Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Feb 1931, p. 4

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Published ewery Thursday At McHenry, I1L, fay Charh* F. Renich. Entered u »econd~clasa matter at the postoffice af McHenry, EL, unthe act of May 8, 1879. « > ' ' ' - I ' ' I . M . „ ' ' • .----:A-- *. V_->• •12.00 $1.00 A. H. MOSHER, Editor and Maaafcr •• .y-f": •. Daylight Saving Time 't& Much comment has been noted oa question of McHenry going on ylight saving time this summer, s matter was opened up in the editorial columns of the Plaindealer last •Week and if present indications pref;|| ail at the time of the election this ring there is little doubt., that tfie position will carry if It is placed on ,e ballot. The extra hour of daylight during the summer months can he used Want Ads FOR SALE FOR flAliE--^Eleven head fine young Holstein cows, three full blood with papers; some fresh with calves by side, others close springers, balance to freshen -within six weeks. State Public Pulse (All communications for this department must be signed by the writer, otherwise they will not be published. The Plaindealer invites its readers to Express their opinions in these columns.) •accredited herd, went clean five years. Henry Atwell, Lake Villa, 111. 36. Phone •87 great advantage here just the same •tpB it is being used in Chicago and Surrounding cities and Tillages. McHenry depends to a great extent -Upon our city visitors for business Airingr the hot months. They all use daylight time when they are in the <fty and they leave their timepiecees, m Aw same time when they come out) FOR SALE-7-r*m fcoue and gar- FOR SMJt-Cfomsr bagr and wheat M. P. Meyer, two miles north of Johnsburg, on riser road. Tel. McHenry 644-J-2. *$7 Council Publishes Letters In order to acquaint the citizens of the city of McHenry with the facts concerning the two letters presented to the city council by the Wells Engineering Co. and Auditor J. W. North which have been referred to in this column by a former alderman of the city, the present city council is authorizing the publication of these letters. This will give the voters an opportunity to judge for themselves the merits of the case. WELLS ENGINEERING COMPANY Civil and Sanitary Engineers January 30, 1931. Mr. John Knox, Mayor, McHenry, III. V Dear Sir: We appreciate the faqf^that Statements and replies relative to any controversy that ere carried on by cor- --,J" I'V?- age, located in Spring Grove. Very reasonable. Inquire of Frank L. Adams, Ringwood, JIL 37 here to their summer homes. Consequently they find it very confusing SBd undesirable to have, to operate on two different times. Here is one comment we got from jersey COWS FOR SALE--Will > well-known resident of McHenry. I have my barn Monday, Feb. 16, a *TPhat i$ the first sensible thing, I navel ]oad of Jersey cows. These cows seen in. your paper for a long time.{ape all good size and all abortion and C|f course^ we^ want jdaylight^ time, TB tested. No stockyard cows. These respondence are entirely unsatisfac- „ „ tory and we do not intend to continue ENGINE ERI]NG COMPANY these various matters continually, and , „ as he statad t© your Council, he trill InouM have been paid one per cent {not be satisSed until he has SOT the work on "said roll. This roll praetfc*it)F cowed the entire city and before starting laid work we made a price of fSOO.ftO to the Council, which was accepted by them. Relative to our fee on the $3,484.00 we stated that as an emergency existed and as it was necessary to do said work im mediately and the payment was to be made out of the general fund of the city, which fund was to be reimbursed out of a special assessment proceeding that was to follow, we stated we would not bill the general fund for our services but would wait until the special assessment proceedings were completed, which included said $3,484.00, and would collect our fee# at that time., This was understood by the entire Council with possibly the exception of Mr. Bonslett. I presume that" Mr. Bonslett has not malice in the matter but is sincere in his contention. However, he is mistaken in his figures, so if there are any points in connection with ' the