Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Nov 1930, p. 4

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THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER Published every Thursday at MtfHenry, 111, by Charles F. Renich. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at MeHeftiy, m> der the act of May 8, 1879. ^ OM Year Months Subscription Rate* 42.00 ...41.00 A. H. MOSHKR, Editor and Minager ft i ifpri IS? Els- * I-.'; TERRA COTTA of rt ' Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Heifer Libertyville visited at the home i. Frank McMillan Sunday. ? Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox were Woodstock visitors Monday. * Mr. and Mrs. James Pierce of Chi- : • cago spent the week-end with Mr. and l\ Mrs. I'. A. Huffman. 1 Glenn McMillan of Chicago visited ! at his home here Sunday- ! George R. Cook of Crystal Lake visit ited friends here Sunday. / Mrs. T. Templeton and Mrs. Walter Davis of Dundee visited at the Leisner home one day last week. Miss Florence Knox spent Sunday • with her sister hi Chicago. Mrs. Henry McMillan and Glenn • McMillan visited relatives in Elgin I Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox spent last j ' Wednesday evening with relatives in Geneva and Aurora- Raymond J. Riley of Chicago spent {Sunday at his home he#* . flublkw >*• Nine Years Mary Jane Laures celebrated her ninth birthday anniversary Wednesday afternoon by inviting her school friends to a party at her home t>n Main street from four to six o'clock. Games were played and prizes, were won by Norma Oeffling, Mary Louise Johnson, Georgia Meyers and Alice Nickels. After a jolly time at the games, refreshments were served, with decorations in pink and white .and a beautiful birthday cake as the center of attraction. Those present were: Norma and Verlaine Oeffling, Betty and Georgia Meyers, Shirley and Esther Colby, Kathrine Rother. mel, Mary Louise Johnson, Marjory Duker, Sarah Miller, Rosa Popp, Betty Buss, Alice Nickels, Evelyn Weingart, Ardine Hoffr Lorraine Jtnox and Lily Brda. r Closely AlrfA Illusions and hallucinations are both false sense-perceptions, and the dls- : tlnctioa between them is difficult to define. ~ ' ILLE] THEATRE, -WOODSTOCK. Woodstock's Beautiful P lay House Matinees Sun.-Wed.-Sat. 2:30 Evenings 7-9 THURSDAY-FRIDAY The Two Black Cro^K' Moran and Maelt in "Anybody's War" IS, • PV I m SATURDAY GIFT NITE The entire display in the lobby, consisting of 27 articles, will be given away on every Sat. nite. Richard Dix in M Shooting Straight" ««VL ' Talking Comedy ^ Movietone News SUNDAYS 4r Edward Everett Horton in "Once a Gentlemai^ with Lois Wilson 4 * ^ also "Broadway on Parade" All Technicolor Re' Talking Comedy Movietone News Monday-Tuesday « WEDNESDAY "The Spoilers" The Great Rex Be&oh Story with Gary Cooper Kay Johnson Betty Compson THURSDAY FRIDAY * . "Manslaughter" with , ' &fJlaudette Colbe|i>: ^ Frederic March ^ ^ High School Party The Sophomores of the McHenry Community high school entertained the faculty and other members of the school at a Hallowe'en party held in the gym Saturday evening. According to the custom at these parties the Freshmen were special guests and were initiated during the ^evening. Among other stunts which made up the initiation were a pie eating con. test for the boys in which George Vales was the winner and a gum chewing contest for the girls in which Miss Lillian Segel won the prize for blowing the largest bubbles. The large room was prettily decorated in black and yellow festoons of crepe paper and corn stocks, pumpkins and jack-o-lanterns for the occasion. Games were played and dancing was enjoyed after which .refreshments were aer**#/^ Eastern Star McHenry chapter, No. 547, Order of the Eastern Star, will observe Advanced Officers' night next Monday evening. The associate matron, Mrs. Calla Perkins, will act as worthy matron for the evening. The chapter has received an invitation to attend grand lecturers' night at Bethel chapter, Elgin, on Friday evening, Nov. 14. The worthy matron of McHenry chapter, Mrs. Arline Pearson, will act as Ruth at Union chapter on Nov. 7, and as Adah at Algonquin chapter on Nov. 12. Dr. R. G. ChamberJin, worthy patron of the chapter, will apt g* secretary at i Algonquin chapter on Nov, 18. i - Hallowe'en Party Misses Viola Engels and Martha Miller1 entertained a party of friends at the home of the former at Spring Grove Friday evening. The home was decorated for the occasion ift Hallowe'en colors. Games were played and all attended the dance at Richmond later in the evening. After the dance refreshments were served at the home of Miss Engles. Misses Gwendolyn Carpenter and Frances Beebe received prizes for the best costumes'. Guests were Misses Elsie Kohls, Helen Clausen, Evelyn Holtz, Gwendolyn Carpenter, Frances Beebe, Mabel Mackey, Rose Mfller, Lillie Benecke, Edna Thurcw, Mary J us ten, all of Woodstock, and MfijrgyetMilletj of Johnsburg. • .