Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Nov 1930, p. 8

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RETCTBHS •t, ^ nnejr .. JMarengo Marengo Dotiutm IJ» 8. SENATOR McCormidt Lewis *7 t ,62 ..181 -^.§53 >.158 ^~^t50 .117 - 112 H, •<« ri'j rV h", &-.: B OKKKN 8*. HoHENST, ILLINOIS ' * : V IllMHIIIlll I'f *^.iffl«)jl llllji 1#n1l.llll'|H"T ,*** Sat., Hov. i Jones ill "Hen Without taw' A Great Western* Gomedy-News-Etc. .252 ... 212 34 122 . ^ & 122 108 Cbenuui dMorant Cfcsntunc Alden .. Grafton Hart I and Seneca Coral .. Dorr 1 Dorr 2 Dorr S Dorr 4 Greenwood Hebron Richmond Burton McHenry J. McHenry 1 McHenry % Nunda 1*'" Nunda 2'.... Nunda 3 .... Algonquin 1 AlgronquiQ 2 Algonquin S Algonquin 4, Algonquin 5 7T lit : . -12#J| W • Rtrhmnml SSErf 1 MeHeary • MeHeary » Nnnda 1 Nanda 2 . Nunda 8 . AlgonQutn 317 [Algonquin AUronquip Algonquin Algonquin •ifS M MB COUNTY «UBli • •••*•_ . Wood* Riley i 40 ; Marengo~l ^...199 Marengo 2 ' 0, - ' 158 *K Dunham .... Chemung, 1 Chemung 2 Chemung 3 Alden r•a'rmflisi n 89 73 -ii •m h> Sunday, Nov. 9 Sunday Matinee 2:30 Constance Bennett in " Common Chy Don't Miss This 99 wi* Oamedy-News-Etc. Wednesday-Thursday Nov. 12-13 Hartland Seneca . "Joral GraftoflC FOt;:U.S. BJEFEESEJiTATiy® £ ; Reid Schaeffer porr 3 , Rii«f 40 ; Marengo 1 ^ "1U--201 i Marengo !•/ Dunham ,./ / ' 154 Chemung 'v.'n- 42€ Chemung S Chemung Alden ... Hartland Seneca Coral ---...117 Grafton 198 Dorr 1 405 Dorr 2 --lyy ~t y Dorr 8 ^ Dorr 4 77 Greenwood *. .144 Hebron --256 Richmond ---- 273 Burton ---- 69 McHenry 1 122 McHenry 2 185 McHenry 8 117 Nunda 1 .' v-.". Nunda 2 | Nunda 3 ... Algonquin 1 .......Jl....--201 Algonqiua 2 216 Algonquin 8 T---- 241 Algonquin 4 133 ..,204 % ""-jfr-• ^ 84 •Js-H*. ...119 .194 617 ... 568 t»~~----- 89 Dorr 8* Greenwood 1W , Hebron .268 Richmond 272 1ME Burton ---Li....*-- 78 McHenry 1 --...135 ® McHenry $ - 44 McHenry 8 Nunda 1 (" •' . ; v Nunda 2 13|' _ Nunda 8 <241 '•® Algonquin 1 ^Tflf 168 %• Algonquin 2 ^ Algonquin 3 Algonquin ^ 20 Algonquin:- 5 "^^4. 52 j 41 s 106 253 91 ib# 286 :.18S 6099 89 1<^ 112 107 U M 4? 190 182 ' 287 m 86 99 118 H _! 001 As Seen By PlaindBatef &iporters and HamM Jn Mi Rlarengd I Marengo 2 JBEA8UREE Peteit ... 40 ~.1&® gg-Dunham Her Unbora Chili" Bladder Weakness • If Getting' ITp Nights, Bnckacha^ "4lnQUent day calls, Leg Pains, Nerv« OUsness, or Burning, due to functional Bladder Irritation, in acid tondltions. makes you feel tired, depressed and discouraged, try the Cystex Test. Works fast, starts circulating thru the system in 15 minutes. Praised by thousands for rapid and positive action. Don't Rive up. Try Cystex (pronounced Siss-tex) today, under tho Iron-Clad Guarantee. Must quickly allay these conditions, improve restful sleep and energy, or money back, Only 60c at BOLGER'S DRUG STORE Algonquin 5180 161 116 156 125 86 2550 FOB SHERIFF Edinger Riley .... Marengo Marengo Dunham Chemung 1 Chemung 2 Chemung 8 .. Alden ; Hartland Seneca . Coral ... Grafton Dorr 1 ... Dorr 2 ... Dorr 3 Dorr 4 ..^i. Greenwood Hebron ...161 .„.26T Chemung 1 Chemung 2 Chemung 3 Alden ... Hartland Seneca . Coral Grafton ' Dorr 1 . Dorr 2' . Dorr 3 . Dorr 4 Greenwood Hebron ...." Richmond Burton .... McHenry McHenry - McHenry Nunda 1 Nund^ 2 .. Nunda 8',,. Algonquin* Algonquin Algonquin Algonquin Algonquin Sullivan ....105 127 ...