Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Oct 1930, p. 12

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imilf H mill if t i t i A L O N G LIFE'S T R A I L ^ ' Br THOMAS ARKLE CLARK ' |t»n of Men. University af IIHaot*. I l l 1 I l i t I FRIENDSHIP I sat beside Ooble the other night ft • dinner and we got Into conversation as to bis future. He is about to graduate and J he has done very well so far as his college wort Is c o n c e r ned. He doesn't know quite what he wants to Stl&'&i1 1 take op as a life work, but that is a quite common s i t u a t i o n w h i c h Kj'"' PS,- r . : ' - need not give him much concern. ?K Gobie has not been a very popular . imaft. He was extremely active In the * igenferal affairs of college and yet he rlirlssed election to senior society, and 'f'i'l know be wonders why. It would not jbe hard to explain to him. He has a xynioal, indifferent manner; he never ; Igoss half way tn meeting people. He , stands on the outskirts and looks on »t a gathering of which he may be a 'part, with a little superior supercilious (smile on his face which does not draw 'men to bim. "I have not made a really close friend," he confessed to me, "durin*g . the four years I have been in college. I meet some one to vhom for a few •weeks I feel attached, and then something occurs which aunoys or disappoints or bores me, and I drop the fellow nnd pick up another only to be disappointed in him in a similar way. Is there something the matter with me, or are they to blame for the situation?" It is Coble's manner which causes his friends to appear at their worst when with him. He expects too much, and he gives too little. „ I first met Henry almost forty years ago. He had had a very different training from what I had received; he had come from a remote part of the country where the civilization is older and more conservative, but we became friends at once. I have seen him regularly during all these years. We do not think alike on all subjects --in fact we have quite opposite views in many cases, but each permits the other without rancor to hold to whatever views appeal to him. Scarcely a day goes by that I do not see him, and always It Is with a satisfaction "and a feeling of pleasure. Life would be harder without this relationship. I have learned to depend upon his . friendship as I feel sore he depends upon mine. (©, 1928. Western Newspaper Union.) Boy thuHer" Locates Obstruction ia Sewer Geneva, Ohio.--A Geneva youngster emulates Jean Val Jean by exploration of balky Geneva sewers. Donald Parks, aged twelve, crawled the halfmile length of the main artery of Geneva's west side storm sewer system. He found the obstruction that has caused the flooding of this entire section of the village during excessive rains. He removed the obstruction, a collection of debris that filled the 24- inch main at a critical spot. It cost the village $2, four hours' crawling at 50 cents an hour. Arthur Trumbull, superintendent of streets, conceived the Idea of having the sewer tested by man power, boy power, -or whatever power he could Induce to <!iewl in. It accomplished thq end for which the village had at times contemplated tearing op the entire main. Toung Parks came up at each manhole for air and candy. Mr. ^rumbull, fearing that the boy might tire of his job, offered Inducements In frequent applications of candy to spur on the good work. Russian Engineer Makes Paper Out of Seaweed Moscow.--An engineer named Veil jefF was struck with the idea that seaweed probably contained the essential substances for making paper. Now he has evolved a process which allows this to be done on a large scale at a remarkably low cost. A factory nearing completion in the neighborhood of great sea lakes in Siberia wQl, It Is estimated, yield an annual seaweed crop of 100,000 tons. By means of novel machinery, seaweed can be converted into paper in less than half an hour. Arabs Launch Drive to Reduce Price of Wives Jerusalem.