Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Jun 1931, p. 7

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AY, JUNK 4, Sblfeitof seconded by minutes of the prebe tpprovcd as ®end. XottoB bgr Overton, seconded by Daiherty, that the treasurer's report be approved as read, Rowing a bal- : - ..•: v- -• - & x>* ..^41 0 it-v^ si "" r June Flor al SALE^ GERANIUMS " C, .v'jpETUNKftS" - SALVIA And Many Other at REDUCED PRICES Geo. Mbncur Phone 479 Woodstock, JSL 110.00 as mad* Motion carried, on by Setntefer, seconfUd by lljirfciait, that the following IA be palfl as OK'd by the finance cuiaitttot Motion carried. John Walsh, salary W. C. Felts, salary . M. *• Nieeen, salary Mayme Jon, water com. Chaa. S. Ensign, labor, waterworks Wm. Bacon, pipe and labor . Herman Schaefer, moving bath house r.... McHenry Plaindealet, notice .. John Stilling Tire Shop, gas Alexander Lumber Co., lam-' ber and cement Peter A. Neiss, stamps and 4.00 6.40 90.00 .70 1.40 *5.28 4»W M Hfinoia Bail Telephone Co., ser- Public Service * Co* tegular street lights 14SJ8 Public Service Co., street lights 114.71 Public Service Co., pumping at sewer lift 1SJ»2 A. H. Schaefer, express, drayage, etc. 11.60 Motion by S/ewtzer, seconded by flcliaafti, {feat U» purchasing committee order 9,000 gallons of No. 3 road oil. Motion carried- Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by Overton, that M» M. Niesen and Clarence Nieaen be granted a permit to erect and operate a dance pavilion on the F H. Wattles property front* iag on Highway U. S. IS and James Motion carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded by 6HERIFFT8 SALE By virtue of an execution fsnrH <Wt of the Ctolfi Office of the Circuit Court of MeHenry County and State of Hliaois, and to me directed, whereby I am commanded to make the amount of a certain judgment recently obtained, against Chris Bartelt in favor of Howard Ballard out of the lands, tenements, goods and chattels of the said Chris Bartelt, I have levied on the following property, to-wit: A certain leased term and lease and all of the rights and privileges and estate acquired by said Chrig Bartelt in or under the same, said lease covering 125 feet or I more frontage commencing at point known as the "Walnut Tree" and northeast on the Wauconda and Crystal Lake Road and back 60 feet from the road, located in section 19, township 44, range 9, McHenry County, Illinois; said lease being dated March 12, 1925, expiring 35 years thereafter by terms thereof, said lease having been filed in the Recorder's office of said McHenry county, IBinajt, ttad recorded in Book A5, miscellaneous records on page 426 fai •aid Recorder's office; and, also, the one-story frame building (store and residence combined) with garage attached and a onp-stbry frame building about fourteen feet square, said budding* being located on the above described leased premises, situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois. bnt»r. thtt Mr. North b. emptor* ™€rf.T*'n «"• to ndit th. dt»'. book, foe tk> put Jvf1*'" P°byear, for the^sum of $200.00. Motion * t^e ™ght> carried. \ interest of the above title an3 named Chris Motion Kv QohMtr j- . Bartelt in and to the above described Wattles, to7 SSb i fi^ ^ce to 23rd daJ 5 water delinquents. Motion carried - Motion by Schaefer, seconded by Barbian, to pay Ma. Merrick's bill, after deducting the amount he owes the city. Motion carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Kreutzer, to adjourn to the call of the mayor. Motion carried. JOHN R. KNOG, Mayer. PETER A. NEISS, Clerk. it-afe*. June, 1931, at 10 o'clock, standard time, A. M., at the east door of thf Court House in the city of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois. Dated at Woodstock, Illinois, this 28th day of May, 1931. LESTER EDINGER^ Ibsriff of McHenry County, Illinois. 1-S. £ Louis Schneider, Indianapolis Jyouth, with his mechanic. Jigger HJohnson, just before and Just after V^fhe rode to fame and a $20,000 pot &^|of gold In the 500 mile Speedway 'f:2 Classic May 90. No man has ever woe two years consecutively, but Schneider is the twelfth consecutive winner cto firestone Tires, and to express his gratitude for his safely and victory be sent Harvey S. Firestone > y|the following telegram from the track: "I have just won the live hundred mile Indianapolis race on Six Hundred Twenty Firestone Gum ^ - - m Dipped Tires. }t was a most dlfllcult and gruelling test for tires due to a wet slippery track from frequent showers. Safety at high speed was of greatest importance and my Firestone Tires enabled me to make an average speed ot 96.629 miles per hour. I have always used Firestone Tires in all my racing for I have great confidence in their safety and dependability and