Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Sep 1930, p. 6

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iSvT< ** ?#!% * YACT&STU'BT %*-*l «H rsirxa jjjftjWii ftSBflAIS r iM+B HMi W. ¥m%m*W>W «»}»»<> *i >* .ho'iws :* to* . .,pw |»i tttfH fAKE THE WHEEL AND MARVEtt" >B18h WE INVITE YOU TO DRIVE TlfE EIGHT AS K no i cirs HUKCAL THAMES TMRffMM IMUGNG liktfofial Commission Sees '^.t^plflio Opinion wi Brantfi 30 Banking f9Sse~&tuditB Group ^ and Chain Banks. N & COWEN Boick Motor Gars West McHenry, OVER jmTO aaiofiD ajMW aidtetagpV MnvKllM " BUTTERMILK jjf Healthful -j-^r rink More of It butter-1 * . . , •• v , , , .. < « = = ] [ = ] E = S > Have jim etei Uied a-bottle o( «w milk? It sure is good. Every week we are getting more VJ. and more customers for it. Place your order today. O^IHESO In requ large & KeniiM^ banks £>. A. St Storae^Rtbairing-Oil'-Qreasing -Phone 28 Comer WEST 8 Otto *1 General Automobile Tel. 185 **»»•> it V>U » »• (VJ« IJSfflJ MONITOR *»«•» f> •« ?V_NEW YORK --Modification of the atjEftude of bankers on the Ionic disputed branch banking question is forecast itt a review and report covering rapid ihanges going on in banking Issued the Economic Policy Commisthe American Bankers Association. The report, however, after referring to recent proposals that national banks be given branch banking powers within the business territory surrounding their location, declares that "we do not believe that so-called 'trade-area* branch banking !b likely to gain the support of any large percentage of the banking fraternity." The commission says that the "most Important development that has a>fterrt^ u Alnferican banking In recent yeara involves the rapid growth of multiple banking organisations in the form of group, chain and nranch banking gystatas," and adds that "we present this -report As en unprejudiced economic study and haw no theories fir policies to urge at this time." The statement flays that the commission^ information indicates there are now 269 group or chain bank systems, whiqh control 1922 banks and. 515^285,- 000,000 in aggregate resources, and that' there are only six states and the District of CblluBbla v^here it does not ttn# a£ny group organizations. r - The Commission's Investigation'" j "We have been in touch with '^*e managers of many important bank groups," the report says. "Aside froip the obvious economies of centralized operation and control a number of these organization heads very frankly tell us that they do not feel that the system has beeii. in operation and tested long enough to justify them in making positive or sweeping statements as to its advantages of disadvantages compared to unit banking. "The Banking and Currency Committee of the House, which is conducting an investigation Tllto banking developments, has called a number of operating heads of some of the great group systems. These men declared that they found, under certain conditions, definite operating and economic advantage In both group and branch banking over independent unit banking. Some thought group banking was only a transitional stage, that branch banking was preferable and if it were r«f>Fmjfif>d on an extensive enough scale they woi^d change their groups .to branch; systems. Others held fterable. Ian was h :• roup enough ins tit uextendplacee but not Complete vocated multiple t nevertheless they bT*tlerad timayould always be room for vigorous independent unit bank competitors. ' Go^fevw ment Officials Express Views "The controller of the Currency recommended that national banks be given branch banking, jpowers' within 'trade-areas.' l$Ke (Jijyenior of the ^ rj&jappenred to be jpt ^tli the Comptroller? "lle^saTdthens were 24,645 banks and 47 branches, a total of 28,19^ banking offices; that