(Upplement to iindealer - I, kT- 'i T - »« * ' i ' ' * • ' . Cy. .aJ" 4 '• •,ml liiijp" THB K'HENRY FEAINDEALER, .THURSDAY, JANUARY 1,1931 RINGWOOD "ft* -0M: M&: 3L1 v.r' '4^ ;a: :#v | Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neal and fcmfly were called to Meridosa, I1L, Friday by the serious illness of the former's Sftother. Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Allen of Chii ®go, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hlichens and A. W. Smith spent Christipas Day in ?H*e Bruno Butler home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sherman Hutson of Woodstock were 8un- tiy evening callers In the Lewis chroeder home. ^ ^ Miss Opal Fisher Iff visiting; with *per sister, Mrs. Harold Wiedrich. ' v: Mr. and Mrs. Byron HitchenS of fchicago and Mr. and Mrs. Bruno But- : Ser and children were dinner guests 4; jfri the F. A. Hitchens home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters spent .Jjkmday and Monday at Hunter and ^v^elvidere. Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Butler anaj laughter of Elgin spent the week-end jn the F. A. Hitchens home. j John and Edward Thompson of Chifago, William Thompson of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Adams ^f McHenry spent Christmas day with X: ... •.* >!^yt. • er I $?. r J^their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thomp | >on. | William Beth spent Sunday in the JH. E. Kelley home at Crystal Lake. • Christmas Day guests in the J. V. Buckland home were: Mr. and Mrs. •Charles Thompson and Mr. Thomas of ".•Greenwood, Mri and Mrs. Lloyd Gratton and family of Woodstock, William - Thorpe and mother of Lake Forest, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Buckland. Mr, iand Mrs. J. C. Ladd and Mrs. Madge Hodge. ' Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neal and family ; and Mina Laurence spent Christmas / Day in Chicago. j Christmas Day guests in the Wm. , Beth home were Mr. and Mrs. Ma* ; Beth and son, Mr. and Mrs. William J Beth, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph "^Simpson of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kelley. |> Mrs. Albert Kreuse and Mrs. M- « bert Purvey of McHenry were callers in the Wm. Kelley home Tuesday af- ^^ ternoon. ! • ^ 1 . . M r . and Mrs. Robert Shutse of Monroe, Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. F. Block and daughter of Kenosha spent • s?~? Christmas Day in the Dr. Hepburn ; home. Gladys and Howard Shepard spent ' v Christmas Day with their grandpar- J ents at McHenry. 7 '• Miss Grace Shott of Chicago is "... visiting in the L. E. Hawley home. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Matsen and family of Chicago spent Christmas . - Day in the Gus Pearson home. j Miss Mamie Taylor of Winslow, 111., ; I came Thursday morning to spend the winter with her sister, Miss Flora! - ' Taylor. | :; :.f • Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bigger* ofj Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Weber and children of McHenry and Joe Young and family spent Christmas. Day in the Nick Young home. I Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Nelson and daughter of Antioch and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dodge spent Christmas Day in the Leon Dodge home. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hawley and family and Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hawley spent Christmas Day in the D. C. Bacon home at Crystal Lake. Mrs. Viola Low and children spent Christmas with relatives at Wautosa, Wis. Roger Quinby of Chicago and Mrs. Rose Antcliff of Richmond spent Christmas Day in the Clay Rager home. J. V. Bockland and Chet Osborne left by auto Saturday morning for Orlando, Florida, where they. will %spend the winter. Miss Viola Rager returned to Chicago Friday morning from a few weeks visit wKh her parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Kelley, Rich- Mrs. Jennie Bacon spent Christmas Day with Woodstock relatives. I aid Kelley, Wynne Kelley and Zane' Gray spefi? Sunday in the H. E. Hawley home at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinse of Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet and daughters and Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison and son spent Christaaaa Day hi the W. B. Harrison hone. Mr. and Mrs. George Young and sons had Christmas dinner with the latter's parents at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moaka of Broadhead, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Homer Mann and son and Mrs. Ada Mann -if Woodstock spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Thomas and family Mr. and Mrs. Moska remained the rest of the week. Mir. and Mrs. George Herbert of Woodstock spent Sunday in the J. F. •m| McLaughlin home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr and Mrs. Frankie Stephenson spent Saturday in Woodstock. Mrs. Rillah Foes spent Christmas Day in the C. W. Goodell home at McHenry. Mrs. Jennie Bacon is visiting relatives in Elgin. ' Miss Dorothy Carr of Chicago and I Mrs. Frankie Stephenson spent Christ- ! Day in the Charles Carr home. ! Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters were guests of the latters parents at Hunter Christmas Day. GE1SWOLD LAKfe Neswert and JOHNSBURG ji$n Isabella Schmitt of McHenry spent Christmas with her parents. Miss Heleti Smith of Woodstock spent the holiday with her parents, lfir. and Mrs. S. H. Smith. Miss Viola Adams is now at the home of her parents, after spending some time at Round Lake. Mk and Mrs. Alex Freund of Chi cago, Mr. and Mrs. Steve King and son, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Horick and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Regner and children of McHenry spent Christmas in the S. H. Smith home. Visitors at the Joe Michels home on Christmas were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mi chels, Jr., and children of Harvard, Mr. and Mrs. Will Smith of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Oeffling and children. Mr. and Mrs. George Obenauf and children of Grayslake spent Christmas eve at the home of Ben Schaefer. Miss Rosemary Schaefer is spending her Christmas vacation at the home of her aunt at Grayslake. Miss Helen Schaefer is now working at Antioch. • Harry Cunningham of Antioch was a caller here Wednesday. Misses Mildred and Susan Freti and John Freund of Chicago spent Sunday with relatives here. John Pitsen returned to Chicago with his daughter, Catherine,* where he will spend several days. Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Schaefer,, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. George Miller of Vol©, motored to Chicago Sunday. The children of this town were made happy by the visit of Santa Claus. Peter J. Schaefer of McHenry spent one day last week with hit parents here. Helen Blank of Crystal Lake was a visitor here Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Freund are 4he parents of a girl born on Christmas day. Miss Catherine Schaefer of the convent at Milwaukee spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe N. Schaefer. Emil Simon of Chicago spent Christmas day with his daughter and son at the home of Mrs. Rose Mueller and sons. There will be a dance at the Parish Hall at johnsbvrg en fen. Ereryone is welcome. ; • Miss Myrna Bacon called on Ethel Eatlnger at Watrconda Friday. Elmer Steinsdoerfer recently caught a silver bass at the lake, weighing a few ounces over two pounds. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Kennebeck and son attended midnight mass at Woodstock Christmas eve. Herman Fran*, Jr., of Chisago ia spending his vacation here. Clara Kennebeck and Irvin Neater of Woodstock spent Tuesday and Wednesday with her parents here. A family reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Scheid Christmas day. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freund, Mr. and M!rs. Nick Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Kennebeck, Mr. and Mrs. George Scheid. Mr. and Mrs. Math Scheid, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Scheid, Mr. and Mrs. Basil Stelphoff. and Irvin ter. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stfiekl not present. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Franx son of Chicago were Saturday visitors at the John Barnings home. Mr. and Mrs. John Barnings and son were Tuesday callers at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Basil Steinhoff and the former's mother and Mira Eckner of Racine, Wis., were Monday visiters at the George Scheid home. ••^Rmmet Geary and son of Grayslake and Stanley Olson of Chicago were Christmas day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and Henrv Geary were callers at Wanconda Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Barnings and son were Wednesday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. 8ahrerson at Burton's Bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and Helen Bernier were McHenry callers Saturdav evening. Helen Bernier returned to her home Snndav, after spending the holidays with her sister, Mrs. Jack Geary. the tree or pole, thatare about three or more feet high, tend to eliminate the chances of the cat climbing to the birds. Feeding platforms hang front wires also help to keep the cats away.. «•. -Hr DR. C. KELLEA Optometrist and Optician <>|SK5"4 1 . , v will be at - S DRUG stokk Riverside Drive every Saturday afternoon, S to I p. m,_.- Byaa examined and glaaaaa «Ma tft V " order only Aim all repawn Phono Richmond It Dr. JOHN IH!£BY VETERINARIAN RICHMOND, 1&LINOI8 w GAME BIRD DESTROYER Every time a hunter kills a wild cat he can easily figure that he has saved his daily bag limit of bobwhite quail, according to Claude Hunt, game farm inspector for the Missouri Game and Fish Department, who urges that sportsmen do their part in curbing the depredations caused by the common house cats permitted to run wild. Cats get more birds each year than do the hunters, many nature students believe. A check-up of the resihts of the co-operative pheasant egg hatch sponsored by the Missouri officials during the past summer shows that after the 26,000 eggs had hatched cats caused more deaths of young pheasants than died of natural cause. The toll taken by predatory animals and hawks was very meager in comparison to the toll taken by cats, reports filed by 1,600 persons who received eg<rs revealed. Farmers who permit cats to roam on their places are keeping away birds which aid materially in destroying insect pests. City dwellers must be content with only empty bird houses if they keep cats, bird authorities point out, as feeding places, houses and baths are not sufficient incentive for birds when their greatest natural enemy, the cat, is about. Hundreds of chapters of the Izaak Walton League of America sponsor bird house building contests each year and also feeding campaigns during the winter months. In many sections they also keep a watchful eye on the predatory animal situation and the half-wild house cat does not escape their gaze. Poles and trees that have bird houses placed on them, or feeding platforms, should be protected against the feline bird killer- Tin shields tacked around the base of UcHENRY GRAVEL* EXCAVATING 0<K A. P. Freund, Prop, fcoad Building and Excavating Sstimates Furnished 4Nt - - Request High-grade Gravel Delivered at any time--large or small orders given prompt attention, Phone 204-M McHenrf •HENRY V. SOMPEL General Teaming Sand, Gravel and Goal for Sail Grading, Graveling and 8oa4^ Work Done By Contract , of Every Description ^ or By Day M # ' Phone McHenry 649-84 v McHenry, HI. P. O. Address, Rontw 3 > T WM. M. CARROLL Lawyer (Mfce with West McHenry State Ih|^ Imi Wednesday 4 # McHenry, HBne||. ^11 Phone Itt-W A- H. BCKAEFEB Draying tfeHENRY ILLINOli felephone Now M6-R 8toffel A Reihanspeiver (aanrance agents for all classea f|b property ia the hyt compsaiea. r *E8T McHENKf ^ ^ - ILLINOIS Insure-- Is Sore-IasBraiice Wfra-rr "^"^1' ' W m. G. Schrelner Auctioneering OFFICE AT RESIDENCE M-B r - -5w '