Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 May 1931, p. 7

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tmiwiaiwaa m iwiwjin flh <uiad h* Wooaarti Rome Ootapen : Years of Service toOtk^n |i «r wa*a * wtof rallying w*mmm eoumoMy. By HELEN ST. BERNARD f ' ' ' " . " ' " J / w S < 1 , " f Smmmdmmm Train Jfer««f guide the earefui >*3fe Tfcp Contest Board of the American AutomobilB Association certifies to these statements: 1 ho-Vfe Motor OO did not thin 3 Dpriag ike entire test of 9,000 bDm, the nd chaMb of all ear* were fabricated effeeOftrd^RI 3 Ofl Added* amity **/10o ^ • fMit--averafe for a& an--i> 1,000 vile teat at SO nftlee pear hoar, u* inf lao.Vis so (Beavy). ss on oil ONftaanplMa* «il coMvaaptipu per kv ahowed a i that aft SO miles per ail economy at all epei t p«r cylinder at 30 m.p.] Mhg leo-Vie SO (HW/), atwy for afl i # Cylliidia Wear: mmbmIj "• Hineiamllli (Viooo) • W» i« my . Mw la .any aar for "}#e mlM 9000 adfea. HERB fa tint New Ieo-Vis does an J* of lubrication. Try this tested and ©ertiied oil in your car. Then at draining time, make the Ball and Bottle Test at any Standard Oil Service Station or dealer with New Iso-Vis you hare used. See for yoor- •elf that besides many other adnntigw, New Iao-Via will not thin out from dflntion. taUt ttoek modtU •/ th* 1J makes of cart u»+d b She f •trjiafiow Stmdr wfcmi by the Ca--ir Bomrd of tkm A. A. A., on dm Inditmmpcfjg Sp iiAhj from Mmreh 17 to April 9. STOCK CBKTKOLR OLDSXOBILX CBBTSLKR PONTIAC OOKD RKO VOID mun-iNitiR »4m imSmnlky OUT M* % .j. vr »-- r--vi. fa u STANDARD Oil. COMPANY UmJimmm) n>*# i Governor Louis L. Emmerson has ieeeived from President Herbert Hoover the flag of the president of the United States, which is to be placed in the reconstructed Lincoln tomb. The flag was made specially for this purpose at the direction af the president and in compliance with the wishes of Governor Emmerson that it, along with the stars and stripes and the flags of the states in Which the Lincoln family lived, should be displayed in the sarcophagus chamber. The flag is a reproduction of the official ensign displayed by s vessel during the time the president fa aboard ship. ' Setting a new record for bills, the Illinois house of representatives had introduced one thousand and nineteen at the time of April 30th adjournatent. House bills 1016 to 1019 were introduced by Representative Frank A. McCarthy, af Elgin, v and are in tended to amend the public utilities act . , <&. • -V Dr Hanry Vbodbon Chaatv Dm sixth president of the University of Illinois, was formally installed May first, in the presence of five hundred Relegates representing 232 universities and colleges, 68 learned societies and professional organizations and of whom a half hundred 'were federal and state officials. Brief addresses «f greetings were brought by President Chase and the university from Governor Louis L. Emmerson, representatives of the university world, from other colleges of the state and from faculty, student* and alumni. I® a case- decided. by the Court, close of the April term, opiaion ftki ia the office of Charles W. Vail, •Wrk of the court, it has been bold that citiff hsvc the right to regulate parking and to make traffic rales and tabulations The opinion filed by the court held that the city council of the city of Chicago was within its rights In its ordinances regulating the use of the streets so as to prevent, as far as possible, the loss and inconvenience wising from traffic congestion. • Holding tbat all legislative power inherent in the people of the state of Illinois has been vested in the general assembly, the supreme court filed in the office of Charles W. Vail, clerk, an opinion holding unconstitutional the law known as the Woman's Jurors Act, and women will no longer be required to serve on juries in this state. The c#li L 41w net paw upon the question as to whether or not women may legally serve cm juries but held the present law to be unconstitutional for the reason that the law passed by the legislature, :-M YxJlLimrHria bear (fce...