Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Nov 1930, p. 8

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* f - 4 75.0a alderman ser- f 20.00 80.00 ii£~- fro- R. F Conway, three months P. J. Doherty, vices three months Albert Krause, ald«rman services three month* --... Ifc I. Overton, alderman services three months -- Jacob Schavffr, aiderman services thtee attntbs -- -- Frank Wattka^aMtorman serv i c e s t h r e e n o r a t i -- Uayme BOM, eoramisaion on water co&Ktiona Albeit Krause, stamps for Msyma "Bats ValvoliM Oil Co., 5 gal. cil HI. Jk*& Tel. Co.,-coin box M. M. Niesen, salary ......1 John Walsh, salary W. Ci Feltz, salary Kent A Co., insurance on fire truck Standard Oil Co., grease A. P- Freund, gravel and hauling E. H. Merrick, work on John at. Andrew Hanson, labor on water works Gas Sattem, labor tfa streets John Stilling Tire Shop, gasoline and oil Lynwolt Brush Works, materia] SOJOO 80.00 3.42 2.00 5.00 .50 SD.00 1S&.00 100.00 86.00 1.65 17.40 60.00 5.00 3.00 5.90 9.25 " fj - Of Little Moa»ttt SbAleB resolutions, like th» jmffflen - Use of the mercury in the barometer, ^ Indicate little else than the changeable- Uf V*" mm a* the weather.--Hare, r / ?>r ClwapJ Position ' *" • ,, The colophon, an Inscription placed • at the end of a book in the early days 1of printing, contained the inform*- tv* (ion now nsoally found on the title Try our classified ads for ouick sale G. KELLER ^ptMBetrist and Optkin *•>- will be at " WALSH'S DRUG STORK Riverside Drive egtty Saturday afternooa, 2 to 9 p. •. Bfw eraiined and glaaae vfc- order "Jy . Abe an repairs to Ktduaaadii- Ufa JOHN DUCEY VETERINARIAN / ILUNOI8 .McHENET GRAVEL A J ,v EXCAVATING 00. l|§! A. P. Freund, Prop, Road Building and Excavating Estimates Furnished on . Bequest High-grade Gravel Delivered at any time--large or small orders given prompt attention. nemo 204-M McHeary HENRY V. SOMPEL X" XT General Teaming Sand, Gravel and Goal for Sale Graveling and Road Work Done By Contract of Every Deicription or By Day Phone McHenry 649-B-l McHenry, HL P. O. Address, Route 3 pp. M. CARROU. Lawyer , with West McHenry State Every Wednesday 14 McHenry, £;f 186-W MSNRf TOER8 0P A IH OUR CITY By Plaindeakr Reporters and Handed Is By Our Friends ILLINOIS fWephone Not 108-R I 8toff«i ft iMurance agMrta for aO dasssa a( property In the best c--paaies WEST McHENXT - - ' ILLINOIS teare-h Sare-liamnce •WITHWm- G.Schreiner I . - Auctioneering* . OFFICE AT RESIDENCE nini tS*B McHeary, IlHashi HERMAN J. SCHAECER - Local and Long I vlDistance Hauling and Moving live Stock Hauled Right \ tithe ¥srd Fred Breyer is spending this week In Chicago. Mrs. George Hiller was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. Mrs. Ed. N. Young was a Chicago visitor Thursday. • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Al^hoff were Chicago visitors Tuesday- Miss Harriet Bobb of Chicago spent Monday with friends here. • Francis Bonslett of Chicago was a McHenry visitor Tuesday. Miss Theresa Brefeld of Chicago spent Sunday at her home here. Miss Juia King of Wilmette visited at her home here Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. L. C- Benwell and family visited at Milbura, Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. George W. Hess and sons were Chicago visitors Friday. Miss Floribel Bassett spent a few days the first of the week in Chicago. John Erickson and Mrs. Bitter of Chicago visited relatives here Monday. Mrs. J. M. Pfcalin and daughter, Ruth, were Woodstock visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman were Ringwood visitors Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George King and family of Johnsburg visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman visited in the George Eddy home at Elgin,)! Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fret* and George Frett saw a football game in Chicago Sunday. Mrs. H. C- Hughes attended the funeral of Oscar Tabor at Ringwood Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy of Grays^ Lake spent Sunday in the Andrew Eddy home. * Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phalin and daughter, Patricia, were Chicago visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor of Elgin J were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Eddy. Mr. and Mrs- W. P. Woodburn of Woodstock visited friends here Tuesday evening. Mrs. Robert Thompson and Mrs. Harry Alexander were Evanston visitors Wednesday. Miss Mary Brefeld and Miss Keefer of Chicago spent Monday at the former's home here. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pauly of Elgin were guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. EBarbian Sunday. Miss Flonbel Bassett and brother, Lyle, attended a party at DesPlaines Saturday night. Mrs- William Spencer spent the week-end with Mr. §nd Mrs. Richard Stenger at Waukegan. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Will Aebischer and family of Chicago spent the week-end "In the Lodis S toff el home. Mrs. D. C. Gasser and Mrs. H. M.^ Jensen of Woodstock spent Monday1 > afternoon with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Brefeld and family of Chicago were week-end visitors in the B. J. Brefeld home. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Newmaii and children and Mrs. Alma Thomas visited at Woodstock Sunday. N. H. Petesqfr of Oak Park spent Tuesday in McHenry and played golf at the McHenry Country club. Mr. and Mrs. John Brefeld and family of Waukegan were Sunday visit- [ ors in the B. J. Brefeld home. Mrs- E. Knox, daughter, Dorothy, Ray Conway and daughter, Betty, were Evanston visitors, Monday. Mr- and Mrs. A. C. Reynolds were callers in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Kuhn in Chicago recently. Mr. and Mrs. George Kamhols and dhildren of Chicago visited in the Fred Kamholz home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Conway and children and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Whit, ig were Evanston visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Nugent and daughter of Chicago were Sunday guests in the Frank Thurlwell home. Lorraine Whiting of Lake Geneva Spent the week-end in the home of hex ^grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Barbian. Mr. and Mrs. Foley of Chicago and Emma Dwelly of Woodstock called on Mrs. Alma Thomas Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond' Powers were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and lbs. Ralph Walkup at Ridgefield. fivi/, Mrs. N. E. Barbian and soh, Albert, motored to DesPlaines one day last week where they visited Mrs. Glen fhales. Mr. and Mrs. George Kuhn of Chicago were dinner guests on Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Reynolds. John Thelen, one of McHenry's oldtimers, now of Chicago, visited at the home of his sister, Mrs. Charles F. Pich, last week. Mrs. Henrietta Colby and Mrs. Lee Lockwood of Crystal Lake visited the former's sister, Mrs. John R. Smith, last Wednesday. * Mrs. Mayme Harrison and sons,; Donald and Lavern, were Sunday: guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pearson at Ringwood. William Spencer, Lester Page and Theodore Schiessle returned home Saturday night from a hunting trip at Spider Lake, Wis. Henry Antholx and daughters, Flor ence and Alvera, and Fred Felts wertf Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bending at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Smith and children, Norman and Marjorie, of El gin were dinner guests at the home of Joseph J. Miller Sunday. Mrs. Charles Laurent and daughf ter, Violette, of Waukegan spent Sat* urday and Sunday with her parents. and Mrs. Ray DoweB were visitors at Woodstock Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon were callers at McHenry Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis and daughter, Helen, were business callers at McHenry Friday. Mrs. Earl Converse accompanied k.i, {.Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis and daughter to Woodstock Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and son and Mrs. Elmer Esping were visitors at Crayslake Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs- W. E. Brooks and Otis Phillips were callers at Waukegan Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. FOBS and son and daughter were Crystal Lake visitors Sunday evening. Mrs. Raymond Lusk and daughter of Round Lake spent Saturday at the Blomgren home. Mr. and Mrs. Esse Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and children of Volo spent Wednesday evening at the home of Leslie Davis. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and daugh ter spent Wednesday at McHenry. M. H. Detrick of Chicago was caller at the W. E. Brooks home last 'Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks were -callers at McHenry Saturday. Mr. and Met. George Bagley of Chicago spent. Tuesday and Wednesday at the Blomgren home. Roy Winkler and Miss Catherine Fleming of Chicago spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wiakler at Ardelou farms. Pearl Foss of Libertyville Sunday with hoasa^ folks. Mrs. Louis Werden of Wauconda spent Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Clara Smith. Z. H. Osmun of Crystal Lake tilled at the home of Ray Dowell Wednesday. _ / Frank Mulholland of Chicago spent Tuesday at his farm here- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and sons, Mrs. Wm. Darrell and Mrs. Elmer Esping were callers at Elgin Saturday. Lloyd and Vernon Bergstrom of Chicago were Tuesday dinner guests at the Blomgren home. Miss Lillian Tidmarsh of Park Ridge was a dinner guest at the W. E. Brooks home last Thursday. Mrs. Henry Winkler visited her daughter, Mrs. Clarence Whitman at the Elizabeth Condell hospital at Libertyville Saturday. Mrs. Richard Dowell and children of Rosevilie visited here, Sunday. Chesney Brooks and Edwin Underwood of Wauconda saw the football game in Evanston Saturday. Wm. Echert of Chicago and Henry Felmenten of McHenry spent Saturday evening at the Wm. Foss home. