, VT ' j*wtr '..ti " N wis • $. r-^381 - .>,. , -4s- -."frsc-, TBI K-HXmtT PLAIWDKALM*, THTOSDA*, DEOKMBMt 25, ifcff ';^ THE ATHENRY PLAINDEALER Pttklisbed eVery Thursday at McHenry, HI., by Charles f. Rniei Entered as second-class matter at the poctofflce at McHenry, HL, oath* act of May 8, 1879. .^One fear ., ! A. H. MOSHBR, Editor aad Maaaffer 42.00 ,v^ < '•' \ - IPC.1' IV New Tears Ev< PARTY and DANCE . " "•»* •v '*'•{ -r; At the Bridge McHenry, HI, Mtrsic BT USD DKVtLS ^pereouple Phone McHenry 252 f Make Yo u r ' R e s e r v a t i o n s N o i r f ' ' • DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NITE «£ - Reservation Blank--Enclose Money Order or Check A hit. Is ^artyMn'**<MM»Mn»«»«uim»ti«jiM*' Ticket and Table No. will be sent by return mail. • •'•.K-x -U-* BASKETBALL BARRINGTON Jewel Tea McHenry A.A.C. High School Gym, NcHenry Sunday Afternoon, Dee. 28 " *WO GAMES--First GAME 2:15 This IS the ^'Original" Jewel Tea Squad that won District Tournament at Wauconda last season. ADMISSION--ADULTS, 50c; CHILDREN, 25c USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULTS HEBRON TRIUMPHS OVER MCHS HEAVIES McHeary Lights Wia ThrUier ¥m Their First Victory of tit* Season ' Hebron continued their cleanup of county teams Friday night by taking the local basketball team into camp to a 14-9 count Coach Crane has a .team whipped together that can do battle with the best of them and they dominated McHrnry as well as they have Woodstock and Harvard in the past week. The Hebron lads solved McHenry's defense for six baskets, at the same time holding the McHenry lads to four, two in each half. Both teams used a slow-breaking offense that made the game drat; most of the way through with only occasional flashes of real action. This gave the defease plenty of chance to form and for the most part' both teams presented an almost impregnable wall. The score at the half was 2 all, Brittain's long shot counting for McHenry. Before the half .was over Wegener added another zipper from mid-floor to tie the count but Hebron then rangj, their string to nine before the whistle blew. Patzke scored both baskets for the losers in the last half, with Peterson making the freethrow for the odd point. Hebron also added five points in this time to make their five-point margin at half time good for victory. Eleven youngsters saw action witji the lights for McHenry, while Coach Crane looked over eight of his future greats. Hebron led 3 to 2 at the half, but McHenry outscored them 6 to 0 in the last half to run the count to 8 to 3 and victory! This is the first game the lights have won and they are cocked up ready to fire at their next opponents itow that they know how nice it feels to come out on top. Hriyes led the scoring with 'six points and Palaski counted a basket for the other two. Besides these two lads, Whiting, Kreutzer, Wilson, Kinsala, Brefeld, Hettermaiv^ lie Nye and Howard saw action. HEBRON-- Bailey, if . Turner, f tn..nwn«mw..M<.....»l Oglesby, f 0 G. Behrens, f >...*«.«.*--. >>..... X W. Behrens, c ..... 0^ 0 Beckenbaugh, g 0 2 Ellison, g ..2 0 Stewart, g ..................................0 0 0 1 0 o>t 0 Of i! i 0 0 MJCH8-- Patzke, f Peterson, £ K r e u t z e r , - t - Anderson, c ....... Vycital, c ......... Brittain, g Wegener, g 2 4 .......2 0 .--0 1 .......© 0 0 0 0 0 .......1 0 1 0 LtbHtr OU Delicacy' There Is record that lobsters wore ased for food In ancient times Ii; Japafc----- flpet k Hlitory » The use of paper in China bias been traced hack to the second eentury B. C. It became available for the rest of the world about the middle cf the Eighth century. "*v r ..s . *" *" 1 "*• * • Our Wisli to You for 1931 May each page in the new year book of 1931 hold happiness, contentment and prosperity for you and yours. And may the spirit of co-oper^ ation, which has made t>ur relationship so pleasant in"the past, grow stronger through the coming year; As a token to our customers and to show our appreciation tor your business during the past year, we will give your car a wash, free of charge, so that you will have a clean car to start off the New Year. $his free washing will start on Monday, Dec. 29, and will end on the night of Dec. 31,1930. Phone us for the hour to .bring your car in. Wishing You A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Tear i-v r.. Overton & Cowen r , , - . ^ *. - - , Phone McHenry 6 t- West McHenry, 111. 