£76 177 AA. A A A A A A A A A ^ ^ A. *4a A ^ These Banks will bs Closed all Day, Tuesday, Norenbtr tf. ZM %#&* m.'v. -r. A Mi) overnmen c- W&-' Armistice Day, Tuesday, Nov. 11, recalls an incident which occurred in jthe McHenry County Circuit Court a few years ago, when the late Judge Charles H. Donnelly was presiding. It was on Naturalization Day. Among the applicants for their second papers appeared an Austrian, named Michael Umathum. The government representative was putting the ciistomary questions to the applicant and, as is„ common among those desiring citizenship, Mr. Umathum became somewhat puzzled as to the proper answer. The interrogator was spending quite a little time in trying to get over his point, when the ofd judge stopped him by remarking; *\ | "There is a gold star hanging In "window of this man's home." "The government is satisfied Yo'urj Honor," and immediately recoi mended that Mr. Umathum be mac citizen, without further questioning.' One of the Legion posts in this county has since been named for the son* McHenry Post is sponsoring a big carnival and dance at the Bridge Ball Boom Tuesday afternoon and evening. Will you be thferet This Space is Contributed to the American Legion by Banks of McHenry jWi _\'r ? . &£&&& Har<Sld Phalin and Leroy Conway attended h football game at Notre Dame Saturday. * Miss 'Lillian Dolierty %a« a Chicago visitor Saturday. * ; w > "•; Mr. and Mrs. Jee Welw visitfki nt Ringwood Sunday. ' John Givens of Chicago, spent Sunday at his home here. Mr- and Mrs. Jo% Smith were Chicago visitors Tuesdajr. ^ George Jus ten was abiulfee&s yiaitor in Chicago Friday. V y, Louis Bonslett of Chicago wnji. a McHenry visitor Sunday. 4 Francis Bonslett of (ftiicagfo Was a McHenry visitor Tuesday. Miss Irene Conway of Elgin* spent Sunday at her home here. " t:: ' « Miss Murdock of Chicago wAr a* McHenry visitor Tuesday. # A Mrs. Mary McCabe of Chieago 9Pdnt Sunday with relatives here. Vern Long of Chicago called on relatives here Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Schmitt visited in Chicago over the week-end. Mrs. E. E. Cropley of Solon Mills •6ras a McHenry visitor Friday- Misses Ruth and Kathleen Ppwer3 were Chicago visitors Saturday. Misses Leone and Kathleen Givens were Chicago visitors Saturday. Mrs. John Knox and Mrs. Mat Laures were Elgin visitors Monday? Mrs. John Walsh of Fox Lake call ed dn relatives in this city Sunday • Thomas Knox of Chicago spent Sunday and Monday with home folks. Harold Powers of Chicago was a Sunday visitor iff the E. Knox home. Miss Etta Levey of Chicago visited Mrs. Ella Wheeler, Sunday afternoon. Miss Margaret Aylward of Chicago spent Sunday with relatives here- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith and children of Harvard visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Freund and children were Waukegan visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward of Elgin visited in the M. 4* Conway home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith and Edward Smith visited at Chicago Heights, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Purvey and son visited relatives at Woodstoo Sunday. y Mr. and Mrs* Richard Stenger rf Waukegan visited . relatives ^erfr Tuesday. Mrs. Elizabeth Laures visited her daughter in Crystal Lake a feyT days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Sheltftn of Wao. tkegan spent the week-end *t her tiome hem / Mr. and Mrs. Martiti May 'spent Sunday in the home of their son -At Fox Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Warner and children of Elgin visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Georpe Scott and •daughter, Mary, of Wauconda visited here Fridajf. ' B. S. Martin and daughter, Kathrine, of Round Lake visited relatives here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Winklemati and son of Melrose Park visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lundgren tuul daughter, Elaine, of-Crystal Lake vi& ited here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stoffel of Waukegan were McHenry visitors over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Froehlich of Lake Zurich spent Saturday evening with friends here. Miss Janet Fox of Deere, Wis., spent the week-end as the guest of Miss Lillian Doherty. Joseph Thelen, Sr., spent a few days last week in Chicago with - his sister and friends. Miss Anna Thelen ntnraed home Sunday after spending a week with her sister in Chicago. > Mr. and Mrs. George Schlitt of Chicago were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mat Laures. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weingart and Mrs. Elizabeth Laures were Waukegan visitors Saturday. Miss Ruth Holm of Williams Bay, Wis., was a Sunday visitor In the home of Mrs. B. Frisby. Mrs. Mary Sable of Grayslake is visiting this week in the home of her daughter, Mrs. T. W. Winkel. Misses Frances Casey and Leta Jacks of Evanston were recent callers in the home of Mrs. B. Frisby. Mr. and Mrs- Wm. F. Burke, Mrs. M. D. Fowler and J. B. Kelter were Crystal Lake visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Short of Chi cago were week-end guests of the latter's sister, Miss Lou Snyder. Mrs. Harry Alexander of Hebron spent the week-end In the home <>f her sister, Mrs. Robert Thompson. Mrs. Jack Behlke and daughter, >, of Chicago were Sunday visit in the home of her father, John Mrs. S. J. Bienaphyl have from the Quinn cottage east river to the Wm. F. Burke MWs Caroline Miller Of Wilmette was * Sunday visitor in the home, of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe N. Miller. \ Mr. end Mrs. Lloyd Eddy and Arthur P«terson of Grayslake ivcrc | quests cf Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Eddy [Sunday. D. Fowler returned to her Monday, after spendguest of Mrs. Wm. daughter, Viola, and of Woodstock were . guests in the W. A. Sa^er home. Mrs. Elmer Jergens of Mlwaukee, -'TV, !:< , ; spent the ) of her Stilling. past week in the Mrs. M- •;v "w- *• . t' *x^ < " A & -0- , . > is* A . LONG as joy is mdre to be desired " . than sadnesS^ so' long as gaiety- rather than gravity is the handmaid of happiness; so long P as hope of the future is to be preferred over the •: - experiences of the past; just so long will our v l National Holidays be celebrated in a Spirit of victory rather than that of sorrow and B retrospection^ u; •> *4k 'Xv v. « •i- kl ^ vr Day, has been adSed another great holiday, growing - Memorial Day, %idepeiideiH5e Tfttf ThankBg4vifi|f greater, too, as the years slip behind the curtain of the pae^ P *2?'This occasion is Armistice Days November 11th, in eel# ^ :"V bration of that other day, when, in an ordinary railw " oo:ac h "o"n" a "-^ ide'tr ack ^som- ewhere in Franee," the leaded ni of great contending armies signed the pact Which siience4-^^ Ofe-; -^the machine g-u ns, . grounde. d• the fighting ' plaiu^, axui fi:; covered the field guns--let us hope--^-forevw. + ^ ' "*>V& ;'l'i V *T*°u celebrate itth, itsS occasion in McHenry, Tuesday ": ^ " noon apd evening, November 11th, McHenry Post, .491, thi frj American: Legion, will hc^d it Carnival , and danee at tkw- Bridge -Ball Room in McHenry. „1 ^ ~m ** • ^"i nfV'St?# •. •Sa m Vt. r-; * $his place, formerly kaown m "Petty ' w, be dressed in carnival colors and all decked out in gain ^SK * \ -%Ai- 5^ ^•3?he Skylarks, under tke direction of Frtfhkie Gaiis, w^ll '?$ " I-* discourse popular music, dance music, and will make' yo|t feel glad and gay. There will be carnival booths, amonji . ^f5t them being an airplane game, a merchandise booth, refreshment booth, * game of fortune and many othc^ amusements. There il a reception committee and a floor^' ;" committee and every arrangement has been made to vide you with a good time. _ :S'&s •3% • v K' , » > ^he tickets are only $3^00, ladies all tm, y*d will have the time of your young life. \ ^ .4 ••iy . «.« ***** • 1 '* ,* X •• , \-'-J •r ' ^ *" -a '*'* • w- ' / JS .!' 1 T c'* 0 v In the hope that it will help bring a large < crowd and thus assist them in their great work, this advertisement is donated to the American J Legion with the compliments of v J»*SS :*A:. -m a£ir. *• fit*' '• «?,v i.*' Registered PhafmocUts Always ln Charge; ^ ' "Always Buay" r McHenry --

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