*. , v* 5 •rr.j; M'HEHRY FLAHfDEA • - 7'-? \ tl.-,,v .t^-/ • . • ' - « . ' V j r . * - UBBDAY, JMfUAllT 8,1931 t'-.i T"*"^ 1 .;.*, £•:" ' * - -v-*' „ :. ' - t . J6. -- »* t "3^ ^>t 4 * ^ THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER PlUhM every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by Charles F. Renich. Altered m second-class matter at the poatoffice at McHenry, CL, under the act of May 8,1879. -i* One Year Ms lontln .|2.00 ^1.00 • ijp; A. H. MOSHER, Editor and Minarcr Public Pulse (All communications for this department must be signed by the writer, otherwise they will not be published. The Plaindealer invites its readers to express their opinions in these columns.) 2144 Estes Ave., Chicago, 111. the McHenry Plaindealer, McHenry, 111. Attention of Mr. A. H. Mosher, Editor: Several years ago I was offered a rammer home in McHenry in trade for some undesirable Chicago real estate, and felt at the time that I was probably getting something just as bad, and of the two evils I chose the one that I thought would be the fartherest away from my sight. My work h» Chicago is very confining and I had little time, if any, to devote to pleasure, so naturally thought I would put the property back on the market but found there was no market at that time. Not succeeding in disposing of the property, I ventured out there a couple of times in disgust and finally thought that as long as I made a bad bargain I had better make the best of it. Well, as time went on and weather became fairer and warmer I would ety. We have a fish dinner now every week-end up there and some fish to spare. Soon the hot weather set in and to my delight swimming was very good. The children came in for this sport in great shape and are in their suits almost continually in the nice warm sunshine. The tan they got is envied by all their friends. As we would come and go we noticed the large number of golfers coming to McHenry and out of curiosity tried the two courses and of course were agreeably surprised. The links are far better than a great many of those close in and around Chicago. So much so, in fact, that I soon disposed of my membership in one of the finest clubs in Chicago where memberships sold for $2,000 and dues were $150 per year. Why pay exorbitant dues and fees there when you have better golfing in McHenry at practically no cost. The summer soon slipped by and September came with the children going back to school. However, the week-end parties were more than delightful as we would come up Friday night and go home Sunday night, having diverified the time between boating, fishing, golfing and hiking. Oh boy, how you felt Monday morning and how you can work for the balance of the week and how you welcomed Friday night again. Ask me, I'll tell you. Well, winter came. Most people *.1.1. j » t started to take in their piers and MISCELLANEOUSmake a trip out there, and as I did ^ up ^ not me , felt the ur^e each time new ^eres s^ ope ^ ^ and tied the pier up so the ice could SHOE REPAIRING - THE CENTRAL pia , g not move ancj we 'had skating par-1 r.i oi-- i-- Want Ads FOR SALE FOR SALE--8-room house and four acres of ground, located on Route 20, about one-quarter mile from McHenry limits. Mrs. Martin S. Freund. Tel. McHenry 638-W-2. *32-3 FGR~SALE--Extra fine big type Poland China boars, and gilts. Sired by Smooth Image and Big Night. James Hunter, McHenry Tel. 617-J-2. > 18-tf FOR SALE--Well secured 7% First Mortgages on McHtnry Residence Property. Inquire at Plaindealer office. lA-tf fOR RENT V FOR RENT--6 rooms with furnace heat, bath, etc., garage; one block from McHenry High School. Kent & Company. McHenry. Phone 8. 81-2 WANTED WANTED--Experienced man wants work oin farm. Call McHenry 124-R. •32 FREE TRANSPORTATION TO CALIFORNIA-- Here is a_ chance for a ybung man to go to the Pacific Coa3t, saving $134 transportation. Must be able to drive car part of distance and pay own expenses outside of transportation. Inquire at Plaindealer office. 