'H *«*>•*'. Christmas "Surprise* to the Wrong Person Jy Blsnchs Tanner Dillin ^afRB the napkins all right, Mrs. Barker?" handing the package to the other woman. "Beautifully done, Mrs. Baker," paying her for the newly hemmed napkins. "And a very Merlry Christmas." 'Thank yon so much. I am sure I shall have a happy day, for the nicest thing has happened." "What was it?" her hostess asked. *1 have wanted my sister with me for Christmas, but I didn't see how I could afford any extra expense. There has been so much lately,n Mrs. Baker explained. Mrs. Barker knew the little woman had had a struggle to meet expenses. "I never buy much from Mr. Atwood's grocery^ and this morning I ordered some flour and a few things, nothing very Chrlstmasy. I did want a turkey and all the trimmings, but I couldn't afford It," she sighed. "After 1 had been home a while } found a turkey, cranberries and every* thing for a Christmas dinner. I was so delighted!" wiping tears of jo* from her eyes. "I though there was a mistake perhaps, but there on a package of dried fruit was r\ card with 'A Merry Christmas from the Al-vnci! Market' and the ticket had my name on It." "What « bapgy surprise," Mrs. Barker agreed. "I must stop and thank Mr. Atwood, for I couldn't do Jt over the telephone," moving to the door. "I telegraphed my sister and she will be here in the mofning, I suppose. A Merry Christmas," she called as she went down the path. Mary, the cook, came Into the room. There was a mistake In the order. The line was busy--she couldn't get the market. "What did they send?" Mr.':. Rarker asked, . ...... _____ "IV ar qnd some things Jike th&t," Mary answered. ill*?. Barker,, looking at the order, £nW what had hnppened. The ticket for "F. H. Barker" had gone oa the; or«H' for "F. H. Baker." . "Just keep the order, Mary; I want; to telephone." After telephoning first to the grocer and then to Mr. Barker, she told Mary that she might hnv£ Christmas day off, as she and Mr. Barker would be dining out. <0S>. 1»30. Western Newspaper Union. > l3C55C3Sj|liI] Screaming School Girl. Foil* Holdup of Bank New York.--The screams of an eleven- year-old girl recently saved the Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, branch of the National City bank from b^ing robbed by two bandits who imd tied .the watchman and five employees. Miml Saonettl went to the hank on her way to school to deposit |51 for her mother. She entered the bank and saw the bandits lining their victims against a walL Before they could seize her, Miml ran to the street shouting "help, murder, police." Her screams created such alarm that the bandits fled withoet any money. Christmas Coasting Down a Hill of Gold *r?%. Ron! jCkrik Biiley ? v (ft LOGICAL association it is-- snow-clad hills, coasting, boys, Christmas; but this year found Norman at a mining camp in Nevada without snow or toboggan, just a boy and a Christmas spirit. Men, weather-brown and sturdy, were milling gold from the dump of bmlne which years ago had taken out millions In high-grade ore, leaving other thousands In the dump because modern methods were unknown. Tractor, plow and scraper were turning this f discarded wealth Into the mill to run over mercury plates and Into cyanide tanks to salvage gold. Norman's father was one of these men. Norman had tired watching men, mill and tractor. Remembering It was Christmas, he considered what a real live boy should do on Christmas day. An idea! Finding a long, smooth board and a short slender one fcr steering, he climbed to the top of the dump and began coasting down ns if it were no more valuable than a sand hill covered with snow. Again and again he climbed to the top nnd coasted down, his cheeks glowing with exercise and rarefied deceit air. Along came Mr. Sterling, president of the mine, just in time to roe a pretty spill from the ImprovisedtobO£ i,ran which sent Norman the rest of the way tobogganless. He came up grinning, but Mr. Sterling saw a badly damaged pair of coveralls. "Well, sonny," he said, "I've coasteddown many a hill, but never a hilt of gold. But today is Christmas, isn't It? Let's go over to the chemist's shack and see if we can find something to use for coveralls." He found a pair of overalls that Norman could wear by rolling them up. Mr. Sterling took Norman's torn garment and dropped It Into a can Qf