above that are not clear to him, we would be pleased to take the matter up personally with him. Otherwise, the matter is closed as far as we areconcerned Respectfully submitted. shewn docmaeatary evidence and then he will not be satisfied since he has already been shown much of the documentary evidence covering the points whioh he has raised--as I.said, it may be that his effort to embarrass you is to try and force a consoltda tioir-of these two positions so that he may be able to fill the office. I expect that, during the month of January, I will be in McHenry and it is entirely possible that I will, at that time, be able to scan the Special Assessments and assist you in preparing your call for the Bonds that are to be retired during the year 1931. If there are any special items that you wish me to cover, please call upon me. ;Y „ Ho«t respectfully yours, JWNjM J. w. NORTH. TRAVELING PICTURE ^,-^sEXHIBIT PLEASES are glad to know that he undoubtedly thinks that the Plaindealer can be made better in some respects. Another man in this town also paid cows are bought in the country where they milk. Some of these cows test as high as 7 per cent butterfat and give 12 quarts of milk. Don't change a st>rt of a bade-handed compli-, ajj yom. cows-jf y0U are jow jn test. t and finished his rema„rk s .i n fr. Tut in a few of these good Jerseys, w of the daylight time. He is one Highegt prices id for bceferg Sat_ of the sponsors of the twjlight bas- i3faction ^anteed. Joe Kvidera, h•aaull frames "Just think," he said c m phone c 37_j "we would have time to get a full | ** .B#me in before dark if we had that! FOR SALE 0R RENT--5-room bunhour of light. I would like to galow, nearly new and strictly mod- '» «ee the thing put to a vote. j prn in pvprv rpsnprt. riftacH in nnrch. Several who are employed in 37-2 • " • ] | ern in every respect. Closed in porch, the parage, large lot, assessments paid in business houses have offered much fuli, newly decorated. This house is encouragement for the proposition built first class throughout. Owner One young lady recalled the time a wilj Ben reasonable for cash few years back when we had the day- time. Address "W light time and stated how well she plaindealer. ' Would like to go back to it during the' gammer months. I FOR SALE--Rag rugs. Frank Gus or on care McHenry 37-3 to do so, but we feel that we must ERW:LS explain Mr. Bonslett's "reply" in the Plaindealer on January 22, 1931. Our letter to you on December 2, 1930, which is the basis of Mr. Bonslett's article, is in reply to the charges made by Mr. Bonslett 16 your Council, Which I believe is on file with the city records and of which we have a copy. We suggested that you procure a certified copy of the final order of adjudication from the County Clerk as the copy that Mr. Bonslett was using was not an exact copy. Mr. Bonslett's article states that I have been either misinformed or am telling a deliberate lie. He then states that the exact copy he is using is as follows:, 4 Amount paid and to be paid • contractor $46,686.40 Cost of making, levying and collecting assessment 3,523.54 Cost of engineering 2,646.19 Amount estimated for interest 6,944.37 Amount of awards for land 1,457.50 By E. ROY WELLS. J. W. NORTH AND CO -Certified Public Accountant^ Audits-Federal Tax Reports-Systems 4403 Sheridan Road Chicago, Illinois Telephone Lengbeach 8770 pecember 3, 1980 John R. Knox, Mayor City of McHenry, Illinois.,, . « ' < Honorable and Dear Sir: I# 1«M» missed seeing the traveling picture exhibit at the McHenry public grade school last week, you missed something quite worthwhile. There were 150 large, colorful reproductions of paintings of famous old and modem artists. These were hung in the kindergarten room and hails of the grade school. The exhibit was quite well attended and we believe you liked it. Wednesday afternoon of last week the Art Exhibit tea waq sponsored bjr the eighth grade girls. The members of the Mothers club, were their guests. Seventy persons were present. V -Life picture poses were worked out by students of the grade shool and presented Wednesday afternoon. Advanced. Showing of New fc" .-v.