Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Sep 1930, p. 2

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LMND AY, SEPT : / -0m p THE M'HENRY PLAIN DEALER Fobliafaed every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by Charles P, Renich. Entered aa second-class natter at the poStoffice at McHenry, EL, naff the act of May 8, 1879. Subscription Rates OM Year M Wz Month* ^*2.00 «$1.00 "V A. H. MOSHER, Editor and Manafer <#• ORISWALD LAKS V. SL^ Sunday visitors at the hoitre tfr G. J. Burnett were Mrs. W. A. Grantham and son, Walter, of Chicago and 'Mrs. Harry Grantham of Waucond*. Misses Margaret Steinsdoerfer and Addie Raven spent Monday evening with Myrna Bacon. j Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Sutherland of Chicago visited Mr. and Mrs. Wates Harvel Sunday. . . , Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ashbaugh of Richmond spent Sunday aft the home of W. L. Harvel. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Steinsdoerfer spent Monday evening at the Arthur Smith home at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Wayhe Baton and family and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis and family spent Sunday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett visited their daughter at Round Lake Friday. G. J- Burnett was a caller at Crystal Lake Friday morning. Sunday callers at the Burnett home were Mrs. Fred Nordmeier and son, James Dowell and sister, Ada, Tom Dowe\l, Mr. and Mrs. George Cook and son, Ford, Mr. Larsen and sister, and four friends of Chicago. Mrs. Wayne Bacon and children and John Barnings, Jr., and Eugene Geary were callers at Crystal Lake Saturday. Andrew Steinsdoerfer and three children wer<* Crystal Lake visitors Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gnaedinger and jpiend of Chicago were callers at the Leslie Davis home last "Week. • Mrs. Lillian Steinhoff, who has been helping her mother, Mrs. George Scheid, the past ten days, returned to her home at Racine, Wis. James Allen of Barreville was a caller at the Henry Geary home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Burnett called at the A. H. Howard home at Tower Lake one day recently. Misses Belle Harvel and Addie Raven and Alva Ashbaugh and Derwood Poe spent Sunday afternoon at the Harry Ashbaugh home at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. John Barnings were callers at Crystal Lake Saturday. Miss Mae Smith of Slocum Lake visited with Myrna Bacon Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wates Harvel are the parents of a 8-pound boy, born Sept. 19, who will answer to the name of Warren Lee. Wayne Bacon and family were Crystal Lake visitors Tuesday evening . Mr. and Mrs. Howard Harvel of DesPlaines spent tfle week-end at the home Cjf his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Harvel. ; M. J. Smith of Johnsborg was a Sunday visitor at the home of Andrew Steinsdoerfer. Mr. and Mrs. John Barnings and son spent Sunday evening at Crys tal Lake. Callers at the Burnett home the past week were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Howard and son, Allan, of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. A. H- Howard of Tower Lake. Mrs. John R. Knox of McHenry visited with her parents, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Bound Lake were callers at the G. J. Burnett home last week. Mrs. Clinton Raven of Slocum-Lake *nd M?s. Clifford Raven visited with Mrs. Wates Harve)t Saturday. Nick Kennebeck and son attended A t>arty at McHenry last week. Miss Clara Kennebeck and Irvin'g Nester of Woodstock spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Kennebeck. § Mr. and Mrs. John Barnings and son and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Campbell and children of Crystal Lake spent Tuesday in Chicago. •m /2ze and Flood and Baging Blizzard MONITOR TOP \TEVHl-tB the peace and IN the < •B IMMfTctDal-eI*V. General Electric Refrigerator be required w withstand such tests as these. Bat what years of terries you may expect from the refrigerator that can survive the most terrific ravages of time and wear! In the Monitor Top, the entire mechanism is fortified against air, diet and moisture with impregnable wails of steel. A refrig* erator so dependable, so efficient, is within the means of tvrrjitme. Why not drop la and look at one this very day? Our special terms make it awry easy on your pocketbooid --\3 GENERAL ^ ELECTRIC; ALL-STEEL REFRIGERATOR Electric 'Water Cooler* Commercial KtUftrttoa imt Coolest Carey Electric Shop 251 CrcMtt ' MiHcvy i, M n It's Part of Your Service! The opportunity to speak to friends, relatives, "or children in __ tant citics is part of your telephone scrvice. The same telephone you use to call yqar son at college will speed your voice to all corners of the state ... to all parts of the country and, if yoit desire, across the sea. Long Distance telephone falls are surprisingly low in cost. Rates ybcen reduced several times in the past few years so that today, telephone calls to distant citics rr;ay be made-more inexpensively than ever before. Avail yourself of this part of your telephone service. Isn't there an old friend you'd like to speak to today! Long Distance is Quick . . . Clear . . . Inexpensive. Bell Lines Reach Everywhere ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM One Policy • * One System ITnfwtmf Sfrtpftf COMERS AND GOERS 07 A WEEK IN OUR CITY As Seen By Plaindealer Reporters and Handed £f By Oir* Friends • Miss Genevieve Knox Was a Chicago visitor Saturday. Mrs. John Stilling was a Chicago visitor one day last week. Mrs. Charles Rietesel was * <CfcS» cago visitor Wednesday. Mrs. Roy Smith spent last week with Chicago relatives and friends. Linus Newman visited Mr. and Mrs. Gus Ehrke at Solon Mills, Sunday Miss Lizzie Ames of Terra fPott* visited Mrs. Louis McDonald Monday. Mr. and Mrsr. Harry Sampson of Elgin called on friends here Thursdafr; Mrs. Mat Karls and son, Bobby, of Chicago visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Justen have returned from a visit at Denver, Colo. Mrs. William Marshall and son, Billy, we» Waukegan visitors Friday, Misses Dorothy and Rovena Ma*» shall were Chicago visitors last Wednesday. Julia King of Wilmette visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John King, Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. Albert Purvey visited her father, who id ill, Woodstock Monday. L. F. Newman ipent Friday and Saturday in the hoqie of his son ill Chicago. Miss Nancy Frisby and brother, James, spent Thursday with Elgin relatives. Marcellus Meyers - and daughter, Marcella, of Chicago visited relatives here Sunday. - - Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Colman of Chicago spent the week-end in the Fred Karls home. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Mansfield of Woodstock visited in the E. E. Bassett home Sunday. " ' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stevens of Elgin were callers in the W. A. Sa; ler home Sunday. Mrs. A. Krause and Mrs. J. W. Rothermel visited at Crystal Lake one day last week. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Egan and son, Charles, Jr., of Chicago visited relatives here Sunday. C. B. Durkee of California has been a visitor in the Joe Harrer home for the past two weeks. Mrs. F. Utt of Tucsdn, Ariz., was Saturday visitor in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Rietesel. ; Will Cameron of Pennsylvania has been a guest in the Joe Harrer home ,the past two weeks. * 1 Anna and Dorothy Knox of Chicago were week-end guests in the E. KnoX home on Waukegan street. - Frank Gans and sister, Mildred^ spent two days last week with relti^ tives at Orfordville, Wis. Miss Theresa Rrefeld is now employed in Chicago and left tp com* !mence her work Sunday. Mrs. Clarence Whiting and Misses Dorothy and Genevieve Knox were Mundelein visitors Sunday. Mirs. Alma Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. James Rainey were week-end visitors in Laporte, ,Ind. Mr. and Mis. Chris Hapke of Libertyville visited in the home of Mrs. 'William Marshall, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jchn Dreymiller and Mrs. Lee Kircher spent several days last' week at Louisville, Ky. Mrs. W. A. Sayler is spending the week as the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Vernon Besley at Freeport. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kaiser and family visited in the Ray Thomas home at Niles Center, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson and children visited in the Raymond Arvedson home at Milwaukee, Wis., Sunday. Mrs. F. O. Gans returned home Thursday from Orfordville, Wis* where she visited in the home of her brother. Mrs. Thomas Phalin and son, Jack, spent the week-end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. .Richard Stenger at Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Will Bishop add Misses Gertie and Katie Weber visited in the Jacob Miller home at Zenda, Wis., Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert {losing and soil, Alan, of Libertyville visited her parents Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Zoonar of Chicago returned to Chicago Sunday night, after spending two weeks in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Freund'. . $ Mrs. Minnie Miller and son, Theodore, returned home Saturday from a several weeks' visit with relatives in New York City. Mrs. E. R. Sutton, son, Thomas, Miss Anna Frisby and Mrs. J. P. Mc- Glave spent Thursday in the Walter Warner home in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Foss and son, Charles, of