1;^ nwo •suiocb f .^ You are able to produce only twenty-five. After much frantic tele*' i tfatm bto»9, • -• .. ... .... v... , .nollk »irf- b^qpaowog:tofmndsandfelatives,aineodfenaJLly iiSfoundtu^'i i-.w ad «A sfbiioiq^K rrs^ n?i id it . »<, tr iru A* Oiie tiiiadred^^^thoaisind^^motoristi .©jfsis1! toa"! W V'rf saw riairfw counties of Illinois and northern Indiana, comprising the ttir-^^M fijoire'w'ritoiy of the Chicago Motor Club, free from the wor^y of npt being abjl^1^^ jj huK .baUijj ««*to supply bail in cas^^ ftlleg<ed traffic1'vfolation^ .XheiiMziember&hip *rft •«•• *»«*»«» card is a bail bond. *'"•"* v^{> U-T,: ^u- »* P-.9WHI- hda 'wodh fiirf (li eeiwif nsj(oid hifomddiX omi ,»H> S$»vt* aHT i«»dJo ' bna TiorfilA .H» .mW «d*- .«9dsuH afiriV ,h9«iin<i \fttn »ia> jnerKrr «fl qu "aado tiedJ Mlft If* orfw ,i»«o adt <u»;tibnoa *u«he>Present your membership "caftTtd" any officer in th& iu-j 9irs(ia httja na J . , 1 . • ' ... la ! ioniot iijiw territory, and if the bail denoa^acd is not in cxccss of $100, it ma|r iiaj .«o) «•!£ ^ iwrtiwroit 10":; v \1 v t y " " " * I0 addition to bail bond service; the elub provides > . ' 1 « !, "*-4 * 4'. 1 A >.i:K4y>0* mtmbers wjtfc sucb ?emces W,tbess:,i[tli lK A New rork lawyer h^s employed! In l$i household for several years aj maid who wal born abroad. Recently] the domestic obtained a leave of ab-| sence to go back to the old ccruntry! and see her VWmto. She to herj apqflloyer with a diamond, rj^ng, which; shA said belo&ged to her, and asked him if he would have it appraised, as she migiU waat to. pell, it to get roqre money for fce r trip. Be ngread an A put the ring in his pocket. The next; day he looked for it and couldn't flndj It. This worried him considerably; first because he had no idea of thai ring's value, and secondly because he( Aidn'f very well see how anybody -®*? TA ZS3AA xrrasw />or»' ,. 1, V [ to T»J<, ii1#rrt a hforf i tibit*? ,siud?;ftr nr\ ivailaj hi .sain^va 1 ,-iiq 'j}&3r. ioMmiH \r*A »;J ^j^uonoUdl ti*h ^ffO\£.I . his K mailflV/, ,)H .A sir n«H oi jinh )e bna hnul eocf 1 IIA .JoiTl^il 1ri titte m booi> 'itimiiios »di t) W«ltwl Freand V ,»FL(4 XuW Yulcaaizlag , :!A- am:' ?'i .. +4U J-»ol «»dT*. .0 ,A /•. W* : 'I nUvbS T Hi' »*ry Cfaargiac iirf B»prilfa| ^ Mctf^y ,mVV .-ti Aj;j". • v ."O- 'iff! yd 1. ./it cept the makt herself, whom the faeai' fly always had trusted implicitly, could have known he hk(d the ring. After he had worried aboat the ring for a couple of days, the asald's hoa>i esty was demonstrated. She broughtj him the ring for the second time, haw ing found it Hi his handkerchief draw-j er, where h« hasn't the' faintest recol 11 lection of putting It. Ifow he is wer-J gylf aboot himsrtf. ••> ~<+n+ •• *mm- 1 A ]1^all' Strelel friend'beliis the wh^ Tie ciatms Is an did bat true story, depositor at ft branch bank came "the manager' and said he wished hor'row fit) oh A $1,000 goviemftie bond. The manager told hira Iff could borrow much ttibre than $^0 onf such security, but he didn't wish tfti make feny larger loan. Pressed fWr tlw reason he expialnedt ' ; * "Tou tell me your cheapest Mtfe posit box is $8 a yea*,*' he Wifd. '"Cfc t loan, T pay e per cent. 