Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Dec 1930, p. 8

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?^W'r& *H* M'HXNKT PUUNDKUJEB, THURSDAY, DEOEHBKK 4,1934 wM Sta-f.'." af'r-StJ'* r , STRANGE CASE FOUND ,f NEAR LILY LAKE Ibmc Girl Hud Lived On Coffee and GftrtttM for Three Weeks V.<T --Taken To Jail • Living on tea and coffee, with an occasional cigarette, Jen® Boiit, 17 years old, was taken into custody Wednesday night of last week near LUy Lake. The black haired young lady had been living in a vacant cottage near the lake for three weeks- When arrested she was scantily dressed having only a bathing suit, a til in dress and shoes. * People living in the vicinity of the Uke had seen the girl around the lake for several weeks. They had seen her bathing every day even in near zero leather. Peter Weber, finally took the girl to his home' and notified SBherilf Cyrus Sanford. , The girl is rather attractive with Jang black hair and a disposition ^Wrtiich could indicate she was satisfied (with her recent home, although prospects for having a turkey dinner "Thanksgiving day were very slim jjiHor to her arrest. She told the authorities that her •home was in Park Ridge. She frowned when told she would have to return jfcbme. She said she didn't like her ]^ep-mother. X; She seemed happy when telling of %t>w she lived on tea, coffee and cigarettes for three weeks. Although ' -she said she had been in swimming WEEKLY PERSONALS COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK IN OUR CITY daily for three weeks, *r good warm j jbath did not do her any harm after here' As Seen By Pl&inde&ler Reporters and Handed In By Our Friends Piol Brefeld spent Friday in Waykegan. ' Miss Dorothy Knox spent Saturday in Chicago. Mrs- John R. Smith was an Elgin visitor "Friday. Paul Brefeld spent a few days last week in Chicago. v Miss Rosina Karls visited in Chicago last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. W GiEbs spent Thursday in Chicago Mr. *ind Mrs. Ben Meyers were Elgin visitors Monday- Mr. and Mrs. A. W Krug were visitors at Ashton, Monday - George Meyers spent the; week-end with relatives in Chicago. John Givens of Chicago spent Thursday at his home here. Edward Smith saw the football game in Chicago Thursday- Mr- and" Mrs. George Lindsay were Crystal Lake visitors Friday. Mrs. Herman Schaefer and children visited in Chicago over the week-end. Miss Hazel Bacon of Chicago is spending a few weeks at her home Want Ads FOR SALE FOR SALE--An oat sprouter and a team of horses. Phone 614-R-l. Peter A. Freund, Route 1. McHenry. 27-tf FOR SALE--Spotted Poland China Spring Boars, eligible to register- George E. Adams. RingwoOd, 111., Tel. McHenry 603-M-2. 27-2 FOR SALE--Skates, Johnson Flyere, size 8. Price $3.50. Eugene Sayier. *27 FOR SALE--A well grown, good type Holstein bull, ready for service. His dam is giving 60 pounds of milk per day. twice a day milking and average test is about 3.7. E. A. Behrents, on the L. S- Overton farm, Richmond, 111. Tel. Richmond 892. *26-2 MBS. CABBII BUSS OIKS : *AT AOS 07104 YSABS Away on Thanksgiving Day at the Elgin State Hospital--One of State's Oldest Residents Mrs. Carrie Buss, 104 years old, probably the oldest resident in thi« part of the country, and one of the oldest in the state, died at the Elgin State hospital Thursday aftemnon, Nov. 27. Death came after a brief illness, attributed to extreme age, Mrs. Boss came to . the United States twenty-seven years ago from Th6me, Germany, where she was born on Sept. 15, 1826. She was the mothe#4 of twelve children, one of whom, i son, Henry Buss, resides at Fox Lake^ The aged woman was taken to th4 State hospital last March and until the time of her last illness she waf in fair health with good hearing and eyesight. She rarely used glassed and was able to walk about easily Fuhfiral services were held at that Community church at Fox Lake af FOR SALE--Spring boars, pure-bred 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon, with Henry 649-R-l- 26-3 ahe was taken to the county jail. ANNUAL CHRISTMAS HEALTH SEAL SALE Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Jones of Chicago spent Sunday in the C. W. Goodell home. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith spent The Thanksgiving to Christmas j'Sunday in the George Young home at *-period is the time nationally given to; Kin^w°°«- the selling of the Christmas Health Mr; »nd Mrs. Albert Purvey ana Seals. The proceeds of this sale have : Thanksgiving dinner a. been used for the past twenty-five j Woodstock. years to carry on the fight against' Mrs. J. E- Wheeler and MissesJLetuberculosis. This work has been done a Hazel Bacon were-Elgin visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ruhling of Chicago were guests of Mrs- Theresa Culver, Monday. Mr. and Mrs/L. A.' Erfckson and family spent Thanksgiving with relatives at' Belvidere. Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Benwell and children spent Thursday with her parents at Wauconda- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weber and chilthrough building up regular commun- dren visited in the Nick Young home ity health programs a» well as in do- at Ringwood Thursday. FOR SALE--BULLS Registered Holstein backed by generations of high production. Calves to serviceable age. Ormsby Breeding at farmers' prices. Two miles north of Yolo on Route 59. Henry Wegener. 24-tf FOR SALE--7-ro^m house and lot, also garage, in Spring Grove. Inquire of Frank L. Adams, Ringwood, 111. ' ' 24-3* CHRISTMAS IQ3Q1 HEALT FOR SALE--Duroc April boars, highback type; eligible to register. Also a number of Duroc feeding shoats for sale. Wm. E. Whiting, West McHenry. Phone McHenry 620-R-l. 22-tf FOR SALE--Extra fine big type Poland China boars, and gilts. Sired by Smooth Image and Big Night. James Hunter, McHenry Tel. 617-J-2. 18-tf FOR SALE--Well secured 7% First Mortgages on McHenry Residence Property. Inquire at Flaindealer office. 18-tf specific tuberculosis work. The McHenry County chairman, Mrs. Ethel C. jCoe, has appointed a local chairman in each city, town, and rural school district. The local chairman for McHenry is Mrs. Charles Goodell. Mrs. Goodell will conduct Mr. Marquardt and son, Edwin," of Chicago Were Sunday guests in the Albert Vales home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pauly of Elgin were Thanksgiving day guests in the N. E. Barbian home. LaNette Whiting of Elgin spent t: C : the sale by mail as has been done for Thursda and Friday with her mother> the past five years. The seals will be Mrs p ^ Whiting mailed this week Every message j Mrs Henry Wil]iams and daughter, and package mailed during December Eva of johnsburfr sp^t a day last caJ7 ODe these Christinas ^ week with Mrs. M. J. Freund- Health seals. • Mr- and Mrs- Charles Michels have •IOfnDnFERRVN WwOnnOnDiMuEkNv AAT-TmEN-vTTIOrNn v,'"10^ to Johnsburg, where they will ive „ith hi, lath Hubert Michel!!. MM are urgenTtl, y req"u•e s?te°d; ! Mr- »»<! Mr.. Charles Heimer and M„ c Crij 0, Chi hia Wednesday e~v eni„n g, £Defcu. 1l"0. Election mother, Mr,. Josephine Heimer, Son- d_y ot. officers and other important busi- V. C., Glenn F. Peterson. Clerk, E. E. Bassett. Santa Claus wants to meet all the kndies Saturday, Dec. 13, at the Wm. H. Althoff Hdwe., Main Street. 27 ILLE1 THEATRE Woodstock's Beautiful PlayHouse Matinees Sun.-Wed.-Sat. 240 Evenings 7-9 f THURSDAY * 4'" *" • On the Stage "J, B." Rotnour Players present ^Dowo on the Farm " Gome Prepared to Laugh On the Screen "Pardon My GunH Western Comedy with Abe Lyman and His Band FRIDAY-SATURDAY GIFT NITE SATURDAY Edmund Lowe 111» in "Good Intentions" also Talking Comedy Movietone News SUNDAY-MONDAY Maurice Chevalier in "Playboy of Paris" also Talking Comedy - Movietone News TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Here at Last Constance Bennett in frv"Common Clay" !**«•- Also Talking Comedy Movietone News m. "J. B." Rotnour Players Every Thursday FOR RENT FARM FOR RENT OR FOR SALE-- 158 acres, one-quarter mile from McHenry, on Lake Geneva cement road. Mrs. Joe H. Justen. 21-tf. FOR RENT--Five-room flat and also 2-room office suite, on Riverside Drive. Albert Barbian. Phone 180. 21-tf FOR RENT--Modern 7-room house, known as the Wentworth Home. Inquire at Marshall's McHenry Bakery. 