y< •' w5%«» • *,*•'. .'" - i . •* '<V-*- SLOCTJM'SLAKE m ? ' • ; i«e rt' .... Mrs. Leslie Davis and chi^iren mure Inshiett callers at MeHenrjf Satu^f. Mr. and Mrs. Bay Dowell iM ^Bghters were callses at Wooditod? list Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren atllnded % show at Crystal Lake Satnr- *y evening. . Mrs. Clara Smith and grandson, •^Claire, wen callers at McHenry last Iriday ^ Mr. and Mrs. Jac* Geary were callers at McHenry last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon and children attended the movies at Crys- « tal Lake last Tuesday evening Miss Pearl Foss of Libertyville : spent Sunday afternoo* with home folks here. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Eeping, Mrs. Millard Darrell and . Mrs. Harry l^atthews and sons spent last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. La Doyt -"Matthews at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snyder and UNIBIE5C PER^lTowattkour portion of tfoe new reduced rate lor residential electric service (now in effect) you can F'#IC •>*> for A cents per hour Fmtfier mfomation PUBLIC SERVICI COMPANY NORTHERN ILLlNOdl J. LARK IN. Dist. Mgr. 101 Williams St., Crystal Lata Crystal Lake Phone 280 «f Orayslake and Mr. and Mrs. "Wuty Winkler and children of Wan* lcsgac were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winkler Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter, Prances, spent last Wednes. 4*7 evening at the home of Mh add Mrs.^W T. Converse at Libertyville. Mr. and Mrs. Thomet and Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Brooks of Waukegan visited at the home of Mr and Mrs. H* L. Brooks last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon and children and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis and children spent Sunday at Lincoln Park, Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Maiman of Wauconda spent last Tuesday evening at the home of the later's parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. S. Haas of Wauconda were Sunday callers at the home of Mrs. Clara Smith. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren in Sunday dinner guests at the 1MM of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk nc Round Lake. Mr. and Mrs. William Darrell of Maple Park • were Sunday dinner guests st the home of Mr. and Mrs. WHlard Darrell. Junior Foss is ill at this Writing. Mrs. Richard Dowell and two children of Roseville spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Foss of Libertyville spent Sunday &t the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Foss. Mr. and Mrs. La Doyt Mathews and Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Matthews of Crystal Lake spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks and Miss Lillian Tidmarsh of Wffuoonda called on friends at Zion City one day last week and spent the remainder of the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Larabee at Bristol, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and children and Mrs. Mary Dowell were callers at Lake Zurich last Friday. Henry Geary and son, Jack, ware callers at Antioch last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams and son, James Howard, of Crystal Lake were Sunday supper, guests at the home of Mrs. Clara Smith. Harry Geary and two sons of Grayslake were Sunday afternoon and evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary. Other .evening guests were Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Shaffer of Mcrtenry and Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Geary. W. E. Brooks was a business caller at Waukegan last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping spent Sunday afternoon and evening with friends at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and sons spent Saturday evening at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks were callers at McHenry last Tuesday evening. Mrs. Wayne Bacon and two children, Master Jean Geary and Junior Bantings, spent Saturday afternoon at Crystal Lake. < Mr. and Mrs. Ra> Cook of Zion City were Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks. _ EL TOVAR THEATRE M' ^Crystal Lake Phone 644 •liftiiSii £5# &• • v !-v Last Times Today. H. B. Warner in 'WILD COMPANY" u FBI-SAT- SEPT. 26-27 •*A»*• Ml" asifh CSKVMBM NOW HELKSlSftS SUN.