Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Sep 1930, p. 7

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"Gwisipps* TJig" t®B H-BWWt PLAlMDBALBt, TBBM&AY SliPT. 18,1930 • »HT Blxiuufi WMIHIHIMMpn •I QOTTM'B T I FT of Waukegan, Mrs SuF Sehmitt of Johns parents, Mr. and Mr*. Mike ffttrrr Siaiuud sad fa J---- ai Antiocb were SjgRipr callers at tb# IMIg, ce with- WEDS WEALT em it would occupy all the sn tbe orbit of the planet Mar R. C. KSI WALSH'S DRUG STORE Riverside Drive S iturday afternoon, 2 t« 4 p. ai. amined and glssees Made AW all repi&i to hone Richmond IS Dr JOHN DUCEY VETERINARIAN UCHM 5N»fc- MoHUNRY (TEAVEL A XXCAVATING CO. P. Freund, Prop. )ad Building and Excavating of Every Description KatiulHSl Furnished on igh-ferade j time- Targe or s&all given * Fhon^ 204-M McHenry f» *k 1 _ I HENRY V. SOMPEL General TeamiiigH ,?bc ?Sandj Gravel and Coal for Sale •Jradiig, Graveling and Road Wjbrk Pone By Contract | or ByDf^ . s l„ „ Pljoiie McHenry 649-R-l 5* Q. Acidress, Hoa " [ McHenry, 111. t'd ^ ' Harry Matthews and son were busi ness callers at Grayslake Saturday. Hfr and lffrs, JTH Xkajx were .McHenry callers Saturday evening _ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Foss and son wei*» callers at Crystal Lake and Woodstock Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks and son were callers at Waukegan Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Werden of Wauconda were Tuesday caller*: at the homes Irs. Clara Smith and Mr. and Mrs. "Harry Matthews. W. E. Brooks was a caller at Fox Lake Saturday. ^ Miss Helen Bernier of Chicago spent the week-end with her Mrs. Jack Geary Mrs. George Lundgren of W spent Tuesday and Wednerda home of Mr. and Mrs. John B1 Miss Pearl Foss of Liher spent Thursday with home folk Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Peck and and Mrs. Carl GTeen and children Aurora spent Sunday at the home Mr. and Mrs. Ray l>oweik ItUNOIS Mr. an<i Mrs. J. D. Willisnts and son of Crystal Lake were Sunday guests at the hoyie. of Mrs. Clara Smith. • Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Crystal Lake spent the week-end with relaives here. Mrs. W. E. "Brooks and son Visited at Park Ridge Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Bloragren visited at the ham^|f Mr. and Mrs. "Peter AnrioTsq^mFwBFnquin Sunday. Leo Ziteper »n<i Mrs. J." Sun and ^arifessR^ Mr. and Mrs. Archie FOSS wen? Sunday supper guo*te at the~ho/i»e of the formers patients her^ Mr. and Mrs. "Willard Darrell spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. "William Darrell sit "Maple Grrve Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and children and Mrs. Esse Fish§r,-of TVolo visited at Lhe home, of Mfs. Leslie Davis last ^Wednesday. 4 l* ' -1" '• i Mr. artd Mfsi : CfaWrk'S' Snyder and sen **" GrayslaHe l&stWednc** State of Illinois i McHenry County, ss. In *t'hL Oil wit ft Family Accepts Youth From County, May Term A. D. ISSO. Citizens State Bank of McHenry, Home. vs. Clifford Ellsto footbaU __ sous "Bift" Hoffman of became the hus- "day ^ lively Claire riage cerej- Alger-Uke }e b«tfde$rro<irff from son of a ible 4ijjh3 carrier t<f ^gpln-law of a laire banker. years ag» if Amedo Peter Bauk of Italy MfsvOinniiint, who rporatlon .iv ; best of '* 1 1 . > i r i . C 1 r remained lor a