7-tf LOST LOST--Foot end of bed and dresser bench on highway between Chicago and Lake Geneva. Liberal reward. L. Brozowsky & Son, Lake Genexap- Wis. ' 27 Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Claxton and family spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs- George Shepard at Ringwood. x Mrs. E. E. Bassett, son, Lyle, and daughter, Floribel, attended an Eastern Star meeting at Richmond Friday evening. Mrs. F. O. Gans, son, Frank, and daughter, Mildred, spent Thanksgh'- ing day with Mr. and Mrs. E. Dowling n Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Perkinson of Chicago were Sunday visitors in the Theo W. Winkel home. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krause and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rothermel an4 children spent Thanksgiving in the P. H. Moulton home at Elmhurst. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fuller Bou telle at Lake Geneva Thanksgiving day. Mrs. Mary Hoffmeler of Chicago spent Sunday in McHenry. Her mother, Mrs. Mary Simon, returned to Chicago with her, 'where she will spend the winter- Mr. and Mrs. George Lindsay and William Simes were guests in the Robert Sutton home at Richmond on Thanksgiving Day. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh were Thanksgiving guests in the home of their son, Richard B. Walsh, and family at Evanston. Little Miss Eleanor Pries of W-aukegan is spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. George Bohr, while her parents are on a trip to Texas. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Brefeld and family spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Brefeld in Chicago. Viola and Olga Brefeld remained for a longer visit over the week-end. Anthony Schneider of DeKalb spent his Thanksgiving vacation at his home here. Mrs. Schneider, daugter, Helen, and son, Anthony, were Thanksgiving guests in the Albert Vales home. ' Mrs. J. Dwelley, Mr. and Mrs. William Belcher and children, Mrs. Hiley Thomas, Mr- and Mrs. Emil Thomas and Mrs. Lovina Thomas of Woodstock spent Thursday in the E. A. Thomas home. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Shales and family of DesPlaines and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Whiting and children of Lake Geneva spent Thursday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Barbian. Guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karls on Thanksgiving day were Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Senten and son, Misses Theresa and Laura Karls. Mr. and Mrs- Floyd Colman and Paul Karls, all of Chicago. Thanksgiving Day guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Bohr were Mr. and Mrs. William Pries, son, Billy, and daughters, Helen and Eleanor, of Waukegan, and Earl Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Justen of this •city. ' Among those from this city in attendance at the Notre Dame-Army football game in Chicago Saturday were: Misses Lillian and Nellie Doherty, Lillian Kortendiclc, Dorothy Knox, Leone Givens, John Bolger, Frank Doherty, Leroy Conway and [ Harold Pludln* WANTED WANTED--Work on farm by married man. Tel. McHenry 136-M.- *27 MISCELLANEOUS ICE SKATES SHARPENING and SEWING MACHINE REPAIRING -• v of all kinda & POPP Phwfc III Main St., Mefienry 27-tf $2--CASH--$2 FOR DEAD ANIMALS That weigh over 1,000 lbs. PHONE DUNDEE It Reverse Charges MIDWEST REMOVAL CO. LIVESTOCK HAULING AND GENERAL TRUCKING , ®| anywhere, anytime Reasonable charges , GEORGE WITT Phone McHenry 608-W-l McHenry 16-tf UPHOLSTERING--All kinds of furniture reupholstered and repaired. Good work guaranteed. Work called for and delivered. Chas. Basmussen, S. Center St., West McHenry, 111. Tel. 107-M. 12-tf M- ' MARIE TONYAN Marie Tonyan, 19 years old, daugh-^ ter of William B. Tonyan, died at St. Joseph's hospital, Elgin, on Saturday; Nov. 29, 1930, following an operation; for appendicitis. Although she seemed to be improving for a time, in obstruction of the bowels set in from which she did not recover. She had been employed by the Wilbur Lumber company at Crystal Lake, where she was taken ill about a month ago. Marie Tonyan was born on the farm near McHenry, on Sept. 8, 1911, and was educated at Johnsburg until she; reached the eighth grade, after which she had two years at high school. She was a member of St. John's* ^' church and of the Young Ladies' Sodality at Johnsburg 'and had many friends among the young people of the community. During her stay at the hospital