81-tf FARM LOANS--First mortgage loans on farms, low interest. Now taking applications for 1931 loans. R. M. Fritz, 2nd Fl., Harvard State Bank Bldg., Harvard, 111. Phone 147. 29-tf selves. First in Chicago I ]had not acquired, anurga, ^ warm hoUse to come for nature but it only took a tnp '-r .^ ^ Belfew th weretwo to realize that the trip to Mc- TX™1 °n'y Prfy Now, I suppose you •« beginning Mrt, but the scenery along the river ^ , sh(mM write t0 ™ «ve" morf at length like this. Well, I'll tell you. was short enoOgh not to become tirc-.j ^ ^ )n Chica(,0 and haw0 a lot of nice friends $ho have spent these glorious week-ends with me and who never heard of McHenry and who never realized what it meant to own some and allowed more time tc enjey the fresh air out there. Nice hikes in and around the old sanitarium grounds and ground McHenry were pleasant, the birds were plentiful and attractive; nature" seemed to open it-, self up in ft new way. My next sur- Shoe Repair Shop, now located in the Brda building on Green Street, is prepared to handle all kinds of repair work with satisfaction guaranteed to all customers. We use the best grade of materials and prices reasonable, Freund & O'Brien. 32-4 a summer home there. Some of these friends have bought a place on differ- j Phone 162 prise w.S ; £at trip iTWLito «"*"»» they had known 27-tf beds and around and in and out the; of thi3 place. McHENRY, ARE TOL ICE SKATES SHARPENING and SEWING MACHINE REPAIRING of all kinds B. POI'P Main St* McHenry $hain of lakes. Well, this trip r>ado ASLEEP? McHENRY, WAKE UP! • LIVESTOCK HAULING . . . 1 , s i . * r t w n ; C h i c a g o m a y b e t h e W o r d ' s g r e a t e s t A N D G E N E R A L T R U C K I N G tte invest in a small ^^fmyow^ but Jt takeg places Hke Go anywhere, anytime I next realized there were fish to get H to make u sucv, why not I Reasonable charges and soon found myself doing some-j McHenry to make it sucn. wny. GEORGE WITT thing I had never dreamed would a ^C"enry . ^ f ^ Phone ILEtnry G08-W-1 McHenry me fishing and what a van- an"a [ 1M ________ ILLE] THEATRE, yfoodtuxk'iBamtHulPUiyHout* Sun.-Wed.-Sat. 2J0 Evenings 7-9 , Special 90c v FAMILY MATINEE 8nnday Screen Show 7 ^ Thurs. Stage Sho*r"8:15 On' the Stage B. ROTNOUE | x PLAYERS On the Screen f*kt Yon There? " with Beatrice Lillit iWs ' t Also --••v-?' Movietone News FRIDAY SATURDAY ; fift Nite Satordty |§'; "WarNurse" ¥ - : S " w i t h • • i l Robert Ames, June Walker, Anita Page, Zasn Pit^, Marie Pre- ,IP«t ' i ' also ^ Comedy 'and News gj '• EXTRA • f Rin-Tin-Tinjn 'The Lone Defender" - representative from each of the river organizations, also a representative from the golf clubs, the churches or any other active bodies such as the hall team, who also furnish pleasure. This body could then put McHenry on the map in red. They could solicit donations or dues for this purpose. In the spring when people start to stir around and look for a summer home, they naturally look in the classified ads in various papers. Here they could find an ad stating that before buying a summer home or planning a vacation to write the McH^psy Chamber of Commerce for, free pamphlet. This^m^itptltel could outline all tj»<r*«!fvantages of buying a home or visiting in McHenry. The Small park along the river north of the bridge could be made more attractive for swimming. The public square could &e made to include swings, etc. for children while their parents go fishing or golfing. Capital could be made of the fact that the state is going to stock the lakes and river and probably make a fish and game preserve out of the lakes just north of McHenry. The Chamber of Commerce could see to it that the river was properly stocked and weeded. Take advantage of the fact that next year times are going to be slow and people will naturally stay close to home. Also plan for the 1933 fair. If you can get such an organization functioning before spring, McHenry can receive the full benefit of its location and resources. A letter could be sent to every merchant and citizen there with a request for their opinion, suggestions or co-operation and with the type of people that make up