- |oy "Wlntl No Hot water?" ia yo«r^ %' home when you've installed one of' •+* the** aiodern sutoaistic fas water * 'hasten. From thea on, you'll Save oceans of hot water, eagerly waiting at' y the faucet, to smooth oat the roufln spots In your daily fioase-lceeptoflr. " voyage. Hot water to help yoa wash die annual acre of diihes--dean the live wiles of floor*--the three miles of * clothes each year. Hot water to heap ' the youngsters' dean, healthy and Continuous w* happy--hot water to help you keep - ' jyoar youth--hot water for sidcaesr-- tZrn^ hot water for health-hot water for -MI7IM ^ every purpose, when aad at yM waat in Yewr Hon^* , Learn how fettle II wiH cost you to have this modern service all-ycar-'round. Learn about the low prices and extra easy terms. Small down payment. Liberal allowance for your old equipment Come today and investigate; or 'phone, or write aadL W• will send you full particulars. „ , YOUR PLUMPER, * WESTERN tJNITEr\ VVCAS IIB^RIC (XMEHNYLI? A lall spssttOwa tiy Mrs. A»a W51- anarth Ickea, representative, providing for appoiiitanent by the governor of a committee of seven to thirteen members to make a survey of housing con. ditiops in Illinois and report back in 1933 bas be® passed by tie houBe and ^ referred to the committee cm ffltfeieacy and economy in the senate. Senate B0 26S, a biO pot_ the date on which delinquent taxes in Cook covaty for 1929 and 193© shall commence to bear interest and introduced by Seaator Patrick Carrell, Chicago, has been signed by Governor Emmerson. Senator Richard J. Barfs tesole tlon providing for the receptloa of President Herbert Hoover when He visits Springfield June 17 for tbe reded ication of Lincoln's tomb, was approved by the house. It provides for a joint session of the assembly on the date of tbe visit and creates the eopimittee which will represent th state of Illinois for the dedicatory activities. Word has been received by Adjutant General Black that Presi- •dent Hoevtarfeas approved tbe general pl«B. ^ Illinois state hospitals for the treat ment of nervous and mental diseases discharged 528 patients as fully re covered during the past fiscal year. The time required for mental patients to recover ranged from less than one qaonth to fourteen years. Approximately ten percent of the nupiber discharged as cured had been in the institutions less than one month, while only four had been under treatment for as long as thirteen years. Seed sample No. 10,000 has passed analysis in the laboratory of the plant industry. division of the state department of agriculture. The seed analysis in the Springfield laboratory have passed upon the merits of several hundred samples In addition t.o the above, these being inspectors' samples, specimens of stock that the field representatives suspect, which are not a part of the series of samples forwarded voluntarily by growers and distributors. The work performed represents but little revenue as the service is performed gratis for growers op to » ttmit jf five samples each season. (fiMHL McClure Newspaper 8yndlckt*.> (WNU Service,! TEN minutes to six. The dawn, streaking the eastern sky with rhisftpR of color, stole through the ^Hndotws of St. Agnes hospital and with it came signs of awakening. Alice Lee finished her report and turned out the light above the hall desk. Dr. Robert Babcock came down the nail and stopped beside her. "Well, we lost--the fight Tm sorry we could not save that little mother." Alice Lee looked up Into the kindly lined face and smiled. "You did your best. Doctor Bab. 7<ra always do--always have. And I am sorry I won't be *>ere to help fight any morte battles with you after £N teen years. I am through today." "Through today, after fifteen yeara of service," he repeated slowly. "And what in heaven's name am I going to do without you, Alice Lee?" "There will be plenty of others to take my place, younger ind more efficient. I am getting old. Doctor Bab, and tired after twenty-flve years of nursing, fifteen of 'hem right here Id St Agues'." ' "Twenty-five >eara of service to others--twenty-five yean. A full life devoted to the needs of people. Sorely the flowers In that little garden around that brand new bungalow should be more beautiful, more'fragrant, becau • hands that have done kind and beautiful service to others have planted thpm." There ware aome apedal breakfasts to order that morning; a room to be made ready for an Incoming patient; various duties. And then Alice Lee was ready to leave St Agnea' after Ifteen years. "Nothing bat rest and sleep and read," she repented over and over la answer to the eager queries of the nurses who gathered about her to say good by. "My dreanr. bungalow is waiting, my garden Is planted, and I Just plan to fcrow old and gray, resting.'