--Both married and marriagable Arabs have started a movement to reduce the price of wives. The Palestine Arabs complain that the price of good wives has gone up from .$500 to $1,500, while the pre-war value of a wife ranged from $75 to $100. They state that at the present rate men have to borrow money in order to embark on the sea of matrimony. Wrong la FtToritba We may concede any man a right without doing any man a wrong; but we can favor no one without injuring •sim one.--Colton. Realism Untrue Realism as a literary method Is fundamentally untrue to life. -- James Branch Cabell, A Glass Win dpi pa Pougl&eepsie, N. I.--The man who breathed^through a gLass tube 10 years Is dead. Hugh Keenan, whose windpipe was removed and a glass tube substituted, died aftec a short illness. Maoa's Temperature The temperature of the moon reaches 265 degrees Fahrenheit at high noon and falls to 196 degrees below zero Fahrenheit at the time-of a total eclipse. Wis* Indeed Sitjt lt a wise young widow who never lets an admirer know how wise she Is.--Detroit News. History a Pictara In effect, history is only a picture ol crimes and misfortunes.--Voltaire. «==53G3E3[=1&=& $ Dollar Day LADIES' PURSES, black and dark colors 41 7 yds. 30-in., Heavy White OUTING FLANNEL $1 Odd lot of APRONS 2 for $1 Odd lot of SHOES, some men's, boys' and children's ~ --- -rrv • Per P»ir $2 BOYS' LUMBER JACKS $1 11 boxes SARDINES in olive oil for 1 $1 A number of other specials. Come--you aire wc Bros. Regner's Market Main Stmt tfttartUy, NOT. t 1 lb. SLICED BACON 1 lb. PORK SAUSAGE, 1% lbs. PORK CHOP# S lbs. BONELESS BRISKET OR RUMP CORN BEEF jtt 5-lb. CALLIE HAMS ---- - »9X 7 lbs. FRESH PORK SHOULDEfe 5-lb. POT ROAST BEEF T--.. 7 lbs. Spareribs '-4J1 $1 *1 5 lbs. Old fashioned Ring Bologna 6/2 lbs. SWIFT'S SILVER LEAF LARD'Z $1 91 wfc IS Bar* 10c Hand Soap - $1 Many good $ Day Items in Groceries. Come in and see what you can get for a dollar, y/. Regner's Grocery anil Marfiet Phone 3 Main Street 'In IfCeAaGsBwmipi 1 vnvnL miviRMfii . OF MOUND BUILDER Tsui Cafsi Yield Important ^ : Discoveries. v '-vF • ^Sfilngton. -- Caves df' Texas, Inhabited by an ancient people, may help science to explain how the myaterloits mmind builder culture found its way to the Mississippi valley, where it flourished In prehistoric times. Matthew W. Stirling, chief of ^he, bureau of American ethnology, has* just returned from exploring this western region, which is still practically untouched by archeologlsts. He reported finding caves bearing traces of hupan occupation and apparently well worth Investigating by Smithsonian institution expeditions. The Indians, who built fires in the c*ve shelters, aqd left their broken lools and dinner bones there to be buried In dust and debris, were probajbly similar to the basket makers of the early Southwest, Mr. Stirling's trial digging revealed. ^Greatest' Interest Iri these caves Unges on the fact that they are along tjke route where the mound builder culture* presumably advanced' if it spread overland from Mexico to the Mississippi valley. Here may be preserved some evidence of those ancient happenings. One question to be ^Tniswered, Mr. Stirling explained, is whether there was an actual migration of Aztec or some other tribe from the south, or whether the Mexican Indians merely passed along by trade contacts their Ideas of building high' places, and art designs, and other knowledge and customs that they shared with the Mississippi valley mound builder*' ., John StaOtod feltk. music to wMeU Star Spttefled Banner" Is song; was bora hi 1750 at Gloucester, England, and died at Lon don, September 3, 1834. He was an able organist, an efficient tenor singer, an excellent composer, and an ae complished antiquary. He was the author of "To Anacreon In Heaven," a variation of which is the music used today In singing "The Star Spagfled Banner." Malay Saparstitioa If a Malay woman puts an inverted sarthenware pan on her head, and Utett, setting it upon the ground, fills it with water and washes a cat in it until the animal. Is nearly drowned, she firmly believes heavy rain will certainly follow. V Aad Will Toi a*e .man who sj>end8 today bragging about what he Is going to do tomorrow did the same thing yesterday.