Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 May 1931, p. 2

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mm? •m- 1 tale ( Chi \£ rS. William Sutton of Richmond Friday with Mrs. Roy dole. Mr. and Mrs. kij--an and two tans attended a munion in honor of a son from Canada, Sunday, *t the home of thefr <iam#iter, Mrs. Arthur Franzen. Mr. and Mrs. Jeha Lay and daughter, Marie, and Mm, Math Lay *nd pen, Leo, attended (the graduation exercises at St. FUomena school in Chicago Sunday ewaawj?- Agnes hay, daughter of the former was one cf graduates. Mrs. Fichther paaseC away Friday. At a Wiaukegan hospfatf after a aw months' illness. Funeral services were held from the home an that city. She was the mother of Mrs. Ben Watts and Mrs. Otto Sdhaenman of this place- The comntm&y extends Its sympathy to the bereaved family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMillan of Terra Cotta were Sunday evening Callers at the R. D. Carr home Mrs. Clyde Bell and Mrs. Georgia Ptennan were callers in town Saturday. Mrs. Mike Banes returned te tier home after having spent the past faro weeks with her daughter, Mrs- Clara Madden at Kenosha, who has been quite sick. Mrs. Alfred Richardson and two ions and mother, Mrs. Cooley, were Callers at Richmond Wednesday. Mrs. Minnie Jackson has returned to her home again after having spent Hie winter in Chicago. We are sorry to hear that she is not so well Erving and Paulina Brown of Iowa spent the past week with their nacle, Joseph Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Rauen and children of Chicago spent Sunday and Monday with the former's parents, Mr and Mrs. Mike Rauen. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pepping and three children of Crystal Lake were Friday evening callers at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Ed Frennd. Mrs. Margrette Bower of Waukegan and two children spent Saturday and Sunday at her farm here. oMrs. Ina Gracy and two children, Roth and John, and Mrs, E-raiss Gracy of Crystal LaXe were Thurs- Pfer callers here. ' Itesae «of interest (Taken Pram the Afiles ef the, Btaindeelar , ;«ef Teara. •I jfar.:* PoliticUa'i Worn Somewhat like the man who was . Jlylng bad health is the politician eonftonted Hews. u---Charlotte 2*^ K 'I -V' '17** Save and beautify Your with our full line of Permanent Waving $7£« Value $1* Values for fS $15 Values for $13 All Waves Include One Haircut, Shampoo, and Finger Wave Service On Our Permanents Until Grown Out Shampoo and Set, Short Bob 50c Shampoo and Set, Long Bob 75c Daily Specials -- Finger Wave (Short Bob), Marcel, Facials, Shampoo, Manicure, etc. Each 50c FIFIVT YEARS AfGO The weather is dry and <}usty, and farmers are beginning to f<*r for the cpqps. Unless we get rain wry soon it wrill be a serfcps letter itadeed. Road Commissioner lulled to sell Che lumber of .the old bridge, as advertised on Saturday ;!••*»' fltfiere being 90 bidders. Isaac Wentworth -of tfcig village is •now engaged as buperfc temj^ot of lite brick worics of the P*lhQ*p Palaee Car company at South <fcioagc. We understand that «ir German friends in thfe vi#a®e ^>anteWBl»te getting up a steamboat on or about June 12. They ?to charter the two local boats. We are informed that Sunday, Iwe 12, will be Children's Day at Ifce M. E, church in this village, ^ FORTY YEARS AGO 1 TOW section was visited by a frost on Monday night, ice forming to the thickness of a window glass. It is feared that fruit is entirely ruined. Circuit court is to session's* Wood, stock this week, Judge Kellum presiding. C. R. Huber, in the Howe block, has fitted up in the rooms adjoining his grocery, a fine ice cream parlor, where all can be served in the best style in a quiet and neatly arranged room. Miss Curly Parker had the misrtune to step down an open stairway on Saturday, injuring herself quite severely. Anton Weber, James M. Carr and Warren Thomas are the Jurymen from McHenry attending the circuit court at Woodstock this week. S. S. Shepard A Son wish to Inform the public that they will pay cash for a large amount of clover blossoms this season, if picked and delivered to their dryer in this village. daughter FREB One Manicure, Eyebrow Accb or Tissue Builder Facial with Shampoo and Finger Wave or Shampoo and Marcel $1 (On Permanent Wave Service-- 25c Extra) Notice Cut this "special offer adM Jut and save it and you will be en- 3tied to these specials anytime in •Jhe future regardless of change of prices. We Use Genuine Supplies--Beware of Substitutes Clean Soft Water Used Ask For Free Service Coupon Stompanato's Barber & Beauty Salon Five Beauty Artists, Three Barbers Tel. 641 Woodstock Main St. Ope* Evenings Until It p. il, D. S. T. