• a« * "• ,? *&•<-"*> •- X3& Solitary SdManUp The only man , who can truthfully My ihat he is in a class by himself is a correspondence school pupil.--Louisville Time®. ' Jt >*'/ S w " 'A; <*%* ' %~vjr " •' •"****&. VV-&#/-*: •*'} GONNEL M. McDERMOTT f ATTORKBTAT-LAW . JpMrs--Every evening, 7 to (JO , ' *<J; All day Saturdays Btd;. Cor. Crtw and 19m Sts. McHenry, III. ritmijii i}>ii»ii Mil. TeL McHenry 258 .1 Y' ' ' • M. j|r. JOHN DUCET ; ^ VETERINARIAN TB and Blood Tcatiag ItlCBMOND, ^ v ILLINOIS f iMcHENKY GRAVEL & * EXCAVATING 00. A. P. Freund, Prop. **d Building and Excavating Estimates Furnished on ^ ' Bequest JEQgh-grade Gravel Delivered at any time--large or small orders given prompt attention. Phone 204-M" McHenry ^ HENRY V. SOMPEL General Teaming 13and, Gravel and Goal for Sale Grading, Graveling and Road -Work Done By Contract of Every Description ~ . / or By Day ' Phone McHenry 649-RO ^McHenry, HI. Pi 0* Address, Rout© t f iiSi Lawyer' OAee with West McHenry State Every Wednesday 4 . McHenry, Tllinsh Phone 1M*W Reasonable Mates A. H. SCHAEFER . * Ifeayhff MeHKNRT - - - . ILLINOIS THK M'HKNET PLAIHDKALKE, THUESDAT, APHIL 2,19S1V,•.v.^, • - > Z - . v < . Twice Told Tal Ihtere^fite« the Files of the Plaindealer , ^-"r; ef Years Afo -^1$ «• JwiLj FIFTY YEARS AGO The firm of Engeln & Bonslett In the new Furniture Rooms, has been dissolved and J. Bonslett will hereafter run the business alone. There is still a scarcity of wood in this village and the man or men who will bring: some in about now will be sore of a good price. Chas. Kuhnetr of Johnsburg had tiie misfortune to lose 6ne of his children by death on Thursday last. Martin Neison of Johnsburg, a well known business man of that place died on Wednesday of last week. Samuel Poole, proprietor of the Volo creamery, has taken an interest in the butter and cheese factory, being built in this village. M. Engeln has moved his stock of goods into the l&rge store in Howe blodb •' > FORTY YEARS iWO.^Y'-j Our public school opens for the spring term on Monday next. •Duck hunting has been booming the past week and a number of large hags have been brought in. Miss Kate Howe will open her Kindergarten school at the city hall on Monday next. She will have about twenty-five scholars. April came in like the traditionary lion 'mid blustering winds and driving rain. Our citizens were shocked on Sunday last to learn that John Hogan had committed suicide at his home in Volo. Hogan resided here for many Shears and was a highly respected citizen. The town meeting in McHenxy on Tuesday, passed off without any unusual excitement. Mrs. Lizzie Nichols moved this week to Sheridan, Ind., where she will open a Millinery and Dressmaking e£ tablishment. Love Teal Wins , Conflict 9f LOUISE LANCDALE OttOOOOOOCHeHC»0«HCK»H90MHMHa«a$ (GopjnrlKhL> «DDT, John, 1 have lived in the U country all my life! I hoped when we were married--" . "But, Janice--" John was patient, but firm. "With my extra time I can make a little place in the country a paying proposition, while a city home is aU outgo, no income. You take a garden, chickens, perhaps even a cow--H "Chickens! Cow!" Janice wrinkled her nose. "How can you Want that bungalow after teeing that darling little apartmpnt?" John rose stiffly from the sofa and picked up his hat. "1 hoped you would be reasonable about this, Janny. That you would come to your senses." The girl's face flushed. Come to her senses, indeed! Why, It was John who was being stubborn. "Very well," she said coldly and slipped off the pretty, shining little engagement ring. She stood, white-faced and unrelenting, until bewildered John had found his way out That afternoon, with their wedding three weeks away, she and John had gone house bunting. Trouble had arisen when, Instead of finding no place at all that was suitable, they had found two places. One' was a sturdy new bungalow with plenty of land around It. The other, a snug, sky-high apartment two blocks from VOLO Hiss Vinnie Bacon motored to He- Henry Saturday. Mrs. Milton Dowell returned