she was commended as being a brave patient, never complaining and was always cheerful and kind. Her mother preceded her in death, passing away on Feb. 17, 1926. She is survived by her father, four brothers, Alfred W., Arthur, Kenneth and Donald, and three sisters, Martha, Esther and Caroline, all at home. Funeral services were held at St. John's church, Johnsburg, at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning, with Father Vollman officiating, with burial in the Johnsburg cemetery. Those from a distance who attended the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rohans and son, Paul, of Burlington; Mrs. Jon Kuper, Mrs. Christine Brefeld and Mrs. Joseph Kavany of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kirchman of Ingleside; Mrs. Joseph Smitz andj^ daughter, Irene, of New Munster, Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilbur of Crystal Lake, and Mr. and MrB. Fred Dethorrte of Waukegan. Card of Thanks We desire to thank our many friends for the beautiful floral offerings and for their kind assitance and expressions of sympathy during our recent bereavement- We also wish to thank the donors of pars. W. B. Tonyan and ChildfMl. JEWELRY ON CREDIT: At Fred T. Ferris Jewelry Store, Woodstock, Illinois, you may buy on credit Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware; clocks all of the best grades and all at cash prices. No advance ;n price. Nation ally advertised merchandise that you know by reputation. Come and see for yourself. FRED T. FERRIS, Jeweler, Woodstock, Illinois. 12-tf 11-tf JOE KVIDERA, CARY, ILL. Livestock Dealer Dairy Cows a Specialty Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone Cary 37-J FARMER8--DEAD OR ALIVE ANIMALS-- We buy and pick up crippled and broken down cows, horses, pigs, sheep and old plugs. To be used for Silver Fox food. From $2.00 to $10 per head. NOTICE We buy dead animals also. We pay more for dead animals if you call us as quickly as the animal dies. Telephone Barrington 256. We pay all telephone calls. *4-8 rUNE--and keep your piano tnnea. Tuning makes your piano a musical instrument. Phone 27^-J or write J. FT. Deihl, Woodstock, 111. 27-tf THANKSGIVING DAY McHenry observed Thanksgiving ^day on Thursday of last week as sub-zero temperatures accentuated the pleasures of holiday dinners and warm firesides and relatives and friends gathered to enjoy a pleasant day- A Canadian norther held this part of the country in its icy grip and brought suffering along with celebration to many in the state and nation. - The American family sitting down to Its annual bounty on Thanksgiving Day could at least find a word of thanks for two of the year's major tribulations--the drought and business conditions. The excellent savor of the turkey, if you had one, was a" gift of the drought, which provided this Thanksgiving bird with dry weather needed for the rapid maturity which brought juicy and heavy portions. Business conditions brought a decline in commodity prices and enlarged the purchasing power of the dollar carving a sizeable slice in the cost of this annual meal. While no real suffering was experienced by families in McHenry •many calls for aid were received in larger cities and relief societies everywhere were doing all that they rptjld to relieve the cold and hungry^, t PHILCO TO BROADCAST - ARMY-NAVY CLASSIC While a packed stadium watches the revived Army-Navy classic for charity in New York, Dec. 13, millions of radio fans will follow the game play-by-play on the air. The Philadelphia Storage Battery Com pany, makers of Philco radios, has contracted to broadcast the game over both National and Columbia sys tems. It is also giving to the Salvation Army 1,500 Baby Grand Philcos, with a retail value of $110,000, which will b9 sold through the combined efforts of the company and its distributors and dealers all over the United States. The great broadcasting com parses are donating their entire facilities which makes Phlco's cash contribution for the broadcasting contract 100 per cent for charity. Sporting authorities and radio editors estimate that this game will have the largest air-audience of any sporting event ever held. Arabian "Schoolroom" An Arab school is conducted out-ofdoors. The children and teacher alike sit cross-legged on a grass mat on the ground. Each child carefully removes his shoes and places them behind him before school begins. « ^ •avod by RoponUac# ". ... 