I want to thank you for the part Firestone Balloons played hi my victory today for I had no tire failures and changed but one tire, purely a precautionary measure, and all my tires were in tine condition at the finish of the race." wv,-£ Lawrence Jessupg Paper Hanging, Painting and Decorating Prices Reasonable Ail Estimates Free New Sampler of Well Paper tl'M Reverse Charges Woodstock, Illinois 'if up the whams! MHWOI tO of loaf standing for Softool- town Ike to do bmhMi by -I Is QmUk* Clear sad LOM fihtaKi takafcoiit aafc iaaka ww amm tanftwy ta less *me JOSEPH P HECTOR, Solidtor State of Illinois, s McHenry County, ss. In the Cirenlt Court of MeHenry Comity. Gen. No. 24604. V w J<^m Becker, Complainant, ^ ^;; vs. 'J'.- - Eleanor Spear and Max S^W, w fendants. PUBLIC NOTICE ia hereby gifen that in pursuance of a decree made and entered in the above entitled cause by the Circuit Court of McHenry County, niinois, on the 26th day of May A. D. 1931, I, Fred B. Bennett, Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, will on Thursday, the 25th day of June A. D. 1931, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day (Central Standard Time) on the steps at the front door of the court house in the city of Woodstock, McHenry Cobnty, Illinois, offer for sale and sell at public auction to the highest bidder the following described real estate, to-wit: Lot 19 in Orchard Beach, being A. L. Howe's Subdivision of part of Hie south half of section twentyfour and the northwest quarter of section twenty-five in township forty-five north range eight east of the third principal meridian, according to the plat recorded April 14, 1894 in book 1 of plats page 60, in McHenry County, Illinois. TERMS OF SALE Cash on day of sale, at which time a Master's certificate of purchase will be issued in accordance with said decree and the Statute. Dated this 3rd day of Jane A. D 1931. FRED B. BENNETT, Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court" of McHenry County, Illinois. 1-8 '• WM. M. CARROLL, Attorney GUARDIAN'S SALE State of Illinois, County of McHenry. ss. By virtue of a decretal order of the County Court of said County, entered at the May Term of said Court, A. D. 1931, on the application of Joseph Jung, Guardian of Frank Jung, Minor, to sell the following described real estate, belonging to said Minor, situate In the County of McHenry, State of Illinois, to-wit: ' An undivided one eighteenth (1-18),interest fa and to the follow, ing: ~ The West Half (%) of the South West Quarter (H) of Section number Twenty-five (26) and the East Half (tt) of the South East Quarter (hi) of Section number Twenty-six (26). AH in Township number Forty-six (46) North, of Range number Eight (8) East of the Third Principal Meridian, containing One Hundred Sixty (160) acres of land, more or less, situated in the Cbunty of McHenry and State of Illinois, rabject to the homestead interest of Mary May, widow of Mathew J. May, deceased. I shall, on the 20th day of June, A. D- 1931, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., sell all the interest of said Minor, in and to the said real estate, at the East door of the Court House in the City of Woodstock, Illinois. Terms of sale as follows: Onefourth of purchase price in cash sn day of sale, balance upon approval of sale and delivery of Guardian's Deed. JOSEPH JUNG, Guardian for Frank Jung, Minor. 62-3. ' ; ' ------ -- b- , 'OT MeBsuyOMBity 2n th* Chreuit Coot of MeHenry County January Term A. D. 1981. In Chancery BQl to Foreclose. Gen. No. 24425. James P. Nicholson, Complainant, vs. Ottie S. Morrow, et al, Defendants PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in pursuance of a decree made apd entered by the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, in the above entitled cause on the 9th day of May A. D. 1931, I, Fred B. Bennett, Master in Chancery of the said court, will on Saturday, the 6th day of June A. D. 1931, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, (Central Standard Time) at the east deor of the courthouse in the city of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois, offer for sale and sell at public vendue to the highest bidder the following described real estate, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the said decree, to-wit: Part of lots number five (5), six (6), fourteen (1*)> and fifteen (15) in block number three (3) of the Original Plat of the Village of West McH?nry, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the Southerly line of said lot number fourteen (14) South seventy-four and onefourth (74^4) degrees East, one (1) foot from the southwesterly corner of said lot number fourteen (14); thence south, seventy-four and one-fourth (74%) degrees East along the southerly