* •" 1 • t id. • * *• -Ji-t Young Men'#! HATS ffflthis spring <w-: season ^-T1"' vF1"-' •* ' V-. - r ; ^5Toi|ng man, if yon wa«t itrwtly to date S headgear, you should see these nifty shapes. -1 Mi, .Get yours now while t^ls^ng jrPsjK9#4 ' /' S^« Our Window DixplA/. > -•*- >• * " Green'Street McHenry, CL $T~ * v_; * -• im'#- 'm There is enclosed a bill In the som were again given to the pubHc of Seventy-Five Dollars ($75.00) | on Thursday evening. Special lightcovering time sPent_ in conferences' ing> music and costuming made the with yourself and Mr. Ray Conway, poses quite effcetiye. Pupils taking City Clerk, and time spent ,n myipart in these were Tommy Howe in office reviewing the old work papers j Hencke'g "Playtime"; Kathryn McAnw n a"9Wpf\n5 ll?e th L at drews as the "Artist's Daughter," by Mr. William Bonslett submitted to the Kaulback; Clare Whiting in "The Bov Total * .,.$61,837.80 In his charge to the Council he stated that "Certificate of final completion on record at our County Seat" is as follows: ..$46,686.40 % S ' 1 0.: f W' • *;*- The churches in McHenry during tafson. W. McHenry, corner of Centre summer have hundreds of city(ter and Johp streets. 35-tf people attending their services. Many j ^ times they get confused on the par- ®E „SOLD , i Pa,d contractor ticular hour of service and either gat'1 s' "wel,mgs and outbuildings of! Making plans and collecting there too early or too late. We be-jlhe late Burt Park3 in West McHenry. | Engineering lieve the churches would welcome the c^eaP' easy terms. Stoffel &; Inspection change to daylight time. i Reihansperger, W. McHenry. 34-4) Estimate for interest vThe Plaindealer would be glad to FOR SALE--Hay and stra'v, hew from a number of our readers, pressing of same. Our City Council at. the November Meeting. . ' Inasmuch as the items referred to in Mr. Bonslett's report were all covered at some time in the past tfro years--'and some of the items have been covered more than once--I do not feel that I can donate my services to the City of McHenry for the time spent thereon. / The items which Mr. Bonslett reand the Rabbit." by Raeburn; Margaret Landl in '*The Age of Innocence," by Reynolds; Buddy Bauer as the Campfire Boy in Witknwski's picture by that name; Florence IVfiller as the Madonna in "Madonna of the' Street" by Terruzzio. Robert Martin announced tne pictures. Through contributions and ticket sales the picture fund amounts to $90. Aside from this the room making the largest sale of tickets receives a $10 giving their views on the question. & Overcoming Youth Youth Is a calamity which grows iylns bitter and less poignant as the ! tears go by through the mere process V , tot-living.--Randolph Churchill. Also' prices are' right and satisfaction assured. Ben-' well & Henkel, West McHenry.. Tel. •McHenry 606-J-l. 36-tf ferred to were all covered at the u ^ ^ time of the original report, some of; picture" award. Eighth grade gained „ „ t them having been set up on, your! this honor. Evy Karls quite ran away 3,523.54 ®^®»A as!• /or example, the item of, wjth the. race with her individual sale 2,646.19 ( $664.00 which is due Special Assess- 0f fifty-eight tickets. 579.80 'ment Fund; the difference of from We wish to thank Jtfrs. John Karls 6,944.37 two to five hundred dollars on various for her contribution of food for the 1,457.50 t' v VitamiBs in Sweet Potatoes , ^Veits by chemists show that sweet lira a good aource af vita nina. POTATOES FOR SALE--No. 1 Irish Cobblers; good eating and also good for seed. $1.30 per bu. We deliver. Dave Segel, West McHenry. Tel 92-J 35-tf Peter 33-tf FOR SALE--Two Springers. A. Freund, R-l, McHenry. FOR SALE--Well secured 7% First Mortgages on McHenry Residenee Property. Inquire at Plaindealer of- . - W-tf JOB KENT1 ft5"' ' Woodstock's BeautifulPlayliomm Matinees Sua.-Wed.-Sat. 2iSQ , E^eaiags 7-t Special 50c FAMILY MATTNg« p Sundair v < nuiii " THURS.-FRI. f . On the Stage ' tHURSDAY ONLY J. B. ROTNOU^f?, On the Screen / > Victor McLaglen 'te. "A Devil With Wcmeo" > Movietone Mewsi SATURDAY GIFT NIGHT Constance Bennett in "Sin Takes A Holiday" Comedy and Movietone News EXTRA SATURDAY RIN TIN TIN FOR RENT--Cottage on £lm St. Albert Vales. Phone 634-R-2. 