cyanide. Later In the day Norman stood in wide-eyed wonder while Mr. Sterling took the residue from the can, strained it through a chamois and presented Norman with a "button" of gold which he had gathered up In his coveralls in the process of his coasting. It was the most interesting Christmas gift Norman had ever received and gave him a lot more respect for the value of that hill as well as tof Mr. Sterling. -f (A. ill*. W«at«m M«wqp*iMr , Obterruc* of Christmas It may not be generally known that Cbrlstmas has not always been observed on the 25th of December. There was no celebration of the Nativity until nearly 100 years after the death of Jesus. Since then it has been observed on the 1st and 6th of January, the 29th of March, the 29th of September, tha loth of Afril «nd tha &)fch of May. Early (Jailed State* 'j; , Tine population of the ThlrMNsn ontes In 1780 was estimated at 2,781,- 000. There are no actual data regard- Ing the number who were Catholics, but it is believed that not jnore than 300,000 were of that faith. Memory of tke DsmI Tbe grave, wrote J. Petit-Sena, la 41 crucible where memory Is purified; wa only remember a dead friend by thosa ftnaUito npKfiiiijr rearette^L . * . A King el Deer Crawferdsville, Ore.--Duncan Me* Kereher has earned the name of "the deer king of Oregon." He makes a business of raising and sending the animals to all parts of the United States. His herd now contains 75 deer, eight of which are fawns. His favorite Is "I!sbe." A few years ago she did the unusual in giving birth to Little Bat St. S«»»eph.--After battling 'fWfP St. Joseph policerjen, Oscar Lindgren, seventy- five, nnd who weighs but l^i pounds nnd who is but 5 feet tall, waa put iu the county jail here recently. Biblical Allusions, Fail to $ave Fines Amerieus, Ga.--"Thank heaven that, like Paul of olden days, I am able to defend myself," Ed Wilson, negro painter, told Recorder's court here when tried on a charge of threatening his wife with a pistol. His biblical allusion didn't work, however, as the court fined him $15 and his wife, Mary, $7.50 when Ed dfsplnycd n badly Iftcemled S hrfitd, whiclrshe had cut with a X knife. m m U3s La* U» Sea i . . . _ . . . . . . . . . The Season is at hand when ly welcome the -to extend to you ttarmrat Ifoltbag (krrtingfj^ f and to express our appreciation iltcw Htha* intangible ' invaluable asset"-, - • » " **" 't; <SnahttriU "" that you have so kindly c bestowed on us during the past year 5 EDWARD j. BUSS ; ;t|£STER J. PAGE ;;A.: Proprietors << Buss^age Motor Sale#|f ; > 4," v-' ' ** OTJ Voullf In Anstraiia civilization did not reach the city building stage until the arrival of European settlers. The lirst settlement was made at Botany bay in 1788 and mf - ud the same year to the site of Sydney. The metropolis of Australia, therefore, is the oldest city on the continent, although it is the youngest of the world's great urban centers.--Natlongl Geogrrphic Society Bulletin. PILES CIIRESEIIEM QVtCKLY ALLAYS PAIR and ITCHM If you suffer from itching, blind, protruding or bleeding Piles you are likely to be amazed at the soothing, healing power of the rare, imported Chinese Herb, which fortlfieB Dr. Nixon's Chinaroid. It's the newest and fastest acting treatment out. Brings ease and comfort in a few minutes so that you can work and enjoy life while it continues its eoothing, healing action. Don't delay. Act in time to avoid a dangerous and costly operation. Try Dr. Nixon's Chinaroid under our guarantee to satisfy completely and be worth 100 times the ^mall coat or your money back. Thomas P. Bolger, Druggist tAND A it: & onr^o8t sincere wish to all of you wlio hare m»4&c4K possible for us to serve you by your patronagfe and 4':- CftARLES ItlETKStTiT", U - x. vV-,4. '<• 5^. OIORGE WORTS ^ 0K0R6E J. FREUND" LEO F. SMITH w * r y r ^ f; p r a n k c . m e y b r ^ RICHARD M. FLEMQfO i m .5- W1-- "/-.'vwy: •y'.i-M i/O&t.. ^J5mploy®e»oif Buss-Page Motor Sa MeSU%, ».> .r - + V- 'r " '•$* ' r ? : ,y." ; ;• >;V- ;• y+!<&a d t 'HRISTMaS ttliiS bl sentimeht ah<3 ($eer, ^ take this opportiinity to give tongue to our renewed sense of gratitude to pur patrons and to express our earnest hope that for all of us that Christmas Day marka new ei^of prosperty and happiness, . , ) • I ,w :i % West McHenry " - State Bank '.Cajfafer siaeSaeSi "Y; i Bank of McHenry ILOYD M. FOSS, Caskter ' "! J