'f Every one goes astray, but the least imprudent are they who repent the soonest.--Voltaire. Oat of tk« Rat One simple help toward keeping of a rut. Is to go to work by a different rout# occasionally, and pur* posely feed on new sights.--American Magazine. r "Melodies" and ^ Melodies nre produced by ni[:lr succession, harmonies by notes !• com Mnatlon. ~ • Tbo CaliM of Lif* The conditions under which you lit* are dealt out to you and others a pack of cafds, and you have to what you can of what falls to share.--Rev. J. C. Harwick. tkm (•r^.ytilFieHow of tkm {•"'s&'ZP+y! Formerly • m€ $Xj9§ T t i \ »•"' ii: Mmmdrmd* am£ n»R EVERYBODY = ^ & • r "363"'* -- v" ^ ' il "" •• BM mm4 While a bird's wing does not !o<it " like the fore limb of m lizard, tltir 1?-'•$ anatomy is fundamentally similar. . -• • . ; v " >..•$ /\-r' , ... • PBf "s' '•< if • ••• •• ; v? 2 ^ ; 10 Rmcmnt Bent Sotfari AX1 Quiet on tfea Weatern Vtaart feiKlim Old fybmm.... Wmrtoidt Kitty SnriMSMvMar "We"... Col. Ckorba Limdbm-gk J(bu........ .Mamo do la Roche Kar Son's Wife.Dorothy CanfiM fllmngf. Caoo of Mim Annte Spraat Lou in Hrnmjuid ACood Timum.l4>uii *"---njluttf C--irtaiiunit to DwvM'a falnori Mb* 10 Beat Detective Stories ^isKop Mnnkr C-- ../Peti DIm The Black Carnal Ittggmw Ttu> Dain Cima Th*Do«fcla Edgar Wallacm fawh Bram-Stok^r Partner* in Grima ChriatUt Patient in Room IS... .Eberhart Footprints Kay C. Strahan .The Black Fl|«a. .Ann* Austin Greene Mnnkr Caw. .Van Dime iv-fiW s 10 Beet Adventure Tale* God Bare Mercy On Da^caniaat Tbo Hoonda at God... .Smbmtbd The Monet Man... Burronghm Zona Gray Hone Meaa tmnm Gray Tide of . . . . . P . S. Kynu Bean Ideal . . . . . P . C Wran Fighting Tenderfoot..... .JUim The Balder Che*. A. Sattaar The Tavern Knight. a 'M 10 Fascinating Romances Silver Slippers. . . Tampla Bailey OliiauH Rowm . . . Graca L BUI The Gate Marked Ftbala.. . Doll The Guarded Halo »--"r Wlndleatrawa. Phyllis Bottom* Lore Chansea. .Ruby M. Ayr** Fiecklea Com-- Home.. . .Partmr Be.Wife. .. Urwula Parrots Lady of Parihoa ika f>inrr-ntf Gey Cmkh*. . .. .Emitl* Lorlng 1^' \ ^ " ' mr ' . ii ML'KrfE f4Sf ' ':<• p s iw J * 10 Popular "TPictmre"N€*vels Common Clay.. The Dawn Paue The Office Wife. .JMth Baldatm X. W. Bornung Moby Ilfek. . . .£ »i man MmlviB* BUly the Kid... . Walter Burns A ledy Snriende a».Johm Ermkim* The Sea WoK... Ikatettn... • ,Jiok faadM .Alaywtaa Bern War the Younger Rtmdm Maiod Jaahhcr Tarldaftm IkeOreson TraB Fartnat Oat of the Scene.... Graca IBB Mwilnna of Tdhi Sawyer Mark TMa Held That line-Harold Sfarwei Heyday Jew D.. F.B. Bwrme* .Joan Wa ,iCWDbJ»«tr.r«taM i k Thomas P. Bolger . The McHenry Druggist - • FARM LOANS--First mortgage only. Quick Service. Reasonable charge. We also buy farm iirst mortgages. R. M. Fritz, 2nd Floor, Harvard State Bank Bid?., Harvard, 11L. ^44-tf Proiptrow Spulil Fort The Island of Majorca lies off the coast of Spain 130 miles south of Barcelona. It Is a port to which many fruit steamers go. It is 58 miles in length. The population, according td the latest ceasu# was 253,00^ . ; ..*w. - HIGH SCHOOL NOTES The agriculture claBs 'at the Coni' munity high school went to Chicago Wednesday, where they attended the International Live Stock show. They were accompanied by their teaeher, Clarence Anglese. The first basketball game of the season will take place Friday night when the locals meet Woodstock at Woodstock Plans are being made for an ice carnival to be held Saturday afternoon and the students are all hoping that the cold weather and the good ice for skating will continue until then at J*Mk What About Next m wfien you ftrst'teattze the joys of . i. money saved, now when you receive that check for the past year's savings, and you are able to do with it those things you have wanted to do for a whole year, now is the limp & start saving for the next Christmas. ENROLL NOW ••$£? 4, .,fe to Suit Your Purse *> &%!•; West McHenry State Bank QERALD J. CAREY, Cashier I' Peoples State Bank; of McHenry j FLOY® M. FOSS, Cashier ' 4: K1 Jf • j • ua.-

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