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO At the Spring Grove Catholic church on Wednesday morning of this week occurred the marriage of Miss Margaret Blake to Mr- William Rauen. A reception followed the ceremony. During the electrical storm last Saturday night, lightning struck the Wm. VanNatta residence located near Burton's Bridge. The house with all its contents is a total loss, nothing being saved, not even the family wearing apparel. The marriage of Miss Anna Weingart and Mr. William Etten took place at the Volo Catholic church Wednesday morning of this week. They are well known in McHenry. A thrilling rescue was made Sun day afternoon at Pistakee Bay when Chief Deputy Charles W. Peters and August Sievers saved from drowning four men who were clinging to a capsized boat. The stork left a young gentleman at the home of Mr* and Mrs. Joe Schneider last Thursday. Gue Oarlson, who formerly conducted a harness shop in McHenry, has purchased a shop at Chicago Heights and has already tken possession. •H5." ? ' • i:' KONJOLA WENT TO THE SPOT! See Hew This Asndsg MtJieia* •f 39 IigrvdiMU Triumphs . Tim* mad Tim Agais #«me idea of the power of Konjola can be had from the experience of Mr. Joseph M. Pistey, 4 3 3 Elm Street, Stamford, Conn. He says: "Stomach, bowel and kidney ailments troubled me for five years. Terrible headaches, sleeplessness Mr. J--pk jr. Putty constipation „. , ... *ept me in misery. Six bottles of Konjola brought complete relief and I am feeling fine. Anyone doubting this can write me personally." Here is the statement of Mrs. J. 8. Murphy, 42 Pierre Street, Jamaica Beach, L. L: "1 will never cease praising Konjola. My husband was weak and constipated. He had no appetite and gas formed after meals. I finally gave him Konjola and one '• »•«--- ties brought complete relief. He P. Bolger TWENTY YEARS AGO , A most unexpected death occurred at North Crystal Lake last Sunday afternoon when John M. Miller, one of the most prominent and best known residents passed away. He was attending a ball game when he was taken with a heart attack. Art Alexander of Hebron has accepted the position of bookkeeper at the Borden plant here. The McHenry and river hotels entertained large crowds on Sunday and Decoration day. Unforseen circumstances made it necessary to change the date for the Fox River dam meeting from June 3 to a week later, June 10, when the meeting will be held at the Riverside house. The North Shore Electric company has extended its lines to Grass lake and last week the lights were, for the first time, turned on a4 ^ €» £. Herman's resort- ' ; TEN YEARS AGO The McHenry community high school has once more been placed on the accredited list. Once more has it gone on record that the people of this community have paid tribute to the soldiers and sailors, both living and dead, by the observance of Memorial day with a fitting program and exercises on Monday afternoon. The contractor, who is doing the work at the McHenry dam under a surety bond, now has his big scow completed and loaded with the equipment used at the Fox river fisheries last year, which will be floated down the river to the site of the dam, where same will be put to work at once. The road oil for our streets has been ordered, shipped and is expected here at any time. Dairymen will receive the same price for June milk aa was paid dur ing the previous month, $2.06 per hundred pounds. Sis* of PytkmM Pythons have been known, tal sev* eral parts ef the world where they exist, to reach a length of 30 feet, and a Swedish naturalist found that In Borneo the natives believed they sometimes exceeded this. There la good reason to suppose that occasional pyttm may h»a« m feet Mrs., George Young the Bunco club at Jier .afternoon. Prime wi Mrs. Ray Merchant; Mrs. •« eon, Mrs. Nick Adams and Mts. Young. At the ekee refreshments ifmre served. The M. E. church cMr haM an experience social at the home erf Mrs. Ray Peters, Wednesday afternoon. .The object was to raise mtmtg to jiay toward the redecorating of JJaa <cburch. Each lady bad to earn a •tfottar and then tell how she earned fhe money. iThere will be a