-MON., SEPT. 28-29 Sunday continuous WH1JI Milton Sills Dorothy Mackaill in MAN TROUBLE TUESDAY- WEDNESDAY SEPT. 30 0CT. 1 Jfh V«G J- Harold MUD*. FIF/ DO0C **AY XHncUdht Co°* e> 0,DA THEQDJ, : THTOUTDGDRS RESTING OUT-OF-DOORS "One of the most necessary things when living in the outdoors is to sleep pomfortably. Many amateur vacationists go into- the North woods without the slightest knowledge of how to care for their tired bodies after a hard day along the trail c motoring many hours over a dust] highway," says Murdo Gibson, Camping authority of Outdoor Apierica, Izaak Walton League sMagazine. "Loss of sleep tends to up&et the entire physical system, which natur< ally has much to do towards spoiling part of the time spent in the open. "The collapsible bed is undoubtedly the best for allround use, as it is very compact and light in weight. There .are several very fine beds built es' pecially for the tourist or camper on the market, and it will pay any vacationist to purchase one if he intends to sleep outdooYs in his own tent. Some of these beds have folding springs and are as comfortable as the cozy bed used at home. The ordinary army cot is used by thousands of tourists and answers the purpose fairly well, especially if an air mattress is used in connection with it. However, an extended vaca-* tion trip calls for more comfortable bedding, and the full-sized camp bed is by far the besjt to'select. Two wool army blankets, a heavy wool blanket of the Hudson Bay type and air pillow is enough bedding for average weather conditions and should keep one warm and comfortable when sleeping in a tent. The sleeping bag is also used in connection with the camp bed or cot and eliminates the trouble of making the bed each night as it is built into one unit and always read£ for use. To make a bed from boughs, leaves or straw each night is not very convenient and the vacationist who carries the ready made sleeping equip ment will enjoy sounder sleep and be able to keep fit for the long grind of the outing. Temptation If a man Instantly turned his ears and mind away, the assault would be easily repulsed; but as soon as he opens his ears so far as to dwell upon and dally with temptation, he Is already well-nigh conquered, and the strife is .at the hardest.--John Tauler. Liability The word "limited," after a firm name Indicates that the liability pf each stockholder is limited to the amount of his sfock or shares, or to an amoazit fissthy a guarantee. xmnmiSila, rauisSWr.wfrT.fc. --MCHENRY $ 1 HUNTING COATS, GOLF JACKETS $14.50 DOWN TO $5.00 HE-CLOTHES TERS, Light and Heavy 9.00 DOWN TO $3.00 HE-MEN \ WxGt^wmeym the most appropriate clothing; garments proper to every s< son and every occasion. Winter, Spring, Summer ring the changes; ring in the new, ring out the old. Monday was the first day of our the ducks will be flying and there will be long tramps over marshes and through the sedges around the lakes. Then that brings quiet sound sleep and ambitious . x- Yon may depend upon [Store tofttrnish the sport coats, hunting coats, sweaters, boots, gloves, in fact everything to make you joyous, self-assured, and coift^ fortable. A "man's store for men" invites you to come. Some men, especially those who work in offices retain light underwear all winter. A heavy overcoat, warm gloves and. good stout shoes serve them when out doors. Nevertheless here at Mc- Gee'fe is underwear for you in all weights,„ all sizes. $5.00 DOWN TO, jfhe designers weaves lor men's neckwear make up for the Jack of opportunity to design new •tyles (for th^ four-in-hand an«l bow seem to be with us for good » by patterns, colors, weaver. "The Assortment at McGree's is 'K complete. . * $1.50, • •* • Y*<';' * .. t • f. •••• X'f d\ For hose; well if it's hunting, the big, heavy kind to go inside your boots; for dancing, the black or , clocked silk; for durable everyday wear, then Lisle thread. Be- A gardless of occasion or price you will find the right thing at McGee's. *. •*--375*. 50*. to us that hats this nobbier; have a more rakish Sowing to them, the lines are matitiish, sturdy And rugged, the materials are soft and fine. It's a leasure just to handle these Are you wearing one* QC $8.50 TO 3>«).OD ploas hats. A few sizes last sale at $4.85. In brand new shoes, down to the minute, we, have everything .from sport and novelty designs to serviceable, durable shoes at prices to fit your purse. $10 DOW* TO ! Yes; for every purpose. all colors, styles, lengths, sizes, fnd almost at all prices. Every- Ihing from woolen mittens to 'those snappy styles with black back stitching, turned over selttdges. soft as cloth. Beta pair. $5.00 TO S Some. say Spring is the time one forays among the handkerchief counters, but, a cold is a cold any time. Here are beautiful handkerchiefs for show" in the up* per left breast pocket, and others for plain, downright everyday use. 4 i\ 504 DOWN TO lUC /ell, Out goes the cat; up goes fhe alarm clock; and in goes the lboy" between the covers for a long night's restoring rest in a suit of pajamas from McGee's. |taft texture, attractive colors, Comfortable and good looking. $2.50 TO •%4 .1 Your Fall Shirts, Suittmd Top Coat are all here--waiting for you RAY McGEE'S STORE A Man's Store for Men . MCHENRY i.i*r 1 ' ,»• '•JMkfc ih lUkiiut nT iWirt