Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 May 1931, p. 4

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mmMi. as McouklMi matter jgt tti postomca the act of May 8,1879 Months % annual McHe Woodstock's Beautiful PUyMouse Matinees 8on.-Wtd.-Ssi 2:3® Evenings 7-9 THURSDAY 7-9 Standard Tfaw On the Stage Bed's Hawaiian Rene a Beautiful Stage Presentation of Music, Song* ind * Dances *On the Screen "Mea CaH It Lave" with Leila Hyams .Qj Adolph Menjov Norman Foster Comedy and News FRIDAY Mat il-lS SATURDAY 2:30 Eve. 7:00-9:00 Standard Time Marion Davies in *%s * Wise CUT The stage play that ran a yifiur on Broadway is merry Marion's funniest picture. Comedy and Movietone v News fULTUBDAf, * OtfEST NITS Tgro ViU Be Admitted For 50c SUNDAY-MONDAY Continuous 2:30 to 11:00 $Qs Family Matinee to 5:00 Btaadird Time Oil the Stage Sunday Radiol&nd's Biggest" Personality "Little Joe Warner" The /fforrie Rosenberg'* in the fSimons "Smith Family" IN PERSON Presenting His Own Entertainment. Character, Spging and Musical Act On the Screen 'J QQnmauHiQtotum with Jackie Cooper, Robert Coo gun, Mitzi Green, Jackie Searl That wonderful, lovable kid character you've in the papers LIVE on the screen! "8KIPPY" in fun for the whole family! Comedy and Movietone News 4 '•if; TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY Kite Toetdaj,.,,. 2 for 50e v ^ John Gilbert la "Gentleman's Fate" with Louis Wolheim, Leila Hyams, Anita Page, Marie Prevoet Comedy and Movietone News • VCIITfi k WALTER lilwll 13 F TRUMBULL •/ NEW YORK The usual New York crowd of skyjr «7.ers circled around the big truck to superintend the hoisting of a huge steel girder to Its destined resting place, many stories above the street. The ground end of the Job was betng expertly handled by two big fellows and another worker, who made up la breadth what he lacked in height As the attached cables started the girder on its upward way, it slipped, ever so slightly, in its sling. The two stalwarts instantly leaped clear of the truck and c&me to a stop only when they wore well outside of any danger eona The squat gentleman, on th6 other hand, stood as steadfast as the boy on the burning deck, calmly watching the mass of steel right itself and resume its Skyward journey. This display of stoicism evidently annoyed the two who bad retreated so Iptstily. As they returned, one said disgustedly to the still placid slab of humanity. - -"Say, atet yea aebedj^ - sweet-• heart 7" e e e Charles Hanson Towne was enumer atlng for me those known in the arts who had coine from his birthplace, LoaisvlUe. He named Thompson Buchanan. Fontaine Fox, Henry and Shelley Bull, and Isaac M*rcosson. Then he turned to A. & Thomas, who was sitting close by. "Were you born la Louisville, AIT* ha asked. * "No," said Mr. Thomas, •% was not, and I can mention several other titles where I was not born, bat which, strangely enough, appear to tiave achieved a certain meaMi* krf «*«ognltion." As a matter of fact, Mr. Thomas originally was a mouatain bay. He cam# from the Berkshires. • • • A man driving his automobile down Long Inland picked up a little urchin who was tramping along the road. He began to talk to bim pleasantly... "What do you db oat of school hours?" he asked. "Oh," said the small boy proudly, •*1 help my father and mother. They showed me how to fall oat of cars, without hurting myself, and people give them money." In another moment a little urchin was again tramping along the read. • • • A tender-hearted New York woman recently sailed for Europe. When the ship reached Southampton, she was distressed by cries