program *+ the M. J?. church on Decoration day tit 10 (d'^Jock. The speaker will he from Evaswton. The children will deeorate the fsrnve* at the close of the pro gram, -At noon there will be a baked ham Awfeer at the M. W. A. ThemiRiU be no church on fluaday at the JJL }E church next Sunday as it will be quarterly conference at GreenwoaA. a " Mr. had Krs- George Young and family spaa* flpnday with McHenry relatives. Roy end ffwk Wiedrich were Woodstock visiters ^Saturday night. jMr. and Mrs, jfagl Wiedrich" and so* Roy, and Mfc *** Mrs. Harold Wiatfrich attended Ike class play at RfchMOMl Thursday «*«*feg Mrs. F. A. Hitchens wm a visitor *t McHepry Monday Wfcyno Foss spent Bsnday evening at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. L N. Artier and dMi^ter and Mr. and Mrs. Rines and two children of Elgin, Mr. and Mrs, Byron Hitchens of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler and daughters spent Sunday in the F. A. Hitchens home. Charles Carr and Mrs- Frankie Stephenson were Woodstock visitors Saturday afternoon. Eugene Thomas and Mae Wiedrich spent Saturday evening at Crystal Lake. M*. had Mrs. Davis Walkington and son of. McHenry spent Sunday evening in the Ben Walkington home. Mr. and Mrs. M, L. Welter and family spent Sunday evening at Spring Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgern snd family of Spring Grove spent Friday evening in the Nick Young home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schuetz of Monroe, Wis., spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Hepburn. Frances Dix and Morton Romie of Paddock's Lake spent the week-end in the Frank Dix home. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young were Woodstock callers Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hawley of Elgin spent Sunday in the E. C. Hawley home. Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCannon and Mildred Jepson left Tuesday for a few days visit at Urbana. Mrs. Frank Dix and children and Mrs. Roy Neal and children attended the theatre at Woodstock Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Roland McCannon, Mildred and Virginia Jepson were McHenry visitors Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mead snd Mrs. Frank Joslyn of Elgin called on Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Flanders Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Lester Nelson and daughter of Antioch were Sunday visitors in the W. A. Dodge home. Mrs. Jennie Bacon is visiting in the home of her daughter in Elgiru Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLean of Woodstock spent Sunday with Mra Frankie Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hopper of Chicago spent the week-end here. Mrs. A. W. Smith and Mrs. Bruno Butler and children were Elgin visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCannon, Mildred, Olive and Virginia Jepson attended the township exersises at Richmond Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith son, Lloyd, Jr., and Glenn Smith of Park Ridge spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A* W. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walters of Woodstock spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown. Mr- and Mrs. Ed Peet and family spent Saturday at Waukegan. They were accompanied home by Dorothy Peet who visited in the Peet home Sunday. Mrs. Edgar Thomas and children were callers in Woodstock Saturday. Quite a number of children around here are suffering with the measles. Mrs. Clay Rager and daughter, Viola, Mrs. Frank Fay and Mildred Jepson were visitors at Waukegan Saturday. Mrs. C. J. Jepson and daughters, Virginia and Mrs. Roland McCannon, spent Saturday aftenioon in Woodstock. Mr. ad Mrs. Homer Mann and son and Mrs. Ada Mann of Woodstock were Sunday guests in the Edgar Thomas home. Mr. and Mrs. C- J. Jepson end family and Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCannon attended the program at the McHenry high school Sunday evening. Olive Jepson, Zura Whiting and Alice Peet attended the Junior- Senior banquet at McHenry Saturday evening. Mrs. Mabelle Johonnott spent Thursday and Friday in Chicago. Shirley Hawley spent the week-end with her aunt, Mrs. D, C- Bacon, at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley of Chicago spent Sunday In the home of the former's father, E. C. Hawley. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weber and family of McHenry spent Sunday in the Nick Young home- Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Carlson, Irene Anderson and F. Davis of Woodstock were guests in the Alec Anderson home over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. FJoyd Foss of McHenry spent Sunday here with relatives. Mr. and Mis. Byron Hitchens of Chicago are enjoying a two weeks' vacation. Clay Rager of Chicago enjoyed week's vacation from tin Bowman Dairy plant in Chicago the past week with Ida family here Mr. and Mrs. WflUam Thomas and •d Ifirs. Laqr Thsasaa «f Saturday evening, i and sun, Krs. •and Mrs. -Elmer EspMr *rere callers at McHenry Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon and children and Mr- and MTS. Lloyd Her- |vel and children of Burton's Bridge at Crystal L. E. [Hawley, Mrs. MtoaAif innd flb*. iFrank Ston were Woodsto* vftilitors Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. HBay iPeters were visitors at Jftockferd {Saturday. UfasflawK Ulnar Relets, Viola Low and ffeankie Stephenson were visitors spent Saturday evening at W«od*to<!k ThtmRiAy ,«iorning. Lake. Bernard £. (Ckifffp erf ilonia, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Maiman of is spending twp we4ks;in the Bernard Wauconda spent Tuesday evening at Justen lieme- the home of the letter's parents here. Mr. and %*S. "Elmer {Olson and son Mir. and Mrs. Wm. Foss and sons spent Wadneotey (Ovetfmg ;in Wood- snd Wm- Berg spent Friday evening etwdk. st the home of Mr. and lbs. A. W. Mrsu Wtttfam Justen (pant\Wednes- Fon at Libertyville. day at TTtinsdhir Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowdi and rimer and lantnr C a i g r --Chi- d a u g h t e r s we*e c a l l e r s a t W o o d s t o c k cage visitors Wednesday- Saturday. Mr. sad Mm, Wm. "WWeton of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and Ihrhainad spent Friday in $he Wayne sons were Sunday guests at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Matthews at BenseqyiHe- Mr. and Mrs. E. Lundeen, Mr. Hugo Erickson snd Mr. Seogren of Chicago and Mr and Mrs. Raymond Lusk and daughter of near Round Lake wen Sunday guests at the Blomgten home. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Decker and son of Waukegan were Saturday at guests at the h^me of Mr. end Mrs. Ray DowelL dark Huso* of Elgin spent Friday Mr. and Mrs. J. D- Williams and in the C. J. Jepson home. son, Jsmee Howard, of Crystal Lake Mr. and Mrs. August Buhgsrd of were Sunday guests st the home ef Feas Mrs. Apii Octcd «4 of Highland Fast sad Jfo- «nd Leslie <Nan and dasgfcfcer of McHenry span* Wednesday m ftoer Obai hams. Wayne Foss was a Mc&asry visitor Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. George Young add family spent Thursday evening McHenry, Hebron spent Wednesday in the heme of Wayne Foss. Frank MeAssey of Richmond was-a Ringwood caller Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and family were Woodstock visitors Friday afternoon. Mrs. Clara Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter attended the music festival at Libertyville Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. John Goggin and Johh Murray of Chicago, Mrs. H. J. Schaffer and Mrs. John R. Knox of Mrs, F. A. Hitchens entertained her McHenry spent Sunday at the heme Bridge club at her home Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary... afternoon. Luncheon was served. Mr. and Mrs* Ray Dowell and Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCannon and daughters and George Eatinger of Mildred Jepson left Tuesday after- Wauconda attended a picnic dinner at noon for Urbana where Mr. McCannon will enroll for Summer qcfeooL Mrs. N. Young, Mrs. Nick Adams and Mrs. Ed. Thompson attended a card party at McHenry, Tuesday evening. Mesdames Howard Buckland, Mary Gage's lake Sunday. Miss Pearl Foss of Libertyville and William Berg were Sunday guests at the home of the former's parents. Mr. Heidner and grandson, Clarence, have moved from the house on the G. J. Burnett farm to the house sons w«*» aaHers at the L. Bttebesdt home near Mandsleia Monday. Mr. siMi Mrs. Leslie Davis of the "Flats" were Friday callers at the 3* Brooks calHd last Thurs- LocilS Rahman and Miss Lulu of Chicago spent Sunday at the H. L. Brooks home. Central Garage j. ami, %mkt Sales, fieaeral Aatfiaotive Icpir V«t Oive tu a call when in trtmbU KXPERT WELDING AMU tflTLHaW --01PWI Day Phone 200-J Night Phone 640-J-2 