+• HUH , 1930 EraeraW Brtftfe Club The ladies of the Emerald Bridge club Mfith their husbands, surprised Mrs. E. fl. Sutton at her home Sunday evening in honor of her birthday anniversary.* She was presented with, a gift from the guests. Bridge was played and "prizes were won by Mrs. E. R. Sutton, Di*. N. J. Nye, Mrs. Albert Krause and Albert Vales. Those present were Miss Lou Snyder, Dr. and Mrs. N. J. Nye, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krause, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vales, Mr. and Mrs. V.* Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Diets and Mr- and Mrs. Perry Short. Griswold Lake Five Hanctred Cliib The Griswold Lake Five Hundred club met at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. George Schaid and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Kennebeck during the past tWb weeks. Five hundred was played and prizes were awarded ami lunch served. Members of the club are: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blake, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Weber, Mr. and TVlrs. George Schaid, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Huff, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schaid, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Kennebeck. ' Birthday Adversaries V Mrs. Louis McDonald and her brother, Gerald Newman, celebrated their birthday anniversaries at the home of the former on Sunday. Those who were present for the day were: Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Prindiville and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. John Ran and daughters, Mr. and Mrs- Henry •Ran and Grandma Ran of Chicago; Mrs. Arthur Whitney and daughter of Libertyville, and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Newman and children of McHenry, Entertain at Crystal Lake Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lundgren of Crystal Lake entertained friends -and relatives at a Hallowe'en party Friday evening. Those from here to attend were Mr. and Mrs. John F. Knox, Mr. and Mrs. Mat Laures, Mr. and Mrs. Weir Keck, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kiel, Miss Louise Beister, Miss Martha Bauer add Ikeorge Freund. •- * Royal Entertainers " "Hie Royal Entertainers met at the home of Mrs. Ben Hiller Thursday evening where a few social hours were spent at cards. Five hundred was played and prizes were awarded to Mrs- George Schreiner, Mrs. Nick Bohr and Mrs. Fred Schneider. Refreshments were served at the close of the games. The nekt meeting will be at. the home of Mrs. Mat • • G. Club The Tnembers of the D. H. G. club visited Mr. and Mrs. N. H- Petesch at their home at 404 Cuyler street, Oak Park, Sunday afternoon and evening. Those who made the trip were Messrs. and Mesdames L. A. Erickson, George Johnson, Andrew Eddy, R. G. Chamberlin, C. W. Goodell, James Sayler, F. A. Hitchens, H. M. Stephenson and E. E. Bassett Merrymakers 'Club The Merrymakers held their first meeting of the season at the home of Mrs. Wm. Freund on Wednesday. Three tableg ef five hundred were in piey and prizes"wefC- awarded to Mrs. Albert Vales, Mrs. Catherine Schneider, Mrs. Joe Blake and Mrs. Stephen Schmitt. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Will Blake. Refreshments were served- # • - i-Week CIA'--• For the first time In the political history of McHenry county since before the Civil war days and the organization of the Republican pafty, a Democratic candidate for public offive has defeated the regular Republican candidate in McHenry county. Ruth Hanna McCormick, Republican, lost McHenry county to James Hamilton Lewis, Democrat. Most political observers during the #fcst few weeks'were predicting big gains for the Democratic senatorial candidate in Illinois and many well inform-, ed Republican l&iders have felt for several weeks that Mrs. McCormick was going to be defeated, but nobody ahd an idea that the McCormick defeat would be to decisive and that rock ribbed downstate Republican counties like McHenry would give the victory to a Democrat. It is useless to try and analyse the cause or causes, as there were t robabiy many. Already last night the writer heard several animated discussions over'ihese questions and it will be the subject of much discussion in the days, to come. The unemployment situation, the wet and dry issue, the spending . of enormous sums of money by Mrs. McCormick to win tjte primaries, the loss cf the support of the Chicago newspapers, the opposition of Mayor Thompson and other causes all contributed to her defeat. Mrs. McCormick's landslide vote in last April's primary melted away over the summer months like snow. In many localities the McCormick defection endangered the other Republican candidates, but for the most part the voters merely voted the Republican ticket except on that one office. ' The vote for Mrs. Lottie Holman O'Neill was comjN^ratively light and had no influence on the final result. Mrs. O'Neill's vote was so light that'it has brought no comfort to the officers of the Anti-Saloon League who were responsible for hlr candidacy. W' >J rM IS RE ELECTED Congressman Fi^nk it Raid was re-elected to serve a fifth term as representative from the Eleventh Illinois district by a majority of over 21,000 votes, notwithstanding the»big Democratic vote which snowed Mrs. McCormick under for United States senator. Congressman Bald carried every county in the district. Hie home county, Kane gave him a majority of over 10,000, DuPage county almost 5000, Will ftnd McHenry counties each about 3,000. In the tabulation below several precincts in DuPage and McHenry counties are still missing. Raid Schaefler 6,180 2,860 .9,815 6,142 ...16,411 18,063 .19,642 9,176 FOR SA£E FOR SALE--One pure-bred roan Shorthorn bull, fit for service. One pure-bred Guernsey bull, 9 mo. old. Jaraes Pharren, R-5, Burlington, Wis. Phone 807-R-2 23 FOR SALE--Home-grown Early Ohio potatoes, $1.50 per bu. Hand-picked corn, $22 per ton, also wheat. M. P. Meyer, R-3, McHenry. Phone McHenry 644-J-2. *23 FOR SALE--Duroc April boars, highback type; eligible to register. Also a number of Duroc feeding shoats for sale. Wm. E. Whiting, West McHenry. Phone McHenry 620-R-l. 22-tf FOR SALE-- " 1925 Studebaker, winter inclosnre. 1923 Buick, 7-passenger sedan. 1927 Pontiac coach. . 1927 Pontiac ^andu, , I* ; Above cars are priced to sd£", -T*" Rauen Motor Sales, Peterson Garage in Stirling Bldg. McHenry, Illinois. 21-tf. HOME-GROWN ONIONS FOR SALE $1.00 for 50-lb. sack. D. Segel, McHenry. Tel. 92-J. • 19-tf FOR SALE--Extra fine big type Poland. China boars, and gilts. Sired by Smooth Image and Big Night. James Hunter, McHenry Tel. 617-J-2. 18-tf FOR SALE--Well secured ?% First Mortgages on McHenry Residence Property. Inquire at Flaindealfer office. . 19-tf FOR RENT FARM FOR RENT OR FOR SALE-- 158 acres, one-quarter mile from McHenry, on Lake Geneva cement road. Mrs. Joe H. Justen. 21-tf. FOR RENT--Five-room flat and also 2-room office suite, on Riverside Drive. Albert Barbian. Phone 180. 21-tf FARM FOR RENT ON SHARES-- Near Griswold Lake. A. H. Hale. Crystal Lake, 111. Phone 66. 18-tf FOR RENT--Modern 7-room house, known as the Wentworth Home. Inquire at Marshall's McHenry Bakery. 7-fcf The ifiembers of the "Mid-Week club with their invited guests held a party at the home of Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Klontz on Thursday evening. Ten tables of bridge and five hundred were in play and prizes were won by Mrs. George H. Johnson and Mrs. L. A. Erickson; C- H. Duker and C. W. Goodell, Refreshments were sfgysd at the close of the games^ -v McHenry DuPage Will Kane »•,m Entertains at Dinner " 1 Mrs. E. R. Sutton entertained a party of relatives and friends at dinner Sunday in honor of her birthday anniversary. Those present were Dr. and Mrs.*N. J. Nye, Miss Lou Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. V. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Short of Chicago and Mr. and Mm. Ben JDietz. Bridge Club Mrs. Albert Justen entertained her bridge club at her home last Thursday, the home being decorated in Hallowe'en colors. Prizes were won by Mrs. Jos. W. Rothermel, Mrs. J. W. Freund and Mrs. FreJ Jn^ten. Entertain Friends Mr. and Mrs. Anton Freund enter, tained a party of friends at their home Tuesday evening. A social evening was spent in cards and visiting and refreshments were served. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Mat Blake, Mr. and Mrs. Mat Glosson, Joe Young and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Schaid and Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson. LOST LOST--Black hunting dog,* Answers to name of "Nigger." Reward. Mrs. Tom Thonnesen, Fernwood Dairy Farm, Route 2, McHenry. Phone McHenry 619-R-l. 23 MISCELLANEOUS MILADY'S BEAUTY SHOP, 312 Dean St., Woodstock, 111. Featuring the New Frederic's 'Permanent Wave. Marcel waving, facials shampooing, hair cutting, manicuring and finger waving. Drop in or phone Woodstock 279-M for an appointment, and we will be glad to serve you. Norma Powers. 22-2 I is the date Bridge Ballroom at McHenry is the place ^ A Wonderful TMto - 3 is in store for all who attend the Legion Carnival and Dance ; This space is donated to McHenl|ff Post, American Legion, by . : :'s Card Club Entertained M#i. William A. Bishop entertained the members of her card club at her home on Riverside Drive on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Three tables of five hundred were played and prizes were won by Mrs. William A. Bishop, Miss Gertie Weber and Mrs. George Worts. Refreshments were served at the close of the games. J f e ; ; . Entertain Club Meadberi^ _ , s ' ' Wf; and Mrs. Allan Noonan teSte*- tained the members of their card club at their home on Main street, Saturday evening. Two tables of five hundred were played and prizes were won by Mr. and Mrs. George Worts and Mrs. Arthur Froehlich. Refreshments were served in keeping with the Hallowe'en season- 51,118 ^ ~ \:W0o4» and Petoit Whf Raymond D. Woods and Harry F. Petelt won their contests for county clerk and treasurer in easy style. Both men received a large majority over their Democratic opponents. "Brick" was more concerned in helping associates on the Republican ticket to worry about his own election, and Pete it received the united support ot all factions. In the haste of giving our readers as complete a summary of the results of Tuesday's election, it is impossible to give more than a passing glance to the Individual candidates where ,there was no serious contest. In this manner we make but brief mention ot the re-election of both Judge C. T. Allen as county judge and Mrs. Ethel Coe as county superintendent of schools. Although they were unopposed in the election each received a very complimentary vote. At this writing we are unable to give any figures oi1' results on the several small ballot propositions which were voted on, as the figures will not be available until the official canvas of votes is completed at the office of County Clerk Guy E. Still. $2--CASH--$2 FOR DEAD ANIMALS That weigh over 1,000 lbs. 5 JPHONE DUNDEE 10 Reverse Charges MIDWEST REMOVAL CO. LIVESTOCK HAULING AND GENERAL TRUCKING Go anywhere, anytime Reasonable charges GEORGE WITT Phone McHenry 608-W-l McHenry 16-tf UPHOLSTERING--All kinds of furniture reupholstered and repaired. Good work guaranteed. Work called for and delivered. Chas. Rasmussen, S. Crater St* West McHenry, III. Tel. 187-M. 12-tf Gorilla a V.c<*««§^ Like most other me&f^rs of the monkey family, the gorilla Is a vege/ tarian, its food consisting chiefly of the fruits of the trees in which It lives, but also ef vegetables and grains. - . ' - Gri Albert '^la* quez--"one of the all times--was virtually SlM-taBght, save for a little instruction be re> celved from some local painters In his birthplace.** Crystal Lake, 111 CARS WRECKED MONDAY Two Chicago cars, a Chevrolet six and an Essex, were wicked at the Super-Service garage corriter on Route 61 early Monday morning. Each car received a broken wheel when they crashed against the curbing in turning the corner, the drivers not being •able to see :&e * dense fog. ' •' " } - p-f I: - -.-• • Air s-••-.-v*"*"; «... it'"" \ "? ,i. • JEWELRY ON CREDIT: At Fred T. Ferris Jewelry Store, Woodstock, Illinois, you may buy on credit Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware; clocks all of the best grades and all at cash prices. No advance in price. Nation ally advertised merchandise that you know by reputation. Come and see for yourself. FRED T. FERRIS, Jeweler, Woodstock, Illinois. 