to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Wilson, Wednesday, after being a patient at the St. Theresa hospital for six weeks. Joe Wagner is hauling the farmers' milk from Wauconda. The card party held at the Roseville school was well attended Friday evening. Prizes were won by Milton Dowell, Miss Philis Davis, Mrs. Richard Dowell and Joe Passfield. Little Arvilla Ann Fisher has been very ill the past week. Faiiati-s--Sportsmen--Partners A New Kind of "Farm Refer Responding to a Mlet's get together" invitation, the farmers of five counties in Indiana are joining the sportsmen of that section In a game production- limited shooting program which conservation authorities believe will place game bird production on a scientific basis, end the farmer's *j <ii vu« wcca* . troubles w• i--th- ip--oac«he-r*s a*•n••*d« *p*u*• tv muivoir e Mrs. Richard Dowell and daughter QuaiJ «nd pheasants in the coverts, were callers at Wauconda Monday This £ame restoration movement In evening. the Hoosier state is sponsored by the Mr. and Mrs. George Scheid, Jr., of Walton League. Five counties: Wauconda spent Thursday evening at Whitley, Wabash, Huntington, Wells itLh-e TL1l--oydJ Fisher home. and Grant are involved. Co-operating Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hironimus are Waltonian leaders are the spending a few days in Chicago. Farm Bureau> Equity Exchange and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and lndiana Department of Conservefamily spent Tuesday evening at the Frank Hironimus home. . program which these organiza- Earl Rita of Fremont was a vis- tions have drawn UP strikes at a seriitor in this locality last week*. OUs dlfflcuJtY which exists today in Lloyd Fisher motored to Wiuconda America's hunting set up: the strain- Thursday evening. relations between the town hunter Donald Roof called at. the Lloyd and the rural landowner Fisher place Wednesday evening. new co-operative agreement between Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis and th.e 8Portsrtien the farmers, there family of Slocum Lake spent Thurs- w!1! 1x5 surveys of game covers, esday at the Esse Fisher home. tablishment of vermin control, stock- A large crowd attended the card ,flg of b,rds the conservation departy at the William Nicholas home Par^mtn ^ and Walton League, Saturdav evenine. Eitrht tahle<?» nf *,mlted hunting on the co-operative euchre were played with prizes going 'laann ds. aanndd aa fee 1t o the farmer to Mrs. George Witt, Mrs. Leo Scheid, hu"tin* Privileges. Every gunner BKy-iugn aparimeni diocks trom Miss Hefferman, Miss Nordmeyer, ' register with the farmer on the center of Burleigh with built-in | John Passfield, Ray Seymour, Walter whose property he will hunt and he hnntr-r*«»« Vasey and Robert Fuller. A lunch wil1.wear a button to identify himself. was served at the close of the evening. *nd'ana sportsmen believe that this Frank Hironimus and son attended sys*em grow more birds per acre, a sale near Woodstock Monday. provide better sport for the law abid- Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Vasey spent .in^ hunter, give the farmer a return Sunday afternoon at the Herman *or c°-°Peration and solve the Dunker home. menace of overshooting and rural Mr. and Mrs. Jay Vasey and family ^ij^ery. spent Sunday at the Harry Passfield 'l hl? Huntington" plan is one of home. many conservation subjects that Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hironimus and wiU ^ brouKht before the convention ....1.4 a. 9 i „ j J-i i « HTlH 9ATVIA A# UA.U Efficient Jastic* Expeditious justice has its attractions. Long ago the maxim was laid down that It Is not the severity of punishment that makes the law effective. And when that law strikes with suddenness to surprise and punish the offender it commands respect.-- Omaha Bee-News. . > fe>nghly SpMldaf Of the 1,G'23,000,000 inhabitants of the globe, at least G00.<KX),000 speak the principal European tongues. Because of/the dominions and the United Statejk English tops the bill. Backache• Leg Pains sfQIfQ uleenttt idnagy cUalpl s,M TUrhUL jfnirlnnitia p.i». CTm^ OUSGSSo, ui uuiuiu^ Bue to iUKtMM al Bladder Irritation, In add tions, makes you fe«l tired. 