Highland Park are visit* ing in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Claxton. Misses Marjory Phalin and Antonette Huetch returned to their work in Chicago Monday, after spending their vacation in Wisconsin. Mrs. Peter Neiss, Mrs. Mat Stef fes and Mrs. Fred Schneider viaited the former's husband at Speedway hospital, Chicago, last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Stark and children, Peter Ruenz, and Mr. and Mrs. George May and children of Zenda, Wis., spent Sunday with the tatter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Smith a Ad daughter, Shitley, Raymond Buchauau and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smith of Carpentersville motored to McHenry Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Leppert are now located in Waukegan, where Dfc Leppert is practicing medicine. Mrs' Leppert was formerly Miss Alice Mil ler of this city. Walter B. Besley, nephew of Mrs< W. A. Sayler of this city, who attend ed summer school at the Chicago University this year, has accepted a position in one of the high Schools at Kansas City, Mo., and commenced his duties on* Sept. 15. . - . RttUborHadbr front Gas By decomposing natural gas at high temperatures and recomblnlng its constituents, products ranging from artificial rubber, anesthetics and motor fuels, to dyes, explosives and perfumes are being obtained, the Department of Commerce reports.--Popular Mechanics Magazine. >-wwvvsiwwwCvwwv« Ford Oil and grease thoroughly. Change engine oil. Plush transmission and rear with kerosene and refill with fresh grease. Remove front wheels and repack with fresh grease. Bpray springs with penetrating oil Tune motor. Adjust distributor points. Clean and adjust spark plugs. Clean sediment bulb and carburetor. j Adjust carbureter. Tighten Intake and exhaust manifolds. Check battery. We will furnish all material and make all the> I above adjustments. Quick service if desired. Car ready when promised. Also low prices on accessories, tires, batteriqfk ^ Buss-Page Motor Sales "We Serve After We Sell" Phone 30 McHenry • It Up If yon should smash your fingernail badly, hold the hand up for at least an hour so that the blood drains out of the finger. This will prevent the blood from congealing at the smashed place and^caoae an-ugly discoloration of the nail. Hew Tkajr Accaaalstd Prospective Bride (to visitor come to view wedding presents)--No, dear all those alarm clocks aren't wedding presents. They are what I had given me by various mistresses when I was in service, to get me up in the morning I--London Opinion. Astronomical "Digit" The Naval observatory • says the • word "digit" (Latin digitus) means astronomically the twelfth part of the diameter of the sun or moon and was formerly used to express the magnitude of an eclipse.; The word is obsolete in this connection. •; f. •3 ;-j-r: '•' . f '* w J ' -i UMWMMMIHMI rCTtpKOTI, ' r n Pi. _ | THIS FOUR-PIECE J only "COME-APART" PAN of Durable Aluminum - • f S&i '• RKaUUUt St VALUEI, little clip locks tho "Como-Apart" Pan together before you pour Ml the batter. You slide the clip off when the cake » baked, letting the pan spring open and .lift off so the cake may codl. A choice of two bottoms, one flat and one with tube, lets you use the pan for almost any kind of cake ... The "Come-Apart" Cake Pan is offered to Northern Illinois homemakers by our Home Service Department, in response to hundreds of requests from women who have seen the pan successfully usediii&f Department's many cooking schools. . AND RECIPES, TOOI with each "Come-Apart" Pan a little boofcfaj| of cake recipes, all specially tested fbr the* new pan, will be given free. > -j, • PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS' E. J. LARKIN, Dist. Mgr. Telephone 280 101 Williams St., Crystal Lakt 1 '•* 4? Having tyecome the local repre- •entati ve f or the 4 ¥ if v We are going to make » Special introductory ofier of these standard high-grade tires, for the next thirty days,' at these exceedingly low oricest 7' FREE With a $lo, or more, purchase, we will give one tube free Walter J. Freund Tire and Tube Vulcanizing mm Battery Charging and Repairing EED West McHenry, HI. ^JBIOH PRESSURE S O x S . . • * 30x3%, reg. - ' ^ , t. - 30x3%, extra 31x4 30x6 (8 p^y) 32x4 ^ \ •? 32x4% 32x6 (10 plj 33x4 • 33x4% 34x4% 29x4.40 29x4.50 30x4.50 28x4.75 29x4.75 30x4.75 29x5.00 30x5.00 31x5.00 32x5.00 28x5.25 30x5.25 31x5.25 28x5.50 30x5.50 30x6.00 31x6.00 32x6.00 33x6.00 34x6.00 31x6.50 32x6.50 32x6.75 33x6.75 10.96 11.60 12.35 12.55 12.60 12.80 12.90 13.10 J 4.68 , 4.89 - 4.98 . *65 . 19.45 9.35 .. 13.10 .. 34.10 - 9.95 - 13.55 - 14.20 Reg. $ 5.55 6.30 6.35 >7.55 f.65 7.^5 7.98 8.15 8.45 9.95 8.98 9.40 ^75 9.95 10.20 11.20 11.50 11.90 12.25* 12.65

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