and moans, which came through the dosk from the direction of a nearby dock, aiftl ihsJstejJ upon knowing what the trouble waS. A feliow passenger hAZ&Tdfd the reasonable guess that th« Sounds came from a boatload of Cattle, destined for France. This so upset the woman that she sat down and wrote a scathing letter to the local S. P. C. A. It was later discovered that the anguished cries had been produced by a dredge, working .all night on the nearby channel. * • • • j A man who made his att&Arinfc hurry canght a cold in his head and went to a well-known nose and throat specialist He found the waiting room full of patients and when the doctor's attendant took his name and asked him to sit down, he offered her $10 if she would gfet him In ahead of the others. She refused the money and told him she was sorry but that he would have to wait his turn. He did so, with U1 grace, and In the meantime the nurse told the doctor what had happened. The doctor didn't say anything, bat after he had seen the man and treated him, he charged him just three times his usual fee. • • • * The Town Hall club has just celebrated its tenth anniversary. This cluh has one of the largest memberships in New York, but also one of the most distinguished. It is contemplating a considerable addition to its present quarters in the heart fit the theatrical district («. ltSl. Bell Brnat--»>--wwqjuiBriji^ Huge Lump of Coal - ^ Mined in Pennsylvania Hazleton, Pa.--A single solid lump of anthracite, sufficient in size to heat a six-room house through an entire winter, was dug up In the Hopey Brook mines here recently. The lump weighed 8,800 pounds and was taken out of the Ruck mountain vein under direction of Inside Foreman Gallagher, expert in such removals. The piece, the largest ever mined in this section, will be nsed for advertising display purposes. FheasaRt* and •C. J. Bender, Front St., West Phone 58-W. 60-2 FOR SALE--Three sows with pigs; Murdock seed corn, graded. Peter A. Jfeeund. !Tek McHenry - SU4U. *60 FOR SALE--4?-room house, modern, and 2-car .garage, in city of McHenry, centrally located, being across the street from Grade and Community IH«rh Schools. Terms. P. J. Cleary. *50-4 FOB SALE---Thompson TVT, 9-passeajfer beat, Johnson No. 12 alternate firing: motor; fully equipped. Original cost over $490. Will sell for $250. Entire osAflt Dew summer of 1980. J. Mailer. Ajfctly at Joe Hoenginn's Garage, J«ainakm£. 49-2 FOR SALB-4 afcave stock t&nk, new, engne and piuop Jack, slightly used. Geesp» E. Adams. Tel. McHenry 60S-M-2. *49-2 tm siilfotfllfMiuintaft taken a posiium Tree Surttati, sonata tion wflll.Mtt-BlMbMliii Tr«e flw- H«ay 1» Cdwlin, AttorM3r-*t-L«w, geons. , jK".' '/[ 1 Mr. and\fp Kiser of Juliet and EXECUT50RJ$ NOTBCB OF FILING Mr. and Shelten spent Sun- IISfllBlfENT day at Pet^OiSbef's. | Stat* <* HUuoii, John Klal# Ts « frequent visitor McHenry County, FOR SALE--Used im Electric Shop. Carey 48-tf FOR SALE Mqwfc Kamhoiz. West jftflds/. fL C. 47-tf FOR SALE*--Bttfer If nix* Seed Cora, also some Yellow Early, germinatioa 99 per cent James Haniex, McHenry,. McHenry 6WJ-1 47-tf P0TAT0E8 FOB SALE--No. 1 Irish Cobblers; good eating and also good for seed. We deliver, We have a few Early Ohios left for $1.25 per bu. These potatoes are not cold storage, but kept at my home, therefore will make excellent seed potatoes. Dave Segel, West McHenry. TeL 92-J. 41-tf FOR SALE--7-room house and garage, located in Spring Grove. Very reasonable. Inquire of Frank L. Adams, Ringwood, 111. 37tf BEFORE TOU BUY SHOES see our bargain counter.- B. Popp. Expert shoemaker and repair shop. Main street. Phone 162. 