McHenry I think you can put it over with a bang. I have no personal interest in the matter, but was out there Sunday and on the way home was inspired to write to you, knowing that others might appreciate being informed of the fact that they can enjoy themselves there as much as gny friends, family and I have the past two or three years. Wishing you the compliments of the seasoo^ l am 4 Sincerely yours, . - • L. Milton Ut'IICT.STERING--All kinds of furniture reupholstered and repaired. Good work guarantaed. Work called l ir and delivered. Chas. Rasmussen, <lyzed semi-annually S. Center St., We3t McHenry, 111. .j£ITY COUMCIL PROCEEDINGS v Council Room, Jan. 5, 1931. The city council, with Mayor Knox presiding, met it) regular session Monday evening. Aldermen present: Doherty, Krause, Kruetzer, Overton, Schaefer, Wattles. Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by Krause, that the minutes be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Wattles, that the treasurer's report be approved as read, showing a balance of $8,565.26 on deposit. Motion carried. Motion by Overton, seconded by Schaefer, that the collector's report be accepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by Doherty, that the clerk's report be accepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Overton, seconded by Krause, that the following bills be paid as OK'd by the finance committee. Motion carried. John Walsh, salary, Dec ....$135.00 W, C. Feltz, salary, Dec. 100.00 M. M. Niesen, salary, Dec 60.00 Andrew Hanson, labor on«~ waterworks 9.50 J. W. North & Co., services t© city ...." 75.00 Mayme Buss, Water rents 12.37 John R. Knox, telephone calls 1.70 Peter A. Neiss, telephone calli^ - etc ...: 1.34 John F. Bfda, supplies ..... 5.55 Thos. P. Bolger, fumigators .... ,,'.3.50 John Stilling's Tire Shop, stor» . age, etc 16.60 H. E. Buch, repairs at sewer lift .* 24.75 Art Meyers, labor on waterworks 9.50 Geo. Meyers, hauling cinders.... 12.00 Herman A.-Kreutzer, Jr.,...-... spreading ashes . 6.00 M. Engeln & Son, labor, sevrtMT lift 4.75 McHenry Lumber Co., coal .... 88.75 Alexander Lumber Co., coal etc. 21.33 The C. H. Hanson Co., license plates 50.00 W. S. Darley & Co., supplies 45.36 Weil-McLain Co., hydrant 84.52 111. Bell Tel. Co. service ....... .50 Public Service Co., street....:;.. lights 149.70 Public Service Co.; power,......., ' sewer lift 14.04 Public Service Co., ornamental lights J24.71 Public Service Co., pumping at city hall 35.20 Public Service 06., city haQ lights 2.45 The McHenry Plaindealer,...^.. pririting 126.25 The McHenry Plaindealer, sig- • nature stamp .v... 2.85 The McHenry Plaindealer, assessment receipts 15.50 , Motion by Krause, seconded by Doherty, that Mr. North's letter, and that of Wells Engineering Co. be filed with Mr. Bonslett's report, and the incident closed for all time. Motion carried. Motion by Krause, seconded by Kreutzer, to have the city water ana- Motion carried. Motion by Kreutzer^ seconded by Tel. 107-M. JEWELRY ON CREDIT: At Fred T. Ferris Jewelry Stcre, Woodstock, Illinois, you may buy on Credit Watches, Diamonds. Jewelry, Silverware; clqcka all of the best grades and all ait cash prices. No advance ;n price. Nation aMv advertised merchandise that you Know by reputation. Come and see for yourself. FRED T. FERRIS, Jeweler, Woodstock, Illinois. 12-tf 12-tf I Krause, that the bill of D. T. Smiley be tabled. Motion carried. Motion by Krause, seconded by Overton, to pay Mrs. Brown the sum of $300 and interest of $43.33, total of $343.33 on judgment. Motion carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Kreutzer, to adjourn. Motion carried. JOHN R. KNOX, Mayor PETER A. NEISS, Clerk. 11-tf JOE KVIDERA, CARY, ILL. Livestock Dealer Dairy Cows a Specialty . Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone Cary 37-J FARMERS--DEAD OR ALIVE ANIMALS-- We buy and pick up crippled and broken down cows, horses, pigs, sheep and old plugs. To be oaed for Silver Fox food. From $2.00 to $10 per head. NOTICE* We boy dead animals also. We pay more for dead animals if you call us as quickly as the animal dies. . Telephone Barrington 256. We pay all telephone calls. _ *4-8 TUNE--and keep your piano tunea Tuning makes your piano %. musical instrument. Phone 274-J or write J. H. Deihl, Woodstock, 111. 