12-tf JOE KVIDERA, CARY, ILL, 7 - * Livestock Dealer Dairy Cows a Specialty' • ^Satisfaction Guaranteed ; ^Phone Cary 37-J ~ ^ ll-tf - ' : ;;';--?:; Sodal Wheel . The Tftfltes of the Social Wheel met at the home of Mrs. John R. Smith Thursday afternoon. Four tables of five hundred were in play and prizes were won by Mrs. Minnie Miller, Mrs. J. W. Smith and Mrs. H. M. Stephen, son. Refreshments were served at; the close of the afternoon. ANNA HOWARD In former poatoffice room. McHenry Mid-Week Canl Club ,. The Mid-Week card club met at the^home of Mrs. J. J. Marshall Wednesday afternoon. Five tables of bridge were played and prizes were awarded to Mrs. Lillian £ox and Mrs. -R. G. Chamberlin. Green Street ill Entertains Card Club Mrs. Laura Kent entertained her card club at her home on Riverside Drive on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Two tables of five hundred were in play and prizes were awarded to Mrs. M- A. Sutton, Mrs. May Powers and Miss Alta Powers. JW#*!, -.m ?f~ t - ; /• ^ . i, Hfr. " METHODIST You are invited to attend services at the M- E. church every Sunday. Morning worship, 11 o'clock. . Sunday school, 10. o'clock. The choir is busy, practicing for the concert and entertainment to be given at the church on Nov. 18. FARMERS--DEAD OR ALIVE ANIMALS-- We buy and p|ck up crippled and broken down cows, horses, pigs, sheep and old plugs. To be used for Silver Fox food. From $2.00 to $10 per head. , . NOTICE We buy dead animals also. We pay more for dead animals if you call us as <iuickly as the animal dies.-. Telephone Barrington 256. We pay all telephone calls. *4-8 BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McCabe of Laport, Ind., announce the birth of afi 8% pound son on Friday, Oct. 31. Mr. and Mrs. George Freund wel-j. corned a son to their home on Green 'street, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Butler df Ring"- wood lare the parents of a daughter, Muriel Jean, born at Woodstock hospital, Sunday morning. Hard to Specify "Be cautious in treating pet bltev," warns a medical columnist, but right offhand we cant exactjy say lust which is our pet bite.--Fort Wayne News Sentinel. TUNE--and keep your piano tuned. Tuning makes your piano a musical instrument. Phone 274-J or writ* J. H. Deihl, Woodstock, IU. 27-tf FARM LOANS--First mortgage only. Quick Service. Reasonable charge. Wa also buy farm first mortgages. R. M. Fritz, 2nd Floor, Harvard State Bank Bldg., Harvard, HI. 44-tf NO HUNTING or treaspassing allowed under penalty of the law on the eo. J. Sayer farms, Nes. 1 and 5, ocated near Pistakee Bay. Henry Smith. 23-tf t NO HUNTING or trespassing allowed on the farms of Fred Eppell or C. E. Jecks near Ostead, under penalty of law. « Our "1 FAMILY MATINKB* on and your whole family admitted firSOo'l^ . Every Sunday between 2 and 5 p. m. This Includes Husband, Wife and Unmarried Children , Ask the cashier for a family ticket Prices Adult Main Floor m Entire Balcony m Children 15c Tonight and Friday and Mack, the Two Black Crows la "ANYBODY'S WAR" Fun-Fighting the War with the World's ir«- ^ ' Famous Black Face Favorites ' 7! 'I f;Syt34teNewa and . S*»rd»y ^ Zane Grey's"v"'^ ; , *€LAST OF THE DUANlBM \ : . with George O'Brien I ./jCh# adventures of a daring in the Oreat Southwest. .erA1?* a* Sunday Only ^ Jack Oakie ii^ K " LET'S CM) NATIVE'!^ , : ^ Also Delux Short Subject| ; ^ iK ^JMonday-Tuesday , ,-r4 »v, s1 "V*. ^ ^ ^n ^GretaGarbo in '•o i- - ' p ^ * * i ' ^ " 'ROMANCE ! X' -j Wednesday-Thursday ; ; ^ ' i Jeanette McDonald inC. < "MONTE CARLO" T ^ 'mm *&m&k Sunday, November 9 At our Greenhouses on McHenry avenue, Woodstock, on Route 20. Come and see the great display of Chrysanthemums in all their colors. Many other fall arrangements will be on "display. y < Open tromtp a. m. to 6 p. n* Mi^sjooaj wefce •GEORGE MONCUR -•A: ' l ; V ^KToodstock, DL ... N inkIIICIM End eye strain and blurred vision that are the cause of headaches and many unnecessary discomforts. Astigmatism, myopia and other ailments of the eyes will respond to treatment with the lenses that are ground scientifically perfect. It is my business to fit glassesr correctly--according to the individual needs of your eyes. Also repairs made on your uiasnesi ~ EXAMINATION FREB > ^ 0: DR. C. KELLER| Optometrist and Optician v Walsh's Drug Store, Riverside Dri^ Every Saturday, 2 to 9 p. m.

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