88-tf FOR SALE--Rag rug*. Frank Gustafson. W. McHenry* eoner of Center and John streets. &5-tf FOR SALE--Well secured 7% First Mortgages on MtHtnrv Residence Property. Inquire at Flaiddealeir office. :^t^t»-tf FOE RENT FOR RENT--Five rooms with sun porch and bath, second fldor. Call McHenry 216-R. 49-2 FOR RENT--Six-room . house, modern, and garage. Located on Main street, McHenry. Inquire of Wn .1. Welch. Phone 100-J. 46 If WANTED these days, Approving his Venice Gardens oaJW^annel. Robert JQBgretti, - the champion horse shoe wer of the lake, has dusted off tha/Old shoes and i|> ready to take on aU cbmers. Mr. and Mp. George Sielisch, the prominent tof|»orlal lurtist of Chicago, is, doing tilings at his cottage in the way 6f $igh colors. The Harl^n^^M Lily Lake settlers, are adding ^aflSttionAl improvements to their ho£^|utd grounds aira it looks like a JMte winner. Tony Perrffl^ who motored otit last Sunday from IMcago, says he will be a frequent Visitor at the cottage on Piety Hill Aft#* own of Albert T. Balks; Ju«# the^ Albert Billte, and ' WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: You are hereby noHjpd that on Monday, tbe first dajr of jfane, j|81,, I, as ^a Exeewtrix of tlte Jbuit lrSl and Te^anpnt <^ a»Ml focsswd^jsP pre sent to the County Court of HeBenry County, at the Cpvrt Hoose in Wood- Stock, lllinois, sMr fnil repert «f my acts 6nd doings as such tttentrix, and ask Sm* Court to be from, asy and all further «Wli» respoaaiolJities cdirAectSsd "with said Estate and my adainjggnition thereof, at which time Stid imee you may be Mr. Willert, the first aetUer at the P^ent and resiat such application, if lake, has a ro«!k garden'and grounds yoa choose so to dof. that wfll tttu ohe of the show placea the coming aeasta. Frank St^hisdoerfer, the original Lily Laker, tan be found any day now working among his flowers or in his prize garde*. lir. and Strs. Krusch were seen at their cottage Sunday planting flow-! ers and ahrdUfery. Mr and Krl Fred Sharff gave a Pig in the Itianket luncheon at Hoi-1 ly's Wednesday. Mr. and Jlrs. Spire, formerly Miss Haxine Sartpson, must have been vary anxious to reach the lake Sunday, according to traffic reports. MINNIE S. H. BALKE, Executrix James Ta1 us for the sui jobs are aee the f Mr. Girard"fei for the season changes and^e trust a liberal patronage. and family are with and no doubt many It looks good to g shop open. § taken the Lily Cafe and is making many he will isnjoy Beyond thrf Limit * When everything Is new snd startling, the human mind just ceases to be startled.--Walter Llpp- Vi'!1 jy*'" •» n mi -1 . Real OIJMm to Flattery We sometitMfci fancy that we hate flattery, buttaallty we only hit* the manner foqcauld. la hMlepaadMce Hall Ihi^Bpeodence hall, PhUadelgMa. Is opened dally ta the piWc.^ta 9 a. ss. to 4.p. m iaclfMUag'llHSdays. A« historical eoOectijBe tocf«Ma furniture, manuscripts, s^uslcaL inatrameats, wa* ter cvlcM-a, mlssllaa, „i|apa, «#ip, currency, weapons, metsis, p^kits, wearing apparel, utecudls and books. The building lirsa AMlipei afM^ected by Baatfltoa, a Phlladelph(a.iawy e R > ^ " ' - • : r Vea Staabea 3huay The General Van Steuben commemorative -"imp mss Ilium! in i ijiBiiiiits rate the two hundredth analvecvary of the birth of General Banm Yea Steuben and In recognition of bis exceptional service rendered the colonial cause during the Revolutionary w«r by drfUlag and orgakxfng tha army. j. % 'tS •M "sSs®tr'Tf: Oder Tboai)^. Odor to the volatile portton of a substance perceptible by the ssase of smell. The odor theory assuiaea that the odor sensation