4m and discouraged, try the Cystex' Works fast, starts circuL the system in IK minutes. thousands for rapid and positive £S* tlon. Don't give up. Try cystes Mn. Bounced Slss-tex) today, under~tk« Iron-Clad Guarantee. Most quickly allay these conditions, improve lest, fill and ene»y. or money hsnlr Only Wo at i • I BOLGER*S DKUG SltttB WEST SIDE GARAGE " Otto Adams, Prog. Ckneral Automobile Repairinf TtiLM Res. Phone, 639-R-2 Specimen Ballot TUsphone N«. 1M-R 8toffel A Reihansptrger fiMvanos agents for aiR classes ef property in tM best companies. WEST McHENRY - - ILLINOIS Insure--Ih Sve-Iisoruce •WITH m.G.Schreioer Anctioneering OFFICB AT RESIDENCE 93-R McHenry. IWmIs IMne-- Oanse-- Golf -- Flay at MIAMI Chicken and Steak 1 Evening Dinners Popular Priced Barbecues and Soda Fowtaia Specialties Amphitheatre housing workTs largest, prettiest, most unique super- indoor course, including motordriven hazards, Shuffle Boards, Instruction Golf Game, Grille, Daace and Banquet HalL « PARTY ACCOMMODATIONS "An Ever-So-M u< h-Differsat Place" , Greenwood Avenue at Ash flt» - Waukegan, 111. Telephone Ontario 7829 TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO West McHenry was the scene of a most disastrous fire last Friday night which broke out (as near as can be learned) a trifle before midnight. The fire was making a rapid headway near the center of the Evanson store, when discovered. The loss sustained will probably reach in the neighborhood of $36,000. The Hunter-Weckler Boat Co. bg<» shipped its exhibition boat to Chicago, where it will be shown at the Chicago Power Boat shew, which takes place April 7-14. D. F. Hanly is nursing a very •sore leg as a result of being bitten by a dog, Wednesday of last week. Robert, the 11-year-old son of Mrs. Wm. Phalin died last Friday after an illness of about one week. At the election Tuesday, Jacob R. Justen won out for road commissioner over John H. Freund. The price of butter on the board of trade Monday dropped one cent--official price, 26 cents. Eat Everything without Fear of Indigestion An there lots of foods you can't eat--for fear of gas, bloating, pains in the stomach and bowels? Do you have to pass up favorite dishes--while the rest enjoy them? That's a sign you need Tanlac! For more than 10 years Tanlac has restored to vigorous health thousands who suffered like you do. Mis. Arvena Bowers, of 1280 Jackson St., Topeka, Kans., says: "Five years I was troubled with gas, bloating and dizzy spells. But Tanlac toned up my whole system and increased my weight 10 lbs." If you suffer from indigestion, gas, dizziness, headaches, or toipid livsr-- try Tanlac. One bottle often brings the needed relief. - Tanlac is a good, pure medicine, made of roots, barks, and herbs. Get it from your druggist today. Year money back if it doesn't help yon. TWENTY YEARS AGO It is our sad duty to chronicle the sudden death of Mrs. John Powers, which occurred at her home in Nunda township on Tuesday morning, March 21. She is survived by her husband and four small children. Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Glosson, who reside east of this village, are rejoicing over the arrival ef a girl at their home on Tuesday. We are told that the patrons of the Borden company who were shut out in contracting for the summer's supply of milk on March 15, are to be taken back. The McGee block in Harvard owned by William McGee of this village, was destroyed by fire on Sunday. The marriage of Nels Pierson and Miss Florence Nelson occurred at the home of the bride's parents, who reside south of McHenry, on Wednesday awtping of last week. > S. H. Freond & Son CONTRACTORS ' AND BUILDERS .. ft-; Phona 127-R McHanry Oar experience Is at Tour Servioe in building Tour Wants 'TEN YEARS AGO For the first time in the history of the village, McHenry was given the opportunity to welcome the Modern Woodmen of McHenry county. This opportunity came on Wednesday of this week, at which time the county convention which is held every four years, convened at the M. W. A. hall. Before the beginning of another week the" West Side hardware firm of Donavin & Reihansperger will have been dissolved and the entire business taken over by the senior member of the firm, Walter J. Donavin. Bemice, the 4-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Unti narrowly escaped being killed in her father's ice cream factory when a gas drum fell against the little tot on Friday afternoon. Milk prices will remain the same during April, but will drop SO cents per hundred next month. 