lines of said lots number fourteen (14) and fifteen (15) fifty-five (55) feet, thence north fifteen and threefourths (15%) degrees east, parallel with the easterly lines of said lots number fifte^p (15) and five (5) two hundred sixty-five 1,265) feet to the northerly line of said lot number five (5), thence north seventy-four and one-fourth (74%) degrees west, along the northerly lines of said lots numbers five (5) and six (6) fifty-five (65) feet; thence south, fifteen and threefourths (15%) degrees west, two hundred sixty-five <266) feet to the place of beginning, said block number three (3) lyinpr and being on that part of the southwest quarter of section number twenty-six (26) in township number forty-five (46) north of range number eight (8) east of the third principal meridian, which lies south of the center of the highway leading from McHenry to Queen Ann Prairie, said highway being now known as the Waukegan Road, and situate, lying and being in the County of McHenry, in the State of Illinois. TERMS OF SALE Cash op. day of sale at which time a certificate of purchase will be issued in accordance with said decree and the Statute, Dated this 21st day of May A. D. 1931. FRED B. BENNETT, Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court of MeHenry County, Illinois. 51-8 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hironimus and Mrs. Frank Hironimus were Chicago shoppers Arthur Wackerow spent Saturday in Chicago with relatives; Mr. and Mrs. Eddy Rossduetcher entertained companjr over the weekend. Dr. and Mrs. E. Kochens of Chicago called on the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus, on Decoration day. Mrs. Richard Do well and Mrs. Geo. Scheid drove to Waukegan Tuesday. The Volt) school closed on Tuesday for the term. Jack Nellis called at the Harry Passfield home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hironimus called on his parents here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Esse Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and family and Arthur Wackerow spent Wednesday at the Leslie Davis home at Slocum Lake. Fred Dunnell passed away at the home of Mrs. Rose Dunnell Monday evening at 5:30 o'clock. He lived his entire life in this community and is very well known. Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus, >with jRev. Allen officiating. Interment was made in the Volo cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Basely spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr and Mrs. Roy Pence at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and family were Friday evening guests at the Arthur Kaiser home. Mrs. Ida Fisher and Lester Wallis were Waukegan callers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Passfield drove to Elgin Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher family and Mrs. Vernon Basely drore to Highland Park Friday. Herman Dunker was a Grayslake caller one day recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Seymour of Wauconda attended the funeral of Fred Dunnell Thursday. Mr. and Mrs- Charles Dunnell of Elgin spent the week-end here. "Where's Thai NOISE?** "It's his gears* He's probably one of those fellows who thinks his transmission and differential need only a little grease now and then/* Mobiloil Gear Lubricants and our new cleaning and flushing system will prevent this in YOUR ear. Drive in today and let us give you thin nece# ary service. Central Garage frtd J. Saritfc, Prap. JOHNSBURC Dbti't Dorlt! I HtniupH J1 ^ weather bureau says tffttf details of how hurricanes, or tropical, cyclones, are started are not definitely known. It Is known, however, that they start In the region of the "doldrums," or calms over the tropical seas, some 8 to 15 degrees or thereabouts from the equator. Many of our hurricanes originate In the general region of the Cape Verde Islands. *£'• i,* FRED B. BENNETT, Attorney ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate $f Mildred M. Donavin, Deceased. The undersigned, having been appointed Administrator of the Estate of Mildred M. Donavin, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the July Term, on the first Monday in July next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having <he same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 18th day of May. A. D. 1931. WILLIAM J. WELCH, ' Administrator. '• t',1, ii Heuehold D«f*ct Jimmle was taken to church and ha had a good time playing with the bookracks on the backs of the pews. When he returned home he looked on the backs of tfee chairs and turning to his father asked: "Papa, why dont our chairs have hip pockets?'