in this t ota!,»dg*|^ofk*!fcwi^either branches or b%k*jfci^b^f* tfi^-oups, or both, leaving 21,839 banking institutions fh|t -jnight bo definitely termed inde* jtenddtt unit banks, having no j>ran«hea and In no way connected »wjtbt group affiliations. He said all th^banks had total loans and investment 3 ^*5%,mA(W,000, of which the group atra batata litems held |30,« 400,000,000, or vore^lu^i half. branch bantfnjS at present but (aid that ultimately if bajakers bec^pe trained and arger technique of 'trade-area* banking be thought It would in time evolve nation-wide $>pnch banking under ^control of relatively few banks, bdtghe did not believe tills would mean monopoly or 'lack of competition. He favored branch o*«r group banking which, however, he said represented an eco- "nomlc development along 'trade-area' lines and would spread unless something else were substituted and thought .^trade-area' branch tanking would reserve this purpose. ' , 1 ^ "It Is the intention.' ik the Commit- *tion to develop Us own studies in these questions, watc^L carefully every •aove that is made and every bit of Information that may fTevelop in thlk connection and keep' Itself prepared J^o give an unbiased and Accurate tatement of the facts of the case henever that is desfred," the report .»xonc)uCLes/ . - :i • • •. I l a o & ^ * ' 4 TKDsi iO » u Tales itJiW it ftrtM--Uwg BHs of News Tahn , i jFnm A# Coltiauif' of tko .. PUIndealer . Fittf Tw«nty-4fit Toani *• ff-ru 0 AfO< ' i* ;»««>:•! M# S.-:.- -n; . j : ij.1.1.i hi • l . t : • F i f t y T e a m AfO '• S i: Ther new-Aurora-Fox Laks iehb will caH itself the "Lotus Club." W H. Hawkins is president."'^ R. Watte has sold oat his market to Frank Gennett, who will hereafter run the same and will at all tittle kefep a good supply of meats of all kinds, 1 • ; :•> • i •- -, • Howard GoH, son of Karm Col© of Richmond,' ha? been en^ajfted by the firm of Stevens & Schnot^, of this village and hereafter Wilt be fotind at that estfiiblishmest. New9 has just H<sen srOMived in tWs village of the death "of" Dr. Wtlliim P. Melendy of Covella,' Oalff., on - Aug. 20. Dr. Melendy ^as a former physician of McHenry. * ^ i ' 1 Charles S. Owen received his appointment to the Naval academy at Annapolis on Monday, and will depart for that place nett week." He is ohly 16 yefers old and is 'a yotang- man of more than ordinary ability, its was HKjHLKKtABtS ' NEW MIDKM "I HsVe Usetf Bight Bottles of Konjols and iMjr Are En4ed" Bitiaal »•.' ' i" «•» (.« « nutn j. wiiitr Chevrolet S^es. GMnal Automotive Repair Work T Wfpo AND CTlJlfDWl BEBOB1NG • Pay-Phone 20ft-j Night Phono 640-J^ S. H. Freund & Son .*«;aSnw5? }?tA in ~ .aJt.d -»flJ dfm b*}Oi1iv&ib Ww ST 1" • . .MS"^^AHa1AR ; a 91 . , f'iNo words of mine car. express jpy Ifratitvtd^. for JConjola," sai(J M^rs. Mary Bagar, 543 North Sixth street, East St.. "I was terribly weak and rwi' down an^ suffered frightfully fnona ^ains in. various parts of jpay body. I had A severe and constant back a«he. , I had little appetite such as 1 forced myself to eat caused pain and distress l. ;dvi ,nqt sfp#p weil at flight A new offhse the building is ments on ttie "west ens of the improvewardproved before the examinhvg board •at a^id had ao ambition jto. dQ roy bouse- EJlpnn. , W4>r)c . ,,„• tx Miss C. B Owen i# n&w ^amting a w* eight bpttlpa of I^qpwnf8^, ? ?