37-tf SUNDAY-MONDAY Marion Davies in . "Bachelor Father" and Movietone News rw TUBS-WED. t.'/.-.v -" | ^Richard Arlen in . " Holy Saps Work" with Mary Brian, Stnart M Comedy and Movietone News FLAT FOR R ENT---Reasonable. H. C. Kamhois, West McHoMry, S6-tf FOR RENT--Newly decorated modern 4-room flat on Riverside Drive, furnished or unfurnished. Garage. Apply at this office or call McHenry 167. \ i.-jrji 83-tf LOST LOST--Brief case, near corner of Green and Elm streets, McHenry, on Thursday of last week. Finder leave at A. A P. Store, McHenry. Reward. *87 WANTED WANTED •' v ^ U Horses before March IS, Ch 1 trade on tractors L.V. LUSK&SON Grayslake, Illinoia - §r-4* $61,837.80 itemized list shown above, which Mr. Bonslett refers to as the one he is now usin<», is substantially a copy of the final order of adjudication except that the item of inspection amounting to $579.80 has been accidentally omitted. However, the one that Mr. Bonslett is now using is materially different from the one that he was formerly using, as may be seen by a comparison of the two schedules listed above, and I believe that our statement in our letter of December 2nd is substantiated and that I have not been misinformed or telling a deliberate falsehood. I refer particularly to the second item which correctly reads: "Cost of making, levying and collecting assessment--$3,523.54," which Mr. Bonslett formerly stated, read as follows: "Making plans and collecting --$3,523.54." We emphasize the above as Mr. Bonslett, in his charge to the Council, had deducted from the $3,523.54, the sum of two per cent allowed the collector, and had stated that the balance of the amount equaling $2,270.54 had- been paid to us in addition to our regular fees. In his charge, he states as follows: As per certificate of final completion, Wells Engineering Company were paid for work, on assessment No. 6 as follows: Making plans, estimate*, etc $2,270.54 Engineering ...» 2,646.19 RELIABLE DEALER wanted to han die Heberling Products in McHenry county. Excellent opportunity for the right man. Earnings of $60 weekly not unusual. Write for free catalog G. C. Heberling Company, Dept. 345,• Bloomington, HI. 37-2" FARM LOANS--First 'mortgage loans on farms, low interest. Now taking .applications for 1931 loans R. M. Fritz, 2nd Fl., Harvard State Bank Bldg., Harvard, 111. Phone 147. 29-tf MISCELLANEOUS FREE--With every order of 400 or more., state accredited Corn Belt Chicks placed on our books during February for future delivery, we will give, free, 50 lbs. of starting mash. Prices lowest inJ history-- Leghorns $9.00; Heavies $10.00 and $11.00. Custom hatching 3c per egg. Headquarters for poultry supplies. Simplex oil burning brooder stoves, hard coal stoves, etc. Radio program over WLS 7:30 every Wednesday evening. Make our hatchery your headquarters. Corn Belt Hatcheries., Woodstock, HI. 37_3 bond issues starting with number 9, the items, as stated last Monday, being the items that were paid in the form of cash on Bond Vouchers or bonds on Cash Vouchers. I feel that the answering of Mr. Bonslett, or any other individual who may be constantly bringing up the same points, evep after they have been answered, indicates an unwillingness on the part of such an individual to acknowledge the tru$h of the statements that are made, and I do not feel that such a taxpayer is doing anything for the benefit of the" City. As you are well aware, I have given of my time on numerous occasions at no expense to the City and I expect that I will continue to do so. You will recall that Mr. Bonslett stated that the only reason that I ever attended a Council Meeting or did anything for the City was because I was being paid for it. Naturally, it is my business to see to it that I am paid for my time since an accountant sells his knowledge on tha basis of the time expended. I fully appreciate that the members of the Council and yourself do not expect me to render services without compensation. You will note that in this bill I covered the time spent in connection with the proposed bond issue that was to have been voted upon this Fall and which issue was dropped before election. Since H. C. Speer & Sons refused to pay the expense incurred in coQnection With the proposed bond issue, I am waiving the charge previously made. Please be advised that, in the future, Total paid Wells Eng. Co. on Assmt. No. 6..