'iSwi- .* :*" * .A' - THEM Y PLAINDEALER Thursday at McHenry, DL, bjl Charles F. RmWi. Entered as second-class Batt* at the if the act of May 8, 1879. «t MeHenqr, EL, un» Om Year ,: Months i^r j%i ^ j "tfejjm ..$2.00 ..$1.00 A. H. MOSHER, Editor and Manager Faith hi Vlatfif l^H®>nr!iig the. Thirteenth and FoWItenth centuries vinegar was believed1 |» be effective in the treatment and prevention of plague. ^ i i f i r > a f c r i n r f i # i i ~ i i ~ i ~ i i - * * - ~ - n » 1LLE] [THEATRE ^^^^yooorroc* >LV,|gd WI'li uifltiirfr*r Beautiful Play House m Stm.-Wed.-Sat. X JP , Eve nines 7-f Special 50c FAM0.V MATIfbsi Sunday iw thtosday Ob the Stag# J. B. ROTNOUR PLAYEES Present "lie Good Bad Man" 0n the Screen THURSDAY-FRIDAY wlbe Virtuoas Sia Z V' - with • , Walter Hustoa & Kay Francis ;*• . Movietone News SATURDAY ^ Ed Wynn ^ The Perfect F60I 'v-* in ' # " "Follow The Leader" Comedy and Movietone News *. SUNDAY-MONDAY A m e r i c a ' s Dancing Daughter I n Greatest Filpi of Her' Career Joan Crawford In Her New Wonder ' Picture "Bince Fools, Dance'" also y Comedy--Screen Song " Movietope News w - w»idAT -- WEDNESDAY £i*ile Easiest Wiy" with ^ Constance Bennett x Adolphe Menjou : J. Robert Montgomery Anita Page ^ Comedy - Movietone News ==W$mmr§!M DISIGNAT GOVEWNiMENT ^R BWSlNi§S CITY *T|f JULIUS a. BARNES. Cfcalmaa U 4lt Want Ad s FOR POTATOES FOR SALE--No. 1 Irish Cobblers; good eating and also good for seed. $1.30 per bu. We deliver. We also have Genuine Early Ohios. These potatoes are not cold storage, but kept at my home therefore will make excellent seed potatoes. Dave Segel, West McHenry. Tel. 92^. HAY FOR SALE--150 tons of mixed hay for sale at $12 per ton. C. W. Williamson, two miles east of Lake Villa on Grand Avenue road. *41-2 FOR SALE--Eight-room modern home, furnace, gas and electricity, known as the Joe Hettermann home in Johnsburg. Reasonable. Inquire at Plaindealer office. *41-4 iFQRiStALE--® Guernsey andHolstein heifers, ranging1 in age from 1 to 2 years. Priced reasonable. George Witte, Phone 608-W-2. 40-tf Cftty Council Proceedings Council Room Mar£h9, 1931 An adjourned imeeting from March 2, 19^1. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knox. Aldermen present: Doherty, Kreutser, Wattles. Absent: Overton, :Schaefer. There being no quorum present, a motion was made by Doherty, second ed by Kreutzer, to adjourn ;to the Mayor's call. Motion carried. JOHN K. KNOX, Mayor. PETER A. NEISS, Clerk. Council Room March 10,1981 This meeting adjourned from March 9, 1931, to f nish unfinished business from a previous meeting. Mayor Knox presiding. Aldermen present: Doherty, Kreutzer, Overton, Wattles. Absent: Schacfer. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Overton, that an Ordinance providing for the appointment of Judges and Clerks and designating the polling places for the annual City election in the City of McHenry for the year 1931, be passed read. Motion earned. Motion by Doherty, seconded "by Kreutzer, that the request of Daylight Saving petition be granted. Motion carried. The petition reads: "Shall the City of McHenry operate «n Daylight Saving Time during those months that the City of Chicago (Operates on Daylight Saving Time." Motion by Overton, seconded by Doherty, that the Daughters of the G. A. R., James B. terry Fortress, be given permission to erect a monument in the City Park in memory of the Soldiers and Sailors of McHenry Co., AM FORCED TO DISPOSE of my under the supervision of the public '; ga^y Grand piano; less than year old; fX>R SALE--Must be sold on account of sickness, 320 acres near Woodstock on tJ. ;S. J2, with fair buildings; crop, Stock, etc., valued at $20,000, at only $216 per acre, including everything, Farm loan, $20»000, 29 years, 5 per cent. Will take part trade