Hodge, J. C. Ladd, James Rainey owned by Bert Dowell near Wauconda. and Rilla Foss were visitors at Rock- Mr. and Mrs. A. H- Grewe and ford, Tuesday. it * children of DesPlaines and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Larson and Mrs. Wm. Fink of near Wauconda daughter and Mr. Larson Sr. of Chi- w«r® Sunday visitors at the home of cago spent Tuesday evening in the Mr. and Mrs. Willard DarrelL George Young home. Mr and Mrs- H L. Brooks called J. V. Buckland and Miss Flora Tay- friends at Lake Zurich and Parlor attended a picnic party at Mr- Orvis' home at Camp Lake. Most of those attending the picnic spent the winter in Florida. rington Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry GeSry snd son of Grayslake and Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Maiman of Wauconda spent Sun- U- * 'Ti: '.'-v • t \er:: ^ V-c, ptore k^:s y. m. <i • -0^' i' : tbt thrill of pasging eTery car you retponsd io Hie sligiitett prewure on yoult loctltnt*oAtrm. i ;; a' fat tiiote «ztramiks repair tiregjum. :• t What about your battery? If there it tilt least bit •f doubt come to us at onoe. located in my new bailcEbf. ^ Peterson's Garage One block east of Fox bridge, Route SO r ~ , Pbone McHenry 137-W V 'my- o m * a J va t i t i A A M # CA Chapter IV « a mt a L • 1%w.$$.. COST rWi-: Company of Northern Illinois have been largely historical. They have described the Company's birth, its growing pains, its coming of age.... Now we turn to a considera* tion of what its progress has meant to die thousands of people who have made theif homes in northern Illinois beyond the limits of the City of Chicago. The World War is a convenient milestone for our generation--a logical starting-place from which to reckon changes in living conditions. Remember how full of drudgery the average home was before the War? How many families denied themselves certain conveniences because they were thought expensive? Strange as it seems today, elec*. tridty was often classed as a luxury twenty years ago. From the beginning, it became the aim ot die Public Service Company to make electrics of the increased cost of raw materials and labor, rates for electric service in northern Illinois were not raised. During die post-war period a slight increase in rates did become necessary, but this was temporary. In 1923 began a series of four - Substantial reductions. And today, in many Northern Illinois homes electricity costs about half as much as it did in 1911. It is die only important item on the family budget which is substantially lower in price now than it was before the War! Remarkable as this achievement is, it is Sot the complete story. You remember what /"electric service" used to consist of in those iarly days. It meant electric lights--usually a drop cord suspended from the ceiling of each loom. Electric washing machines and vacuum Cleaners were too experimental, too costly, to be extensively used. Toast and coffee still ity available to all of northern Illinois--and had to be made in the kitchen. Electric refrigto reduce rates whenever it could be donr~ erators and radios were unknown, without jeopardizing the quality of service. In 1914, three years after the Company was founded, customers benefited by two rate reductions. In the following year came anothet reduction. In 1916, two more. And this was during die Wodd Wsf crisis* Prices on all commodities were soaring. The "high cost of living" was discussed wherever people gathered. There were coal-less Mon- | Today electric time- and labor-saven ate taken for granted. They have revolutionized living conditions in the home--working conditions in die factory, the office and on the Jarm. This vast new field in which die gas |nd electricity produced by the Public Service Company is being put to work makes an interesting companion-story to that of the gready seduced rates at which these services a«il«Kl» Ir will hr tnld nwt wedr, Service Company OF NORTHERN UXINOIS " r~~ f' • Tkk h Atfmrth «/a mknf sfri* tbrmicMng tit dtn/tfrnrnt if tb$ PaUic Stmm Ctmfmy ef Northern Illinois sad tbi strvict it tt hinging * the ana into wbkk CJbicagt is growing. Capitt if previous (bafttrs will it maiUd yta if you will write to tbo Company, 72 Vest Adam Stmt, Chicago 'J T # l r - » • e at « *Ji «| «i i i T S K« % ra a^ta. "M" ' VI •J 7% "'I & t"i4I i4 -4 *42 ViMatej .' • Iff'::';; .* "i.

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