$5,496.53 'According contract, Wells Eng. Co. . should have been paid: 2% on estimates,: plans, etc 41,263.00 1% for spreading assessment <26.50 3% engineering fees on ^foat $46,686.40 1,400.59 SEWING MACHINES RF.PAln.Kn flag Rugs Made to Order • y . ^ 8 All Work Guaranteed *** a P0PP Phone 162 Main St. McHenry TpdAfE KVIDERA, CARY, ILtT ; Livestock Dealer ir'" • V Dairy Cows a Specialty-- Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone Cary 37-J 1Ut Inspection 679.80 {if I am asked to answer any questions raised by Mr. Bonslett in connection with any audit w]>ich I have made, there will be a charge made for sdeh time as may be consumed. Do not feel that I am going to levy a charge on all items every time you call on me, as I shall continue to do as I have in the past, but I shall levy a charge on all items which may be raised by Mr. Bonslett. You will recall Mr. Bonslett stated that his report was free from errors and that he did nbtjmake any errors. I admit that we in this office do make errors and we are willing to confess that we do make errors, one of which appears in last year's Teport as "bond" in the amount of $1,250.00. The item was "band." Mr. Bonslett stated, in reading his report on Special Assessment Number 23 Supplemental, there was an amount of cashon hand April 30th in the sum of $36.05. He added to this sum the amount of unpaid Special Assessments" totalled the two of them together and said there was a sufficient amount of money available to pay off a bond and interest. Our report specifically shows an overdraft in this assessment in the sfrm of $36.05 and an amount of cash' d%- hand* J presume Mr. "Bonslett does not call that an error, at least he told you gentlemen that it was not an error. His tea. We appreciate the backing the town gave us in putting over this pitcure exhibit. - M. ROPP. \.qr --S&Xgj V PERSONALS r - |tfiss Mabel Griggs of Waukegan was a McHenry visitor'Sunday. Miss Mary McAndrews of Chicago was a week-end visitor in "the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McAndrews. Mrs. James Fay is spending'a few weeks in the home Of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fagyrt Elgin where Mrs. Walter Fay i^recovering from an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Prindivel and children and Mr. and Mrs. William Fenn and children of Chicago were Sunday guests in the Louis McDonald home. Mr. and MM. John Brown entertained their son and family of Waukegan and daughter, Mrs. W. I. Morrison, of DesMoinea, Iowa, Sunday for dinner. Mr. and Mrs. James Perkins, Mrs. F. E. Cobb, Mrs. Mayme Harrison and Mrs. L. V. Adams attended the funeral of Sam Hommuth at Barrington, Monday. Mrs. Clarence Whiting, Miss Mabelle Wheeler, Mrs. Fred Eppel and Mrs. Clinton Martin attended the Home Bureau winter picnic at Woodstock Friday. , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Newman and children, Pearl and Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard McLee and Vernon Cunningham of Chicago were week-end guests in the L. F. Newman home. Mrs. C. W. Goodell and Miss Ethel Jones spent Thursday and Friday in Chicago where they attended gift shows at the Stevens hotel, the Merchandise Mart and the Palmer house. Mrs. Wm. VanNatta, who has been a guest in the home of her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson, went to Chicago Monday where she visited relatives^ leaving the next day for her home at Fountain, Mich. ? Total Wells Eng# Co. should have received..$3,280.09 "Amount Walls Eng. Co. wire overpaid on Special Assessment No. 6, $2,216.44.