is due to tha - Mnattoa of chemical radicala, called oamorphlc groups of the odorous substances that combine with certain substances of the nasal membrane, «8ed oamoceptors. •«if- Atf&in! few / Want have ^wariy ; aboot the lifat er tha brnmmty as h*m :«*.wa»j>rve $»*• $*•"' to^ 0E BOTTLE t OlVt Hlookf^ Bar-B-Q H CUcte Bar-BcQ Roaat Beat te-B-Q Beast Pilfc • I »> ;,J»C fovwain For Smybody ^3^ •W& Ndl'i White ^ Phone 628-M-2 £ Route 20 1 Mile East of McHenry WANTED--600 patrons for pure arfci- j ficial ice. I am now ready to niakej prompt delivery .ana giwe .adrvicej wheft you need it. H «W. Ahiwts j Phone 58-M. &0-4| FARM LOANS--First mortgage loans on farms, low interest. Now taking applications for 1981 loans. R. M. Fritz, 2nd Fl„ Harvard. State Bank Bldg., Harvard, 111. Phone 147. 29-tf MISCELLANEOUS DR. W. A. LABRON, O. D. Complete Optical Service Private Examining Room at Shaler's Crystal Pharmacy 860 Crystal Lake, III. ^ IJ f • iwpiffi" ^ "-0k rmm GARDEN PLOT--A small piece of ground in McHenry can be secured for garden without charge to somel pers<™* 'Wires to work it, In-1 quire at Plaindealer office. *50! New Potatoes 'he finest received this yeaf 'X . x Perpoimd j,- &*?#•<* %vii '* Shattered Tktir Dream* Birmingham, Ala.--Visions of myriads of fried chickens and "crap" games which burst upon a group of negro laborers digging la the mud of Village Creek where they found 100 half dollars, were shattered when secret service operatives termed the coins counterfeit. Coroner's Decision Halls Murder Hunt Seattle.--A hurried police search for additional "murder" clews was halted when the county coroner announced that a human akull found In a yard near the county hospital had apparently been part of a doctor's display and was fifteen years old, and that a rib, found near the skull, belonged to an animal. NOTICE--I will not be responsible! for any debts contracted by anyone except myself on or after May 7,1931. Milton DowelL 49-31 .--a*', ... * l-"1 i • Slbs. 14e fifci i" I-4 4lbs. aXc $25.00 REWARD for the arrest and conviction of anyone destroying any signs belonging to the Bald Knob Hotel will be paid by the B. and K. Protective Assn. 49-3 SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED Rag Ruga Made to Order All Work Guaranteed B. POPP Phone Its Main St McHenry! Bulk Rolled Oats, best quality Fancy Hand-picked Navy Beans nataralfssrastard or tomato sauce, large oval cans, each lit Plymouth Rock Jam, strawberry or raspberry, yg lib., packed In iced tea tumblers, each •«y n-tf JOE ^yiDERA, CARY, IUL Livestock Dealer •.•.i'.t^Dairy Cows a Specialty^ ^ V^.satisfaction Guaranteed " ? Phone Cary 37-J ^ M" UPHOLSTERING--AU Idnda of furniture reupholstered and repaired. Good work guaranteed. Work called lor and keliverad. Chas. Rasmossen, S. Center St, West McHenry, I1L TeL 107-M. 12-tf Dead Animals Dead and Crippled Cows; Horses, Hogs, and old Plugs Prompt Service * .00 to $10 a elephone Barrington 286% Reverse Charge* Library'* Splendid Idee A library In Leipzig, Germany, lnatltuted the custom of an annual exchange with America and England of the 50 most beautiful books of (he year, selected on the basis of typography, binding and general appearmEhbSH& SS ' V-JvORarly Clock "i The earliest complete clock of which an accurate record exists was made la the Thirteenth ceotucj h* 4k Ssca ••••j- COFFEE :-f y. 1 pound FBRNDELL Albion packed Appolo Coffee package -mc. I pound •* Bring lis your Palmolive and Crystal White Soap Coupons and get Supersuds FREE Bhone 1S4 Main Street .rin; 7i McHenry

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