* Her last call was to tire nursery. There were four babies ta there this mbrnlng. Two had fpotre tome yesterday with proud parents, and several small crlhs were conspicuously empty. The smafl bit of humanity In the first crib near the ftrxrr was crying lustily and Alice Lw leaned over and deftly turned It'on its side, patting the tiny back maternally. The cries ceased almost Instantly. The next two were asleep, and the fourth lay looking about her with 'big blue eyes, a tiny pink thumb between her lips. ""Poor TOTle girt--at the mercy of the world." whispered Alice as she *>ent ewer the crib. "Just three weeks old with a life of heartaches ahead. No one who cares. And In a few years 70a will 'be 'lost in the whirlpool of life, just like your little mother who <dled last 'night." Tbe baby looked up t her solemnly *nfl lkiCked both feet Alice Lee gently polled the little thumb from the mouth and as she did so four small fingers <dlosed about one of hers and held It tight. It seemed as though those blue eyes were looking straight nto bers. in -an Instant the baby was In her arms, the round bead snuggling into 'her meek. Doctor Babcock was patting on Ms •overcoat preparatory to leaving tbe hospital when Alice Lee came Into his office, her eyes shining, her face flushed. "Doctor Bab! 1 want this baby-rand- this baby wants me!" ^ Ooctor Babcock sat down In the nearest chair, his arms hanging Umpt "Suffering jack rabbits!" he exoThhned most unprofessionally. "Yoa feawe been talking for months about n long rest--about being tired! Weeks and weeks at sleeping, "ending anil being Hary l And now you come ia here and teM me yoa are going to take a three weeks' old baby. Yoa are crazy, Alice Lee." "We, Doctor Bab, not cnucy. Just a lonesome woman who wants to keep right oa being of service to others^ who wants some one to love, who wants some one to love her. I want , this baby, aad 1 am going to have her, I know now what that new bungalo\f and garden eat there needs And I need her, too. 1 have already named her--after yoal Roberta Babcock Leap Aad Roberta goes home today I" -a *. Ooittas, Dial Inmates of the Illinois state institution farms will tend 350 acres of potatoes this season and conditions of the growing crops to May 1 are promising, according to a report received by Rodney H. Brandon, director of tbe state department of public welfare. The potatoe acreage is about forty per cent greater than in 1930 and Early Ohios and Cobblers predominate in the seed stock selected. According to House Bill No. 387, introduced by Representative William H. Jackson of Toulon, and signed by Governor Emmerson, the delinquent tax list will net be published until after August 20. to tbe year 1931. This applies only Tw* Gaaasas Dr. John Erskine w • vc lecture on Vergil at the University of r>hatta^ nooya. Dr. Alexand?r Cuerry, y esif dent of the university, had never me| Doctor Erskine, and "hen he wen t<» the station to greet him, approached two men, mistaking ach his guest. Doctor Guerry told the educator abouf it saying: "I asked one gentleman if he were Doctor Erskine, and he said, emphatically: 1 should say not.' asked a second man, and he said wish I were.' That shows at least one man has read , «pr books" "Ye., it: does," Doctor Erskine Countered.; "But which onef--Christ' n Register (Boataa^. 4 Not Wanted Five-year-old Bobbie has a deep af- #pctl«nu for stray animala One afternoon «lie brought a cat into her home and made pra pa rations for establishing it in her playroom. "Why, Bobble," exclaimed her mother, "you can't keep that cat It might belong to some one." Bobbie scrutinized the forlorn snimal carefully. "No, it doesn't," she answered. "Nobody wants it It's lust a kttty-tn-iaw - Anniversary of Tiamderoga Early in tile morning of May 10, 1775, the "Green Mountain Boys" of Vermont, nvffnbering less than ninety and led by Efthan Allen, surprised and captured the British garrison at Fort Ticonderoga. Inelueded in the capture were two hundred cannon which Henry Knox later dragged over the mountains to Boston where they were used to good advantage by General Washington in his siege of that city. In recalling the 165th anniversary of this event the Division of Infovulation and Publication of the