* We received the sum of $3,146.19 on Special Assessment No. 6 in accordance with our contract and which sum *"as $133.90 less than what Mr. Bonslett states we were entitled to receive. I agree with Mr. Bonslett that the contractor received $45,600.00 up to and including July 18, 1924. According to our figures there was still due him $1,086.40, making a total of $46,686.40. If the contractor received $47,836.68 then we should have received $34.51 additional fees. In my letter of December 2nd I stated that "the item of $3,528.04 included in the original estimate for court costs was used to pay attorney's fees,, fees to the two commissioners on j effort to humiliate all of those who the condemnation, printing, court were called upon with his insulting JEWELRY ON CREDIT: At Fred T. Ferris Jewelry Store, Woodstock, Illinois, you may buy on credit Watches, Diamonds. Jewelry, Silverware; clocks "air of the best grades and all at cash prices. No advance ;n price. Nation ally advertised merchandise that you know by reputation. Come and see for yourself. FRED T. FERRIS, -Jeweler. Woodstock, Illinois. 12-tf costs, etc." I made the statement to explain what purpose that item in the estimate was used for as he was stating that the greater share of it or $2,270.54 was paid to us for engineering services. Referring to Special Assessment No. 24, our fees were two per cent of the estimated- cost for plans, three per cent of the contract price of the acremarks, forces me to take the action which I am taking in forwarding this letter to you and in making the statements that I have made. Mr. Bonslett stated to me some time ago that he thought they ought to consolidate the duties of the City Clerk and the City Collector and pay a salary of approximately $1800.00 a year to himself to act as City Clerk tual work for inspection fees, and i and City Collector with an office lo- $300.00 for the work of spreading the cated in the City Hall. It may be asgewtmsat fbr»otio« «< giei that fche-jrepion he •«* briagiag rUMLk. XV: U PHOLSTERING--All kinds of furniture reupholstered and repaired. Good work guaranteed. Work called lr>r »and delivered. Chas. Rasmussen, S. Center St* West McHenry, III. Tel. 107-M. 12-tf TUNE--and keep your piano tuneo Tunint? makes your piano a musical nstmm«*v Phone 27^-Jt or wrile J. IT rwv' Woodstock. Til 27-tf S. H. Freund & Son i CONTRACTORS ^ * AND BUILDERS Phone 127-R McHenry Our experience is at Your Service in building - Your Wants v.. •. ?:v.- • .* • J IMAGINE THIS! We have made an agreement with the Wear-U-Well Shoe Co. to have a steady bargain counter of broken lot shoes, many reduced to one-half price and less, which i* now ready for your service. - LAJ)IES' SHOES,.values up to 15.00, . ^ reduced to MEN'S FINE DRESS OXFORDS, genuine Goodyear welt made, value $5.00, reduced Us $2.98 In addition to the above slash in prices 6n special lots, we announce that every pair of shoes in our store has been reduced--in fact, rigiit now jou can buy shoes at the lowest price in history. V" BUY NOW--Times will be better a little later on and then there will undoubtedly be an advance in price. Now is your golden opportunity to get those shoes you need. Come in and let us prove it. Lv.; B. POPPI •T« - **£ Phone 162 Expert Shoe Repairing of sewing machines impaired Main St. McHenry Friday and Saturday " Cash Specials Canned goods listed are all full sjze and packed, full with •* quality fruits and vegetables HEINZ SPAGHETTI, 2 Ho. 2 cans CAL. APRICOTS, No. 2 Vi can .......^ SLICED PEACHES, Nb. 2ft can £ liijji ii • SELECTED JUNE PEAS, 2 K.. 2 GREEN BEANS, 2 No. 2 cans PURITAN MALT, hop flavored MAGARONI or SPAGHETTI, 1 lb. pk^g CORN, Festive brand, 2 Ko< 2 cant 25^ 25tf -21* 29* 25* v RED RASPBERRIES, No. 2 can PALMOLIVE SOAP, $ barr VJ ' "-., CHIPSO, flakes or granules IVORY SOAP TT-Aggfl P ft G SOAP 10 bars V.-f; 47* 10* I--t'25* ^..-32* .'•••« ;-> 20* ^-19* -^_,19* 35* JOHN STOFFEL for H FA LTH Jpure milk, as produced by our dairy, comes |s " ^ Jyou i^ its healthiest Use it as a food. ^|Use it as a.beverage. Use it. for every -purpose^ v.Ulfor its nourishment and for its wholesomeness. •f Milk is good not only for children, but adults . • as ^ell. It's food three times a day. v Community Dairy Milk 1s pastenrised. aad .clarified. That's why it3is healthfuL Lr; f-.••;.;.v^:,PB[bNE 660-J-L - * the next morningiKtt\ r| t . Community Dairy pure milk '.~V- i* P! ALSO BUTTER, COTTAGE CHEESE £ BUTTERMILK Community Dairy Company ? : \ X * - : " I M c H e n r y J I f.-- r?.' "•'W. "J?- p - V y . • • * • . . -S •r-- 'J""r \ : ~*r. > • - j "a: •

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