--Gap- «£r*j. Weekly. s v- ^ rj- ' -V' VSVSaa ef MarAt ia Aatridi * • Murat, the famous French marshal, brother-in-law of Napoleon, and sometime king of Italy, was condemned by, a court-martial in 1815, and shot. His son, Napoleon Achiiie, came to the United States a few years after his father's death and settled in Florida. He was ajjpointed postmaster of a small tojrn In that state, and died tn 1847. Ilea aad Pears Men often remind me of pears In Itimr way of coaria* fctnwturity. torn are ripe at twenty aad ntfst be aM the most of, fob their day i* soon over. Some come Into their perfect condgHfla late, like the aotonoi kinds, and flMfr last better than the summer fruit. And some, that have been hard and uninviting until all the rest have bad their season, get their glow and perfume long after the frost and snow have done their worst with the orchards.-- Oliver Wendell Holmes. - - • Calculating Ufa's Sfts The extreme life span of the higher animals may be estimated with a fair degree of accuracy by multiplying by four or five the number of years which the young of the species requires to reach maturity. For instance, suppose a species of wolf matures at three years. The greatest age reached by Individuals of ihe species would be from 12 to 15 yea/fc--Pathflnder Magazine. :s „ High Crosciag Tower '•"!TOle',ei the River Forth "^rosadjtjf towers erected at Kincardine, Scotland, in connection with the Central Scotian$- eieetricity project. Is 34&-fa(|ta^ Aneiaat Wlaa Wine exhibited in a museum at Speyer, on the Rhine, ia 1,600 years old.. It is in an old Roman flask, which was discovered during excavations. marshdll's McHenry Bakery Qreen Street Saturday, Nov. -1 % do* 8TOAE or SCOTCH COOKIE8„ SPECIAL FOR YOUR DOLLAR 9 DOZ. of above cookies Forty Soldiers Shot for Share in Mutiny Paris.--A sensational dispatch oomes from Fez, in Morocco, to a Berlin newspaper, with dramatic details of an alleged mutiny in tl»e French Foreign Legion. It, is said to have resulted in 400 men being sentenced to death, the sentence being actually carried out in 40 cases. The newspaper, the Natlonale Sozlallst, states that the Third battalion of the Second regiment of the Legion mutinied on July 10 when about to go into action north of Skuras. The whole battalion was disarmed and court-martialed, and every man--400 of them--was sentenced to death. According to the French custom, one man in every 10 was told to fall out and was shot. The 300 survivors had their sentences commuted to penal servitude for life and have been sent to work In the mines at Kenadso and labor on the roads. Among the men put to death are said to have been 24 Germans, three Austrians, two Bulgarians and 11 Russians. The German newspaper adds force to the story by publishing the names and places of origin of the Germans and Austrians who are said to have been executed. * Scotland Yard Men Get Out Ahead of Crooks Ballater, Scotland.--The polished society crook follows the court to Balmoral and so do Scotland Yard detectives. Some of the highly-tralored manhunters arrived In Deeslde before arrival of the king and queen. Incoming trains are met and passengers are closely scrutinized. Many of the white-gloved thieves, police say, receive invitations to functions from sons of peers after a chance acquaintance while the latter are imbibing freely. "It Is wonderful how much trouble an invitation given by a peer's son when he is in his cups can do," a retired detective observed. Because of the notoriety attached to a Jewel theft, the police say, the losers often take the loss without informing authorities. 