s/i,r' - "V*".. 'r'- :;X *># ,*'.• .• 4S r*. • • ^ » -*-Lh.i .'I.. .***> . K r > f f *~P * -f' - i<Li>v. >i,»-, >".*- *" ,;..- .' iy %mi ~*i \ <K s. ^ Prices throughout this store are the lowest in * years--we believe they have hit the bottom, Ahat the values offered during this sale to be the most outstanding this generation will ever see. We urge you to take care of your wants now at a great saving and make a reasonable investment in merchandise for future use at today's v. • low prices. Read the following quotations: v •imp* OUTING FLANNEL^ yard wide, pink and bine stripes, per yard 12*0 / «P&IKTED FLANNELETTES, for pajamas, regular 25* value, per yard . 19* "• „ a COTTON BATTS, Soderito cotton baft*, 81x90, #« ? pounds, each it ttoq* % yJ 79# Pepperell Sheeting An amazftigfy low price on this natioi dard grade Sheeting. During this sale we offer this 81-in. Shooting" Bleached, per yard, 33# Unbleached, per yard, 29# Special! Special! TUESDAY, JANUARY XStlk Men's Blanket-lined Coats, Mackinaws and Overcoats lot of 18 Coats will be placed on Sale Tuesday, January 13th, at 9:3d a. m. iri-- $1.00 U-'0"- PETER RABBIT BRAND CANNED PEAS, extra standard " . - quality, per can 12i* . . ., \ . ustomer PLYMOUTH ROOK SWEET CORN, per can 11 # FERNDELL MAINE CORN, per can » * ^ ; 17c QR 3 FOR 50#"» " ' PEACHES, packed in heavy syrup, large No. 2ft sixe cans, slices or halves, per can 19# JOJu-WOOL BLACK, FRENCH OR STORM SERGE DRESj* ^ GOODS, 54-in. wide, $2.25 and $2.35 values, per yard $1,124 . KEN'S WORK SHOES, composition soles, rubber heels, retanned leather, per pair F T $1.98 MEN'S GREY SPATS, all sizes, per pair 98# STORM SERGE, 46-in* Mafile, oor regular value, per yard 79# MEN'S SHEEP-LINED CORDUROY COATS, $13.50 values $10.98 r . - MEN'S HEAVY WOOL SOCKS, per pair f J m • 39# Coffee' Under the Ferndell Brand we offer you three high-grade blends, now priced: FERNDELL APPOLO BRAND, per pound, 32 £ FERNDELL ALBION BRAND, per pound, 36# FERNDELL O. B. G. BRAND, per pound, 42# if-- ROLLED OATS, best quality, 10 LBS. FOE 290 ALL-WOOL STORM SERGE, 36-in.f black, per yard 49c HEN'S UNCLE SAM WORK SOCKS, 2 3 PAIR FOR 25# ..'ft HEN'S SUSPENDERS, new, with live elastic, heavy or Bglit 1UMFORD BAKING POWDER, 5 LB. CANS, 98# HI in,>iii Him. i ,i^,i'-.lv"N|i.>ir»<rJ(il4;.i , ^ BABY STUART HEZ> A LASKA SALMO^l-fr. ftat can* ^ TJ|J 3 FOR $1.00, 0R; PER CAN, 35^ ifw^LAID RATINEE, bought to sell for HOW of- -J " fered to you, per yard » . ^ . h am - • • 29^ " * - . J #HITE DRESS FLANNEL, aU wool, 40-in., beaatifnl mefl chandise, regular $2.50 value, per yard $1.49 | KOTEX, ptr package, a8c | v^REAM WHITE WOOL BABY FLANNEL, resMar 75c p** yard, now, per yard ^2 yJti* 39c ; " FLAT CREPE SILK and our be^t SILK CREPE DE CHINt, $L8& and $2.00 values, per yard $1.59 weight, per pair 39^ MEN'S FIVE-BUCKLE, ALL RUBBER OVERS, Ball Band; per pair $3.98 - . MEN'S BALL BAND "VAC" FIVE-BUCKLE OVERS, per pair * MiN'S HEAVY AZX-WOOL SWEATERS, |Si 00 values, each $3.98 *KTS WINTER CAPS, some with fur ear bands, values up to $2.50. each 79^ BOYS' ALL-LEATHER HELMETS, pro Msad, adjustable chin strap, each , 1 75^ DOLE'S SUNNY ISLE CANNED PINEAPPLE, sliced, finest quality, No. 2Vi size cans, each " - 28d. ^ -* ARMOUR'S VERIBEST PORK AND BEANS, par can 7 h ^ KRISPY SODA CRACKERS, 1-lb. PKG., 15d Wh. PKG., 25# ^ :"A ^ JJUJIES'-SNAP FASTENER GALOSHES, aU robber, v«y / <».. • ^ latest styles, per p&ir s- ^ v-.• r' r"": $1.98 J ' - - ^^MOMES' PURE THREAD SILK HOSIERY, bought to sell f«r ^ | $1.00 per pair, sixes 8'/z to 10, a wide range of colors, 2 PAIR FOR $1.00 S 1 *»*€:•;• '•. FULL-FASHIONED HOSIERY, popular shade!, pEN'S PURE WOOL "BUCKSKIN" UiaO« ftPX«» $&00 MEN'S FLANNEL SHIRTS, fine, soft wool, in grey, khaki and plaids, values up to $3.98, now, each $1.79 : _ MEN'S GREY WOOL MIXED UNION SUfTS, $4.00 values, FERNDELL CATSUP, 2 SMALL BOTTLES, 25# 3 LARGE BOTTLES, 58# AMERICAN FAMILY SOAP, ' 10 BARS FOR 554 " *& F. AND G. WHITE NAPHTHA LAUNDRY SOAP, IQ BARS FOR 37# V' 1 ^ IVORY SNOW--Pure Ivory Soap in a form like sno#, 3 15c PKGS. FOR 25# PALM OLIVE TOILET SOAP, per 7 h* lil'.# 'I1.*1 - 1 per garment $3.35 regular value, $1.00 per pair, now 69# ?£& PAIR, OR 3 PAIR FOR $2.00 values, per garment BOUDOIR LAMPS--Portable electric Boudoir Lamps, ivory enameled base with fancy decorated glass shades, each • 89C FANCY GREEN TINTED WATER GLASSES, 6 FOR 25# GOOITQUALITY STEMMED WINE GLASSES per dozen • 75C V; ^ * S3.98 TOOTH BRUSHES, regular 50c quality, 25# Colgate9* Ribbon Dental Cream most popular tooth paste on the market, regular 25c tubes, each. n# Limit--two to a customer Men's Heavy Canton Flannel Gloves ft* ^ .Well Made, With Kn^lj^i 6 Pair for 59# Oranges Fine, juicy, seedless California Navel Oranges. The quality is prime and the price, well, it speaks for itself, per dozen 12^# 17# 221 '*# 'j iuwii-jumu " ' ifftW Pi >• •z-'&L McHenry mim* w ' mPi - - ' • ,. Vr 1 Telephone E R I C K S O N ' S DEPARTMENT STORE ' McH.»r, I '•*"1 - y . . . • . •J-' , *