* ^ «nd- wy ailments .are end^ iyhich wtoi finished, it is said, willinov go about n»y housework w^lh bei1one-6f her best pictur^I-':-,,;\' J.vjg^r. an<j ambition:, I feel 6ne, in every way for .pains po longer trouble me. My appetite is good and I sleep well at jiight. I fsel like a different person and I gladly endorse the.medjcin^, tb*t restored my heai|bh,', 1,l'" ^ -Taken regularly over a six to/ei^ht week, period, Konjola has xna^Te *an amazing .record in the . relief of ailments of the stomach, liver, kidnqy3 and bowels, and rheumati'sm,, neuvitis and nervousness,, y Konjola is sold in McHenry, III., fit Bolger'a Drug store and -hy aty the best druggists in all towns, throughout this entire section. • - t!hiW $M«•*' «mlt. tifi*--s'PfeiMId 12Mt k'r* --^ .. . ana^j. ;- -r •" -tnnj x*ifj ^ -a»« sJ&f s ?jj i-V. coKr«^?#<irai-kstfc: ** ^enty-ftvl Veai1^ > Hooi|( Wiferin^* M4'J co|i] f bin Tuesday ~toriornfri£ mV J. "Walsh last was r W to J, ard W. tTiftil 3 very much surprised to find it empty. The guilty jone was evidently ,jac- ^ua'inted With th^fpJie*nU#»^ »>«0 Hicks,-fho weather .predicts that we will have a frost aBout the fifteenth of this month. Simon Stoffel has sold for Bros, their farm of Pfannenstill, Owing to a delay in getting the window frames and steel fixtures, work has been brought tq a stands till on the Brefeld biylding on the West side of town. Capt. Walker left last night fpt Chicago where he has been called to do some expert mechanical work. Gus Cianciolo has returned to XJhii* cago, after conducting a fruit store ii West McHenry the past summer. 1 Nelson Eby has^ sold the McHenry bakery > to MaK Zimmerman of Chicago. We welcome Mr. Zimmerman. The Johnsburg post off ice will be discontinued Sept. 30. Another im< •pOrtant change will be made in the rural work. > The Wagest^ Stettfrs were tailed toils 'a hospital in Chicago, yesterday, where their brother, George, lies in a Critical condition suffering frdm being bitten in the face by a ihad dog.' The- f«riahts>ef»«fc%: Hehsf Dowell twere brought -here from Elgin *and interred in-WidotHand cemetiflpy During last Saturday night, Georgia Walmsley's cows got* into a eorfieM on -his farm east of^town stnd since then »eighfc cows have died, which • rn^anp 'a heavy less for* Mr. Wahpsleys The McHent-y county (tee8'down into history^as orie"of the d• most successful ever held and tfiAsbintewteted »1fr its' welfai'rp 6re to bia tompiiittehtfeir oh> thev iutsceiS this1 ; •>. t ."*» TRAVEL VIA LJ _ to Nfoiara Fall., EnUrttaitd CuuuUAaPtttnu I *Hfi r9 f:INE^vowKdjffoftl defiglitfu!, refreshit*nWit't'trip , X# petweco Cleveknd and Buftjo ot to Port StwUey, Can. EvetyweSon of * modtta hotel awatts you. j^UtOS carried. CLEVKLAWI>--BUFFALO DIVISION ftsr, " *°° - - - 1 - • • f t * * 1 5 - 0 0 One W a y ; $ 8 . 5 0 R o U q d T l l p . Auto Rate $6.30 aod up. ' . ^<wSf*nlcy6:°0« n)«. Keturaias>l«»ves there '4;30 p. m.. a'riving Clevelana 9:30 p. m. June 20th to Sept*mb«f 6A. B*re $3.00 One Wm: $ J.00 Round Trip. _ Auto Rate *4.50 and up. WttHfnr frtt frtUhfitndAiitt Map. Aril AND BUFFALO {fW*rrdi t*aih en C TritngiL Ci_r tU j «nd All Exptnst Tours, fist 1930 Cruitt | TRADE IN Yoint ALD TIRES W© W7H AU OW loll MORE omoiq 'USS Trade jn your USED TIRES now. We will make you a liberal trade-in ajk lowance----on one tire or a full set. II your tires are worn smooth they are worth money to as, as we have an up-to-date tire repair department and ean apply a new tread, and we have a ready sale for these tires. If your tires are only partly worn, or if they are new and do not provide you with the safety that you want for the wet - and slippery weather thta fall and winter, we will give you still more for your tires in trade for new Firestone tires. Why take chances on tires that are not safe---yon can have the safety that race .drivers demand--at the lowest coat ever know*. • «* r<*5 -JSW 'ftS-:*'-' > r.c nasi rtq zi-Ai w' not!*.; /( as ' 8W6 ->#»0 e V; 11 U'JOi H T M f TRE4D it*- •Mm $ vV >s i"K.j . A We are i» the tir« h--inass---We know Urea and tire values, and pye< y<^u better service $n& , tow«rtransportaHMieoe^« ' • wto* ••sr/" rnt-n SAfET¥4a<r Economy THAT1 IS IV©* , ;* PI^UCAI^D at «|M • tog tmieall ; tbelmyia^paUir is entitled to the truth about tire values. Wi give car owners the facts. Whei} we seH JW a we riot transportatiwu hot greatest safety. 