Iir* i: Office 12tW MeHmry "fetal® Vcalf Every Wednesday McBeary, ItthMis cHE 4KY A. H. SCHAEFER B CpH(b ne No. >1058 -R * T>' • • < r" v « i Stoffel & Raihansperger rattce ageftta for all claaati «C projperty in tbm Wat «*M|»aiea. ^WESTLMcHENRY - * ILLINOIS tun: ^ni.. h Sare-tatanum -- WITH -- Win.G, Schreiner Aoctioneering .i: AT KESIDBNCn^i ;F1MM«3-R I McHenry, IUiaoia HiRMAN J. SCHAEFER Local and Loog(j aiti Distance Hanlingy^ > and M<mng n<\ ni e Stock Hauled l&jght to the Yard ^ • ne 17fr H^enry^ J3L day at the hpme of Mr. an^^Mrs. li W'nUfr. ' '• Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cntivwse and ^tu^»t^r,.Francos. spj«t Friday •event- ,Jnp: .>f the hcyne pf . W. L. Qonverse at tibertyfiRe. * ' " • < " Wr. and Wrs. Xettfe t)fivis and ch^ j}feh spent Saturday at McHenry, A%r qnri Mrs. Harry Matthews ^n<l sons and "Mrs. Xat)oyt Matthews Crystml "Lake sptnt Strtidny at the home of Mr. and Mrs, W. L..,SpafTord at Jefferson ParK. . v Mr. and Mrs. Chester *l>ecker artd son of Waukegan ppent Sunday tit the TOf awt~MTs: Ray Doweilr Mr. and Mrs. Ganslnger and two daughters of Chicago were_ Sunday callers at the Wm. F<»ss home. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Haas of Wau- COnda were callers at the home of Mrs. Clara Smith last Tuesday?* ^ Mrs. EST Fisher of Volo caflfechat the LesTie Davis home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boehmer and sons of Wauconda spent Saturday evening at the home of Mr., and, Mrs. Harry Matthews. . j ' Mrs. Clara 'Sitiith and Mri arid Mrs. J. D. Williams attended 'the funeral of Mrs. Henry Gokiinq1 at Wauconda Sunday. t John Roney oT Chicago was ft Sitiday caller at the Henry Geary home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Foss and sons and William Berg attended the birthday F*rty at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. TV. Foss at Libertyville la«£ Saturday evening in honor cp Archie's hdrthday- ' Mr. and Mr*. H. Maiman rt Wauconda spent Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. rand "Mrs. Henry a sou eduedfe and b thrdug candy, peddled liwqgpfcpers magazine sui>scriptlons. It was a tight squeeze, but Hoffman made expenses. 'Pop" Warner Spots Him. lay Glenn Scobey ("Pop") War- IOUS football coach a^Stgnipled tt^T HSJlll*i- S JCJKX' e one of his assistants. flats* ** that fimy DMr/'cwnvFo* Warner's assUaot yrfted tK« ««ry flrat \ time Hoflfman got Into action In a practice game--and from that time on ~tft'6'"'tall,' fugged avid handsome hod carrier's son was "Biff" Hoffman. And new the plot begins to thicken: On the same football aquad wns Herbert Fteislihacker, Jr., a big and powerfel player, and ©f Herbert Flei«h|»ncker..Sr., irnJttailHouaire Sa* Francisco banker. The poor hod carrier's son and the son of the multlmlllloMire backer bevane the best of *»te,,.bui "BlfT did not have tb« wher^withaJ to travel In, the samf so^ dal set tflth the mnltiminionatre banker's -son. > n; -v T j j; Spent 'Tour Buay Years. , , .^ilT' went right on piajing foot-' Ban st> well-that h» developed tntd Pop Wafner^t star fuTlbadt and fvt his name iate the papers aH.ever the nation. And, In 1928, he was elected •nntnfn f • ..ii L "" N. H. Petesch, Violet E. Petesch, et al., Howard Perry, et al., vs. Theodore Hamer, Receiver, et al., Bill to Foreclose, Gen. No. 23996. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given thiat in pursuance of a decree made and entered by the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Dlinois, in the above entitled cause, ,on the 19th day of July A. D. 1930, I, John C. Friedland, Special Master in Chancery unpointed in the above entit?ed caw will on Friday, the 3rd day of Octob A. D. 1930, at the hour of ten o'clock •n the forenoon of said day, at the t door of the courthouse in city of Woodstock, McHenry Illinois, offer for sale and public vendue to the highest ^bidder the following described real estate, to-wit: Lot number eight in block number one of Owen's outlots to McHenry according to the plat thereof recorded in the recorder's officc of McHenry County, Illinois, in book 59 of deeds on page 265; also a part of lot number two of the County Clerk's plat of the south half of section number twenty-six in -township number north of range of the third pri The Three-Table Euchre ciiu> m« with Mrs. Alfred Kattner at Solon ol Thursday afternoon. A pleasant WTUI TffrliE won by Mrs. Joe E. Millerl Veronica Britz, Mrs. Mike Frefnd anfl Mrs. Wm. Britz. A new cement silo haa pleted on the John Bauer fa Mr. and Mrs. Martin But move to Springfield, 111., the next week. They will be missed in the community. Mrs. Frank Wagner en the afternoon five hundred Thursday. Her sisters, Mrs fcrtaine ib laj )ethoi Freund. Refreshments were served. ; Mid. John Nett of ilo^nabjn* m&n Tuesday in the home of Mrs; |£iggie Feltes. N. Weber "and two daughters CfcteftgoT fchofcpetS^ThWai&ly.j Mr^ fend Mrs. Edmond Xeefe and son spent Tuesday at Elgin. Henry Weber of Jolmsb'urg was ft Tuesday caller here* Mr. and Mrs. Waller, :©f-. Antioch and Mr. - and Mrs. Leroy Madden, of Kenosha were Sunday guests of their w. p. st»*Ai* oi sowi minima• [onday caller here. f There will be *hi(Mb'services at th«| [. E. ,cfa>*fch. Sunday, after oon at" 3 o'clock and-ewii+fg ^r46, • etyone ^>me and hear Lewia Jew leri. tThe evangelist. ads--they o - • woodsti SATUHjD. Istool le'vfc [OUNC1KG THE EN I ik's New S|ioe Y, SEPTEMBER ZOth •1 . ttrrsrty captain. It was a tHISy four year* fofc earning h^s way through college^ boning for his degree and playing the sort of football demanded by Pop Warner. After he was graduated In a blaze of- ylnry Biff founds .Itueaax to . get. work as a bond salesman. And one day, Herbert Fleishhacker, Jr., pfe. seized 'Biff" to the Imply Miss Claire sk^ bl<tom and bloom fast, much to the ' annoyance of several young blooda in the social register. There was an unfounded ftimor that4 Miss Qtatmihl'S father did not look?" with favor on the romance. The ni/j 3 mor curled up and died when "BMC" w,heht=J!£!lfS::.A2MRAi forty-l eight e ridian, f recori hook fe. . v , • 'd follows, to-wit: CoiK . cojcn^t 4«t wwaslbor «fht> and running thence along an extension of the north line of said lot one hun- --dred eight feet, mora or less, t» the edge of the MiH Pond; thence southerly along the edge of th^ Mill Pond to the point where the south line of said left nnmber eight, if extended west, would , intersp^t ;' said edge of the mill pond; the' east on a line parallel with north fine of said lot to the southmtst corner thereof; 'thence north, t along the west line of, said lot, s^xtj'-six feet more