George Washington Bicentennial Commission marks it as one of the significant dates to be commemorated in connection with the celebration of the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the birth of George Washington. The nation-wide observance of the First President's Two Hundredth birthday anniversary has been prepared by the National Commission in charge to be the greatest commemoration of its kind ever held. All-inclusive in scope the celebration provides for the participation ,of every man, woman and child in the n%tion. Programs are being prepared to be held in every schoolhousi, church, and meeting place in America. Extending even beyond the boundaries cf America it will Include the citizens of the United States living abroad as well as the people of all foreign nations who wish to honor the memory at George Wsshington. The spectacular attack on Ticonderoga occurred less than a month after the opening gun of the Revolutionary War was fired at Lexington. It was carried out by men who appreciated the grim significance of the event, and who were determined not to turn back until Independence had been won. The spirit which actuated the attackers was clearly shown in their refusal to forsake the enterprise when Allen gave each one the opportunity to withdraw just before tbe attack waa made. When the Americans bad forced their way into the Fort they proceeded to the quarters of the commandant, De LaPlace. Colonel Allen confronted the Briton with the demand for his surrender. According to Washington Irving in his Life of Washington, LaPlace wished to know -by what authority the demand was made and received the now immortal reply, "In the name of the great Jehovah and the Continental Congress." Resistance appearing futile the garrison surrendered and Ticon deroga passed into the possession of the Americans. Airpiai* Duftt Fsrtaation of Ice on airplane wings- 18 ape of the most dreaded of flying menaces. Frequently a pilot u anaware of tbe Ice coating until too late to avoid an accident Law* aad Fr««4aas It was Pythagoras whi opinion that as soon as aaaarj for. sen tfcey ait for freedom. Central Garage joHNSBuae • ™ s - VaBD J. SMITH, Pupflttei Chevrolet Sales. General Automotive Repair Work Give us a call when in trouble > HuurBRT WELDING AND CYLINDER REBORIH0 Phone 200-J Night Phone i Gently and Surety :%• Large aad SmI tlr lfij A stamp dealer says that the largaat stamp that Is used comes from China and the sr^nllest from Victoria. S. H. Freund & Son ^CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Phone 127-R McHenry Our experience is at Your Service in building Your Wants They're Washed Clean 1 Examine every item carefully as we send it teak* Look closely for spots, scorches, new tiwrs awl you'll find NONE. Our super-careful service, special soaps, effective chemicals, etc., banish evmy blemish while shielding the most delicate fabric from iqjnry. No, ma'am, our prices are NOT higher. fhe McHenry Laundry » The Modern Laundry Dry Gleaning, Pressing and Dyeing v *MMt»M»»Mt»»»e»Meeoo»fe»e»oe»»»»e»e»»»MMeiM m Phalin & Kennebeck j§*. A. Stilling Oarage) Storage"Repairing"Oil'rQreiuing yt , - Phone28 • * . ;V-'V "* • . • - • • ; -:V ' ' ' Corner Elm Street and Riverside Drive on Route SI THAT LITTLE BUT POWERFUL DIFFERENCE rjm 1 LOOK IKE- £ NOT* Origin ef Gas Lift The practice of increasing the recovery of oil from a well by forcing gas through oil sands, commonly known as gas lift was begun In 1911 te tW state of Ohio. Refigiea ef a Patsw There is more work in this aalverse than atoms and electrons; intelligence, purposef uLness, good will are at the heart af the universe.--Osaatry Home GASOLINES LOOK MUCH ALIKE -BUT THEY RE NOT • '*• V fats Ethyl Gaaafrea is tfce popalar choice of these motorists wlto realy tbe pbwQffuf difference in TWtMe A reel golfer never buys a cfub on looks slonc» Mt tests its "feef its weight, its balance^ its frip, its flexibility. A shrewd s^torist Mvtr buys gasoline on look* alone, for gasolines loolc •wck ahke. He tests its "fed at the whecf Kg responsiveness, its power, its speed, its swlesge. •lies how amcli qaidftr Parco starts; bow rapfcfiy it socckrstts; kow ^edi amre powaifal it isj mi tie fMt. QPVWn* Sth# Wwf JQPp * cleanest, best tmi %I yoa can Oil Co. Phone » :r... " .A.nfiiSSaa&i, VSiv#

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