and part cash. <Gha«. Baumansn A Co., Excl. Agents, 3#65 Lincoln Awe., Chicago, ML, 40-2 FOB SAUMhtmr tome *nd garage, located m Spring Grove. Very reasonable. Inquire of - Frank L. Adams, Ringwood, 111, S7tf BEFORE YOU BUY SHOES see our bargain counter. B. Fopp. Expert shoemaker and repair shop. Main street. Phone 162. ;-tf FOR SALE--Five-room bungalow, one block east of Fox River; reasonable for quick sale. Inquire of Stephen G. Adams, R-3, McHenry. *39-3 property committee. Motion carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Overton, to adjourn. Motion carried. JOHN R. KNOX, Mayor. PETER A. NEISS, Clerk. CITY ELECTION Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, April 21, A. D. 1931, an election will be held in the City of McHenry, McHenry county, Illinois, for the purpose of electing a Mayor, City Clerk, City Treasurer, and one Alderman in each ward, and one Alderman for one year to fill vacancy in the third ward. The date for filing certificates of nomination or nomination papers expires March 17. Polling places will be loesfft^ follows: First Ward--City Hall. Second Ward--S toff el Building. Third Ward--Engeln Building. The polls will be opened at 7 o'clock in the forenoon and will continue open until 5 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day. The following proposition 'will ' be voted on at this election: "Shall the City of McHenry operate on Daylight Saving Time during those months that the City of Chicago operates* on Daylight Saving Time." Given under my hand at McHenry, I1L, this 11th day of March, A. D. 1981. PETER A. NEISS, City Clark. standard make; is now in Elgin; will take about half price; terms to responsible party; must act quickly. Apply W. J. Duncan, 5118 Dorchester Ave., Chicago, 111. 39-3 FOR SALE--Rag rugs. Frank Gustafson. W. McHenry, corner of Center and John streets. 35-tf FOR SALE--Hay and straw. Also pressing of same. Our prices are right and satisfaction assured. Benwell & Henkel, West McHenry. Tel McHenry 606-J-l. 86-lf FOR SALE--Well secured 7% First Mort£Tf»e«*f on McHtnry Residence ' Property. Inquire at Flaindealer of- ®s fice. r; * 19-tf FOR RENT FLAT FOR RENT--Reasonable. H. C. Kamholz, West McHenry. 36-tf WANTED OU*a Eaormras Sprwad made by government tlsts showed that 7,000 pounds of oil dumped from oil-burning ships In the high seas would drift 90 miles and cover the water to the extent of 900 square miles. I AUCTION CHAS LEONARD, Auctioneer Horses and Cattle - V. . >„ AT MY SALE BARNS ON 10UTE 19--WOODSTOCK, ILL Thursday, March 19 1 o'clock p. m. 25 HORSES : Consisting of some good matched teams, all well broke and young. Will be glad to hitch any horses for prospective buyers before day of sale. These horses will be sold regardless of weather conditions and carry my usual guarantee--satisfaction or money refunded. XO High-ciara Guernsey Cows jfcesli and close springers. Tfc and blood tes{^ aad from an accredited oounty. _ V- * - : Also will sell 10 sets of New Backpad and Breeching (Harness. / % off for cash. Those credit, ™»ir» jfurrjuagements with your banker and take advantage of |he cash discount. Six months time will be-giveq> TJTtriL franlnhle notes satisfactory to the clerk. < " ' - WANTED--Married man from 25 to 40 years of age who thoroughly un-' derstands dairy farming; also handling of tractors and farm machinery. Good salary; good buildings, and farm within walking distance of town. Phone 4. Write or come and talk with Charles G. Drainard, Round Lake DL 41 WANTS)--Young man for day work as assistant to experienced gardener, near McHenry, 111. Give full particu-- lars as to age, family and reason for applying for this job. Address "XY" care McHenry Plaindealer. 