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Lundgren at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter attended the theatre at Harrington Monday evening. ' Bob Dunn of Chicago spent last Monday at the Wm- Foss home. Mrs. Albert Gossell and Llye Thomas of Wauconda were callers u( the Matthews home Thursday. Mrs. Anna Mollohan of Ridgefield is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks. Mr- and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Crystal Lake and Mrs. Albert Rothier of Mineral Point, Wis* spent Monday evening with relatives at Oak Ghenn farm. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks and guest, Mrs. Mollohan, spent Monday with relatives at Waukegan and Bristol, Wis. . Harry Matthews was a business caller at Elgin Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks and Mrs. Mollohan visited at the Darwin Brown home at Wauconda Saturday. "mm,..-. r Gait of Foot SoMlor* The War department says that there are 90 steps to the minute. The double step ts ISO to the minute. Acids Break Sleep >1 Bladder Irritation, In acid conditions. snakes you feel tired, depressed and discouragred, try the Cyatex Test. Works fast, starts circulating thru the system in 15 mtnatea. Praised b? thousands for rapid and positive action. Don't Jfive up. Try Cystex (pronounced Sias-tex) today, under the Iron-Clad Guarantee. Must quickly allay then* conditions, irr prove raatfnl. sleep and energy, or money " Or'™ <!Oc at Phone 6 THE EIGHT AS B U I C BUILDS IT • ^One Series Even Lower Priced Than the Buick Six of Former Years $1025« *2035, f. o. b. Flint, Mich. PRODUCT or GE»4t«AL JjftOTOlS OVERTON & CO WEN ^ Hoick Motor Cars West McHeafy, Ijj|» WHIN Knot AUTOMOMUES ARB MM.T MMCK WHl BUILD THEM IK5®! J;1 BOLGER-S DRUG STORB USB THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS rOR QUICK BS8ULTS fn: ffr- • W.'Sf - if. K I M . I I g M l I S - PRESENTING V; THE NEW CHEVROLET SIX * . Today the Chevrolet Motor Company presents the Bigger and Better Chevrolet Six, a new model of th»*lx-cylinder ear which has enjoyed such wide popularity. In both the chassis and body of this new sixcylinder (Vrrolet you will find expressed, as never before, Chevrolet's well-known policy of progress through constant Improvement. -r For without departing from the basic turm» which have won the enthusiastic approval of over 2,(HH^OOO buyers--Chevrolet has produced * six-cylinder car which represents an entirely new standard of quality* value and refinement in the low-priee field. Your first impression of the new Chevrolet will be one of striking fleetness, grace and beauty. The car is longer, lower and modernly smart. The radiator has been deepened and its appearance enhanced by a curving tie-bar and jhjmmr plstrri parabulia hraiilampg The long mod lines •weep back «nbrok«n to Mend; gracefully into the new fisher bodies. And never was Fisher's fine craftsmanship more evident than in the bodies of the new Chevrolet Six f Not only are the smart, graceful, new bodies roomier and more comfortable, but as you. study them you will discover many gratifying new features and pleasing refinements--many examples of that painstaking attention to detail which is the basis of true quality* Mechanically, too, the new Chevrolet Six b # better automobile. The whedbase is longer. The frame is stronger. The steering is easier. The clutch is more durable. There is a smoother, quieter, easier shifting transmission. In fact, wherever finer materials and more advanced design could add to Chevrolet quality or increase Chevrolet's traditional economy of ownership--improvement has been made. See the new Chevrolet .Six--and you will ..||W9 tha| here is tlfcs Great Amarictm Vmhmt * '..V ' 'y • ' ' - » » AT NEW LOW PRICES « *• V •fe ne at the lowest priced ears in the world. Yet doe to the aav- Infa of volume production and increased manufacturing efficiency, the Biggmr The $ Phaettft The * Eoadxtor "••feiiiSik. Roadster # "With rumble seat. 510 1475 '495 The Ooaoh Better Chevrolet U-offered at new low priees. Gome in today. See and drive the new Chevrolet Six. Learn the note economy of owning a aaodern, fine quality, six-cylinder automobile. .4 Standard Standard Five- Wiadow Coups.. 545 535 •545 Pi ftport Coups frith rumble seat Standard ftedau SPECIAL EQUIPMENT EXTEA Chevrolet Trucks from $355 to $685 All pri^r^ f o, h. Flint M?Hh?sran V : Sl\ : iM; if Harry Townscnd Phone 175 f'Xk

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