'MM ST w < *i'• ut • Bovr«r .. wtio;«eel» educlrtlon tn fbfe paths of duty are always deceived fey the- Whialon -that power in thp hands of friends ls«an advantage to them. . i, Ho^ei* is» pdisbfr.-^* Henry Adtttnta," H til If .'in'tii M t U'l *»,T1 -v*. -r.-t »•> nder3te3c per1d|owatt« hour portion of the new recced rale for resident ti«l electric service ^now njOOO-lnlk.«rUCW. Cu1 "XTEVER-in the peace and quiet of your home--will the Genecat Klcctric Kpfri&trnxor be required to , , withstfka« nn/d4 s»*u«#c»h!« tests a^ sm thes^e . BBu.. ta what yearst o_ f£ s..e _r vice'. ^ *'v you may expect from the refrigerator that can surviveJ **1 the most terrific ravages of time and west! In the Monitor J '* -11.' tf Fsdsral R--rys Pays OovsmfflsM' In the fitjtean years since Its establishment In 1914, aggregate net earnings of the Federal Reserve System's twelve regioolll banjts have amounted to 1515,216,ODD, bt 'which $90,672,000 yiib&s been paid im tha member banks as dividends, representing 6 per cent annually on their contributions of capital to the reserve banks, while $277, Top, the entire mechanism is fortified against air, dirt and moisture with impregnable walls of steel. A refrigerator so dependable, so efficient, is within the *««rnnf oflB rtvryo**. Why npt drop io and look at this very day? ( )ur »P«cial terms make it very easy on your pocketbook! GENERAL @ ELECTRIC ? i AIX-^tCKL KErRIGEKATOR JBlectric Water I ool Commercial Refrigerators Electric Mflk Oreen St. McHenry '434,000 has been added to the surplus of the reserve banks and $147,110,000 has been paid over to the Federal ^Govfnunent as a franchise tax. -a \h ml ' • , t *• Y«w Owa Kaittia| - "Seek "apt manage the affaini of >©Oiers," (SaW HI Ho, the sage of <3binatown, -"unless you are willing to through the neglect ct r own."--Washington Star. Alasrt UuTtrtal N Daehaal computation was adopted !fe »nce and lea, with the azcaptlon of Great Britain following. - m. TVIUCK TOUM Sfts&--19.45 1*45 Mt6., 34.MS4.10 Rubber VwBme....... • IWM •• • a>.vj -M-* --rffrrf Cords per Hies at Tread.... r^rtittr information alt PUBLIC Sekvtqi Company OP NORTKUtN ILUNOll inTtalc E. J. LARK IN. lMst. Mgr Wl Williams St., Crystal Lakf Oryatal Lake Phone 289 atitdw .. OvTIn *HanO*aft : fi' (CMh rilc*> Tl«» irioS • MH44O0 $4M MML 15041- 4*19 in 4.79 5^5 lveim SeathieL^^. •0S2 4JMIJfi>M $9.7S MOS S.M-19 16.95 11.75 ixito_12^SlV«S sjo^O 1».90 1&15 6AU0 14.90 17-1® i»iU74S 1S.9S 7#«L194S 2)45 oaa iM u» COMPARE CONSTBUCTieM mnd VALUES leScUwiB. 1«.M Iba. 4-T5 to. 15.5 cord* S plies . fi35 1^# eta. in. 4U7?I to.' S'J^L loO CU. in. , , r.^' I&.Mlba. 4.72 in. 35 Ml* • 1 t Tjrm Smertsas--Hw Vmcim f(pgi|r l»r l|baKg|i>y T STORK jmwmiA CiUARANTfiE SELL Alto SERVICE the complete Vr Une of Fireatone Tires, Tubes, Bat- M4es.~Brake Rims, and Aecesaoriea Z5SLCWta^oS; and Lubrie^lal.. TO. we bay highgr quality producto at lower eoat aml ] in lower coat more efficient service. J pipira I"* ' r~ I paas flieae savings on to yon transportation per mile and VI* L, la dha ffkaitf Ftlutfa, aiwhs ' ? • Yon are iloaAdy' protoclfd lis w-. Hm fvoan at, eaaryiac tfa Flnrtian #' gaavaalae and ocuns. - .,»• JL. A "Mail Oritr" or Special Brand** tire it ~ Btada by mmm aakauwa nnsfactarer ant aold under a bum that does aot identify hint «a the pvhttct --ally becauae. Jm fcaJMs his "fin! ^rade" tirea aider hia own aaaae. § . IVK IN TODAY--TRADE US »• YOUR OLD TIIR'l ^E4? S Mm Buss-Page Motor Sales !***•< We Serve After We Sell" McHenry •> - •- t *T-' PS

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