41 AND ING THE IN THE THE YEAH 1981. Section 1. Be it ordained by tike Mayor and City Council of the City of McHenry, that the following places be designated as polling places for the annual City election to be held, April 21st, 1SS1: First Ward--McHenry City Hall. Second Ward--Stoffel Building. Third Ward--Engeln Building. Section 2. Be it further ordained that Mabel Wheeler, Math Heimer, Wm. Simes, are hereby designated to act as Judges of election for the first ward for the annual City election of the City of McHenry, to be held April *21st, 1931, and that Mary G. Doherty, Mrs. James Powers, Mrs. A1 Purvey, are hereby designated to act as Clerks of election for the first ward for the annual City election of the City of McHenry to be held April 21st, 1931. Section 8. Be it further ordained that John Fay, Frfed Feltz, Walter Krause, are hereby designated to act as Judges of election for the second ward, for the annual City election of the City of McHenry, to be held April 21st, 1931, and that Mrs. Jos. Smith, Mrs. Martin Smith, Ralph D. Hoff, are hereby designated to act as Clerks of election for the second ward for the annual City election of the City of McHenry, to be held April 21st, 1931. Section 4. Be it further ordained that Katherine Schneider, Linos Newman, George Bohr, are hereby designated to act as Judges of election for the third ward, for the annual City election of the City of McHenry, to be held April 21st, 1931, and that Barbara Krause, Mary Brefeld, Gertrude Weber, are hereby designated to act as Clerks of election for the third ward for the annual City election rf the City of McHenry, 'to be held April 21st, 1931. Section 5. Be it ordained by the Mayor and City'Council of the City of McHenry, that the City Clerk is i hereby instructed to post the necessary notices, giving notice of the annual City election to be held April 21st, 1931, such notices to be posted at least forty (4p/j^»ys prior to the election. )?/?:• Section 6. TJtfr) ofdinance* shall be in full force and- Effect after its passage, apprctyal and jjrtjblication, according to law. xvV.jV Approved: JOHN R, KNOX, Mayor. Attest: Peter A. City Clerk. Pbssed: 3-10-1931. . Approved: 3-10-19£^ Published; 3-12-193Ii,i; ' ; ; -- m -- . . . . , v Preivnl for • King Te* was stich a rare and valaitfria commodity a few centuries ago that the East India Tea company considered two poiinds of it a regal enough J>££H££t to offer to the mighty monarch, Charles II. A fashionable paper of the dpy, commenting oh the gift, explaitufa. that it cost more to maintain a tea table than a nurse and two children^.. WANTED--TO RENT -- Furnished house or cottage for summer season, on river of in town. Mail particulars to R. Erbach, 2062 Irving Park Blvd., Chicago, HL . . 41-2 WANTED TO BUY--Office desk. Inquire at Plaindealer office. Phone 170. *40 Suicide ' Hava-klri is Japanese and combines hara. the belly, and klri, to cut It is a method of suicide by disemboweling. The first recorded Instance " of hara-kiri, or happy dispatch, as It Is sometimes called, Is that of Tametomo. brother of Sutoku, an ex-emperor in the Twelfth c^ury, after a defeat In which mo* %C his followers were slain. <(o). 1930, Western Newspaper Union.) To sea a world in a grain of wuid. And heaven in a wild flower: > Hold infinity lq the palm of yourhand. . .. Aa* eternity in an hour. William El ? CHINESE DISHES '*/ Of all the Interesting and intriguing thing* that the Chinese- do, their roarvelous handwork, their tireless Industry, nothing is so ^popular as many of their dishes become In America. One may now la almost any market in the dty find the sauces, the canned hearts of palm, the water bulbs, bamboo shoots and , various food accessories used In the Chinese dishes. The following are a few which are worth cherishing: The American way of preparing chop suey Is usually well liked and Is quite tasty without the bean sprouts, although the sauce which is made from betas Is necessary to give ft the proper seasoning. Fresh pork, cut into bits, is cooked until well browned, then finely cut celery is added; a few canned beans will do very well In place of the bean sprouts If they cannot be obtained. Cook until nicely done, heap in the center of a platter and put mounds of fresh hot rice around the meat and vegetables. Pour over all several teaspoonfuls (depending upon the amount served) of soy sauce. Serve at once. Fish Soup.