27-tf Attorney Uses Almanac to Win Auto Crash Case Indianapolis.--The ingenuity of Abraham Lincoln In using an almanac to win a murder case was imitated by. W. S. Henry, colored attorney, in Municipal court here. Andrew Merritt, colored, thirty-five, was charged with driving a wagon without a tail light and causing an auto accident. Henry, his attorney, admitted that the defendant was driving without a light, but pointed out that the law allows a driver until a half hour after sundown before he muBt burn dlghts. The accident occurred at 6:25 p. m. Henry produced an almanac to prove that official sundown was six o'clock, thus allowing the driver five minutes. Judge Paul C. Wetter held that the almanac was sufficient proof, SUNDAY MONDAY "Dp the River" Laugh This Off! Bnt it will take over an hour became this is the season's cleverest comedy, featuring Spencer Tracy, Claire Luce, Warner Hymer, William Collier, 8|| , also „ Eddy Cantor in 1* "INSURANCE" Comedy and News % TUES. WED. Qeorge Bancroft in m Derelict W; Comedy and News Last Word ia Diplomacy An ultimatum Is formal intimation by one state to another state that unless the latter complies with certain terms, certain consequences will follow. These consequences may be war or may be measures short of war. Differentiation "Isn't it an absolute fact," demands a cantankerous Canuck of the Border Cities Star,'"that a man who gives in, when he knows he Is right, Is "weak?" "Not necessarily," dissented the editor; "perhaps he's married." - . U«e Your Judgment "Most cooking experts recommend a dash of salt." Just how much Is a dash? Are there big dashes and little dashes, or Is there a slap-dash?-- Woman's Home Companion. Beauty Definition Beauty is nothing else but a JvU accord and mutual harmony of the members, animated by a healthful constitution.--Dryden. Boys Better Cooks Than Girls, Iowa Expert Says I>es Moines.--Boys are better cooks than girls aQd leave their kitchens much neater, says Miss Gretta L. Wolf of Washington Irving Junior" high school here. She Is teaching a class of 23 boys how to cook this year. Heretofore the cooking classes have been exclusively for girls. But this year school officials were amazed wh«R» 23 boys signed registration cards for cooking. The boys prepare menus two hours a week and test their creative skill over the cook stove three houis a week. Quarrel Gives Man One of First U. S. $5 Bills Murphysboro, 111.--A. D, Millhouse of Murphysboro owns one of the first five dollar bills issued by the United States treasury because his father knew how to settle disputes of others. Millhouse said the bill marked "No. 1--Series A" of 1862 issuance was obtained by this father when two friends quarreled over an old $5 bill that the creditor refused to take. The elder Millhouse offered a new bill to the creditor aud pocketed the old one. | Radio Fan in Jungle Hears Request Number Hartford, Conn.--Deep in the heart j of a Central American jungle a young man listening to the program of station WTIC at Hartford, Conn., experienced a desire to htar a certain musical selection Turning to the amateur transmitter in his room, he sent«j>ut a general call which was answered by an amateur at Porto Itice, who In turn relayecfthe request to another amateur, Taul Delgado of Tuekahoe, N. Y., owner and operator of station W2FN. Delgado Immediately got on the long-distance telephone to Hartford and 45 minutes later the requested Dumber was being received in Central Attectea. RpcUhing Tabl* The custom of the ancient Greeks if reclining Instead of sitting at the table originated from the custom of reclining oh couches after ablutions in public baths, while refreshments nere served. Youth's Hail of Lead Finally Kills Big Bear Hayne, Wyo.