or less, to the plare of beginning situated in the iConnty of McHeary in the State of • lilino^. . , a - TERMS OF SALE 9 IChsh on day of sale, at wKMfc^iw a certificate of sale wii^ be issued • provided b^ said decneei, Ba^ed this 5th day of Septemi • 'jC. fh m °t ^ 5-r" JOKK t:. TRIEDLANC -^Special Master in Chancerv. We offer all new stoc3| America's foremost of Fiwiwew, -f < m pnna Qup-en Quality- Air Mail-- MMi Betty Jaiita ii«] Styleaders-- and others, i WitWha fiuiu AAA FOR MEN FtarshPina-- Friendly FivefMf Brownbilt-- FVmrsonle-- »i»d others. [l'| Widths from AA. FOR CHILDREN Buster Brown-- Howmrt Special*-- and others. C;* W idt hs from . Ar ^ Highest Quality You are cordially invited to come to the Opening of Woodstock's New Shoe Store! Bring; your friends and Me tbs\ Natibri's Newest Creations in! Modern Footwear for Women. f#-. '• lien and Children. ue'f ^ il\ ri:>W 3**1 lirM ^•f ^ tOUVENIRS AT.T- ba* AH • . *1*'^ ig the opening. <U)^we will give free with the parchase ol $6.00 or^ over mf beautiful "Leatherette" p0> lo^ worth^l.00. k 1.4 Ml IVtl' i \ L 1 Be here m the opening day. •m \ -} iJv- 'Hs s • leReal Servioe % **iaq' A fosi; BOWMAN'S BARGAIN' • BASEMENT; €1 ' 1- i • V l i II Tamooa for Valued* Complete assortment «f^| M«nVWMiin'« Children's Footwear at. I ntMl Priors m the | Lowest Prices BOWMAN BROS. SHOE STORE Southeast Corner Square "THE HOME OT GOOD SHOESP^T*"" ~ Ifoodstodr, Mr .Xttbh'i *tVT ,at»;d^««h baa 'v#M llq-wl Iff! Y'OK The young man who simply asserts that be is going to be-a railroad print dent hasn't hitched his wagon to a •tar. He'll find his Wagon jogging along behlad a couple of draft horses. "'fWVfan *M*ziD<V &0OO£i 4 Tm Qivat lafla•emac^|ai A. palace- may, be ,a prison and cottage may become, a tastle of dreams, iflependlhg whether! hate iove'dwelUi wttMa.-^lmce BSrown. b? •/ f. mid i y An cx--- i x k p h o n c the comfort of your bcdx^fcjfe •_ Jry^Jyoii'.c a a., answer late or early calls^tHourlca^ng your bed. And this extra telephone is just a step or so away during the day. You can enhance the con-* venient features of your home with anrcxtcnsion' telephone in the bedroom. The cost is surprisingly > small Just call our Business Office. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BILL SYSTKM ruuU; .i! i >nu BtUt^SpoV and Rabbit Pelt 8 Connection Is Traced ^ Montreal.--The numbers of pelts received by the Hudson's Bay com- DOC paay from year to year since ahouti u 1840 show marked periodic variation. According to an inrestipitlon made^**- at the Dominion observatory, Ottawa, the number of rabbit pelt* was oa thefpC S average three times greater one year, .before the minimum ol sunspota *hrr. at the maximam. Stupidity A(y«f --John T. Bran nan 1 in r ^vTS N«f 10O jdstified In refusing to answer what' he believ^ "stupid" questions by the bar committee on character and fitness after he had pasaed the *tat«-*«»r * examinations^ a court here ruled; One of the <ju«4tion« wn«, "Who dtaccfceral f ^ - J « !! Thot^and Bees Buzz ' ' ' w Radip broadcast ' Clndnbatl. "Ohio.