PllPSHlPI 47" ' *ft"-" ijASSfe Si "= •.' " * ' "V',:' '.'•••* "y" TBiirfiintT * THTmSDAY, 1*A*CH 2$ ltSl t** HOW« LOBSTER SHEDS ITS OLD AND OBTAINS NEW SUIT.-- Once In every 12 months the female lobster casts her Bhell, every part being discarded, claw coverings included. She is left entirely naked and retires from the world until a new shell is grown. That takes six weeks. The grown male lobster has to get a new snit every six months. This suit-changing, or moulting, pursues a lobster from its earliest days. Before a lobster is two inches long It has had • 14 suits; when It is six inches In length it has had 20; when foafyears old and ten Inches long It has had 25. It must shed them or die; its body grows, but Us shell-suit is rigid and non-expandable. When it can hold no more lobster, a moult is due, and nature begins a series of wonderful operations. The flow of lime te the shell ceases, and that in the shell is absorbed by the lobster. The former then becomes thin and will split. The lobster then retires to Its hole and fasts for several days. During that time it loses flesh and the new and soft shell begins to form nnder the old one. The first "casting" movements are the rubbing of its feet together and struggling. It then distends its body and a segment of the shell breaks. The flesh in the claws^ grows soft and watery and is withdrawn through the joints. RIKOWOOD l|ow to Overcome the Separation of Merciif^r :j|The bureau of standards says the i||ethod of joining mercury columns in thermometers, provided that the thermometer has not been broken, depends Upon several factors such as the type of the thermometer, the design of the thermometer, and the range of the *cale. Mercury may be joined by cooling the bulb sufficiently so that th& "mercury may all be tapped down in the bulb. This cooling can very well be •effected by using carbon dioxide snow, lii this case care should be taken that Sier the column has been joined the per part of the mercury in the bulb ll thawed first (A mixture of salt and tee may be sufficiently cold for the thermometer mentioned.) If the thermometer has an enlargement in the top, the mercury column may be joined ty raising the temperature until all of the bubbles have been driven to the ^©P. However, the enlargement should aot be filled more than half full. If these two methods are not effective •ome manipulation is necessary. This depends upon the type of thenmipeter and requires some skill. ^ ^ ^ ?vp. Perfection of Rttlim The true realism always and every* IB that of the poets; to find out whera Joy resides and give it a voice far befond singing.--Robert Louis Stevenson. s Olat- Dame*-- CMC- Play at MIAMI Chicken and Stealr 'J• <C"| Evening Dinners •*'" popular Priced Barbecues . and Soda Fountain V' Specialties Amphitheatre housing world's largest, prettiest, most unique super- indoor coarse, including motordriven hazards, Shuffle Boards, Instruction Golf Game, Grille, Dance and Banquet Hall. PARTY ACCOMMODATIONS "An Ever -So-Much-Different Phn" Greenwood Avenue at Ask St. • >. Waukegan, III. Telephone Ontario 7829 •MMtM fc" Konjola Ends Neuritis Pain. Here k a message d dws f* newilis safari. MnTCbarles Delaware. 516 Eighth WW, Southeaft, Aberdeen, S.D. Hjri: Si* yean' ago neuritis attacked me aad die pain waa frightfuLI could not sleep aad wai almost helplew. Koojola helped me «t once and ia • month I waa mdbcally free from my ailment. well and gained abeagth." Dime ad Konjola Aad G«X It: IWt Ba Switched To A Substftf. Kgqjol* Thamaa P. Boi*«* Drug Store S. H. Freund & Son CONTRACTORS . .<ANDBUILDERS ffcohe 127-Sv McHenry Our experience is at Tour Service in building * Your Wants Mr. Mid Mrs. Wm. MeCannon aad Bffr. and Mrs. Edgar Thomas were Woodstock visitors Wednesday. Leon Dodge and James Thompson were callers in Woodstock Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze of Crystal Lake spent Tuesday in the George Harrison home. Mrs. Nellie Hodge of Lake Geneva spent Tuesday with Mrs. Mary Hodge. She was on her way home from Orlando, Fla., where she had spent the winter. Mr. and Mrs. George Young and family spent Thursday at Elgin. Wm. MeCannon and Edgar Thomas were Woodstock visitors Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young were visitors at McHenry Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters spent Friday night and Saturday with relatives at Belvidere. Mr. and Mrs. George Young and son, Stanley, were visitors in the home of her sister at Lake Geneva. Thursday evening. Mrs. G. E. Shepard entertained the Bunco club at her home Thursday afnoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Thomas Doherty, Edna Peet, Mrs. S. H. Beatty and Mrs. Viola Low. At the close luncheon was served. Mrs. Ray Shafer returned to her home at Cincinatti Friday evening* after spending the week with her: mother, Mrs. W. A. Dodge. Among those from Ringwood to call in Woodstock on Friday were: Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson, Me. and Mrs. Lenard Carlson and son, and Mrs. G. E. Shepard, Mr. and Mr&. Nick Young, Mrs. S. H. Beatty, Mrs. Viola Low, Mrs. Henry Williams and daughter, Eva. Mrs. George Bacon of Antioch spent Friday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dodge. Clark Huson of Elgin spent Tuesday in the C. J. Jepson home. Among the High School orchestra pupils from Ringwood to enter the contest at Springfield were Frank and Helen Harrison, Olive Jepson, Donald Adams and Lenard Brown Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens weft Chicago visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Beatty spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Herbert of Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weber and family of McHenry spent Sunday in the Nick Young home. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Shepard and family spent Sunday with McHenry relatives. -*» Mrs. J. M. Butler returned to her home at Bath, HI., after visiting rela tives here the pa ft two months. Mr. and Mrs. George Young and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Young at McHenry. In the afternoon, they with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Young, visited their sister at Buffalo Grove. ^ Mr. and Mrs. George Young entertained a few friends at a *^500" party at their hoitle Saturday evening Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Thomas Kane and Peter A. Freund first, and Mrs. Peter A. Freund and Ford Jackson the consolations. At the close refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet and family were visitors at Woodstock Saturday afternoon. Mrs. John Thurlwell and Mrs. Ed XJiurlwell of Rockford, Mr. and Mrs. John Jones of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wagner and daughter, Marion, of McHenry spent Sunday witji Mr. ad Mrs. A. L. Laurence. Mrs. Harold Whiting of Chicago spent the week-end with Mrs. Louis Schroeder. , , .. Mr. and Mfs. Roy Neal and family spent Sunday in Chicago. Mr. Negri and Mrs. Corvino who have been visiting in the Neal home returned to Chicago with them. \ Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison were Sunday dinner guests in the Charles Peet home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fay .and son, Carlton, and Mrs. E. Flanders were visitors at Woodstock Saturday. Mrs. Frank Jewett and Mrs. Erraa Richards of Woodstock spent Sunday afternoon and evening in the Lewis Schroeder home. Mrs. Henry Hinze* of Crystal Lake spent Saturday with her mother, Mr*. George Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. William MeCannon were visitors at Woodstock Saturday. Dr. Harold Betzer of Libertyville was a caller in town Sundav morning. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley of Chicago spent. Sunday in the E. C. Havrtey home. Mr. and Mrs. James Conway of Libertyville were Ringwood callers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Kelley and daughter of Crystal Lake were callers in the Wm. Kelley home Sunday. F..H. Shau of Chicago is visiting in the L. E. Hawley home. Mrs. Ralph Simpson was a Chicago visitor Saturday. Edward Harrison and Ruth Owen of Elgin were callers in the George Harrison home Sunday evening. Thomas Dempsey of Chicago spent the week-end as the guest of Miss Nellie McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. George Hutson and daughters of Woodstock were Sunday visitors in the J. C. Ladd home.t Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson entertained Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Peck and family. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Huson of Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson and dauehter, Ruth, of Mundelelu and Mr. and Mrs. Roland MeCannon to dinner Sunday in honor of the birthdays of Virgiia Jenson and Clark Huson. Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin was a Woodstock visitor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James Rainey attended church at Woodstock Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson spent Sundav in Chicago. Mr. and Mto. tDavis "Walkinsrton and son of McHenrv and Dexter Rice of Milwaukee and MlI® Isabelle Johnson of Kenosha were callers in the Ben Walkington home Sunday. Miss Dorothy Carr of Chicago speat the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr. . 4 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wright aad family and Mrs. Mary Wright Of Hohenstein, Wis., spent the week-end with Mrs. Mary Hodge. Mm Mary Wright remained for a few weeks' visit. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Dodge ayent Monday at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Thomas and family spent Sunday with Woodstock relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MeCannon spent Sunday afternoon with friends at Geoa City. Kirk Schroeder ad Clyde Carr were Chicago visitors Monday evening. Adrian Thomas went to. Chicago Monday evening to work in the new Bowman plant. Mr. ad Mra. Ray Peters spent Monday night and Tuesday with Chicago friends and attended the grand opening of the new Bowman plant. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin and daughter, Julia, attended the grand opening of the new Bowman Dairy plant in Chicago Monday evening. Mrs. F. A. Hitches entertained her bridge club at her home Tuesday afternoon. Luncheon was served. Fred Wiedrich and son, Roy, were Woodstock visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Adams and were Woodstock visitors lesday. Mrs. Viola Low aad Mrs. G. E. Shepard ware Woodstock visitors Tuesday. J. V. Buckland tretwfeed home Tuesday, after spending the winter in Florida. Mrs. Margaret Klintworth, Mys. Lora Klintworth, Mrs. Claus Larson and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens, in company with Mrs. D. C. Bacon of Crystal Lake spent Wednesday with friends in Elgin. Mrs. Nick Young, in company with Mrs. Joe Weber and Mrs. Davis Walkington of McHenry spent Monday afternoon in Waukegan. \ Antone »n<J Eva Williams and pfr. and Mrs. Nick Young spent Tuesday evening in the Joe Weber home at McHenry. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich were Woodstock visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lenft^d Carlson and son and Nellie McDonald attended the grad opening of the new Bowman Dairy plat i Chicago Tuesday evening. Mrs. Jack Nichols of McHenry spent Wednesday with Mrs. George Young. Notea Those neither absent nor tardy for seven months are: Laurence Freund, Amy Harrison, Robert Adams, Walter Low, Rita Mae Merchant, Pearl Smith, Shirley Hawley, Floyd Freund, Sylvia Freund. (It is interesting to note that three of these are from family.) Elola Boyle of McHenry waa visitor during the past month. Russel Laurence and Laurence Freund celebrated their birthdays and treated to cookies, popcorn and candy. The Operetta "Kay and Gerda" will be given sometime in April. Both rooms will take part. T IsowfiH Statistics The heaviest snowfalls in theTTnlted States occur in the central portions of,the Sierra Nevada of California. It is Impossible to state the exact locality having the heaviest snowfall, but accounts for a single season of above 700 inches have been reported from the station at Summit on the line of the Southern Pacific railroad, running between Sacramento, Calif., and Reno, Nev. The heaviest snowfall recorded there occurred in the winter of 1879- 80 and was 783 inches. Work for Janafta Ctrarta Ttie National Probation association la an association of earnest men aad women who have as a purpose the development and assistance of juvenile courts and probation service throughovt the United States. It Is supported by memberships and contributions. Society Net* Dickie's two aunts, of whom ba waa quite fond, were visiting at his home. One day some boy friends came along and whistled for him to come out. He went to the door and said with an air of great*importance, "Can't come; got awnti" Bladder TOSS'S ousness, or Burning, due to functional Bladder Irritation, In add ionA« tlons, makes you feel tired, depressed and discouraged, try the Cjrstex Test. Works fast, starts circulating thrcg the system m IS minutes. Praised by thousands for rapid and positive action. Don't give up. Try Cystex (pronounced Biss-tex) today, under the Icon-Clad Guarantee. Mast quickly allay these conditions, Improve restful sleep and energy, or summ? Ink Only Mo at BOLGER*S DMJG STORB •f ' WEST SIDE GARAGlf Otto Adams, Prop, r fkneral Automobile Repairing TeL 185 Res. Phone, 639-R-2 * V** _ Beginning Friday, March 27, and lasting until Saturday, April 4. Therewill be some keen bargains during this sale. Live models each Saturday afternoon. . Coats art severely plain this year, but charming in their simplicity. Very few are * fur trimmed, but those that are have the Galyak or Broadtail type of trimming. Then some have braiding for trimming. * A grea| many are semi-fitted, but we " f|id not forget the stout figure in our selection, as we can fit * tlhose who wear sizes to a 52. About a hundred cpats to sell for your selection at . • • • • Others at $13.95 and $22.50. • v 1 v :~ *r •&§tM 'f- • ^ \ * S ""3 '^Y • J. 4 - -si / > * 'Z - f D R E S S E S Dresses were never prerfief, with their flowing skirts and short eeves. The materials lit than ever. Plain and printed Chiffons are taking the lead just now. The prices anp 'V .| % ?\ "> v " v i A * f»;f • + * ' *, $5.75 $16.50 HOSE AND BEAT US ON H08E Silk, full-fashioned, re inforce* VrMi fh heel, service weight ^ 77c Our regular stock, not a second In Chiffon, we have our regular number in "Wayne," extra lengths, 6- itrand, 42-guage Chiffons. »' Spring Colors 84&* Price<?at $1.50 last year You will be enthused with the new Spring Kid Qloves f Each has contrasting color in stitching and pieoes of kid set in or on the extra godet. White with black, Black with whiter Tjgyhpll with brown, tan witli Eggshell. • •*; They Are Stunning Prices are $1.95 and $2.95 t'v , It * v"? « ' There will be a Saturday Evening Special worth while announced elsewhere in this paper. Look for it. Make it a practice to buy here and you will come out ahead at the end of the year < • i:*