--To two quarts of water add ehlcken bones and trimmings and one and one-half pounds of lean pork, cook until it is reduced to one quart. Cool and skim off the fat Cook a four-pound fish until tender, remove the bones and heal! and shred the meat into pieces about one and onehalf inches long. Canned salmon may be substituted. Soak one-half cupful of dried mushrooms ten minutes in a cupful of lukewarm water and a teaspoonful of sugar. If fresh mushrooms are used peel them and cut into inch and a half pieces. Shred one can of water chestnuts the same way as the fish and mushrooms, shred one cupful of bamBoo shoots. Cook the mushrooms, the shoots and the chestnuts for twenty minutes. Fifteen minutes before serving add the fish, soup stock, and a tablespoonful of soy sauce mixqd with a teaspoonftil of cornstarch. ' Oook fifteen minutes. Spanish Dane* The fandango is danced-by a man and a woman. The time of the dance Is 6-8, but the figures are very lively and the music is supplied by castanets in the hands of the performers, and by a song which is accompanied on the guitar. Sometimes the music is stopped, whereupon the dancers also stop and remain rigid until it is teaumed. When one couple is fired, another Immediately takes its place and the music and the dance go on a» before, with no interruption., f * •• •'f' • Isolate* far Liars "if ^pou speak frhat is untrue,'* said Hi Ho, the sage of Chinatown, "you will find difficulty In speaking truly. For the truth is sensitive and avoids those who treat It with discourtesy," --Wanfolngton Star. , t ? FARMS WANTED--We have buyers and Chicago trades for good farms near Chicago. Write us fully in first letter. Chas. Baumann ft Co., 8065 Lincoln Ave., Chicago. 40-2 WANTED--Man to deliver, honse to house; must furnish own truck. Good proposition to right man. McHenry Bakery. Jim Marshall. 40-tf Keep Thoughts CUa* Get the kinks out of your tank. How many of as go through life all twisted up with self-pity and narrow views; with better-than-thouness and bigotry; with Ignorance-- which is the worst of twisters--and with Impatience. We suffer as much from the situations which we Invent as from actual conditions? Straighten out these distorted notions and you will be a happier person.--Exchange. Ubew** "-MZThe curious ailment called "pitchelbow" Is ascribed by a Baltimore physician to chips, broken off when the bones rotate rapidly as the baseball leaves the hand. The individual welfare of all people is wrapped up today as neveft 1 before in a proper understanding and relationship hot ween governmeein |£ --Und business. Government policies which obstruct and dislocate the func * tions of employing industry react into distress as «e«!jff before. ' distress individually reacts on government-itself;. ' 'J In a people of high.literacy, trained in self-control and self-govern* ment, reaction takes the form of orderly expression through the pro of ballot. In people of lesser attainment in self-government or feelii more keenly the selfish or ignorant burden 6f ineffective government, takes the Jform of military revolution. The headtiiteMo the dailyshow both processes under way continuously. | They will continue in some measure until there is found between exercise of government authority a harmony *with~the everlasting princ j pies of economic law. Through this period I submit to you, with sobe**^ • emphasis on the responsibility thereby laid, that the major continuoujjp* ! force in social stability lies in the field of ecnnnmuni } thin the field of politics of government. - 1 ^ ^ c r ^ AT Y O U R N E A R B Y A f t P F O O D S T O R E FOOD PRODUCTS ri.