'Should pafy $3 when I can get you to kee|i the bond just as safely lW 60 cental" 1 "He dldnt:get the 1 k . e bforf tit"-* .. I . ... .. . The English have their own fashion of pronouncing names. Th^re Is th« famous Marjoribanks, pronounced Marshbanks. and Derby, pronounc«jd Darby. The name of Evelyn Laye^ star of "Bitter Sweet," is yronoutjci^ Eve-ttn Lay. Bvelyii W' » family name In England, but ic thkt Case If U ynmou&ced Bv-lin. ! m. *»u <1 r. WJ. !,• • •• | ->fiT ' TwaniM'i WMt N*m«'* The territory now composing this! state of Tennessee was once know* as the state of "Fraaklninf" or "Franklin," having been formed fcy the in*' habitants of western North Carollni taftTWk: ; 111 ;j: T.vviJl n<> ftmod i • . • . !' -clif> in.iM V11 1 1 nwri 11 .^n!o-»v » The extentfve mountain system 0^ the Philippines belongs to the raccei* •left of voicaaic ran gee. Tkcrc '*M , tw--ty er more active veteende* ' ^ , jAaiia / HWAV!»!JOT .•»!£ M '•d* la am* nisi.'.-! u i, T.x< ••• --.'L foiS'1 •«# %9<&i F.1C, >,•» v.stq wtt io t%a3fi' srfi , tn'T.i •S^Uoo aft/8 filuS Id snimos-irr!\>ri Alj^ight*- b(ie diiw. l.n-» M!?ra 'u*T- .Travel .it. MMiiy ' complete and up la the minute advice on road <jonditioms. Accident prevention work, which seeks to cut accidents, especially amtonf school children, by means oj safety posters and by fostering school A#.-' : T . . " s r . " . ' , : - -.nib ,nol T>t Lift «t f.f JfTQjA Ml %*'***& 'KJXS' *<U£USft§ •K -iO h^fNl t>*»> sr* it nil no(.iv» IH1 X* msmtmutv v.abn'ii i 1,1 H .^RJUorf fi. >m niilimi/nmo:. oH 1sim51 ,moia>]ni,l • iivr^ nof«a>>3 x'A ivn.a^ "iiitf smod k'!h!I H- 101 «»sb i'{ .llsemi H o n > ^ ^ a o i e i f e ^ your bomc, such ai seeing to itthatrefuse sc prtH&ptljr losorance service* which provides the following features: The vifk ued form policy, which in the event of total loss, pays the face voli*. of the policy. Accessories are covered without additional ehar^1 Last year the "exchange" returned cash savings to axiiQunting to 1 sales to $3,894,706.04. .'. - ^ Iwfid 4«ri,i Kyr>nuori«* ilo n: rvie bna br*dt:r»trt^'! jttrfT H i / H o r YT VT JO ) >K/«a- >iKtrw »varf odw Wtttf or call tor further infiomiitionl ,5 ^2 ii»d) svsrf *1 ssv Sbo^'<fb^r branches; 34 downstate; 30 in Cook County. fiMirr »i ?o. ). EnroUmcnt fee (fim yeafoaly) 15^,1,.'"t!*,.,*"S# ^!5st^%"rss' •do-fl wbaV «« Tl»w.?J fi oj liiom WIm ^ Mr t tusfli *dT iisd WBOfl I W«Jrt tadw Tjdrt* 4 y»nv\> i*sn » srffitjf 'M afffliofioii i , 'A i i !JV -MM v 4 • ^ . <2kibMi4$ ("iAVfejb n . * sii ••>?' ft j^IcH eary'Coiuity Branch •*caMii :»rf3 »nimT-»Jflll *• HARD LEY E. RAKDIN, 149 De«n St, Woodstock W ri:ifcX3*q i> « n< bio*. q to «aU.f<»d 'tifaiif il ypttMieHees 1 CHICAGO MOTOR CLUB f' 10» De*» S«xeeC Woodsto**. n.n - A Aa-aafim* ThpOiliwy Motnr O* * 46 &* Wh W«Hf Swjwt WTT Ham s_4 •~f J»n/' GWmmmc PJe**e seod »e farther itiforfttttifta coc^ •<<i M iMfJlA bad i»# aa ivwi* ATTORNEY FOR TUB CLUg ,><* * Pb , Jm*?* A *ebai,^w4eteefc^<u m or! ;qu ^ul_ilttlHno(qmsri:> »fli W : 9/<«aw ^ , .IHSCHANlCAL SERVICE OTAHOJf 'f 6. A. Stilling Garmge ""jr ;i 'u: ao4 jStai Hi/'! "'jnf i mi l" / .•4 ffm >vuq Hirrcrw »Hj o^(te W<" Ut* M 'IIHI) fit"* r riT -rHr iTti! fln.'i: ct}vr*> flUh' | oeraiag the maqymooey^aviag L. ^Vitbcmt oWigatioo to me. • .< ^ n JH !<M>mwynpimwwwnn>»"y -soft *irf v.d' i <»y tisrf.t | .1»l^a8 «•! Us* M&j,.

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