--There are two ways it can be done with a small .22 caliber rifle--one, a well placed bullet between the eyes; second, a leaden hail. Jack Osmond, twelve, and Orin Heap, thirteen, chose the latter meth "d and fired so many leaden missile Into the body of a large bear that through the law of averages one found a vital Let 'Em Change Women's taste never stands still They're never satisfied. Whvshautd they be?--Woman's Home Companion. Timothy's Goose Was Cooked By H. LOUIS RAYBOLD 0€H3HCHCH3HCH>0000-00-aCH3<H3H3Ch>CHHH3 (CopyrUrht.* a • ABOUT all there was to Tim's act was Qtrollne. Caroline, the marvelous trained goose--that is how she" was billed. Even Daisy's song was lncid£ptal, merely serving to fill fortynine seconds while Tim changed Carolina's costume in the wings. Yes, Caroling was the little money maker in the Gordon and Gordon combination, and if Daisy hadn't had Influenza and been laid up in a hospital for several weeks the season's profits wouldn't have been so bad. Fortunately, they were booked some weeks ahead and if they rnnde good further bookings would doubtless even up. At least, that was the situation when Tlni fell a victim to the same prostrating malady which had so weakened his sister. "It's no use, kid. i can't go on today. Heaven knows whether you «*aa manage alone. Just our iuck, too, having that guy Winters follow us wlfh his dog act. Can't figure whether he's sweet on you or has an eye on getting the goose or queering our act somehow." Tim tossed restlesslj. "I'll manage," Daisy assured him. But at the very mention of Dick's name, Daisy flushed until she rivaled Tim's feverishness. Was It coincidence that Winters had played in so many theaters at the same time as she and Tim? Was he really "sweet on her," or was Tim's other ' cynical surmise correct ? She resolutely put the thought from her and rose briskly. The work of the performance would be doubled for her, and before that there was the coldblooded manager to propitiate who would not be keen about canceling one member of the Trained Goose act. At the stage door, Daisy ran Into Dick and wondered If it was her ima g i n a t i o n , or i f , . I n t h e a b s e n c e of Tim, he wasn't considerably more cordial and iriendly even than usual. "Darn shame about Tim," he said. ILet me know if there's anything I ^an do. How's Caroline? Any time Tim wants to sell the old girl, don't forget she'd just top my act." Somehow or other, Daisy staggered through the afternoon and then rushed home to report to Tim, only to find her brother tossing in' delirium. A hastily summoned doctor looked grave, feared pneumonia, ufged a nurse for the next few days. After he had gone, Daisy sat quietly for a few moments, then silently gathered her resources together, determined to pull Tim through. Recalling Dick's words, she called him by telephone in the lobby below and she felt a great wave of relief I sweep through her as Dick promised to come right over. 1 Three days later Tim woke from his first refreshing sleep. Daisy sat beside him holding his thin, white hand. Beneath Dhisy's eyes were dark circles and Ler face was wan. There had been no work for Caroline the past few days. On the contrary, there had been bills for medicine, fbr the doctor, for the nurse, for extra hotel service. Daisy's pocketbook was flat and Tim's rifled pockets no longer jingled. Not near-broke now were Gordon and Gordon. Stony broke. And the doctor had said Tim must have nourishing food to pu|l htm through. Daisy bit her lip, and her eyes filled. At that instant the door opened and Dick's head poked in. "How's Tlm?"