'The April price is $2.35 per hundred, while the May price will be $2.06. Wind and Thermometer $he weather bureau says that the thermometer Is not affected by the wind velocity after having once at* tained the temperature of the wind. The physical discomfort usually associated with high winds Is due to the rapid removal of heat from the human body on account of the winds. As no heat la generated by a thermometer, its readings are therefore net aCected by the winfl velocity. book-cases, electric refrigerator, and i an Ironing board that folded Into the wall. They had handed each agent tlie familiar line, "We'll talk It over and let you know." AU the way home they had indeed talked It over and tonight they had quarreled about It. John didn't telephone- during his noon hour the next day. Janice had been stire that he would. When he didn't appear that evening and Janice took to wandering restlessly through the house, her mother asked a few questions and Janice fold her all about it, "A lovers' scrap, dear, and very foolish. But you must remelnber that there must always be one who gives in. In a way It's a test of-love. If you truly love John, you won't mind giving In." J ' Janice drew a deep breath. "I .do love John, Mother." Suddenly she dimpled. "I've thought of a way to get him back l" She ran to the telephone and her mother smiled as she listened. "Is this Mr. Ward who Is agent for the bungalow we looked at In Cedarvale? "Well--I--we--that la, you triay consider It rented! Til pay the deposit In the morning. Can we--caa I have the keys tomorrow T' The following day--still without 4 word from John--Janice not only paid a full month's rent out of her small savings and got the key but took the bus out to the bungalow and meat;* ured all the windows. Then she snt up nearly all night stitching curtains^ dainty white ruffly ones for the living, room, creamy chintz with colorfu^ parrots for "John's den," gay yeUoW gingham for the kitchen. The next morning sbe went out and hung them. That night she .simply could not? stand not seeing John any longer. Who knew but what he was becoming » Interested In some other girl? She was horribly afraid he might not be home although she called Just at suppertime. Her heart seemed to turn over at the sound of his voice. "Yea, this Is John speaking." "This is Janice. I was a pig the other night, but If you'll 'drive around right after supper, I've got a little surprise for you I" In his moment's hesitation, Janice suspected all sorts of things.. A previous engagement with the red-headed typist was one of them. Then, "All right," he said. She was ready at the sound of his noisy little runabout to run down and hop !p beside him. When they swung down the yet-tobe- paved road, Janice made a careless gesture towards the bungalow. "Why, John, somebody seems to have taken that bungalow you were so wild about. There are curtains at all the .windows I I'm going ,to ask, just for $ifun. Stop, John!" John stopped automatically, but he didn't climb out after Janice. "What's the use? Nobody we know and it will look sort of funny." But Janice tugged at his hand until, reluctantly, be yielded. On the top step she oj>ened her pocketbook and took out a key. "It's we, John!" she cried ecstatically. "We've taken It! I paid a month's rent and made all the curtains and--but what's the mutter. John? Aren't you tickled to pieces?" John, his face a queer study of conflicting emotions, was staring at Janice. Then he grinned sheepishly. "We're a pair of prize dumblteJIs. 