110o1u rAdveriirm mb Ottr.TOUdiV®® Newloc Month t uou DANISH COFfKS 0AKX& rcggj&r 1 $1.00 '*%• fc:*' Ims Chicken Shoot and Old Timirlyfle Match November 2, ' . Starting 9 a.m. f ^ - McHenry Rifle Club Rangd 3 Miles East of McHenry on Route 20, turn South 1 Mile Lake School Watch Signs. Drive to Fixing Line. High Power 22 and Pistol Matches. Special Matches for Inexperienced Shooters. All Matches Shot with Any Rifle with Iron High Power must he Center Fire, 22's Rim. : v Otuis and Ammunition on Range for Those YtTho Have None BRING LtJNCH AND STAY AL1\ Di Everybody Invitef "r% K* > * Senate Office Building Get* } Beauty Parlor Washington.--The senate has taken a long step toward equal rights for women. A beauty parlor has been established in tfife senate office building! It was installed primarily for the convenience of the many stenographers and secretaries employed by senators, although the senate candidacy of Ruth Hanna McCormlck of Illinois also may have had something to do with It. The senate, known as a club for men only," first showed signs of weakening last session when It permitted women in the senate chamber for the first time. f / Main Street Store y. NOV. I McHenr : 5' „ v. iS? . Finest Granulated Cane ;; w 19 lbs. for $1.00 " Gem " GolderiC • - Santos. *. S lbs. for Sl.OO ' -1 One 24^-lb. bag of Spencer's "Early Riser" Flou^ One 5-lb bag of Spencer's Pancake Flour, and one 5-lb., bag, your choice of Spencer's Buckwheat Flour, Buckwheat Self-rising Pancake Flour, Rye Floor, Corn Meal, Graham Flour or Breakfast Food 'Our Best Grade" Ferndell -braid of coffee, Dollar Day Special . 2 ^ lbS - H I maxim' .1 CORN, No. 2 siie Plymouth Rook v "fanned cota ^ . ^ cans for „ V "Petticoat Rule" of Town Opposed on Pound Law Tellvllie, Ark.--The feminine city government of Tellvllie Is having its troubles. As a remonstrance against the "petticoat rule," the city pound fence has been cut repeatedly, liberating stock which has been Impounded. One of the first measures adopted by the women after they won in a city election was an ordinance prohibiting stock from running at latpt;*^ Father Too Particular Paris.--Some men are too particular. Because his son was served before him at dinner, Robespierre Godtn, a Paris florist, father of 25 children, fired a revolver at the young man. But he missed his son and hit his wife, the buUet cutting off the end of her nose. PEAS, "Peter Rabbtl" , No. 2 siie " sv8 cans fo^i*-, Peas, SALMON, Raceland, fancy pink, NtO. 1 tall can, Dollar Day Special 8 cans for 1 FRUIT SPECIAL, One 2ft can Dole's No. 1 Sliced Pineapple, one large can Hunt's Superior Peaches, one large can Hunt's Superior Apricots * and one large can Hunt's Superior Pears All 4 cans for > Rare Hand of Card* A "Yarborough" Is a hand of IS cards, none of which is above a nine. The odds against holding such a hand are 1,827 to L It is named for an Englishman who held the hand. TEA SET, Decorated Japanese China Tea Bets, consisting of a 6-cup teapot, cream pitcher and sugar bowl. ^ " These beautiful sets . . mi^ i.^ MIXING BOWLS, Fancy decorated mixing bowls, a nest of ^ -- •••' 5 Bowls for LINEN TOWELING, Stevens pxn!f > unbleached linen toweling 0; 5 yards for TABLE CLOTH, M«roeriaed Table DmMk, 64 in. wide, rose colored border ; - 2 yards for ro, trnbiwh^ 81 in. wide . i *, \ ' 3 yards foy'nii.'i " !">•'» iv. awtiritR FLANMSL, Plain aohwi, ^nk, Nm /> ! < or white, 36 in. wide ^ ,^vti m yards for ..w,.*. i pm BLANKETS, Single ©otton, plaid bed blanks*, - # i 70x80, each £4$" #2Z CANVAS GLOVES, Extra heavy canvas gloves, I an unusual valuer K \ • 1 .iT' j - 8 pairs for * ••• Seteo Maaadsrs From Paris to the sea as the robin flies is only about 112 miles, but as the Seine flows It is nearly 200 meandering lengths of the same measurement PICTURES, 15x23, carved effect wood frames, reproductions of paintings by famous artists, regular $1.50 and $2.00 values* on Dollar Day, each .«#*>. >.#s MEN'S SHIRTS, Men's collar baigjf Dress Shirts, Values to ' $2.00, each . OVERALLS, Men's Blue Denim Overalls and Jackets, KMsh garment dona linnf .at in i - • ... : ^ * J8

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