--Letting* the busy bumble bee be was all right for the catch line of a po|p|Har song but U to >tjne revised when WLW" heeded t?) broadcast +T~ the ftfefc ot ± s»%(riB *f\ngry. bees. The ^ ;! • • cent r•aaddii o dramt »rr£: 111111111111111111111111 1JV falle(l u bees, buzzing aS tney (Ittarked aa«fMH)3h-" CroSley _«w*wd, engineer^ tried v ail kinds o( ^zens from' buze-saw^ to home-made •busee* fcukie^l by Hie brm studio . iMlszen^- r^ae» «£ tb«m sounded like bees. Dan Wlnget, in charge of sound effects, tried catching bumble bees. got stung twice and gave It^n^ -1 Tiuta "Boat."' Johna*>n, WLW's featured f^riu«r, who If In ciwfge of the station's farm programs, came to the rescue. Presi. dent of the Indiana Beek eepers' association, he know^ aU ^bott b^es. He br#^itc« -thdasand of them to WLW in a box a foot square. InftiHatea-- wnett djjarette smoke was blown at them through wire screening, tbe beee buzzed for the broadcast • t u u n i » -£ Lai Ton go to the movies a good deal, 1 notice," remarked his neighbor. {flfXe*" sighed H<nry Peck, "lt'S either Stay home and listen to a talkie or go out and listen to one."--Cincinnati --11^14 f I SI" f in - us-<t m t 1 N^iii'w -nn r-iMk ' :¥t <ut tft#- bfcji W 1 ir v Jxeia<f ?a&m ba Jtifkni lit yisnis ?wi!i ce it .ol-Siiv V • Thccut-away illustration shows tbe water extractor (above) and the agitator washing equipment (below) , both in the same tub. There is ample space ----aroMad the extteewr to permit easy filling. Ask •» $>r a your Public Service Store. ^vaf» -teMMSaj & IO mm rH*J. iV ;r<-" &U .{ttlfTOli •Jr * 14< 't.-wtii*" 1 rf?: a' ?*«>' 8^0- Isn#*^ •m, lrM. XM -!!»»»"/ vai V.> »m<>4 w&mr# ss aM ,«ml»R W* -»K *T«t i "4 tWT . _ __ H« NE WtxXHOR Wringerless Washer ontnets the water from ooe batch of clothes whjlg .aaothet .is Jjeing. washed. sv«4 ypifT 4i*insv« j#S. ';ie J*'*®*"*.- w® .qiv? a incii h-i - - - » « ^ f - i . i o * rpjfflp i.o# •' ' & XX hf*. Ili w atfi sKM^-v 9d jpytir k«,\' SKUAS &KSQVX sjM? >e 1 ' i - •r't 'i !f> '• K--*rr)k x?-*C4l THE 1* i-iosl if Thd^ Electric ^Wasbiag«-Madmie-i eliminates all die work of feeding steaming hot clothes through a wrihgef --. and^d^ l^«i-3a^iifwtct eff ^*1?* -Ht- ;4 ' • • i a. *:it a bktch of clothes has. ^oen washed, they axe Ut| trgnsfened frora the tub to the spinier baslfe^ whefe the witer is spun out of (hem. Ac -the same tiaoe, t*i* 91 another fail batch of clothes may be washed in the ___ Tower parr of th6 tub. Washing and "wnagihg" amy (A3 Jbe 4ooe awwnattoilly the aMie'gip^;u- •x 14. (i4w The new Tbor is compact ia design and finished i glistening gusea porcelain. Tested by the Public Service Tfcrang by the Company. ' •. * X•* » ' < «i| t± td~ S4 'Link by LittU "«r *-»rr*irA ) *4S asf - », .m 12* . f Age off AMMsteUity The age of accountability is when r«ra ottffcUL. civlliHOjjp and reaOIss yon are a part of it and blush.--San Francisco Chronicle. •as*!** to»isiai8«««'i6KMI PUBLIC OF NORTH fM3 " I t wi' fjthM ^ TV»' * d* ni iicTOfr lit <«K •>«»!? <\<. >hs; - :•«•Gltgbi £ TM •'-•'4 Based on the three-cents per kilowatt-hour portion* of the new electric rates (at which all electricity will be billed after 12 killowatt-hours per room have been used every month) it costs only ^/5 of a cest an heap to rup an electric washing machine^ ' . " . &S Lv .r-C . , :;>.>«Riss: 4 .eeeial ; .^«ai CRN ILLINOIS p, Dist. Mgr. 7- Telephone 280 KULWiUUms St., Crystal Lake ,«n mUsbst **>£ - 4vaHi* f> "!£.'• * c* 'tsrr/o*; t* t*i f I- 'Mtf ate 4tU <r%4.' M »4».rv'*fe

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