* ""***••**** -rrmw^ytfuwu Wwr JUW» Irak Sleep If OeUiins Up Niffhts, Backache, frequent day calls, I>egr P&lna, Nervousness, or fyirntn?, due to functional Bladder Irritation, In -acid conditions, makes you feel tired, depressed ~1 discouraged, try the Cyatex Teat. Works faat, atarta circulating thru the systemi in 16 mtnutea. Praised by thousanda for rapid and noaltlve action. Don't stve up. Try Cyatex (pronounced Slaa-tex) today, under the Iron-Clad Guarantee. Uuat quickly allay theae conditions, lirprove restful sleep and enerty, or money back. Only coo at BOLGER'S DEUG STORE t waste your time ofed strength i* especially during the summer months--trying to do your own laundry work McHenry has as good a laundry 9$ can be found anywhere. The ^ - f rices are reasonable and the \s ; work guaranteed to /f "^latisfy v " ',-3 Phone McHenry 189 and our driver wilt caii . ^ Tit* McHenry LaitiMt** 1 The Modern Laundry j j Dry Gleaning, Pressing and Dyeing1 Jr-'V.'r- " /r": - psa--tial of Beahty - * lit appebrance of delicacy, afidfertm of fragility. Is almost essential to beauty.--Burke Awtfcer Lom Uakaewa ' ' If* Identity of the author ef 0M Wa verier novate was kept a secret Mr IS yeafs. fadlpaadsat CHiail^j^: Yhe titles of Baltimore, S(. Tunis' and Washington are not Included In any county. Washington Is co-extensive with the federal district of Colombia, while Baltimore and St. Louis combine the functions of city an<]l eoanty governments. & C-'-t- • in<lji*i»w " ' •' i' . ' Dtriac of 6olumb0S Writing of Columbus' first voyage one authority says: "It was perhaps the bravest exploit ever undertake^ for he was sailing, not along tbe coast, hut straight out into the 'Sea of Darkness' as the Atlantic was then called, every minute farther and farther f{om tbe eat# land he reaUy kn«pp - , . If peetaaea of Health ' --.r:- ! Lack of success In life Is due la many cases to physical defects that might have been avoided bf intelll-. gent bringing-np.--Or. Roger Djnneti tn Woman's Home Compnnloa. •v*he Dear, Dead Pa fun at the old parlor orgaft all you will, but give It credit for not startling the guests with an unheralded burst of static or heterodyning!-- Ft Wkyne News-Sentinel. * I lluaUub Patriot Tbe Cotpmbian congress voted Blaien Bolivar "The Liberator," a pension of $90,000, but be did not accept It Must Be Authority Three means to fortify belief are experience, reason and authority; of these the more potent is author* Ity, for belief upon reason er expe> rfeace will stagger.--Bacon. '• '^1 - Matchless economy with six-cylinder smoothness them If mMmrn tm thm faffss.w "Win rtrt jpirr ilfr fi fta imemet of mmg ear." «*.V#rer Jbar# tm mMell lefveea rrsstrsw «*«#«••" "Drore fritm Ohio to t 'mlifmrmim on m tr+pmir ejrjwi mt umd rmmm mmei rwu. --typicmi comment* from i iqf thm Cfciwalat $/m Owiln'i 1ST frmm ~f|T-*- •'•-'-iVrfr-nigt mt it$ ntirt Why la It that Chevron let--a big, powerful, smooth-running nixactually coats leas If operate and maln«> tain than any othev ear you can buy ? The answer Ilea In five outstanding factors ot Chevrolet economy* Mm EMMmmt Dsglas Metigm makes Chevrolet fuel consumption so low that SO miles to the gallon of gasoline Is nothing unnsnal for a Chevrolet owner. I. Jtfsdsra Cfcawh Aeaiffa-- evidenced l^r .Chevrolet's long frame, four parallel - mounted Springs, and amooth - running six-cylinder engine--increases the ability of tbe Chevrolet Six to wm dependably, day after day. JL JExeelleaee mt Manmtmetmrm also adds to Chevrolet dependability and long life. Chevrolet pistons, for instance, are built so carefully, and held eloee limits of «lsion, that many •wner« have g6ne 10,000 miles or more -without having their fnotora opened for ;• major servicing. d. Mtgh - Qmmlltff $§€tt«rlmlm are uaed throughout tho J|hevrolet car--costly nickel steel, rhromn ! ifanadium steels, chrome-nickel steels • Cb assure trouble-free, low cost service dhsr ' tens of thousands of miles. S, EmrosiI^I Xatiommtf# SetNpm tern, with its low flat-rate charges an Jybor and genuine partu, is available at jMO0dealers throughout the country, who I also offer the protection of the most liberal owner's servkc pal icy ever to hack a low-priced car. Remember--in addition to al these basic eeoneniiea--•Chi 111 shit offers the extra dollars-ami* v cents advantage of one of the taw* eat delivered prices on the market. And this comt may be aprtmd over o period of many months by tMs liberal CJf^C plan. & NEW €H KVROLET Ike Ureal dsmrtfaa Vmtmet I iVesr Imp jwfCM Chevrolet passenger car prices range fitemi IITl I rfcessia prices rmnge from $355 to $590. All prices j. o. b. Flint* Mich. 3>acief < extra. Lour delivered prices tmd easy terms. -j. h • i # *»> •* i -i * • .i • •yf• -V- ~X^I HARRY TOWN8EN0 Gir. Bfaa and Rivee^de PriTa ^hevrelst SaiM and 8srvl4 9^3 :% ' «•* r:

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