Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Mar 1931, p. 6

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: Hjfc*#; m !ste THSH'HXHBY PLAHTDKAIOKt, TBTOSDAT, itio_i i._ M>- aaakcs row la add eondt- ' xKMiraeed. tfreye lt thiree Cttr. atft«exp Tr*esMt. ed _ nit starts circulating thru the «**••> In II minute* ^raised by Ikooiufti for rapid and Mtltlva acfioa. Dwtt cl** up. Try Cyatax (proscanafrg Slse-4*x) today, under the aIrlolany-O la4 Guarantee. Msit quickly fill thee* cendmona, Improve reat- MM and wcrnr, or money back. Cit" «• at S0LG8BB DRUG STORE Scalptvral Terms "Living stone" and "living pock" are applied In sculpture to rock or stone In its native or original position as Contrasted with marble or granite which has been quarried. The Lion of Luserne In Switzerland, the Rushmore memorial In South Dakota, and the Confederate memorial on Stone mountain In Georgia war* ill from living rock. TM-BHa far Mica your moose traps with kte seeds. Mice like them. BLOODY* LAZE 35' <DIIST CLOTH with75c Bottle of W: m H Thomas ••V-'i • ..V WAX POLISH There is a startling new discovery about I famous old product. Johnson's Wax PolUi will rid your furniture of Vi the dust, free you from V4 your dusting. To introduce this new-found advantage, we are giving •way FREE a 35c dust cloth with every 75e bottle of Johnson's Liquid Wax Polish. Tl» offer holds Ssnilrid timr ffiify Come in ttMjajT* ~ Ray Dowel! and George Eatinger of Wauconda were callers at McHenry Saturday. Harry Matthews and s6n, Robert, were callers at Crystal Lake Saturday. Wayne Bacon and Lloyd Harvel were callers at Crystal Lake last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jsck G**rv business callers at McHenry last Tuesday. Heriry Winkler, Sr., was a business caller at Waukegan last Monday. Harry Matthews and Earl Johnston accompanied by William Foss and son, Leslie, and John Nested, hauled milk to Crystal Lake Monday morning. - Mrs. Wayne Bacon spent laafc. Monday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Davis. Mrs. H. J. Schaffer ajnd Mrs. John R. Knox iif McHenry spent last Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary. v Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren spent last Friday at Waukegan. They attended a movie at the Genesee theater in the afternoon. William Foss and daughter, Pearl, spent last Tuesday in Chicago. George Witt of near McHenry called at Ardelou farms last Tuesday. Mrs. Ray Dowell and daughter, Delores, spent last Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Davis. Harry Geary of Grayslake visited at the home of his parents last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping spending this week with relatives Moline and Davenport, la. Mr. and Mrs. William Nichols and old ATTORNEY« AT-LA.W JPhpi ii Every evening, 7 to 8:30 All day Saturdays Pries BUg. Cor. Grant and Eha Sts. •,* Mclieary, Items of* Interest Taken From the Files of the Plahtdealer ••4?. *Yeais Aga m Phone Richmond it Dr. JOHN VETERINARIAN / TB and Blood Testing RICHMOND, ILLWOtii ft FIFTY YEARS AGO Miss Mary L. Owen, daughter of E. M. Owen, started for Nebraska on Monday morning. The frame of the new store of Mrs. Searles' is up and enclosed and the work is progressing rapidly. . Somewhere from ten to a dozen teams have been busy the past few days in drawing lumber to Fox Lake for the Cedar Island and Jiew Chicago clubs. Another storm of snow struck us on Saturday last, whtth blocked the trains considerably. E. M. Owen has workmen engaged in fixing up the store opposite the Mill, lately occupied by J. Story. Died--February 22, of a short illness, Edward Allensby of Nunda in 'the 46th year of his*age. » McHENBY ORAVEL * EXCAVATING CO. *: A. P. Frennd, Prop, ftbfcd Building and Excavating Estimates Famished on Bequest High-grade Gravel Delivered at any time--large or small orders given prompt attention. Pfrone 204-M McHenry . FORTY YEARS AGO are now enjoying genuine March weather in this section. __ The Knickerbocker Ice Company children'and Mr'. and Mn. cia'rk~Nich-1 filled one of their last^ new houses ols spent last Friday evening at the during the late cold spell. They will Blomgren home. j Probably cut no more this seasoa. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Birkett left Messrs. Ballard & Bailey, the bridge last Wednesday for Belvidere, after j contractor, have commenced work on visiting at the E. Brooks home for the new bridge this viHage.^ and •the past two weeks, EVERY INCH A DRUG REEN ST. McHENRY, ILL. DOLLAR DAY • . Schaefer's ' Grocery and Market /aMaipi Main Street #f^JJjB|following exceptional l^gaiw for Dollar Day v Saturday, March 14 George Eatinger of Wanconda is spending a few days at the home of i Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell. ' Mrs. Alvin Case and son, Harry, «>f i Roseville, and W. O. Converse of Libertyville spent last Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl •Converse. Miss Pearl Foss, Leslie Foss and William Berg spent last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Darrell, near McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Larabee and children of Bristol, Wis., spent last Tuesday at the W. E. Brooks home. Mr. and Mrs. William Davis and Mrs. Earl Davis spent last Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell. Miss Myrna Bacon spent Monday at the home of her cousin, Frances Converse. Mr. and Mrt. Wayne Bacon' and will push it to a speedy completion Peter Leickem has been awarded the contract for carrying the mail frcm McHenry to Johnsburg for the next four years. John F. Claxton came to town on Monday morning smiling and happy. He said it was a girl and weighed nine pounds. Married--At the M. E. parsonage in McHenry on Thursday Mar. 12, by Rev. Wm. Clark, Mr. Fred Bell of Ringwood to Miss Carrie Beck of Richmond. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGOThe new canning factory is now under cover and work on the interior of the building is being pushed rapidly. Henry J. Schaffer is a new employe at the Hunter-Weckler boat factory, commencing on Monday. mill ^^HENRY V. SOMPEfc ^ . f|| General Teaming ; ' Hand, Gravel and Goal for Bale grading. Graveling and Road Work Done By Contract Of Every Description or By Day ^ Phone McHenry 649-lVj McHenry, HL v * f. 0. Address, Route $ I^M.CARI^ Lawyer- Oflke with West McHenry State Bank Every Wednesday * . McHenry, Illinois 126-W ' Reasonable Kates A. IL SCHAEFER Drayiag McHENBY ipp & . . . SOAP While hunting at the Hanly children and Miss Dorothy Dowell at-' pond last Tuesday, Albert Kamholz tended the movies at Woodstock last succeeded in bagging three wild geese, Thursday evening. I the largest of which weighed four- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and teen pounds. \ daughters and George Eatinger at-1 Governor Charles S. Deneen has tended the movies at Crystal Lake last Friday evening. 10 ban, 33c 3 CHIPSO, large 3 SELOX, large . 2 IVORY SNOW, large $1.00 FRUITS 0ne can of each of the following :fk' ' No. 1 cans--for $1.00 , GRAPEFRUIT PRESERVED FIGS APPLE .SATJOE GOOSEBERRY PINEAPPLE SLICED PEACHES HALVED PEACH** All 8 ean» for $1.00 7 Armour's Extra Fancy Peached Ho. 2'/z cans 4 for $1.00 VEGETABLES ^ One can of each of the following Ho. 2 can*--for $1.00 TOMATOES GREEN BEETS CORN . KRAUT PEAS All 6 earn, for $1.00 3 quart jars Olives 1 jar of Pickles, both for ' ' $1.00 Km-:" Mk;. FRUIT COMBINATION 4 H*. APPLES 4 lbs. BANANAS 4 GRAPEFRUIT " 1 DOZ. ORANGES MEATS fl'ibs. ROAST BEEIT^ $1 qq 0 lbs. POT ROAST IZ$l!oO 9 lbs. CUDAHY'S 100% PURE LEAF LARD $1.00 Make Livable Quarters Out of Old Basement The old-fashioned basement--that dark, remote dungeon dreaded by timid children and shunned by every one except the man who tends the furnace--is taking its place along with ancient torture chambers and other rooms of the dusty past. It Is being supplanted by livable and attractive^ quarters. As new houses are constructed with an eye to utIMzIng every possible foot of space, the basement becomes one of the most popular parts of the whole house. In summer it is cooler than the upstairs sections and in winter, because of the location of the heater, the basement is always comfortably warm. That it is set off somewhat from the rest of the house makee It suitable for the children's playroom or for a special retreat for the man who wants room in which to keep it work bench and tools or Indulge In some hobby that does not ln-ook interruption by the rest of the family. Even where the furnace is a coal burner, part of the basement may be salvaged for room space if it Is separated from the furnace and Coal bins Ijj dust-proof doors protected with weather stripping. A certain 'basement storeroom, dust laden and cluttered with broken furniture and cast off odds and ends, was reclaimed as. a playroom by sealing It from the furnace part and providing it with a separate entrance. The steps leading down to the new entrance door of glass were painted with untinted white-lead paint to increase the reflected light in the room. The treads of the steps were painted a darker tone that would not readily show wear. The deep window casements were- also painted with white paint To add further to the lightness of the room, the celling was painted a yellow just off the white and the walls were given a coating of plastic white-lead paint In a pale green color In the vein relief effect Plastic paint was chosen because the slightly roughened surface was more in keeping with the character of the room than a smooth finish and less likely to show scars and marks of play. During. inclement weather especially ^11 enjoy such a issued a proclamation designating Friday, April 20, as Arbor and Bird day throughout Illinois. Phil Kane who last sumrfter carried the mail between the McHenry poatoffice and the depot is now employed at Woodstock. McHenry county has lost another of its pioneers in the death of Michael Doherty, which occurred at his home in this village at about 8 o'clock last Wednesday evening. Telephone No. 1®MI Stoffel ft Reihanspergwr Insurance agents for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY - ILLINOIS Insure-In Sore-Insurance WITHWm. G. Schreiner - - Auctioneering OFFICE AT RESIDENCE 93-R McHenry, Illinois tz otto Adaau, Prop. T*L ISfi Set. Phone, 839 R 2 Saturday, March *4| BOYS' CAPS ^ 504 BOYS' GOLF HOSE BOYS' BEARSKIN HOSE, pr.: . |9^ FOUR-IN-HAND TIBS, 50c values > ^ BOYS' ATHLETIC UNION SUITS LADIES' RAYON VESTS SILK HOSE, Corticelli Full Fashioned, ^$1.35 value ,v,.$1.0Q FAST COLOR DRESS PRINTS, yd. ' 15^ MEN'S UNION SUITS $1.00 PABST HOP FLAVORED MALT '^ ^ 39^ FAST COLOR WASH FROCKS , 89^ MUSLIN 1--10 ywds $1.00 COTTAGE CRETONNES, yd. 20^ PEPPERELL BLEACHED. SHEET8 _ 89^ BOYS' DRESS SHIRTS .7510 WOOL LUMBERJACKETS, Raines np to $3.50 ..... $1.00 BLUE DENIM OVERALLS KHAKI COVERALLS BROADCLOTH DRESS SHIRTS BLUE CHAMBRAY SHIRTS . .1 -sF -$1.00 «1.95 ,-*...$1.00 1 75^ JOHN STOFFEL Plialin & Kennebeck : -(8. A. Stilling Oaragef?