1 paid a month's rent on the apartment and have been laying a new linoleum in the kitchen !M For a moment there was silence as each realize^ 4fce motive underlying what the other had done. Then Janice, remembering her mother's advice, laid h^r hand gently on John's arm. "It's cost us that month's rent on the apartment and maybe the linoleum, too, to find out we'd better agree on things together! And to pay for It, we simply must take the bungalow and get those bens laying at oncer* daughter spent Sunday at Gray slake Miss Edna Fisher, Nick Hycuri and Elwood Dowell were dinner guests at the Fisher home Sunday. Mrs. Clinton Ravin and family of Slocum Lake spent Sunday, at the Dowell Bros. home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dalvin and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Passfield, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Passfield and family, Elwood Dowell spent Thursday evening at the George Dowell home, in honor of Miss Roberta Dowell's birthday. and game conference of the Izaak Walton League which convenes in the Sherman Hotel, Chicago, the morning of April 23 and continues through the 25th. Admiral Richard E. Byrd, the polar explorer; Henry O'Mally, U. S. Commissioner of Fisheries; Major R. Y. Stuart of the U. S. Forestry Service; and other outdoor authorities will address the conference and the convention. Mercury Mast Be Clean flirt in mercury may cause sticking in a thermometer. ' Clean will stick W Petition) v Wm SUPERVISOR (Vote for one) T""l STEPHEN H. FREUND • ^ FOR CONSTABLE {To fill vacancy) O 1&VTO SCHROEDEE, o (ly Petitlaa) FOR sf&»ERVISOE (Vote for one) Pi PETE& WM. TORT Q_ . V Q. Q. FOR CONSTABLE {fbfill vacancy) .• i.yy'g»'.11ii'j i11itjfijii iniiitipiiMjTmi|> I hereby certify that the above is a Specimen Ballot to be voted fat tha Town of McHenry, April 7th, 1931. Try our claaaified ads for quick sate wiN not "tick to glass. <S8A& B. HAJtMSENf^ now .-•i *. '-..T • i Original Mirrer A piece of polished metal wai far a mirror before silvering ef was iavmML it waa cailad a turn. Expert Jnggiers may not lie, bat many a queer proposition la put over by a judicious selection of statistics.--Ratlaad Herald. Enjoy the 7 friendly features of this mew wonder range - venient with the top aad lower oven. 9--Burner tray is self-supporting; makes a convenient service shelf. 8--Large cupboard keeps cooking vessels where they are quickly available. 4--Heat is retained in the oven by rock wool insulation and "heatseal" doors. 5--Roomy oven has self-eupporthig oven racks; cannot be polled ovt without releasing stops. O--Drawer-type broiler makes broiling easy. Pan and grid adjustable to several heights. 7--Handy drawer beneath imflet keeps many sbmH otmrih at you* fingertips. MONEYSAVING VALUES t lO^ u Allowance lor your old Stove.ee • in the purchase of an Acorn or Moore range Whether or not yon plan to buy a range, you'll enjoy a visit here to view the newest creations in modem cooking equipment. Come during this season-opening sale. See the wonderful new Console model, a beauty in grey and white, or green and ivory, with oven heat control and 7 other friendly features that take the work out of cooking and insure its fhll succeaa. In our big display you 11 find the Cyihpasdls's B*gia«iag The first edition of the famous Sacydopaedla Brltannics, in three vol* came out In l7flR-Tt. :w. Oaf Waa£-A4s are L ... jA -r*/. ..... range you want at a price that wiU please you. And remember, during this sale we give a 10% trade-in allowance for your old gas or coal stove on the price of a beautiful new Aeon or Moore gas range. Come and make your choice wfcfie this sale is on. Console model (pictured above) $89.50. All-enamel cabinet model, $54.50. Other cabinet models, $40.50 and up, less 10% for your old range. Values unbeatable. Just a small sum down, balance monthly with your gas bill. Small carrying charge- Come in today. ^ jm. ^ jl, -Sfc. JK. Ji|_# VHECTRIC COMPANY' 0. R. CuUiM, Diak .11 ill