^ he whispered cheerily. "Better? That'sgood. Say, lend me Caroline, will you? She's no use to you right nrfw." Listlessly Daisy nodded assent and Dick withdrew. Tim, waking shortly, took all of Daisy's attention for some time. Suddenly, "Gee, but I'm starved," he said. "What do I get for supper?" Daley turned away. What did hd get, poor fellow! She could pawn her suit perhaps and depend on her ole} raincoat It might tide thehi ove^ until they were earning once mom As she turned to take it down some one knocked at the door. It was not Dick, as she had hoped, hut the bellboy with a tray--a heavily laden tray. Surh a supper! Broth for Tim, roast fowl with all Ita accompaniments for Daisy. "De compliments of Mister Win* ters," said the boy nnd vanished. Just as they were finishing the meal Daisy remembered Caroline. "I wonder what he wanted her she said half aloud. "Her? Who?" asked Tim. "Dick borrowed Caroline," SQfti; Daisy.. ,"Dick Winters!" * exclaimed Tlw, who did not yet know of all that .Dick had done. "Well, then, our goose is cooked!" At his words Daisy's hand flew toiler throat and her eyes to the empty tray. "Goose is cooked! Oh, no, Dick wouldn't have--that sort of thing might make a good plot for a story, but in real life-- "Well, well, folks!" Dick's breezy voice burst upon them. "Some little benefit that was, thanks to Caroline I Stop your noise, Caroline! And here's the proceeds." Into Daisy's lap he l>oured handful after handful of coins and bills. After he had told them all about It Tim apologised sheepishly. "Mis- Judged you, old man," he said. "Thought you were after Caroline." "No," sal 1 Dick slowly. "I'm not after Caroline." And across Tim's lied Dick's honest eyes and Daisy's _shilling ones met. -Those JmIotm Eyes "If," importunes a cross-eyed customer of the Arkansas Gazette, "only 10 per cent of the people have perfect eye sight, what would you say of the other 90 per cent?" "We'd say," gurgled the editor,, "that they tuted the 'cock-eyed-world.'" Acute Obaerratioa Fault Is the one thing that is osnaUy round where it is not--Chicago News. N«, Never I Correct this sentence: "How sweet of ybu always to remember our annlversary," said the wile, drop a hint" 'when lMr«r J jri fr&%. Early London Bridg* ' . The date of the first bridge across* the Thames at London has been established as A. D. 43. There Is someh controversy as to whether this yqy Roman or Briton. ' • Time to Eat--at KARLS1-- What a pleasant time that is, whether it is breakfast, luncheon or dinner. Karls' food is good food, the menus have a varity to please the most jaded palate, and the atmosphefe is oat ^ that induces rest and enjoyment. *, Breakfast Luncheon Dinner JOHN KARLS 1 Ey: "Come in please--Go out pleased *•. a • '.J'. ; "I ' -v, ' 1"- • * "• - ' 'S•£ WEST SIDE GARAGti Otto Adams, Prop. TeL 185 CUnermlAirtainobili Bepairfaig • Res. Phone, 639-R-2 TIm Land of 'Pleat? Every American who falls to appreciate what he has ehoald be sent over to Europe. Then he would never criticize his country again.--Baroness Dombrowsk'i. Th* Greatest Conferanc* One of the most entirely right things In the world Is the willingness and ability to admit honestly and temperately that we may be wrong.--Woman's Hpme pompanRM. "Adopted" Family When her master sold all of her young kittens the angora cut of Karl Schober, a farmer of Goeslng, Australia, scoured the fields round about until she had collected three young rabbits. These she adopted nnd fed wtth her own wfllc. No Need of Bnrire* Brakes on the car of Justice are entirely out of place becaufee Its drive Is nestt? npbiiir--Atlanta EIGHT O'CLOCK Coffee 3 ibs- 59c ttbURCU BOKARy • i w n 39c * 35c Money's Worth •^cmd then somet" That is one thing we always try to do . . . give our customers their money's worth ... and thea gaip. MAXWai HOUSl OR CHASE & SANBORN'S u. 39c 16-OZ. Cc LOAF O Coffee Grandmother's SnSad Pure Lard .« «3 lbs. 29c Ncvy Beans % U* Fresh Fruits and Vegetables! IDAHO POTATOES 1Mb. pk. ifc GRAPEFRUIT, Texas, sise 80, «. APPLES, Deliciouf l, '*** APPLES, Winesap U POTATOES, Early Ohi« ..each 5c _ 2 lbs. 25c lbs. 23c pk. 32c ^ .J|u. $1.28 (Qkutmat) Wome^ ; who personally inspec|- ^ the rood they buy an«jr^._ the prices they pay «av4r more money in their mar* krting than in any other household task* Time spent in shopping in A & P stores is uxU npaid in the money that . n is not spent. A & r FOULD'S SPAGHETTI OR \ Macaroni 2 Quaker Oats «"£l9c Rice£S usirs * chiii^; NATIONAL BISCUIT CO'S. Cookies . "-32c MB.KETTES OB CHOCOLATE MMEKTltt 3"» 17c J2"iS23c A&P Food Stores i MIDDLE WESTERN DIVISION i The Great Atlantic and Pacllc Tea Company ...#? C;