-1 m j#*-*, i i -l i Peas v 2 29c Tomatoes 2 £2,129® Spinach 2^i27* Peaches^ 19® •25?v M. NO. 2% tiw SLICED NO. 2 NO. 2 CAN TIN 16c SESDCO OR Raisins 3 ««• 25c Tomato SauceJS5TSc IN TOMATO SAUCE Sardines . n Oc j' SUOAK : ^ IP lb». 49d; 100lbs- $4.90 Fresh Fruit and*Vegetables BAKANAS GRANJFKUIT CELERY CAL. SPINACH am ..each 5^ 2 for 25^ lbs. 25^ ' 3)»». 19^ LUCKY STRIKE, C^MB* CHESTERFIBD or OMO«M Cigarettes 4™nnv« n*« ATLANTIC PACIFIC TEA CO* Miidh Wnftm 0MlM WANTED 15 Horses before March 1$, i* . trade on tractors! L. V. LUSK & SOW;' Grayslake, Illinoi# 37-4* FARM LOANS--First mortgage loans on farms, low interest. Now taking applications for 1931 loans. R. M. Fritz, 2nd Fl., Harvard. State Bank Bldg., Harvard, HI. Phone 147. 29-tf MISCELLANEOUS 3 .00 Wall's "Chane** ' The average amount of nitroglycerin used to shoot the average oil well Is from 10 to 50 quarts. Records show that the largest shot used In a well was 1,000 quarts. TWav shot w placed in well in Texas. AUCTION! ( HAS. LEONARD, Auctioneer SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED ft«g Rugs Made to Order All Work Guaranteed ^ B. P0PP Phone 162 Main St McHenry JOB KYIDERA, CART, ILL. ,t Livestock Dealer Dairy Caws a Specialty Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone Cary 87-J s ; ii-K : UPHOLSTERING--All kinds of furniture reupholstered and repaired. Good work guaranteed. Work called for and delivered. Chas. Rasmussen, 8. Center St., West McHenry, 111. Tel. 107-M. 12-tf TUNE--and keap jot plaae tuned. Tuning makes your piano a musfeai instruaneat. Phone J7W or writ* J. Woedsteek. OL The undersigned will^ sell at pablic auction on the Clarence Draper farm, 4 miles southwest of McHenry and.] 6 miles east of Woodstock on Sat., Mar* 14 Commencing at 1 o'clock, the following described property, to-wit: 6 HORSES--1 black Gelding, wt. 11550; 1 bay team, 8 and 9 years; 1 bay mare; 1 bay Gelding, 11 jgrj, 9$. 2 Poland China Brood' Sowii 17 Sheep, bred ewes. Hay, Grain and Maehfctery 1000 bu. Oats; 400 bu. early Kersan White Oats; 560. hu. Barley; 80 tons Corn in crib; 15 tota Timothy 'Hay; 500 lbs. Honey. 2 Truck Wagons; Wigon Box and Rack; 7-ft. Grain Bidder; 1 Mc< Cormick Corn Binder; 1 Dump Rake; 1 Manure Spreader; 3 CMtivators; Cornplanter; 80 rds. 8-section Drag; 3 sets Harness; I Mower, 0-ft.; Grain Drill; 1 Gang Plafy. TERMS--|25.00 an^^der ofsh Credit of six months $foen on food bankable notes, bearin^ ioterest at per cent. The mooxe is a more intelligent anflmal than the elk of> the defr, Satfglng ||y Its success la adapting te C ^Imatea, enesiy Mlpili, m dtilcalt cenditkNM. KbedoMr and 2 Chreoce g5ij*'lo^wSeiM" ifin invitation tftc ladies to visit our store Friday and Saturday of this week, when a representative of one of the largest knitting mills will be here to show its foil line of Knitted Suits. Ninety-five different styles, sizes 14 tp 42. Don't miss this opportunity. Clever New Spring Hats ) ^ Just arrived, including the new Watteau BriiM and Halo Turbans. Low priced. -$1.75, $2.95, $3.50. ** >3.9* , Smart Shoes |,t/or Easter 'Now on display ' Prices range fro|a $3.85 to $6.00 2 Specials for Dollar Day Group of Shoes priced for Dollar Day, Saturday, reg. $5.00 Shoes &t $X« $1.00 Reduction on Ladies* last "-v year'8 Shoes. - " Boys' and Girls Sweaters, regular $t.50, tftllar Day #1.00 STYLB Wop Barbian & Freund, Prop*. % J?* DID K