« ; . Storuge~Repairing"Oil"Qreasinf ' Phone2$ 5 Comet Elm Street and Riverside Drive 00 Route 20 USETHEliLASSIFIElf^ TWENTY YEARS AGO F. C. Feltz, the drayman, is sporting a brand new outfit--horse, harness and wagon. Another sign of prosperity, i The ice on the mill pond is gradually disappearing and within the next day or so we expect once more to see that body of water free from ice. McHenry can now boast of an electrical shoe repairing shop. This week C. G. Berner, the enterprising Centerville shoe repairer, has installed one of the very latest electrical shoe repairing outfits money can buy. • Barbar a, the eleven-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Freund, massed away at the family home on Monday of pneumonia. McHenry, like all other towns and cities within a radius of one hundred miles, received a shock caused from the gigantic explosion of the Dupont company's powder mill at Pleasant Prairie, Wis., Thursday evening. These lamps new -i •steand different ^md' wrfrrhm Phone 172 ABOVE PRICES ARE FOR CASH omx '•^r. .,•] \ Vlf Main St. Demanded Result* Pragmatism Is the philosophical doctrine that the only test of the truth of human cognitions or philosophical principles Is their practical results; that Is, their workableness. The word was introduced in this connection about 1875 by the American logician, f* 8. Pierce, and was popularised by llliam James, whose "Pragmatism" as published in 1907. Water la Fog By studying fog off the Grand hanks It was determined that a block of very dense fog 100 feet long by 6 feet high by 3 feet wide contains about one-seventh of a glass of water. This Is divided Into about 60,000,000,000 drop- W TEN YEARS AGO Elimination of both the township primary or caucus, by which ijt is more familiarly known, and the vil-, lage primary is the word that ha^ been sent out by the town and village officials. Albert Lallinger, proprietor of th$ McHenry baker, has purchased the Mrs. L. F. Pouse house and plans to. take possession May 1. ' - A seven pound boy was born t<| -Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hauswirth at th%; Columbus hospital -in Chicago Taes day morning. A deed was placed on record at the county court at Woodstock on Monday whereby the old Clay hole oil Center street in this village becamf the property of our municipality. Four or five men have been lai$ off at the Borden plant due to the installation of the new machinery. Diae- Dance-- Oslf- Play at MIAMI Chicken and Steak 04 Eveaing Dinners Popular Priced Barbecues aad Soda Fotmtain Specialties Amphitheatre' housing world's largest, prettiest, most unique super- indoor course, including motordriven hazards, Shuffle Boards, Instruction Golf Game, Grille, Dance and Banquet Hall. PARTY ACCOMMODATIONS "An Ever-So-Much-Differeat Place" Greenwood Avenue at Ash St.'t Waukegan, 111. T^ephone Ontario 7829 9 Above: This handy three-candle junior lamp has a spun brass base with bronze or gun-metal finish. Parchment shades in seven colorsdecorated with gold and silver appiiqued designs or striped with Florentine bands. EJgbti A distinctive lounge or chair lamp with spun brass base finished in bronze or gun-metal. Your choice of parchment shades in rust, gold, green, ted, Ivory, orchid or bitw. mm This gay pottery lamp comes in a variety of attractive colors berry, yellow, Chinese red, green and black. The parchment shade, also in colors, is decorated with an appiiqued About: An outstanding value in an "indirectlighting" lamp. A refiector uiader the sksde diffuses light evenly . over the entire room. The base is spun brass finished in bronze or pewter. Your choice of three parchment shades --decorated with applique patterns or hand-painted. $ Left: This grace fid bridge lamp has spun brass base finished in bronze or gun - metal. . The parchment shade comes in rust, gold, green, red, ivory, orchid or styles. f -r' IVW; 4• l*.v . Atbny offcar naw lamps now on display at your Public Sonrko SfOf+' PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS . E. J. LARKIN, Di»t. Mgr. Telephone 280 101 Williams St MW Crystal Lake

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